Sail Bags Snorkels Rudder Dagger Board Covers

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Transcript of Sail Bags Snorkels Rudder Dagger Board Covers

  • 7/28/2019 Sail Bags Snorkels Rudder Dagger Board Covers


    COMPTIP COVERHbie Cat recmmends that the Cmptip prtin f the mast be cvered t prtect it frmultravilet rays. our cver is made f UV resistance treated nyln. Ties n t the mast withline that is prvided. Fits all Hbie Cats. Will nt wrk with mast flats installed. Ryal blue.3125 CoVER H16/18/20 $75.993127 CoVERH17/21 $79.99

    STANDARD SAIL AND BOOM BAGPulls ver bm ad sail like a sck. ope ed clses with a drawstri ad yl clasp.Material ad clr may vary.21310000 STD 9' 5" $54.9938990050 WAVE $52.99

    SNORKEL JIB COVERPrtect yur rller-furled jib frm attack byultravilet liht and the weather. Easy t installand remvethe Snrkel is a must fr prtectinyur expensive sail frm eventual destructin bythe elements. The Snrkel is a zip-n cver frrller-furled jibs. Made frm durable fabric with afull lenth zipper. Snrkle cvers are nt intendedfr ln term strae. Jibs must be furledtihtly, have luff tensin and be secure fr windycnditins. Lse jibs and cver may causechafin damae t sail.1811 H18/H16/Sprt/21S $109.001812 H14 TURBo/H1-14 $105.001813 H20/H21SE/H18SX $131.001815 gETAWAY $109.00

    RUDDER COVERSFr yur Hbie Cat. Excellet quality. Fastex fasteers keep the rudder cvers firmly iplace, eve whe traileri. Prtects yur rudders frm icks ad rime. Sld i Pairs.Style ad clr may vary.82420000 ALL BUT 21SE $71.99

    DELUXE HOBIE SAIL BAGtp fihti with yur sail ad bm cver. This sail ad bm ba zips full leth frase ad cveiece ad will fit ay Hbie sail ad bm. Full vetilati each edith viyl cated mesh. Added cveiece with a separate cmpartmet fr lie adcks. Made with yl Crdura, icludes duble shulder straps fr maximum easehile carryi. Eds uzip t exted fr extra l parts (Clr may vary).121 DELUXE SAIL BAg $97.99

    DAGGERBOARD COVERrtect thse daerbards! This tw pcket, wve plyethelye lied cver is paddedd has a tuh, Crdura (600 deier) uter material. It has carryi hadles ad velcrsures. Very imprtat fr preveti dis, ues, ad scrapes while stri adaileri. This is a abslute must fr the racer. Rm fr tw daerbards. Style adlr may vary.2410001 TIgER/FoX//FXonE $66.99

    2410001 H18 DAggER CoVER $105.002410020 H20 DAggER CoVER $123.00

    WILD CAT DAGGERBOARD / RUDDER COVERSPrtect thse bards! This is a abslute must fr the racer.F99268017 WILD CAT DAggER BoARD CoVERS (FITS 2 Lg BoARDS)$68.99F99268010 WILD CAT RUDDER CoVERS (PAIR) $71.99

    Covers: Prtect sails ad hardware frm su ad abrasi damae. Perhaps thereatest eemy f may mder fabrics is the sus ultra vilet radiati. It deteriratesyl uless its specially treated ad it attacks dacr sail clth ad weakes it.Frtuately, yl ca be treated t make it UV tlerat ad acrylic fabrics exhibitseemily edless resistace t UV radiati. These sail bas ad sail cvers ca beused t prtect yur dacr sails frm UV radiati damae.