S1 SKRIPSI A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF KIM NAMJOON SPEECH AT UNITED NATION LALE CHUSNUN NISA 1600630015 This Undergraduate Thesis is presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Literature Department ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS BUMIGORA MATARAM 2021







This Undergraduate Thesis is presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the

Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Literature Department







Lale Chusnun Nisa: A Discourse Analysis of Kim Namjoon speech at United

Nation. S1 Thesis. Mataram: Universitas Bumigora, 2021.

This study aims to reveal values, belief, and assumption are found on Kim

Namjoon’s speech text on campaigning “Love Myself” and to know the kind or types of

figurative language is used in Kim Namjoon’s speech. This research method used

descriptive qualitative narrative. Instrument that used in this research is speech text

transcript and speech video that retrieved from youtube. Data collection techniques used

in this study are library research techniques, see, and record. In this study, the writer

employs qualitative data analysis, which is done by analyzing data reduction, data display,

and verification.

The results of the research that the writer has obtained, namely cognitive

statement, affective statement, state and action statement, ability and constraint statement,

achievement statement, ideology, discourse component, power relation, implicature,

speech act, and verbal action.

Keywords: discourse analysis, usage of words, kim namjoon.



Lale Chusnun Nisa: Analisis Wacana dari Pidato Kim Namjoon pada Persatuan

Bangsa-Bangsa. Skripsi. Mataram: Universitas Bumigora, 2021.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap nilai, kepercayaan, dan asumsi yang

terkandung pada pidato Kim Namjoon dalam mengkampanyekan “Love Myself” dan

memberitahukan jenis atau tipe bahasa kiasan yang di gunakan dalam pidato dari Kim

Namjoon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif naratif. Instrumen

yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah transkrip teks pidato dan video pidato yang

diambil dari Youtube. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik

penelitian perpustakaan, melihat, dan merekam. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis

menggunakan analisis data kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan menganalisis reduksi data,

penyajian data, dan verifikasi.

Hasil dari penelitian yang penulis dapatkan yaitu pernyataan kognitif, pernyataan

afektif, pernyataan keadaan dan tindakan, pernyataan kemampuan dan kendala,

pernyataan prestasi, ideologi, komponen wacana, hubungan kekuasaan, implikatur, tindak

tutur, dan tindakan verbal.

Kata kunci: analisis wacana, penggunaan kata, kim namjoon.



I hereby certify that:

Name : Lale Chusnun Nisa

NIM : 1600630015

Study Program : English Literature

University : Universitas Bumigora Mataram

This thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole

part from a thesis presented for another degree/program except where references

are made in the text of the thesis. None of other’s person work has been used

without acknowledgement in the main text of thesis. This thesis has not been

submitted for the award of another degree or diploma in any other tertiary


Mataram, 31 August 2020

Lale Chusnun Nisa






NIM 1600630015

This S1 thesis has been defended before the Board of S1 Thesis Examiner

Universitas Bumigora Mataram

Date: January, 25th 2021


Dr. Zainudin Abdussamad, M.Hum

(Supervisor I) ………………… ………………

Erwin Suhendra, M.Pd

(Supervisor II) …………………. ………………

Hilda Hastuti, M.Pd

(Examiner) …………………. ………………

Mataram, 26 January 2021

Chef of English Literature Department, Faculty of Social and Humanities


(Hilda Hastuti, M.Pd) (Dr. Titik Ceriyani Miswaty M.Pd)

NIK 17.6.287 NIK 15.7.218



The most gracious and the most merciful, Allah SWT

This thesis is dedicated to:

- H.L Jazuli Azhar & Hj. Dra. Baiq Fatin Hamamah

- Justin Amelinda Elizar & Salsabila Elizar

- Almh. Inaq Gosin

- Dr. Zainudin Abdussamad, M.Hum and Erwin Suhendra, M.Pd

- My friends, my besties and BTS



“No matter who are you, where are you from, your skin color, your gender

identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking

yourself.” – Kim Namjoon (RM)

“I’m the one I should love in this world

Shining me, precious soul of mine

I finally realized so I love me

Not so perfect but so beautiful

I’m the one I should love.” – BTS



Alhamdulillah, first of all, I would like to say thank you to Allah SWT that

He gives me time and a chance to completed and finish my undergraduate thesis.

And also with sincerely, I want to say thank you to these people who helped me to

finish my undergraduate thesis.

H.L Jazuli Azhar & Hj. Baiq Fatin Hamamah, my lovely parents for

giving me advice, keep praying for me and keep support me to finish my study.

Thanks for your love and keep waiting for my graduation

Justin Amelinda Elizar, my elder who also gives me advice and who

entertains me with silly things that can make me laugh loudly at home, although

sometimes we have a different point of view but honestly she is the best sister I

ever have in the world, thank you, borahae.

Salsabila Elizar, my young sister who entertain me together with my elder.

Maybe she looks shy, but if you already know her, she is a very silly but annoying


Almh. Inaq Gosin for praying from heaven. I hope you proud of me like

what my parents feel right now and can see my graduation from there. I love you

and I miss you so much.

Dr. Zainudin Abdussamad, M.Hum and Erwin Suhendra, M.Pd my

supervisor who patient and kind to give me feedback also motivated me to

complete my thesis. Thank you very much sir.

Asri Fiqani Nurul Istiqomah, Wayan Riyan Febi Asmara, Agiel Gendis,

Retno Amalia, Anta Muzakir, and other friend that I can’t mention one by one

here who cheer me up, give spirit, and motivation each other. Maybe after this

we’ll separate to pursue each other’s dreams, but before that moments came I’ll

say I love you and I gonna miss all of you. Please stay connected between us.

Nurlatifah and Rinanda Ulfa, my besties one from Tasikmalaya and one

from Pekanbaru who always support me, always heard my problem and

sometimes give me solution of my problem. Thanks a lot girls.


Last for BTS who give me motivation through their messages in lyrics,

positive vibe, and energy to boost my spirit through their music. I love them so

much. You are my inspiration, thank you being there and teach me to struggle and

don’t give up to reach what I love to do.



ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ................................................................ iv

RATIFICATION ............................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ viii

LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xii


A. Background of Study .................................................................... 1

B. Problems of Study ........................................................................ 2

C. Objectives of Study ...................................................................... 2

D. Significances of Study .................................................................. 3

E. Limitation of Study ...................................................................... 3

F. Definition of Key Terms .............................................................. 3


A. Discourse ...................................................................................... 5

B. Discourse Analysis ....................................................................... 7

C. Discourse Structure ...................................................................... 8

D. Discourse Component and Content .............................................. 10

E. Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis .............................................. 11

F. Speech .......................................................................................... 12

G. Kim Namjoon ............................................................................... 13

H. Previous Study .............................................................................. 14

I. Conceptual Framework ................................................................ 15


A. Research Design ........................................................................... 16

B. Data Sources ................................................................................. 16


C. Data Collecting ............................................................................. 17

D. Data Analysis ............................................................................... 17


A. Findings

1. The Use of Words ............................................................... 18

2. Ideology .............................................................................. 19

3. Discourse Component ......................................................... 20

4. Power Relation .................................................................... 23

5. Implicature .......................................................................... 24

6. Speech Act .......................................................................... 24

7. Figurative Language ............................................................ 25

B. Discussion ............................................................................... 26


A. Conclusion .................................................................................... 36

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 36

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 37



1.1 Ability and Constraint statements ............................................................. 38

2.1 Kim Namjoon speech text transcript ......................................................... 39




A. Background of Study

Discourse defined as expression in words, speech or writing or the

use of language which presented in a text or in a speech. It is one of the

studies in linguistics that is part of the study pragmatics and discourse

analysis. Both of these approaches focus on the meaning in an interaction

and how the speaker communicates more information than the words used

in which oral discourse is known as the form of utterances (example:

monologue, dialogue, speech, and so on). On other side, written in the

form of text (example: posters, magazines, newspapers, and so on).

According to (Gee & Handford, 2012) discourse analysis is also

defined as the study of language above the level of a sentence, the way

sentences combined to create meaning, coherence and accomplish the

purposes. However, even a single sentence or utterances can be analyzed

as a communication or as an action and not just a sentence structure whose

literal meaning flows from the nature of grammar. Discourse analysis

covers both pragmatics (the study of contextually specific meanings of

language in use) and the study of the texts (the study of how sentences and

utterances pattern together to create meaning across multiple sentences or


Similarly to (Heracleous, 2006) that discourse is a collection of

texts, whether oral or written, located within social and organizational

contexts are patterned by certain structural, intertextual features, and have

the functional and constructive effect of their context.

Based on the citation, discourse analysis or discourse itself can be

understood as a branch of linguistics by studying discourse which aims to


reveal the structure of discourse, components of discourse, ideology, and

useful for building a discourse, understanding a discourse as language

learning material, and translation. In connection with this study the writer

also wants to define the concerned-term called speech. Speech refers to

communication that used by people to expressing of ideas and thought

through articulate vocal sound.

In conducting this study, the writer focuses on the analysis both

written and spoken by showing the related linguistic components which

comprised in Kim Namjoon’s speech, what the message or purpose Kim

Namjoon want to convey to public.

Based on the background of the study, the writer interested on Kim

Namjoon’s speech that important to loving ourselves and together build a

campaign with UNICEF with #ENDViolence which aims to protect

children and young generation all over the world from violence whether

verbal and physical and the implicit message that there in their song lyrics

on love yourself: Answer albums that helped them to overcome their

hardship in life and start to loving themselves.

B. Problems of Study

1. What values, beliefs, and assumptions are found in Kim Namjoon’s

speech on campaigning “Love Myself”?

2. What kinds of figurative language are displayed in Kim Namjoon’s


C. Objectives of the Study

1. To reveal values, beliefs, and assumptions that found in Kim Namjoon’s

speech on campaigning “Love Myself”

2. To know the kind of figurative language that used in Kim Namjoon’s



D. Significance of Study

Besides this study is intended for prerequisites to finish my studying,

either to fulfill two significances which those can be divided into two

aspects, those are, as follows:

Theoretically significance:

a. This research is expected to be able to provide knowledge related to

discourse analysis.

b. This research can be used as a reference to further research that

focused on comprehensive discourse analysis researches.

Practically significance:

a. This research can posit as one of reference that applied in English

teaching material particularly relate to discourse analysis.

b. This research is expected to be beneficial to all stakeholders as well as

giving contribution for reader.

E. Limitation of the Study

To avoid wider scoops of this study, the writer is focused on a

discourse analysis of Kim Namjoon’s speech at the UN General Assembly

in New York on 24th September 2018. The writer limits the study on

discourse analysis, did not discuss outside, the writer discussed about

values, beliefs, assumption, and figurative language used by Kim Namjoon.

F. Definition of Key Term

To equate the perspective on this research, the writer also defines

several terms that refers to linguists’ idea. Those terms are speech and

discourse analysis.

Discourse analysis is the study of language in use. It is the study of

the meanings we give language and the actions we carry out when we use

language in specific context. Discourse analysis is also sometimes defined

as the study of language above the level of sentence, of the ways sentences


combine to create meaning, coherence, and accomplish purposes. (Gee &

Handford, 2012)

Speech is defined as the faculty of uttering articulate sounds or

words, the ability to speak or to use vocalizations to communicate, besides,

a session of speaking, long oral message given publicly usually by one

person (COED11 digital dictionary).




A. Discourse

Discourse defined as a verbal exchange, conversation, or

expression in words, or a formal lengthy exposition of some subject either

speech or writing (COED11 digital dictionary). In line with (Heracleous,

2006) he stated that “… the term discourse is mean collection of the texts,

whether oral or written, located within social and organizational contexts

that patterned by certain structural, intertextual features, and have both

functional and constructive effects on their context. In this sense, language

can be seen as raw material of discourse, and individual texts are both

manifestation and constitutive of broader discourse.”

Based on the above statement, at least three dominant approaches

can be identified and integrated into the study of discourse, those are:

interpretive, functional, and critical. He further clarified what is meant by

the interpretive approach is to conceptualize discourse as communicative

action that is constructive of social and organizational realities, while the

functional approach is a review of discourse as a tool to facilitate relevant

processes and outcomes, such as effective leadership, motivating, and

organizational change. The critical approach itself conceptualize discourse

as the power-knowledge relationship, constitutive of subjects' identity,

structures of organizational and social domination. So that by integrating

the previous opinion, writer want to simplify that discourse analysis is a

research method for studying language orally or in writing about its social

context which aims to understand how the language is used in real


1. Discourse: Organizational Text and Context

Cicourel (1981) in (Levinson, 1995) stated that “… the study of

discourse and the larger context of social interaction requires explicit


reference to a boarder organizational setting and aspects of cultural beliefs

that often ignored by student of discourse”. Terms “organizational”

describes that the appearance of discourse cannot separated from its

constitutional units than form the meaning. The constitutional units consist

of structure, psychology, culture, learning, performance, behavior, and so


In other words, context plays a very important role in discourse

analysis. Discourse and its context are in close relationship; the discourse

elaborates its context and helps interpret the meaning of utterance in the

discourse. (Cruse, 2000) said that “… the approach to the meaning which

promises to be most fruitful is to regard it as conceptual. This is not to

deny that there are presumably important relations between linguistic

forms and extra linguistic reality.

An analysis would come into appropriate and abundant without

ignoring where the discourse (sentence or utterance) occurs or the

circumstances. So, the way to get appropriate interpretation in reviewing

the result, this study also accomplished the data in the form of video

recording. The extralinguistic factor namely paralinguistics (or some calls

deictic) which defined as the non-lexical elements of communication by

speech is include. As stated by Fillmore (1971) in (Levinson, 1995) he

describe that to get appropriate interpretation to a discourse, a language

analyst must pay attention in deictic usage namely gestural deictic.

Gestural deictic itself interpreted regarding an audio-visual-tactile in

general physical, monitoring of the speech event.

2. Language performances

Language performances cannot be separated from the five

components of language. Those are phonemes, morphemes, lexemes,

syntax, and context. Along with grammar, semantics, and pragmatics,

these components work together to create meaningful communication

among individuals. Term language performance is well-known as


linguistic performance to describe the actual use of language in concrete

situation and used to describe both the production (oral and written)

sometimes called parole or the actual manifestation of language in speech

or writing, as well as the comprehension of language.

B. Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis closely related to the discipline of linguistics.

Discourse analysis examines the use of language that cannot be separated

from linguistics. One of the focuses on the discourse analysis studies to

understand the form and function of linguistics. The form and function of

discourse linguistics is the main shade in response to the study of linguistic

discourse. A linguistic form is a form of discourse that will be analyzed,

beside that each form of discourse has function that are transactional and


Discourse analysis is a technique or method for studying discourse

that exist or contained messages conveyed through communication either

textual or contextual. Discourse analysis also complex matter since

discourse cannot be interpreting independently as a single sentence which

separated from the item which generate it. (Heracleous, 2006) said that

“… The generation and interpretation of discourse is context dependent or

situated in broader context; discourse is also active in the sense that its

originators aim to achieve certain outcomes through communication; and

finally, discourse is symbolic not only in textual semantic sense but in

more substantive sense indicating actors’ assumptions, values, and belief

through their discursive choice (conscious or unconscious) that construct

and evoke particular frame of reference for interpreting issues”

Discourse analysis regarding the content of communication

messages, which are in the form of text, speech text, trial transcript or

debates in forum, parliamentary sessions, articles contained in newspaper,

books (essays, novels, and romances), and campaign advertisement for

elections. The benefits discourse analysis is to understand a language that


useful in the process of learning a language and language behavior and

improve the acquisition of communicative competencies. Discourse

analysis allows us to see how messages are organized, used, and

understood. Discourse analysis also allow us to track variations in the

ways used by communicators both writers, speakers, and directors in

achieving certain goals or purposes through messages containing certain

discourses delivered.

C. Discourse Structure

Since this study is presented as the study of linguistics, writer

wants to display scope of discussion based on the need of this study

independently. What the writer means by discourse structure is seen in the

way the discourse organizes coherence as a whole or in other word by

which text producers create text into cohesion. In this case, discourse

structure focuses on coherence which is viewed as the connection of ideas

at the idea level, and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the

sentence level also focuses on the grammatical both aspects speaking and

writing. Coherence is viewed as the connection of ideas, they classified as


a. Beginning/abstract

In the structure of discourse beginning/abstract is the opening

which contains the greetings and exposure. There is a greeting from the

host/speaker to the audience as a marker of the opening of an event and

continued with the presentation of the theme to be discussed.

b. Middle/orientation

In the middle of discourse there are exchange and transaction.

Exchange it means that initiative of an introduction that leads to questions,

the answer, and the feedback based on the answer and the topic of the


discussion. The transaction mean the speaker starts to explain a problem

which is the topic to audience, the speaker directs the audience to focus on

the conversation, and the speaker provokes the audience to give a response

on what was theme of the topic about.

c. End/coda

At the end of the discourse is the closing part of the discourse. The

end of the discourse is marked by the speaker who starts closing the event

by presenting a conclusion from the theme that had been discussed.

Also the cohesion of discourse focuses on grammatical aspects

both speaking and writing; in this study will display lexical connectors,

such as:

1). Addition, ex: also, too, well, moreover

2). Consequence, ex: so, as a result, consequently, thus

3). Comparison and contrast, ex: just as, similarly, in contrast, unlike

4). Temporal, ex: later, then, next, afterward

5). Enumeration, ex: first, finally

6). Summative, ex: to conclude, all things considered, at the end of the day,

on the whole


D. Discourse Component and Content

Discourse component specifically defined from their pragmatics

(pragmatic elements), the intention of the speaker influences the language

of the lecture and how ideas are connected with words or connectors.

a. Pragmatic elements

(Levinson, 1995) said that “pragmatics is the study of language usage,

more complex he stated that “pragmatics is the study of those principles

that will account for why a certain set of sentences are anomalous or not

possible utterances.

Pragmatics comprise speech act theory, conversational implicature,

talk in interaction and other approaches to language behavior. Pragmatics

is the study of how meaning of the spoken and written discourse is related

to the context which that speech and writing occurred.

1. Speech act

(Austin, 1962) develop performative language and his theory of

locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary act. Speech acts serve

their function once they are said or communicated. These are

commonly taken to include acts such as apologizing, promising,

requesting, complaining, and so on.

a. Locutions, illocutions, perlocutions

- Locutions: the act of making a meaningful utterance or the act that we

perform in saying something.

- Illocutions: the act that create an utterance with a hidden meaning

without intending it have an effect.

- Perlocutions: the act that give reactions or effect from the hearer.

In more detail, according to (Searle, 1976) speech act also viewed

as verbal action that accomplish something, speech act is distinguished

into several types, such as:

- Declarative: the act that makes the propositional content corresponds with

the reality.


- Commissive: the act of committing to future actions. This type of speech

act is shows intention of the speaker in the future which will be made to

happen in later moment.

- Expressive: the act that shows the expression of the speaker via utterance.

- Directives: the act aims to make someone else to do something that the

speaker desires.

- Representative: the act that speaker’s intention to assert the speaker’s


b. Conversational implicature

Conversational implicature is an indirect or implicit speech act,

which mean by a speaker’s utterance that is not part of what explicitly said.

This term is also known simply as implicature.

1. Connecting Elements (connectors)

In academic literature, connecting elements have different names

such as sort of, you see, you know, I mean, well, etc., that functioned as

intimacy signals which allows the listener to feel more in ease, to be closer

to the interlocutor.

E. Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

Pragmatics and discourse analysis involve the study of language in

context of use. Pragmatics focuses on the effects of context on meaning

and discourse analysis studies written and spoken language concerning its

social context.

(Austin, 1962) said that “pragmatics presupposes that language is a socio-

cultural artifact that individuals in order not to spread information that

might modify the views of others, but more important to interact with

people, to perform actions such as asking people for things, inquiring

about information, apologizing, inviting, complimenting others on their

achievement, convincing the, of some fact.”


F. Speech

In connection with this study the writer also wants to define the

concerned-term called speech. Speech refers to communication that used

by people to expressing of ideas and thought through articulate vocal

sound. Based on (Soukhanov, 1994) she stated that:

“speech (speech) n. 1. a. The faculty or act of speaking. b. The faculty or

act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the

articulation of words. 2. Something spoke; an utterance. 3. Vocal

communication; conversation 4. a. A talk or public address: “The best

impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance” (Ruth Gordon).

b. A printed copy of such an address. 5. One’s habitual manner or style of

speaking. 6. The language or dialect of a nation or region: American

speech. 7. The sounding of a musical instrument. 8. The study of oral

communication, speech sounds, and vocal physiology. 9. Archaic…”

Similarly to (Crystal, 2008) said that “speech (n.) … here, speech

is seen as a medium of transmission for language – the spoken medium or

phonic substance of language … Speech science is the study of all the

factors involved in the production, transmission, and reception of speech;

also called speech sciences or speech and hearing science. … The other

interpretation is from the viewpoint of linguistics, where spoken language

(performance, or parole) can be analyzed in phonological, grammatical,

and semantic, as well as phonetic terms. … the activity which the use of

language performs or promotes in the listener (respectively, the speech

445 illocutionary force and the perlocutionary effect of the language).

Similarly, the speech event is seen as the basic unit for the analysis of

spoken interaction, i.e. the emphasis is on the role of the participants in

constructing a discourse of verbal exchanges...”


G. Kim Namjoon

Kim Namjoon is well-known as RM, a male-singer who won

numerous achievements in his field. He was born in Ilsan-gu, Goyang,

South Korea on September 12, 1994, who has the academic experience

that cannot be neglected, attended Global Cyber University majoring in

Broadcasting Performing Arts and also has once studied in New Zealand.

Not only that, on his campus he is famous as a genius colleger who has an

IQ score of 148. Kim Namjoon is not the only singer otherwise he also one

best composer either one of a member either including posting as the

leader of a K-Pop group called BTS (Bangtan Boys). His first stage name

was Rap Monster but he change to be RM which mean is Real Me.

Also, besides their achievements in music, they inspire their fans.

Kim Namjoon and BTS promote the 'Love Yourself' campaign which they

always shake up through various media, especially albums. They also

worked with one of the UN organizations, UNICEF, to drive the campaign.

A portion of the sale of the 'Love Yourself' series album was handed over

to UNICEF. They are also considered to have the capability to motivate

either inspiring the young people under their great work. Thus, for those

achievements, BTS along with delegations from other countries were

invited at the UN General Assembly which was held in New York on 24

September 2018. At the same moment, the General Assembly also

coincided with the launch of 'Generation Unlimited'. That is a new

partnership that promotes education, training, and employment for young

people in the world.


H. Previous Study

Reviewing other research is needed in order to find relevance from

the past research and expected to be used as a benchmark. So that it can be

used as a comparison and to avoid plagiarism.

The first research is “A Discourse Analysis of SBY’s

International Speech Text: A Study on Critical Linguistics.” (2011) By

Anggara Jatu Kusumawati, was a student of Gadjah Mada University,

Yogyakarta. In her research she used theory of M.A.K Halliday’s systemic

functional grammar, that is meta functional features: ideational function,

interpersonal function and textual function in order to understand language

function and word choice produced to change meaning. Which aims to

describing grammar used of SBY International speeches related with his

self-image building.

The second research is “A Critical Discourse Analysis of Barack

Obama’s Speeches.” (2010) By Junling Wang, was a student of School of

Foreign Languages, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China. A

research which aims to learn the language how to serve the ideology and

power and also have an understanding of the political purpose.

The third research is “Discourse Analysis of Presiden Bush’s

Speech at Tsinghua University, China.” (2007) By Chang Pu, was a

student of University of Texas San Antonio, a research which aims to

demonstrate that Bush’s skillful use of rhetorical strategies in this political

speech is closely associated with his overall political goals of holding

American values as a model for China and China’s development.

The similarities among those previous researches that discourse

analysis is the study of person’s character who can influence others,

skillful in using rhetorical strategies in political speech, understanding of

political purpose, and building self-images in the used of grammar in

speech. In this case, the objects examined are mostly public figure, it be

the president as a leader of a country or an artist who has positive image or

someone who can be used as a role model for other person.


I. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual frame above, the first is the object that used is Kim

Namjoon’s speech at United Nation. It deals with discourse analysis theory from

(Gee, 2011) that discourse analysis focuses on studying a language in use,

attributed to a word or phrase, given the context, and how that context is

construed. From that theory, the writer classified into value, beliefs, assuptions

and figurative language that Kim Namjoon used in his speech.

Kim Namjoon’s speech at United Nation

Discourse analysis based on (Gee,



- Cognitive


- Ideology


- Affective statements

- Achievement


- Power Relation


- State and action


- Ability and





- Metaphor

- personification




This chapter is focusing on the discussion about the steps that writer have

done during the research. The steps are elaborated in sequence into sub-topic

namely research design, data source, data collecting, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research design refers to descriptive qualitative narrative

research. The method used to analyze data by describing data through

form of the written word or verbally from people and behavior observed.

To say in other, according to (Stake, 2010) personal experience, intuition,

and skepticism work alongside each other to help refine the theories and

experiments that mean it relies primarily on humans (in this case the

writer’s) perception and understanding. The writer used qualitative

descriptive narrative study with the consideration that this study presents

an analysis in accordance with the data obtained. The data collected is in

the form of words or reasoning in this case the speech text by Kim


The narrative form in this study presents information in the form of

a manuscript. The writer put a discussion of the narrative agreement such

as: using long, short quotations in the text vary and then inserting quoted

texts and next forming her interpretations that relied on the related-

literature reviewed in the previous chapter.

B. Data Source

Data source of this study is both the text transcript and video

recording of Kim Namjoon’s speech at UN General Assembly was held on

24th September 2018 that writer retrived from Youtube.


C. Data Collecting

Data collecting technique that used in this research are library research

techniques, see, and record. As the main instrument, the writer read the text of

the speech, examines, and notes the issue related to the purpose of the study.

The steps of collecting research data, the writer carry out the following

steps, as follow:

a. Reading the text of the speech

b. Mastering the theory

c. Mastering the method

d. Transcribing the data

e. Finding or sorting data

D. Data analysis

In this research, the writer used qualitative data analysis that done

by analyzing the text of Kim Namjoon’s speech directly through several

process, as follows:

a. Choosing and sorting the data to be analyzed in the form of words,

sentence, or expression comprised in Kim Namjoon’s speech text and

video recording

b. Displayed and analyzed the sorted data

c. Verification, the writer concludes the result of the data analysis




In this chapter the writer discussed finding and discussion which contained

of : (1) the usage of words, (2) ideology, (3) discourse component, (4)

power relation, (5) implication, (6) speech act, and (7) figurative language.

A. Finding

1. The Usage of Words

In initiating the discussion, the writer starts to discussion focusing the

attention on word usage. What writer means by word usage is simplified to

be the ability to compose sentence use the words properly. Based on (Gee,

2011) idea that he divided the usage of the words into several categories,

namely: cognitive statements, affective statements, state and action

statement, ability and constrain statement, and achievement statement.

a. Cognitive statements

In the speech of Kim Namjoon, the writer found that Cognitive

statement is defined as intellectual potential or in other word,

cognitive deals with a person‘s rational capacity to expand his/her

rational ability. It’s related with knowledge, comprehension,

application, and evaluation to analyze and syntheses a problem. And

indicated of cognitive speech such as: I think, I know or I guess,

b. Affective statement

Affective statement is defined as relating, result of, or be affected

by the internal state of being and spontaneous physiological response

to an object (COED 11 Digital Dictionary). Includes behavioral

character such as feelings, attitudes, interests, emotions, and values. In

other word, affective statement is understood as attitudes and values

which belong to a person that wants to still in other and marked as a


person talks about desiring and liking indicated by word such as: I

want, I like.

In further, a person commonly shows affective statements by talking

about relationship and activities in ways that seem to have a direct or

indirect reference outside themselves to reach achievement or success.

c. State and action statements

State statements are defined as the way to communicate an absence

of reasonable doubt to emphasize the factual or truthful nature of

communication. While action statement understood as the way to

communicate one’s experiences and accomplishments effectively, in a

person is used to describe one’s skill and knowledge.

d. Ability and Constraint statements

Ability and constraint are marked as a person talks about being

able or having to do things. This statement is closer to the description

of one’s capacity and ability either in a place where one being insist to

do a thing.

e. Achievement statements

Achievement statements are marked as a person talks about

activities, desires, or efforts that relate to mainstream accomplishment

or distinction.

2. Ideology

Ideology is perspective that is taken for granted so that it looks

reasonable and acceptable to the general public. Or other in say, there are three

things that need to be considered in analyzing discourse and ideology. First is

reading, in which there are three domains in reading the text namely the

dominant position, the negotiated position, the opposition. Second is

interpellation, a form of communication which in ideology places certain person


in social relation. Third is hegemony, mean that the unconscious giving of


3. Discourse Component

In this part, the writer found that discourse component divided

categories such as:

A. Discourse Structure

Discourse Structure itself divided into several parts, such as:

a. Coherence

Coherence is understood as the connection of ideas at the idea level.

Further coherence divided into three, namely:

- The beginning/abstract is marked by the appearance of greeting from the

host/speaker to the audience then continued with the presentation of the

theme of the speech.

- Middle/orientation, in the middle of discourse there are exchange and

transaction. Exchange it means that initiative of an introduction that leads

to questions, the answer, and the feedback based on the answer and the

topic of the discussion. The transaction means the speaker starts to explain

a problem which is the topic to audience, the speaker directs the audience

to focus on the conversation, and the speaker provokes the audience to

give a response on what was theme of the topic about.

- End/coda is the closing parts of the discourse. The end of the discourse is

marked by the speaker who starts closing the event by presenting a

conclusion from the theme that had been discussed before. Furthermore, it

ends with a closing greeting from the speaker to the audience.

Also, the cohesion of discourse focuses on the grammatical aspects

of both speaking and writing, such as:

- Addition is understood as to attach, append, or add, especially to

something larger to more important than the previous idea which is

appeared by the speaker. Addition indicated by word such as: also, too, as

well, and moreover.


- Consequence is mean as the result from reason or argument which become

a conclusion. Consequence indicated by word such as so, as a result,

consequently, and thus.

- Comparison and contrast are understood as the similarities and differences

of one or more things relative to some other or each other. and it is

commonly marked by the appearance of words such as just as, similarly,

in contrast, and unlike.

- Temporal is viewed as an interrelation of one idea (information) to another

idea in context of a situation, former statement or sentence to the next or

on contrary.

- Enumeration, in speech enumeration is often understood as topic sentences

which often used to introduce a list of items. Or in other word,

enumeration in speech can be viewed as systematic series of speech

content and commonly marked by the appearance of word such as first,

second, third, and finally.

- Summative is understood as a noun phrase that appears in a speech and

serves to summarize the idea of the speech itself. Indicates by the words

such as to conclude, all things considered, at the end of the day, on the


b. Cohesion

Cohesion mean is connection of ideas at sentence level and it is

focused on its discussion on the structure. The cohesion of discourse

focuses on the grammatical aspects of either speaking writing. It will

explain one by one in this part:

1. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that replaces a nominal or regular noun or phrase

is called a pronoun. In this speech often used the pronoun

- I refer to Kim Namjoon

- We refer to Kim Namjoon and BTS’s member

- Their refer to ARMY (BTS fans)


- Our refer to Kim Namjoon and BTS’s member

2. Substitution

Substitution is an important component in expressing feeling and

understand the meaning of a sentence, it divided into several parts, as follows:

- Nominal substitution one/ones

The substitution one/ones have function as the head of a nominal group

and can substitute for an item which is head of the nominal group

itself. The element of nominal substitution is one, ones, and same.

a). Clausal substitution

There are three environments in which clausal substitution takes place:

report, condition, and modality. Each of these environments, may take either

of two forms positive and negative. The positive is expressed by word so, and

negative by not.

- Substitution for reported clauses.

Usually reported clauses is declarative. There is no interrogative, or commands.

- Substitution for condition clauses

Conditional clauses are a clause that used to express a conditional. The

purpose of conditional clause is to suppose something that happen or will


- Substitution for modalized clauses

Modality is speaker’s assessment of the probabilities integral in the

situation as in the example above may expressed by modal forms of the verb

(will), or by modal adverbs such as possible.

3. Conjunction

Conjunction are grammatical part and undeniable word. In other

word, conjunction is a word or group of words that function to

connect two or same grammatical construct. And can divided into

several categories, namely:


a. Coordinating conjunction is a word that combine two elements of equal

grammatical and can combine two independent clauses. The

coordinating conjunction marked by word for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and


b. Correlative conjunction is a conjunction used in pairs

c. Subordinate conjunction is a conjunction that the beginning of a

subordinate clause called adverbial clause which is the function to

build an ideal connection between the subordinate clause and main

clause. Subordinate conjunction divided into parts, such as time, place,

contrast, cause and effect, condition, purpose, and manner.

4. Lexical

Lexical is the meaning of a word that accordance with the true

meaning or method of choosing harmonious words. Writer divided

into three categories, such as:

a. Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly same as

another word or phrase.

b. Hyponym is a word that more specific meaning than a general or

superordinate term applicable to it. Example:

c. Equivalencies is the condition of being equal or equivalent in value,

worth, function, and so on.

4. Power Relations

Kim Namjoon’s speech at the UN General Assembly in New York

on September 24, 2018, used a lot of personal pronouns. The first

pronouns that appear are the singular first-person pronoun (I), the plural

first-person pronoun (we).

The singular first-person pronoun is very widely used by Kim

Namjoon. The singular first-person pronoun refers to the speaker himself,

namely Kim Namjoon. The use of the first person singular “I” indicates

that Kim Namjoon stands out or shows his existence as the leader of BTS,


which in this case the chairman has a capacity above the other BTS

members. And the use of word “my” can be found in almost every

paragraph of this speech.

The pronoun “we” indicates that Kim Namjoon wants to show the

involvement of other BTS members in UNICEF's #ENDviolence program

campaign as well as to show BTS fans' involvement in the #ENDviolence

program. The word “our fans” is also shown as a sense of belonging that

BTS fans are not for himself only, but for all BTS members, so that in this

text Kim Namjoon wants to involve himself with other listeners.

5. Implicature

As explained in previous chapter, according to (Levinson, 1995)

implicature is an expression that has a different meaning of its literal meaning.

Say in other, it is indirect expression is not reflected in the vocabulary plainly.

6. Speech Act

Speech act presents their function when it is said or communicated. These

are commonly taken to include acts such as apologizing, promising, answering,

requesting, complaining, inviting, and so on.

1. Locutions, illocutions, and perlocutions.

a. Locutions, the act of making a meaningful utterance or the act that we perform

in saying something.

b. Illocutions: the act that create an utterance with a hidden meaning without

intending it have an effect.

c. Perlocutions: the act that give reactions or effect from the hearer. Writer not

find any perlocution in this speech.

2. Verbal Actions

In previous chapter, according to (Searle, 1976) speech act also viewed as

verbal action that accomplish something, speech act is distinguished into several

types, such as:

- Declarative: the act that makes the propositional content corresponds with

the reality.


- Commissive: the act of committing to future actions. This type of speech

act is shows intention of the speaker in the future which will be made to

happen in later moment.

- Expressive: the act that shows the expression of the speaker via utterance.

- Directives: the act aims to make someone else to do something that the

speaker desires.

- Representative: the act that speaker’s intention to assert the speaker’s


7. Figurative Language

Figurative language that contained in Kim Namjoon’s speech text

is metaphor and personification.



According to (Gee, 2011) word usage divides into several categories

namely cognitive statements, affective statements, state and action statements,

ability and constraint statements, and achievement statements.

1. Cognitive statements classify to value because cognitive statement is

human’s intellectual potential capacity to expand his ability that deals with

knowledge, comprehension, application, and evaluation to analyze and

syntheses to an object. Other say cognitive statement is a human’s ability

to reflect something that she/he ever felt or been through before what

she/he wants to reach. Example:

“I think I was very lucky that I didn’t give it all up.”

In the sentence, it means that he is describing his experience before

reaching his success. During that time, he finds an obstacle which is

bullying and underestimates that he got from people on his surrounding

until he realized that he deeply stirred and trapped on it. After that, he

finally starts to awake and unties bring him back to the track at which he

was dream of and possessed.

2. Affective statements classify to belief because affective statements are

talks about desiring also affective statements understood as attitudes and

values which belong to a person that he/she wants to instill to others or a

person shows affective statements by talking about relationship and

activities in ways that seem to have direct or indirect reference outside of

themselves to achievement or success also important values comprised

within on his speech is behaving more wisely in dealing with all problems,

building auto criticism in each individual, presenting positive thought.


“If there’s anything that I’ve achieved, it was only possible

because I had other BTS members by my side, and because of the love and

support of our ARMY fans all over the world made for us.”


3. State and action statements classify as an assumption because state

statements are defined as to declare to be fact or make known, the way to

communicate an absence of reasonable doubt, and to emphasize the factual

or truthful nature of communication. Meanwhile, action statement is

understood as the way to communicate someone’s experiences and

accomplishments effectively, in a person is used to describe someone’s

skill and knowledge. Example of state and action statements:

“We truly have the best fans in the world.”

“We started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the

world, how our message helped them overcome their hardship in life and

start loving themselves.”

The writer make the 7th statement on Kim Namjoon’s speech as

state statement because function of this statement as a conclusion which

this statement is presented after the factual events shown in the preceding


4. Ability and constraint statements classify to assumption because ability

and constraint statements are talks about being able or having to do things

or descriptions about someone’s capacity and ability either description in a

place where ones being insisted to do a thing.

- Example of ability statements:

“Last November, BTS launched the love myself campaign with UNICEF

building in our belief that true love first begins with loving myself. We

have been partnering with UNICEF’s #ENDViolence program to protect

children and young generation all over the world from violence.”

- Example of constraint statement:

“I have come to love myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to


Those statements reflected abilities owned by Kim Namjoon and

BTS that we know from achievement that they have got. Indeed, in one of


the statements in the table communicates that not just any group or people

can invited to campaign for a program that is considered important,

especially for humanitarian problems. It’s needed a figure or character that

able to carry out such a noble task. And Kim Namjoon and BTS fit with it

as they proven through their achievement.

5. Achievement statement classify as belief because talks about activities,

desires, or effort that relate to accomplishment or distinction. Example:

“Last November, BTS launched the love myself campaign with UNICEF

building on our belief that true love first begins with loving myself. We

have been partnering with UNICEF’s #ENDviolence program to protect

children and young people all over the world from violence.

Ideology classifies as value because from explanation above, Kim

Namjoon is a public figure of a group that idolized by teenagers around the

world so that unconsciously their actions and behavior are made to be role

models that give positive impact for their fans and also reflected in their

daily lives and he want you to love and be yourself without having to think

about or be fixated on what other people say about you. Ask yourself what

makes you excited when doing something? Because only you know what

you really are and what you like. Example:

“… what excites you and makes your heart beat? Tell me your story. I want

to hear your voice and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you

are, where you're from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak

yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself.”

Discourse component writer classifies as value and assumption, those are:

1. Value:

a. Coherence is understood as the connection of ideas at the idea

level. The coherence divided as several discussion, such as:


➢ Beginning/abstract is marked by the appearance of greeting

from the host/speaker to the audience then continued with

presentation of the theme of the speech. Example: “Thank you

Mr. Secretary General UNICEF Excellencies and

distinguished guests from across the world. My name is Kim

Namjoon, also known as RM the leader of the group BTS. It’s

an incredible honor to be invited to an occasion with such

significance for today’s young generation.

The phrase “thank you” is often appeared as a

conventional phrase to acknowledge person’s presence. And

it’s found in today’s opening of a speech as a host/speaker is

given time to present his/her speech.in 2nd statement “My name

is Kim Namjoon also known as RM, the leader of BTS” either

the 3rd statements which aimed to presence humbling and


b. Temporal

Temporal understood as an interrelation of one idea

(information) to other idea in a context of situation, former

statement/sentence to the next or on contrary. Example: “After

releasing our Love Yourself albums and launching the Love

Myself campaign we started to hear remarkable stories from our

fans all over the world, how our message helped them overcome

their hardships in life and start loving themselves. Those stories

constantly remind us of our responsibility.”

The interrelation which is meant here is casual relationship

between of two action which done by Kim Namjoon and BTS’s

member and the result of those action. First, launching their

album entitled “Love Yourself” and secondly launching the

campaign namely “Love Myself”. The result of those action is


they have to hear remarkable stories from their fans and they

help to overcome their hardship in life.

c. Cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level and

usually focused on the grammatical of either speaking and


➢ Pronoun is a word that replaces a nominal or regular noun or


I refer to Kim Namjoon himself. Example:

“I would like to begin to talking about myself. I was born in

Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. I spent a happy

childhood and I was just an ordinary boy.”

We refer to Kim Namjoon and BTS’s member. Example:

“We have become artist performing in huge stadium and

selling millions of albums.”

Their refer to ARMY (BTS fans club) and Our refer to Kim

Namjoon and BTS’s member. Example:

“Our fans have become a major part of this campaign with

their action and enthusiasm.”

d. Conjunction are grammatical part and an undeniable word. Say

in other, conjunction is a word or group of word words that

functions to connect two of the same grammatical construct.


“I spend a happy childhood there and I was just an ordinary


“Soon, I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to

the voices of others.”

e. Lexical is the meaning of a word that is in accordance with the

true meaning or method of choosing words that are harmonious.


Divided into three categories: synonyms, hyponyms, and

equivalences. Example:

“Like most people, I made many mistake in my life. I have many

faults and I have many fears.”

2. Assumption

a. Addition is similarly like an annexation that also

understood as to attach, append, or add, or more

important than the previous idea which is appeared by the

speaker. It marks by word also, too, as well, moreover.


“Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s me too.”

b. Consequence is as the result from reason or argument

which become a conclusion. Example:

“But it took me a long time to hear music calling my real


c. Substitution specifically an important component in

expressing feelings and understands the meaning of a

sentence. Substitution divided into several parts, such as:

- Substitution of Conditional Clauses

Conditional clause is a clause that used to express a

conditional. Whose purpose to suppose something that

has happened or will happen. Example:

“If there’s anything that I’ve achieved, it was only

possible because I had other BTS members by my side,

and because of the love and support of our ARMY fans

all over the world made for us.”


Word if refer to all possibilities in BTS’s

achievement which caused by BTS members and their

fans ARMY supports.

Power relation classify as belief because:

a. The singular first-person pronoun is very widely used by Kim

Namjoon. The singular first-person refer to the speaker himself.

The use of the first person singular “I” indicates that Kim

Namjoon stands out or shows his existence as a leader of BTS.


“I'd like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan,

a city near Seoul, South Korea. It is a really beautiful place,

with a lake, hills and even an annual flower festival. I spent a

very happy childhood there and I was just an ordinary boy. I

used to look up at the night sky in wonder and I used to

dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a

superhero who could save the world. And in an intro to one

of our early albums there is a line that says "my heart

stopped when i was nine or ten.”

b. The pronoun “we” indicates that Kim Namjoon wants to show

the involvement of other BTS member in UNICEF’s

#ENDviolence program campaign as well as to show ARMY’s

involvement in the same program. In other word, Kim Namjoon

wants to involve himself with others listener. Also, in the word

“our fans” is shown as a sense of belonging that their fans are

not only for him but for all BTS member. Example:

“We have been partnering with UNICEF's #ENDviolence

program to protect children and young people all over the

world from violence. And our fans have become a major part


of this campaign with their action and with their enthusiasm.

We truly have the best fans in the world.”

“And I was just an ordinary boy.”

The sentence above represented when Kim Namjoon told

his past before becoming a famous singer. There is social

structure that emerged such as social class, status, and social

identity. Kim Namjoon wants to show that initially he was

ordinary person whose finally through hard struggle he could

achieve his dream and able collocate himself socially equal to

the audience at the UN General Assembly.

Implicature classify as assumption because in one of the

statements contain implied meaning that Kim Namjoon actually

wants his listeners will not depend on other people’s judgements.

In that context, Kim Namjoon does not say “don’t let other

people stir your life”, he really understands that the current

context where his speech occurred is a very formal moment. A

moment which is attended by excellencies from all across the

world. Example: “There was a small voice in me that said

“wake up man and listen yourself.”’

Speech act classify as assumption because on writer’s

finding, speech act divided into three categories, locution,

illocution and perlocution. illocution defined as the speaker

intention of what is to be accomplished by the speech act.

Example: “What is your name? What excites you and make your

heart beat? Tell me your story.”

The sentence above also contains illocution, means that

Kim Namjoon indirectly motivates everyone to be proud of

themselves and having capability to explore their own interests

and talents.


Figurative language usually find at literature work like

poetry, short story even novel. The figurative language that

contains in Kim Namjoon’s speech text is personification and

metaphor. Metaphor defined as a means of asserting that two

things are identical in comparison rather than just similar.

Meanwhile personification is figure of speech that gives human

characteristics to inanimate object, animals, or ideas.

Example of metaphor:

- I spent a very happy childhood

In this sentence, Kim Namjoon’s describing the

childhood which he spent at his dwelling was very pleasant

and unforgettable.

- Tried to jam myself into the molds that other people


In this sentence, he too much depending on others

judgements until he didn’t realize or forget who he really is

and what talents and the abilities that are in him.

- Keep stumbling and falling

In this sentence, Kim Namjoon reminds us that as

human being we could fall and stumble into a problem in

our life.

Example of personification:

- Making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my



In this sentence, every human being must have plenty

mistakes in their life, but how do we make each problem as

an experience that will brighten someone’s life.

It can be concluded that the metaphor based on the

example above that found in Kim Namjoon’s speech is

means that he describes the childhood which he spent at his

dwelling was very pleasant and unforgettable. Meanwhile

personification in his speech means that with plenty

mistakes he made as human being could become experience

and make him wiser in determining the next step and in

making decision as a leader of a group.




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the research which writer have done by analyzing

the transcript of Kim Namjoon’s speech, here are some points that are obtained,


1. The use of words, divided into five parts: cognitive statements, affective

statements, state and action statements, ability and constraint statements, and

achievement statements.

2. Ideology that relates to that person with the person’s position in society.

B. Suggestion

For reader who will take same study:

1. Students

This research is expected to be able to provide knowledge related to

discourse analysis and can be used as a reference to further research focused on

comprehensive discourse analysis researches.

2. Lecturers

This research can posit as one of reference that applied in English teaching

material particularly relate to discourse analysis and expected to be beneficial to

all stakeholders as well as giving contribution to readers.



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Ability statements

Constraint statements

"Last November, BTS launched

the “Love Myself” campaign with

UNICEF, building on our belief

that “true love first begins with

loving myself.”(4th)

We have been partnering with

UNICEF’s #ENDviolence

program to protect children and

young people all over the world

from violence.(5th)

We have become artists

performing in huge stadiums and

selling millions of albums.(32nd)

"I’m sure that I, and we, will

keep stumbling and falling.(31st)

Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit

wiser, and that’s me, too.(37th)

These faults and mistakes are

what I am, making up the

brightest stars in the

constellation of my life.(38th)

I have come to love myself for

who I was, who I am, and who I

hope to become.(39th)



Thank you Mr. Secretary General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all

the excellencies and distinguished guest from all across the world. My name is

Kim Nam Joon also known as RM the leader of the group BTS. It is an incredible

honor to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today's young

generation. Last November, BTS launched the love myself campaign with

UNICEF building on our belief that true love first begins with loving myself. We

have been partnering with UNICEF's #ENDviolence program to protect children

and young people all over the world from violence. And our fans have become a

major part of this campaign with their action and with their enthusiasm. We truly

have the best fans in the world.

And I'd like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan, a city

near Seoul, South Korea. It is a really beautiful place, with a lake, hills and even

an annual flower festival. I spent a very happy childhood there and I was just an

ordinary boy. I used to look up at the night sky in wonder and I used to dream the

dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a superhero who could save the

world. And in an intro to one of our early albums there is a line that says "my

heart stopped when i was nine or ten."

Looking back I think that's when I began to worry about what other people

thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up

at the night skies, the stars, I stopped daydreaming. Instead, I just tried to jam

myself into the moulds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own

voice and start to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name and

neither did I. My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut. so, like this I, we all lost

our names. We became like ghosts. But I had one sanctuary and that was music.

There was a small voice inside of me that said "wake up man and listen to



But it took me quite a long time to hear music calling my real name. Even

after make the decision to join BTS there were a lot of hurdles. Some people

might not believe it but most people thought we were hopeless. And sometimes, I

just wanted to quit. But I think I was very lucky that I didn't give it all up. And I'm

sure that I and we will keep stumbling and falling like this. BTS has become

artists performing in those huge stadiums and selling millions of albums right now

but I am still an ordinary 24 year old guy. If there's anything that I've achieved it

was only possible because I have my other BTS members right by my side and

because of the love and the support that our ARMY fans all over the world made

for us.

And maybe I made a mistake yesterday but yesterday's me is still me.

Today, I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, I might

be a tiny bit wiser and that would be me too. These faults and mistakes are what I

am making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to

love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become. I'd like to

say one last thing. After releasing our Love Yourself albums and launching the

Love Myself campaign we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all

over the world, how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life

and start loving themselves. Those stories constantly remind us of our

responsibility. So, let's all take one more step. We have learned to love ourselves.

So now I urge you to "speak yourself".

I'd like to ask all of you what is your name? what excites you and makes

your heart beat? Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice and I want to hear

your conviction. No matter who you are, where you're from, your skin color, your

gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by

speaking yourself. I'm Kim Nam Joon and also RM of BTS. I'm an idol and I'm an

artist from a small town in Korea. Like most people I've made many and plenty

mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I have many more fears but I'm going


to embrace myself as hard as I can and I'm starting to love myself, gradually, just

little by little. What is your name? Speak yourself. Thank you very much.