Sage & Dee Discuss Plans to Save Zoolie 20.07.05 - 70kb

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  • 8/22/2019 Sage & Dee Discuss Plans to Save Zoolie 20.07.05 - 70kb


    was sitting on the terrace, reading herancient text, she looked a little healthier, only becauseshe had found a semi-antidote for now. She had to findout what it was Helvena, or as she gathered it was, was

    using to make her people mindless... Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Dee and approaches her,looking about to see if her clone is around "HelloDesaray"

    looked up to Sage, taking him in with heraqua eyes that were less luminescent than usual. "HelloSage" she said in Zoolfadian, honestly not bothering totrouble with speaking basic

    Jedi_Master_Sage : lmao, you spelled the name right]] : yeah, shes speaking in zoolfadian, not basic )

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Why are you speaking in Zoolfadian? not that Imind.

    "basic is too difficult" she replied softly,settling the old book down, it's leather covering tornlightly on the spine. The blackness of the leather hadfaded to a dull grey, showing its age

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I can speak in Zoolfadian, but basic is easier,can you understand the same?

    "yes, i can understand it easily enough"

    she gathered Sage hadn't heard about the cloneclaiming Zoolfadia's throne... and what has happenedafter

    Jedi_Master_Sage sits down across from her "I can sensesomething is on your mind, your eyes alone tell me asmuch"

    nodded gently "there is much... naminglyhow to return the minds back to my people... and oustDeviliah... convince my people she is not me"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Well unless they are under some sort ofcontrol, I'm sure there is physical evidence to prove who you are, but as

    for Devillah and what she seems to have done.. I'm not sure, is there a

    way we could exploit my status as the keeper of knowledge? or your ps

    Jedi_Master_Sage :psi-net capacity? : no.. there is no one that would remember you.. or

    be able to help you.. my people... no longer think for themselves...

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    Jedi_Master_Sage : How did this happen? : i was on holiday... somehow, Deviliah managed to

    convince the greater council.. and Jewel... i wish... i wishi knew how

    Jedi_Master_Sage : convince them of what?

    : convince them, she was me... convince them toallow her the throne back.. Jedi_Master_Sage : When you say the people no longer think for

    themselves, does that mean she has some psychic hold over them or is it

    more a political influence?

    : i don't know... she is a aunt that is..and Deviliah has my knowledge in herbs too... i think that is what

    drains their minds... it could be more...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Alright, I know little of Zoolfadian herbalism,but what about simply capturing her? from this range, does she still

    reflect her wounds on you?8Talera has joined the conversation.8Talera is away.

    : no... but, she has a planet of people at her disposal,an army... to protect her.. and i do not wish them harmed, they know

    not what they do

    Jedi_Master_Sage : tal] : Tally) : iopfghyjukiol;pk,jmhngbvfdcsxzaqw23e4t56u0-

    : oops, sorry, was cleaning keyboard) Talera : Dee!)) Talera : sage)

    8Talera has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : But a covertly performed operation could

    remove her from the throne, while you present yourself to the council

    : what council Sage? the only ones left in charge oftheir minds.. are here, myself, my partnet Julian, and a small group

    of gaurds

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Then the key is to find what she did and toreverse it.

    8MrdKulu has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : miran] : miranda)

    MrdKulu : llo )8MrdKulu is away.

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    motioned to the ancient, leather boundbook "thus, why i search the ancient texts" she saidsoftly, in her native language

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I want to help somehow, tell me how

    "i don't know sage...." she said softly, andclosed her eyesm trying to calm the emotional ache, andtiredness this all brought "maybe... i will have to come tothe conclusion.... maybe.... my home is lost... if i can findno cure... Zoolfadia is dead..."

    :Peter says Hello to ya Sage) Jedi_Master_Sage : Kala says "hey, whats up?" to Peter]]

    MrdKulu : brb) :Peter : I won't answer that, as i will make it gross) Jedi_Master_Sage : I mind?]

    : oh goodness.. sickos ) Jedi_Master_Sage : Everything has an antithesis. : it is if it is remembered.... if it is able to be found....

    there is no doubt it is an ancient mix

    Jedi_Master_Sage : if Devillah found the poison, we can find thecure, but someone has to be helping her.

    : my aunt... that is the only one i can think of... Jedi_Master_Sage : What would her motivation be? destroy Zoolfadia, take the planet, and

    create an army... " she said softly, running a handthrough her hair "she is a potential threat to more thanjust my home"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Is she a sith? a dark jedi?MrdKulu : back)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : wb]MrdKulu 's maidservant takes her time over

    soaping Senator Kuuluu's back, and then pours cool,scented water over her slender body. She uses asubstance rich in saponin, which is extracted from thebark and abundant fruit of the precious balanite tree. >

    : she is neither, that i am aware of anyway.... but amaster herbalist... better than i, which can be as dangerous

    : wb :) Jedi_Master_Sage : So she is not likely to be a master combatant.

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    would she have her own personal guard?

    MrdKulu in a pensive mood, the Senator nowputs herself in the hands of her manicurist andhairdresser. A manservant brings her a goblet of fresh

    samsaara juice - to aid in the pregnancy...she feels moreat ease here in Theed than in Ouluaa City or anywhereelse>

    MrdKulu here in the cosmopolitan capital theNubian sovereignty had created, life is bustling andthere is less thought of the past, war, and the nextlife...>

    : she can fight well... she spent much time with thetribes in her youth... that my father told me...but against a jedi, she

    would fail... but as i said, she has Deviliah, and also an entire planets

    population...MrdKulu she gazes at herself in a round mirror of

    burnished bronze and crystalline glass with a handle inthe shape of a long-legged goddess - Duma. She slips awhite tyaarii flower into her hair, beautiful and graciousas always, her skin is as soft as any >

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Then if any move is to be made on her, acovert plan must be employed. I might not be the best person for this,

    and Valiant still refuses to participate in field duty unless he is working

    alone.MrdKulu precious fabric, her face retaining anextraordinary freshness, love shining in her eyes...

    : oh i looooooove spicks and specks)MrdKulu : spicks and specks?)

    : a gameshow on ABC)MrdKulu is watching House)

    Jedi_Master_Sage is too] : i am thinking covert... it will be the safest...

    although, i do have the baking of the Delphins if needed

    : well house is just about to start here, and spicksand specks just finished)

    Jedi_Master_Sage :baking? : backing^ Jedi_Master_Sage : They I can work with well, but there will be

    alot of ground work that I forsee, we'll need help.

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    8TLLM's local time: 20/07/2005, 12:03:07 TLLM : wow peoples ) TLLM : back from playin diablo) : i can ask aquarilla to return, discuss ideas with

    her? : wb) Jedi_Master_Sage : wb]

    8TLLM is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : Who is she? : the eldest most delphin... Jedi_Master_Sage : Alright, but we should look into finding

    someone who can help with ground work, someone skilled in

    infiltration arts. Still, I feel we should not dismiss the chance that a cure

    may be found

    TLLM pulls on his armour and puts all hisweapons in the right place then moves out fo hisquarters to his ship, ensures all is well then checksaround the large Palazzo del Cielo for any sign oftrouble... the same routine that he felt was needed untilhe>

    TLLM got more men : if i do not hold the text that has the cure.... we will

    somehow have to get into the lower levels of the castle... and i know

    only one person whom knows of the traps and entrances.... other thanHelvena

    Jedi_Master_Sage : They may have been changed, I have a friendin the KON who has contacts in certain .. professions.

    MrdKulu after her daily bathing routine she slipsinto a lithe and elegant dress of immaculately pressedwhite and gold linen, her hairdresser finally slips an ivorycomb into the arrangement of her ochre-blonde strands,allowing them to cascade in a delicate >

    they have not been changed... i just do notknow where he is... but he would not have returned to

    Zoolfadia..." it would be a strange conversation to listenin on, with her speaking zoolfadian, and sage basic

    Jedi_Master_Sage : who do you have in mind?MrdKulu style, she doesn't bother with any shoes

    at the moment...she thoroughly enjoys the sensation of

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    the cool polished marble of her home's corridors uponher bare feet, she moves from the opulent bathroom anddown the enormous double stairs carved into the >

    MrdKulu palazzo's foundations and leading down

    into the immense and patrician great entrance hall... TLLM as he walks around he sees Miranda "goodmorning Senator, how are you today?"

    "my father" she said softly, ordering a teafrom a passing waiter droid before looking back to sage"not alone obviously... but a small team... to go withhim"

    MrdKulu nods diligently to her bodyguard andoffers a nonchalant smile, "morning Taryll, I am quitewell...and yourself ?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Good idea, your father would make the bestguide, but also be the greatest risk of the herbs are used against him. I'll

    see if Valiant cannot be convinced or if another can be found

    TLLM : very well thatnkyou" he says TLLM very well thankyou" he says TLLM : btw... forgive any makor typos... have

    three broken fingers)MrdKulu : lol! omg...)

    TLLM :yeah... hurts like a b!tch)

    MrdKulu how does one get three broken fingers?)MrdKulu : ) TLLM : one blocks an income kick from a mate

    with ones hands >_< the crunching noise was the worstpat)

    MrdKulu : ....) TLLM : lol *jumps BiC)

    MrdKulu : good to hear, anything to report? Ihave been absent for a few days...what with theNubian Court and meetings with the Governors, Ihope everything is satisfactory?

    such is a good idea, i am unsure whether ornot my father still has a weakness for Helvena... and Iknow she still harbours hatred to him... and wishesrevenge... " she sighed gently "as much as i care for myfather... it worries me some, he is a >

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    TLLM it is well. nothing to report... one or twoitems of hate mail for some reason, but that is to beexpected for a lady in your position" he says "pay it nomind

    passionate man.... a hunter, and more sothan i.. thus, he may make a mistake... or worse"MrdKulu "hate mail? How curious...", she moves

    into the peristyle, placing a gentle hand upon herpregnant stomach...she is only just beginning to show,she will need to dress appropriately from now on, lestthe secret is discovered by the Chancellor and his >

    TLLM pokes miranda) TLLM : nm) Jedi_Master_Sage : worse?

    MrdKulu underdogs, she sits down in thealabaster pillared room and has some tea poured for her,"take a brief rest with me a moment Taryll, tell me how

    you find your quarters and everything I have supplied toyou", she sips the warm aromatic liquid gracefully...

    TLLM sits down opposite his boss "they are morethan adequate Senator, i thankyou for what you havegiven me" he says "it i all more than i require" he says

    : the subterainian levels of the palace will stir many

    painful memories for him, as will finding Helvena, if she is infactbehind this... i wish him not to slip backwards... or lose his temper

    and destroy the mission

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'll find a fourth person. :four?

    MrdKulu : I apologise for the lateness of yoursquad, I have been trying my best to secure adiligent and proficient team for you...but youknow how busy I have been, it has made thingsslightly difficult

    TLLM that is fine Senator... i am happy to help inanyway i can" he says

    MrdKulu nods calmly, "of course...if you find anysuitable candidates please feel free to secure them"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : You, me, your father and a fourth. You and Ican work with the Delphins, while your father serves as a guide, the

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    fourth person will suplement skills in infiltration and if possible, some

    combat, without being affected by past memories TLLM nods "i shall" he says already getting a few

    ideas together

    TLLM : infiltration.... combat... sounds like funwhere do i sign )MrdKulu "you know the mercenary world and itspeople far better than I could ever hope to know, so ifyou find people...I have entrusted a credit account toyou, use the money as you will...", she hands him a cardwith digits and account information on it

    : we will work here then... i am not going back tozoolfadia... i doubt i will remain healthy enough to do much... and

    yes, my father and someone to infiltrate the lower levels...there will be

    five actually... Julian, if he is well enough... Jedi_Master_Sage : Alright, but we may need to do some work on

    Zoolfadia, can communications reach from there to here?

    TLLM : takes the card and dissapears it onhimself "i shall, don't worry i won't misuse it

    TLLM takes the card and dissapears it on himself"i shall, don't worry i won't misuse it

    : they can, if they have not been jammed... Aquarillawill come here.. if they have been jammed, she can take messages

    back for us...MrdKulu "well it is your money...of course", shetakes a long sip of her tea and sets the fine china cupdown, "it is for supplies, any reconaissance work, travel,and the like..."

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Good, we'll need it if we have to go throughthe palace tunnels.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Destiny Kobal is bound to know someone how so?" she said softly, her mind growing

    increasingly tired... and as she spoke, she sent amessage to a guard at her place to go home and getaqua

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She is the head of the KON covert operationsdepartment, if anyone can find a skilled infiltrationist, its her

    TLLM nods "thankyou senator" he says "arethere any events i shold be aware of?" he asked

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    TLLM : is there a good latin speakin person inhere?)

    nodded gently, although she gave nodefinitive answer...

    : no) Jedi_Master_Sage : no latin speaky]] TLLM : -_-)

    MrdKulu knows a fair bit of latin)MrdKulu : why?)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Anything I can do for you before I get started? TLLM : Fatum mos muto tu in tempus i used an

    online translator... is it right)MrdKulu arches a curious brow, "events? not for a few months anyway"

    TLLM nods "i see" he says heal me a little please? to keep me going

    somemore... the herbs do not last long, or heal me nearenough, and my healing ability is not as strong as it oncewas" she said softly, knowing if he heald her a decentamount, it would take sometime for her to >

    fade to this levelMrdKulu : fate will change you in time?)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : where are you wounded?

    TLLM : supposed to b fate will punish you intime)MrdKulu : muto or mutato is to change)

    TLLM : grr stoopid translator... hut wud punish bthen?)

    : lethargy, constant headache, my system is trying toshut down...

    MrdKulu : punio or plecto)8Hando_Yaz has joined the conversation.8Hando_Yaz is away.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : hando] : hando) TLLM : so fatum mos punio tu in tempus?) TLLM : Hando )

    MrdKulu : yeah I spose) Jedi_Master_Sage nods and moves his chair closer as he

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    places his hands on her shoulders Jedi_Master_Sage "be HEALED!"]] )

    MrdKulu : lmfao!)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : lol nm, had a church flashback] : scary) closed her eyes... allowing sage to heal

    her... Jedi_Master_Sage focuses the power of the lightside of the

    force, focusing its healing properties from him and intoDee, channeling healing power to both rejuvenate herbody and strengthen her natural immune system againstthat which ails her

    Hando_Yaz : soz gang, ey))

    Jedi_Master_Sage ~ Dee regains health points and herspeed, strength and personality stats are restored tofull]]

    MrdKulu : I am really eager to see Jymeagain...he must be concerned with all the work Ihave been doing, no doubt he is busy withAdam...I miss them both terribly

    TLLM : lol so sage used a tent then >_< sorrytoo much FFVII fr my own good)

    her paling skin even managed to darken alittle more as Sage healed her eyes would returnsomewhat normal...

    : lmao) and what personality points, i have no

    personality... oh wait.. thats sage ) TLLM nods "i am sure they are fine" he says not

    telling her he has got m people watching them from theshadows

    Jedi_Master_Sage : lol, in Morrowind, you have several differentstats]]

    MrdKulu : I know...I just miss them Jedi_Master_Sage ceases his concentration as he looks to

    Dee "feel any better?" TLLM nods "shall we go to the terrace... i feel

    like getting some food only Ron can prepare" he says

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    opened her eyes and nodded gently, a softsmile crossing her face "yes, thankyou" she replied softlystill in her own language, the headache still thereslightly... but faded much...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : How's your head?MrdKulu arches another curious brow, she hassome of the finest chefs working for her...what could he

    possibly want, "what exactly is it?" TLLM its called a full corellian fried breakfast...

    and Ron makes the best i've ever had, you chefs.... theyare too perectionist for it really" he says "care to joinme?"

    much better thankyou...." she checked amessage on her comm... telling her the gaurd had left

    "aqua will be here this week sometime, you will like her,she is an ancient, smart, and loves water.. of course"

    MrdKulu curls her upper lip a moment at themention of the 'fried' breakfast..."doesn't sound like mytype of thing...but I could use a walk", she smiles andsignals to her factotum to gather her fur-lined cloak, theweather is rather miserable in Theed for a >

    MrdKulu change...very curious indeed, shestands and pulls the warm garment on, heading out to

    the entrance hall and her estate's vast front gardens... TLLM follows behind Miranda looking forward toa good feed

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I can't wait to meet her. What does it mean thatshe is an ancient? is that some kind of tribal status of honor?8Hando_Yaz has left the conversation.

    no, it means she is ancient... " she saidwith a soft laugh "but also head of the tribe, but not forher age, but her wisdom, though, with my people,wisdom does tend to come with age..."

    MrdKulu wanders the archaic marble andsandstone piazzas of Theed, heading along the arcadesand plazas towards the palace, along the great Solleuwhose depths surge majestically along with a fantasticcerulean shimmer, heading for the Verdugo Plunge andthe >

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    Jedi_Master_Sage : As with most peoples. What do the delphinlook like?

    TLLM : dammit, how did sum1 who rps like thathire a guy like me >_

    MrdKulu powerful enemies created" was Dee's diary, she had began keeping

    when she had became ill, just incase... TLLM they won't get near you... and i will do

    what ever i have to to ensure your safety Jedi_Master_Sage : Interesting, it makes me wonder what my

    people would look like if we had evolved naturally.

    MrdKulu nods gently, "I know...that's why I hiredyou", she offers a gracious smile and enters the Palacegardens through the gatehouse, wandering nonchalantly

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    towards the terrace, a slightly chill wind shimmersthrough the samsaara trees a moment and then dies >

    MrdKulu quickly away, "this weather is ratherstrange for Naboo...", she peers at the greying sky

    inquisitively, pulling her cloak in tighter as she walks... :possibly very similar.. although it is believed, bymany... the land dwelling Zoolfadian's evolved from the Delphin's...

    with the help of our God's...

    TLLM it is a little fresh today" he says as heenters the terrace "would you like a drink?" he asks

    Jedi_Master_Sage : We were altered by some sort of virus orengineered substance that reacted with our DNA

    : and here you are...MrdKulu ascends the sandstone and marble

    steps to the terrace behind Ryll and nods with silentrepose, "yes...just some yylia juice please", she moves toa comfortable alcove in the eastern wall of the terraceand takes a seat as she waits...8MrdKulu has returned.8TLLM has returned.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Gaia is not our world of origin, we migratedthere when Kotoral became flooded, it is believed that someone created

    a means to alter our DNA so we could all live in a water filled world,

    but our ancestors could not wait, so we ended up changing on Gaia. TLLM moves to the bar "hey ron, can i have oneof your fried breakfasts a large tea and an yylia juice forthe senator please" he says

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm still unsure if the change was scientific oreven an act of sith alchemy.

    TLLM grabs the two drinks and walks to thealcove, nodding to sage and deejay as he walks by then

    places the yylia infront of miranda and sits "so, when dowe leave for coruscant, and who is most likely to have a

    problem nodded gently as she listend "it could be

    either... " she said softly "although, i cannot see what asith would have gained by altering an entire race.. thenleaving it..." she gave ryll a nod as well as miranda,before looking back to Sage

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    MrdKulu "to both questions...I'm not yet sure",she brings the juice to her vermilion rouged lips andtakes a few quenching sips, "I shall let you know...ofcourse, there should be a summit in the coming months"

    TLLM nodsMrdKulu : so what is so special about thisbreakfast that only Ron can make?

    Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Ryll and Miranda as he looks toDee "we actually left of our own accord to find an un-flooded world. A sith may have wanted to gain control ofour race by presenting itself as a type of self appointedsaviour, or maybe he or she, turned to dark ar

    TLLM barbie brings a large plate, loaded withbacon sausages eggs mushrooms beans fried bread and

    onions and some tomato sauce and ryll smiles widely"food glorious food" he says

    Jedi_Master_Sage : arts having good intentions. Jedi_Master_Sage : It does happen, where people fall to the

    darkside thinking that its destructive powers can be used for good TLLM : looks to miranda "he cooks it just right,

    the sausages still pink in the middle, the bacon cripspy,and he doesn't grill a thing... a real breakfast

    TLLM looks to miranda "he cooks it just right, the

    sausages still pink in the middle, the bacon cripspy, andhe doesn't grill a thing... a real breakfast "yah, i know" she said gently, still speaking

    souly in zoolfadian, then sipped her tea quietly, he aquagaze settling on the table a moment, before raising tosage...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Sorry, I wasn't referring to you. TLLM : mmm... i want a real fried brekky now )

    MrdKulu "ugh...I don't know how you can eatit...all that grease and saturated fat, your body musthate you", she scans him curiously a moment, "and

    you're a doesn't make sense" : i know you wasn't, and do not appologize.. it is

    well.. just, sometimes.. things return to me...

    TLLM smiles "a good metabolism and notmaking a habit out of eating this kind of food is all it

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    takes" he says : weren't^ Jedi_Master_Sage : you're not alone.

    MrdKulu nods gently, "still...I'd prefer a large

    bowl of fruit with plain yoghurt", she orders some fromthe terrace-droidMrdKulu mmm...and some muesli)MrdKulu mmm)

    : i know... Jedi_Master_Sage : What do you mean? TLLM smiles "well i hope you enjoy that as much

    as i will enjoy this" he says digging into the fried mass offood

    i know i am not alone" she said with a soft

    smile Jedi_Master_Sage : oh, yes of course, thats what I meant

    MrdKulu nods in return, "and I won't have acoronary in a few years time...", she smiles with a hint ofsarcasm, she has to eat well for her unborn child aswell...

    laughed softly "you know Sage, i wasthinking, if i can pull through this latest mess alright... imay put an application in to the council to test further"

    TLLM smiles and eats on sipping at his teaoccasionally Jedi_Master_Sage : That would be welcome, but I would wait and

    ensure that when you have come through this, that your resolve is stable

    first. But it is a good idea.

    MrdKulu eats her fruit...yoghurt...andmuesli...and sips on her juice delicately, "so...what else?

    Anything exciting happening? Anymore missions?" : if i have not lost my mind already, by now... i feel i

    shall be alright... if we can end this... if not, i feel my life here shall


    TLLM nothing so far... but it can't be long untilsomeone asks me to find this or watch that" he says

    MrdKulu : I'm just at peace with the galaxyright now...I have one errand, significant as it maybe, but only one...and no wars to end, planets to

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    save, or armies to lead... Jedi_Master_Sage : You've been through times like this before. TLLM i see" he says "that is good"

    8Linda_Irris has joined the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : linda]Linda_Irris : my eyebrow won't stop twitching!))Linda_Irris : >_

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    yoghurt, it is a healthy pleasure..."did you enjoy that?",she smiles to him almost accusingly, "how does yourheart feel?", she laughs gently

    TLLM it'll live" he says

    TLLM looks areound "there is something...strange in the air today... like naboo is waiting forsomething to happen" he says

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I never knew, but if its like that, why did thepsi-net have such an adverse effect?

    : it amplified it all.. it is touches i feel, constantwaves of different people... never all at once so clearly for a prolonged


    Linda_Irris looks around the Terrace, mainly at the people,and then goes to the counter and asks for a warm drink.

    Her brown hair is plastered and she has that drownedanimal look about her

    Jedi_Master_Sage : that makes more sense thenMrdKulu : what do you mean? The weather

    isn't the most pleasant I agree...but 'waiting forsomething to happen', you sound like an augur orsomething...

    TLLM : i don't know just,,, something in theatmosphere....

    nodded softly "yah that it does, it is hardthough, to explain to zoolfadians, who understand alimited group of links... let alone to a non zoolfadian... "she still spoke in her native tounge, to any that didn'tknow it, it would sound like giberish

    MrdKulu smiles in jest, "oh yes...I feel it'scalled....rain"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : yet somehow, it makes so much sense to me TLLM smiles "ah yes thats what it is"he says

    MrdKulu : ...see, you worry too much Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Linda and asks "are you ok

    there? you look cold" as it does to Julian, you have seen it, he

    has felt it" she said softly, then followed Sage's gaze toLinda8 has left the conversation.

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    8 has joined the conversation. :grr)

    Linda_Irris I'm fine" shiver shiver Jedi_Master_Sage : wb]

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Are you sure, you don't want one of the heaterson? Jivo, uj huv'wk, eyo by'yz rybs" she said

    softly... still not speaking basic, the words uncomfortableto form in her mouth, she had been speaking her ownlanguage so much. She actually hadn't even realisedshe was still speaking zoolies

    : ty) TLLM thats my job" he says

    MrdKulu : if you say so...

    Jedi_Master_Sage looks from dee to Linda "she says youlook cold"

    TLLM smilesLinda_Irris I'm fine, really" shiver shiver

    raised an eyebrow when she heard sagetranslate her, then laughed to herself, before trying toforce herself to speak basic, appearing to struggle with it"yez... zat iz what i zaid.. zankyou Zage" her pupil freeaqua eyes settled on linda "if you iz >

    fine, why doez you zhiver zo?" Jedi_Master_Sage telekinetically activates an outdoor gasheater near linda8 has left the conversation.8 has joined the conversation.

    Linda_Irris scoots closer to the heater without thinkingabout it "Just a bunch of minute twitches throughout mybody?"

    :fwiggin dial up)MrdKulu finishes her breakfast and yawns...MrdKulu : so...

    Jedi_Master_Sage : or it could be the weather?8TLLM has left the conversation.

    "zuch would make zenze" she saidgently..... before sipping her now cold tea

    Linda_Irris what would make sense?" she hadn't heard

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    Sage's comment, she was enjoying the warmth from theheater. Warm warm warm ^_^

    MrdKulu : ...)Jedi_Master_Sage : Desaray, you need a protocol droid.

    Linda_Irris picked up on Dee's annoyance, and decided totry the only other language she knew very well "orn'lados hull'phir jalbyr xanalress?" [would you prefer anotherlanguage]

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Smith : Moding RP'ers are a disease...]] Jedi_Master_Sage blinks, it'll take some time before he can

    translate that with the forcePlease wait, connecting to server...Connected!Note: MSN has detected that you are connected to this chat

    session from the IP address

    The chat's topic is:Theed weather- Cold, rainy and windy

    did not understand that language either,and laughed softly... Dee was fluent in many, just notLinda's chosen one... "zorry?" she asked gently, thenlooked at Sage, laughed gently "maybe zuch would bean idea... alzough annoying"



    Jedi_Master_Sage : ty]Linda_Irris I asked if you'd prefer another language, but

    since I only know basic and ilythiiri, I can't use anotherlanguage" scoots ever closer to the heater

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Basic is fine, Desaray here has troublesometimes with basic because of her accent

    Linda_Irris : what accent? blinked softly, what accent? her accent was

    very thick, even she knew that... Jedi_Master_Sage : Oh never mind then

    MrdKulu : brb)Linda_Irris has no idea what Sage is talking about. She

    wasn't even clear on what an accent was she ordered another drink as a droid

    passed..... then turned her eyes back to Sage and Linda

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    Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Linda "what brings you out hereon such a cold morning" (its 3:35am Naboo time)

    Linda_Irris : hungry Jedi_Master_Sage : oh yes, I know what late night munchies can be

    like you doez?" she asked of Sage suprisedslightly "i nezer took you for ze midnight znack kind:"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm something of a nightowl Desaray : az am i... Jedi_Master_Sage looks to linda "I am Sage" : and I iz Dezaray, zough i much prefer DeeJay...

    Linda_Irris : I'm Linda, or atleast I think I am... For the most partI'm sure, so that's what you can call me unless that ends upchanging for some reason

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Really? You never told me that, I thoughteveryone annoyed you with that nickname

    : noz, but i doez not mind you calling me Dezaray,Zage... i haz never really like ze bazic verzion ofz my name...

    8HaloThe_Arbiter has joined the conversation. :Halo :) Jedi_Master_Sage : Arbiter]] Jedi_Master_Sage : What is the basic version of your name?

    it iz well to meet you Linda" se said softly,"but pray tell, why wouldz your name change" sheglanced to sage "Dezaray Jewel 'iz' ze bazic form of myname... Sojihie Xomob Sycydk iz my full name... "

    : she^)Linda_Irris : because I don't know if it's my real name or notHaloThe_Arbiter : how did I get here...?))HaloThe_Arbiter : I dont remember typing in the link...))

    : magic)

    Linda_Irris : your computer's possessed))HaloThe_Arbiter : O.o)) : why wouldz you notz know?

    Linda_Irris shrugs "I don't know"HaloThe_Arbiter : tenken))HaloThe_Arbiter cant wait to try it out O.O))

    pokes Sage)

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    Jedi_Master_Sage : A memory issue?HaloThe_Arbiter : tenken isnt a memory issue))HaloThe_Arbiter bitchslaps))

    : -_-)

    Jedi_Master_Sage : that was IC] Jedi_Master_Sage : friggen NOOB ]] Jedi_Master_Sage j/k]

    Linda_Irris : I don't remember anything past three weeks ago Jedi_Master_Sage : Whats the earliest memory you have?

    Linda_Irris : I woke up in a dumpster here on Naboo Jedi_Master_Sage : Did you have anything with you?

    Linda_Irris : no listened on quietly, she was moreso a

    listener than anything else anyway... Jedi_Master_Sage : How did you know you are linda?

    Linda_Irris : because after I climbed out of the dumpster andfound some clothes, the little nametag on the clothes said 'Linda'so I adopted the name8MrdKulu has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : You woke up naked? : where iz ziz dumpzter?

    Linda_Irris : yes. you're born naked, so is it so strange that thefirst day I remember being alive I awoke naked? and it's

    somewhere nearby... that's how I found this placeLinda_Irris : the reason I say that Sage is because she doesn't

    make the connection that the circumstances are strange)) Jedi_Master_Sage : some beings are born with a second skin that is

    shed a week after birth, but I see your point. Still, it is not usual for one

    to find themself in a dumpster with no clothes, yet be in a grown body,

    with the capacity to identify the need for clothes, as we

    Jedi_Master_Sage : well as speak basic and that other language..Linda_Irris : actually I had to listen to learn basic. and I only

    realized I needed clothes after seeing others with them. They getsoggy so quickly... i remembered only my name when i firzt

    arrived here onz Naboo... " she said quietly...8Elie has joined the conversation.

    : eli)Elie : dee))

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    Linda_Irris nibbles on a piece of breadElie damn Astron has been the weatherman again))

    Jedi_Master_Sage : eli]Linda_Irris : I'm soggy and wet again))

    Elie : Sage)) Jedi_Master_Sage : Desaray, do you think you know whats causedher apparent memory loss, if thats what it is?

    Linda_Irris : I have to go now)) : my memory lozz waz cauzed by mazter Liang and

    mazter Liza reprezzing my memoriez for zometime, butz, one canz

    reprezz zem, zemzelvez

    : kk cya)8Linda_Irris has left the conversation.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : And there she goes.. come to think of it, whatshe described sounds like a cloning project that failed

    Jedi_Master_Sage : the subjects were given modified learningcapacity and escaped.. I have a headache

    nodded gently, then raised an eyebrow "aheadache... i hope i am not accidently projecting mine to

    you" she said softly, reverting back to Zoolies "aybe youneed rest?"

    Jedi_Master_Sage : Yes I do, I need to contact Destiny Kobal andhave her find a spy or thief to help with the stealth aspect of the

    mission, check up on Shayla's training on Dantooine and prepare for myeleventh bloodfire cycle

    Jedi_Master_Sage : its still a few years away, but I am not puttingit off like last time

    oh zoundz fun..." she teased gently Jedi_Master_Sage : Its not. It involves the most intensive

    meditations that prevent the compressed build up, of a decade of

    supressed sexual tension, being disipated with the force

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I mean.. the disipation isn't prevented, thecycle is prevented from being fulfilled or killing me..

    Jedi_Master_Sage :by the force enabled dissipation of the pent uptension..

    Jedi_Master_Sage : ..or something raised an eyebrow hearing that "i doez not

    envy you" she said softly Jedi_Master_Sage : If I start to lose control and flirt, kill me.

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    slipped back into zoolies fully now, flexingher jaw a little "i shall hide all Bernt Out CD covers,

    posters, holo adds... and her especially " Jedi_Master_Sage : Tell her to stop with those damn emails! If I

    wanted pictures of her naked or semi-naked.. thats precisely what Idon't need right now.

    : she likes teasing you, testing your limits... youknow, you could take it as a lesson..

    Jedi_Master_Sage : She could take it as risking my life! I don'twant to think of who would want to kill me if I gave in.

    : what are yout on about? Jedi_Master_Sage : I have no idea, I haven't got my telepathic filter

    on and I'm getting incoherant thoughts from everywhere.

    Jedi_Master_Sage : I'll go rest. :yes, good idea... Jedi_Master_Sage stands and walks to the lake, swimming

    back to his lair