Sahara tells SC it can’t pay up PM praises Kazakh’s 8...

Chetan Chauhan [email protected] NEW DELHI: India’s pollution monitoring will be strength- ened to an unprecedented level in 2015 with close to 100 cities to be added to a monitoring net- work and thousands of indus- tries to be put on web-based emission watch. The country’s foremost pol- lution watchdog, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), has finalised a road- map to widen the ambit of online monitoring of pollutants and has asked the state pollution control boards to implement it. “The project on web-based air quality database and a deci- sion support system has been compared. The state pollution control boards and the local bod- ies can use this program evolv- ing mitigation plan for better air quality management,” a senior CPCB official said. The project to improve air quality monitoring started in the year 2011-12 with the envi- ronment ministry allocating `10 crore for setting up continuous ambient air quality monitor- ing stations in critically pol- luted areas. However, the funds could be allocated only in 2013-14 because the technical specifica- tions could not be finalised. The CPCB believes that by this December most of these stations would become opera- tional and will start providing ground pollution levels to the air quality network. The national air quality network receives real time data from about 200 cities. Of these, in about 90% cities the air is toxic with pollutants being much more than the national standard. The CPCB believes that cover- ing more cities will create aware- ness against air pollution and push the local governments to act against rising air pollution. “We can only provide sugges- tions. The implementation has to be done by the state govern- ments and it will happen if there is more public pressure,” a sen- ior CPCB official said. The CPCB’s bid to having crit- ically polluted industries in 17 categories on national emission inventory has got a fillip from industry which has committed to install online monitoring sys- tems by end of September. Over 100 cities to be added to pollution monitoring network The country’s foremost pol- lution watchdog, the Central Pollution Control Board, has finalised a road map to widen the ambit of online monitoring of pollutants to cover 100 cities The CPCB believes that by this December, most of these stations would become opera- tional and will start providing ground pollution levels to the air quality network The CPCB’s bid to have critically polluted industries on national emission inventory also got a fillip after the sectors assured they will install online monitoring systems. Hindustan Times 8 july 2015

Transcript of Sahara tells SC it can’t pay up PM praises Kazakh’s 8...

Page 1: Sahara tells SC it can’t pay up PM praises Kazakh’s 8 july.pdfveterans said BJP president Amit Shah had assured ex-servicemen that the longstand-ing


HT Correspondent■ [email protected]

NEW DELHI: The Sahara group onTuesday expressed its inability topay `36,000 crore to its investorswithin 18 months as ordered bythe Supreme Court last month,saying there was “no businesshouse in the world or country”that could pay the amount withinthe time frame fixed by the court.

Sahara’s lawyer Kapil Sibal,however, clarified that the “obli-gation to pay” wasn’t disputed.Sibal told a special bench headedby Justice TS Thakur that hisclient would file an applicationseeking a review of last month’sorder setting tough terms for thegroup to secure the release of itsjailed chief, Subrata Roy, in Tiharjail since March last year.

Roy was jailed after he failed toappear before the Supreme Court in contempt proceedings initiated

bymarket regulator, the Securitiesand Exchange Board of India(SEBI), after the company did notabide by its 2013 verdict ordering arefund of money collected undertwo financial schemes declaredillegal by the top court.

Later, the court said Roy and twojailed directors would be releasedafter the company deposited`10,000 crore – half in cash and theremaining as bank guarantees – assurety amount. Sahara failed tocomply with the conditions, which is why Roy remains in jail.

Last month, the court said thecompany must pay the entire`36,000 crore, including interest, itowes to investors within 18 monthsin nine instalments. If Sahara failed to deposit three instalments, Roy and others would have to goback to jail. In another condition,Roy, on release from jail, wouldnot be allowed to travel abroadand must mark his presence at

the Tilak Marg police station inDelhi once every fortnight.

Senior counsel Arvind Dattar, appearing for the SEBI, opposedSibal’s plea, saying the group hadduring earlier arguments said ithad enough resources to return

the investors’ money. Sibal told the court that the

income tax department througha statutory order had acceptedthe group’s stand that a substan-tial amount had been refundedto investors.

The court asked a Gorakhpurreal estate developer, who offeredto pay `110 crore for a 45-acreproperty that Sahara is sellingfor `64 crore, to deposit 10% ofthe amount before the next hear-ing on July 13.

Sahara tells SC it can’t pay upHELPLESS Group says can’t comply withSC order to pay `36,000 cr in 18 months

HT Correspondent■ [email protected]

NEW DELHI: A section of militaryveterans said BJP presidentAmit Shah had assured ex-servicemen that the longstand-ing demand for ‘one-rank, onepension,’ mired in problems for 40 years, will be implemented ineight to 10 days.

Former Army deputy chieflieutenant general Raj Kadyan,who led a delegation to meetShah on Monday, said, “Whilenot committing on a firm datewhen the orders would be issued,he (Shah) said it would happenvery soon. On being furtherpressed, he quantified it wouldhappen in 8 to 10 days.” He saidShah did not “even once hesitatein saying what he did.”

Veterans, who launched coun-trywide protests, had in Junewarned the government theywould step up their agitationif it failed to set a deadline for implementation of the schemebefore July 15.

In his monthly radio addresson May 31, Prime MinisterNarendra Modi asked the ex-servicemen to give him some

time to work on the issue andfind a solution.

The government has so farfailed to stick to timelines given for implementing the schemethat is likely to benefit close tothree million pensioners.

However, BJP secretaryShrikant Sharma on Tuesday didnot comment on the deadline andsaid the party was committed tokeeping its OROP promise. “ThePM himself has spoken about it.There should be no doubt aboutgovernment’s intention. This isa long pending issue and the BJPshould get its time to address thematter,” Sharma added.

Currently, all pre-2006 (theyear the 6th pay panel report became effective) pensionersreceive lesser pension than notonly their counterparts but alsotheir juniors.

Shah promises OROP rowsolution in 10 days: Veterans

Jayanth Jacob■ [email protected]

UFA: Prime Minister NarendraModi is likely to meet hisPakistan counterpart NawazSharif when the two leadersarrive in the Russian city ofUfa on Wednesday to attend twosummits of Brazil, Russia, India,China, South Africa (BRICS) andShanghai Cooperation organiza-tion (SCO) from July 8-10.

The PM’s confirmed Ufa itin-erary currently only mentionshis bilateral meetings with allBRICS leaders and presidents ofIran and Afghanistan, but Indiansources said there is a strongpossibility of prime ministersof India and Pakistan “breakingthe ice” in a meeting.

Both India and Pakistan are setto become full-members of SCOclub of Russia, China, Tajikistan,

Kazakhstan, Kyrg yzstan,Uzbekistan. The external affairsministry refused to confirm ordeny the meeting despite repeat-ed queries. Pakistan sources saidIndia had requested for a meet-ing with Sharif and two govern-ments find it acceptable to havean “interaction between the twoprime ministers though it maynot be in a structured format” onthe sidelines of summits.

Modi is also likely to meetChinese president Xi Jingpingas well as Russian presidentVladimir Putin on Wednesday.Ufa, the host city of both SCOand BRICS summit could pro-vide an opportunity for Modi isto push ahead his Central Asiaconnectivity as he is meetingIran president Hassan Rouhani.Modi’s visit to Russia is inter-spersed between his visits to allfive Central Asian countries.

Chetan Chauhan■ [email protected]

NEW DELHI: India’s pollutionmonitoring will be strength-ened to an unprecedented level in 2015 with close to 100 citiesto be added to a monitoring net-work and thousands of indus-tries to be put on web-basedemission watch.

The country’s foremost pol-lution watchdog, the CentralPol lut ion Control Board (CPCB), has finalised a road-map to widen the ambit of onlinemonitoring of pollutants and hasasked the state pollution controlboards to implement it.

“The project on web-basedair quality database and a deci-sion support system has beencompared. The state pollutioncontrol boards and the local bod-ies can use this program evolv-ing mitigation plan for better airquality management,” a seniorCPCB official said.

The project to improve airquality monitoring started inthe year 2011-12 with the envi-ronment ministry allocating ̀ 10crore for setting up continuous

ambient air quality monitor-ing stations in critically pol-luted areas. However, the fundscould be allocated only in 2013-14because the technical specifica-tions could not be finalised.

The CPCB believes that by this December most of thesestations would become opera-tional and will start providingground pollution levels to the airquality network. The nationalair quality network receives realtime data from about 200 cities. Of these, in about 90% citiesthe air is toxic with pollutants being much more than thenational standard.

The CPCB believes that cover-ing more cities will create aware-ness against air pollution andpush the local governments toact against rising air pollution.“We can only provide sugges-tions. The implementation hasto be done by the state govern-ments and it will happen if there is more public pressure,” a sen-ior CPCB official said.

The CPCB’s bid to having crit-ically polluted industries in 17 categories on national emissioninventory has got a fillip fromindustry which has committedto install online monitoring sys-tems by end of September.

HT Correspondent■ [email protected]

NEW DELHI: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi, who is visitingfive Central Asian nations, paidrich tributes to the Islamic valuesof these nations and said that helooked forward to deepeningdefence ties and combating terror.

“We live at the frontier ofinstability. We live close to the crucible of extremism and terror-ism,” Modi said in Kazakhstan onTuesday. He was speaking at theNazarbayev University in Astana.

“So, during this visit, we willstrengthen our defence and secu-rity cooperation in the region. We will also combat terrorism by the strength of our valuesand our commitment to human-ism,” he said. Extolling IslamicKazakhstan’s culture and Sufiethos, Modi said Central Asia was

the confluence point of Indian andIslamic civilization. “The Islamicculture of these nations as Islamicheritage of both India and CentralAsia is defined by the highest ide-als of Islam — knowledge, piety, compassion and welfare.”

Modi’s trips to Uzbekistan,Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan — a grouping of strategically located,natural resources-rich nations inIndia’s vicinity where China hasvigorous trade ties – is aimed atnudging India’s geopolitical andeconomic interests.

During his nearly half-an-hour speech, Modi touched uponother important issues includingregional connectivity, establish-ment of a 21st century silk routeand economic integration betweenIndia and Central Asian countries.Among those listening was theKazakh PM Karim Mossimov.

Praising the country’s foreignpolicy, Modi said, “No Indian willforget Kazakhstan’sgenerosity inmaking wayfor India’s bid for themembership of the UN SecurityCouncil in 2011-12. We stand solidlybehind you for your bid in 2017-18.”

Over 100 cities to be added to pollution monitoring network

PM praises Kazakh’s Islamicvalues, seeks deeper ties

■ Sahara chief Subrata Roy at the Supreme Court. ARUN SHARMA/HT FILE


■ Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his Kazakhstan counterpartKarim Massimov on Tuesday. PTI

Modi, Sharif likely tomeet at BRICS summit

tourdiariesModi, Massimov launch firstdrilling at Satpayev oil blockASTANA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Kazakhstan premier KarimMassimov on Tuesday launched thefirst exploratory drilling of theSatpayev oil block by India’s OVL andKazMunaiGaz. The two leaders launched the drilling through live video conferencing. ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL) had in 2011 picked up 25%stake in the Satpayev oil block in theNorth Caspian Sea. IANS

Hindi’s importance to increasewith India’s prosperity: ModiTASHKENT: Holding that popularity of language was linked with finan-cial might of any country, PM Modi on Tuesday said that importance of Hindi was set to increase withIndia marching rapidly towards eco-nomic prosperity. In an address to Indologists, Hindi language stu-dents and Indian community mem-bers, Modi also referred to growingconflicts and said he liked UzbekPresident Islam Karimov’s view that music could be the best meansto stay away from violence. PTI

TURBULENT CASE HISTORY■ Sahara chief Subrata Roy

sent to jail on March 4 forcontempt of court for failingto appear before SC

■ Later, the SC said Roy wouldbe released after the companydeposited `10,000 crore – halfin cash and the remaining asbank guarantees – as suretyamount. Sahara failed to com-ply with the conditions.

■ In June 2015, the SC said thefirm must pay the entire`36,000 crore, includinginterest, it owes to theinvestors within the next18 months.




■ The country’s foremost pol-lution watchdog, the CentralPollution Control Board, hasfinalised a road map to widen the ambit of onlinemonitoring of pollutants to cover 100 cities

■ The CPCB believes that by this December, most of thesestations would become opera-

tional and will start providingground pollution levels to theair quality network

■ The CPCB’s bid to havecritically polluted industrieson national emissioninventory also got a fillipafter the sectors assuredthey will install onlinemonitoring systems.



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Hindustan Times 8 july 2015