S1700nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071433/1921-03-04/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · P. — — ^ : w...

P . ^ : w •'•'• r ^ ^ ’v : , REVTEW-OBdERVER-POST-INQUTRER, FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1921 - Political, Social, Business and other News Items from Freeport Village THREE ELECTIONS EXCITEFREEPORT MaiudpaHty, EHu Lodge and Fire men Choosing Officers Within Few Days Freeport, March 4.—Freeport i* In for a aeries of elections beginning Thursday, when tho Freeport I>odge of finka holds its annual election of offl cere. J-aat Thursday night was Clar ence A. EMwarda night at which time the nominations closed for tho various officers of the lodge. Tho complete Hat of candidates Is as follows: Kxalted Kuler, Oeorgc H. Papenmeyer, unop posed; Esteemed lyndinz Knight, Peter H. Beck, unopposed; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Harry Weber, unopposed; Es teemed Lecturing Knight, II. Curley and O. Eeeles; Delegate to the Grand Lodge, Albln N. Johnson, unopposed; Alternate to tho Grand Lodge, clar ence A. Edwards, unopposed; secretary, B. P. Shea and A. B. Wnltoce; treas urer, Ernest Randall; Tiler, A. Weiss, 3. Hirsh; trustee, C. E. Kern. Many members were on hand early Thursday tv vote and It Is cstimatfxl that 1200 votes would be east. The polls opened at 7 p. m. although op effort had been made to open them earlier without the sanction Of the Lodge. D. J. Krakauer and C. H. Johnson were apix>lnted tellers. The big Issue of the election Is the fight for secretaryship between A. O. Wallace and 8. P. Shea. Both men have served tho Lodge long and faith fully and each has a goodly number of friends. Another man named Shea w^ m also nominated for secretary in what appeared to bo an attempt to cre ate confusion but Shea No. 2 gracefully declined the nomination. It was announced publicly last week that the lodge would open at fi p. m. on election day and when the matter came before the lodge the proposition was quickly voted down. Thursday and Friday are also days of registration for the Village election. The places of registration will open from 7 a. m. until 7 p. m. and will be as follows: For districts 8 and 13, Truck 1 Fire house. For districts 9 and 10, Vigilant hose house. For districts 11 and 12, Patriot Hose Co. The village election on Mareh 10 Is not expected to be very exciting as there is no race for any of the offices except that of Village Trustee when Henry L. Maxson and Hilbert Johnson oppose each other. The election of fire chief and his deputies will take place the first Thurs- •fiay in April when It is expected that S. Dimon Smith will be elected. In tho race for second deputy chief there are four candidates. During March the various fire com panies in tho village will elect com pany officers so that for the next few weeks Freeport will be a hotbed of election gossip and spirited arguments. FREEPORT Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Schiosjs have returned to Freeport after a pied-ant stay In Florida. Mnater Franeis Hay Rnedeker, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 8. Km-deker, Jr„ of Wallace street, was christened by the Rev. R. H. Scott, rnstor of the Church of the Transfiguration, on Sunday morning, February 27. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon H. Cornelius of Hemp stead were sponsors and. gave Master Frank a sliver cup. Vrogi^kvo Council f>6, S. and D. of L„ had a clans Initiation on Tues day evening, Mat*h 1st, in their -meet ing rooms, Mechanics flail. Another class initiation will take place in June. WOMAN, SHOT THREE TIMES, WALKS HALF MILE TO OFFICE OF PHYSICIAN Hempstead, March 4.—W ith three bullet wounds,1Florence Woodbvidge. colored, (Ivirfg on Beach avenue, walked Into the office of Dr. Smith A. Combes. 120 Main street. She said she had been shot by one Patrick Caranante, a de serter from the army, as she was pass ing along Mill road near the sewer pumping station, an4 she had walked nearly half a^mlle. Dr. Combeff called police headquar- ters and Caranante was taken oft a trolley from Hempstead. According to the injured woman, Car anante, an Italian who hoarded with a colored woman named Belle Jarvis at 77 Maple ’avenue, followed her from Laurel avenue and at a lonely spot on the Mill road opened fire on her One bullet struck her left hand, an other went through her thigh and the third entered her side. Dr. Combes sent her to Nassau Hospital. The girl was accused of stealing $35 belonging to him. VILLAGE OFFICE EXPANSION WILL OUST GAS COMPANY Rockville Centre, March 4.—The Vil lage offices are to be enlarged. The present quarters, long Inadequate, will be given over entirely to the use of the Police Department amjL'for a court room. The Clerk’s office and meeting room of the Board of Trustees will be In the store adjoining on the east. George 8. Utter, Clerk of the Village, was authorized by the Village Board to exercises the option given by "Lish" Mc- Carten on the premises now occupied by the Nassau * Suffolk Gas Company. The rental is to be $126 a month tor two placee and the lease will extend over a term of five years from May 1. COMMUNITY DANCE VLEASES MANY MINEOLA YOUNG FOLKS Mincola, Mareh 4.—In the Firemen’s Hall, Jericho turnpike, Saturday night, there was a delightful community dance. H , A goodly number attended, and so enjoyable was tho evening that It was decided to hold similar affairs monthly in the future. Those making up the committee In charge of the dancing party were Miss Josephine Webber, Ar thur Tuner and George Bennett. WM.GLMILLER,I bc. RAYMOND J. MILL**, Mgr, Auto, Plate Claes, Burglary Life Mid Fire Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bopp of 270 R iiro street, Freeport, celebrated the wwehth birthday of their daughter, Helen at their hnnv. Deeoratlons .yA'te beautiful and original and pretty sbuvonirH were given to the children. A Jack Homer pl<‘ graced the fable as well as a music box. Present were: Misses Constance Prdcn, Altadena Grant, Martha Veal, Lydia Jacobs, lleatrlco Jacobs, of New York; Grace May Smith. Jeanne Cutts. Ruth Brown, Mary Rellley, Ruth Norris, Rowena Add, Jessie Vanderwerken, Amy Oar- mago and Bessie Grant; Masters Thorn ton Stearns, Terris Mack. William Peden, Wesley Grant, Jr., Harry Hag gerty. Herbert Hideman, George Hunt and Robert Lewindonsky. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet on Wednesday, .March 2, at 3 p.m., at’tho home of Mrs. Dlkeman, 8.1 South Ber gen place. Dr. Mary Lechtrccker will speak on her work as medical mission ary in China. Fulton’s Invalids Limousine Most Modern of Automobiles Freeport, March 4.—Mrs. Elijah Smith of 67 West Merrick road cele brated her 81st birthday surrounded by friends and relatives. A supper and musl&lo will he given by the ladles of theH ebrew Congrega tion to the male members of the congre gation on the evening of March 6, at the new Temple Israel, at Mount avenue and Broadway. The occasion will ho tho opening of the new vestry rooms. An elaborate program has been pre pared by the ladies in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutton of Lena avenue recently entertained a party of aviators who had flown to Mitchel Field from Langley Field, Virginia, with an invitation to attend the opening of the officers’ club at that place. One of the aviators, Lieutenant- Torney, married Edna Mae Hutton last spring. FULTON’S INVALIDS’ AMBULANCE IN SERVICE IN FREEPORT —Photo by Glli-kman Freeport, March 4.—Tho handsome the Riddle Company, an old carriage seven-passenger Invalids’ limousine be- building llrm that owns half the town. longing to Chester A. Fulton & Son of f)np Hi<‘e <he car opens to allow a spring wheel conch to be lifted In when F reeport is attracting much attention t )},. <-;i y ja to p,> used its am ambulanee. among automobile enthusiasts in this When used as a passenger car seven vicinity. can be comfortably seated. Mr. Fulton returned last week from The intenor is beautifully upholstered Ravenna, Ohio, where he went to drive and there is every convenience known the car home. The machine Is made by to modern, automobiles. Draws Sketches of “Over Tlierr" . Freeport, Mulch 4.—Lieut. George Warwick, popular -cartoonist and lec turer. who spent much time on differ ent hattlefrouts during the World War, Will give an Illustrated lecture on “Wan derings Over There" tiefnro thk- Men's Club of the Freeport Methodist Church on Friday night. Mareh Jlr , Lieutenant Warwick draws crayon pictures while he talks, and enables you to see the things ho tells about. The lecture will be both entertaining and Instructive, and is open to all men free of charge, through the courtesy of the Men's Club. enth birthday. They played games, had of interest on Long Island during his refreshments, and when the sandman visit, and ret urns to bis home with called them, all were ready to go to . , , , . . . . dreamland most favorable impressions of suburban New York. the home of Mrs. Esmond Stiles, 36 Cory whose woman with u past Is not Wekt Dean street. He has seen much nine and twenty. <011 cert at Ocean Side Ocean Side, March 4.—The • concert given by tho Ocean Side Presbyterian Church was much enjoy-d, the la'-ge audience applauding generously all ch artists. whE kindly donated their ser vices. Tho entirtalnors Included M'.sr Lillian Brower, Miss Janet Creighton Mrs. W. O. Winship, George Ivcich, Mr Van Potter, Mr. Childs. Andrew Ed wards, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kar pen, W alter Barklage and Frederlcl- Fox. The surprise numbers (in the Ml were by1 Mr. and Mrs. Karpen, Mr Barklage and Mr. FOX. They wer encored msny times. Mrs. Winshii played wonderfully, and Miss Creighton sang' in her usual inimitable way. Mi Leicb gave two Ix-autiful selections Mr. Childs followed and also sang d( lightfully, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Potte sang in- their usual form and the'.i voices were in fine condition. Miss Lillian Brower, pianist of no mean ability, gave one number that, was highly appreciated. Miss Brower prom ises to he a piano genius. The com mittee in charge consisted of Jack Moffit, W. O. Smith, Clarence Southard. Mahlon Brower and Gustave Brunger. RELEASED FROM CONTRACT TO PURCHASE BUNGALOW Mlneolu. M^rrh 4.---The suit hr.-ught by John J. Oestcrli* ami hi* wife Mary i! 4^,inst the Comfort Cottage. Building Corporation, of Jamaica, of which C. R. Rallner, of 32 Van CoV, avenue, Hempstead, Is president has been set tled by consent. The plan!tiffs, after twof months' tv- eupancy of o bungalow, snerifl. • $270 they had paid In and the defendant company' releases them front the con- SMITH & MALCOMSON lac. Successors to Alvin G. Smith, C. E. Established 1890 Municipal and Civil Engineer* Surveyors 7 RaUroad Aye. FREEPORT, N. Y. Telephone 205 C L MOOK Chinese Laundry Opp. L. L JL B. Depot ■M 14 Brooklyn Ave^ Freeport, N. Y. None* My servies and work isL 'lr3t~etaaa. Goods called for and dell SAFE FOR SALK Ineh deep, HALL. 6 foot high, 27 84 inch wide; altto an door*. Price $126. - “ MARVIN. 40 Inch high. 28 Inch deep, 39 inch wtoti. Price UM.ee. MOSLER, 4 foot high, 26 In. deep, S3 Inch wide. Price 812$. ARCHER B. WALLACE, Owner 06 CHURCH 8TKKKT FRESPORT, L. L % f4«vb eix- 1401 Get THE DAILY REVIEW from your dealer Monday, March 7. Freeport Chapter, O.F.R., has a new quartet, which Rings during Initiation ceremonies. One of the singers is a member of the Metropolitan Opera Co. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller celebrated their forty-soventh wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Mach 1. FOR Village President RE-ELECT Clarence A. Edwards Progressive—Yet Conservative HAS MADE GOOD KEEP A GOOD OFFICIAL IN OFFICE Telephone, 60 Freeport LYMAN N. JONES Hardware and Tools Mixed Paints and Varnishes HOUSE FURNISHINGS Sporting Goods Motor Boat Supplies 5 South Main St. FREEPORT, N, Y. “On and after March 7, 1921, the Free port Postoffice will close at 7 p.m. daily,’ says a notice from. Postmaster Benson Smith. Mrs. Charles Kelsey of Archer street has moved Into her new home. The children of the Nassau Detention Home on Forest avenue. Freeport, spent a very pleasant evening last Friday, celebrating Master Henry Papke’s elev- F. I. C R A N E Expert Piano Tuner 960 Gates Ave., Brooklyn REPAIR SHOP MERRICK ROAD, SEAF0RD, L. I. Telephone, Wantagh 136-W 3 —2? AIL WOOL SUITS SPLENDID TAILOR For Men and Young Men— Made to Sell at $30 and $35. These Can Be Bought in This Sale at .................. MADE GARMENTS S1700 A 28 SOUTH MAIN ST. D. SOLOMON (Opp. Freeport Bank) . Lumber and Building Materials Timber, Siding, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Trim Brick, Lime and Cement Builders’ Hardware and Paint JOHN J. RANDALL CO. 1 15 N. Long Beach Ave. Td. 525 FREEPORT, L. I. wmauzrrurjm FREEPORT, L. I. Clarence A. Edwards 'maaa. IX K t.ll!. ESTABLISHED 1907 “OLD AND TRIED” INSURANCE AGENCY FREEPORT ; (Opposite Dep,.) NEW YORK Fourteen Years’ Experience Writing Insurance Losses are paid promptly. f i* I $ ± t t E. C. HAUSER - FLORIST 98 Pearsall Avenue Funeral Designs, Wedding Decorations, Cut Flowers Phone 356-w Freeport. Upholstering and Interior Decorating ERVICE ATISFACTI0N UCCESS You iyhom I have served are satisfied. A systematic method of all records for renewal policies are kept for your protection. Liugfe and1 small orders are treated alike. WHY not do your business with an office that you know will write the kind of insurance you need and do it in a business-like manner? Fire, Life, Personal Accident, Workmen’s Compensation. Automobile, Fire Property Damage and Collision, Burglary, Plate Glass, Rents, Steam B INSURANCE - ALL KINDS and Theft, Liability, Boiler, Surety Bond FAY AND FAY are now ready to do your work at a greatly reduced price. We are designers of upholstered furniture, draperies, bed-spreads. We also repair and remodel furniture and draperies equal to new. Slip covers, cabinet making, re finishing, painting, enameling, etc. " No order too small; no distance too far to go; simply telephone, and we gladly give you suggestions of our 30 years’ experience free. Branch: CEDARHURST, L. L P* Phone, Far Rockaway 1280 TEMPORARY OFFICE 319 Roosevelt Avenue FREEPORT, L. I ' Phone, 625-M REFERENCES FURNISHED From Freeport, Hewlett, Woodmere, Gedeurhunt, Lawrence, M Far Rockaway, New York City ■, . .. „. - '- V . .1 V .

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Page 1: S1700nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071433/1921-03-04/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · P. — — ^ : w •'•'• r ^ ^ ’ v : , REVTEW-OBdERVER-POST-INQUTRER, FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1921 Political,


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^ : w •'•'• r ^ ^ ’ v : ,



Political, Social, Business and other News Items from Freeport VillageTHREE ELECTIONS

EXCITEFREEPORTMaiudpaHty, EHu Lodge and Fire­

men Choosing Officers Within Few Days

F reepo rt, M arch 4.—F reep o rt i* In for a aeries of elections beginning T hursday , when tho F reep o rt I>odge of finka holds its an n u a l election of offl cere. J-aat T hursday n ig h t w as C lar­ence A. EMwarda n igh t a t w hich tim e the nom inations closed fo r tho various officers of th e lodge. Tho com plete Hat of candidates Is a s follows: Kxalted K uler, O eorgc H . Papenm eyer, unop­posed; E steem ed ly n d in z K n igh t, P ete r H. Beck, unopposed; E steem ed Loyal K nigh t, H a rry W eber, unopposed; E s­teem ed L ectu ring K night, I I . Curley an d O. Eeeles; D elegate to th e G rand Lodge, A lbln N . Johnson, unopposed; A lte rn a te to tho G rand Lodge, c l a r ­ence A. Edw ards, unopposed; secre tary , B. P . Shea and A. B. W nltoce; tre a s ­u re r, E rn e s t R andall; T iler, A. W eiss, 3 . H irsh ; tru s tee , C. E . K ern .

M any m em bers w ere on hand early T hu rsday tv vote and It Is cstimatfxl th a t 1200 votes would be ea st. The polls opened a t 7 p. m . although op effort had been m ade to open them ea rlie r w ithou t th e sanction Of the Lodge. D. J . K ra k a u e r an d C. H . Johnson w ere apix>lnted tellers.

T he big Issue of th e election Is th e fight fo r secre tarysh ip between A. O. W allace an d 8. P . Shea. B oth m en have served tho Lodge long and fa ith ­fully and each has a goodly num ber of friends. A nother m an nam ed Shea w^m also nom inated fo r secre tary in w h a t appeared to bo an a ttem p t to c re ­a te confusion b u t Shea No. 2 g racefu lly declined th e nom ination.

I t w as announced publicly la st week th a t th e lodge would open a t fi p. m. on election day and when th e m a tte r cam e before the lodge th e proposition w as quickly voted down.

T hursday and F riday a re also days of reg istration fo r th e V illage election. T he places of reg istration will open from 7 a. m . until 7 p. m . and will be as follows:

F o r d istric ts 8 and 13, T ruck 1 F ire ­house.

F o r d istric ts 9 and 10, V igilan t hose house.

F o r d istric ts 11 and 12, P a tr io t Hose Co.

The village election on M areh 10 Is n o t expected to be very exciting as th e re is no race for an y of th e offices excep t th a t of Village T ru stee when H en ry L. M axson and H ilbert Johnson oppose each o ther.

The election of fire ch ief an d his deputies will ta k e p lace the firs t Thurs-

•fiay in A pril w hen It is expected th a t S. Dimon Sm ith will be elected. In tho race for second deputy chief there a re four candidates.

D uring M arch th e various fire com ­panies in th o village will e lect com ­pany officers so th a t fo r th e n ex t few w eeks F reepo rt will be a hotbed of election gossip and sp irited argum en ts.

FREEPORTMr. and M rs. H ym an Schiosjs have

re tu rn ed to F reep o rt a f te r a p ied-ant s ta y In F lorida.

M nater F ran e is H ay Rnedeker, In fan t son o f M r. and M rs. F ra n k 8. Km-deker, J r „ of W allace s tre e t, w as christened by th e Rev. R. H . Scott, rn s to r of th e C hurch of th e T ransfigu ra tion , on Sunday m orning, F eb ru a ry 27. M r. and M rs. M ahlon H . Cornelius of Hem p stead w ere sponsors and. gave M aster F ran k a s liver cup.

V ro g i^ k v o Council f>6, S. and D. of L „ had a clans Initiation on Tues­day evening, M at*h 1st, in th e ir -meet­ing room s, M echanics f la il . A nother class in itia tion will ta k e place in June .


OFFICE OF PHYSICIANH em pstead, M arch 4.—W ith th ree

bu llet w ou n d s,1 F lorence Woodbvidge. colored, (Ivirfg on Beach avenue, walked Into th e office of Dr. Sm ith A. Combes. 120 M ain s tree t. She said she had been sho t by one P a trick C aranan te , a de­se rte r from the arm y, as she w as pass­ing along Mill road nea r th e sew er pum ping station , an 4 she had walked nearly half a^m lle.

D r. Combeff called police headquar- te rs and C aran an te was taken oft a trolley from H em pstead.

According to the in jured w om an, C ar­an an te , a n I ta lia n who hoarded w ith a colored w om an nam ed Belle Ja rv is a t 77 M aple ’avenue, followed h er from L aurel avenue and a t a lonely spot on th e Mill road opened fire on her One bullet s tru ck her left hand, a n ­o ther w en t th rough her th ig h an d the th ird en te red h er side. D r. Combes sen t her to N assau H ospital.

The g irl w as accused of s tea ling $35 belonging to him .


R ockville C entre, M arch 4.—T he Vil­lage offices a re to be enlarged . The p resen t q u a rte rs , long Inadequate, will be given over en tirely to the use of the Police D epartm en t am jL 'for a court room. The C lerk’s office an d m eeting room of the B oard of T ru stees will be In the store ad jo in ing on the east.

George 8. U tte r, C lerk of th e Village, w as authorized by the Village B oard to exercises the option given by "L ish " Mc- C arten on th e prem ises now occupied by the N assau * Suffolk G as Com pany.

The ren ta l is to be $126 a m o n th tor tw o placee and the lease will ex tend over a te rm of five years from M ay 1.


M incola, M areh 4.—In th e F irem en ’s H all, Jericho tu rnp ike , S atu rday n igh t, th e re w as a deligh tfu l com m unity dance. H ,

A goodly num ber a ttended , an d so enjoyable w as th o evening th a t I t w as decided to hold sim ilar affa irs m onth ly in th e fu tu re . Those m ak ing up th e com m ittee In charge of th e dancing p a rty w ere M iss Josephine W ebber, A r­th u r T u n e r an d G eorge B ennett.


Auto, Plate Claes, Burglary Life Mid Fire

M r. and Mrs. B. W . Bopp of 270 R iiro s tree t, F reepo rt, ce lebrated the w w ehth b irthday of th e ir daugh ter, H elen a t th e ir h n n v . D eeoratlons .yA'te beautifu l and orig inal and p re tty sbuvonirH w ere given to the children . A Jack H o m er pl<‘ graced th e fable as well a s a m usic box. P resen t w ere:

Misses C onstance P rdcn , A ltadena G ran t, M arth a V eal, L ydia Jacobs, lleatrlco Jacobs, of New York; G race M ay Sm ith. Jean n e C u tts . R u th Brow n, M ary Rellley, R u th N orris, R ow ena Add, Jessie V anderw erken, A m y Oar- m ago and Bessie G ran t; M asters T h o rn ­ton S tearns, T e rris M ack. W illiam Peden, W esley G ran t, J r . , H arry H ag ­gerty . H erbert H idem an, George H u n t and R obert Lew indonsky.

T he W om an’s M issionary Society of the P resby terian C hurch w ill m eet on W ednesday, .March 2, a t 3 p.m ., a t ’ tho home o f M rs. D lkem an, 8.1 S outh B er­gen place. Dr. M ary L ech trccker will speak on h er w ork a s m edical m ission­a ry in China.

Fulton’s Invalids LimousineMost Modern of Automobiles

F reepo rt, M arch 4.—M rs. E lijah Sm ith of 67 W est M errick road cele­brated h e r 81st b irth d ay surrounded by friends and re la tives.

A supper an d m usl& lo will he given by th e ladles of the H e b r e w C ongrega­tion to th e m ale m em bers of th e congre­gation on th e evening of M arch 6, a t th e new Tem ple Is rae l, a t M ount avenue a n d B roadw ay. T h e occasion w ill ho tho opening of the new ves try room s. An elaborate p ro g ram h as been p re ­pared by th e ladies in ch a rg e of th e

M r. and M rs. A lbert H u tto n of L ena avenue recen tly en te rta in ed a p a r ty of av ia to rs who had flown to M itchel Field from Langley F ield, V irg in ia , w ith an invitation to a tten d th e opening of th e officers’ club a t th a t place. One of the av ia to rs, L ieutenant- T orney, m arried E d n a M ae H u tton la s t spring .


F reeport, M arch 4.—Tho handsom e the Riddle Com pany, a n old carriage seven-passenger Invalids’ lim ousine be- building llrm th a t ow ns half the tow n.longing to C heste r A. Fu lton & Son o f f)np Hi<‘e <he c a r opens to allow a

spring w heel conch to be lifted In w hen F reepo rt is a t tra c t in g m uch a tten tio n t )},. <-;iy ja to p,> used its am am bulanee. am ong autom obile en th u sia s ts in th is W hen used a s a passenger ca r seven vicinity. can be com fortab ly seated.

M r. Fu lton re tu rn e d la s t week from The in te n o r is beau tifu lly upholstered R avenna, Ohio, w here he w en t to drive and th e re is every convenience know n th e ca r home. T he m achine Is m ade by to m odern, autom obiles.

D raw s Sketches o f “Over T lierr". F reep o rt , M ulch 4.—Lieut. G eorge W arw ick , popu lar -cartoonist and lec­tu re r . w ho spen t m uch tim e on differ­e n t h a ttle fro u ts d u ring the W orld W ar, Will give an Illustrated lecture on “ W a n ­derings O ver T here" tiefnro thk- M en's C lub of th e F reepo rt M ethodist C hurch on F rid ay n igh t. M areh J l r ,

L ieu te n an t W arw ick d raw s crayon p ic tu re s w hile he ta lk s , and enables you to see th e th ings ho te lls about.

T he lec tu re will be both en te rta in in g an d In s tructive , and is open to all m en free o f charge , th ro u g h th e courtesy of th e M en's Club.

en th b irthday. T hey played gam es, had of in te re s t on Long Island d u ring his refreshm ents, an d w hen the sandm an visit, a n d re t u rn s to bis home w ith called them , all w ere ready to go to . , , , ■ . . . .dream land m ost favorab le im pressions of subu rban

New Y ork.

th e home of M rs. Esm ond Stiles, 36 Cory w hose w om an w ith u past Is not W ekt Dean s tre e t. H e has seen m uch nine an d tw en ty .

<011 cert a t Ocean SideO cean Side, M arch 4.—The • concert

given by tho Ocean Side P resbyterian C hurch w as m uch enjoy-d, the la'-ge aud ience applauding generously all ch­a r t i s ts . whE kindly donated th e ir s e r vices. Tho en tir ta ln o rs Included M'.sr L illian B row er, Miss J a n e t C reighton M rs. W . O. W inship , G eorge Ivcich, M r V an P o tte r, M r. Childs. A ndrew Ed w ard s , J r ., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K ar pen , W a lte r B ark lage an d Frederlcl- Fox . The su rp rise num bers (in th e Ml w ere b y 1 M r. and Mrs. K arpen, Mr B ark lag e and M r. FOX. They w er encored m sn y tim es. M rs. W inshii p layed w onderfully , and Miss Creighton sang' in her usual inim itable way. Mi Leicb gave tw o Ix-autiful selections M r. Childs followed and also san g d( ligh tfu lly , Mr. E dw ards and Mr. P otte san g in- th e ir usual form and the'.i voices w ere in fine condition. M iss L illian Brow er, p ian ist of no m ean ability , gave one num ber th a t, w as h igh ly appreciated . Miss B row er prom ­ises to he a piano genius. T he com ­m ittee in charge consisted of Ja c k Moffit, W . O. Sm ith, C larence Sou thard . M ahlon B row er and G ustave B runger.


Mlneolu. M ^rrh 4.---The suit hr.-ught by John J. Oestcrli* am i hi* w ife M ary i!4^ ,inst the Com fort Cottage. Building C orporation , of Jam aica, of which C. R . Rallner, of 32 V an CoV, avenue, H em pstead, Is president has been se t­tled by consent.

The plan!tiffs, a f te r tw of m onths' tv- eupancy of o bungalow, snerifl. • $270 th e y had paid In and th e defendant com pany ' releases them front th e con-


Successors to Alvin G. Smith, C. E. Established 1890

Municipal and Civil Engineer* Surveyors

7 R aU road A ye. FREEPORT, N. Y.

Telephone 205

C L MOOK Chinese Laundry

O pp. L. L JL B . D epo t

■M14 Brooklyn Ave^Freeport, N. Y.

None*My servies and work isL'lr3t~etaaa.

Goods called for and dell

SAFE FOR SALKIneh deep,HALL. 6 foot h igh , 27

84 inch wide; altto an door*. Price $126. - “MARVIN. 40 Inch high. 28 Inch deep, 39 inch wtoti. P rice UM.ee. MOSLER, 4 foot high, 26 In. deep, S3 Inch wide. P rice 812$.


F R E S P O R T , L. L % f4«vb eix- 1401

Get THE DAILY REVIEW from your dealer Monday, March 7.

F reep o rt C hapter, O.F.R., h a s a new q u a rte t, w hich Rings d u rin g Initiation cerem onies. One of th e s in g ers is a m em ber of the M etropolitan O pera Co.

Mr. an d M rs. M orris M iller ce lebrated th e ir forty-soventh w edding ann iv ersa ry on Tuesday, M ach 1.


V illage P residentRE-ELECT

Clarence A. EdwardsProgressive—Yet Conservative


T elephone, 6 0 F reeport

LYMAN N. J O N E SHardware and Tools Mixed Paints and Varnishes

H O U S E F U R N IS H IN G S Sporting Goods Motor Boat Supplies

5 S o u th Main S t. FR E E P O R T , N, Y.

“On and a f te r M arch 7, 1921, th e F re e ­port Postoffice will close a t 7 p.m. daily ,’ says a notice from . P o stm as te r Benson Sm ith.

Mrs. C harles K elsey of A rcher s tre e t has m oved Into her new home.

The children of the N assau D etention Home on F orest avenue. F reepo rt, spen t a very p le asan t evening la s t F riday , ce lebrating M aster H en ry P a p k e ’s elev-

F. I. C R A N E

Expert Piano Tuner9 60 G a tes Ave., Brooklyn


MERRICK ROAD, SEAF0RD, L. I.Telephone , W an tag h 136-W

3 — 2 ?


For Men and Young Men— Made to Sell at $30 and $35. These Can Be Bought in This Sale a t ..................




(Opp. Freeport Bank)


Lumber and Building MaterialsTimber, Siding, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Trim

Brick, Lime and Cement ’ Builders’ Hardware and Paint

JOHN J. RANDALL CO. 115 N. Long Beach Ave. T d . 5 2 5 FREEPORT, L. I.



Clarence A. Edwards

'm a a a .—I X K t . l l ! .

E S T A B L IS H E D 1 9 0 7

“O L D A N D T R IE D ”


Fourteen Years’ Experience W riting InsuranceLosses are paid promptly.




9 8 Pearsall AvenueFuneral Designs, Wedding Decorations, Cut Flowers

Phone 3 5 6 - w Freeport.

Upholstering andInterior Decorating


You iyhom I have served are satisfied.A systematic method of all records for renewal policies are kept for your protection. Liugfe and1 small orders are treated alike.WHY not do your business with an office that you know will write the kind of insurance you need and do it in a business-like manner?

Fire, Life, Personal Accident, Workmen’s Compensation. Automobile, Fire Property Damage and Collision, Burglary, Plate Glass, Rents, Steam B


and Theft, Liability, Boiler, Surety Bond

FAY AND FAYa r e n o w r e a d y t o d o y o u r w o r k a t a g r e a t l y

r e d u c e d p r ic e .We are designers of upholstered furniture, draperies,

bed-spreads. We also repair and remodel furniture and draperies equal to new. Slip covers, cabinet making, re­finishing, painting, enameling, etc. "

No order too small; no distance too far to go; simply telephone, and we gladly give you suggestions of our 30 years’ experience free.

B r a n c h : C E D A R H U R S T , L. L P *Phone, Far Rockaway 1280


319 Roosevelt Avenue F R E E P O R T , L. I' Phone, 625-M

REFERENCES FURNISHEDFrom Freeport, Hewlett, Woodmere, Gedeurhunt, Lawrence,

M Far Rockaway, New York City■, . .. „. - '- V . .1 V. ■