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MOUNT OLIVET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH January 2019 05 Zumbathon 06 PPR Meeting 09 Bible Study Resumes 12 Stew CROSSROADS NEWSLETTER Stew/Bake Sale Saturday January 12 Please donate Bake Sale items! To preorder call

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January 201905 Zumbathon06 PPR Meeting09 Bible Study Resumes12 Stew15 Crossroads Deadline


Stew/Bake SaleSaturday January 12

Please donate Bake Sale items!To preorder call


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The Musings of Pastor Jimmy

Hello Friends, Change the former way of life that was part of the person you once were, corrupted by deceitful desires.  Instead, renew the thinking in your mind by the Spirit and clothe yourself with the new person created according to God’s image in justice and true holiness.Ephesians 4:22-24       

As 2018 ends and 2019 begins we find ourselves making “resolutions” that end as soon as they are spoken. By looking at me you can tell I have failed at many attempts at weight loss. No matter how hard I try I simply don’t follow through with this. We all see the beginning of a new year as a chance for a fresh start and there is nothing wrong with that at all.           

What would happen if we used the Bible as our guide to really have that fresh start in 2019? Here are a few things I challenge you to do this year.

Daily Bible ReadingThis is one that we all say we want to do, and honestly, it’s gotten so easy to do now. With Bible reading plans and apps like You Version and Read Scriptures you can find a plan that works for you when it comes to daily time in the Word.

PrayerThis is another one that is easy once we discipline ourselves to do it daily. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, to pray without ceasing. We should find ourselves wanting to spend time talking to God every day. One way I find that helps me is I pray when I am in my daily Bible readings. I also have found and heard that writing your prayers is a good way to focus on your conversation with God. There’s no wrong way to pray, just be yourself and talk to God.

Kill IdolsDeuteronomy 7:25 shares, Burn the images of their gods. Don’t desire the silver or the gold that is on them and take it for yourself, or you will be trapped by it. That is detestable to the LORD your God. Anything that takes the place of your time with God is an idol. Let me be transparent with you if I may. As I write this it’s still early December and I was convicted by the Holy Spirit that I was spending to much time on social media. I was playing with Hattie and noticed I was more concerned with taking the perfect picture to “post” than just being present with her. Needless to say I repented and took the app off my phone. As the new year approaches, I encourage you to have a moment of self-examination and see what is taking your time away from God and your families. Ask God to remove it and you will find peace and a joy you never knew.

ConnectWhile the concept of going to Church seems to not be the hip thing to do anymore, it’s still one of the greatest activities we as Christians can do. Gathering with other believer is what God intended for us to do as the Church. Many have asked “how can we grow as a congregation?”. The answer is simple, you have to show up first and be active. Once we get active, we then invite and more folks come and join us.My prayer is that all who read this will seriously add these four disciplines to your spiritual walk. I promise you will never regret it and your walk with Jesus will show it.  

Keep Loving One Another!

Pastor Jimmy

Crockpot Theology

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03 Lois Kent

08 William Hall Mylie Dillion

10 Jessica Kent

11 Linda Barts

17 Taylor Woodson Mamie Lindsey

23 Cheryl Richardson

25 Angel Gregory

28 Michelle Owen Piper Calhoun

Prayer RequestsBrian Keith

Harriet KeithOlive Mills

Our MilitaryNursing Home

ResidentsVeshawn Parrish


Margie StroudTony TickleTravelersUnspoken Requests

Vann WiddiefieldYeaman Baby

Our Youth

2018 Budget Infoas of December 30, 2018


06 Wendy & William Hall13 Lyn Hill & Brianne Conner20 Leslie Christian & Samantha Owen27 Jacki Hearp & Judy Pena


06 Thadd Christian13 Alicia Gregory20 Mylie Dillion27 Pastor Jimmy


06 Judy Pena13 Carol Mills20 Andy Mills27 Judy Tickle


06 Joan Holley & Bill Kent13 Cheryl Richardson & Bridget Kemp20 Vann Dillion & Andy Mills27 Steve Kent & Lyn Hill


06 TBA 13 TBA20 TBA 27 TBA


Cheryl Richardson

Judy BaileyKayla Bennington

Mike & Susie Bennington

Margie BlankenshipLarry Burch

Our Church & Church LeadersOur City

Our CountryJessi CrewsKat Dodson

Durham FamilyMarty Eanes

Elizabeth GregoryPeggy HallDianne Harr

Carolyn & Ryland Hawker

General FundYearly Budget Amount

$ 121,012.00Needed Per Sunday:

$ 2,327.15Collected to Date:

$ 102,833.21Should Have Collected:

Building FundYearly Budget Amount

$ 15,825.12Needed Per Month

$ 1,318.76Needed Per Week

$ 304.33Collected to Date

30 Glenn & Ruth Dillion

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15pm Volleyball

26pm SIP6pm Tunstall Cheer

36pm SIP6pm Tunstall Cheer

45pm Volleyball

52pm Zumbathon

69:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship1:30pm PPR Meeting2pm Tunstall Cheer

76pm SIP6pm Tunstall Cheer

85pm Volleyball

911am Bible Study6pm SIP6pm Open Prayer6:30pm Bible Study

106pm SIP

115pm Volleyball


139:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship

146pm SIP 6pm Tunstall Cheer

15Crossroads Deadline5pm Volleyball

1611am Bible Study6pm SIP6pm Open Prayer6:30pm Bible Study

176pm SIP 6pm Tunstall Cheer

185pm Volleyball


209:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship2pm Tunstall Cheer

216pm SIP6pm Tunstall Cheer

225pm Volleyball

2311am Bible Study6pm SIP6pm Open Prayer6:30pm Bible Study

246pm SIP

255pm Volleyball


279:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship2pm Tunstall Cheer

286pm SIP6pm Tunstall Cheer

295pm Volleyball

3011am Bible Study6pm SIP6pm Open Prayer6:30pm Bible Study

316pm SIP