Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920

Chapter 19: Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920 Jsrcc 122 His 01Pr


Chapter 19: Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920

Transcript of Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920

Page 1: Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920

Chapter 19: Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I,

1916–1920 Jsrcc 122 His 01Pr

Page 2: Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916–1920

Monroe Doctrine

• President James Monroe’s declaration to Congress on December 2,1823

• That the American continents would be then forth closed to European colonization, and that the United States would not interfere in European affairs

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Panama Canal

• U.S.-backed separation of Panama from Colombia

• U.S. acquisition of Panama Canal Zone

• Construction of Panama Canal

• Roosevelt Corollary [to the Monroe Doctrine]

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• Created a national state of unpredictable powers and increase presence in everyday American lives

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• Democracy power dispersed among variety of economic pressure groups and no single elite groups allowed

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• W.E.B Du Bois and other black leaders gathered at the Niagara Falls, and sought to reinvigorate (strengthen) the abolitionist tradition.

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Roosevelt Corollary

• An addendum to the Monroe Doctrine that held that the United States had the right to exercise an international police power in the Western Hemisphere

• Roosevelt announced that the U.S. would intervene to ensure the stability and solvency of Latin American nations

• Particularly the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Cuba

• Many of these nations were in severe debt with Europe

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Woodrow Wilson

• President of the united States

• Made the United States neutral with WW1 until 1917

• In 1918, he promoted united States to be involve in the Great War

• He was president of Princeton University

• He received the Nobel Peace Prize because of the 14 point plan

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand

• 1914 assassination

• Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

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• England

• France

• Russia, Switzerland

• United states, Belgium

• Italy, Serbia

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Central Powers

• Germany

• Austria-Hungary

• Ottoman Empire

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• British passenger liner sunk by a German u-boat, May 7, 1915, creating a diplomatic crisis and public outrage at the loss of 128 Americans; Germany agree to pay reparations, and the United States waited two more years before entering WW1

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Zimmerman Telegram

• From the German foreign secretary to the German minister in Mexico, February 1917, instructing him to offer to recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona for Mexico if it would fight the United States to divert attention from Germany in the event that the United States joined the war.

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Fourteen Points

• President Woodrow Wilson’s 1918 plan for peace after World War I; at the Versailles peace conference, however, he failed to incorporate all of the points into the treaty.

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Vladimir I. Lenin

• Bolshevik leader forced to live outside of Russia

• Returned in April 1917

• Germany hoped Lenin would weaken the Russia war effort

• Lenin became a leader

• Established radical communist program

• Made private ownership of land illegal

• Land given to peasants

• Control of factories given to workers

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Bernard Baruch

• Wall street financier

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19th Amendment

• Granted women the right to vote

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• 18th amendment (1920) banned manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol-increase in the number of “speakeasies”

• Criminals and bootlegging

• Gang wars, police corruption, disrespect for loyal citizens-end of prohibition

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Espionage Act of 1917

• The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited not only spying and interfering with the draft but also false statements that might impede military success

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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

• Founded in 1910, this civil rights organization brought lawsuits against discriminatory practices and published The Crisis, a journal edited by African-American scholar W. E. B. Du Bois

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Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907

• The United States would not exclude Japanese immigrants.

• If, Japan would voluntarily limit the number of immigrants coming in the United States

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WEB DuBois

• Founder of NAACP

• Wrote a book called “ The Soul of Black Folk” in 1903

• Highly educated man

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Niagara Movement

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Great Migration

• Large scale migration of southern blacks during and after World War one to the North, where jobs had become available during the labor shortage of the war years

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Universal Negro Improvement Association

• Founded by Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey, the UNIA was popular with poor urban blacks. It advocated a "Back to Africa" movement and stimulated racial pride among African Americans.

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United Soviet Socialist Republican

• The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics abbreviated to USSR or the Soviet Union, was a socialist state on the Eurasian continent that existed between 1922 and 1991, governed as a single-party state by the Communist Party with Moscow as its capital

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Red Scare

• Fear among many Americans after World War I of Communists in particular and noncitizens in general, a reaction to the Russian Revolution, mail bombs, strikes, and riots.

• Alarmed by the violent acts of a few anarchists and communists after World War I, the government resorted to the illegal round ups of innocent people and forcible deportation of aliens

• Lasted roughly a year and a half

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Versailles Treaty

• Harsh document that all but guaranteed future conflict in Europe