Sakku and Krishna

Sakku and Krishna Sakku with extreme pain and distress prayed to Vitthal,”Prabu, pandarinatha, prananatha, I don’t know anything about sastra or about worldly matters. I am just bound in the tides of samsara and swirling in it. O lord,”show mercy on me and take me to your lotus feet.”My eyes want to see you alone. Just then there was a bright radiance in the room, a lady came in and she totally resembled Sakku & told her that she was Maya Sakku. Now Sakku couldn’t believe her eyes. She explained her situation to Maya Sakku. Maya Sakku said, ”I have come here to help you have darshan of Vitthal .He will welcome you with his beautiful eyes, sweet smiling face, his lotus feet and both his hands will be ready to embrace you; this will surely make you blissful. ”Sakku was thrilled, but out of concern said,”If I leave you alone here you will have to face lot of difficulties.”Maya Sakku said,”Don’t worry nobody can identify me, I will manage everything. You start immediately and enjoy the darshan of our divine Vitthal.” Everything seemed like a dream, she could hardly believe it, but her eyes sparkled and with great joy she ran towards Pandharpur. As she kept nearing Pandhari the joyous singing of,”vitthala vitthala, jai jai vitthala, panduranga vitthala” was heard by her. On entering Pandhari she ran straight into the temple and she finally had darshan of Vitthal and her happiness knew no bounds. She was stunned and screamed with extreme happiness .She drank the nectar of his beauty. She then ran towards him and touched his face, embraced him and her soul rested on his lotus feet and was totally consumed and she became one with him. All were surprised and shocked on her intense bhakti and a few bhaktas who witnessed all the happenings came back to the village and narrated the unbelievable divine incident to Krishna Sharma; he immediately went home to check on the Sakku Bai who he thought was there all along, but found that she had vanished now. Krishna Sharma was at first surprised to find her missing, but he soon realized this divine leela of lord Vitthoba, and cried at his great loss & misfortune of not having known about his wife’s greatness. Thus Sakku Bai who was completely immersed in gopi bava got relief from samsara as she totally desired & happily united with the lord.



Transcript of Sakku and Krishna

Sakku and Krishna

Sakku with extreme pain and distress prayed to Vitthal,”Prabu, pandarinatha,

prananatha, I don’t know anything about sastra or about worldly matters. I am just

bound in the tides of samsara and swirling in it. O lord,”show mercy on me and take me

to your lotus feet.”My eyes want to see you alone. Just then there was a bright radiance

in the room, a lady came in and she totally resembled Sakku & told her that she was

Maya Sakku. Now Sakku couldn’t believe her eyes. She explained her situation to Maya

Sakku. Maya Sakku said, ”I have come here to help you have darshan of Vitthal .He

will welcome you with his beautiful eyes, sweet smiling face, his lotus feet and both his

hands will be ready to embrace you; this will surely make you blissful. ”Sakku was

thrilled, but out of concern said,”If I leave you alone here you will have to face lot of

difficulties.”Maya Sakku said,”Don’t worry nobody can identify me, I will manage

everything. You start immediately and enjoy the darshan of our divine Vitthal.”

Everything seemed like a dream, she could hardly believe it, but her eyes sparkled and

with great joy she ran towards Pandharpur. As she kept nearing Pandhari the joyous

singing of,”vitthala vitthala, jai jai vitthala, panduranga vitthala” was heard by her.

On entering Pandhari she ran straight into the temple and she finally had darshan of

Vitthal and her happiness knew no bounds. She was stunned and screamed with

extreme happiness .She drank the nectar of his beauty. She then ran towards him and

touched his face, embraced him and her soul rested on his lotus feet and was totally

consumed and she became one with him. All were surprised and shocked on her

intense bhakti and a few bhaktas who witnessed all the happenings came back to the

village and narrated the unbelievable divine incident to Krishna Sharma; he immediately

went home to check on the Sakku Bai who he thought was there all along, but found

that she had vanished now. Krishna Sharma was at first surprised to find her missing,

but he soon realized this divine leela of lord Vitthoba, and cried at his great loss &

misfortune of not having known about his wife’s greatness. Thus Sakku Bai who was

completely immersed in gopi bava got relief from samsara as she totally desired &

happily united with the lord.