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10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool Lights, Camera, Action! Barnabas the Encourager © 2020 Mooblio. All rights reserved. 1 BIG IDEA: My church helps me and I help my church. BIBLE BASIS: Acts 4:36–37; 13:1–3; 15:36–41 KEY VERSE: “Carry one another’s heavy loads. If you do, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 15–20 minutes 20–25 minutes 25–35 minutes

Transcript of s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewIn the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone...

Page 1: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewIn the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone about Jesus. When the people heard about Jesus and the amazing things He did, they

10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool

Lights, Camera, Action!Barnabas the Encourager

Scripture marked “NIV” is taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of Biblica. Scripture marked “NIrV” is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version ™, Copyright ©1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. All scripture references are taken from NIrV unless otherwise stated.

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BIG IDEA: My church helps me and I help my church.

BIBLE BASIS: Acts 4:36–37; 13:1–3; 15:36–41

KEY VERSE: “Carry one another’s heavy loads. If you do, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

25–35 minutes

20–25 minutes

15–20 minutes

Page 2: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewIn the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone about Jesus. When the people heard about Jesus and the amazing things He did, they

10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool


My daughter is just getting to the age where she loves “helping” me with whatever task I am doing. If I’m doing the dishes, she crawls on top of the open dishwasher door to inspect and reorganize. If I’m doing laundry, she fills the washer with toys and whatever else is on the floor nearby.

It takes a lot longer to complete a task when my daughter helps. It is much messier, it sometimes needs redoing, and it definitely isn’t perfect. But, I want my daughter to help, even though she doesn’t always have the skills she needs or is confused about what to do next. She doesn’t know it, but I am always guiding her and watching to make sure that what needs to be done IS done.

I think God does this with us, too. He is thrilled when we want to be part of His work on Earth. While we may make it a longer process, take a dozen different paths before finding the right one, or bring a lot of our own mess into the picture, we are invited—and commanded—to be part of what God is doing.

The good news is that God is right here with us, watching to make sure that in the end, His glory is proclaimed and His love is shared with the world. In your moments of feeling inadequate or ungifted, remember that God has a pattern of using incredibly flawed people to do His great work!

Rebecca CrewsGO! Team Member

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Page 3: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewIn the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone about Jesus. When the people heard about Jesus and the amazing things He did, they

10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool


7 Steps to Becoming a Master of Memorization

Alright, I’m going to be honest here. I’ve never heard anyone say that memorization is their favorite thing in the world, but great communicators love delivering great messages and part of delivering a great message is knowing what you’re going to say. Think for just a moment about the best speeches or sermons you’ve ever heard. I’ll bet it wasn’t being read to you from a script. One of the reasons it was such a good message is because the pastor or speaker had it committed to memory which allowed them to focus on delivering it in a powerfully impacting way. There’s no way around it, memorization requires some work, but the payoff is huge and there are some things you can do to make it easier. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

Read the whole lesson first. Before you commit anything to memory, you have to know the big picture. It’s kind of like using plans to build a bird house. Before you make your first cut or start hammering on things, it helps to know what it’s supposed to look like when you’re finished.

Mark up the lesson. Pens and highlighters are your best friends! Underline and highlight key phrases, transition sentences, difficult lines, and anything else you think is worthy. This will create visual handles in the lesson that your brain can grab ahold of.

Chunk it. Your brain has trouble remembering vast amounts of unbroken information, so break the lesson down into smaller chunks. When you memorize, just focus on one chunk at a time and then put them all together at the end. The GO! curriculum helps with this by labeling many of the different chunks for you.

Read and recite. Starting with the first chunk, read the first sentence or two. Then put the lesson down and recite it back from memory. Continue doing this until you reach the end of the chunk. Then return to the top and recite the whole chunk in its entirety.

Focus on the transitions. Often the most difficult parts to remember are the transitions from one “chunk” to the next. Be doubly familiar with your transitions.

Write out trouble spots. If there’s a line or section that keeps giving you trouble, hand write it out. This involves a separate part of your brain and can help with retention.

Recite the lines out loud. It may seem awkward at first, but speaking the lines is tremendously helpful. Practice teaching the lesson out loud in front of an imaginary audience. It’s even better if you can do it in the actual space where the lesson is being taught.

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Page 4: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewIn the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone about Jesus. When the people heard about Jesus and the amazing things He did, they

10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool

UNIT DESCRIPTIONQuiet on the set—its movie making time! During “Lights, Camera, Action!” the preschoolers will give the performance of a lifetime as they act out scenes from Bible stories about the early church. When shooting wraps up, they’ll have discovered that the church is our supporting cast, but Jesus is the real star of the show!

SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS During the storytelling time, the teacher will video record the children as they act out

various “scenes” from the Bible story. Provide the teacher with a video camera or confirm they have a cell phone that records video.

Note: If you are going to use the video for external purposes such as social media, it is a good practice to obtain parental permission first. Otherwise, only use the videos to show to the preschoolers at church.

Optional: After the lesson, consider uploading the videos to a media presentation software like PowerPoint® and play it on a video screen or computer for the children to see the following week.

Place a stuffed animal in the storytelling area. The bigger, the better. Create a “Bible Box” and place your storytelling Bible inside. This box will be used every

week. See the Resource Folder for details on how to make the “Bible Box.” If using the non-video options for the Topher segments of the lesson, print the Topher’s

Storytime Rules signs and Topher’s Big Idea signs on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and place in the story time area. See “Getting Started” in the Resource Folder for the printable signs and for more instructions on how to perform the non-video options.

Note: Any media repeated throughout the unit, such as the Topher videos and the title slide, is located in the Lesson 1 Resource Folder only.

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10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool

Slide: show “Lights, Camera, Action!” title graphicMusic: (optional) play upbeat music as children enter the storytelling area


As children enter the story time area, give them a high-energy welcome—smile, wave, give high fives, and tell them you’re glad to see them. For added energy during the transition, play a fun song that the children are familiar with. When the children have all arrived, play one or two upbeat worship songs of your choosing and lead the kids in singing.

Music: play one or two upbeat worship songs

After the songs, help the children sit down by saying the following rhyme with them:

Topher the Gopher 1, 2, 3. (Clap on each number.)Digs a hole right under me. (Make a motion as if digging with a shovel.)Slowly I start sinking down. (Twist your body back and forth, lower and lower to the ground.)Until I’m sitting on the ground. (Sit down on ground or chair.)


Large Group Leader: Hello boys and girls! I’m so glad you’re here today! In just a little bit, we’re going to make a Bible story movie. On the count of 3, let’s shout, “Hooray!” (Count to 3 and shout.)

Today’s true Bible story is going to teach us that my church helps me and I help my church. That’s our Big Idea for the day. Let’s say it together. (Repeat Big Idea with children.) My church helps me and I help my church. It’s true! My church helps me and I help my church. In fact, that’s what our memory verse from the Bible tells us. Let me teach it to you.

“Carry one another’s heavy loads (motion with both arms like picking up something heavy). If you do (march in place), you will fulfill (thumbs up) the law of Christ (hold hands out in cross formation).” Galatians 6:2 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).

Let’s do that together. (Repeat Memory Verse with children 2 or 3 times.)


Wow—nice job! I think you are ready for the Bible story. Before we get started, though, I think we should go over our three story time rules.

Video: play “Topher the Gopher Story Time Rules” video

(Note: Play the “Topher the Gopher Story Time Rules” video or use the Story Time Rules script found in the Resource Folder.)

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10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool


In just a minute, we’re going to make our Bible story movie, but first, I want to teach you a word. The word is “encourage.” Can you say “encourage” with me? (Repeat word with children.) Wow—you’re so good at saying that! The word “encourage” means to say or do something that makes people feel happy about themselves. I have an idea! I’m going to say some different things to you. If the words I say are encouraging, I want you to clap your hands and say, “That’s encouraging!” If the words I say are not encouraging, I want you to sit on your hands and be very quiet. (Say the sentences below one at a time. Respond with children after each one.)

You are such a good friend. You are very nice. I like playing with you. I don’t like that shirt you’re wearing. I like your picture. You’re so good at drawing.

Great job! You really know how to be encouraging. Hey—that reminds me of today’s true Bible story. It’s about a man named Barnabas who was REALLY good at encouraging people. If you’re ready to hear that story, wiggle your fingers in the air. (Children wiggle fingers.) Great! First, let’s get our Bible out of the super-duper Bible box. (Move to the Bible Box.) I need your help getting the Bible out, though. We need to say our special Bible words together. Repeat these special words after me: It’s true, it’s true, the Bible is true!

(Repeat the words with the children, then turn on the Bible Box light so that the Bible is revealed. Optional: play the Bible Box sound effect when you turn the light on.)

Sound: (optional) play the “Bible Box” sound effect

(After the Bible is revealed, open the box and take it out. Hold the open Bible in front of you.)

Slide: show the “Barnabas the Encourager” slide


(Note: Use a cell phone or video camera to record the children as they perform the various short Bible “scenes.” For each scene, show the children what to do first, them have them do it. When the lesson is over, consider showing the scenes to the children.)

Are you ready to make our Bible movie? (Children respond.) Great! I’ll tell you what to do. Then, when I say, “Lights, camera, action!” you do it.

In the Bible, in the Book of Acts, the disciples told everyone about Jesus. When the people heard about Jesus and the amazing things He did, they became believers and followed Jesus. Let’s pretend to be one of the new believers. When I say, “Action!” give yourself a big hug and say, “I love Jesus so, so much!” Lights, camera, action! (Press record while children perform.) Cut! Nice work!

The believers never yelled, “That’s mine!” Instead, they shared everything they had with each other. If one believer needed food, another believer would share their lunch with them. If one believer needed clothes, another believer would give them a shirt. If one believer needed a place to stay, another believer would invite them inside. When I say, “Action!” let’s pretend to

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10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool

open the door and say, “You can live with me!” Lights, camera, action! (Press record while children perform.) Cut! That was wonderful!

There was a believer named Barnabas who loved to help and encourage people. One day, Barnabas sold his field and gave the money to the disciples so they could help other people with it. When I say, “Action!” I want you to hold your hand out like Barnabas and say, “I sold my field. Here’s the money.” Lights, camera, action! (Press record while children perform.) Cut! Nice job!

Barnabas helped and encouraged a man named Paul. Wherever Paul went, Barnabas went too. He encouraged Paul and helped him tell everyone about Jesus. Let’s pretend to be Barnabas. When I say, “Action!” walk in place like you’re following Paul and say, “You can do it, Paul!” Lights, camera, action! (Press record while children perform.) Cut! That was wonderful!

Barnabas also helped and encouraged a man named Mark. Paul didn’t think Mark was ready to travel with them, but Barnabas stuck with Mark anyway. He encouraged Mark and helped him grow wise and strong in his love for Jesus. Let’s pretend to be Barnabas again. When I say, “Action!” I want you to give someone next to you a high five and say, “You can do it, Mark!” Lights, camera, action! (Press record while children perform.) Cut! And that’s a wrap!


(Encourage the children to stand up. Lead them in a worship song of your choice. Following the song, use the rhyme from earlier to help the children sit down again.)

Music: play one worship song

In our story for today, Barnabas helped and encouraged lots of people. Jesus wants us to help and encourage lots of people too!

I have an idea! Let’s practice saying encouraging things. (Place a stuffed animal in the storytelling area.) This is our friend [insert name of stuffed animal]. He’s kind of sad right now—he’s had a very rough day! What are some nice things we could tell our friend to cheer him up? (After each answer, count to 3 and have all of the kids say the suggested kind words together.) Wow—you are really good at saying encouraging words! Our friend looks so much happier now. Let’s wave goodbye to him. (Make the stuffed animal wave goodbye and put it away.)

That’s one of the best things about being part of a church. People at church can encourage you with nice words. You can encourage people at church with nice words too! Isn’t that great—your church helps you and you help your church.


Hey—that’s our Big Idea for today! I think we should tell it to our parents when we see them. Maybe we should practice first. (Appear to be thinking.) Hmm…who could we practice telling? I know! We could tell our friend, Topher the Gopher. Let’s see if we can find him.

(Play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 1” or, for a non-video option, print out the “Topher’s Big Idea Cards” ahead of time and hold up card #1. See the “Topher’s Big Idea” document in the Resource Folder for more suggestions on how to perform the non-video option.)

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10.3 Large Group Lesson | Preschool

Video: play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 1”

(Whisper.) Uh-oh. It looks like Topher is asleep. I think we should wake him up. When he wakes up, we can all tell him that my church helps me and I help my church. On the count of 3, let’s all yell, “Topher the Gopher, wake up, wake up!” (Count to 3 and yell with kids. Then play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 2” or hold up card #2.)

Video: play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 2”

Topher: Hey, what’s the Big Idea?

Children and Large Group Leader: My church helps me and I help my church. (Repeat the Big Idea several times. When finished, play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 3” or hold up card #3.)

Video: play “Topher’s Big Idea Video 3”

Topher: Wow! That is a Big Idea! Thanks for telling me! Goodbye kids. (Encourage kids to wave goodbye to Topher as he disappears back into his hole.)

Large Group Leader: Let’s say a prayer and ask Jesus to help us say encouraging words to each other. (Encourage kids to repeat the following prayer after you.)

Dear Jesus,Thank you for my church.Help me say and do nice things.So I can encourage others.I love you, Jesus!Amen.

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