Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)

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  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)






    Document Information:

    1st editionEdited by: Mika'il al-Almany

    Created: 2009-10-02 1:!1:"!

    #ast modified: 2009-11-0" 01:0$:09

    %ersion: 09110"010$09$9-11&

  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)




    Book 26: The Book on Sa!tat"on# an$ G%eet"n (K"ta' A#-Saa)*Introduction !C(a)ter 1: *(e rider s(ould first +reet t(e )edestrian and t(e small number s(ould +reet

    t(e lar+e number of )ersons "

    C(a)ter 2: *(e duty t(at one o,es on t(e roadside is to res)ond t(e +reetin+ of as-alaam-u-'Alaikum "

    C(a)ter $: *(e ri+(t of a muslim u)on anot(er muslim is t(at (is +reetin+ s(ould beres)onded &

    C(a)ter !: .ro(ibition of sayin+ first as-alam-u-'Alaikum to t(e )eo)le of t(e book/

    and (o, t(eir salutations s(ould be res)onded &C(a)ter ": Ecellence of +reetin+ t(e c(ildren

    C(a)ter &: .ermissibility of +iin+ )ermission 3to enter t(e (ouse4 by raisin+ t(e curtainor makin+ some ot(er si+ns like it 9

    C(a)ter : .ermissibility of ,omen +oin+ out in t(e fields for easin+ t(emseles 9

    C(a)ter : It is )ro(ibited to sit ,it( a stran+e lady in )riacy or to enter (er (ouse,(en s(e is alone 10

    C(a)ter 9: It is ecellent to tell a man ,(en one is accom)anied by one's ,ife orma(ram lady t(at s(e is one's ,ife or ma(ram and to remoe (is doubt 11

    C(a)ter 10: If a )erson comes to a meetin+ and finds s)ace t(ere (e s(ould sit t(ere/

    ot(er,ise (e s(ould de)art 12C(a)ter 11: if a )erson +oes a,ay from t(e )lace occu)ied by (im/ (e (as a better ri+(t

    to occu)y it after comin+ back 1$

    C(a)ter 12: *(e entrance of t(e eunuc( 3in a (ouse ,(ere t(ere are female inmates4 is)ro(ibited 1!

    C(a)ter 1$: .ermission of seatin+ a ,oman on t(e ride be(ind one's back if one finds(er com)letely e(austed in t(e ,ay 1"

    C(a)ter 1!: It is )ro(ibited for t,o )ersons to conerse secretly ,it(out t(e consent oft(e t(ird one 1&

    C(a)ter 1": Medicine and s)ell 1&

    C(a)ter 1&: Ma+ic and s)ell 1C(a)ter 1: .oison 1

    C(a)ter 1: *(e ecellence of curin+ t(e )atient ,it( t(e (el) of incantation 1C(a)ter 19: Curin+ of t(e )atient ,it( t(e recitation of Mu'a,,id(atan 3suras ciii/

    ci4 20C(a)ter 20: *(e ecellence of curin+ 3,it( t(e (el) of incantation4 t(e influence of t(eeil eye and small )ustules and t(e )oison 3es)ecially of snake and scor)ion4 21

    C(a)ter 21: .ermissibility of +ettin+ re,ard for incantations from t(e ,ords of t(e5ur'an 2!

    C(a)ter 22: Ecellence of )lacin+ one's (ands at t(e s)ot of )ain at t(e time of

    )ractisin+ incantation 2"C(a)ter 2$: eekin+ refu+e a+ainst satan from t(e eil )rom)tin+s in t(e )rayer 2"

    C(a)ter 2!: *(ere is a remedy for eery malady and it is ecellent to +et treatment 2&C(a)ter 2": Disa))roal of a))lyin+ remedy by )ourin+ t(e medicine in t(e mout(

    forcibly 29

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    C(a)ter 2&: *reatment ,it( t(e (el) of Indian aloes,ood 29

    C(a)ter 2: 6emedy by a))lyin+ 7i+ella $0C(a)ter 2: *albina +ies comfort to t(e )atient $0

    C(a)ter 29: 6emedy ,it( t(e (el) of (oney $1C(a)ter $0: .la+ue/ ill omen and ma+ic $1C(a)ter $1: *(ere is no infection/ no eil omen/ no (ama/ no safar/ no star )romisin+

    rain/ no +(oul and t(e ill s(ould not +o to t(ose ,(o are (ealt(y $"C(a)ter $2: 8men/ diination and t(at ,(ic( is unlucky $

    C(a)ter $$: a(anat 3diination4 is )ro(ibited and it is forbidden to +o to t(e a(in $9

    C(a)ter $!: It is adisable to aoid miin+ ,it( t(e le)er !1C(a)ter $": *(e desirability of killin+ a +ecko 3(ouse liard4 !"

    C(a)ter $&: .ro(ibition-of killin+ t(e ants !&C(a)ter $: It is forbidden to kill t(e cat !

    C(a)ter $: *(e merit of su))lyin+ ,ater and food to animals !

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  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)



    Cha,te% 2: The $!t4 that one o5e# on the %oa$#"$e "#to %e#,on$ the &%eet"n& o a#-Saaa-!-Aa"k!

    Book .26/ N!'e% 010:

    Abu *al(a re)orted:

  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)



    Cha,te% 3: 9%oh"'"t"on o #a4"n& "%#t a#-Saa-!-Aa"k! to the ,eo,e o the 'ook/ an$ ho5the"% #a!tat"on# #ho!$ 'e %e#,on$e$

    Book .26/ N!'e% 017.:

    Anas b Malik re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+:

  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)



    Book .26/ N!'e% 017:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of A'nas( ,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+ 'A'is(aunderstood t(eir meanin+ and cursed t(em and Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said:'A'is(a 3do not do t(at4 for Alla( does not like t(e use of (ars( ,ords/ and it ,as at t(is sta+e t(at t(iserse of Alla( t(e Ealt ed and =lorious ,as reealed: And ,(en t(ey come to t(ee/ t(ey +reet t(ee,it( a +reetin+ ,it( ,(ic( Alla( +reets t(ee not 3Iiii 4 to t(e end of t(e erse

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0177:

    ;abir b Abdulla( re)orted t(at some )eo)le from amon+st t(e ;e,s said to Alla('s Messen+er 3may

    )eace be u)on (im4 Abu'l-5asim as-am-u-'Alaikum/ ,(ereu)on (e said:

  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)



    Cha,te% 6: 9e%"##"'""t4 o &";"n& ,e%"##"on (toente% the ho!#e) '4 %a"#"n& the +!%ta"n o% ak"noe othe% #"&n# "ke "t

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0181:

    Ibn Mas'ud re)orted: *(e Messen+er of Alla( 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said to me: *(e si+n t(atyou (ae been )ermitted to come in is t(at t(e curtain is raised or t(at you (ear me s)eakin+ Buietlyuntil I forbid you

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0183:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of 'baidulla( ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Cha,te% : 9e%"##"'""t4 o 5oen &o"n& o!t "n the"e$# o% ea#"n& the#e;e#

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0180:

    A'is(a re)orted t(at auda 3Alla( (e )leated ,it( (er4 ,ent out 3in t(e fields4 in order to ans,er t(ecall of nature een after t(e time ,(en eil (ad been )rescribed for ,omen (e (ad been a bulky lady/si+nificant in (ei+(t amon+st t(e ,omen/ and s(e could not conceal (erself from (im ,(o (ad kno,n

    (er 'mar b (attab sa, (er and said: auda/ by Alla(/ you cannot conceal from us *(erefore/ becareful ,(en you +o out (e 3'A'is(a4 said: (e turned back Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on(im4 ,as at t(at time in my (ouse (ain+ (is eenin+ meal and t(ere ,as a bone in (is (and (e

    3auda4 cline and said: Alla('s Messen+er I ,ent out and 'mar said to me so and so (e 3'A'is(a4re)orted: *(ere came t(e reelation to (im and t(en it ,as oer t(e bone ,as t(en in (is (and and (e(ad not t(ro,n it and (e said: .ermission (as been +ranted to you t(at you may +o out for yourneeds

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0186:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of @is(am ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters/ and

    t(e ,ords are: (e 3auda4 ,as a ,oman ,(o looked to be si+nificant amon+st t(e )eo)le 3so far ast(e bulk of (er4 body ,as concerned *(e rest of t(e (adit( is t(e same

    Book .26/ N!'e% 018:

    'A'is(a re)orted t(at t(e ,ies of Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 used to +o out in t(e

    coer of ni+(t ,(en t(ey ,ent to o)en fields 3in t(e outskirts of Medina4 for easin+ t(emseles 'marb (attab used to say: Alla('s Messen+er/ ask your ladies to obsere eil/ but Alla('s Messen+er 3may)eace be u)on (im4 did not do t(at o t(ere ,ent out auda/ dau+(ter of Farn'a/ t(e ,ife of Alla('sMessen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4/ durin+ one of t(e ni+(ts ,(en it ,as dark (e ,as a tallstatured lady 'mar called (er sayin+: auda/ ,e reco+nise you 3@e did t(is ,it( t(e (o)e t(at t(e

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    erses )ertainin+ to eil ,ould be reealed4 'A'is(a said: Alla(/ t(e Ealted and =lorious/ t(enreealed t(e erses )ertainin+ to eil

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0187:*(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Ibn (i(ab ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Cha,te% 7: It "# ,%oh"'"te$ to #"t 5"th a #t%an&e a$4"n ,%";a+4 o% to ente% he% ho!#e 5hen #he "# aone

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0188:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: ?e(old/ no )erson s(ould

    s)end t(e ni+(t ,it( a married ,oman/ but only in case (e is married to (er or (e is (er Ma(ram

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03..:

    'Bba b Amir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: ?e,are of +ettin+/into t(e (ouses and meetin+ ,omen 3in seclusion4 A )erson from t(e Ansir said: Alla('s Messen+er/,(at about (usband's brot(er/ ,(ereu)on (e said: @usband's brot(er is like deat(

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.*:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Haid b Abu @abib ,it( t(e same c(ain of


    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.2:


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    Cha,te% 8: It "# e+eent to te a an 5hen one "#a++o,an"e$ '4 one# 5"e o% ah%a a$4 that#he "# one# 5"e o% ah%a an$ to %eo;e h"#$o!'t

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.3:

    Anas re)orted t(at ,(en Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 ,as in t(e com)any of one of(is ,ies a )erson (a))ened to )ass by t(em @e called (im and ,(en (e came/ (e said to (im: 0 soand so/ s(e ,as my suc( and suc( ,ife *(ereu)on (e said/ Alla('s Messen+er/ if I ,ere to doubt at all/I ,ould (ae entertained no doubt about you at least *(ereu)on Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be

    u)on (im4 said: %erily atan circulates in t(e body like blood

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.0:

    afiyya dau+(ter of @uyyay 3t(e ,ife of Alla('s A)ostle4 re)orted t(at ,(ile Alla('s Messen+er3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad been obserin+ I'tikaf/ I came to isit (im one ni+(t and talked ,it((im for some time *(en I stood u) to +o back and (e 3Alla('s A)ostle4 also stood u) ,it( me in orderto bid me +ood-bye (e ,as at t(at time residin+ in t(e (ouse of sama b Faid *(e t,o )ersonsfrom t(e Ansar (a))ened to )ass by (im

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    t(ese t(ree )ersons 8ne of t(em sou+(t refu+e ,it( Alla( and Alla( +ae (im refu+e and t(e secondone felt s(y and Alla( s(o,ed kindness to (as s(yness 3and so (e ,as accommodated in t(at meetin+4/

    and t(e last one reerted and Alla( turned a,ay @is attention from (im

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Is(aB b 'Abdulla( b *al(a ,it( t(e same c(ain oftransmitters

    Cha,te% **: " a ,e%#on &oe# a5a4 %o the ,a+eo++!,"e$ '4 h"/ he ha# a 'ette% %"&ht to o++!,4"t ate% +o"n& 'a+k

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.7:

    Ibn 'mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ain+ said: 7one of you s(ouldmake anot(er one stand in t(e meetin+ and t(en occu)y (is )lace

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.8:

    Ibn 'mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: 7o )erson s(ould askanot(er )erson to stand at (is )lace and t(en (e s(ould (imself sit t(ere/ but (e s(ould sim)ly say:Make room and accommodate

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*.:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Ibn 'mar t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmittersbut ,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03**:

    Ibn 'mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: 7one s(ould make one'brot(er stand and t(en sit at (is )lace 3and it ,as common ,it(4 Ibn mar t(at ,(en any )erson stoodin t(e com)any 3,it( a ie, to makin+ room for (im4 (e did not sit t(ere

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*2:

    *(is (adit( (ilt been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Ma'mar ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*1:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace (e u)on (im4 as sayin+: 7one amon+st you s(ould make(is brot(er stand on Griday 3durin+ t(e con+re+ational )rayer4 and t(en occu)y (is-)lace but (es(ould only say to (im 3Accommodate me4

    Book 26 - !! / 39

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*3:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+:

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    carryin+ of t(e stone dates u)on your bead is more seere a burden t(an ridin+ ,it( (im (e said: 3Iled t(e life of (ards(i)4 until Abu ?akr sent after,ards a female serant ,(o took u)on (erself t(e

    res)onsibility of lookin+ after t(e (orse and I felt as it s(e (ad emanci)ated me

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*7:

    Asma' re)orted: I )erformed t(e (ouse(old duties of Fubair and (e (ad a (orse I used to look afterit 7ot(in+ ,as more burdensome for me t(an lookin+ after t(e (orse I used to brin+ +rass for it andlooked after it/ t(en I +ot a serant as Alla('s A)ustle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad some )risoners of,ar in (is )ossession @e +ae me a female serant (e 3t(e female serant4 t(en be+an to look aftert(e (orse and t(us relieed me of t(is burden A )erson came and (e said: Mot(er of 'Abdulla(/ I am adestitute )erson and I intend t(at I s(ould start business under t(e s(ado, of your (ouse I 3Asma'4said: If I +rant you )ermission/ Fubair may not a+ree to t(at/ so you come and make a demand of it

    ,(en Fubair is also )resent t(ere @e came accordin+ly find said: Mot(er of 'Abdulla( I am adestitute )erson I intend to start t mall business in t(e s(ado, of your (ouse I said: Is t(ere not in

    Medina 3any )lace for startin+ t(e business4 ece)t my (ouse Fubair said: oin (im 3and dis)el (is loneliness4/ for it may (urt (is feelin+s

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0322:

    'Abdulla( re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: If you are t(ree/ t,os(ould not conerse secretly to t(e eclusion of your com)anion for t(at (urts (is feelin+s

    Book 26 - !3 / 39

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    Alla(/ its ,ater ,as yello, like (enna and its trees ,ere like (eads of t(e deils (e said t(at s(easked Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as to ,(y (e did not burn t(at @e said: 7o/ Alla(

    (as cured me and I do not like t(at I s(ould induce )eo)le to commit any (i+(-(andedness in re+ard

    3to one anot(er4/ but I only commanded t(at it s(ould be buried

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0328:

    'A'is(a re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 ,as affected ,it( a s)ell/ t(e restof t(e (adit( is t(e same but ,it( t(is ariation of ,ordin+: Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on(im4 ,ent to t(e ,ell and looked to,ards it and t(ere ,ere trees of date-)alm near it I 3'A'is(a4 said: Iasked Alla(' Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 to brin+ it out/ and 1 did not say:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0311:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of (u'ba t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmitters 3andt(e ,ords are4: @e rubbed (im ,it( (is (and and 3in4 t(e (adit( transmitted on t(e aut(ority of*(auri 3t(e ,ords are4 @e used to rub ,it( (is ri+(t (and *(is (adit( (as been re)orted t(rou+(anot(er c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0313:

    'A'is(a re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 033.:

    'A'is(a re)orted t(at ,(en Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 fell ill/ (e recited oer (isbody Mu'a,,id(atan and ble, oer (im and ,(en (is sickness ,as a++raated I used to recite oer(im and rub (im ,it( (is band ,it( t(e (o)e t(at it ,as more blessed

    Book .26/ N!'e% 033*:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated t(rou+( some ot(er c(ains of transmitters but ,it( a sli+(t ariation

    of ,ordin+ In t(e (adit( transmitted on t(e aut(ority of Hanus and Fiyari 3t(e ,ords are4:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 033:

    'A'is(a re)orted: Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace (e u)on (im4 commanded me t(at I s(ould makeuse of incantation for curin+ t(e influence of an eil eye

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0337:

    Anas b Malik re)orted in connection ,it( incantation t(at (e (ad been +ranted sanction 3to useincantation as a remedy4 for t(e stin+ of t(e scor)ion and for curin+ small )ustules and dis)ellin+ t(e

    influence of an eil eye

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0338:

    Anas re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 +ranted (im sanction to useincantation 3as a cure4 for t(e/ influence of an eil eye/ t(e stin+ of t(e scor)ion and small )ustules

    Book .26/ N!'e% 030.:

    mm alama/ t(e ,ife of Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4/ re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er3may )eace be u)on (im4 said to a small +irl in t(e (ouse of mm alama t(at (e (ad been seein+ on(er face black stains and told (er t(at t(at ,as due to t(e infiluence of an eil eye/ and (e asked t(ats(e s(ould be cured ,it( t(e (el) of incantation 3(o)in+4 t(at (er face s(ould become s)otles

    Book .26/ N!'e% 030*:

    ;abir b 'Abdulla( re)orted t(at Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 +ranted sanction to t(e

    family of @am for incantation 3in miti+atin+ t(e effect of t(e )oison of4 t(e snake/ and/ (e said -toAsma' dau+(ter of 'mais: ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters but,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0303:

    ;abir b 'Abdulla( re)orted I (ad a maternal uncle ,(o treated t(e stin+ of t(e scor)ion ,it( t(e (el)of incantation Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 forbade incantation @e came to (im and

    said: Alla('s Messen+er/ you forbade to )ractise incantation/ ,(ereas I em)loy it for curin+ t(e stin+ of

    Book 26 - ! / 39

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    t(e scor)ion/ ,(ereu)on (e said: @e ,(o amon+st you is ca)able of em)loyin+ it as a means to do+ood s(ould do t(at

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0300:*(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of A'mas( ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0306:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 )ro(ibited incantation *(en t(e )eo)leof Amr b @am came to Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 and said: a'i re)orted

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 036.:

    Abu a'id al-(udri re)orted idu ,a uk(d(iru 3I seek refu+e ,it( Alla( and ,it( @is .o,er from t(e eilt(at I find and t(at I fear4

    Cha,te% 21: Seek"n& %e!&e a&a"n#t #atan %o thee;" ,%o,t"n "n the ,%a4e%

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0361:t(man b Abu al-'As re)orted t(at (e came to Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 and

    said: Alla('s Messen+er/ t(e atan interenes bet,een me and my )rayer and my recitin+ of t(e 5ur'anand (e confounds me *(ereu)on Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said:/ *(at is 3t(e doin+of t(e atan4 ,(o is kno,n as (inab/ and ,(en you )erceie its effect/ seek refu+e ,it( Alla( fromit and s)it t(ree times to your left I did t(at and Alla( dis)elled t(at from me

    Book 26 - 2" / 39

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0363:

    't(man b Abu al-'As re)orted t(at (e came to Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 and (enarrated like t(is In t(e (adit( transmitted on t(e aut(ority of alam b 7u( t(ere is no mention oft(ree times/

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0360:

    *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of 't(man b Abu al-'As ,it( a sli+(t ariation of


    Cha,te% 23: The%e "# a %ee$4 o% e;e%4 aa$4 an$"t "# e+eent to &et t%eatent

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0366:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is a remedy for eery

    malady/ and ,(en t(e remedy is a))lied to t(e disease it is cured ,it( t(e )ermission of Alla(/ t(eEalted and =lorious

    Book .26/ N!'e% 036:

    ;abir re)orted t(at (e isited MuBanna' and t(en said: I ,ill not +o a,ay unless you +et yourselfcu))ed/ for I (eard Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 say: It is a remedy

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0367:

    'Asim b 'mar b 5atada re)orted: *(ere came to our (ouse 'Abdulla( and anot(er )erson fromamon+st t(e members of t(e (ouse(old ,(o com)lained of a ,ound ;abir said:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 03.:

    ;abir re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 sent a )(ystian to bayy b a'b @ecut t(e ein and t(en cauterised it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03*:

    A'mas( re)orted t(is ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters and (e made no mention of t(e fact t(at (ecut one of (is eins

    Book .26/ N!'e% 032:

    ;abir b 'Abdilla( re)orted t(at on t(e day of A(ab bayy receied t(e ,ound of an arro, in (ismedial arm ein Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 cauterised it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 031:

    ;abir re)orted t(at a'd b Mu'ad( receied a ,ound of t(e arro, in (is ein Alla('s Messen+er3may )eace be u)on (im4 cauterised it ,it( a rod and it ,as s,ollen/ to t(e Messen+er of Alla( 3may)eace be u)on (im4 did it for t(e second time

    Book .26/ N!'e% 033:

    Ibn 'Abbas re)orted t(at Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 +ot (imself cu))ed and +ae tot(e cu))er (is ,a+es and (e )ut t(e medicine in t(e nostril

    Book .26/ N!'e% 030:Anas b Malik re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 +ot (imself cu))ed and

    neer ,it((eld t(e ,a+es of anyone

    Book .26/ N!'e% 036:

    Ibn mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(e feer from t(ee(ement ra+in+ of t(e 3(eat of @ell4/ so cool it ,it( t(e (el) of ,ater

    Book .26/ N!'e% 03:

    Ibn mar re)orted Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: Geer is due to e(emenceof t(e beat of @ell/ so cool it ,it( ,ater

    Book .26/ N!'e% 037:

    Ibn mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: Geer is from t(ee(ement ra+in+ of t(e fire of @ell/ so etin+uis( it ,it( ,ater

    Book 26 - 22 / 39

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 038:

    Ibn 'mar re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: Geer is from t(ee(ement .a+in+ of t(e @ell-fire/ so cool it ,it( ,ater

    Book .26/ N!'e% 037.:

    'A'is(a re)orted Alla('s messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: Geer is from t(e e(ementra+in+ of t(e @ell-fire/ so cool it ,it( ,ater

    Book .26/ N!'e% 037*:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of @is(am ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0372:Asma' re)orted t(at a ,oman runnin+ (i+( feer ,as brou+(t to (er (e asked ,ater to be brou+(t

    and t(en s)rinkled it in t(e o)enin+ of a s(irt at t(e u))ermost )art of t(e c(est and said t(at Alla('sMessen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad said: Cool 3t(e feer4 ,it( ,ater for it is because of t(ee(emence of t(e beat of @ell

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0371:

    @is(am re)orted t(is (adit( ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters In t(e (adit( transmitted on t(eaut(ority of Ibn 7umair 3t(e ,ords are4: (e )oured ,ater on (er sides and in t(e o)enin+ of t(e s(irtat t(e u))ermost )art of t(e c(est *(ere is no mention of t(ese ,ords: It is from t(e e(emence of

    t(e (eat of t(e @ell *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Abu sama ,it( t(e same c(ainof transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0373:

    6afi' b (adi> re)orted: I (eard Alla('s messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(e feer isdue to t(e intense (eat of t(e @ell/ so cool it ,it( ,ater

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0370:

    6afi' b (adi> re)orted: I (eard Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(e feer isdue to t(e intense (eat of @ell/ so cool it do,n in your 3bodies4 ,it( ,ater Abu ?akr (as made no

    mention of t(e ,ord from you 3'ankum4/ but (e said t(at 6afi' b (adi> (ad informed (im of it

    Cha,te% 20: D"#a,,%o;a o a,,4"n& %ee$4 '4,o!%"n& the e$"+"ne "n the o!th o%+"'4

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0376:

    'A'is(a re)orted: ,e 3intended to )our4 medicine in t(e mout( of Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be

    u)on (im4 in (is illness/ but (e )ointed out 3,it( t(e +esture of (is (and4 t(at it s(ould not be )oured

    into t(e mout( a+ainst (is ,ill

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    a+ainst medicine

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    Cha,te% 27: Ta'"na &";e# +oo%t to the ,at"ent

    Book .26/ N!'e% 038*:'A'is(a t(e ,ife of Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0380:

    sama re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: .la+ue is a calamity ,(ic(,as inflicted on t(ose ,(o ,ere before you/ or u)on ?ani Isra'il o ,(en it (as broken out in a land/don't run out of it/ and ,(en it (as s)read in a land/ t(en don't enter it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0386:

    'Amir b a'd re)orted t(at a )erson asked a'd b Abu t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0387:

    sama b Faid re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ain+ said t(is: *(is calamityor illness ,as a )unis(ment ,it( ,(ic( ,ere )unis(ed some of t(e nations before you *(en it ,as leftu)on t(e eart( It +oes a,ay once and comes back a+ain @e ,(o (eard of its )resence in a land s(ould

    not +o to,ards it/ and (e ,(o (a))ened to be in a land ,(ere it (ad broken out s(ould not fly from it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0388:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( a different c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00..:

    (u'ba re)orted from @abib:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 00.2:

    *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of a'd b Malik/ (uaima b *(abit and samab Faid

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00.1:

    Ibra(im b a'd b Abu

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    destination if Alla( so ,ills *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of 'Abdulla( b @arit(,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00.6:'Amir b 6abi'a( re)orted: 'mar ,ent to yria and as (e came to ar+(/ information ,as +ien to

    (im t(at an e)idemic (ad broken out in yria 'Abd al-6a(man b 'Auf narrated to (im t(at Alla('sMessen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad said:

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    any kno,led+e of t(at/ but (e said t(at t(e sick camel s(ould not be taken to t(e (ealt(y one @arit(/(o,eer/ did not a+ree ,it( (im/ ,(ic( irritated Abu @uraira and (e said to (im some ,ords in t(e

    Abyssinian lan+ua+e @e said to @arit(: Do you kno, ,(at I said to you @e said: 7o Abu @uraira

    said: I sim)ly denied (ain+ said it Abu alama sad: ?y my life/ Abu @uraira in fact used to re)ortAlla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ain+ said: *(ere is no transitie disease I do not kno,,(et(er Abu @uraira (as for+otten it or (e deemed it an abro+ated statement in t(e li+(t of t(e ot(erone

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00**:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is no transitiedisease and (e also re)orted alon+ ,it( it: *(e ill s(ould not be taken to t(e (ealt(y

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*2:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*1:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is no transitiedisease/ no (uma/ no star )romisin+ rain/ no safar

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*3:

    ;abir re)orted Allal's Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is no transitie disease/no ill omen/ no +(oul

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*0:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is no transitie disease/no +(oul/ no safar

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*6:

    ;abir b 'Abdulla( re)orted Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is notransitie disease/ no safar/ no +(oul @e 3t(e narrator4 said: I (eard Abu Fubair say: ;abir e)lainedfor t(em t(e ,ord safar Abu Fubair said: safar means belly It ,as said to ;abir:

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    Cha,te% 12: Oen/ $";"nat"on an$ that 5h"+h "#!n!+k4

    Book .26/ N!'e% 00*:

    Abu @uraira re)orted: I (eard Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere is nodiination but t(e best ty)e is t(e +ood omen It ,as said to Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on(im4:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0020:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( ot(er c(ains of transmitters but ,it(sli+(t ariations of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0026:

    'mar b Mu(ammad b Faid re)orted t(at (e (eard (is fat(er narratin+ from Ibn 'mar t(at Alla('sMessen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad said If bad luck is a fact/ t(en it is in t(e (orse/ t(e ,oman

    and t(e (ouse

    Book .26/ N!'e% 002:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of (u'ba ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters butt(ere is no mention of t(e ,ord @aBB 3fact4

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0027:

    'Abdulla( b 'mar re)orted on t(e aut(ority of (is fat(er t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace beu)on (im4 said: If t(ere is bad luck in anyt(in+/ it is t(e (orse/ t(e abode and t(e ,oman

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0028:

    a(l b a'd re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: If bad luck ,ere to bein anyt(in+/ it is found in t(e ,oman/ t(e (orse and t(e abode

    Book .26/ N!'e% 001.:*(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of a(l b a'd ,it( a difterent c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 001*:

    ;abir re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: If bad luck ,ere to be inanyt(in+/ it is found in t(e land/ in t(e serant and in t(e (orse

    Cha,te% 11: Kahanat ($";"nat"on) "# ,%oh"'"te$ an$

    "t "# o%'"$$en to &o to the Kah"n

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0012:

    Mu'a,iya b al-@akam as-ulami re)orted: I said: Messen+er of Alla(/ t(ere ,ere t(in+s ,e used todo in t(e )re-Islamic days

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0011:

    *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0013:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Mu'a,iya b @akam as-ulami t(rou+( anot(erc(ain of transmitters *(e (adit( transmitted on t(e aut(ority of Ha(ya b Abu at(ir 3t(ere is anaddition of t(ese ,ords4: I said: Amon+ us t(ere are men ,(o dra, lines and t(us make diination

    inn snatc(es andt(ro,s into t(e ear of (is friend/ and makes an addition of one (undred lies to it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0016:

    'r,a re)orted from 'A'is(a t(at s(e said t(at )eo)le asked Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on(im4 about t(e ka(ins Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said to t(em: It is not(in+ 3i e it isa mere su)erstition4 *(ey said: Alla('s Messen+er/ t(ey at times narrate to us t(in+s ,(ic( ,e find

    true *(ereu)on Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said: *(at is a ,ord )ertainin+ to trut(,(ic( a >inn snatc(es a,ay and t(en cackles into t(e ear of (is friend as t(e (en does And t(en t(ey

    mi in it more t(an one (undred lies

    Book .26/ N!'e% 001:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0017:

    'Abdulla( Ibn 'Abbas re)orted: A )erson from t(e Ansar ,(o ,as amon+st t(e Com)anions ofAlla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 re)orted to me: As ,e ,ere sittin+ durin+ t(e ni+(t ,it(Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4/ a meteor s(ot +ae a dalin+ li+(t Alla('s Messen+er3may )eace be u)on (im4 said:

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0018:

    *(e (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri t(rou+( t(e same c(ain of transmitters but,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 003.:

    afiyya re)orted from some of t(e ,ies of Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 Alla('sA)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ain+ said: @e ,(o isits a diner 3'Arraf4 and asks (im about

    anyt(in+/ (is )rayers etendin+ to forty ni+(ts ,ill not be acce)ted

    Cha,te% 13: It "# a$;"#a'e to a;o"$ ""n& 5"th thee,e%

    Book .26/ N!'e% 003*:

    'Amr b (arid re)orted on t(e aut(ority of (is fat(er t(at t(ere ,as in t(e dele+ation of *(aBif a

    le)er Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 sent a messa+e to (im:

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    (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of Fu(ri ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters but ,it( a sli+(tariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0036:7afi' re)orted t(at Abu #ubaba talked to Ibn 'mar to o)en a door in (is (ouse ,(ic( ,ould brin+

    t(em nearer to t(e mosBue and t(ey found a fres( slou+( of t(e snake/ ,(ereu)on 'Abdulla( said: Gindit out and kill it Abu #ubaba said: Don't kill t(em/ for Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4forbade t(e killin+ of t(e snakes found in (ouses

    Book .26/ N!'e% 003:

    7afi' re)orted t(at Ibn 'rnar used to kill all ty)es of snakes until Abu #ubaba b 'Abd al-Mund(ir?adri re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 (ad forbidden t(e killin+ of t(e snakes

    of t(e (ouses/ and so (e abstained from it

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0037:

    7afi' re)orted t(at (e (eard Abu #ubaba informin+ Ibn 'mar t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace beu)on (im4 (ad forbidden t(e killin+ of domestic snakes

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0038:

    'Abdulla( re)orted t(at Abu #ubaba (ad informed (im t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on(im4 (ad forbidden t(e killin+ of t(e snakes found in t(e (ouse

    Book .26/ N!'e% 000.:

    7afi' re)orted t(at Abu #ubaba b 'Abd al-Mund(ir al-Ansari 3first4 lied in 5uba @e t(en s(iftedto Medina and as (e ,as in t(e com)any of 'Abdulla( b 'mar o)enin+ a ,indo, for (im/ (esuddenly sa, a snake in t(e (ouse *(ey 3t(e inmates of t(e (ouse4 attem)ted to kill t(at *(ereu)on

    Abu #ubaba said: *(ey (ad been forbidden to make an attem)t to kill (ouse snakes and t(ey (ad beencommanded to kill t(e snakes (ain+ small tails/ small snakes and t(ose (ain+ streaks oer t(em/ andit ,as said: ?ot( of t(em affect t(e eyes and cause miscarria+e to ,omen

    Book .26/ N!'e% 000*:

    7afi' re)orted on t(e aut(ority of (is fat(er t(at as 'Abdulla( b 'mar sa, one day 3standin+4 neart(e ruin 3of (is (ouse4 t(e slou+( of a snake and said 3to t(e )eo)le around (im4: .ursue t(is snake andkill it Abu #ubaba Ansari said: I (eard Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 @e forbade t(ekillin+ of snakes found in t(e (ouses ece)t t(e s(ort-tailed snakes and t(ose (ain+ streaks u)ont(em/ for bot( of t(em obliterate eyesi+(t and affect t(at ,(ic( is in t(e ,ombs of 3)re+nant4 ,omen

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0002:

    7afi' re)orted t(at Abu #ubaba (a))ened to )ass by Ibn 'mar ,(o lied in t(e fortified )lace neart(e (ouse of 'mar b (attab and ,as busy in kee)in+ (is eyes u)on a snake and killin+ it/ t(e rest oft(e (adit( is t(e same

    Book 26 - 34 / 39

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0001:

    'Abdulla( re)orted: ust as (e saed you from its eil

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0003:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of al-A'mas( ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0000:

    'Abdulla( re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 commanded a Mu(rim 3one

    ,(o is in t(e state of )il+rima+e4 to kill t(e snake at Mina

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0006:

    'Abdulla( re)orted: inns ,(o (ae acce)ted Islam/ so,(en you see any one of t(em/ )ronounce a ,arnin+ to it for t(ree days/ and if t(ey a))ear before you

    after t(at/ t(en kill it for t(at is a deil

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0007:

    Asma' b 'baid re)orted about a )erson ,(o ,as called as-a'ib (ain+ said:

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    a bi+ snake/ t(e rest of t(e (adit( is t(e same And in t(is Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4is re)orted to (ae said: %erily in t(ese (ouses t(ere lie a+ed 3snakes4/ so ,(en you see one of t(em/

    make life (ard for it for t(ree days/ and if it +oes a,ay 3,ell and +ood4/ ot(er,ise kill it for 3in t(at

    case4 it ,ould be a nonbelieer And (e 3t(e @oly .ro)(et4 said 3to (is Com)anions4: =o and buryyour com)anion 3,(o (ad died by t(e snake bite4

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0008:

    Abu a'id (udri re)orted Alla('s Messen+er (ain+ said: *(ere is a +rou) of >inns in Medina ,(oacce)ted Islam/ so (e ,(o ,ould see anyt(in+ from t(ese occu)ants s(ould ,arn (im t(ree times andif (e a))ears after t(at/ (e s(ould kill (im for (e is a satan

    Cha,te% 10: The $e#"%a'""t4 o k""n& a &e+ko (ho!#e


    Book .26/ N!'e% 006.:

    mm (arik re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 commanded (er to kill+eckos *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of Ibn Abi (aiba ,it( a sli+(t ariation of


    Book .26/ N!'e% 006*:

    mm (arik re)orted t(at s(e consulted Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4 in re+ard to

    killin+ of +eckos/ and (e commanded to kill t(em and mm (arik is one of t(e ,omen of ?ani 'Amirb #u,ayy *(is (adit( (as been re)orted t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmitters ,it( t(e samemeanin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0062:

    'Amir b a'd re)orted on t(e aut(ority of (is fat(er t(at Alla('s A)ostle 3may )eace be u)on (im4commanded t(e killin+ of +eckos/ and (e called t(em little noious creatures

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0061:

    'A'is(a re)orted t(at Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 said about t(e +ecko as a noious

    creature @armala made t(is addition t(at s(e said: I did not (ear t(at (e (ad commanded to kill t(em

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0063:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: @e ,(o killed a +ecko,it( t(e first stroke for (im is suc( and suc( a re,ard/ and (e ,(o killed it ,it( a second stroke for(im is suc( and suc( re,ard less t(an t(e first one/ and (e ,(o killed it ,it( t(e t(ird stroke for (im issuc( and suc( a re,ard less t(an t(e second one

    Book 26 - 36 / 39

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    Book .26/ N!'e% 0060:

    *(is (adit( (as been re)orted on t(e aut(ority of Abu @uraira t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmitters3and t(e ,ords are4: - @e ,(o killed a +ecko ,it( t(e first stroke for (im are ordained one (undredirtues/ and ,it( t(e second one less t(an t(at and ,it( t(e t(ird one less t(an t(at

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0066:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+ 3t(at (e ,(o kills a

    +ecko4 ,it( t(e first stroke t(ere are seenty re,ards for (im

    Cha,te% 16: 9%oh"'"t"on-o k""n& the ant#

    Book .26/ N!'e% 006:Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: An ant (ad bitten a

    .ro)(et 3one amon+st t(e earlier .ro)(ets4 and (e ordered t(at t(e colony of t(e ants s(ould be burntAnd Alla( reealed to (im: ?ecause of an ant's bite you (ae burnt a community from amon+st t(ecommunities ,(ic( sin+s My +lory

    Book .26/ N!'e% 0067:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: An A)ostle from

    amon+st t(e A)ostles of Alla( encam)ed under a tree/ and an ant bit (im/ and (e commanded (isbelon+in+s to be remoed from underneat( t(e tree @e t(en commanded and it ,as burnt/ and Alla(

    reealed to bin4:

  • 8/14/2019 Sahih Muslim - Book 26 - The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab as-Salam)



    Book .26/ N!'e% 002:

    *(is (adit( (as been transmitted on t(e aut(ority of Ibn 'mar also

    Book .26/ N!'e% 001:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: A ,oman ,as)unis(ed because of a cat (e (ad neit(er )roided (er ,it( food nor drink/ nor set (er free so t(ats(e mi+(t eat t(e insects of t(e eart(

    Book .26/ N!'e% 003:

    *(is (adit( (as been narrated on t(e aut(ority of @is(am ,it( t(e same c(ain of transmitters/ but,it( a sli+(t ariation of ,ordin+

    Book .26/ N!'e% 000:

    Abu @uraira re)orted t(is (adit( t(rou+( anot(er c(ain of transmitters

    Book .26/ N!'e% 006:

    @ammam b Manabbi( re)orted t(is (adit( on t(e aut(ority of Abu @uraira

    Cha,te% 17: The e%"t o #!,,4"n& 5ate% an$ oo$

    to an"a#Book .26/ N!'e% 00:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+s: A )erson sufferedfrom intense t(irst ,(ile on a >ourney/ ,(en (e found a ,ell @e climbed do,n into it and drank3,ater4 and t(en came out and sa, a do+ lollin+ its ton+ue on account of t(irst and eatin+ t(emoistened eart( *(e )erson said: *(is do+ (as suffered from t(irst as I (ad suffered from it @e

    climbed do,n into t(e ,ell/ filled (is s(oe ,it( ,ater/ t(en cau+(t it in (is mout( until (e climbed u)and made t(e do+ drink it o Alla( a))reciated t(is act of (is and )ardoned (im *(en 3t(e

    Com)anions around (im4 said: Alla('s Messen+er/ is t(ere for us a re,ard een for 3serin+4 suc(animals @e said: Hes/ t(ere is a re,ard for serice to eery liin+ animal

    Book .26/ N!'e% 007:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )ace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: A )rostitute sa, a do+moin+ around a ,ell on a (ot day and (an+in+ out its ton+ue because of t(irst (e dre, ,ater for itin (er s(oe and s(e ,as )ardoned 3for t(is act of (ers4

    Book .26/ N!'e% 008:

    Abu @uraira re)orted Alla('s Messen+er 3may )eace be u)on (im4 as sayin+: *(ere ,as a do+

    moin+ around a ,ell ,(om t(irst ,ould (ae killed uddenly a )rostitute from t(e )rostitutes of

    Book 26 - 3 / 39

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    ?ani Isra'il (a))ened to see it and s(e dre, ,ater in (er s(oe and made it drink/ and s(e ,as )ardonedbecause of t(is