Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter...

Saint Robert Bellarmine Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish Mission Statement We are a diverse Catholic community of generaƟons, experiencing the living God and reecƟng our faith in acƟon with one another. April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! Children’s Liturgy of the Word April 15 Sunday 10:00 a.m. First Communion May 5 Saturday 10:30 a.m.

Transcript of Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter...

Page 1: Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! ... The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene

Saint Robert BellarmineSaint Robert Bellarmine Parish Mission Statement We are a diverse Catholic community of genera ons, experiencing the living God and reflec ng our faith in ac on with one another.

April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Easter Sunday

Alleluia! He is Risen!

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

April 15 Sunday 10:00 a.m.

First Communion

May 5 Saturday 10:30 a.m.

Page 2: Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! ... The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene

Mass Intentions MON. April 2, Monday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am Anthony Koziarz, David Nowak (Birthday) TUES. April 3, Tuesday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am Joseph & Irene Koziarz WED. April 4, Wednesday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am For the Intentions of the Holy Father THURS. April 5, Thursday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am Jose Guadalupe Ramos , William Potesak (1 yr. anniv.) FRI. April 6, Friday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am Mary Salerno (3 year anniv.), Eva Wojtysiak (32 year) SAT. April 7, Saturday Within the Octave of Easter 8:30 am Jerome Ouper 5:00 pm Wojcik Family, John and Wanda Placek SUN. April 8, Second Sunday of Easter 8:00 am The People of St. Robert Bellarmine Parish 10:00 am Florence White Family, Ellen Quinn Anthony & Mary Malanrocolo John Sylvester (5 year anniv.), Victor Vita 12:00 pm Joseph Samansky, Marie Kielbasa, Rev. Robert Kash, Nancy Reynolds , Theresa Mullery, Sean Gallagher 5:30 pm The People of St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Pascal and Our Lady of Victory Parishes

Weekly Collections March 18, 2018

Sunday Offertory $ 9,154 Sharing $ 254

The amount for the Sunday Offertory includes the electronic donations received for the week.

Thank you for your generosity!

Haiti Mission -- Lenten Almsgiving

Our mission in Haiti to help provide college scholarships for students from the Maison Fortune Orphanage has raised just over $5,500 so far this Lent. We have a donor who will match our contributions dollar for dollar. This is an easy way to double the value of every gift we receive. If you haven’t already given to our Lenten Almsgiving project, please make a donation this week and help provide an education that will lead to a full-time job and self-sufficiency for the young men and women in this poverty-stricken nation. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.

Easter Blessings, Fr. Neil

Page 2 April 1, 2018

Please pray for our sick

Gina Brettman, Patricia Klenck, Robert Walsh, Margaret Ludden

Easter Sunday Resurrection of the Lord

In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Peter receives a heavenly vision, instructing him to visit the house of Cor-nelius, a Roman centurion. St. Peter realizes that God’s gift of salvation is open to all people; and he begins to tell all those present of God’s salvific plan in Jesus. He explains that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. He was put to death, only to have God raise him from the dead three days later. St. Peter

tells them that he himself is a witness of Jesus’ mighty deeds. He says that Jesus has been appointed by God to judge the living and the dead; and that all who believe in him will receive forgiveness of sins through him. St. Paul encour-ages the Colossians to seek after God, and that which is above, reminding them that they have already died and risen with Christ. They have died to their old way of life and are now protected by God as they await Christ’s return, when they too will appear with him in glory. The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early in the morning and found it empty. She immediately reports this to Peter and the “disciple who Jesus loved”. The disciples race to the tomb. Peter enters first. Then the beloved disciple enters. Scripture tells us that “he saw and be-lieved.” But Peter and the others “did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” Like the be-loved disciple, we too, are invited to see the empty tomb and believe in the joy of the Resurrection.

Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9

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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page 3

From the Pastor’s Desk

Alleluia! He is Risen! Rejoice! Welcome to all our visitors, family members and friends who come to share the joy of Easter with our faith community today. It is truly a great joy for me to see and to celebrate with you all on this most holy and happy day of the year. After six weeks of Lent, the Alleluia and the Gloria return to the liturgy as we shout out with great joy the good news of salvation. Rejoice! The promise proclaimed on Laetare Sunday three weeks ago is fulfilled today. Christ is risen! Jesus has destroyed the power of sin and death. The promise of Christ-mas is fulfilled. Christ, who came down from heaven to join our human family, rises to heaven so that we may join God’s divine family. The Lenten journey is complete and we have arrived at the baptismal font of our salvation.

John’s gospel story of the Resurrection is curious in what it does not say. Neither Mary Magdalene nor the Apostles see the Risen Christ. What they witness is an empty tomb. St. John sees the rolled up burial cloths, the absence of the corpse; and he believes. It is only later that the apostles see the Risen Christ and he remains with them, teaching them, strengthening them and leaving them with the Holy Spirit. It is because of the eye-witness accounts of the apostles that we believe that Christ is truly risen. And yet John’s witness of faith is prior to any actual evidence. This is important for us because we all face the same choice. When we see the empty tomb, the absence of any physical evidence of God’s presence in our life, do we choose to believe? The Scriptures, Sunday Mass, the Sacra-ments and above all, the Eucharist, are given to strengthen us in our times of doubt. After the dark of night comes the light of day. After the doubt of desolation comes the consolation of God’s presence. After the sadness of death comes the joy of resurrection.

The Easter season runs for seven weeks through Pentecost. But we also celebrate the Octave of Easter (the seven days of the week of Easter plus next Sunday) as a heightened celebration because the joy of salvation, the good news of the gospel, is too good to confine to one day. Each of these days is a Solemnity of the Lord. Each day the gospel tells the story of one of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. It is these appearances of Christ to his followers that formed the foundation of the faith of the early Church. The empty tomb that was seen on Easter morning is simply an empty tomb without the witness to the appearances of the Risen Lord. As we heard in our gospel this morning, neither Peter nor Mary Magdalene who saw the empty tomb understood that Jesus had risen. It is only af-ter Jesus comes to them that they understand and believe. We are called to believe in the words of Jesus, his story as written in the sacred Scriptures, and in the testimony of those who witnessed him risen from the dead. While these days are not days of obligation they are holy days that lead us deeper into the mystery of our faith. Everyone is en-couraged to continue the Easter celebration at daily mass throughout the week.

Thank you to all our volunteers who worked so hard to bring a sense of beauty, reverence and wonder to our cele-brations. There are too many to name individually, but I would like to thank all the members of the Art & Environ-ment Committee who decorated the church, the musicians who created a “joyful noise” that enhanced our celebra-tions, our lectors who prepared and proclaimed God’s Word, and all the ministers and volunteers who worked be-hind the scenes to make these celebrations possible. But most of all, I want to thank you, our faithful people, who worship with us and whose spiritual and material donations throughout the year give life to our parish.

Thanks also to The Parish Council and the volunteers who made our St. Joseph’s Table a success. We raised $ 608 for our STRETCH Fund to help the needy in our parish.

Our annual Red Ribbon Gala will be held on Saturday April 29th at Poretta’s Banquet Hall. This is always an en-joyable evening of food, drink and fellowship. Please join us and support our parish and school.

The School will be on spring break this week, with classes resuming on Monday, April 9th. This is a time of well-deserved rest and relaxation for the faculty and staff. First Communion is just a month away, on Saturday, May 5th. Please keep the candidates and their families in your prayers.

The springtime brings warmer weather, the blooming of flowers and the new green of the trees which provide us a foretaste of the resurrection we celebrate at Easter. Christ is Risen and we have been reborn. I wish you and your families a very Happy Easter and may you all experience the joys of God’s love and grace.

Have a great week. God’s Blessings always, Fr. Neil

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Wedding Banns

III Steven Kaczmarek & Fiona Meenaghan

Page 4 April 1, 2018

Congratulations on your Wedding…

Mr. & Mrs. Eric and Erin (Priestly) Kelly

W E L C O M E T O S T . R O B E R T B E L L A R M I N E C H U R C H

We welcome you into our community. If you would like to join our community, please stop in the rectory office to complete a registration form or fill out the form below and place in the collection basket. We will mail you the regis-tration form. Registering is an important part of being part of any parish. Not only do you become part of the com-munity but it is especially important at times such as baptism, 1st communion, confirmation, matrimony, during an illness or at the time of death. We welcome you to our parish.

Please circle one: Mr. and Mrs. Ms. Mr. First Name:___________________________________ Last Name:_______________________________________________

Spouse’s First Name:____________________________ Last Name if different: ____________________________________

Address: ______________________________________ City: ________________________ Zip Code: __________________

Home Phone Number: ___________________________ Cell Phone Number: ______________________________________

Were you Baptized a Catholic?________ Spouse? _______ or are you interested in becoming a Catholic? _______

Please join us in the church on

Tuesday, April 3 at 6:30 pm

for a Novena to

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

followed by Benediction.

St. Robert Bellarmine Ministers of Care are dedicated volunteers who serve the

hospitalized and homebound of our parish. If you have a family member or neighbor who is homebound and wishes to receive

communion from a Minister of Care, please call the rectory at 773 777-2666.

Just a Reminder:

There will be NO 5:30 Mass this afternoon.

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!

Having Trouble Hearing at Mass? When a person with a hearing loss is in a house of worship, they are often a great distance from any given sound source, and in such a challeng-ing listening environment, they can experience difficulty hearing. St. Robert’s has a few Assistive Listening Devices available. Please see an Usher if you would like to use one during mass.

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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page 5

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Page 6 April 1, 2018

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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page 7

COMMON THREADS The goal of St. Robert Bellarmine Prayer Blanket Ministry, Common Threads, is to cover people in prayer. We invite you to an open house on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00pm in Kernaghan Hall. Come see what we’ve been doing, get to know us and share your ministry ideas. Bring a project to work on or one to show off. Or just stop by to introduce yourself and say hello. Refreshments will be served.

Kernaghan Hall is located in the lower level of the Church at 4646 N. Austin Ave. Enter off the south parking lot.

Thanks to all those who participated in our

recent Blanket Challenge.

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Page 8 April 1, 2018

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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page 9

Building for the Future Guerin College Prep’s Scholarship Dinner to be held on Friday, April 13 at Elmcrest

River Grove: Guerin College Preparatory High School will hold its annual Scholarship Dinner - Building for the Future - on Friday, April 13 at Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park. The scholarship dinner is the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year with all proceeds to benefit the students through financial assistance and scholarships. This year’s honorees are: Community Leadership Award - The Honorable James Durkin, Illinois House Republican Leader

Outstanding Service and Leadership Awards - Mary Beth Pipala Beiersdorf - Mother Guerin Class of 1979, Executive Director and Co-founder, Salute, Inc.; Omar Duque - Holy Cross Class of 1994, President and CEO, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Bobby Stevens, Jr. - Guerin College Prep Class of 2005, President and CEO, Windy City Baseball The Legacy Family Award - The Donlan Family (Elmwood Park) (Read more here about our honorees) The event begins at 6:30pm with cocktail hour, followed by dinner at 7:30pm. The fundraiser will also fea-ture a silent auction, an online auction, and a raffle. Entertainment provided by a DJ and some live musical performances. Tickets are $100 each. To purchase tickets to the event or make a donation, visit the school website at or contact Shawn Campbell at [email protected]. Elmcrest Ban-quets is located at 7370 W. Grand Ave. in Elmwood Park.

Page 10: Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! ... The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene

Daily Scripture Readings

Monday Acts 2:14, 22-23 / Mt 28:8-15


Acts 2:36-41 / Jn 20:11-18

Wednesday Acts 3:1-10 / Lk 24:13-35


Acts 3:11-26 / Lk 24:35-48

Friday Acts 4:1-12 / Jn 21:1-14


Acts 4:13-21 / Mk 16:9-15

Sunday Acts 4:32-35 / 1 Jn 5:1-6 / Jn 20:19-31

Weekly Schedule Monday, April 2

Spring Break – School Closed All Week

Tuesday, April 3 6:30 pm Novena / Benediction (C)

Wednesday, April 4

7 pm SPRED Prep (KH)

Thursday, April 5 7 pm Common Threads (KH)

Friday, April 6

Saturday, April 7

9:30 am – 11:30 am Faith Formation Classes (S,G)

Sunday, April 8

Page 10 April 1, 2018


Apri l 7 / 8 , 2018 Mass Pres ider Servers Lectors Auxi l iary Minis ters

5:00 PM Fr. Neil Fackler

N. Soriano, A. Ontiveros, L. Soriano

P. Zyburt J. Jakobsze, N. Kriescher, D. Nowak

8:00 AM Fr. Neil Fackler

S. Hearn, A. Hearn, F. Santiago

J. Ouper P. Fergus, M. Furphy, D. Thurber, K. Ernst,

K. Fergus, N. Hester, A. Ouper

10:00 AM Fr. Tom

Mulcrone J. Galindo, S. Grant,

J. Harrington J. Garcia O. Cave, R. Loch, L. Wilder

12:00 PM Fr. Pat Pollard

R. Balubar, A. Amoloria, B. Bauman

M. Loudon G. Ignarski, L. Loudon, P. Mullane

5:30 PM Fr. Neil Fackler

N. Brennan, J. Sarau-Young, R. Sarau-Young

M. Calcagno S. Calcagno

GySgt Timothy R. Hogan (Marines) CPT Patrick J. Collins (Army) Raymond Weernink (Navy) Sgt Scott Pekar (Marines) CPT Dan Allen (Army) LCpl Kurt Williams (Marines) SGT Joseph Konieczny (Army) Mike Janson (Navy) 1LT Brian G. Lutz (Army) Bernard Brennan (Marines) Sgt. Benjamin Juhasz (Marines) Sarah Faye Tierra (Navy) Sgt Joseph VonMoser (Marines) Luke Bulanda (Navy) Capt Kevin P. O’Grady (Air Force) Major Daniel C. Ouper (Air Force) PO1 John J. Schmidt III (Navy) Capt Albert Eiffes (Air Force) Joseph A. Casey (Navy) EM3 Abraham Ubi (Navy) PVT Michael Barry (Army) SPC David A. Torres (Army) E2 Anthony V. Tierra (Navy) A1C Logan Lopez (Air Force) Brandon Lee Logan (Marines) Private 2 Tyler A. Woelke (Army) Private Raymond M. Brennan III (Army)

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate. Fr. Denis O’Brien, United States Marine Corps

Page 11: Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! ... The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene

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Page 12: Saint Robert Bellarmine · 4/4/2018  · Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Easter Sunday Alleluia! He is Risen! ... The gospel reading from John tells us that Mary Magdalene

Saint Robert Bellarmine Church

Mass Schedule Weekdays - Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Weekends - Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Evening at 5:00 p.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Holy Days - 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months in advance.

Please contact the rectory for date and time availability before making other arrangements.


Celebrated the second and fourth Sunday at 1:15 p.m.

Parents need to register at the rectory office. Baptismal preparation class for first time Parents

and Godparents is offered on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory.

Please note: there are no baptisms scheduled during the season of Lent.


Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick

1st Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. mass.

Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Third Wednesday of every month.

Adoration begins after 8:30 a.m. mass. Benediction at 5 p.m.

Please sign up at the rectory office.

Novena Mother of Perpetual Help Novena is offered on

Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

Recitation of the Rosary Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

Parish Office & Rectory 4646 North Austin Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60630 Tel. 773.777.2666 Fax 773.777.2770


Rev. Neil E. Fackler, Pastor Rev. Scott Donahue, Resident

Tony Delgado, Deacon Kathy Goetz, Business Manager

[email protected] Barbara Donnelly, Adm. Assist/Office Mgr

[email protected] Dr. Christina Zaker, Adult Education

[email protected] Beth Farias, Youth Minister

[email protected]

Religious Education Office 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.286.0956 Debi DeMario, Director [email protected]

St. Robert Bellarmine School 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.725.5133 Carrie Mijal, Principal

[email protected] Chris Wilson, Secretary

[email protected]

Office of Music Director 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.286.0956 Dennis Costanzo, Music Director

[email protected]

Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 12 Noon 10 days in advance

Submit articles via email: [email protected]

in person at the rectory or fax 773.777.2770

Pulpit Announcement Deadline Friday by 7:30 p.m. in the rectory.

Saint Robert Bellarmine Church Mass Schedule

Weekdays - Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Weekends - Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Evening at 5:00 p.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:00a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Holy Days - 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Rectory Office Hours Monday through Thursday - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Weddings Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months in advance. Please contact the rectory for date and time availability before making other arrangements. Baptisms Celebrated the second and fourth Sunday at 1:15 p.m. Parents need to register at the rectory office. Baptismal preparation class for first time Parents and Godparents is offered on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory. Please note: there are no baptisms scheduled during the season of Lent. Confessions/Reconciliations Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. mass. Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Third Wednesday of every month. Adoration begins after 8:30 a.m. mass. Benediction at 5 p.m. Please sign up at the rectory office. Novena Mother of Perpetual Help Novena is offered on the First Tuesday of the month at 6:30p.m. in the church, followed by Benediction. Recitation of the Rosary Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Pulpit Announcement Deadline Friday by 12 Noon in the rectory.

Parish Rectory & Office 4646 North Austin Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60630 Tel. 773.777.2666 Fax 773.777.2770 Website: SRB Mobile App: http:// Contact Deacon Bill Frere Rev. Neil E. Fackler, Pastor Rev. Scott Donahue, Resident Bill Frere, Deacon James Ouper, Business Operations Manager [email protected] Barbara Donnelly, Parish Secretary [email protected] Deacon Bill Frere, Pastoral Associate [email protected] Maria Siap, Youth Minister [email protected] Fr. Neil Fackler, Pastor [email protected]

Faith Formation Office 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.286.0956 Mary Ellen Casselman, Director [email protected] St. Robert Bellarmine School 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.725.5133 Carrie Mijal, Principal [email protected] Chris Wilson, Secretary [email protected]

Office of Music Director 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.286.0956 Dennis Costanzo, Music Director [email protected] Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 12 Noon 10 days in advance Submit articles via email: [email protected] in person at the rectory or fax 773.777.2770