Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special...

Salem, MA Sainte Anne Parish

Transcript of Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special...

Page 1: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

Salem, MA

Sainte Anne Parish

Page 2: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

S����� S��� �� A� ��� D������� 10, 2017

Sainte Anne Parish is a faith community in the Roman Catholic tradition. We strive to live up to the motto: "We Are Family". We see ourselves as a local expression of the universal Church, the People of God, the Body of Christ. Through God's grace we seek to be welcoming and loving. Our life centers on the week-end celebration of the Eucharist. We meet Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and are then challenged to bring His love to others.

Sainte Anne Parish


290 Jefferson Ave.TEL: -1930

WEEKEND MASSES: ...........Saturday 4:00 PM; Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM DAILY MASSES: Monday through Thursday and First Friday 9:00 AMHOLY DAY MASSES: ............................................................As Announced





Page 3: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

S����� S��� �� A� ��� D������� 10, 2017

From Father John: In the Advent gospel readings for this and next weekend, John the Baptist comes center stage. His mes-sage is a necessary one, if we are serious about our Advent preparation for Christmas. The one word that constantly comes from the lips of John the Baptist is “repentance” which means a turning away from sin and a turning towards the Lord. God is love and God is constantly loving each and everyone of us whether we know it or not. There are times when we place obsta-cles between ourselves and the love of God. The great obstacle is sin. Even in the touching Gospel message of Christmas we are reminded that a Savior is born for us who will save us from our sins. An essential aspect of Advent preparation is an honest ex-amination of our consciences and a faith filled and fruitful recep-tion of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus Himself has placed this important sacrament in His Church because He knows that we need it. Plan now where and when you will come to this sacrament of mercy and healing. If you are a parent, make sure that you urge and encourage your children to get to confes-sion. There will be opportunities offered here in our parish (see today’s bulletin for the schedule) and I am sure that the same is true for the other Catholic parishes in our area. A person can also schedule a time by appointment. There is also the Carmelite Chapel at the North Shore Mall. I want each of you to experience God’s mercy, to be forgiven and freed from your sins, and to have nothing in your life that would hinder or block the love that God has for you - the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas.

Peace, Father John

SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent4:00 P.M. JOHN DONAHUE, 20TH ANNIVERSARY


By her sister DianneSISTER JEANNE FORTIN, SSCHBy the Sisters of the Assumption and Associates

SUN DEC 10 Second Sunday of Advent8:30 A.M. PARISH FAMILY






By Diane CharetteMON DEC 11 Saint Demasus I, Pope9:00 A.M. SISTER JEANNE FORTIN, MONTH’S MIND.

By the North Shore AssociatesTUE DEC 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe9:00 A.M. RAYMOND SOUCY

By Carol Ouellette and Family WED DEC 13 Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr9:00 A.M. THANK YOU ST. ANTHONY

By I J.THU DEC 14 Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church9:00 A.M. SISTERS OF ST. CHRETIENNE AND ASSOCIATES


SAT DEC 16 Vigil: Third Sunday of Advent4:00 P.M. CYNTHIA BEDARD

By her HusbandSUN DEC 17 Third Sunday of Advent8:30 A.M. SUSAN SZCZECHOWICZ


By the Family

A Bed for Every Child:

please consider sending a donation to


Congratulations to Therese Hudson: On last Sunday afternoon, December 3, at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish in Newton Cardinal Sean presented the Cheverus Award to Therese and other women and men from our Archdiocese for outstanding ser-vice in their parishes. For many years Mrs. Hudson has been faithful in bringing Holy Communion to many shut-ins and those in Nursing Homes. If she had her way, she would still be doing it. However, health issues make it im-possible. She has also served faith-fully as Minister of Communion at our 8:30a.m. Sunday Mass. Therese receives this award also on behalf of many other of our parish-ioners who serve so well here at Ste. Anne. The award commemo-rates the first bishop of Boston, Archbishop Cheverus.

Page 4: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

S����� S��� �� A� ��� D������� 10, 2017

Evangelization Notes: December 10 ~ Second Sunday of AdventThe prophet Isaiah instructs us: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” This is what Advent is about and yet, it can be difficult to keep this focus when we are pulled in too many directions by the shopping and cooking and card writing that go with the season. Don’t allow the tasks to prevent you from finding time to prepare your heart for Christ. Begin each day this week by making a simple prayer, “Come Lord Jesus, come! Come Lord Jesus, come!”

Ste. Anne Chapel: The Chapel is open for prayer and meditation from 8:00a.m. until 5:00p.m. Now that the days are getting dark-er the chapel will close at 5:00p.m.

Sacrament of the Sick: One of the gifts of the Second Vatican Council was the renewal of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This beautiful sacrament is no longer reserved for a person in danger of death, but should be celebrated by anyone with a serious illness, a person facing serious surgery, or a person in a weakened condition. The next celebration of this sacrament will be following the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 16th. The sacrament is also available for people in their homes by calling the rectory. Anyone terminally ill or beginning Hospice Care should receive this sacrament as soon as possible.

Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats“Attending the Project Rachel retreat was like finding the final piece in a spiritual puzzle… My hope is that every woman on this journey will one day find her puzzle completed and know that God is always waiting with outstretched arms to welcome you home.” The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women suffering from the pain of a past abortion to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day re-treat on Saturday, November 18. Location is confidential. Limited to ten participants. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected].

Please Note: There will be only two Masses to celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. There will be the 4:00p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday, December 23, and a 10:00a.m. Mass on Sunday, December 24. (There will not be an 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. on December 24.)

Schedule of Christmas Masses: On Sunday, December 24, there will be a 4:00p.m. and 6:00p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass. There will be the traditional Christmas Midnight Mass and one Mass on Christmas morning, December 25, at 10:00a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in Prepara-tion for Christmas: Each Saturday from 3:15p.m. –3:40p.m.; Wednesday, Dec. 20, from 9:30a.m. – 10:00a.m. and from 6:30p.m. – 8:00p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 24, from 11:00a.m. – 12:Noon.

Merci and Thank YouA new weekly offertory budget of $4,600 has been established by the Finance Committee to help meet our fiscal 2018 annual operating ex-penses. The following shows last week's collection and the year to date overage or shortage. More information to follow.

Period ActualWeek ended 12/03/2017 $ 4,784Over Budget $ 184 YTD Under Budget $ (6,243) Your continuing generous and sacrificial giving will assist your

parish to provide for your spiritual needs and to serve the wider community.

Your financial support of the parish pays for utilities, staff and clergy salaries, property maintenance, supplies, and supports our parish ministries. Everything we do as a parish relies on the offertory collections and other donations.

Ste. Anne Grand Annual Collection: The Grand Annual collec-tion began on last weekend. December is Grand Annual Month. All those on the parish mailing list should have received a Grand Annual packet in mid-November. These are now also available in the church building. We count on your generosity to make the 2017 Grand Annual a success. Our parish goal is to raise $30,000.00. We are asking each family to consider a gift or pledge of $300.00. All donations large or small are most wel-come.

Music for the Season: In the midst of this busy time of year treat yourself and perhaps your family to a time of inspirational music of the season. An Advent Service of Lessons and Carols will be held at St. Andrew church in Marblehead on Sunday, De-cember 10, at 5:00p.m. A Christmas Concert with the Paul Ma-dore Chorale will be held here at Ste. Anne on Sunday afternoon December 17 at 4:00p.m.

STE. ANNE PARISH IS FORMEDGo to and enter our parish password (FT2T74)FORMED is an unprecedented partnership of apostolates such as Augustine Institute, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press, Word on Fire, St. Paul Center, and the Marian Fathers. FORMED is the revolutionary digital platform that gives our par-ish unprecedented access to video-based study programs, fea-ture films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. How can you take advantage of FORMED? Go to; Click “Register” on the low-er right and follow the directions; enter our parish code (FT2T74) and then your e-mail, and click “GO ”. Fill out the subscription form, click agree to terms and click “Enter”. Check your e-mail to verify your subscription; and explore. Best of all it is free.

Page 5: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

S����� S��� �� A� ��� D������� 10, 2017

Please Pray for the Sick

Debbie CarmichaelAlda LaChapelleVivian ForrestJason Alexander

Dorothy SherryCaroline Ouellette

Armen SarafianPat JohnKathleen LevyMary Brien

Doris FournierRon BudkaDenise WellsKayla Campagna

Please Pray for the MilitaryJason Boyle

Rose RaynesNicholas BudkaSean Patrick Mou-toneKeith LovelyDavid IrwinK. Ryan McKinley

Mass Attendance: Last Weekend – December 2/3Saturday 4:00p.m.: 140 - Sun. 8:30a.m.: 135 - Sun. 11:00a.m.: 135 Total: 410

PRAYER FOR THE NEW EVANGELIZATION - PLEASE PRAY EVERY DAY ‘“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach un-less they are sent?” –Romans 10: 13-15 Heavenly Father, Pour forth your Holy Spirit to inspire us with these words from Holy Scripture. Stir in our souls the desire to renew our faith and deepen our relationship with your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ so that we might truly believe in and live the Good News. Open our hearts to hear the Gospel and grant us the confidence to proclaim the Good News to others. Pour out your Spirit, so that we might be strengthened to go forth and witness to the Gospel in our everyday lives through our words and actions. In moments of hesitation, re-mind us: If not us, then who will proclaim the Gospel? If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not the truth of the Gospel, then what shall we proclaim? God, our Father, we pray that through the Holy Spirit we might hear the call of the New Evangelization to deepen our faith, grow in confi-dence to proclaim the Gospel and boldly witness to the saving grace of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in the uni-ty of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Society of St Vincent de PaulThe Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Salem will be holding our monthly collection this weekend on Novem-ber 11th and 12th and will be at the church doors after all of the Masses. As usual, our volunteers have been busy during the last month, providing $10,291 in assistance to 25 clients and their families. We also provided $425 for two meals at the Lifebridge shelter. During that same time period, we collected $7275 from our collec-tion boxes and many very generous benefactors. We also received $500 from the City of Salem Trust Fund.Because of your generosity, we have been able to prevent several evictions that would have resulted in home-lessness for those families - $4,837 was paid toward back rent this month; we have helped clients pay past due electricity and fuel bills to avoid shut off of those utilities; and we have helped the ever increasing number of clients in need of food. We gratefully acknowledge your generous contributions and pray for you at each of our meetings.Our next meeting will be at 7 PM on Monday, December 11th in the St. James conference room, which is below the St James chapel - entrance is from the large parking lot behind the chapel and church, at the corner of Flint St and Bridge St. If you are interested in joining our ministry, please join us at our meeting.

2nd Sunday of Advent ~James Gaffney, © 2008 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing

When we were in school, the nuns used to tell us that we should always be on our best behavior. “You never know who might be watching and who might think of God and be saved because you did the right thing.” It was heady stuff, but a lesson that has stuck with me for many years. You never know whom you will influence by even a simple kind word or deed.Faith is both taught and caught. Some people, like those known as ‘cradle Catholics’ learn about God and the Church as they grow up, receiving sacraments attending Catholic school or Religious Education Classes. Others embrace the faith later on in life, often through a spouse or friend who introduces them to the Church. Others simply notice something about us who believe and are drawn to it. Words and deeds are powerful tools in proclaiming the Risen Lord. These same tools allow us to show our love and respect for those we love and share our life with. What we say and what we do reinforces our commitment to the Lord, showing those closest to us the best possible example and the best possible support. You never know who may be watching

Page 6: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

S����� S��� �� A� ��� D������� 10, 2017


Its that time again, we ask you to make a donation in memory of a loved one so that we can purchase the necessary flowers and decorations.The names of your loved ones will be listed in a

bulletin insert and we ask that they be remembered in all our prayers.Please mark an envelope Flower Donation.

Drop the envelope in the collection or bring it to the rectory.Christmas donation in memory of:




Donated by:__________________________________________

DIVINE MERCY SHRINE SCHEDULE: Salem’s new Divine Mercy Shrine at 28 St. Peter St. opened offi-cially as of October 1, 2017. Drop by during your day in Salem for Mass, devotions, or silent prayer.

MASS: Monday: Healing Mass 7:00PM (in English) Wednesday/Thursday/Fridays: 12:10PM (in English) Saturday: 8:00AM (in Polish) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Mon-day, Wednesday-Saturday 3-7:00PM CONFESSION: Monday, Wednesday-Saturday 6:00PM in Polish or English

Do You Know an Adult or Young Adult Who Has Not Yet Been Confirmed?: Keep in mind that there are always opportu-nities for those who were not confirmed as High School students to prepare for and receive this important Sacrament of the Holy Spirit. Contact Fr. John

Working in the Lord’s Vineyard: If you did not yet fill out a volunteer card at Mass, kindly pray and reflect at home on how you will serve your parish and community. Place it in the collec-tion basket in the next several weeks. Thank you. We are ask-ing each and every member of the parish to volunteer to assist in one or several areas of parish life.

This year we will be donating all items to Catholic

Charities North, so gift tags on the Christmas Tree

will not be necessary.

Snow Days: If schools are closed in Salem, Mass will not be offered and our parish offices will be closed. Also, check on channels 4, 5, and 7 for cancellations.Catholic TV Network Channel 268 or 183EWTN Channel 238 or 56

Page 7: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Anne, Salem, MA 4734

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Meet Father Cusack – Embracing his vocation, embracing God’s peopleFather Anthony Cusack grappled with his vocation as a young man. After hearing God’s call to the priesthood, he embraced a life of service to every person placed before him in ministry.

Recognizing the growing needs of ethnic communities, Father Anthony broadened his pastoral skills by learning to celebrate Mass in both Spanish and Vietnamese. This enabled him to accept his �rst assignment at St. Ambrose and St. Mark Parishes in 2015.

Today, Father Anthony ministers in the heart of Dorchester. He engages the community in three very di�erent languages. When summarizing his responsibilities, he describes personifying Christ: “The duty of the priest is, I think, to be Jesus to every single person he meets.”

To help ensure priests like Father Anthony receive essential care as they live out their vocation, please support the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special collection this Christmas.

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Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

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N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]




Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p



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Page 8: Sainte Anne Parish - The Pilot · 2017-12-08 · has for you -the love we celebrate in a special way at Christmas. Peace, Father John SAT DEC 9 Vigil: Second Sunday of Advent 400

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