Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11...

Saint Robert Bellarmine Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish Mission Statement We are a diverse Catholic community of generations, experiencing the living God and reflecting our faith in action with one another. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 10, 2013

Transcript of Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11...

Page 1: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Saint Robert BellarmineSaint Robert Bellarmine Parish Mission Statement We are a diverse Catholic community of generations, experiencing the living God and reflecting our faith in action with one another.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 10, 2013

Page 2: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Mass Intentions MON. February 11, Our Lady of Lourdes 8:30 am Joseph White, Robert Greifelt, Robert J. Hamelin TUES. February 12, Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am Jack Puttrich, Robert Trader WED. February 13, Ash Wednesday 8:30 am People of St. Robert Bellarmine 1:30 pm People of St. Robert Bellarmine 7:00 pm People of St. Robert Bellarmine THURS. February 14, Sts. Cyril and Methodius 8:30 am Mary Lou Nelcowski Mary Louise Sanbourne Trader FRI. February 15, Friday after Ash Wednesday 8:30 am Dean Scaggs (15th anniv), Louise Antonucci SAT. February 16, Saturday after Ash Wednesday 8:30 am Stephen J. Kralik, Margaret Rybicki 5:00 pm Paul Calandrino, Bernice & Eugene Gaskin, Eleanor Sielepkowski, Michael & Mary Piszczek. SUN. February 17, First Sunday of Lent 8:00 am People of St. Robert Bellarmine 10:00 am Aloysius Stankiewicz, Lucille Moore 12:00 pm Special Intentions, Kenneth Kolasinski, Mary Yee (1st anniv.)

Weekly Collections January 27, 2013 Sunday Offertory $ 7,058 Sharing $ 62 Energy $ 437

Thank you for your generosity!

Please remember St. Robert’s in your will. Thank you.


In the first reading Isaiah is given a vision of the majesty of God and the glory of the heavenly kingdom. He is immedi-ately conscious of his own sinfulness and his unworthiness. God forgives his sin. Isaiah responds joyfully that he is willing to go out and serve the Lord. In the second reading St. Paul tells the Corinthians to hold fast to the word that they received from him, namely that Christ died for our sins, rose on the third day and appeared to the disciples. Christ appeared to Paul to pass on the fullness of his word so that he might proclaim the grace of God to all. The gospel story takes place by the side of the lake. Peter and his friends have been fishing all night but have not caught anything. Jesus gives them a miraculous catch so full that the nets are breaking. Peter professes his sinfulness and receives Christ’s commission to be a fisher of men. Immediately Peter, James and John leave everything behind to follow him. Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11


We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads are marked with ashes as a sign of our own mortality to help us enter this season of grace with humility. We hear the words, “Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” The season of Lent calls us to a deeper conversion, to become more honest with ourselves, to seek the grace of true repentance. The goal of our Lenten sacrifices is to open our hearts to a more intimate relationship with the God who has called us to share his own divine life. The ashes are placed on our foreheads in the sign of the cross to remind us of Christ’s crucifixion and death for our sake, that by his cross we have been redeemed, and that the cross is God’s supreme act of love for us. We enter Lent seeking to imitate God’s self-giving love, taking up our cross to follow in Christ’s own footsteps. It is only by journeying to the cross with Christ that we can participate in his resurrection and enter into the kingdom of heaven. In the first reading we hear God’s invitation to return to him with our whole hearts. The prophet Joel calls the elders to proclaim a fast for all the people, offering repentance for their sins and a return to the Lord’s favor. The Lord hears them and takes pity on his people. St. Paul implores the Corinthians to be reconciled to God, reminding them that Christ himself has reconciled us to God. He who knew no sin became sin so that we might become righteous before God. He tells them to act quickly because now is the acceptable time of salvation. Jesus tells the people that acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving should be done in secret. Those who do these acts in public may fall into the trap of hy-pocrisy, doing deeds for the esteem of their brothers and sisters. But such acts done in secret for the Lord alone will be rewarded by God. Joel 2:12-18 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

Page 2 February 10, 2013

Our Sympathy and Prayers for all who have passed away.

We pray for our recently deceased Theodore Holda James Moore Thomas Nava

A Warm Welcome to our New Parishioners

Mr. and Mrs. James Hurley and family

Page 3: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

From the Pastor’s Desk

Today’s readings focus primarily on our response to God’s call to discipleship. We are awestruck when we experi-ence the glory and majesty of God. We are convicted of the dual realization of both our own insignificance in relation to the immensity of God; at the same time we are caught up in the immensity of a love that proclaims that no one is insignificant in the eyes of God. It is this overwhelming sense of God’s compassion and love that enables us to re-spond with joy to go out and proclaim the good news.

Isaiah begins with his experience: In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord. He had a life-changing experience that immediately convicted him of sin. Woe is me for I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips. In the presence of the Lord he realizes his own finitude. This terrifying experience allows him to be open to the grace of God. Caught up in the mystery of God, he experiences forgiveness. The seraph tells him that his wickedness is removed and his sin purged. Isaiah’s response is to tell the Lord, Here I am. Send me.

St Peter has the same experience at the Lake of Gennesaret. As an experienced fisherman he knows the best time to fish is at night. But he has caught nothing. The next morning Jesus tells him to lower the nets. Peter knows that it is the wrong time to fish yet he listens to Jesus and lowers the nets. The catch of fish is so large that it tears the nets. Peter witnesses this miracle and is immediately overcome with his own sense of unworthiness. He falls to his knees declaring, Depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man. Jesus shows him the compassion and mercy of God. Though Peter is a sinful man (he doubts the reality of God’s Word), Jesus forgives him by saying do not be afraid. He com-missions him to be a fisher of men. Peter (and James and John) immediately leave everything behind to follow him.

It would be a mistake to think that the good news is simply the proclamation of what God has done for us. The great good news is the fact of the Atonement. God has pronounced his judgment on sin and death and has opened the gates of salvation. Christ has restored our right relationship with God. Our personal experience of redemption is simply an individual appropriation of grace, our subjective experience. Personal sanctification is given to us in order that we may proclaim the objective reality of the Atonement so that all may come to know the love and compassion of God.

The scriptures tell us that once convicted, the prophets, apostles and holy ones were no longer concerned about them-selves. Rather it was the reality of God that impelled them to go out and tell the good news. No longer absorbed with their own souls they were free to give themselves to others. The truth is that for the most part we are both good peo-ple and we are sinners. Salvation is a free gift. We are justified by God’s grace alone. St. Paul tells us in the second reading to hold fast to the word that was preached to them, namely the reality of the redemption. He says that it is of first importance that they receive what he himself received. Recall that it was Paul’s experience on the road to Da-mascus where he was caught up in the glory of God, receiving the full revelation of God’s majesty and compassion.

Isaiah, Paul and Peter all stood in the presence of mystery, a personal encounter with God. They were overcome with a sense of awe, a conviction of unworthiness and an experience of forgiveness. As a result they were able to go out and transform the world. Our religious tradition, especially the sacraments, is an invitation to experience this mystery. To feel wonder in God’s presence is to experience unworthiness and forgiveness. And it is out of this experience that we let go of our own ego and go out to proclaim the good news. The mass ends with: “Let us go forth to love and serve the Lord by loving and serving one another. Lent will be here in just three days. We might prepare for this holy season by asking ourselves if, and how, we have experienced the mystery of God; if, and how, this experience has resulted in personal conversion; and what evidence is there in the way we live that the love of God impels us to imitate the paschal mystery.

The Contemporary Mass begins next Sunday, February 17 at 5:30 p.m. I am excited about this new liturgical offer-ing which is a joint venture with St. Pascal and Our Lady of Victory. All are welcome. Please see page six for full details.

Our funeral vestments have become threadbare and we are looking to purchase two new sets for a total cost of $2,000. We would appreciate any donations to help defray these costs. I am grateful for your generosity.

Have a great week. Sincerely, Fr. Neil

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3

Page 4: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

MASS SCHEDULE 8:30 am 1:30 pm (school) 3:30 pm (service) 7:00 pm

Page 4 February 10, 2013


Consider joining the SRB Scripture Study. February 7th through March 28th. Thursday Mornings 9:15 – 10:15.

We will explore the scriptures for each Sunday.


Daily Reflections The “Little Black Book” of Lenten Daily Reflections

will be available in church at no charge

Evening Prayer Services Tuesday at 7 p.m.

February 19, 26, and March 5.

Reconciliations Saturday 4:00-4:45 p.m.

February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, and 23

Parish Reconciliation Service Tuesday, March 19 at 7p.m.

Stations of the Cross Fridays at 2 p.m.

February 22, March 1, 15, and 22 Fridays at 7 p.m.

February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, and 22. March 29 at 3 p.m. Living Stations

led by the Teen Group

Parish Mission Monday-Wednesday March 11-13

7 p.m. Mission (St. Bartholomew)

Novena Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Week begins on Saturday, March 23

with the 5 p.m. Vigil Mass of Palm (Passion) Sunday

Almsgiving Our parish Lenten Almsgiving project this year will be for the Maison Fortune Orphanage in Haiti. The new Technical Institute will provide job training for the older students is currently under construction. It will cost about $140,000 to get up and running for the fall of 2013. There will be a second collection on March 3.

Lenten Scripture Study We will be having a small group scripture study, reflect-ing on the Sunday mass readings on Thursday mornings

at 9:15 a.m. February 7,14,21,28, March 7,14,21, and 28.


Abstinence from meats is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are be-tween 18 years and 59 1/2 years of age. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permit-ted if necessary to maintain strength accord-ing to one’s needs, but eating solid foods be-tween meals is not permitted. The special paschal fast and abstinence are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Satur-day. By the threefold discipline of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, the church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until the evening of Holy Thursday. All of the faithful and the catechumens should undertake serious prac-tice of these three traditions. Failure to ob-serve penitential days totally or a substantial number of such days must be considered seri-ous.

Page 5: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5

Conversations On Faith What does it mean to be Catholic today?

How do we live our faith?

Do the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes

Still Have Meaning?

When you were younger did you have to memorize the 10 Com-mandments? Do you remember reciting the Beatitudes? These are lists that were great to remember, but did we really delve into what they mean for us today. They are important aspects of our faith that we need to revisit again and again. Fr. Neil will guide us in this Conversation.

If you want a chance to ask

some questions and talk

with others about how they

live their faith, then these

Conversations are for you.

Living a Life of Prayer February 27, 2013

at 7 pm in the Church

Each evening is being hosted jointly by St. Robert Bellarmine, Our Lady of Victory and St. Pas-cal parishes. Presenters will in-clude local pastors, deacons and parishioners.


Lenten Multi Parish Mission March 11 - 13

7 pm - 8:30 pm St. Bartholomew Church

Fr. Thomas Loya will be the inspirational speaker. Theme: “The Wedding Feast of the Lamb”

Watch for more information in future bulletins!

Page 6: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Page 6 February 10, 2013

Sunday Evening Contemporary Mass Begins February 17, 2013

5:30pm at St. Robert Bellarmine

It has been in the planning stages for almost a year, And now we are finally starting up a Sunday Evening Contemporary Mass.

Come check it out and join in the celebrations.

All Parishioners are welcome!

If you are looking for a liturgy that speaks to your everyday experiences, filled with vibrant music, and

young people in leadership roles, then the Sunday Evening Contemporary Mass is for you.

This has been planned as a joint effort

with St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Pascal and Our Lady of Victory.

Play an instrument or want to join the choir, come early and get in on a practice! Practices start at 4pm, Mass at 5:30.

There is an introductory practice on February 10th at 4pm

If you are a lector or Eucharistic Minister and are willing to be scheduled for these masses,

please call the rectory and leave a message for Mrs. Zaker (773)777-2666

Hope to see you there!

Page 7: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7


In a joint effort with St. Pascal & Our Lady of Victory

we are looking for musicians interested in playing and vocalists to sing at our …


AT 5:30 PM

Come to the introductory practice

on Sunday Feb. 10th from 4 pm - 7 pm

Regular practices start next Sunday Feb. 17th at 4pm followed by the Mass at 5:30.


Teen Group will gather this Sunday 6 pm - 7 pm

Kernaghan Hall

Registration for St. Robert Bel-larmine boys' baseball and girls' softball is open through Feb. 18.

Varsity teams will be made up of seventh and eighth graders, while fifth and sixth graders compete on the junior varsity.

If this is your child's first sport of the school year, a participation form must be submitted in order to register. Participation forms and registra-tion information can be found at or by calling the school at (773) 725-5133.

Practice for both sports can begin as early as March 25.

HMMM . . .




Have you had the same thought? Here's an idea for

you to consider that will take only 15 minutes.

WHAT: Be a welcoming presence at one or two

Sunday Masses a month

WHEN: 15 minutes before the Liturgy

WHERE: At a Church entrance

TOOLS: A friendly smile and a greeting



Families can do this together too!

Call Mary at (773) 286-2853 and tell us which week-

end Mass time you prefer.

It's Joe's Pizza Benefit Night!

Wednesday, February 13th

Dine in or carry out--Just say SRB and Joe's will donate 10% of your order to our school.

Pizza - pasta, chicken and more Check it out at

Open 3:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.

Joe’s Pizza 5747 W. Higgins Ave


Page 8: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Page 8 February 10, 2013


St. Mary Magdalene is coming to the Chicago area — that is, a relic of the saint often referred to as the “apostle to the Apos-tles” is coming. A reliquary carrying a portion of her tibia (leg bone) will travel for two weeks beginning Feb. 20 to churches in the Archdiocese of Chicago. It then will continue to other Illinois locations during March.

“The purpose of the tour is to share the holiness of the relic and tell the story of the saint who is recorded as the first witness to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,” said Paula Lawlor, coordina-tor of the Illinois tour. “St. Mary Magdalene was told to go and tell the others.”

The first stop will be St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in River Forest on Feb. 20.

“St. Mary Magdalene is the patroness of our order,” said Dominican Father Thomas McDermott, pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer. “Dominicans are the custodians of the relic. We are grateful and blessed for the opportunity to have her relic at our church.” Tradition has it that some years after the Crucifixion, Mary Magdalene was impris-oned. On release she and other followers of Jesus were cast out to sea on the shores of Palestine without sails, oars or supplies. The boat miraculously came to shore on the coast of Gaul (France) in a town near Marseille.

After preaching with her companions and converting the whole of Provence, Mary Magdalene retired to a mountain cave known as La Sainte-Baume, which means holy cave, and spent the last 30 years of her life in solitude.

For more information go to www.


Feb. 20: St. Vincent Ferrer, River Forest, (708) 366-7090

Feb. 26: St. Mary of the Angels, 1850 N. Her-mitage (773) 278-2644

March 1: St. Ita, 1220 W. Catalpa Ave., (773) 561- 5343

March 3: St. Bartholo-mew, 4949 W. Patterson Ave., (773) 286- 7871

March 6: St. Alphonsus, 1429 W. Wellington Ave., (773) 525-0709


Wow! —

Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America is a straight-talker. On abortion as big business, she says Planned Parent-hood’s annual reports state they get half a billion dollars in taxpayer money a year. “They performed 333,964 abortions … one every 94 seconds … abortions you helped pay for.” Nance says P.P. should have to raise their own budget the way pro-life or-g a n i z a t i o n s d o . . . . A n d 500 ,000 inv i s ib l e Amer i cans d id the March for Life down Constitution Avenue, Jan. 26, because the secular media didn’t see them. Or as someone asked, “How come a college football player with a fake online girlfriend is national news for a week, and 500,000 people marching on Washington isn’t worth a mention?”


Are you mid-30s to 50s? Would you like to grow in your faith life

and meet new friends like you? Come to the REFLECT WEEKEND for SINGLES

on Feb. 22-24, at Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein,

call (312) 532-8286, or visit



(no matter how many years), presented by Fr.

“Rocky” Hoffman, Feb. 15, 7-9:30 p.m., $25/couple,

at Willows Academy, 1015 Rose, Des Plaines, to

register go to www.willowsacademy. org, or call

(847) 824-6900.

Page 9: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9


The menu selection features New Baked Salmon, Whitefish, Beer Battered Cod, Perch, Baked Tilapia and Breaded Shrimp. Complete dinners range from $7.50 to $9.00 and include baked or fried potatoes, coleslaw, bread, butter, dessert and coffee or tea. Children’s dinners are $1.00 less on select dinners. Beer, wine, soda, cheese pizza, fried dough, mozzarella sticks, clam chowder and vegetable soup are also available. Doors open at 4:00 pm, dinners are served from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm On February 15th we celebrate the opening of our newly remodeled McManus Hall with Chuck & Friends a great entertaining band with a wonderful repertoire!

February 22nd Sam Magdal will entertain with his “Tribute to Sinatra”.

March 8th is “Elvis Night”, back by popular demand.

We will host a St. Joseph Sweet Table on March 15th featuring sweets from our neighboring bakeries and various musical performances.

March 22nd is Fish Fry with the Easter Bunny which features a wonderful raffle, great prizes, pictures with the bunny, goodie bags for the children and lots of good wholesome family time! It’s simply a delight for all ages.

FOR CARRY OUT / DRIVE UP ORDERS CALL – 773-622-3022 between 4:00pm – 7:00pm on Fridays. For more information call 773-622-5900 or check out our website at

You are invited to the Our Lady of Victory Community of Catholic Women


Sunday, February 24, 2013

In the School Hall at the corner of Laramie/Sunnyside Doors open at Noon, Lunch will be served at 12:30 Games will begin at 1:30 pm Admission is $10.00 and includes lunch. For more information, contact Jackie at 773 286-2950

Comedy Night! Saturday, April 20th

Watch the Bulletin for further details.


1) To Mother Angelica’s Eternal Word Television Network in Alabama, March 17-21. 2) Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help and Our Lady of Guadalupe/Divine Mercy, conference, in Wisconsin, April 6-7. Both departing from Our Lady of Victory Church. For more information call Emily at (773) 577-4974.



Tickets will be sold this weekend after all masses. Tickets will be sold this weekend after all masses. Tickets will be sold this weekend after all masses. Tickets are also available in the rectory office.Tickets are also available in the rectory office.Tickets are also available in the rectory office.

Only $25.00 each!Only $25.00 each!Only $25.00 each!

21 ways to win each month.21 ways to win each month.21 ways to win each month.

Page 10: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Daily Scripture Readings


Gn 1:1-19 / Mk 6:53-56


Gn 1:20-2:4a / Mk 7:1-13


Jl 2:12-18 / 2 Cor 5:20-6:2 / Mt 6:1-6, 16-18


Dt 30:15-20 / Lk 9:22-25


Is 58:1-9a / Mt 9:14-15


Is 58:9b-14 / Lk 5:27-32


Dt 26:4-10 / Rom 10:8-13 / Lk 4:1-13

Weekly Schedule Monday, February 11

3:15 Children’s Choir (MR) 7 pm Finance Meeting (R)

Tuesday, February 12 6:30 pm Novena (C)

7 pm PA Meeting (KH) 7 pm – 9 pm Deacon Reflection Meeting (SMR)

Wednesday, February 13 Ash Wednesday

1:30 pm School Mass 3:30 pm Prayer Service

4 pm – 10 pm Joe’s Pizza Night 7 pm Mass

Thursday, February 14 7 pm Choir (MR)

Friday, February 15 No School

7 pm Stations of the Cross (C) Saturday, February 16

VIP ticket Sales after 5 pm Mass (V) Sunday, February 17

VIP ticket Sales after all Masses (V) 4 pm–5:30 pm Contemporary Mass Practice (C)

New - 5:30 pm Contemporary Mass

February 16 /17 , 2013 Mass Presider Servers Lector Auxiliary Ministers

5:00 PM Fr. Neil Fackler

M. Benavides, L. Camacho, M. Camacho

T. Kerin W. Calcagno, T. Calcagno, M. Calcagno, S. Calcagno

8:00 AM Fr. Scott Donahue

K. Brosnan, J. Brosnan, S. Cave

M. Plaska J. Carlson, M. Furphy, D. Porretta, E. Clarke,

W. Felckowski, B. Frere, Y. Simonsis

10:00 AM Fr. Scott Donahue

E. O’Neill, M. Silva, C. Brennan

D. Walsh K. Caminiti, D. Mancuso, C. McManus,

B. Davis, D. Nowak, S. Spooner, P. Zyburt

12:00 PM Fr. Neil Fackler

K. Cummens, J. O’Brien Z. Pecoraro

M. San Juan R. Borghi, P. Harrison, J. Pandocchi

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Edwards Bell (Army) GySgt Timothy R. Hogan (Marines) CPT Patrick J. Collins (Army) Raymond Weernink (Navy) BG Tau’aika ‘Uta’atu (TDS) Sgt Scott Pekar (Marines) CPT Dan Allen (Army) LCpl Kurt Williams (Marines) SGT Joseph Konieczny (Army) Mike Janson (Navy) 1LT Brian G. Lutz (Army) SPC Sean Cheker (Army) Bernard Brennan (Marines) PV2 Michael Rosenthal (Army) Cpl Joseph VonMoser (Marines) Martin Durcan (Navy) PVT Colleen McDonald (Army) Cpl Armando Bolivar (Marines) Ewa Dabrowski (Navy) Capt Kevin P. O’Grady (Air Force) Capt Albert Eiffes (Air Force) Capt Daniel C. Ouper (Air Force) Amn Daniel Roger Cimon (Air Force) SPC Samuel Stanciel (Army)

EM3 Abraham Ubi (Navy) PVT Michael Barry (Army) SPC David A. Torres (Army)

Page 10 February 10, 2013

Save the Date…….. Thursday, March 7th Life Line Screening, a leading, mobile health screening service will be here! Preregister to get a $10 discount & SRB gets $10! call 800-324-9458

5:30 PM Fr. Neil Fackler M. Griggs, J. Griggs, N. Lindahl D. Walsh M. Lindahl, N. Connolly, R. Borghi

Page 11: Saint Robert Bellarmine -  · Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 ASH WEDNESDAY We begin Lent this week on Ash Wednesday. Our foreheads

Saint Robert Bellarmine Church

Mass Schedule Weekdays - Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Weekends - Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Evening at 5:00 p.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 noon Holy Days - 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months in advance.

Please contact the rectory for date and time availability before making other arrangements.


Celebrated the second and fourth Sunday at 1:15 p.m.

Parents need to register at the rectory office. Baptismal preparation class for first time Parents

and Godparents is offered on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory.

Please note: there are no baptisms scheduled during the season of Lent.


Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick

1st Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. mass.

Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Third Wednesday of every month.

Adoration begins after 8:30 a.m. mass. Benediction at 5 p.m.

Please sign up at the rectory office.

Novena Mother of Perpetual Help Novena is offered on

Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

Recitation of the Rosary Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

Parish Office & Rectory

Rev. Neil E. Fackler, Pastor Rev. Scott Donahue, Resident

Rev. Michael A. Goergen, Pastor Emeritus Tony Delgado, Deacon James Schiltz, Deacon

Virginia Underwood, Adm. Assist/Office Mgr [email protected]

Dr. Christina Zaker, Adult Education [email protected]

Kathy Goetz, Business Manager [email protected] 4646 North Austin Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60630 Tel. 773/777-2666 Fax 773/777-2770


Religious Education Office Debi DeMario, Director [email protected]

6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773/286-0956

St. Robert Bellarmine School Carrie Mijal, Principal

[email protected] Chris Wilson, Secretary

[email protected] 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773/725-5133

Office of Music Director Jean Tuohy

[email protected] 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773/286-0956

Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 12 Noon 10 days in advance

Submit articles via email: [email protected]

in person at the rectory, or fax 773 777-2770