Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang : being creative thinker in the...

Being Creative in the Digital Broadband Era Thru Mastering Six Aptitudes 6 Career Lesson in the Digital Broadband Era PRESENTED BY : Saiful Hidayat eHealth Project Director PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Meet with IKA , Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawaijaya Malang , 3 Nopember 2012



Transcript of Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang : being creative thinker in the...

Page 1: Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang :  being creative thinker  in the conceptual age

Being Creative in the Digital Broadband Era Thru Mastering Six Aptitudes

6 Career Lesson in the Digital Broadband Era

PRESENTED BY : Saiful Hidayat eHealth Project Director PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Meet with IKA , Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawaijaya Malang , 3 Nopember 2012

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Curriculum  Vitae  :  SAIFUL  HIDAYAT    Educa&on  :  -­‐  MT  in  Informa5on  System  and  Technology,  ITB  1999  -­‐  S1  in  Telecomunica5on,  Unibraw  1988  Working  Experiences  :  -­‐  1992-­‐  2004    :  Staff  at  PT.  Telekomunikasi  Indonesia,  Tbk  

-­‐  2004  -­‐  2006    :  PT.  Telekomunikasi  Indonesia,  Tbk      :  Manager  e-­‐Solu5on  Mul5media  Division  

-­‐  2006  –  2007    :  PT.  Finnet  (Telkom  Group)      :  General  Manager  of  Opera5on  

-­‐  2007  –  2010  :  PT.  Telekomunikasi  Indonesia,  Tbk      :  Head  of  IT  Service  Strategy  

-­‐  2010  –  2011  :  PT.  Admedika  (Telkom  Group)      :  Director  Of  Business  Development  

-­‐  2011  –  Now  :  PT.  Telekomunikasi  Indonesia,  Tbk      :  Project  Director  Of  Ehealth  Business  Project  

Interterna&onal  Speaker  :  -­‐  1st  Vietnam  Interna5onal  Telecoms  Summit  -­‐  12th  Health  Informa5c  System  Society  Asia  Pasific  Conference    -­‐  4th  Indonesia  Interna5onal  Telecoms  Summit  

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Broadband is a major Driver of the Economy

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Seamless Mobility - TIME Location, Time and Device Agnostic

Watch TV on Train, Program DVR for Tonight

Find Child’s GPS Location on TV

Download the Latest Tunes

Schedule a Meeting

Conference Face-to-Face

Make Wait Time Productive

Work from Home

Watch Shows on Demand, Answer Video Call on TV

Conduct Telepresence Meeting

Keep YOU Informed, Connected, Entertained and Secure as You Move Through Life - at Home, at Work, and on the Go

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Impact of Digital Technology Power

Moore’s Law

says that computing

power doubles every

18 months

X1.3 pa


Gilder’s Law says that

Telecom BW triples every

12 months

X3 pa


Metcalfe’s Law says that the value of a network is the square of its


x n x n


Kao’s Law says that

creativity rises exponentially

with diversity

x exp (d)

X X X = Impact

Of Technology

Source: Peter Fisk, Marketing Genius

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Automation “Any job that depends on routines – that can be reduced to a set of rules, or broken down

into a set of repeatable steps – is at risk.”

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Abundance “In an age of

abundance, appealing only to rational,

logical, and functional needs is woefully


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Fast Lane

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Keeping up with the competition

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It’s a New Age….. The Upcoming Era of Conceptual Age

Source: Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind, New York, Riverhead Books, 2005 18th century 19th century 20th century 21st century


INDUSTRIAL AGE (factory workers)

INFORMATION AGE (knowledge workers)

CONCEPTUAL AGE (creators & empathizers)

ATG (affluence, technology, globalization)



“The Next decade will be the Value Era- the refining & institutionalizing of the concept of value. Value isn’t just money. Its intellectual capital, ideas, innovation”. Gordon Petrash, PWC- Intellectual Asset Management Practice

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God News and Bad News

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Creativity:\cre-a-tiv-ity\n. the ability to use imagination to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create

meaningful new ideas, forms, methods

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The Six Aptitudes for Conceptual Age

But Also…


Not Just…

•  Function •  Argument •  Focus •  Logic •  Seriousness •  Accummulation

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What People Want now is : •  Something that beautifully designed •  Whimsical or emotionally engaging

Only expert on function è No Longer Enough

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Story Only argument è Not anymore Why ? We were Flooded by information everyday We Need story teller who help us make sense of it

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Life is Like a Music : Symphony

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v The ability to empathize and thereby build relationships will

help drive projects and partnerships forward takes on

equal importance as logic

v People and organization with this skill will thrive

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From Seriousness to Play Through play, an individual avoids what called the lure of ‘‘false endpoints,’’ a problem-solving style more typical of harried adults than of playful youngsters. False endpoints are avoided through play, because players are having so much fun that they keep nodding away at a problem and might well arrive at something better than the first, good-enough solution.

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Meaning The Struggle for survival and success has been replace from just Accumulate things to “Pursue more Significant Desires, such as Purpose, transcendence and Spiritual Fulfillment

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“The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind – creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. These people – artists, inventors,

designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture

thinkers – will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.” (Pink,


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Getting ready for Conceptual Age

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Mastering the skill of conceptual-age worker

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Design Sense

Joint art programs

Assess not just Content, but also appearance

Become visual literate

Try to use image to solve problems and communicate

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Story telling abilities When writing, try to use narrative voice “the persona telling the story”

Learning speaking skill along with multimedia presentation creation

Werner Vogels, Amazon.Com CTO

Learn storyboarding as a skill

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Symphony : Synthesis Abilities Joint Cross Discipline Projects

Applied your skills and concepts To the real problems

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Empathy : Feeling for others Use web to find literature about people from other cultures and socio-economics groups

Grab service learning and volunteer opportunities

Join collaborative group projects

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Play : Sense of Humor

Play game, such as simulations And Multi Players Games

Joint varieties of sports, athletics, and other psychical activities , Not Just Computers!

Access humor site on the web

Joint participatory music classes that include music composition

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Meaning Use the web to find information on comparative religion, myth, legend

Learn ethical behaviors as part of every projects

Read this book and other books with the same subject

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Right-brained and holistic skills will mark the difference between success and failure in the business world today

and in the foreseeable future

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Lesson For Your Career

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There is no plan “Career plan”

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You can try to do this

and this

Who said I don’t have plan ?

For Your Career

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You can try, but it usually doesn’t work out the way you planned it

problem of career plan is

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A plan is like a path

Try think of it his way …..

So, show me the path !

There is No set path

But There is a Way …..


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to the way is

Make Smart Choices And don’t let stuff randomly happen Because you think (hope?) it

will lead to something else whether you enjoy it or not

Because you think it is inherently valuable (regardless of what it may lead to)

Most of the time successful people make Decisions for Fundamental Reason

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Lesson learn from him…

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Think strengths not weaknesses

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You should….. Focus on this

Not this

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Why ….?

Google Founder Sergey Brin

ORACLE Founder Larry Ellison

?????? J

Because….. This Successful peoples focus on

APPLE Founder Steve Jobs

They were identified what they good at And make “that”

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Your Insanely great

Your Strengths Your Passion

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Fine your remarkable and Don’t be Mediocre

Because bottom line is… Your not “average”

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It’s not about you but It’s about adding value

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What is it …?

It’s about using your strengths and talents to help others

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Your Mission

Your Strengths Your Passion

What the others needs

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Presistence Trumps Talent

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is Important…

You must Persistence

They are many talented people who didn’t persist, who gave up and passed by people who less talent but more grit and persistence

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How to persistence

1 2


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Motivated your self

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Make Excellent Mistake

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Remember : No Pain – No Gain

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If you’re not prepared to be wrong, your never come up with anything original

- Sir Ken Robinson

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Leave and Imprint

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Remember this old Proverb

About …. Tiger, Elephant and a Man when they were died

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Questions when you are older

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No matter who you are and What your career path looks like..

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Don’t wait to make contributions

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Merci Grazie








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