Safety Officer - · Safety Officer of EVAA Safety Officer 1. Introduction...

Safety Officer of EVAA European Athletics Innovation Awards 2010 Safety Officer Presentent for the category ”Open” by European Veterans Athletic Association’s Academy Authors: Nicola Maggio Androna della Ferriera, 1 ITA 34138 – Trieste P + 39040774300 F + 39040774300 E-mail: [email protected] Kurt Kaschke Mühlenweg 4 GER 30938 – Wettmar P + 49 5139971039 F + 49 5139971040 E-mail: [email protected] Ideas given by Jim Blair New Zealand Prof. Michael A. Serralta Porto Rico Jean-Marcel Martin France Sorin Valeanu Germnay Allegretta Sara Antonia Italia Serge Beckers Belgium Prof. Reinhard G. Ketelhut Germany Kathleen De Wolf Belgium This paper is solely prepared by Nicola Maggio Kurt Kaschke The European Athletics has the right to publish the entry in part or in whole Nicola Maggio Kurt Kaschke

Transcript of Safety Officer - · Safety Officer of EVAA Safety Officer 1. Introduction...

Safety Officer of EVAA

European Athletics Innovation Awards 2010

Safety Officer

Presentent for the category ”Open”


European Veterans Athletic Association’s Academy

Authors: Nicola Maggio Androna della Ferriera, 1 ITA 34138 – Trieste P + 39040774300 F + 39040774300 E-mail: [email protected]

Kurt Kaschke Mühlenweg 4 GER 30938 – Wettmar P + 49 5139971039 F + 49 5139971040 E-mail: [email protected]

Ideas given by Jim Blair New Zealand

Prof. Michael A. Serralta Porto Rico

Jean-Marcel Martin France

Sorin Valeanu Germnay

Allegretta Sara Antonia Italia

Serge Beckers Belgium

Prof. Reinhard G. Ketelhut Germany

Kathleen De Wolf Belgium

This paper is solely prepared by Nicola Maggio Kurt Kaschke The European Athletics has the right to publish the entry in part or in whole Nicola Maggio Kurt Kaschke

Safety Officer of EVAA

Safety Officer 1. Introduction

The Safety Officer is another step forward to develop the high level of athletic competitions in the master sport movement in Europe. We have to clarify that Safety Officers act for the benefit of our sport, to protect the athletes of health damage and to make sure that the competitions follow the rules of IAAF.

2. The Aim of having Safety Officers on Duty

Safety Officers are necessary to 2.1 ensure that no athlete’s health is

endangered by the competition or event;

2.2 ensure that every competitor has motor skills to complete in the event

and maintain the integrity of the event; 2.3 ensure that program is not delayed

unnecessarily or demeaned by the performance of a competitor;

2.4 ensure that coordination and communication with medical services

personnel is such that immediate response and actions are taken to

safeguard the athletes.

3. Safety Officer Seminars of EVAA 3.1 Welcome and Timetable 3.2 Introduction to the seminar

3.2.1 Intention of the seminar

3.2.2 Certification 3.2.3 Duties of Safety Officer 3.2.4 Appointment 3.2.5 Application

3.3 Introduction to EVAA 3.3.1 Structure of the world

in athletics 3.3.2 EVAA Regions 3.3.3 Past-Present-Future 3.3.4 EVAA Academy

3.4 General Aspects of Safety Officer in EVAA

3.4.1 Sport Political point of view

3.4.2 Social point of view 3.4.3 Ability point of view Technical Medical

3.5 Justification in 3.5.1 IAAF 3.5.2 EA 3.5.3 WMA 3.5.4 EVAA

3.6 When does a Safety Officer have to act 3.6.1 The IAAF Rules 3.6.2 Technical aspects 3.6.3 Health aspects 3.6.4 Security aspects

3.7 Procedure of acting during

championships 3.7.1 Yellow and red card

system 3.7.2 Written report of acting 3.7.3 Disqualification 3.7.4 Protest

3.8 Co-operation of a Safety Officer 3.8.1 During a Technical

Meeting of EVAC 3.8.2 Team of judges 3.8.3 Assistants 3.8.4 Certificated Safety

Officer 3.8.5 Responsibility of acting

during championships 3.8.6 Presenting a safety

officer seminar before the competition start

3.8.7 Co-operation between the Safety Officer and the federations of the region

3.8.8 Reports to EVAA Council

4. Safety Officer on Duty

EVAA Safety Officer will be working on duty during European Veterans Athletic Championships. The Safety Officer’s main task is to take care of the health of the athletes. From experience of a decade of championships more and more athletes join the competitions without being well prepared, having not the technical skills of the discipline, and unfortunately don’t care that much about their own health. Therefore EVAA will have two Safety Officers on duty, one with a medical background and one with a technical background. We want to have championships with a high standard and competitions that follow the rules of IAAF to protect the participating athlete against health damage.

5. Presentation of the ideas (Power Point Presentation – basic of the seminar)

1EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer

The participation of one athlete to hiscompetitions is under the control ofthe Judges [as per IAAF rules]

For masters the WMA rules [Rules ofCompetitions – art. 7(6)] provide foran appointment of “Safety Judge”

EVAA Constitutions and By Laws [art.§7 of By Laws] say that: “… if notspecifically addressed WMAConstitution and Rules should beobserved as a general guideline”.

Basis Contest

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 2

Similar Situations

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 3

Task of the RefereeHurdles and Steeplechase: incorrectjump over the hurdle or steeplechase

Vertical Jumps: correctjump over the bar

Field Events: respect ot the rule of each one event

All other Running Events: respect of the rulesregarding lanes, obstruction, external help, refreshments, and leaving the track

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 4

Task of the Race Walking Judge

Respect of the technique in the step: Respect of the Rule 230 (of IAAF)

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 5

When do we need the SafetyOfficer ?

Running Events: when runningmovement is missingWalking and Long DistanceEvents: when the movementpresents an inability to put under control the same; in this case itcould be possible to damage hishealthJump & Throws: to protecthimself and prevent accidentsagainst othersOther Events: generally when anathlete has a behaviour not fair with the spirit of the competitionand in accordance with the Rulesof Competitions

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 6

1st Task of the Safety Officer

Ensure that no athlete’s health isendangered by the competition or eventEnsure that every competitor has themotor skills to compete in the event andmaintain the integrity of the eventEnsure that coordination andcommunication with Medical Servicespersonnel is such that immediatereponse and actions are taken tosafeguard the athlete’s

EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 7

2nd Task of the Safety Officer

Accidents caused by unexpected notcorrect gestuality from other athleteCorrect behaviour during the eventEnsure that the program is not delayedunnecessarily or demeaned by theperformance of a competitor (SalisburySyndrome)

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How do we realise our goal ?

Prepare a team ofvery experiencedofficers, (similar toWalking Judges andA.T.O.-I.T.O.)A Safety Officercannot accept thismethod of passingbarriers

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Information to the Athletes

For his healthIn order toavoid possibleaccidentsIn order tosave themasters’movement

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EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 11

Certification & Operativity

Mediterranean AreaScadinavian AreaCentral Europe Area

Balkan Area

East Europe Area


EVAA Seminar - Safety Officer 12

Our Goal





We hereby confirm that

has successfully completed becoming a

Safety Officer of EVAA(10 Hours of Instruction)


Marathon (GRE) November 8, 2009

Kurt Kaschke Nicola Maggio

EVAA Academy Managing Director EVAA Academy Projectmanager
