Saint Ann Church

Fr. Alexis Moronta, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Ext. 104 Diane Scott, Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Ext. 110 Patricia Griffin, School Principal pgriffin@catholicacademybridgeport. org (203) 334-5856 Pamela LaFleur Pastoral Assistant [email protected] Ext. 114 Jen Haddon Music [email protected] (203) 640-7242 Sandra Hrenyo Finance StAnnFinance@StAnnBlackRock. com Ext. 101 Angela Mantero Secretary [email protected] Ext. 100 Andrew Seperack Finance Chair [email protected] Maureen Pelletier Steven Stafstrom Lay Trustee Lay Trustee Msgr. Tom Powers, Parochial Administrator [email protected] Ext. 102 Emergency Contact: (203) 258-6006 (Please, only for true emergencies) Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM 481 Brewster Street Bridgeport, CT 06605 Phone (203) 368-1607 ~ Fax (203) 336-4233 Facebook: St Ann Black Rock and Santa Anna Black Rock PRAYER TRADITION AFTER MASS: After the closing hymn (before leaving the church) to offer three Hail Marys: one is said for yourself; one is said for the person present in the church who is most in need; and one for the parishioner most in need. TRADICIÓN DE ORACIÓN DESPUÉS DE MISA: Después del himno final (antes de salir de la iglesia) y ofrecer tres Ave Marías : una se dice por sí mismo; una se dice a la persona en la Iglesia que más lo necesita; y una para el feligrés que más lo necesite. PARISH STAFF & CONTACTS THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVIDADES DE ESTA SEMANA (in the Rectory Basement unless otherwise indicated) Mon. 1/1 All Day Parish Office Closed Tues. 1/2 7:00-8:30 PM RCIA (English) Thur. 1/4 7:00-8:30 PM Grupo de Oracion (Church) Fri. 1/5 12:00-7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Church) Fri. 1/5 7:00-8:30 PM RICA (Español) Sat. 1/6 6:30-8:00 AM Men’s Group Saturday Vigil / Vigilia del Sábado 4:00 PM Sunday / Domingo 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Español Monday-Saturday / Lunes-Sábado 8:00 AM Holy Days / Días Santos Vigil / Vigilia 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM 7:00 PM Bilingual / Bilingüe Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística First Friday /Primer Viernes 12:00 PM-7:00 PM Reconciliation / Sacramento de la Reconciliación Saturday / Sábado, 3:00-3:45 PM 15 minutes prior to all Masses, and/or by appointment. 15 minutos antes de cada Misa; y/o con cita previa. ST. ANN MISSION STATEMENT: The parishioners of St. Ann Church are called by God, through the Holy Spirit and our Savior, Jesus Christ, to praise, love, and worship God through the celebration of the Sacraments and espe- cially the Eucharist. Under the patronage of our beloved St. Ann, Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus, we hope with deep humility to be a loving, caring, giving, and forgi- ving community in the service of all whom we touch in our daily lives. Guided by the teaching of Our Lord found in the Good News and in the traditions of the Church, we stri- ve to be a Beacon of Faith, Hope, and Love, and a Harbor of Peace. The Holy Family La Sagrada Familia Saint Ann Church MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS

Transcript of Saint Ann Church

Page 1: Saint Ann Church

Fr. Alexis Moronta, Parochial Vicar

[email protected]

Ext. 104

Diane Scott, Director

of Faith Formation

[email protected]

Ext. 110

Patricia Griffin, School Principal


org — (203) 334-5856

Pamela LaFleur

Pastoral Assistant [email protected]

Ext. 114

Jen Haddon

Music [email protected]

(203) 640-7242 Sandra Hrenyo

Finance [email protected] — Ext. 101

Angela Mantero


[email protected]

Ext. 100

Andrew Seperack

Finance Chair [email protected]

Maureen Pelletier Steven Stafstrom

Lay Trustee

Lay Trustee

Msgr. Tom Powers, Parochial Administrator

[email protected] Ext. 102

Emergency Contact: (203) 258-6006 (Please, only for true emergencies)

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

481 Brewster Street Bridgeport, CT 06605

Phone (203) 368-1607 ~ Fax (203) 336-4233

Facebook: St Ann Black Rock and Santa Anna Black Rock

PRAYER TRADITION AFTER MASS: After the closing hymn (before leaving the church) to offer three Hail Marys: one is said for yourself; one is said for the person present in

the church who is most in need; and one for the parishioner most in need. TRADICIÓN DE ORACIÓN DESPUÉS DE MISA: Después del himno final (antes de salir de la iglesia) y

ofrecer tres Ave Marías : una se dice por sí mismo; una se dice a la persona en la Iglesia que más lo necesita; y una

para el feligrés que más lo necesite.



(in the Rectory Basement unless otherwise indicated)

Mon. 1/1 All Day Parish Office Closed

Tues. 1/2 7:00-8:30 PM RCIA (English)

Thur. 1/4 7:00-8:30 PM Grupo de Oracion (Church)

Fri. 1/5 12:00-7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Church)

Fri. 1/5 7:00-8:30 PM RICA (Español)

Sat. 1/6 6:30-8:00 AM Men’s Group

Saturday Vigil / Vigilia del Sábado

4:00 PM

Sunday / Domingo

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

12:00 PM Español

Monday-Saturday / Lunes-Sábado

8:00 AM

Holy Days / Días Santos Vigil / Vigilia 5:30 PM

8:00 AM

12:10 PM

7:00 PM Bilingual / Bilingüe

Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística

First Friday /Primer Viernes

12:00 PM-7:00 PM

Reconciliation / Sacramento de la Reconciliación

Saturday / Sábado, 3:00-3:45 PM

15 minutes prior to all Masses, and/or by appointment.

15 minutos antes de cada Misa; y/o con cita previa.

ST. ANN MISSION STATEMENT: The parishioners of St. Ann Church are called by God, through the Holy Spirit and our Savior, Jesus Christ, to praise, love, and worship God through the celebration of the Sacraments and espe-cially the Eucharist. Under the patronage of our beloved St. Ann, Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus, we hope with deep humility to be a loving, caring, giving, and forgi-ving community in the service of all whom we touch in our daily lives. Guided by the teaching of Our Lord found in the Good News and in the traditions of the Church, we stri-ve to be a Beacon of Faith, Hope, and Love, and a Harbor of Peace.

The Holy Family

La Sagrada Familia

Saint Ann Church


Page 2: Saint Ann Church


Sunday Reflection Reflexión del Domingo In the year 431 at the Council of Ephesus, the Church declared Mary to be Theotokos, which is Greek for “Mother of God” or “God Bearer.” The Church did this because in that same century a great heresy had broken out. A priest named Anastasius had publicly declared that Mary was the Mother of Jesus Christ, but not the Mother of God. What he was say-ing, effectively, was that Jesus was not God. Anasta-sius just could not believe that Jesus could be born of a woman, walk the earth, suffer and die on a cross and remain God at the same time. And so, for Him, Mary could not be the Mother of God. However, Mary is the Mother of God. She is the Mother of God, because she is the Mother of Je-sus, who is God. And she is the only one who, along with God the Father, can say to Jesus, “You are my Son.” God had predestined her from all eternity to bear His Son, and He could not have created a more perfect mother. And Mary is also Mother of the Eucharist, be-cause that same Son of Mary, that same Jesus – her own flesh and blood – is the same God who comes to us on this altar at every Mass. The same Jesus whom Mary bore in her womb is the same God in the Eucha-rist. The same Jesus who lay in a manger is the same God in the Eucharist. The same Jesus who walked on earth, preached in Galilee and healed the sick is the same God in the Eucharist. The same Jesus who suf-fered and died on the Cross is the same God in the Eu-charist. The same Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father in glory is the same God in the Eucharist. Jesus in the crib, Jesus on the Cross, Jesus on the altar. It is the same Jesus who still loves us and wants to be with us. Whenever we receive the Body of Christ, we receive the body conceived and carried, formed and nourished by His Mother, Mary. One spiritual writer says, “It is impossible for this relation in the flesh be-tween Mother and Son ever to be broken, because traces of her are always in His flesh.” And so just as there can be no God Incarnate without Mary, there can be no Eucharist without Mary. What a gift and a mystery! And how fitting it is, then, that we at St. Ann Parish pray the Hail Mary three times at the conclusion of every Mass. In Christ —

Monsignor Tom Powers Parochial Administrator of St. Ann Parish

En el año 431 en el Concilio de Éfeso la Igle-sia declaró a la Virgen María como “Theotokos”, en griego “LA MADRE DE DIOS” o “llevar a Dios”. La Iglesía hizo esto porque ese mismo siglo se despertó una herejía. El Sacerdote llamado Anastasio declaró públicamente que María es la Madre de Cristo, pero no la Madre de Dios. Lo que en efecto estaba diciendo es que Jesús no es Dios. Anastasio no podía creer que Jesús pudiera nacer de mujer, caminar en la tierra, su-frir y morir en la Cruz, y ser Dios al mismo tiempo. Y para Él, María no podría ser la Madre de Dios.

Sin embargo, María es la Madre de Dios. Ella la madre de Dios, porque Ella es la Madre de Jesús, quién es Dios. Y Ella es la única quién junto con Dios Padre, le puede decir a Jesús “Tú eres mi Hijo.” Dios la predestinó desde toda la eternidad tener Su Hijo, y Él no pudo crear una madre más perfecta.

Y María es la Madre de la Eucaristía, porque el mismo Hijo de María, el mismo Jesús – su propia car-ne y sangre – es el mismo Dios quién viene a nosotros en el altar en cada Misa. El mismo Jesús quien María tuvo en su vientre es el mismo Dios en la Eucaristía. El mismo Jesús quien ésta en el pesebre es el mismo Dios en la Eucaristía. El mismo Jesús que caminó en la tierra, predicó en Galilea y curó a los enfermos, es el mismo Dios en la Eucaristía. El mismo Jesús que está sentado a la derecha del Padre en la Gloria es el mismo Dios en la Eucaristía. Jesús en la cuna, Jesús en la Cruz, Jesús en el altar. Es el mismo Jesús que nos ama y quiere estar con nosotros.

Cuando recibimos el Cuerpo de Cristo, recibi-mos el mismo cuerpo concebido, llevado, formado y alimentado por su Madre María. En escritor espiritual dice: “Es imposible que esta relación de la carne entre Madre e Hijo algún día se rompa, porque rastros de ella están siempre en su carne. Y asi como no puede haber Dios encarnado sin la María, tampoco no puede haber Eucaristía sin María.

Que misterio y regalo! Y que adecuado que nosotros en la Parroquia Santa Ana rezamos tres Ave María al final de cada Misa.

En Cristo —

Monsignor Tom Powers Administrador Parroquial de la Iglesia Santa Ana

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Ministry to the Sick or Homebound Please call the parish office if you or someone you know is ill or homebound and desires to receive the Eucharist or a visit from a priest or one of our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

MUSIC ~ Jen Haddon

Adult Choir Rehearsals in the church Sundays, 9:40-10:00 AM

First Friday Adoration

Friday, Jan. 5, 12:00-7:00 PM in the church. Spend an hour with our Lord in the peace and quiet. Sign up sheets are in the church vestibule. Bilingual rosary will follow.

The Diocesan Leadership Institute Offering online learning, face to face workshops, independ-ent study, resources and a virtual library to learn more about the Catholic faith and how to share it. Visit

For Your Marriage What can you do for your marriage in 2018? Make a New Year’s resolution to improve your relationship. For ideas, visit (

Pro-Life and Religious Liberty “When we encounter Christ, experience his love, and deep-

en our relationship with him, we become more aware of our

own worth and that of others. He is always with us. Jesus

promised this when he gave the disciples the same mission

he gives to each of us: Go. Walk with each other. Do not be

afraid to embrace God’s gift of life. Whatever storms or tri-

als we face, we are not alone. He is with us.”

St. Ann Sunshine Club

Sending greeting cards to St. Ann parishioners who are homebound or in a nursing home. If you know of someone who would enjoy receiv-

ing cards for holidays, birthdays, and special occasions, call the parish office with their name, address and birthdate.

Remembering Your Loved Ones If you would like to remember your loved ones with a Mass intention, through the Memorial Fund, by dedicating the Sanctuary Candle, or on our Wall of Remembrance, please contact the parish office.


For Your Traveling Information

Plan ahead by seeking out a Catholic Church while on vaca-tion so that you may remain faithful to receiving God’s grace at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Check out or dial 410-676-6000.

“Speaking to Sparrows” Film Screening

Wed., Jan. 10 or Thurs., Jan. 18, 7:00-9:00 PM, St. Cathe-rine of Siena Parish Hall, Trumbull. An evening of discus-sion following this documentary about women finding courage to confront the uncomfortable. The film brings to light issues facing women and creates space for difficult conversations that are a light in the darkness and can bring healing. Regardless of age, women struggle with the same issues and will benefit from this free event whether they are 16 or 60. For more information about the film, vis-it

Parish Office Closed

St. Ann Parish office will be closed Mon-day, January 1.

“Sonoma at St. Ann’s”

March 10, 2018. A wine tasting and silent auction to benefit St. Ann Academy. Join us for an evening of food, wine, music and fun! More details to follow.

NYE Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction December 31, 11:00 PM til 12:15 AM. Please join us for Eucharist Adoration and Benediction at St. Ann Church on New Year’s Eve. There is no better way to bring in the new year than praising Our Lord in the Eucharist as a communi-ty of faith. Light refreshments will follow.

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Te han pedido ser Padrino o Madrina?

Si deseas ser padrino o madrina de Bautismo o Confirma-ción debes cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Estar regis-trado en la parroquia; ir a Misa todos los domingos en St. Ann; ayudar cada uno según su capacidad de contribuir a las necesidades materiales de la Iglesia; ser mayores de 16 años; tener todos los Sacramentos de iniciación, y si eres casado debe ser bajo las leyes de la Iglesia Católica. Marca una cita con un sacerdote de la parroquia con anticipación de 3 me-ses antes de la fecha del Bautizo/Confirmación.


Reiniciar de clases Martes, 2 de enero para nuestras clases de 4:30 PM

Martes, 9 de enero para nuestra clase de confirmación.

Reunión para Padres Cerrado sábado, 16 de enero a las 7:00 pm St. Biblioteca de la Academia Ann o domingo, 17 de mayo a 21:00 en el só-tano de la rectoría. Se requiere para todas las familias que desean que sus hijos reciban la primera comunión en 2018.

Have you been asked to be a Godparent? Those requesting a Sponsor Certificate for Baptism or Con-firmation must be active registered parishioners, attending Mass every Sunday, and assisting with the material needs of the Church, according to his/her abilities; must be over 16 years of age, have received all Sacraments of initiation, and, if married, be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church; must meet with a priest of the parish at least 3 months before the date the certificate is needed. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2042; Code of Canon Law 874).

Jovenes Lectores Invitamos a los jovenes mayores de 18 años que puedan leer en español a ser parte de nuestro Ministerio de Lectura en la misa del Domingo a las 12. Interesados contactar a Cesar Vertiz (203) 275-7239

Children’s Missals Located on the tables behind the pews, in both English and Spanish, children’s missals are available to borrow during Mass to help your child participate and follow along.

Misalitos para niños Ubicadas en las mesas detrás de los bancos, tanto en inglés como en español, los misales de los niños están disponibles para tomar prestado durante la misa para ayudar a su hijo a participar mejor en la Santa Misa.

¿Quieres Mejorar Tu Ingles? El Instituto de Ingles a la Sacred Heart University tiene clases durante el dia, por la noche, y en linea. Para mas informacion, contactar la oficina, 203-365-7528.

FAITH FORMATION ~ Diane Scott Office hours Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 11:00 AM-3:00 PM, or by appointment.

Classes Resume Tuesday, January 2 for our 4:30 PM classes Tuesday, January 9 for our Confirmation Class.

First Communion Parent Meeting

Tuesday, January 16 at 7:00 PM, St. Ann Academy library OR Wednesday, January 17 at 9:00 AM in the rectory base-ment. Required for all families who wish their child to re-ceive First Communion in 2018.

Libro de Intensiones de Misa 2018

Ya te puedes acercar a la Oficina Parroquial y pedir misa para el 2018. Recuerda a tus familiares, amigos y allegados, pidamos por sus intenciones de salud y todas sus necesites. Donacion sugerida $10.00

Adoración Eucarística

Todos los primeros Viernes de cada mes tene-mos la exposicion al Santisimo Sacramento de 12 a 7pm. Seguido del Santo Rosario bilin-güe con el Padre.

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MEMORIALS To memorialize a loved one, contact the parish office.

Seven-Day Vigil Candle This candle burns for A Special Intention.

Memorial Fund Mass is said monthly for all members. Contributions have been made for A Special Intention.

Wall of Remembrance Located in the vestibule Infant of Prague Alcove. Candles may be lit in remembrance of loved ones for either one year, three months, or one month.

St. Ann Parish Prayer Line Patty DeVita (203-345-0610). Calls with your intentions and prayer requests are preferred between 5:00 & 6:00 PM.

Online Giving

Register on our website by clicking the Online Giving logo. The system is secure & private; registration is quick & easy.


Weekly Offertory (12/17/17) 3,026.00

Last Year 4,832.00

Balance the Budget (12/17/17) 1,143.00

Last Year 960.00

G.I.F.T. Capital Campaign Paid, 11/26/17 $ 222,171.46

G.I.F.T. Capital Campaign Pledged $ 329,197.90

Percentage of $400,000 Goal 82.30%

Our heartfelt thanks to those who have remembered Saint Ann Church in their will with a bequest.

G.I.F.T. Capital Campaign “Growing In FaithTogether”

We have reached just over 80% of our goal. Thank you for your generosity! We have completed work on the heating system and the bell tower, and additionally fixed and sealed leaks along the façade and the slate roof at the front of the church. Contribu-tions are always welcome. For those of you making continuing pledge contribution payments, please do so in a timely manner and clearly mark them “G.I.F.T. Cam-paign.”




4:00 PM St. Ann Parishioners


8:00 AM Catholic War Veterans by Lt. R.J. Bowen Post Auxiliary

10:00 AM For families to fulfill their vocation to


12:00 PM Vocaciones a la Sagrada vida de casados


8:00 AM In Thanksgiving to St. Joaquim & Ann by

D. O’Brien


8:00 AM Leonard A. McIntosh by Fr. Lynch


8:00 AM David Volturno by R. & M. Ferraro


8:00 AM Gabriel Flower by M. Duffy


8:00 AM Matt Duffy by the Skidd Family


8:00 AM Clarita Bryant by the Pavia Family


4:00 PM Ralph Deer by the Deer Family


8:00 AM Agnes Roach by B. & B. Lee

10:00 AM Anne Hieronymus by S. & A. Skidd

12:00 PM Members of the Memorial Fund and Wall

of Remembrance

The Parish of St. Ann receives no outside financial support.

We rely entirely on your generosity to meet our many ex-penses. Every contribution furthers our parish’s mission of

faith, worship and service. Thank you for your support.

Attention Shoppers! We receive .5% of your purchases when you shop AmazonSmile, with the link

St. Ann Corner Store Located in the front left of the church, open for 30 mins. after all weekend Masses. Religious books, statues, crucifix-es, jewelry, prayer cards, rosaries, etc.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of

prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s peo-

ple.” (Eph 6:18)

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