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Jumpstart System_________

The Rich Niche Selector!

Jump Start Coaching Academy

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Why a Rich Niche?_________

“There are riches in niches.”

Maybe you’ve heard this before, or maybe it’s your first time.

Either way, the saying is true.

And not only is it true, but…

Picking a real niche is the absolute most critical thing you will ever do if you want to ensure success in growing a profitable business!

It’s always the first step in a solid foundation for a successful business yet, most completely skip it!

Before we explain why most skip this most crucial step, let’s first briefly define what a niche is and dive into why choosing one is so important…

The simplest way to explain a niche is this…

‘A group of people with a specific need who will exchange money for a product/service to fill that need.’

Therefore, if you don’t target a need in the marketplace – you have NO business. Period.

Read that sentence again.

Now you can see why getting this part right is so critical.

Don’t worry though, it’s not as hard as you think! It only takes a little research following our proven process to get this right.

First though, let’s look at a few niche examples so we’re all on the same page. Often business owners confuse what they sell for the niche they’re in.

The niche is NOT your product or service. The niche is the need. The product or service fills that need.

(P.S. You’ll want to read the above again as well)

For example, we as a species have a need to ‘eat.’ The product or service to fill that need would be the selling of food. The food is not the need. Food simply fills that need.

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Next, if we divide the market or examine the need of ‘eating,’ we find there are other more specific needs within this broader need…

For example, some people have a preference (need) to eat Chinese Food, some Mexican food, or takeout food etc. And so there are products and services to fill these needs.

Next, if we divide the market even further we find even more specific preferences (needs) for eating…

For example, some may prefer to eat at upscale Chinese restaurants. Some, because of certain views, may prefer to eat from restaurants that get their ingredients from locally sourced organic farms. And then there are some that simply prefer low budget, fast food takeout such as McDonald’s.

And the list goes on, but the point is this…

There are many fulfilled and unfulfilled needs in EVERY marketplace. As you examine your own, which we will show you how to do shortly, you will find there are profitable ones you can tap into. But before moving on this is what you must remember…

The key to launching a profitable business is to first do your research and divide your marketplace to find a specific need (niche).

This is what is referred to as ‘niching down.’

When you niche down and focus on serving just one specific need you will find selling virtually effortless.

People will by from you simply because your product/service fills a need that is not being fulfilled by any other company out there. So the more you niche down, the less competition you have (if you do it right, sometimes 0).

The other great thing about niching down is it means you can charge a whole lot more!

This is exactly how a ‘Specialist’ Doctor gets paid a whole lot more than a general practitioner (GP) Doctor.

You DON’T want to be the general product/service or COMMODITY of your marketplace competing on price. Not unless you’ve got a billion dollar operation like Walmart or McDonald’s and your whole business model is based around competing on price.

The other great thing about niching down is that it removes a TON of work and a TON of overwhelm.

When you focus on serving just one niche it means you only have to create one great product/service/program to serve that niche.

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It means you know exactly your dream client/customer who you’re selling to. It means you only need to create one simple marketing message to attract them.

Bottom-line is – niching down makes everything easier AND much more profitable too!

But here’s where business owners get stuck with niches…

Because a need or niche originates from within the mind of a group of people they’re not always obvious.

You have to do your due diligence to make sure you have got an actual need people will pay money to have solved.

You can’t just make up a need! And this is a HUGE mistake many Coaches and Consultants make…

As silly as it seems, often times they believe they have a great idea for a product/service so they create their company, invest $1000’s and many hours of their own time, and they (try to) sell before they’ve even done their market research.

They simply assume there is a need in the marketplace and often times – there isn’t!!

This is how companies go bankrupt every day!

Remember, if there is no need, there is NO business. It’s as simple as that. Here’s an example to illustrate…

Let’s say you’re an Accountant who wanted to ‘niche down’ and focus on serving clients in the tech industry from California.

Well, just because you’ve decided to focus on this demographic does NOT mean you have a real niche or a real need. What’s to stop these tech companies in the California from hiring an Accountant who works with tech companies from all over the U.S. or even the world?

If there is absolutely nothing, then you will be seen as a commodity and the client will go to the lowest bidder (the Accountant who slashes their prices the most).

However, maybe the tech companies in California are subject to certain policies or tax regulations that no other state has. And because you work with clients in this state you understand all of the hidden loopholes and legal requirements that other Accountants wouldn’t know because they try to serve a broader market. THEN you would have a real specific niche/need. See how this works?

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So as you can see, the niche or need has to be real. You can’t just make it up otherwise your business could flop OR there will be nothing to stop others from taking your clients/customers!

Next, once you’ve found the first profitable niche you want to focus on, in the beginning you’ll only want to serve just this one niche. Why?

Because with each new niche comes a new way of marketing and selling your product/service. This dilutes your focus and HUGELY slows down the speed of your success.

If you want to accelerate your success remember the law of 1’s…

Start with 1 niche. Then 1 product to serve that niche. Then 1 lead generation strategy to find prospects. And finally, 1 sales strategy to convert those prospects into customers.

That’s all you need to create a 7-figure business.

Any time you deviate from the law of 1’s you slow progress. Any time you deviate from the law of 1’s you lose money. Any time you deviate from the law of 1’s you put yourself in more and more overwhelm!

So first prove you can serve 1 niche with 1 great product using 1 lead generation and 1 sales strategy, THEN branch out. Until then – stay focused.

Here’s the thing though…

Even after we’ve drilled into our clients the importance of niching down - most fail to do so.

So before we move on to find your first profitable niche, let’s examine the 2 main challenges we hear most often that might hold you back…

1) You’ve got a lot of niches/needs you’re interested in serving, but aren’t sure which one to choose.

2) You want to target multiple niches.

As you can see, if you fall into either of these groups, you’re stuck, paralysed.

But no matter what category you fall into at the moment, here is our message to you when finding your niche…

1) You’re NOT locked in forever

You can always pick one and if it doesn’t work out, you can go with a different one at a later date.

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Also, don’t worry about getting it wrong. It’s OK. Simply choose a different niche and move on. The point is that you do choose one!

Next, you’re not always going to be serving just this one need or type of client.

This is one of the biggest misconceptions about choosing a niche.

This is what typically happens when you start working with and attracting clients in one of our profitable niches below…

You’ll quickly begin to attract that one type of ideal client, then you’ll not only discover it’s the fastest way for you to attract and sign clients, but because you’re specialising you’ll also discover it’s the fastest way for you to get results for your clients too!

You’ll get known for these results, referrals will come in, and you’ll start attracting more and more people from ALL walks of life.

Now does this mean you have to turn them away because you target 1 niche?

Absolutely NOT!

The point is, you choose just 1 niche in the beginning to give you and your company direction so you know A) where to go to get clients and B) know how to attract them to work with you with the right marketing message.

So don’t let trying to find the ‘perfect’ niche hold you back from taking action because there is no ‘perfect niche.’ Again, the idea here is to pick one (using our process below) and move on!

Our next piece of advice is for those who want to focus on multiple niches….

2) Just Pick ONE Niche

More hands in the pie does NOT mean more opportunities for you!

Read that again.

More hands in the pie means you’re splitting your time, your energy and your focus creating…

Multiple niche marketing messages…

Multiple niche products…

Multiple niche programs…

Multiple niche landing pages… etc..

You can see how that can become overwhelming, yes?

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Maybe you’re already overwhelmed trying to get one business up and running, yes?

Well think of each niche as a new business!

More niches and fingers in the pie is NOT the answer.

Remember the law of 1’s. It’s your fastest path to 7-figures.


3) Choose the One that RESONATES

If you’re unsure which niche to go with, your first steps will be to look through our list of profitable niches below.

If any of these resonate (i.e. because you’ve got skills or strengths or an interest in that area) – pick the one that resonates most and move on.

If multiple resonate – flip a coin and move on.

After that we have a final exercise in this document to narrow your niche even further.

Yes, we’re going to narrow your niche so much it hurts!

But don’t worry, because as you’ll see, our formula will help you find a niche that’s narrow and deep.

Meaning – it’s very specific, but there will be A LOT of people to serve in that niche.

Then once you’re tired of making a lot of money in this niche, you can come back to this report, step yourself through the same formula, and presto! – find your next profitable niche!

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s just pick our first profitable niche…

Here we go…

-Luke & Jim

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Uncover Your Rich Niche…__________

Let’s pretend you’ve just opened up a new store in your local mall.

This however, is no ordinary store because the way you earn money is not by selling items, but by simply answering any questions customers should have about helping improve their lives and/or their business…

And lucky for you, I’m going to be sending you an unlimited supply of customers…

BUT, there’s a small catch (isn’t there always)…

For every customer I send you, you MUST be able to answer ALL of his/her questions to make any money.

1. What are ALL their questions you can answer? (LIST THEM BELOW – Spend at least 20mins doing this)

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2. Highlight all the questions you enjoy answering most.

3. Picking a Topic

Based on the answers you’ve highlighted above you will notice that some MAY cover more than one topic.

I.e. Relationships, Business, Leadership, Copywriting, How to Cook Healthy Food… etc.

Your next goal however is to choose just ONE topic you’d like to focus your coaching or consulting on.

Pick the topic you love most, but one that’s also inline with your strengths and experience.

In the rest of this document, we’re going to take that topic and validate it to see if there is market demand…

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Define Your Rich Niche…__________

4. Is your topic a Mega Niche?

In the coaching and consulting industry, there are 7 “Mega Niches” where 90% of coaching/consulting is sold.

These are Health, Fitness, Relationships (including Parenting), Business, Money and Career.

So if the topic you’ve chosen above falls into one of these categories, that means there will be demand for your service.

These mega-niches have the biggest need in the marketplace, meaning – people will always be willing to pull out their wallets and pay you big $$$ to get their problem solved.

The challenge with going into one of these Mega Niches is COMPETITION.

That’s why, if your chosen topic does fall into Mega Niche territory, you’ll need to niche down even further. This will allow you differentiate yourself in the marketplace from all the other competitors so people have a reason to choose you over them.

Use these 27 profitable niche below as a starting place to give you some ideas on how you can niche down.

In the final section of this document we’ll help you narrow it further so you can find a niche that’s narrow AND deep (full of high paying prospects).

Profitable Health & Fitness Niches

1) Natural Weight Loss – People are always going to be interested in weight loss. Combine that with the fact we’re becoming more and more aware and concerned about what we’re putting in our bodies you’ve got a powerful niche!

2) Muscle Gain – This is a big, profitable niche. Think how you can narrow it even more - muscle gain for vegetarians? What about teenagers or seniors? Etc.

3) Low-Impact Exercise – Great niche for seniors and the many people that have long-term injuries in our society.

4) Fat Loss – A big niche. We’ll help you narrow it even more in the next section.

5) Natural Healing – The alternative health/healing niche is BIG & profitable. It’s still quite broad though. Maybe you have a specific skillset within this niche to help your clients?

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6) Any Specific Physical OR Mental Health Problem – The keyword there being specific. A client of ours helps sufferers of Crohn’s Disease reclaim their freedom by starting an online business. He too has the disease and so understands the frustrations and challenges of his market. If you have experience, skills or knowledge with a specific physical or mental health problem, this may be opportunity to help others overcome their challenges.

Profitable Relationship, Parenting & Dating Niches

7) Dating for Men – This is definitely a big, profitable niche. Think how you can narrow it though for even bigger profits. Dating for men after marriage? Dating for celebrities? Dating for athletes? Etc.

8) Dating for Women – Same as above. Think how you can narrow it! Dating for Female Executives or Entrepreneurs? Dating for Women over 40? Dating for Christians? etc.

9) Relationships – Think how you can narrow down this niche to create even more profits. Relationship help for Entrepreneurs? Relationship help for people with Faith? Relationship help for Gays?

10) Marriage – Same as above.

11) Sexuality – Same as above.

12) Conflict – Same as above.

13) Divorce – Divorce effects people no matter what your status or background. Therefore it’s a big niche. How can you narrow it further? This might be your opportunity to help the ultra wealthy through divorce? Or maybe those who own certain types of assets? i.e real estate.

14) Parenting – “Parenting” as a niche is quite general. What are some other challenges parents face within this niche? Discipline? Helping their children get good grades? What about getting into an Ivy League University? Think “Accelerate Education Niche for Kids.” As you can see, all are niches within this bigger, profitable niche.

Profitable Business, Money, & Career Niches

15. Real Estate – Like the rest that follow, any niche related to business or money becomes extremely profitable. That’s because the closer you are to helping your client make money, they more valuable you are to them. The key with these is to pick the one that resonates then narrow down even further for BIGGER profits!

16. Foreign Currency – As above.

17. Investing – How can you narrow it? For example… How to invest in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s etc. How to invest company profits etc.

18. Retirement – As above. How can you narrow it further? Retirement for

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Executives? Retirement for Business Owners with no exit strategy? Etc.

19. Debt - How can you narrow it further? Debt for Business Owners? Getting rid of Credit Card Debt?

20. Starting A Business - How can you narrow it further? What ‘Starting a Business Niche’ will YOU specialize in? There is HUGE money in this niche.

21. Making Money - How can you narrow it further? Making money for.. Stay-at-Home-Mums? There is HUGE opportunity and profits to be made in this niche.

22. Online Marketing – Narrow it further. I.e. What type of online marketing are you doing or whom specifically are you helping market their business?

23. Content Marketing – This is a booming niche! But narrow it further. Some businesses require certain types of content to be published.

24. Social Media Marketing – Narrow it further to a specific social platform.

25. Brick & Mortar Online Marketing – With brick and mortar businesses realizing they can no longer NOT leverage the Internet, they’re turning to Coaches for help! This is a great opportunity in a booming niche. How can you narrow it further though? Maybe there’s a specific type of business you’re interested in helping i.e Dentists or Accountants etc.

26. Time Management/Productivity – BIG profitable niche, especially when targeting executives and business owners.

27. Getting A Job – Helping others get better-paid and more meaningful jobs is certainly a profitable niche. How can you narrow it further though? Are you helping people in a certain industry or job title because their situation is unique?

28. BONUS: Leadership/Staff Management – The Executive and Leadership niche is HUGE. Company’s pay big money to the Coach or Consultant who can take their executive or management to the next level.

Remember, your job now is to pick just one. We’ll help you narrow it down even further in the next section.

If you didn’t fall into any of the 7 “Mega Niches” or categories above because you’ve got an idea/topic for a different coaching or consulting niche – don’t despair.

It does not mean your niche won’t be profitable.

But it does mean you’ll have to find out if it’s a true coaching or consulting niche.

How do you do that?

Skip to the “Validate Your Niche” section below.

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Finally, please know the 27 niches above are in NO WAY an exhaustive list of ALL the profitable niches out there.

As mentioned, they’re simply a way of giving you ideas so you can come up with your own.

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Narrow Your Rich Niche…__________

5. Time to narrow even further to create your ULTRA profitable niche…

As mentioned above, the goal here is to identify a niche that’s narrow and deep. But when talking niches it’s important to remember or know…

What we’re really talking about is a specific need in the marketplace.

Just because you use the formula below to divide/narrow your niche, does NOT mean that you will have discovered an unfulfilled need – or ANY need for that matter.

It’s your job to find out whether this is a real viable need first using logic, and second by doing a bit of digging online (like in the previous step – online social groups/forums are also a good place) to see if there really is a niche there.

(P.S. We give you specifics on how to do that in the final section below)

If you don’t do this research, you might run the risk of going after a need that doesn’t exist and your business will fail before it even has a chance to take off!

(This will rarely happen if you do the little research required to confirm your niche/need is a real one)

So now let’s get into narrowing your niche… Remember, by going after clients in a very specific niche it allows us to create a laser-focused marketing message.

The more specific the marketing message – the easier it is to attract them.

So use 1-3 of the below to create a combination that helps further define/narrow/divide your niche.

Think of these as a checklist of lenses to look through as you examine your niche…

1) National vs. Regional vs. Local vs. Hyper-local – Can you divide your niche by geography to create an advantage?

2) Industry – Is there an industry or associated group within your coaching niche that has an unfulfilled need?

3) Job title – Does matching up a certain job title with your niche give you an idea of whether there’s an unfulfilled need in the marketplace?

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4) Affordable vs. Luxury – Is there a segment of wealthy buyers not being serviced in your niche? This could be a BIG opportunity for you.

5) Age/Generation – Does dividing up your niche with age and or a certain generation (i.e. Baby Boomers) give you insights into a deeper niche?

6) Male vs. Female – This simple marketing dividing technique could be all you need to create a narrow and deep niche in your marketplace.

7) Size of Client – Can you carve out a specific niche in terms of your clients… personal income, corporate revenue, number of employees, number of locations… or any other relevant size criteria?

8) Online vs. Offline – Everyone is going online these days. So does focusing your niche on offline clients present a market opportunity?

9) Beginner vs. Expert – Do you want to focus on the type of client just becoming aware of their problem? Or maybe one that’s already more advanced and/or successful? Different levels will have different problems and therefore different needs.

TIP: Use combinations of the above to find new niche/need ideas you may not have thought of.

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Validate Your Rich Niche…__________

First) Are there other Coaches, Consultants Experts or Companies selling what you’re wanting to sell (or something similar)?

Google it and ask other colleagues via online social groups on LinkedIn/Facebook.

If there aren’t that’s not always a good sign. Yes it means you’ll have less competition, but it also may mean there’s no market there.

Tip: Use www.ClickBank.com to find products or services similar to the one you want to sell. Click Bank is the world’s largest information product marketplace. This website can give you awesome ideas for profitable niches, plus it can help you verify the idea you have for a product/program.

What you’ll want to do is look through all the categories (niches) you’re interested in and look at the top selling products (Clickbank will rank them for you).

(P.S. www.Udemy.com is also a great site to search and confirm or get niche ideas)

Second) I would highly recommend using Google’s Keyword Planner Tool and their Trends Tool as a way to verify your marketing.

If you’re not sure how to do this, it’s quite simple. This Shopify blog post will show you:


Third) Are there online forums/blogs/social media groups etc. that are based around this niche topic you want to serve?

Have a search! If there are it’s a good sign. Create a short survey using ‘Google Forms’ and ask the members of the forum to take it. As them this question (plus any other relevant to you i.e. Age, Title, Income etc.)…

“What’s your #1 challenge with… [INSERT YOUR TOPIC]? Please be as detailed and specific as possible. Please refrain from single word or sarcastic answers. The

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more you information you give the more I’ll be able to help you.”

So it could look something like this...

What’s your #1 challenge with marketing your business?

What’s your #1 challenge with raising your teenagers?

What’s your #1 challenge with losing weight?

What you’re looking to do is get at least 100 surveys completed.

After that review the data and find a common challenge/frustration amongst those you surveyed.

This could be your untapped need in the marketplace – a need you could then create a coaching/consulting program for!

Finally, please remember - if there’s no need, there’s NO business! So please do your research.

Don’t Skip This Part!

If you find there isn’t a need in the market, either…

A) Go back to the ‘uncover your riche niche’ section and choose a different topic you enjoy and have experience in.

Or B) Use those ‘lenses’ in the ‘narrow your riche niche’ section to re-define your niche in a different way.

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Your Rich Niche…__________

Write out your Rich Niche using this formula…

I help [People/Men/Women/Title/Business Type/Demographic] who are looking for a solution to [INSERT UNIQUE MARKET NEED]


I help Baby Boomers who are looking for a solution to exercise without feeling pain.

I help Executives who are looking for a solution to get work done away from the busyness of their office.

I help Wealthy Moms who are looking for a solution to have meals prepared and cooked for their family that are Paleo friendly.

Your Turn…

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