Sahun Hadsall - Relationships and What You Can Do

Hopefully you know by now that you’ll automatically see a direct correlation between your body (along with other rewards in life) and the people you spend your time with. The way I see it, there are 4 types of people in this world: - Those who divide your life... - Those who subtract from your life... - Those who add to your life and... - Those who help you multiply your efforts in life. That’s why I recommend you make a conscious decision to spend your time with like-minded positive people who share similar goals. If you do, your fat loss and your life will eventually flourish. A perfect example are the pictures below from an annual Toys for Tots charity event in Denver, Colorado this past weekend.

Transcript of Sahun Hadsall - Relationships and What You Can Do

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Hopefully you know by now that you’ll automatically see a direct correlation between your body (along with other rewards in life) and the people you spend your time with. 

The way I see it, there are 4 types of people in this world:  

- Those who divide your life... 

- Those who subtract from your life... 

- Those who add to your life and... 

- Those who help you multiply your efforts in life. 

That’s why I recommend you make a conscious decision to spend your time with like-minded positive people who share similar goals. 

If you do, your fat loss and your life will eventually flourish. 

A perfect example are the pictures below from an annual Toys for Tots charity event in Denver, Colorado this past weekend. 



My business partner Ryan Colby, and our beautiful wives, partnered with other Fitness Professionals to collectively buy $102,173 worth of toys for needy children in the Denver area. 

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This means thousands of kids who normally wouldn’t have received a present this year will now have toys to open when they wake up on Christmas morning.  

And best of all, Get Lean In 12 made a significant contribution to this cause thanks to YOU. 

This is just one of the MANY benefits of effectively partnering and building relationships with the right people in your life. 

It’s truly amazing what happens when you get out of your comfort zone and gather with other people who share similar dreams and goals. 

Trust me on this. You can’t go it alone! 

I know for a fact. 

I tried to go it alone for 3 LONG years with Get Lean In 12, and guess what? 

I FAILED – miserably. 

Until I made the decision to get out of my comfort zone and effectively partner with the right people I went nowhere. 

Then I finally built a few key relationships in my life, hired a coach, and got the right social support. 

Sure enough – I’ve been fortunate enough to take 3 on-line health and fitness books to the Top 10 best seller list. 

Like I said. Powerful stuff. 

And I don’t share any of this to impress you, but to impress UPON you the positive impact of building the right relationships that can have on your body and life. 

You should know by now that I’m nobody special. I’m just like you. 

Bottom line: If you spend your time with people who care about their health, exercise, and do their best to live lean... 

...You will eventually be one of them too. 

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But if you hang around at your local pub every night with overweight folks who booze it up all the time... 

...You’ll end up being an overweight boozer too. 

And the bible clearly reveals it as well: 

"Two are better than one,     because together they can work more effectively. If one of them fall down,     the other can help him up... Two people can resist an attack     that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break." (Ecc 4:9) 

Whether you’re a believer or not, this is basic common sense.  

So if you’re struggling staying consistent with your health, or ANY area of your life, I bet this is probably THE biggest contributing factor. 

I highly recommend that you focus on building the right relationships in your life and you’ll be blown away by what happens when you’re surrounded with the right people. 

It could be some type of exercise or workout where you meet with friends and get pushed out of your comfort zone. 

It could be a fitness boot camp or a small group from church. 

My wife, Karen, goes to a body toning class where she meets with friends 3 or 4 times a week. 

You could even form your own team where you hold each other accountable to certain goals and behaviors. 

That’s why many of us in the picture above have formed a small men’s group on Google groups where we hold each other accountable. 

It’s called Fit Pro Christian Mastermind and our goal is to serve others, positively change as many lives as we can, and leave an earthly legacy that makes God smile.  

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We openly and honestly share our struggles, our failures, and hold each other accountable to becoming better people. 

We lift each other up when we’re feeling down and we pat each other on the back when we do right. 

We're a band of brothers and we do "life" together. 

And let me tell feels awesome to have this kind of support. 

I truly believe, with all my heart, that if you spend your time with the wrong folks you could be wasting your potential in life.  

It’s not a maybe’s a guarantee. 

THIS is how you can spread your wings and fly. 

It really is as simple as this... 

You’re either regressing or growing – nothing stands still. So get busy living with the right people...or get busy dying with the wrong people. 

Just like so many others...I’m living proof. 

Your friend and coach, 

Shaun "you become who you hang out with" Hadsall