Safety Regulations of Genetically Modified Organisms

Safety regulations of Genetically Modified Organisms Perinba Danisha. J 14MG11


safety regulations and steps followed in genetically modified organisms

Transcript of Safety Regulations of Genetically Modified Organisms

Safety regulations of Genetically Modified Organisms

Safety regulations of Genetically Modified OrganismsPerinba Danisha. J14MG11IntroductionGenetically modified organisms are defined as those in which the genetic material has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally.The use of these GMOs in the nations food supply has received increasing media attention due to growing concerns regarding their safety.

Stages before releasing GMO

Prior risk assessment by the user:Characteristics of the donor, recipient or (where appropriate) parental organisms

Characteristics of the modified microorganisms

Health considerations

Environmental considerations

PART 1 Interpretation and general

Regulation 1 Citation and commencement Regulation 2 Interpretation Regulation 3 Application Regulation 4 Meaning of work and at work and modification of the 1974 Act

PART 2 Risk assessment and notification of contained use

Regulation 5 Risk assessment of contained use involving micro-organisms Regulation 6 Risk assessment of contained use involving larger GMOs Regulation 7 Review and recording of risk assessments Regulation 8 Advice from a genetic modification safety committee Regulation 9 Notification of premises to be used for contained use Regulation 10 Notification of class 2 contained use Regulation 11 Notification of class 3 or class 4 contained use Regulation 12 Notification of contained use involving larger GMOs Regulation 13 Single notifications to the joint competent authority and for connected programmes of work Regulation 14 Changes of circumstances relating to notifications Regulation 15 Duty to notify significant changes affecting risks Regulation 16 Action of notifier and user on receipt of request for additional information Regulation 17 Withdrawal of notificationPART 3 Conduct of contained use

Regulation 18 Principles of occupational and environmental safety Regulation 19 Containment and control measures for contained use involving micro-organisms Regulation 20 Containment and control measures for contained use involving larger GMOs Regulation 21 Emergency plans Regulation 22 Information relating to accidents

PART 4 Duties and powers of the competent authority

Regulation 23 Duties of competent authority on receiving a notification Regulation 24 Requests for additional information Regulation 25 Powers of competent authority in relation to contained use Regulation 26 Exemption certificates Regulation 27 Duties of competent authority on receipt of information about accidents Regulation 28 Register of notifications Regulation 29 Information not to be included in the register

PART 5 Miscellaneous and general

Regulation 30 Enforcement Regulation 31 Appeals Regulation 32 Competent authority address Regulation 33 Saving and transitional provisions Regulation 34 Consequential amendments Regulation 35 Revocations

The 2014 regulationsAn assessment of the risks to human health and the environment must be carried out before any contained use involving genetic modification of micro-organisms can commence and competent advice on that assessment must be sought;Before commencing a contained use with genetically modified organisms, notification to the competent authority is required in respect of the first use of a premises as well as low, moderate and high risk activities;The competent authority must examine notifications for compliance with the regulations and where content, issue consent for moderate and high risk activities; The 2014 regulationsA person who undertakes contained use must observe safety principles and apply containment and control measures which are appropriate to that activity to afford protection to human health and the environment; Where accidents happen, the competent authority must be informed;The competent authority must maintain a register of the notifications, which should be made available for public inspection;The Regulations contain provisions relating to keeping certain information confident on grounds of national security;Provision of a range of powers to the competent authority to administer and enforce the regulations;Provision of a right of appeal for any person who is aggrieved by certain decisions of the competent authority.Integrated approach for safety evaluation of genetically modified foods

Labelling of pre-cooked or packaged foods with a list of ingredients:

The respective ingredient must be labelled, in the form of an addition to the ingedient concerned asgenetically modifiedproduced from genetically modified

This also maybe indicated, in the same font size, in a footnote to the list of ingredients

Packaged foods without a list of ingredients:

The term "genetically modified..." or "produced from genetically modified..." must be clearly visible on the label.

Foods without a list of ingredients include, for example, sugar, packaged fruits, or vegetables.

For unpackaged foods or for very small package sizes:

The information "genetically modified..." or "produced from genetically modified..." must be attached to the display, or be in direct connection with the respective product.Products with very small package sizes may be labelled similarly to unpacked goods in the display.Indications on the packaging must be permanently attached, and also in a font size which is easily readable and identifiable.

ReferencesRamessar K (2007). Biosafety and risk assessment framework for selectable marker genes in transgenic crop plants: a case of the science not supporting the politics. Transgenic Res. 16(3):261-80.www.gmocompass.orgThe genetically modified organisms oegulations 2014 , by HSE. UK.