Safe Parking HUMBERSTON CLOVERFIELDS · Contact Us Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas...

Contact Us Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas Close, Humberston, DN36 4HS Tel: 01472 500217 email: [email protected] Safe Parking As you will know from previous communications we have put a safety barrier in place at the start of our staff car park. Health and safety experts have assessed the risk of accidents to children in this area whilst vehicles are accessing it at the beginning and end of the school day as unacceptably high. Despite robust efforts and conversations regarding the safety of pupils, some parents still insist on dropping off or picking up their children in this car park therefore we have had to take this drastic and expensive action. School starts at 9.00 am and we welcome children into the playground when staff are on duty from 8.50 am. Parents need to ensure their children are on time to join their class line. Being late is never an excuse for putting childrens lives in danger. No access will be available to parents between 8.30 am and 9.15 am and between 3.15 pm and 4.00 pm. Parents should continue to use the parents car park until the gates are locked at 9.15 am and opened again at 3.15 pm. During the day, if urgent appointments require you to pick up your child, then the office staff will operate the barrier for parents. In this case please be very aware of your speed entering from St Thomas Close and into the school grounds. May we remind parents that they must not use Humberston Park School car park to drop off or collect any children from our school. Please understand that this will not be allowed as this is also an unsafe place to park and causes difficulties for vehicles at their school. Humberston Park will challenge any vehicle that does not carry a Cloverfields staff parking permit and you will not be admitted to park or drop off/collect your child(ren). Humberston Park School will report to ourselves any unacceptable behaviour. The Governing body at both schools are united in their attempts to keep all children safe and we expect all parents to follow the procedures above. We are fortunate to have a parent car park; many schools do not. Please can you co-operate and use it respectfully. That includes not parking in the bays designated for parents with disabled children who will be displaying a Cloverfields Permit. HUMBERSTON CLOVERFIELDS Key Dates MacMillan Coffee Afternoon—29 September 2017 -2pm onwards Exhibition Dates Reception – 18th Oct- come and see what we have been doing in the first weeks of term. 3 - 4.30 pm Years 1 and 2 ( KS1) - 18th Oct- 3pm in the hall for the African dance with masks decorated by the children. Then afterwards into the classrooms to looks at the ex- hibited work. ( 3 - 4.30 pm) Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) - 23rd Nov- Details to follow In This Issue MacMillan Coffee Afternoon Parking Lost Property Contact Information School Rules Exhibition Events Welcome back! Welcome back to all of our families and a warm welcome to all new parents. It is amazing how quickly we have got to the end of our second full week of term; it will soon be Christmas! The vast majority of the children have settled well and are rapidly taking on new learning. We do however have a few pupils who are still struggling to get back into routine; where this is the case, contact will already have been made with parents and support with behaviour requested. We have a number of changes to our behaviour policy this year which will be sent out to you next week as they have been under trial in school. Mrs Spruce Humberston Cloverfields Newsletter Autumn 2017

Transcript of Safe Parking HUMBERSTON CLOVERFIELDS · Contact Us Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas...

Page 1: Safe Parking HUMBERSTON CLOVERFIELDS · Contact Us Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas Close, Humberston, DN36 4HS Tel: 01472 500217 email: Safe

Contact Us

Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas Close, Humberston, DN36 4HS

Tel: 01472 500217 email: [email protected]

Safe Parking

As you will know from previous communications we have put a safety barrier in

place at the start of our staff car park. Health and safety experts have assessed

the risk of accidents to children in this area whilst vehicles are accessing it at the

beginning and end of the school day as unacceptably high. Despite robust efforts

and conversations regarding the safety of pupils, some parents still insist on

dropping off or picking up their children in this car park therefore we have had to

take this drastic and expensive action. School starts at 9.00 am and we welcome

children into the playground when staff are on duty from 8.50 am. Parents need

to ensure their children are on time to join their class line. Being late is never an

excuse for putting children’s lives in danger.

No access will be available to parents between 8.30 am and 9.15 am and

between 3.15 pm and 4.00 pm. Parents should continue to use the parent’s car

park until the gates are locked at 9.15 am and opened again at 3.15 pm. During

the day, if urgent appointments require you to pick up your child, then the office

staff will operate the barrier for parents. In this case please be very aware of your

speed entering from St Thomas Close and into the school grounds.

May we remind parents that they must not use Humberston Park School car park

to drop off or collect any children from our school. Please understand that this will

not be allowed as this is also an unsafe place to park and causes difficulties for

vehicles at their school.

Humberston Park will challenge any vehicle that does not carry a Cloverfields

staff parking permit and you will not be admitted to park or drop off/collect your

child(ren). Humberston Park School will report to ourselves any unacceptable

behaviour. The Governing body at both schools are united in their attempts to

keep all children safe and we expect all parents to follow the procedures above.

We are fortunate to have a parent car park; many schools do not. Please can

you co-operate and use it respectfully. That includes not parking in the bays

designated for parents with disabled children who will be displaying a Cloverfields



Key Dates

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon—29

September 2017 -2pm onwards

Exhibition Dates

Reception – 18th Oct- come and

see what we have been doing in

the first weeks of term. 3 - 4.30


Years 1 and 2 ( KS1) - 18th Oct-

3pm in the hall for the African

dance with masks decorated by

the children. Then afterwards into

the classrooms to looks at the ex-

hibited work. ( 3 - 4.30 pm)

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) - 23rd

Nov- Details to follow

In This Issue

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon


Lost Property

Contact Information

School Rules

Exhibition Events

Welcome back! Welcome back to all of our families and a warm welcome to all new parents. It is amazing how quickly we have got to the end of our second full week of term; it will soon be Christmas!

The vast majority of the children have settled well and are rapidly taking on new learning. We do however have a few pupils who are still struggling to get back into routine; where this is the case, contact will already have been made with parents and support with behaviour requested. We have a number of changes to our behaviour policy this year which will be sent out to you next week as they have been under trial in school.

Mrs Spruce

Humberston Cloverfields Newsletter Autumn 2017

Page 2: Safe Parking HUMBERSTON CLOVERFIELDS · Contact Us Humberston Cloverfields Academy, St Thomas Close, Humberston, DN36 4HS Tel: 01472 500217 email: Safe

Exhibition events

Last year we invited you to your child’s class assembly

but we have reviewed this and decided there is not

enough time for you to see your child’s work and talk

to them about it. Instead, all pupils are working

towards an exhibition day. They will showcase their

work in various ways and you will be invited to attend

during school hours and a short time after school. In

order to put on the exhibition, the children will have

deadlines to meet and only the best that the individual

can do will be exhibited. Staff will be available but the

idea is that the children will be able to talk about their

own exhibits.

Exhibition Dates

Reception – 18th Oct- come and see what we have

been doing in the first weeks of term. 3 - 4.30 pm

Years 1 and 2 ( KS1) - 18th Oct- 3pm in the hall for the

African dance with masks decorated by the children.

Then afterwards into the classrooms to looks at the

exhibited work. ( 3 - 4.30 pm)

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) - 23rd

Nov- Details to follow


The office now has

a page on the

school website

where information

will be updated

regularly to

advise parents of

specific events,

requests, etc. We

will continue to use

the text messaging

service, however

do keep an eye out

on the website.




Friday 29th


Please come along and support this annual charity

event. Items for the tombola from

Monday and cakes and

biscuits on Friday morning please. Look forward to

seeing you on the day.

School Rules

The vast majority of our pupils look very smart and follow our school uniform

rules- just a few reminders:

No nail polish- exceptions are granted for special dress up occasions, and the

few days after Christmas Fair.

No earrings after the 6 week healing period. During that period parents must

ensure the earrings are covered by plasters sent into school from home. Most

parents take the sensible option of getting ear piercing done at the start of the

summer holiday so they are healed for the start of the new school year.

All hair past shoulder length to be tied back. Small bows or headbands in school

colour are permitted.

Contact Information

May we remind parents the importance of having

the correct contact information for your child. We

will be sending out the Data Collection sheet

next week.

Could we ask you update accordingly and return

the form to school as soon as possible? After

you have returned your form, should any

information change such as address, contact

telephone numbers and work contact details you

must inform the school office as soon as

possible. This is an essential part of our

safeguarding procedures for your child.