Saba Eskandarian*, Eran Messeri, Joseph Bonneau, and Dan ... · Articletitle 236...

Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2017 (4):232–247 Saba Eskandarian*, Eran Messeri, Joseph Bonneau, and Dan Boneh Certificate Transparency with Privacy Abstract: Certificate transparency (CT) is an elegant mechanism designed to detect when a certificate author- ity (CA) has issued a certificate incorrectly. Many CAs now support CT and it is being actively deployed in browsers. However, a number of privacy-related chal- lenges remain. In this paper we propose practical solu- tions to two issues. First, we develop a mechanism that enables web browsers to audit a CT log without vio- lating user privacy. Second, we extend CT to support non-public subdomains. Keywords: Certificates, Certificate Transparency, Pri- vacy, Private domains DOI 10.1515/popets-2017-0036 Received 2017-02-28; revised 2017-06-01; accepted 2017-06-02. 1 Introduction There are many documented cases in which Certificate Authorities (CAs) have issued certificates incorrectly. While DigiNotar and Comodo are among the most well publicized examples [2, 33], misissuance happens sev- eral times a year [50] and can enable active man-in-the- middle (MITM) attacks on a large population of users. For example, misissuance of an certificate can lead to an MITM on all traffic, unless defenses are deployed. In response, several defenses have been pro- posed [16], such as key pinning [3, 20, 22, 29, 34], DANE [26], Perspectives [49], country-specific restric- tions [27] and others. Certificate Transparency (CT) [31] provides an elegant defense that is being actively de- ployed by web browser vendors and CAs. A brief overview of CT The goal of Certificate Transparency is to make all is- sued certificates publicly visible. By inspecting the set of issued certificates, domain owners can identify a cer- tificate issued for their domain without permission and ensure that it is revoked. To accomplish this, CT uses a set of public, untrusted, append-only log servers that *Corresponding Author: Saba Eskandarian: Stanford University, E-mail: [email protected] track and publish all certificates issued by CAs. Even- tually, major browsers will only trust a certificate if it comes with a proof that it has been recorded in a public log. A certificate without such a proof will be treated as invalid. This will effectively force all CAs to register every issued certificate with one or more CT logs. Once CT is enforced by browsers, a rogue certifi- cate for that is used in an attack must appear on one of the public logs. This enables adminis- trators at, or an agent monitoring the logs on their behalf, to detect the rogue certificate and re- voke it. CT makes it possible to detect misissuance. The task of investigating and possibly penalizing negligent CAs is handled outside of the protocol. To explain our work, we must first briefly review how CT works. CT adds an additional step to certificate issuance. When a CA wishes to issue a certificate for, say,, it chooses a public CT log and sends the certificate data, called a precertificate, to the log. The log uses a secret signing key to generate a Signed Certificate Timestamp, or SCT, which acts as a promise that the log will add the certificate to its public log within a specified period of time, called the maximum merge delay (MMD, usually 24 hours). This SCT is sent back to the CA, and the CA typically embeds it in the final signed certificate as an X.509 extension. Two types of entities ensure that CAs and log servers properly follow CT procedures: Monitors check for suspicious certificates in logs by downloading and reviewing all log entries. Auditors verify that logs are behaving correctly based on their partial views of logs and check that SCTs they encounter appear in logs. Note that auditors can produce irrefutable crypto- graphic evidence of misbehavior by logs (such as at- tempting to delete log entries after inserting them), whereas monitors search for examples of misissued cer- tificates which cannot be conclusively proven to indi- cate misbehaviour. It is assumed that large organiza- tions such as web hosting providers, content-delivery networks or CAs themselves will perform the role of monitors on behalf of their clients. Large organizations such as Google or independent watchdogs will act as auditors to ensure logs are generally well-formed and updated properly.

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Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2017 (4):232–247

Saba Eskandarian*, Eran Messeri, Joseph Bonneau, and Dan Boneh

Certificate Transparency with PrivacyAbstract: Certificate transparency (CT) is an elegantmechanism designed to detect when a certificate author-ity (CA) has issued a certificate incorrectly. Many CAsnow support CT and it is being actively deployed inbrowsers. However, a number of privacy-related chal-lenges remain. In this paper we propose practical solu-tions to two issues. First, we develop a mechanism thatenables web browsers to audit a CT log without vio-lating user privacy. Second, we extend CT to supportnon-public subdomains.

Keywords: Certificates, Certificate Transparency, Pri-vacy, Private domains

DOI 10.1515/popets-2017-0036Received 2017-02-28; revised 2017-06-01; accepted 2017-06-02.

1 IntroductionThere are many documented cases in which CertificateAuthorities (CAs) have issued certificates incorrectly.While DigiNotar and Comodo are among the most wellpublicized examples [2, 33], misissuance happens sev-eral times a year [50] and can enable active man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks on a large population of users.For example, misissuance of an certificatecan lead to an MITM on all traffic, unlessdefenses are deployed.

In response, several defenses have been pro-posed [16], such as key pinning [3, 20, 22, 29, 34],DANE [26], Perspectives [49], country-specific restric-tions [27] and others. Certificate Transparency (CT) [31]provides an elegant defense that is being actively de-ployed by web browser vendors and CAs.

A brief overview of CTThe goal of Certificate Transparency is to make all is-sued certificates publicly visible. By inspecting the setof issued certificates, domain owners can identify a cer-tificate issued for their domain without permission andensure that it is revoked. To accomplish this, CT usesa set of public, untrusted, append-only log servers that

*Corresponding Author: Saba Eskandarian: StanfordUniversity, E-mail: [email protected]

track and publish all certificates issued by CAs. Even-tually, major browsers will only trust a certificate if itcomes with a proof that it has been recorded in a publiclog. A certificate without such a proof will be treatedas invalid. This will effectively force all CAs to registerevery issued certificate with one or more CT logs.

Once CT is enforced by browsers, a rogue certifi-cate for that is used in an attack mustappear on one of the public logs. This enables adminis-trators at, or an agent monitoring the logson their behalf, to detect the rogue certificate and re-voke it. CT makes it possible to detect misissuance. Thetask of investigating and possibly penalizing negligentCAs is handled outside of the protocol.

To explain our work, we must first briefly reviewhow CT works. CT adds an additional step to certificateissuance. When a CA wishes to issue a certificate for,say,, it chooses a public CT log and sendsthe certificate data, called a precertificate, to the log.The log uses a secret signing key to generate a SignedCertificate Timestamp, or SCT, which acts as a promisethat the log will add the certificate to its public logwithin a specified period of time, called the maximummerge delay (MMD, usually 24 hours). This SCT is sentback to the CA, and the CA typically embeds it in thefinal signed certificate as an X.509 extension.

Two types of entities ensure that CAs and logservers properly follow CT procedures:

– Monitors check for suspicious certificates in logsby downloading and reviewing all log entries.

– Auditors verify that logs are behaving correctlybased on their partial views of logs and check thatSCTs they encounter appear in logs.

Note that auditors can produce irrefutable crypto-graphic evidence of misbehavior by logs (such as at-tempting to delete log entries after inserting them),whereas monitors search for examples of misissued cer-tificates which cannot be conclusively proven to indi-cate misbehaviour. It is assumed that large organiza-tions such as web hosting providers, content-deliverynetworks or CAs themselves will perform the role ofmonitors on behalf of their clients. Large organizationssuch as Google or independent watchdogs will act asauditors to ensure logs are generally well-formed andupdated properly.

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In addition, web browsers can function as part-timeauditors, periodically checking with logs for proof thatSCTs for certificates from sites the browser has visitedwere indeed logged as promised. Every log server storesits data in a Merkle tree, where each leaf is a hash ofa log entry. This enables the log to efficiently proveto the auditor that the tested certificate is recorded inthe log data using a standard Merkle proof-of-inclusion.Auditors obtain an up to date Merkle tree root, called aSigned Tree Head (STH), via a broadcast/gossip mech-anism that we do not discuss here.

Privacy challenges with CTWhile CT provides a strong defense against misissuance,several privacy challenges are not addressed by the cur-rent design and may hinder wide adoption.

First, CT auditing can violate users’ browsing pri-vacy. Recall that when an auditor, such as a webbrowser, encounters a valid SCT, it should check thatthe corresponding certificate is properly recorded on thedesignated log server. If the certificate is missing fromthe log or, more precisely, if the log server fails to proveinclusion, the browser must then publicize the SCT toindicate possible misbehavior by the log server. A natu-ral choice is to report the SCT to the browser’s vendor(e.g., Google in the case of Chrome). The vendor willneed to investigate the log and potentially remove themisbehaving log server from the browser’s list of trustedlogs.

We note that this inclusion check by the auditoris primarily needed for certificates that are not pub-licly accessible. For public certificates, large auditorslike Google can check certificate inclusion in the log bythemselves.

The problem with this approach is that it violatesuser privacy: the browser must send the offending SCTto the verifier, thereby revealing the user’s browsing be-havior to the verifier. This is especially troubling con-sidering that this auditing mechanism is primarily ap-plied to non-public sites that the user visits. Ideally, weshould enable log server auditing without violating userprivacy. Although, in principle, Tor could be used in thissituation, we seek a solution that does not rely on exter-nal infrastructure. There are also situations where it isimportant to hide the certificate that has been excludedindependent of whether the identity of the reporter isknown.

The second difficulty with CT is that it is currentlyincompatible with private subdomains. Consider an en-terprise that does not want to reveal the domains of

its internal servers to the public. However, the enter-prise wishes to use a public CA to issue certificates forits internal subdomains (or to log its privately issuedcertificates in a public log). Because domain names arepublicly available in the CT log, logging certificates willreveal the servers’ private domains.

Certificates issued from private CAs (root CAs nottrusted by default but manually added to browsers) areexempt from CT as a workaround to this privacy prob-lem. That is, browsers forgo the SCT requirement forcertificate chains ending in a manually-installed root (anecessity to enable enterprise data loss prevention toolsto inspect HTTPS traffic).

However, this is unsatisfactory for two reasons.First, installing a private root on all browsers is a majorconfiguration burden. More importantly, administeringan internal CA introduces a significant security risk—ifthe internal CA is compromised then all client trafficmay be eavesdropped. Organizations may wisely wishto forgo this risk and rely on an external CA.

1.1 Our Contributions

We develop practical solutions to both challenges dis-cussed above which can be implemented efficiently ontop of the existing CT specification [31].Privacy-preserving proofs of misbehaviorWe develop an efficient zero-knowledge protocol that en-ables an auditor, such as a web browser, to prove to itsvendor (say, Google) that it has a valid SCT, properlysigned by the log server, and yet the log omits the cor-responding certificate. Specifically, the auditor provesin zero-knowledge that it has a valid SCT, as well asa valid proof of non-inclusion in the log’s Merkle tree.This proves log misbehvaior. The vendor learns nothing,other than the fact that log integrity has failed.

The zero-knowledge proof is about 330 KB andtakes approximately five seconds to generate and threeseconds to verify. This overhead is tolerable, given thatthis mechanism is used infrequently. We also consider avariant that provides weaker privacy guarantees, but ef-fectively revokes the missing certificate without reveal-ing it to the verifier. Our construction is presented inSection 2, where we discuss several practical considera-tions in its application.

CT for private subdomainsWe give a complete solution that makes CT fullycompatible with private subdomains. Our constructionmakes it possible for enterprises to use a public CA that

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issues standard SCTs without revealing any informationabout the names of internal domains. Our construction,presented in Section 3, uses only commitments and hasvery low overhead.

Short-lived certificatesWe also consider the implications of using CT in con-junction with short-lived certificates, which are certifi-cates that are valid for only one day [47]. The two ideas,CT and short-lived certificates, seem incompatible: thelarge number of short-lived certificates would overwhelmthe log servers. In Section 4 we provide a simple solu-tion, using Merkle trees, that resolves this tension.

2 Zero Knowledge Proof ofExclusion

We start by showing how to audit CT logs without vi-olating user privacy. Specifically, we show how a webbrowser can construct an efficient zero-knowledge proofthat a log server has issued a valid SCT but that thecorresponding certificate has not been entered into itsCertificate Transparency (CT) log. This proves that logintegrity has failed without revealing any informationabout the user’s browsing behavior.

Throughout the section we use the following termi-nology:

– Log: The entity managing a CT log and issuingSCTs that must be inserted into the log.

– Prover: An auditor, such as a web browser, thatobtained a certificate and a SCT by visiting a site,but the certificate data is missing from the desig-nated log.

– Verifier: An authority that wants to learn thata log is misbehaving without learning the prover’sbrowsing behavior. That is, without learning the of-fending SCT. This authority has the power to inves-tigate the log to determine what went wrong, andto potentially take steps to revoke the log.

More precisely, a log entry is a tuple (data, I, T ),where I and T are 64-bit integers representing the in-dex of the entry among the leaves of the Merkle treeand its timestamp respectively. data represents the restof the contents of the log entry (e.g. an X509 certificate).Recall that log entries make up the leaves of a Merkletree, sorted by their timestamp T . An SCT is the pair(data, T ), where data contains the log’s signature on the

domain name and other certificate data. When x repre-sents a log entry or an SCT, we use Tx to refer to thetimestamp of that entry and Ix to refer to that entry’sindex in the leaves of the log’s Merkle tree.

In our system, the prover proves that it holds anSCT y whose timestamp Ty falls between the times-tamps of two adjacent log entries x and z in the Merkletree. This proves that the entry y is missing from thelog because it would otherwise appear between x and z.The proof should reveal nothing to the verifier beyondthe fact that some SCT is missing from the log.

2.1 Privacy Goals and Limitations

We begin by discussing the threat model, and the levelof privacy to be expected from a solution.

Recall that the prover wishes to prove to a verifierthat it holds an SCT y whose timestamp falls betweentwo neighboring log entries x and z without revealingx, y, or z. While it is clear why revealing the missingSCT y would reveal information about the prover’s webbrowsing, it may not immediately be obvious why x andz should also be hidden. The reason is that knowledgeof the timestamps of x and z would allow the verifier tolearn what users have visited some particular suspectedsite. The verifier simply visits that site and checks if itsSCT timestamp does indeed fall between the x and z

reported by the prover. We emphasize that it is impor-tant not only to prevent leaking information about theprover’s browsing habits but also to avoid giving theverifier information it could use on its own to uncoverthe sites visited by the prover.

Suppose that a log only records SCTs for publiclyaccessible domains, and that only a single SCT is miss-ing from the log, say belonging to domain D. Once theprover sends the verifier its zero-knowledge proof thatthe log is missing some SCT, the verifier could do anexhaustive search of all public SCTs and learn that theSCT for domain D has been excluded. This reveals tothe verifier that the prover visited domain D. This pri-vacy limitation is inherent to CT.

Our approach is primarily used to preserve privacywhen a prover (web browser) audits a private domainthat is not publicly accessible. It also provides privacyin case the log drops many SCTs from its log data.

An alternative way to protect the privacy of theprover’s web behavior is to have the prover submit itsaccusation to the verifier over Tor. Our solution avoidsrelying on external infrastructure like Tor, and does

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not rely on non-collusion assumptions that Tor requires.Moreover, there are situations where it is important notonly to hide the identity of the reporter but also theidentity of the site being visited. Consider for exampleif the excluded SCT corresponds to a private domain.Sending the missing certificate to a verifier, even if itcould be done without revealing the identity of the re-porter, still reveals the private domain to the verifier.This means that private reporting of exclusions is im-portant not only to protect the web history of a userbut also to protect private domains on CT logs.

Recall that there is a period of time, the maximummerge delay (MMD), after an SCT is issued and beforeit is required to be present in the log. One concern isthat this may cause “false positives” where a certificatewith a valid SCT can be shown to be excluded fromthe log before the MMD period has elapsed. As we willsee, this does not affect our solution because the provermust present a log entry that has been added after theMMD has elapsed.

Actionable evidenceOur zero-knowledge proof hides, by design, all informa-tion about the log’s infraction, except the fact that someSCT is missing. This may make a subsequent investi-gation of the log server more challenging. Once a loghas been shown to have excluded SCTs, it must launchan internal investigation to determine the source of theproblem and satisfy investigators that its practices areadequate. At the very least, the log can conclude thatit has been compromised and make sure to change itssigning keys for future operation.

In Section 2.6 we present an alternate approachthat, in addition to proving log-exclusion, lets otherbrowsers treat the missing certificate as invalid. Thiseffectively revokes the offending certificate while reveal-ing nothing to the verifier.

2.2 Preliminaries

Our construction requires the following additional com-ponents in the CT protocol:

Additional signatures: Each log entry x is accompa-nied by signed messages

SignkH (H(x)), SignkT (Tx +H(x)), SignkI (Ix +H(x)),

where kH , kT , and kI are different signing keys. EachSCT y is accompanied only by one signed messageSignkT (Tx + H(x)). In total, this requires 4 additional

signed messages to be distributed by the log for eachcertificate: 1 signature in each SCT and 3 signatures ineach log entry.

Ordered log entries: Monitors must make sure thatthe ordering of index numbers corresponds to the orderof timestamps in log entries. That is, logs must ensurethat if Ix > Iy, then it must hold that Tx > Ty. Thisensures that the logs fulfill our definition of being well-formed and contrasts with the current setting whereindexes can be assigned to queued entries in any orderin a sequencing phase after SCTs are distributed.

We also need the following specialized primitives:

Commitments: We need a commitment scheme thatis additively homomorphic and supports efficient zero-knowledge equality tests and range proofs. We infor-mally define a commitment with binding and hidingproperties as follows:

– Binding: Given a commitment Cm to message m,it is computationally hard to decommit it to anymessage m′ 6= m.

– Hiding: It is computationally hard to determinethe message m given only commitment Cm.

An additively homomorphic commitment schemeis one which allows for addition of two values whileboth are under commitments. Equality tests checkwhether the values of two commitments are equal,and range proofs prove that the value of a commit-ment falls within some range (or in our case checksthat the value is greater than zero). Many practicalschemes and protocols with these properties exist [6–8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 39, 44].

Signatures: We also require a signature scheme withefficient proofs of knowledge of a signature:

Definition 1 (Proof of Knowledge of a Signature). AProof of Knowledge of a signature is a zero knowledgeproof that (pk′, c′1, c′2) ∈ P , where P is defined as thelanguage of triples (pk, c1, c2) where c1 and c2 are com-mitments to m and Signpk(m), respectively, for somemessage m. Moreover, there exists an extractor E that,given black box access to the prover, can extract the mes-sage m and signature Signpk(m).

The following signature schemes have efficient proofs ofknowledge of a signature:

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– CL02 [9] signatures, based on RSA– BBS [5] signatures, based on pairings, can be easily

modified, as described Camenisch and Lysyanskaya[10], to provide efficient proofs of knowledge of sig-natures

– CL04 [10] signatures, also based on pairings

Hash function: Finally, we will use a near collisionresistant hash function, defined as follows:

Definition 2 (δ-near collision resistant hash function).A hash function H : {0, 1}∗ → Zn is δ-near collisionresistant if it is hard to find x, y ∈ {0, 1}∗ such that|H(x)−H(y)| < δ.

Specifically we will assume H : {0, 1}∗ → Z2λ is apoly(λ)-near collision resistant hash function, where λis a security parameter and poly(λ) denotes some poly-nomial function of λ.

Although a stronger assumption than collision-resistance, it appears that most hash functions conjec-tured to be collision-resistant also satisfy poly(n)-nearcollision resistance. If H is modeled as a random or-acle, then H has poly(n)-collision resistance since theprobability that two random points in {0, 1}n fall withinpoly(n) of each other is poly(n)

2n .

2.3 Construction

Protocol Π is between a prover and a verifier with ca-pabilities to somehow punish a misbehaving log. Thezero knowledge proof is in two parts. In the first part(summarized in figure 1), the verifier receives commit-ments CTx , CIx , CTy , CTz , and CIz to the indexes I andtimestamps T of log entries x, z and to the timestamp ofthe SCT y. The verifier receives additional commitmentsdescribed below, including a commitment to H(x). Thesecond part proves that the indexes Ix and Iz are ad-jacent and that the timestamps are ordered such thatTx < Ty < Tz.

The first part uses the signed messages accompa-nying a log entry to both verify that the commitmentsgiven by the prover are legitimate and to prove thateach (index, timestamp) pair corresponds to the samelog entry. Using the additive homomorphic propertiesof the commitment, both Ix and Tx are added to H(x),giving commitments to Ix + H(x) and Tx + H(x). Theprover then proves in zero knowledge that the values inthese commitments are properly signed by the log.

To complete the actual proof of omission, the proversends and reveals a commitment C1 to the number 1and proves in zero knowledge that CIx+1 and CIz arecommitments to the same value. Next, the verifier com-putes commitments Cp1 = CTz−Ty and Cp2 = CTy−Tx .Finally the prover proves in zero knowledge that p1 > 0and p2 > 0.

The complete protocol Π is as follows:

1. Prover sends commitments CSignkI (Ix+H(x)),CSignkH (H(x)), CSignkT (Tx+H(x)), CSignkT (Ty+H(y)),CSignkI (Iz+H(z)), CSignkH (H(z)), CSignkT (Tz+H(z)),CTx , CH(x), CIx , CH(y), CTy , CTz , CH(z), CIz , C1,and rC1 .

2. Verifier computes CIx+H(x), CTx+H(x), CTy+H(y),CIz+H(z), and CTz+H(z)

3. Prover proves in zero knowledge that each commit-ment to a signature in step 1 corresponds to the cor-rect value, as shown in figure 1. That is, the proververifies a signature under a commitment for eachedge labeled “verify” in figure 1. Here we are us-ing three zero-knowledege proofs for the language(pk′, c′1, c′2) where c′2 is a commitment to a valid sig-nature under pk′ for a message committed to by c′1.

4. Verifier computes CIx+1, Cp1 = CTz−Ty , and Cp2 =CTy−Tx .

5. Prover proves in zero knowledge that Ix + 1 = Iz,p1 > 0, and p2 > 0.

ComplexityThe overhead of our scheme does not increase as the sizeof the log grows, meaning we achieve O(1) proof con-struction and verification time in the size of the log. Thisoptimal asymptotic overhead is enabled by the strictordering of log entries by timestamp enforced by mon-itors. Imposing such a locally checkable condition onthe structure of the log removes the need for any com-putation that would involve more than one SCT andtwo log entries in either the construction of a proof orits verification. Our construction also enjoys reasonableoverhead in practice, as discussed in section 2.8.

2.4 Security Analysis

We now prove the security of the construction in theprevious section. Appendix A gives a formal definitionof a CT log with the modifications we require for ourscheme to work, a security definition that captures ourgoals, and a full proof of security. Informally, we require

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CSignkH (H(x))

CH(x) CTx+H(x)


CSignkT (Tx+H(x))



CSignkI (Ix+H(x))


verify verify







Fig. 1. The process of getting verified commitments to the Indexand Timestamp of a log entry. SCTs only require one signaturebecause there is no need to ensure a connection with an Index forSCTs (which have no Index).

the following properties of a Zero-Knowledge ExclusionProof:

– Completeness: Any prover who really does havean SCT that has been excluded from a log will beable to convince a verifier of this fact.

– Soundness: No fraudulent prover can convince averifier that a log has excluded an SCT. We definethis in terms of a security game ProofExcl betweena verifier V and an adversary A who wishes to runprotocol Π to prove that honest log L has excludedan entry. We require that no adversary A can winthis game (and therefore convince V to accept afraudulent proof) with more than negligible proba-bility.

– Zero-Knowledge: A verifier learns nothing fromthe proof except that a log entry has been excluded.We achieve this by exhibiting a simulator for theverifier’s view of the protocol.

The proof of security is given in Appendix A. Herewe sketch the main idea. The proofs for completenessand zero knowledge follow from the properties of the un-derlying components of the protocol. Proving soundessrequires more work. The idea is that the adversary isforced by the security of the signatures to use only in-dex and timestamp values that appear in the log. Weneed to show that the log cannot contain signed sumss1 = Ix + H(x) and s2 = Iz + H(z), and signed hashesH(x′) and H(z′) such that s1 − H(x′) is one less thans2−H(z′). Otherwise, the adversary would obtain a fakepair of index numbers that are one apart and that cantherefore fool the verifier (a similar statement shouldalso hold for timestamps). Finding such entries would,however, break the poly(λ)-near collision resistance ofthe hash function, as shown in Appendix A.

2.5 Alternative Construction

The zero-knowledge proof in the previous section canbe modified so that it only relies collision resistant hashfunctions, not δ-near collision resistance. However, thisproof is slightly less efficient.

The modified proof Π′ is similar to Π, except that in-stead of having signatures on Ix +H ′(x) and Tx +H ′(x),the log publishes signatures on Ix‖H ′(x) and Tx‖H ′(x),where ‖ denotes concatenation. Before adding Tx or Ix

to H ′(x), the verifier multiplies each by a commitmentto 2n, effectively left-shifting Tx and Ix so the sum withH ′(x) can be interpreted as a concatenation of the twovalues. This simplifies the soundness proof so that thevalue of d will always be 0, and any adversary A′ win-ning the modified security game could be used by an-other adversary B′ to find a collision for H ′. The proofthat Π′ is a zero-knowledge proof is otherwise very sim-ilar to that of Π. Although the soundness of Π′ relieson a weaker assumption than Π, it requires the proverto send an additional commitment to the verifier andfor the prover and verifier to compute two interactivemultiplications on commitments [11], rendering Π′ lessefficient than Π.

2.6 Actionable Proof of Exclusion

Although we presented a solution with best-possible pri-vacy, in some contexts it is desirable to reveal some moreinformation to help with deployment of the system. Inparticular, we are interested in the case where the veri-fier needs some recourse other than completely distrust-ing a log after learning that the log has cheated. In ourcurrent system, a verifier has no power, for example, toissue a whitelist or blacklist of trusted/untrusted cer-tificates for a particular log because it learns nothingabout excluded SCTs other than that they exist.

We can do much better if we are willing to compro-mise on the degree of privacy offered to provers. Sinceit is likely that any SCT excluded from the log but pub-licly accessible on the internet will be caught by an au-ditor (e.g. Google) without need for a proof, we mustmainly concern ourselves with SCTs for certificates thatare not publicly accessible. We want a scheme where theverifier does not learn the certificate corresponding to abad SCT but enables browsers to reject that certificateif they encounter it. In other words, we wish to enablebrowsers to recognize when an SCT they encounter hasbeen excluded from a log without revealing the contentsof the SCT to a verifier.

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We achieve this by relaxing our privacy goals.Whereas our original proof was of a statement of theform “There exists a properly signed SCT y whosetimestamp falls between adjacent log entries x and z,”we now wish to prove that “There exists a properlysigned SCT y whose timestamp falls between adjacentlog entries x and z, and c = H(y) is the hash of y,”where c is supplied by the prover. By constructing aproof that intentionally reveals H(y), we make it possi-ble for an auditor who encounters an SCT y′ to checkif H(y′) = H(y). At the same time, the high entropyof H(y) ensures that y remains hidden. This weakenedproof is of course only useful if the SCT y in questionis not in the set of publicly available SCTs or else theverifier could test H(y) against hashes of each availableSCT and discover y by exhaustive search. Fortunately,the scenario where a non-public SCT is omitted fromthe log is exactly the scenario we aim to address.

We need only to make a slight modification to ourzero knowledge protocol in order to achieve this weak-ened notion of privacy. Suppose we choose to instan-tiate our protocol with Pedersen commitments [39],which provide all the properties we require in a com-mitment scheme. Pedersen commitments are of the formCm = gmhr for public g, h and secret randomness r. Wecan set r = 0 in our commitment to H(y) and main-tain the binding property of the commitment due to thehigh entropy of H(y), as mentioned above (and have theverifier compute the commitment gH(y) upon receivingH(y)). The rest of the proof proceeds as before. Nowthe verifier can distribute H(y), and any browser cancheck if an SCT it has acquired matches the one usedto construct the proof.

2.7 Practical Considerations

The presented solution can be implemented on topof the existing Certificate Transparency specification,RFC6962, with some adjustments.

Key distribution: The existing mechanism for dis-tributing the log’s key for verifying SCTs signed usingkS can be used for distributing the additional keys forverifying signatures produced using kH , kT , and kI .

Obtaining entries around a timestamp: The cur-rent CT RFC only specifies an API for getting the in-dex of an entry in the log given its hash, requiring theclient to know the timestamp and the certificate forthat entry. A new API endpoint is needed to provide

a number of log entries around a timestamp specifiedby the client:/ct/v1/get-entries-around-timestampwith the following inputs:– timestamp: The desired timestamp, in decimal.– count: The desired number of entries.

and the following output for each entry:– index: Index of the entry.– sct: JSON structure containing the SCT, as de-

scribed in Section 4.1 of RFC6962.– signatures: JSON structure containingSignkH (H(e)), SignkI (i+H(e)) and SignkT (t+H(e))(H(e), i + H(e) and t + H(e) can be calculated bythe client).

This additional API endpoint may be independentlyuseful for monitors searching for fraudulent certificatessuspected to be issued around the time of some partic-ular event, e.g. a security breach.

Adding signatures to SCTs: Signed CertificateTimestamps have an extensions field which can beused for embedding the signatures σTy+H(y), σH(y).As the signature in the Signed Certificate Timestampcovers the extensions field, these signatures should beproduced before the signature over the entire SignedCertificate Timestamp, SignkS (s).

Uniqueness of timestamps: Timestamps are re-quired to be unique under this construction. Distributedimplementation of a log could issue two SCTs withexactly the same timestamp for two different entriessubmitted at the same time. To avoid restricting theimplementation, each front-end of the log will be as-signed a unique ID, which will be concatenated to thetimestamp to ensure uniqueness. In practice, the uniqueID should be added as an extension to the SCT to avoidchanging the timestamp format currently specified inthe CT RFC.

Denial of Service: The need for the verifier to checkseveral signatures and zero knowledge proofs introducesthe potential for a denial of service attack launched bysending many fake proofs that will fail to verify butwill occupy verifier time, thereby preventing properfunctioning of this kind of proof of exclusion. Althoughconcern regarding denial of service potential is legiti-mate, it is not as bad as it may first seem. The verifiercan abort verification of a bad proof early in less than1/7 of the verification time for a correct proof wheneither a signature verification fails or the submittedcommitments do not satisfy the relations needed for the

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proof to go through.

Uncooperative logs: Logs have an incentive to not re-spond to queries by auditors who are building a proof ofexclusion. Suppose a log does not respond to timestamp-based queries. An auditor can instead use index-basedqueries (also used by monitors) and perform a binarysearch to find the entry with the relevant timestampneeded for constructing the proof.

A malicious log could go further. Suppose it placesa “dummy” entry on each side of the missing entry andrefuses to respond to requests for those dummy entries.This prevents the auditor from constructing the proof.However, this tactic will be unsuccessful because mon-itors will discover this misbehavior when they attemptretrieve all log entries as part of their normal periodicsweep. For this we need that a request to a CT log from amonitor is indistinguishable from a request from an au-ditor. This is needed to defeat uncooperative logs, andis also needed for correct operation of log monitoring.

2.8 Performance Evaluation

We built a prototype of our protocol in parts usingZKPDL [35] for the purpose of estimating the perfor-mance of such a scheme and ran it on a consumer lap-top equipped with an Intel Core i5-2540M Sandy BridgeProcessor at 2.60GHz. Our implementation consisted ofthe entire protocol except the verification of the sig-natures, for which a ZKPDL implementation alreadyexists for the RSA-based CL02 signature scheme of Ca-menisch and Lysyanskaya [9]. Using 2048-bit RSA keys,we measured the proof size, prover computation time,and verifier computation time for our implementation aswell as the signature verification (which we multiply by7 to account for the 7 verifications needed in the proof).The numbers shown in figure 2 are averages over 20executions. Although the protocol may seem costly, wepoint out that it is meant to be executed infrequentlyto catch cheating logs and is not expected to be partof regular, day-to-day web browsing activities. As such,the cost of under 10 seconds and 350 KB on the net-work seems reasonable. It is important to note that the333 KB proof is not something that will be included inSCTs or logs but data that is generated when the proofis needed. The overhead for instantiating our schemewith CL02 and BBS signatures is shown in figure 3 interms of growth of SCTs and log entries. These numbers,especially those for BBS signatures, are very reasonablewhen it is considered that the SCTs will typically be

delivered along with certificate chains that are alreadysometimes several kilobytes large.

3 Private Subdomains in CTWe next turn to the second privacy difficulty discussedin the introduction: extending CT to handle private sub-domains, such as the internal subdomains of an enter-prise network. Recall that CT requires every SCT andlog entry to reveal the domain name for which the asso-ciated certificate is issued. This prevents companies whohave private internal subdomains from using a publicCA, an undesirable consequence of CT.

A great deal of discussion has taken place aroundthis issue in the CT forum [1, 46]. The main proposedsolutions involve redaction of names via wildcards orinclusion of a domain name hash instead of a cleartextname. Wildcards in log entries pose a security risk andcan only be used to redact the leftmost label of a domainname. Hashed domain names, on the other hand, arevulnerable to a dictionary attack. Since domain namestend to have very little entropy, a dictionary attack isa significant threat to a solution that relies on hash-ing. For these reasons, the current draft RFC for CTversion 2.0 has no solution for this problem [32].

In this section, we will consider the various require-ments of a solution to this problem and establish a clearthreat model before providing a solution which protectsagainst all the threats we enumerate.

3.1 Threat Model

Figure 4 depicts interactions between all parties in-volved in the issuance and use of a certificate in CT.The domain owner requests a certificate from a CA whosends a precertificate to a log, which in turn sends theCA an SCT that is passed on, along with a certificate, tothe domain owner. Later, a site visitor or auditor visitsthe site for which the certificate was issued and receivesthe certificate and the SCT. We will modify the infor-mation sent in each message in order to hide privatesubdomains.

We state the security requirements from the stand-point of four parties involved in this scheme:

– Outsider: An outsider viewing the log without hav-ing visited a private subdomain cannot learn any-thing about the private subdomain except its suf-

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Component Proof Size (bytes) Prover Time (ms) Verifier Time (ms)Signature Verification (7x) 316888 4986.8 2274.0Rest of Proof 16328 30.6 36.2Total 333216 5017.4 2310.2

Fig. 2. Running times and proof size for our zero knowledge proof of exclusion using the signatures of [9].

Signature CL02[9] BBS[5]Log Entry Growth (bytes) 1791 480SCT Growth (bytes) 597 160

Fig. 3. Expected growth in log entry and SCT size due to inclu-sion of signatures required for our zero knowledge proof of exclu-sion protocol when using RSA-based CL02 signatures or pairing-based BBS signatures. Log entries require including 3 signatures,and SCTs require 1.

fix. For example, the SCT for reveal nothing beyond the fact that it be-longs to a subdomain of

– Domain Owner: The domain owner must not beable to frame an honest log by claiming that it hasan SCT for a certificate that does not appear on thelog.

– CA: The CA must not be able to issue a new, validcertificate using an SCT for another domain thatalready appears in a log.

– Log: Logs have the same requirements as in CTwithout private domains. Auditors and monitorsshould be able to verify that SCTs they encounterappear in logs, and monitors should be able to ex-amine the log and find any fraudulent certificatestherein.

3.2 Private Subdomains

These requirements can be met with a scheme that usesonly cryptographic commitments that guarantee bind-ing and hiding properties. In this scheme, the name ofa domain owner and a commitment to a subdomain ap-pear in CT logs instead of the subdomain itself. Thedecommitment to the subdomain acts as a proof thatthe site gives to visitors, allowing them to verify thatthe SCT belongs to their domain and that it appears ina log.

The construction is as follows (summarized in fig-ure 5): The domain owner D generates a commit-ment Cd to subdomain d (e.g. for the domain, we have D andd =secret) with decommitment randomness r. The

Domain Owner D CA Log Operator

Request Certificate



Certificate, SCT

Domain Owner D Site VisitorRequest Site

Certificate, SCT

Fig. 4. A high-level view of interactions between parties involvedgenerating and retrieving certificates in CT. We will modify themessages sent in each message to hide private subdomains.

domain owner sends (d,D,Cd, r) to the CA. The CAchecks that Cd is computed correctly and passes (D,Cd)to the log in the signed precertificate. The log incorpo-rates (D,Cd) into the log entry and SCT and sends theSCT back to the CA who passes it on to the domainowner as usual. d and r are embedded into the finalcertificate issued by the CA. Now any visitor to the site(or any auditor/monitor) is given the certificate and theSCT. The visitor verifies that the commitment Cd in theSCT is in fact a commitment to d with decommitmentrandomness r. Monitors who audit the logs can checkthat the correct number of certificates arepresent on the logs and that no spurious certificateshave been issued.

3.3 Security

We now argue that this scheme achieves security in thethreat model discussed above. Below we outline how

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Domain Owner D

C = commit(“secret”, r)

CA Log Operator


Request Certificate“secret”, “”, C, r

PrecertificateC, “”

SCTC, “”

Certificate:“”, r

SCT:C, “”

Domain Owner D Site Visitor

verify(C, secret, r)

Page Request:“”

Certificate:“”, r

SCT:C, “”

Fig. 5. CT augmented with support for private subdomains. C represents a commitment to the private subdomain “secret” with de-commitment randomness r. The SCT and log entry for “” replace the private subdomain with C, and visitors tothe site verify that the commitment corresponds to the appropriate subdomain.

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each of the security requirements imposed by privatesubdomains are met.

Outsider: Due to the hiding property of the commit-ment, an outsider observing log entries does not learnthe subdomain corresponding to Cd from the log.

Domain Owner: Domain owners cannot frame anhonest log because every SCT from that log is signedby the log.

CA: The binding property of the commitment schemeprevents a CA from issuing fraudulent certificates thatreuse existing SCTs because doing so would requirefinding, for a commitment Cd to a subdomain d, an al-ternative decommitment to d′ for which the fraudulentcertificate would be issued.

Log: The means CT provides for auditing and expos-ing misbehaving logs are not affected by private sub-domains. We point out that, as mentioned above, anyauditor or monitor given access to d and r can verify anSCT just as well as it could an SCT for a non-privatedomain. Moreover, a monitor working on behalf of adomain owner will still be able to detect fraudulent cer-tificates issued for the domain owner’s private subdo-mains if it is informed of the number of private subdo-mains the domain owner has registered. If the numberof such subdomains appearing in logs differs from theexpected number, then it is clear that either there areextra, fraudulent certificates or that the log has with-held certificates for which it issued SCTs.

3.4 Practical Considerations

The SCT from the log, along with d and r, can beembedded in the final certificate issued by the CA. Abrowser visiting the site would first validate the certifi-cate and the signature on the SCT. It would then extractr and d from the certificate and use them to verify thecommitment Cd in the SCT.

4 Short-Lived Certificates in CTWe also consider the interaction of Certificate Trans-parency with another proposed improvement to theweb’s public-key infrastructure: short-lived certificates[42]. The fundamental idea behind short-lived certifi-

cates is to issue certificates with relatively short validityperiods (i.e. one or a few days) in order to remove theneed on the part of a client to check whether or not a cer-tificate received remains valid. Instead of revoking a cer-tificate, the domain owner in the short-lived certificatesetting simply refrains from issuing a new short-livedcertificate in the event of key compromise. Topalovic etal. [47] explore the details of this idea and compare itfavorably to other proposed and implemented solutionsfor certificate revocation.

Considering the possibility of applying short-livedcertificates in conjunction with certificate transparencypresents the new difficulty of avoiding bloated log sizes.The frequency with which new certificates would need tobe issued under the short-lived certificate regime wouldmean that where one log entry would suffice for a regularcertificate, nearly 100 short-lived certificates would beneeded. A naive integration of the two solutions wouldlead to log sizes far larger than is truly necessary, but asimple solution can remedy this issue and allow the twosolutions to work together quite well.

Instead of creating one log entry per certificatefor short-lived certificates, a large number of potentialshort-lived certificates will be allotted one log entry.This log entry will have a special flag set to indicate thatit corresponds to a family of short-lived certificates, andthe validity period for the log entry will be comparableto that of a regular, long-lived certificate. The speciallog entry will also include the root of a Merkle tree ofall the short-lived certificates affiliated with the entry.When visiting a site that uses short-lived certificates,auditors will receive a proof that the SCT for that site’scertificate is in the Merkle tree whose root appears inthe corresponding log entry. This is the best-of-both-worlds: the growth rate of the CT log is no differentfrom that due to a regular certificate, but the short-lived nature of the individual certificates also resolvesrevocation issues.

5 Related WorkWell-documented concerns about the state of the web’spublic-key infrastructure (PKI) [16] have led to a num-ber of proposed solutions for improving the capacity tocatch problematic CAs or to dispense with CAs alto-gether. Pinning solutions such as Tack [34] improve se-curity by adding a “pinned” signing key that is asso-ciated with a server and without which the server willnot be considered authentic. In addition to CT, a hand-

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ful of other proposed PKI improvements rely on theconcept of transparent logs. The EFF’s Sovereign Keysproposal uses a log to list the Sovereign Keys associ-ated with domains and allows for automatically rout-ing around certain certficate-related attacks where userstend to click through browser warnings [24]. AKI andARPKI implement a set of checks and balances to pre-vent problems rooted in the misbehavior of one or a fewCAs, and ARPKI is co-designed with a formal modelto prove its security properties [4, 28]. Namecoin usesa blockchain to achieve goals similar to those of otherimproved PKI schemes [38]. Taking a somewhat differ-ent approach, Etemad and Kupcu [21] propose a schemewhere non-colluding servers gossip to catch any cheatingparties.

Certificate Transparency has received heightenedacademic attention as it begins to be widely deployed inChrome and Chromium browsers. Multiple works haveanalyzed the security of Certificate Transparency and itsgeneralizations or designed efficient protocols for partsof the scheme that are not specified in the current RFC.Chuat et al. [15] provide efficient gossip protocols to en-sure that different users of CT do in fact have the sameview of the logs with which they interact, and Dowlinget al. [19] formally prove the security of many aspects ofCertificate transparency. In the space of extensions andmodifications to CT, Singh et al [45] propose a vari-ant of CT with extended functionality and shorter logproofs, and Chase and Meiklejohn [12] prove the secu-rity of a generalization of Certificate Transparency theycall “Transparency Overlays,” which can be added ontop of other protocols such as Bitcoin to add a layer oftransparency. They leave the exploration of the interac-tion between transparency and privacy as an interestingopen problem, one which our work begins to study.

The notion of transparency itself has been studiedin various settings not necessarily related to the web’sPKI and appears to be a fairly general notion. Revoca-tion Transparency provides a transparency-based solu-tion for certificate revocation [30]. DECIM [51] uses atransparency log to keep track of uses of a public keyin a messaging context, thereby enabling its owner todetect key misuse. Fahl et al. [23] improve the secu-rity of mobile app distribution with “Application Trans-parency.” Extended Certificate Transparency [43] addsa second log to efficiently handle certificate revocationand presents an application to secure email. Finally, anumber of works have focused on building general trans-parent data structures and enabling computation overthem [37, 40, 41, 48].

At least two systems have combined transparencywith privacy notions. CONIKS [36] provides a transpar-ent identity/value map (with key management for se-cure communication as a motivating application) whilehiding identifiers and values. NSEC5 [25] is an exten-sion to DNSSEC providing stronger privacy by hidingthe set of valid subdomains for any given domain. Bothuse VRFs as a key building block for preserving privacy.

6 AvailabilityThe simulation code for the second part of our zeroknowledge proof of exclusion can be found on GitHubat code used to interpret and run the simulation,along with the implementation of the signature schemeis part of the ZKPDL project [35] at

7 Conclusion and Open QuestionsWe have examined various elements of Certificate Trans-parency with the goal of applying cryptographic solu-tions to remedy the compromise of private informationwithout significantly disrupting the operation of CT asit is currently designed. Our primary goals were to de-velop a privacy-preserving means of exposing logs thathave excluded certificates after issuing SCTs for themand to securely redact private subdomains in CT logs.We accomplished the former goal by developing a zeroknowledge proof that achieves the best possible secu-rity for privately implicating a cheating log. The latterproblem was solved by the realization that commitmentschemes appropriately applied exactly match the secu-rity properties required for private subdomains. We alsoshowed how CT and short-lived certificates can be usedin concert. It is our hope that these practical solutionsbased on widely-used cryptographic primitives can beapplied to promote a more transparent web without anycompromise in user privacy.

We leave the following open questions for futurework:

– Are there improved, practical schemes for browsersto privately query CT logs? We considered somepartial solutions in section 2.7, but a complete so-lution to this problem would be very useful. Onepossibility is to use a mechanism similar to OCSP

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stapling, where the proof of SCT inclusion in thelog is sent with a site’s certificate, but this wouldrequire more bandwidth and frequent updates tothe proof to use an up-to-date STH.

– Can the zero knowledge proof of exclusion of logentries we present be modified to require fewer sig-natures or even more lightweight primitives, therebyreducing overhead in SCTs and log entries?

– We have shown how to achieve private subdomainsin CT. Is it also possible to efficiently make entiredomain names private? Such a scheme would be use-ful in practice for enterprises who wish to registerdomains for new projects before announcing thempublicly.

AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by grants from NSF, DARPA,ONR, and the Simons Foundation. Opinions, findingsand conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of DARPA.

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A Security Model and ProofDetails

Below we give a formalization of the definition of a CTlog that has been modified to include our additionalrequirements.

Definition 3 (CT Log). A CT log is an entity thatmaintains append-only lists Log, hashLog, ILog, andTLog as well as 4 signing keys kH , kT , kI , kS and acounter i. A CT log’s lists are initially empty, and thecounter is initially set to 0. It also has access to poly(λ)-near collision resistant hash function H, a signaturescheme σ = (KeyGen′,Sign′,Verify′) , and another sig-nature scheme σk = (KeyGen, Sign,Verify) with effi-cient proof of knowledge properties (as in Definition 1).Upon receiving a message m, t from party P , a log formsthe SCT s = (m, t) and takes the following actions1:– send P (H(s),SignkH (H(s)))– send P (t+H(s),SignkT (t+H(s)))– send P the SCT s and Sign′kS (s)– append e = (m, i, t) to Log– append (H(e),SignkH (H(e))) to hashLog– append (i+H(e),SignkI (i+H(e))) to ILog– append (t+H(e),SignkT (t+H(e))) to TLog– increment i by oneA well-formed list Log consists of poly(λ) entries or-

dered by increasing order of I. Values of I must beginat zero and be incremented by one for each subsequententry. Values of T must fall within a range of poly(λ)where λ is a security parameter. Furthermore, the orderof entries of I and T must correlate, that is, if Ix > Iy,then it must hold that Tx > Ty. Lists hashLog, ILog, andTLog have one entry per entry in Log and are sorted inthe same way.

A CT log also responds to requests for entries in itslists with the requested information.

1 Although in reality it is the log who assigns t and not P , defin-ing the security model such that P selects t makes the adversarystrictly more powerful in our setting.

We make use of the following proof of exclusion sound-ness game and security definition in proving the securityof our proposed zero knowledge exclusion proof.

Definition 4 (ProofExclΠ,A,V,L(λ)). The proof of ex-clusion game is played by an adversary A with a log Land Verifier V using protocol Π and security parame-ter λ. L maintains append-only lists Log (a well-formedCT log), hashLog, ILog, and TLog, which are initiallyempty. L also has the appropriate signing keys and acounter i, initialized to zero. The game consists of twophases:1. A interacts with L in poly(λ) rounds where in each

round A sends L a message (m, t) with the range ofall t’s sent being at most poly(λ) and each t strictlygreater than the previous one. After each round, Aretrieves from L the new entry added to each list Lholds.

2. A interacts with V according to Π, with A playingthe role of the prover and V the role of the verifier.At the end of the protocol, V outputs a bit b = 1 if itaccepts the proof from A as valid, and outputs b = 0otherwise.

A wins the game when V outputs b = 1.

Definition 5 (Zero-Knowledge Exclusion Proof). Azero-knowledge exclusion proof is an interactive proto-col between a Prover P with access to log entries x, z,SCT y, signatures σIx+H(x), σTx+H(x), σH(x), σTy+H(y),

σH(y), σIz+H(z), σTz+H(z), and σH(z) and a Verifier Vwith access to the public keys corresponding to the signa-tures who outputs 1 or 0 at the end of their interaction.Both parties are given access to a log L and a securityparameter λ. We require the following properties from asecure exclusion proof:1. Completeness: ∀x, y, z s.t. Ix + 1 = Iz, Tx < Ty <

Tz, and σm is a signature on m for all signaturesabove, V outputs 1.

2. Soundness: ∀ PPT Adversaries A,Pr[ProofExclΠ,A,V,L(λ) = 1] ≤ negl(λ).

3. Zero-Knowledge: There exists an efficient simu-lator S that, given only λ, can generate a tran-script indistinguishable from that of the interactionbetween P and V .

For convenience of notation, the formal proof refers tothe lists of log entries, hashes of log entries, hashes plusindexes, and hashes plus timestamps as Log, hashLog,ILog, and TLog, respectively.

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Article title 247

Theorem 6. If H is a poly(λ)-near collision resistanthash function, the signature schemes σ, σk used are exis-tentially unforgeable, and σk allows for efficient proofsof knowledge of a signature, then Π is a secure Zero-Knowledge Exclusion Proof.

Proof. Completeness. The completeness of the prooffollows directly from the construction. Any prover withaccess to an SCT y with the given properties that hasaccess to the log can follow the protocol and convincea verifier that the log is cheating.

Soundness. We prove that no adversary A can winthe security game ProofExcl with greater than negligibleprobability through a series of three hybrids:

– hybrid 0: The security game ProofExclΠ,A,V,L(λ).– hybrid 1: Same as hybrid 0, except after V outputsb, we run the extractor for each proof of knowledgeof a signature and output 0 if any of the extractionsfail. This is indistinguishable from hybrid 0 by theextractability property of the proof of knowledge ofa signature. Since the proof of knowledge protocolhas an efficient extractor, we will never fail to ex-tract the signatures used.

– hybrid 2: Same as hybrid 1, except after the verifi-cation of the extractions, the verifier checks the ex-tracted signatures and outputs 0 if any of them arenot found in the corresponding list held by L: eitherLog, hashLog, ILog, or TLog. The adversary’s ad-vantage is at most negligibly changed from hybrid 1due to the existential unforgeability of the signaturescheme. If V could ever output zero based on thisadditional check, we could construct a new adver-sary B that breaks the existential unforgeability ofthe signature scheme by running the protocol untilV outputs 0 on this check and then outputting thesignature s that was not found in the log. Since allsignatures made by L are in one of the lists, s mustbe a forged signature. Thus the additional check inthis hybrid will only change the output of V fromhybrid 1 with negligible probability.

Now we prove that no adversary A can win hybrid game2 with more than negligible probability. Note that weonly need to prove the soundness for the first part ofthe protocol, as soundness for the second part of theprotocol follows from the soundness of the various zeroknowledge proofs it uses as subroutines. That is, we needonly show that no adversary A can fake the indexes ortimestamps of signed entries from L. We show here the

proof for indexes; the proof for timestamps is almostidentical.

In order for an adversary A to fraudulently win thegame, it must find log entries x′, x′′, and x∗ (or z′, z′′,and z∗) such that it can add Ix′′ and H(x′) to get avalue equal to Ix∗ + H(x∗). Since a signature on thelatter value will be in ILog, this will allow A to submitan acceptable proof that uses an index and hash fromdifferent log entries.

More formally, any adversary A that wins the gamemust produce commitments CI′′x+H(x′), CI∗x+H(x∗),CI′′z +H(z′), and CI∗z+H(z∗) that satisfy the following con-ditions:

– Ix′′ + 1 = Iz′′

– Ix∗ +H(x∗) = Ix′′ +H(x′)– Iz∗ +H(z∗) = Iz′′ +H(z′)– (Ix′′ +H(x′),SignkI (Ix′′ +H(x′)) ∈ ILog– (Iz′′ +H(z′),SignkI (Iz′′ +H(z′)) ∈ ILog– x′ 6= x′′ OR z′ 6= z′′

We will consider the case where x′ 6= x′′. The casefor z′ 6= z′′ is identical. If the adversary succeeds, thenit must have found values Ix∗ , x

∗, Ix′′ , x′ such that

Ix∗ +H(x∗) = Ix′′ +H(x′) (1)

Define d = Ix′′ − Ix∗. Then we have that

H(x∗) = H(x′) + d (2)

But d < poly(λ) since A can only send polynomiallymany messages to L to populate the log. Thus we candefine adversary B that breaks the d-near collision re-sistance of H by calling A as a subroutine, using theextractors from the zero knowledge proofs in the sec-ond part of the protocol to retrieve the contents of thecommitments A used, and outputting x∗, x′ as its nearcollision. This completes the soundess proof.

Zero-Knowledge. The zero knowledge property iseasy to establish as the sequential composition of a se-ries of other zero knowledge proofs. The simulator startsby committing to a series of random values (exceptthe commitment/reveal to 1, which must necessarily bedone honestly). After the verifier computes the appro-priate sums of commitments, the simulator sequentiallyexecutes several copies of the simulator of “knowledgeof a signature” from Camenisch and Lysyanskaya ([9]or [10], depending on the signature scheme used). Afterthe remaining computations on the commitments by theverifier, the simulator finally runs the simulator for theproof of equality of committed values and the two rangeproofs.