Sabbatical News Letter - Nellis ·...

NELLIS FAMILY News Transitions & Prayers

Transcript of Sabbatical News Letter - Nellis ·...

Page 1: Sabbatical News Letter - Nellis · 2018-09-11 · Title: Sabbatical News Letter Author: nellis.phil Keywords: DABxJkhh1_s

N E L L I S F A M I L YS A B B A T I C A L S E A S O N : J U N E - N O V '16


Transitions & Prayers

Friends & Family,

Greetings from Seattle! Ruth and I are are excited to announce that we will be on Sabbaticalfrom mid June - mid Nov this year! We can hardly believe it, but this is my 7th year serving aspastor of Wits’ End Church and our community has blessed us with a season of rest!

During this time we will be traveling to Mexico as well as staying local in Seattle- enjoyingthe abundant space to rest, heal, and play as a family. We will also be doing some carefullistening and discernment on behalf of the next season of life as a family and around myvocational ministry.

Our kids are growing up! After home-schooling the boys for the last 6 years, we will be puttingthe two oldest in public school (Sylas, 6th grade / Judah, 4th grade / Ezra 2nd grade). We lookforward to being present for them as they navigate this enormous life transition in the fall.With the older two in school, Ruth will also be entering a season of discernment to discoverwhat is next for her. This is something we'll be praying about.

Over the last number of years, I've been multi-vocational: my 3/4 time pastoral work at thechurch is supplemented by my various roles as Adjunct Faculty at The Seattle School ofTheology & Psychology, carpenter at Urban Reclamations, private practice spiritual directorand free-lance artist. While these various realms of work bring a richness to my life, I have anincreased longing to focus and simplify both my vocational energies and streams of income. (Iwill continue a few of these other jobs during my Sabbatical from church ministry). This isanother thing we will be praying about.

Many of you know or have heard that Seattle is expensive- it's true! It's also home to us in thedeepest of ways. In order to live here, we've had to be creative and frugal by choosing to livein community with others and continuously working the angles. While this has been absolutelyvital to our formation (and brought out much of the best in us), we find ourselves longing toroot deeper in the coming years- we have begun dreaming about owning our own home but arenot sure this can happen in Seattle. This too is something we are praying about.

S E A , W A

Page 2: Sabbatical News Letter - Nellis · 2018-09-11 · Title: Sabbatical News Letter Author: nellis.phil Keywords: DABxJkhh1_s

Our church community has also experienced the impact of Seattle's cost of living. Many of ourpeople have been priced-out of the city and have ended up far away from the church. We areamong those that ended up far to the South while others have ended up far North. This ofcourse, has been a opportunity for serious identity and mission reflection as well as somecreative dreaming as a church! Again, these are the things we continue praying about.

A lovely story was told to me about a pastor who went on Sabbatical and returned to discover adeeper alignment between himself and the congregation that took them both in new andunexpected directions that neither could have predicted. A Sabbatical is an opportunity for thegood work of differentiation that can result in a more effective dynamic within the body ofChrist for the good of the community. Just think of what could be possible on behalf of theKingdom of God! Please consider praying with us and reach out with any questions you mayhave. If you would like to know more about the remarkable community called Wits' End Church,please visit


Beyond your relational awareness and attuned prayers, we have a request for financial supportif you are able to consider. Our basic expenses are well covered, but there are a few things thatwould vastly enrich our Sabbatical experience and help us truly enter the spirit of this season invital ways. Would you consider joining us by helping fund the personal and spiritual enrichmentdimension of our Sabbatical? Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Two solo retreats for PhilA couples’ retreat for Ruth & PhilEnrichment classes for Phil / RuthSpiritual Direction / Therapy sessions for bothConference experience for Phil

How to join us

1500 SW Myrtle StSeattle, WA 98106

Phil: (206) [email protected]

Ruth: (206) [email protected]

Our Sabbatical Enrichment Fund:

Our well-meaning Family Website & Sabbatical Blog:

Here are a few experiences we are hoping and praying for, but do not have funds to cover: