Sacred Esoteric Healing at Universal Medicine

Sacred Esoteric Healing at Universal Medicine

Transcript of Sacred Esoteric Healing at Universal Medicine

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Sacred Esoteric Healing at

Universal Medicine

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It can be said that Esoteric Healing brings the arrest of the ill energy that is causing the ill Will. It is the Will or, range of choices that one makes, that needs to be healed, if what lays at hand is a condition that needs healing.

The premise if not foundation that constitutes true Esoteric Healing, comes from the full knowledge of the Science of the Nadis in accordance and in adherence to the Law of Correspondence. 

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Universal Medicine has been teaching the ageless form of Esoteric Healing since 2002 when it inaugurated its first course. Since then, hundreds of participants from all walks of life have attended. In its entirety, the course stands as a two-year course, representing four levels of study and practical attainment.

The study combines the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Science of the Nadis, the sacredness of energy healing and the Science of the Soul combined with modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology to bring forth a modality and form of practice that is complete in its art and science. The modality is presented under the name of Sacred Esoteric Healing.

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There are many forms of ‘energy healing’. Universal Medicine, Sacred Esoteric Healing  and Esoteric Medicine do not place themselves under that umbrella per se.

There is in this organization a cogent and dedicated approach to the science of energy healing and with that comes the knowledge of energy being a life-force that needs to be most carefully discerned before one sets out in any way to use and or heal with energy.

Fig. :- Sacred Esoteric Healing

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Serge first taught about Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility as far back as 1999. He made it then and still makes it very clear and always will that if one cannot discern energy, there is no true integrity, regardless of the result one may achieve, the claims made, the word being touted or the title or lineage being relied on.

Serge Benhayon

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Because everything is energy, there is first and foremost a need to discern which is in fact the offending energy and which is the true healing energy well before one can entertain healing with energy.

If this is not sought or, much less understood, the exponent is no wiser than the blind, wisher, hoper or puppet leading the blind as is the case with those who choose to think that a name, title, legend, lineage or claim make a modality safe and or true.

Universal Medicine has not only brought the fact of the differing energies mankind exists under into the open, but has made it clear and precise which is which under an energetic form of discernment not ever made so practically accessible. And thus were born the revelations and teachings of Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility … two crucial and defining factors that were first taught by Serge as early as 1999.

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