S. ^x^^Clo

Vol.XXI. No. 66. philliipAcademy, Andqver, Mis. Thrdy" ne ,19.hu d J e ^ Price, 10 Cents 9, i ~ B.. G. E. LEONARD, . S. . .J. J. BRAINARD, , Vi e-p....... -: : ^;h< * l ^x^^Clo<wg Dan& If-·iie F ; ' v X - - :W, S. . . ONIL ,S.Tra History of '99 . -,tedious to mention them as well as to leaders as well as the manager are that the school was in need of money read them. From the above one can ninety-nine men. the class immediately voted to turn' On Friday, September 13, 895, feel justified in saying that ninety- Of the other clubs, such as the all, but enough to-pay for class the class of '99 came into existence nine certainly had athletic ability. Dramatic Club,, the Gun;.hess, Golf sweaters and caps, into the hansoL.2 ywith an enrllment of -fifty-eight The class has-also-been strong onand Camera Clubsr ninety-nine men -the baseball association. Certaiily. , , -. '- ' 7 ' · 9 , ' ...... . .. . .. .. ·. members. Since then the number the literary side. Only a few daysplaJm r rts and in many abetter xample of class and school has increased just-double, there being ago it WasL remarked in chapel that' instances they fill responsible posi- spirit could not be called for. From one hundred and sixteen members of the literary life has never reached so tions. this action of generosity on the part the present Senior class. hih a standard as it has thisyear. From this we can easily see that of'99, the precedent of givin entire 'The class during these four years Noting this we find that four of the the class of '99 has been an impor- baseball outfits to the lower middle has proved itself to be a good one, six presidents of our two literary tant factor to the athletic, the literary, class only has been established. -- and we can safely say that there has societies have been ninetynine menthe musical and the religious lif During the Senior year the advisa G. E. LEONRDa o.?.o. Sec t S y advis never been a better class in the his- If I remember correctly it was also the school. These four play a very bility of having a new athletic field - ' ... .. ':"; , .K. e History of '99the Academy statedious thao mention them as well as to h leaders as well asrt in the reputation ofager a that the discussedhool wasd in need of moneyided strong point. It has won both clas ts. A ninety-nine man has hadvery comprehensive brain to under- That same morning in chapel games and this, by the way, is the chare of it. ainly haDuring thletic ability. stand that ninety-nine has upheld sweaters raised inside of an hour. Judg- first time that the same class has ninety-nine menhave taken parts in the high reputation of Andover. in by the generosity which the class . "ever succeeded in carrying off both debates and ":prize competitions andSurely nothing more could be asked showed in the last instance I can -victories. Out of the three inter- in many cases have succeeded in and in manyclass safely say that mostf clasof this moneol class inctrack tournaments, ninety-nine wininng. tha Several other incidents have hap- raised was from the Senior class.rom has won two and stood second in the The religious life of the school has pened during these four years which There are other instances which showpart the prd.ent waSenioder th class captancy never been as high as it has thisyear. FromthisI think, if cited, will bear out my that ninety-nine abounds in generos- - of'The class durninety-nine man that Andover year andg this is due mainly tour of the statement that "Ninety-nine inpor-ty as well as school and classower middlerit. swon r oe i tself to be a g d from effortis of the presidents, all of whom aright." When the hle lar in its s n has een est ne Law en vilee. cExtera was beaten a re members -of this class middle year it was found that thery ity of havig a new aetic field tory own grounds this year in ten- The musicsl clubs have .never beenbasebal association was in great need it Ani thts s eem to te 'g' est e as they are this year and, of fuds. Just about Sthis t the schol needed such , fthiel. strong point. ninet has won . clsThere quote from the best authorai it very comprehensive brain to undr That same morning in chapel good n games and this by the way, is the charge of it. During the fur years that ninety-nine has upheld s m r aise d inside of an hour. Judg ar sot timeany ther cases where ninety has been years since the school has the class game Quite a large sum the Senior year a complete success.- nine has-ptrackroved itself to bea cly-ninassof turned out as good a trio of clubs asof money had been raised to pay forthe Senior class. great athltict waility that it woulincy never been as highyear.' All thee this I thinke class team outfit but on learning that ninetyGARFIELD A. NATHAN , 'won her firstfootball game fro efforts of the presidents, all of whom right" When the class was in its - nist and 9.'thiseisdues chiefly to the as large as they are this year and,eof funds. Just about this time the toola s wa s ng ne d th m o ', are so lnany other cases where ninety been years since the school has the class game. Quite a large sumto tu' ' ' n nine haseptoedr itself to beea class of turned out as good a trio of clubs s of money had been raisedto pay for s . ' -: greatatleticabiity that itwould be it has this year., All three of the the class team outfit but on learning GAlFIEdD fA NATHANFr - - ;.

Transcript of S. ^x^^Clo

Page 1: S. ^x^^Clo

Vol.XXI. No. 66. philliipAcademy, Andqver, Mis. Thrdy" ne ,19.hu d J e ^ Price, 10 Cents

9, i ~ B..

G. E. LEONARD, . S. . .J. J. BRAINARD, , Vi e-p.......

-: : ̂ ;h< * l ^x^^Clo<wg Dan& If-·iie F ; ' v X - -:W, S. . . ONIL ,S.Tra

History of '99 . -,tedious to mention them as well as to leaders as well as the manager are that the school was in need of money

read them. From the above one can ninety-nine men. the class immediately voted to turn'

On Friday, September 13, 895, feel justified in saying that ninety- Of the other clubs, such as the all, but enough to-pay for class

the class of '99 came into existence nine certainly had athletic ability. Dramatic Club,, the Gun;.hess, Golf sweaters and caps, into the hansoL.2

ywith an enrllment of -fifty-eight The class has-also-been strong onand Camera Clubsr ninety-nine men -the baseball association. Certaiily.

, , -. '- ' 7 ' · 9 , ' ...... . . . . . . .. ·.

members. Since then the number the literary side. Only a few daysplaJm r rts and in many abetter xample of class and school

has increased just-double, there being ago it WasL remarked in chapel that' instances they fill responsible posi- spirit could not be called for. From

one hundred and sixteen members of the literary life has never reached so tions. this action of generosity on the part

the present Senior class. hih a standard as it has thisyear. From this we can easily see that of'99, the precedent of givin entire

'The class during these four years Noting this we find that four of the the class of '99 has been an impor- baseball outfits to the lower middle

has proved itself to be a good one, six presidents of our two literary tant factor to the athletic, the literary, class only has been established. - -

and we can safely say that there has societies have been ninetynine menthe musical and the religious lif During the Senior year the advisa

G. E. LEONRDa o.?.o. Sec t S y advis

never been a better class in the his- If I remember correctly it was also the school. These four play a very bility of having a new athletic field

-' ... .. ':"; , .K. e

History of '99the Academy statedious thao mention them as well as to h leaders as well asrt in the reputation ofager a that the discussedhool wasd in need of moneyided

strong point. It has won both clas ts. A ninety-nine man has hadvery comprehensive brain to under- That same morning in chapel

games and this, by the way, is the chare of it. ainly haDuring thletic ability. stand that ninety-nine has upheld sweaters raised inside of an hour. Judg-

first time that the same class has ninety-nine menhave taken parts in the high reputation of Andover. in by the generosity which the class .

"ever succeeded in carrying off both debates and ":prize competitions andSurely nothing more could be asked showed in the last instance I can

-victories. Out of the three inter- in many cases have succeeded in and in manyclass safely say that mostf clasof this moneol

class inctrack tournaments, ninety-nine wininng. tha Several other incidents have hap- raised was from the Senior class.rom

has won two and stood second in the The religious life of the school has pened during these four years which There are other instances which showpartthe prd.ent waSenioder th class captancy never been as high as it has thisyear. FromthisI think, if cited, will bear out my that ninety-nine abounds in generos- -

of'The class durninety-nine man that Andover year andg this is due mainly tour of the statement that "Ninety-nine inpor-ty as well as school and classower middlerit.

swon r oe i tself to be a g d from effortis of the presidents, all of whom aright." When the hle lar in its s n has een est

ne Law en vilee. cExtera was beaten a re members -of this class middle year it was found that thery ity of havig a new aetic field

tory own grounds this year in ten- The musicsl clubs have .never beenbasebal association was in great need it

Ani thts s eem to te 'g' est e as they are this year and, of fuds. Just about Sthis t the schol needed such , fthiel. strong point. ninet has won . clsThere quote from the best authorai it very comprehensive brain to undr That same morning in chapel good n

games and this by the way, is the charge of it. During the fur years that ninety-nine has upheld s m r aise d inside of an hour. Judg

ar sot timeany ther cases where ninety has been years since the school has the class game Quite a large sum the Senior year a complete success.-

nine has-ptrackroved itself to bea cly-ninassof turned out as good a trio of clubs asof money had been raised to pay forthe Senior class.great athltict waility that it woulincy never been as highyear.' All thee this I thinke class team outfit but on learning that ninetyGARFIELD A. NATHAN ,

'won her firstfootball game fro efforts of the presidents, all of whom right" When the class was in its -

nist and 9.'thiseisdues chiefly to the as large as they are this year and,eof funds. Just about this time the toola s wa s ng ne d th m o ',

are so lnany other cases where ninety been years since the school has the class game. Quite a large sumto tu' ' '

n nine haseptoedr itself to beea class of turned out as good a trio of clubs s of money had been raisedto pay for s .'

-: greatatleticabiity that itwould be it has this year., All three of the the class team outfit but on learning GAlFIEdD fA NATHANFr

- - ;.

Page 2: S. ^x^^Clo

.... -" "' ', .. - : ."....'.---' '-1

'?t 4

f" ~ Draper Prize Speaking Ando e s' 122n ncet was 'superb and his plforinii inner.: /And' "'C,"~~~~~i · `.....-'`]~~~~~~~~~~~~ , "':::" was bey6nd critiism. . .-. : :The Draper Prize competition, : The eighth Aselection of the

which was inaugurated in 866, took APPROPRIATE \IEXERCISES HELD IN THE CHAPEL THISMORNIING' ing,"'The Great' Anti-Slavery. Ora-Iplace last evening before a large and BRING ANOTHER EVENTFUL YEAR TO A CLOSE. tor", was given by Alan Fox of De-'appreciative audience. The chapel troit, Mich-room was gorgeously decorated with .. The declamation was particularly '

palms and other plants which had This, morning at ten o'clock the usual procession, consisting of the suited to Fox's" strong delivery andbeen furnished by the class of '99 members'of the graduating class, under classmen,- alumni and trustees, he was deserving of a great deal, infor their exercises in the afternoon. headed by the band, started from the school building and marched to the return for the' immense amount of

The ten men who spoke were Chapel. The Chapel, beautifully decorated, was filled with visitors and work. which such a speech must without a doubt, representatives of friends of the Graduating Class. The programme was then carried out have cost.the school. They were selected after and all passed off with exceptional smoothness. The speaking of the evening wasa careful, impartial trial from among Following is the order of exercises: closed by Sidney Henry Smith, ofsome fifty or more candidates,, and Soudon, England, who delivered, Theso, as was seen 'last evening theORDER OF EXERCIS Closet Scene from "Hamlet."speaking was superb. The corn- Smith is gifted with a beautiful voicemittee of -award consisted. of Hon. and he appeared to have' his aud-W. S. Knox; of Andover, Hon. Wm. ience perfectly at his command.C. Clark of Manchester, N. H. and Owing to the sickness of IrvineHenry McFarland of Washington, music Goddard, he was unable to speak hisD. C. Prof. Graves of the Acade- declamation, "Kifig Robert ofmy faculty presided over the corn- SiCily." petition. After a short consultation the

The first declamation, Seargeant judges returned and announced theS. Prentiss's First Plea," was spoken following as prize men: -ist., R. W.by Stuart Blaikie of Englewood, N. i. Military Discipline in Preparatory Schools. Merrill, 2nd. J. R. Irvine, 3rd. A.J. Blaikie, as usual spoke remark- Foxably well, his pronunciation was MORTON ATWATER, Poughkupsie, N. Y.clear and his gestures well defined.His declamation was well selected Prizes Awarded 898-99.and Ihe did full justice to it. 2. The Results of the Crusades.

Joseph Peter Donovan of Law- , ROBERT HALL EWELL, Washington, D. C.aper Prizes, SeleThe Draper Prizes, Selected Declamations,rence, next spoke that familiar Ralph Winslow Merrill, Ban~~~~piece, "John Brown at arper's8o, $I2, 8. Ralph Winslow Merrill, Ban-piece, "John Brown at Harper's music gor, Me.; Jean Ross Irvine, Ross, Wyo.;

Ferry." Donovan spoke clearly but Alan Fox, Detroit, Mich. did not seem to be wholly at homedid not seem to be wholly at home l n3 A North-Western Farm. The Means Prizes, Original Declamations,with his declamation. $20, $2, $8. Alan Fox, Detroit, Mich.;

One of the best delivered speeches JAMES ARTEMAS GOULD, Minnapolis, Minn. Henry Hamlin Stebbins, Rochester, N. Y.;of the evening then followed when ' William Johnson Colby, East Weymouth.Theodore Edward Hill, of New 4. The Closing Century. The Harvard-English Prizes,- EnglishHaven, Conn., declaimed, "Regulus Composition and Rhetoric, $15, $1o . Firstto the Carthaginians." Hill's voice THEODORE EDWARD HILL, N 'Haven, Conn. not awarded; second, Robert Lounsbury

'* ' :---: ....... - - Black, Cincinnati, O.; James Ross Irvine,was rich and his manner seemed to Ross, Wyo. . James Ross e,-- effect-the-audieuee-very favorably.. [ - 5- - ANew orld-Power. - T__h o -- _

'-Ralpbh^Wn~rins~-e3mgrrloBnor--Wis-eri- - The Robinson Prizes, Extemporaneous- ---R V -lpko i se w -M ter-rlle f--Bn go rST UART BLA IK IE, E 7 i f A Debate, $12, $8. George Edm und M errill,

~~~~~Me., followed with the poem, ~Sasca" STUARTCheyenne, Wyo.; Robert Hall Ewell, Wash-This was one of the most effective ington, D. C.- speeches in the entire evening and lusicMerrilles e ntirves reevening andforui The Cook Prizes, Excellence in Greek,Merrill deserves great credit for $, $ Chares 'Edward Starbuck,$5, $o, $5. Charles Edward Starbuck,having the ability to pick out' such a 6. Las Casas: A Spanish Helper of Humanity. Andover; John Joseph Mahoney, Lawrence;selection and deliver it in such an Stuart Blaikie, Englewood, N. J.appropriate manner. H A RV EY CH I L D S McCLINTOCK, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Crane Prizes, Excellence in Virgil;

"The Nation's Dead at Arlington" ' . , d-Copies of Dr. Crane's Translation. 'Alan

,was then delivered by Edward Ry- ".'7r F Sunday-School Politics'.: DFox; etroit, Mich.; John Joseph Mahoney,was then delivered by Edward Ry- Lawrence.man, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The m, ,. 'ALAN FOX, 2Dieoit, Mich. The Dove Prizes, Excellence in Latin,declamation was peculiarly appro- : $o, $S, $o. John Joseph Mahoney, Law-priate to Ryman's voice and manner rence; Robert Lounsbury Black, Cincinnati,and he more than did himself justice. usic O.; third not awarded.

J. J. Mahoney, of Lawrence, next I . .. The Convers Prizes, Excellence. in Math-Jpresented "The Patriot and the. ANNOUNCEMPNTT ir»F PRT77 . ' ematics, $20, $12, $8. Heaton Ridgneypresented "The Patriot and the ' ANNOUNCEMEN T OF PRIZES Robertson, New Haven, Conn.; William

Traitor." His speech was very in- " . Morris Houghton, Brunswick, Me.; Johnteresting and his gestures most ap- .. , . Martin Dreisbach, Wilkes Barre, Pa.plicable. Jean Ress Irvine, of Ross,. . The Valpey Prizes, Latin and Greek Com-Wyo. then delivered Robert Brown- -AWARDING'OF-DIRLOMAS position, o, $rb. Greek, Francis Howarding's "Lrd Clive." Irvine, last :.. .n(.. :... ...... ... . . Fobes, Lexington; Harlan Hogue Ballard,'ng'syear, secured third prize in thest * . -c.. . _* . . jr., Pittsfield; honorable mention, 'Howardraper anud accordingly more was to-..*-**** -------. sFarman Hart, Fayetteville, N. Y. Latin,Draper and accordingly more was to Ralph Hill Melczer, Phoenix, Ariz.; honor-

be expected from him, nor was the. Iass fymn able mention, Robert Francis Kelly, Thom.-audience disappointed. His deliverysonville, Conn.; John Hiusfeldt Soehrens,audience disappointed. Hisdelivery Andover.

Andover. , .


Page 3: S. ^x^^Clo

T"'he cl?~is' as xedi yexr e re , -eld ' n': ofi'Sunday, June r8,-.the.acca-..:/-Sn.?"

yesterday afternoon in the Academy ] ' laureate sermon was- preached,..at . : .'Chapel whichwas very prettily, dec- the Old South Chu. .... u-

orated an w e ating class of Abbot Academy, by -The. merbers -of the. graduating Dr.. Richardson 'of Nashua, N. H.

class assembled in front of the school -, He gave a fine and spirited sermon .building at one forty-five and were" .... .... -^^^ on the text'" Tongues of Fire," and", ' -wn t:u':

AbAl d.,OX iR VINEGDD ARDnled- into the Chapel by the class ortor. IODDAR pointed out to the girls their influ- , :;:presidents, Charles N. Kimball of ... ence, and how they should carry it

the Classical and Theodore H. Nevin with them always, anduse it- in the ' : _.of the Scientific Department. world: The prayer 'was given. by. :.,After C. N. Kimball had addressed Professor Ryder. The girls sat apart,: :

the class and welcomed the visitors, ... vy ong.. and the Fidelio,.the -musical club of :.Maurice Hawks read' the class_ his- Abbot Academy, sang.tory which was very well written and On Monday afternoon at three

delivered. Owing to Irvine -God- To thee, swee t ivy, now we sing, o'clock, a reception was given by the

dard's.illness, Edward Ryman read As reverently beneath these walls Seniors, for their relatives and in-. the class poem ,Narcissus" in a ve plant thee; may thy tendrils cling vited friends, after which a poem

In memory of these classic halls.manner which 'deserved great credit was read by Miss Mary Keniston.Thy verdant leaves are never sere,and reflected honor upon Goddard.But by the sun and showers that fall Before the thunder-storm, the

J. Arthur Hatch, the class statis. Thy leaves shoot forth; remove the drear, spade was transferred by the Seniorstician, then told the different charac- Cold, stony aspect of this wall. to the Senior Middlers, but just as

teristics of the -class and presented the Class Hymn was. being sung, the . ;several members with very suitable Sweet ivy, thou art not alone rain came down in torrents. All thegifts. Hatch showed good taste in A plant; but emblem of our love. people retired to Draper Hall.

his choice of presents and made the A prayer we breathe ere we have gone Monday evening the usual Draperpresentation very interesting. That thou mayest thrive by showers from 'bove. Reading was held, and was very

The Columbian Orchestra of Law- And as the tendrils of thy vine largely attended.Upon the wall tenacious cling,C'Lrence played a selection, after. which Upon the wall tenacious cling, Tuesday the closing exercises were

Alan Fox deliveredmay the hearts of Ninety-nine. held at the South Church, ProfessorAlan Foxdelivered the class oration. Our Alma Mater, wisdom-spring.The class made a very good choice W.H. Ryder delivering the address.in selecting Fox orator and his speech - Voluntary and March.

Words ly irvnne Ggdda Music by A. F Hawks.was a most appropriate one. words y I r vine Goddard. MusicictusS. M. Downs Beuedietus, S.M. DownsThe prophecy -by- Kimball was THE FIDELIo SOCIETY

one of the most interesting numbers Solo by Miss Knight

of the program. Kimball was. very - Invocation,clever in using his imagination and Rev. Wm. P. Fisher, Brunswick, Me.

made several good jokes on the mem-. Te Deum, Antiphon," S. M. Downs _

bers of the class. CHOIR AND SCH ooL.

. The class marched out, when thess, Prof. m eorchestra had rendered another selec Presentation ofplas -

tin, to the -Science Buil'ding where 1--- --- idward G. Porterthe ivy w -fa aand the spade Parting Hymn, S. M. Downswas.presented to H. H. Thompson, and Benedictionthe president of Ioo. Pry

The exercises were concluded by _ . P.-. HAWK J. A. HATCH Rev. Frederick A. Wilson.aiStotan. statistican.singig the ivy and giving cheers for S t

.rv.ne.Goddard,.the.class,.and ____________________________________________________________ After the exercises a t t he South -::Irvine Goddard, the class, and

Church an enthusiastic alumnae'school.

meeting was held at which the Mc-

Overture, "Life a Dream," Eilenterg Keen Meorial was discussed and itOrchestra. was stated that more than $13,00ooo0

-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Class History.'~ -has already been subscribed.-

Maurice Hawks, Buffalo, N. Y.,,.Poem.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Names of-the Graduating ClassPoen ng.

Irvine Goddard, Widnes, Eng. Elvena Louisa Bell, Lowell; Alice(Read by . Ryman.) Bertha Case, Andover, Conn.; Helen :

Statistics. - _ Pickard Dana, Westbrook, Me.; HarrietJames A. Hatch, Chittenaugo, N.Y. Greaves Dodson, Andover; Grace War-

Rainbow Dance, Chara'cteristique, ren Earle, Cohasset; Agnes RamsayRosey Fogg, Bridgton, Me.; Mary Avis Kenis-

Orchestra. ton, Boothibay Harbor, Me.;1 Elizabeth 7Oration. - Everts Paine, Andover; Elizabeth Gar-

Alat i FoqxDetroit Mich. - land Richardson, Nashua, N.H.; MaryProphecy.- - -- Elizabeth Ryder, Andover; Catherine

Chas. N. Kimball, Wellsboro, Pekm. White Sandford, N. Y.; Georgia May-

~'Polka Cap' ccioso, "Why Nt ?' ' hew Whitney, Haverhill; Maboth Lillian- ~~~~~~~~~~~~Gruenwold ~~Wolfenden, Attleboro; Mae Emery

Orchestra. Where the Claea Day 'xerises Were weld. young, Brookline.

' { =, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·r '¥

Page 4: S. ^x^^Clo

. ,-. / 1-- * 1

- I:-

:. Robinson Prize Debate. The last speaker for the negative Athletic -Reports.:Nov. '98Dr C NrChamberlai ;was Jean Ross Irvine and he made - football 89 6 .6"

Sept. 29 '98, Andover Press, trackThe fourth annual Robinson .prize by far the mnost powerful debate for Yesterday,' Mr. Ripley, the gi.adu- t:ck : ;31-

debate was held Monday evening in this side of the question. He spoke ate treasurer of the Acadey, sub- t. F. tr

the school chapel before an unusually unusually well, was at perfect ease, mitted the following report. The, 1898 . .w 32.5

smnall, but very appreciative, audience and though showing a lack of con- school athletiC§ were nevei iii 't-.Sept. 29, '98, G. W. Wiggin,- baseball -s896 600

Fiist prize was awarded to- George vincing seriousness at times, he cer- ter financial condition, he said, and Sept. 29; '98, Wright& Ditsi base- '. Edmund Merrill, 'oo, of Cheyenne, tainly did the most with his side of by next year the athletic debt would ball 897 - -17.17

Wyoming, and 2nd prize to Robert the ;question. probably all be paid. The football Dec. 17, '98, E; P Hitchcock, base;,

Hall Ewell, '99, of Washington, D. C. - report was also subriiitted and is arch, '99,J. W. Brine, basebail

There were six speakers, each al- Commencement Concert and Dramatics printed below: 89 -.'S12.00lowed to speak ten minutes; three TREASURER'S REPORT. March 9, '99. 'C; W. Scott, baseballwere taken from Philo and three The Glee Banjo and Mandolin 896 - 4.00

bwere taken wrom tho_an tree Da ti Banjo and MAs Undergraduate Treasurer of April 12, '99, C. E. Abbott, footballfrom Forum. The question for deClubs togthr with the Dramatic the Phillips Andover Athletic Asso- 1897 22.50bate was, "Resolved, That the best Club gave an enjoyable entertainment ciatin I hereby submit the follow- April t, '99, E. C. Piike, track 898 i.o5interests of the South African Re- at the Town Hall Tuesday even- report of the finances of the

public (the Transvaal) demand Eng- ing. All the members of the musi- Football Association for 898-'99.' - 73

lish control." Both Merrill and cal clubs were allowed to play and

Ewell spoke upon the affirmative. in consequence it was one of the RECEIPTS.ALFRED After a few words of introduction best entertainments of the seasdn. Subscriptions, $1324 40 . . .

by Professor Forbes, R. H. Ewell Mr. Rice of Lowell kindly gave sev- Guarantees, 200 00

was introduced as the first speaker, eral banjo solos which were exceed- ergmeReport f the Phillips Andover

on the affirmative. He showed quite ingly well rendered. Sundries; 49 32 Track Athletic Association 1897-'98:

clearly, by citing several historical Total, $36i8 5 RECEIPTS.examples, that the African republic EXPENDITURES. Subscriptions, 693 50must, in time, be absorbed by some "Training table, 496 08greater power and that England Guarantees, $445 oo Gate'receipts, 210 88should be this power.. He was not Training table, 263 4 '3es 25Med. attendance, 300 58 Entry fees,alloweed to finish owing to the time Programs,' 45 4oAthletic goods, 599 6limit. Grounds and Police, 225 82

W: . J: Colby spoke next on the Miscellaneous, 41 63 W. : lspok e nonteCoaching, III 10o

negative. He gave several historical Carriages, 112 50 Total, $1569 74

facts concerning this Republic which G. . LEONARD Travelling expenses, 696 oo EXPENSES.

seemed to show the political right Leader of Glee Club. Post., Stat. and Tel., 37 03Coaching, $172 oothey had to govern themselves. Printing, 99 59Cups,

Colby was a little too deliberate and Part one of the programme was Exeter game money never rec'd, 32 oo Grounds and Police, 19 88

showed signs of hesitancy; aside opened with a "Coon Medley" sung Sundries, 90 42 Trav. expenses, 53 22

from these faults his argument and by the Glee club.' This was loudly Total, $3012 34 Guarantees, 62 50

delivery were both excellent. applauded and was sung in excellent Balance, 605 81 Athletic goods, 143 81

The next speaker on the affirma- style. This was followed with a $3618 15 Training table, 768 20

tive was W. D. Clark who seemed to solo by Mr. Rice Fantasia." Al- (Signed)Printing, 30 00Officials, 21 77

emphasize the fact that the Trans- though this is a difficult piece it was ALAN Fox, Treas. Programs, 19 95vaal demanded English rule both for rendered in excellent style by Mr. GRADUATE TREASURER'S REPORT Post., Tel. and express, 4 0its own welfare and for the good of Rice. "Whistling Rufus" by. the Miscellaneous, 41 63

its English inhabitants. Clark spoke Mandoliin club- followed, and was The-PHLLI'PiAN of Junfe 24,'97 Bills due, - o oo

- ags though. he lacked experience in well rei'dered. _-.-- cont-aisi- the-report of the Gradiat~ - $1562 43debate and he seemed to hesitate Part second of the programme Treasurer to that date, showing a Balance, 7 31between each sentence. His thoughts consisted of a one act, comedy "My cash balance in- his' hands on June $1569 74were -good but his delivery was lack- Awful Chum" and although the ar- 22, 1897 of $92.76.

ing in both power and ease of manner. rangements for the. play were- made -- Siic tkti date his receipts have KEITH SMITH, Mgr..John Emet Sweet spoke for the in a remarkably short time, the been as follows:

second time on the negative. Sweet fellows all did exceedingly well. R. June 22, '97, Cash on hand S 92.76made many excellent points and W. Merrill as Mrs. Hudson and Sept. 13, '97, from Mr. Freeman 49.87seemed to be at his ease when speak- H. W. Noble as Ned Burleigh were Sept. I3, '97, from Mr. Van Wiclde 2.50

ing but the English he' used was especially good. Nov. , '97, from Mr Freeman 86.5unusually bad. PROGRAMME Nov. 7, '98, from Mr. Freeman 3i:58

George Edmond Merrill then spoke PART I Dec. 7, '98, from Mr. Fox 600.00ore Eo rilatie. spre Coon Medley, Arr. by Weston and Leonard Dec. 17, '98 from Mr. Fox 6oo.oofor the affirmative. His remarks GLEE Ltm. Dec. 17, '98, from Mr. Freeman 2.50

showed more finish and thought than Fantasia in D Major, Glynn Dec. 21, '98, from Mr. Fox 57.65the others. e spoke clearly with- MR. RICE. April 7, '99, from Mr. Fox 6.00

Whistliihg Rufus, Millsout any hesitation and said a great MANDOLIN CLUB. ,.8

many things in a very few words. My Old Kentucky Home, Foster-Farland The following bills have been paid:aiR. RICE..

He did not refer to'notes and showed Rose-Tree March, Paul Eno Sept. 13, '97, Scott Shattuck, baseballa thorough knowledge of his subject. BANJO CLUB. - 1897 1$50

He maintained, in brief, that the best PART 11 Sept. 13, '97, E. :P. Hitchcock, base-

ibterests of ,the Republic were' the "My Awful Chum" bal897 .best interests of the mjority. He Ned Burleigh, Noble Sept. 13, '97, J. W. Brine, baseball

showed by example that England was Jack Randolph, Farnham Sept. 17, '97, Andover Bank, Millsa good rulr: and that the English of. Schreedy, Charwate Overdraft i 6.76

rulr and that the Eglish. Mrs. Hudson, Hill Sept. 29,'98, H. F. Chase, baseballcolonies -practically lost nothing but Miss Hudson, Merill PATR

the mere nare ofindepenence. cThe Charlatan March, Sousa 898 2700 C. H. KILPATRICK,the mere name of independence. GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. Sept. 29, '98, S. Thomas, track 1898 2.30 Coach of '9 Track Team

-( ~ ~ ' '· . -->.

·v~ 7~~

Page 5: S. ^x^^Clo

~.BHIHIIII H I Review of the Past Yei i FodfLr, BIebai, aiVtob Ta.

-* ;--^; *-*-* - TreaO, ATen-i-f-i tch tC .

... , E:$: f * -

- particularly well. The game resulted of the seanon, score .tO .Owing e'.-: i. a ti . 5a to 5. t infaVorbale weather the games -

Andover's next victor) was ovet for thd rest-ff the seatie were dis-' .. . ,. New Hampshire College which game conitinued. ' ,,, .

e was not on the regular schedule; For the first time ifi the athletjf r o-:?fil '['~~~1Andover 24, New Hampshire College .histoi of the school a reiay race day' A okenfobal prati.o. held with Exeter at the NB. A. .A.

t ~ ~ ~ .The final contest of the year was games which etesltd in faevog of -. [awith Exeter which was plaed at An Exeter. The first gaiie of ball was . .. ,.a :e -'

'-~.-. dover on Nove mber 12th. Both played with Boston tJfiiversity which : L. A. SANDERS, '- ' - ,

~- ....nteams were evenlymatched,thescore was an easy victory for Andove, Captain VictoriouSi Baseball Team

i - a stie, o to o. core r4 to 7. On April nd, And-

.- . HOLT, Football schedule for the season over lost to Tufts in a loely played te victory duly celebrated. During- Captain Victonous 98 Football Team. he

a of '98: game, score 5 to 2. The next game / Gille and Exeter games, Andover de- Football. Sept. 24 Andover 22 Boston Latin School o took place with Bro n University. feated Boston College and was beaten '

Sept. 28 " o Williams College 6 Andover was beaten. The game by Tufts 2nd. On June roth Exe-The athletics of '98 and '99 date Oct. 2. " 5 Tufts College o with arto ith 6n Aprii 28th was r.was defeated on her own

back to September 2oth, when forty- Oct. z5 " £ M. i. T. 6 grounds in a loosely played game.-five men responded to Capt. Holt for Oct. 22 " Yale Fresh. o the best . fielding. game Andover The same dy Andover took secrld .-football practice. The material for Oct. i 6 Holy Cross College o played during the' whole season; place at the New Enigland Inter- th mniost part was good, since there Oct. z 5 Worcester 5 They beat Daimouth 6. Bates scholastic Meet with eight men 9.

was a scarcity of und d m - Nov. o T ege owon from the home team on May entered. Nearly every man scored .-ws a scarcity of 4t .Ithundevefloped mate- Nov. J2 o rExeter o L o l*t arne -. STAN 'hs s

rial which has-characterized former Nov. 8 ,' x Lawrenceville o fist. enthusiastic ands uTcheufnldthe most -oirstOla3 Snetr was ontsh us enic d sucf the mesfula thletisquads. The first game took place -Andover 89 Oponents elected captain of the b all nine. seasonsuof Andover.' .

Andover 89 Opponent 7 The next.gam e with H arvard oe s A Dor:*on Septenber 24th with Boston Won, 6; lost, 2; tied, 2. The next game with Harvad ' 0 Latin School. It resulted in an easy . :o'key Searm Scieduievictory fot Andover by the score of .e N. SHo'taCaptain.

.22 to 6. Williams College wan the _ -JA o M 1 TJan, 2I, Andover IO M. I.T .ovnext game from Andover in a well Jan. 28, Andover 4 Boston College r :played contest. The score was 6 to o. Feb. r, Andover 6a Nrtouthe A. C.

Andover was more successful, how- {,.- Andover x6 Opponents 6ever, with Tufts College, winning by Serile of Haseball Tea. -a score of 5 to o. On October 5th, L.G. Saunders;oo, Captain.Andover was defeated by M|I. T. in _-T Nevin'gg, Manager. -.a very close game; 6"to T-5-wast- April IgA aover 4 Boston University. wtHyrest hcAdr -o-- .. Jl, I'Aiindoer 2 Tufts - - :

- - Aai s t .l 24, Andover 3Brown niversity 8 -Aprilco 14 7 n d, n.plhce ithr-cls eete-P waster nt b heApril 28,st t tfts int iing w he Andover 6 Dartmoath 3 -u',May t, Ari over h6 Bates Lweoc

-event of the year which was a most May , Adover a es successful affair. The Seniors won May ro, Andover 4 Amherst -Sept 24et condition. On99 Jhe sManuay Bs3r, An dover Newtowne A.A. 5 -. --he Meet and 19o the class reslay. t May 8, Andover 6 Harvard nd .

The football team next defeated May 24, Andover Punchard Hih :.Yale ~resh. byr -I st to o. underMay 27, Andove 2 Yale Varsity.' 8 w

'fi be Frep came t o o. The last th hm 22 O May oth Andover A Yale Freh.game before the champaionship was one __.v ' - <" ':-'''The Andover - Exeter Football Gamei -898, - une 5, Ardover 5 Boston Colege zWith Holy Cross which Andover won, hoe Junee tAnover Tufts nd 8

~· to o. Th-· ue I neameawt|. Exeter N 8ee too ' -The- close of the fall term was looked like an easy victory for ar .The first championship game wook Andover 95 Opponents 77-- C.qumarkd b scorelest apia on the nint innein heen '

place wth orcester on October ed by the interest taken Games lost, 6; games won, 9; tied, .' h H',9 thb. Andover had in a substitute hockey, and though no games were Andover by good bittiig tied the ..

played uhtil the beginning of the score. The inter-ciass meet wasLat ~nexttermtheteam was inexcellent nextin order which resulted in. a

condition. On January eleventh, close victory for 19oo. May 17thvicy nsfifty men responded to Acting Cap- Andover won from Harvard nd.

,efo Anoe - tain Saunder's call for baseball can- Amherst won from Phillips in a - .

plas.T c- dwidates, a week later the same num- loosely played game on the part ofber of men came out for the track the home team. On May 27th And- ,,

Team. On January twenty-first over lost to the Yale Varsity arid on ,e~... : -'Andover won the first hockey game the thi-tieth to the Freshmen. And-

* . IMLL, scOre of 4 to x. -In the, following event. On June first' the Lawrence- '. Andover '9Trci Te.ii. me with Neon A. C. Ahdover ille game was won by Andovter, and Aletic Director.ne

- -,-4--------,---.-,-----------------..-------. ' i n favor of th e h omay th Andover 6 teas i

May 27 A ov -2 lVri

…al K~eb y o Th atM-3,Advr2 aeF~h

Page 6: S. ^x^^Clo


_';-~ ' ~: 'r ;'

' - - -'"'-.- - K- '

I,,'' THE PHILLIPIAN. The " New Dorm'itory * lTh D*oritr

The plans for the new. 30,000 Adormitory which Mr. M. C. Day'58, J * ... - w l- r I-;'ll-,';has presented to the school have \/ ,, - -:; ... - ' a:- -n

Annual Subscription, $2.00. been completed by Mr. A. W. Long- attracts attentin herever e goe fellow, who also designed the Taylor *' Y ou ca n be dressed with the BEST and Draper cottages. The building ,. GOODS, BEST"CUT and FINISH'. - -will be built in old colonial style, * at ....... .-

Te PmrxLrAN will be issuedevery Wednesdayand modeled after the "Holworthy" at' 'ev. e U $Saturday during the school year, except in vacation. .

All business communications should be addressed to the Cambridge, and will stand opposite B .RNS & .. W L' "':''business manager. the __ _ _-._, _._,_,._Icmcbu aaineyes tmaager. - the upper end of Latin Commons * Tailors and Gent's Outfitters, . -.'All communications must be accompanied by the writer's i a Philli Street. - . ' .

full name and address, not necessarily for publication un- facing hillps Street. Its dimen Agents for Scriptres aundry. TEET.less so desired. sions will be I38ft x'28ft and it will - - -W.

Communications may be addressed to TU. PHILUPIAN, . g * * f fi ie l Andover, Mass., or droppcd in the PHIMtPIAN box placed be three stories high. The dormi-v t'* 5a 9 a 5 * * Fsin the main hal of the Academy building, tory is to have three entrances and - -

The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the

opinions ofanycorrspondent. accomodate thirty six fellows. SPECIAL! Ps N Boanrd meeings are hed Vedneday and When this building is erected theSturday oos. A ·NEW SOF OUTIN HA:!

first house in both commons will be A NEW SOFT OUTIN HAT.,torn down. The nobbiest hat ever introduced by us. A special novelty for college men.

NEGLIGEE SEITS QvUAriy UvWUA.eCD AESTDSl aS 1 ANDNOTICE. ranging from $1.50 to $3.00 each A UNPRACH I CeleRs cAESe Os

To insure change of advertisement, copy must be re-in all colors and two heightsceived for Wednesday not later than Tuesday noon; forand two heSaturday. not laterthan Friday noon. FANOY HOSIMEY .^

from 50 cents to $2.50 per pair ft W >/eb tw*.


POST-OFFICE. UNDEBWEAE and PAJAMS for Spring and Summer -. -- I -WA3HI1NG62T-

The Andover Press. GLOVErS pring ad Smer -BOSTON-

. *~~ -for street and dress fsTADAD ' - gThursday, June, 2. 1899. GOLF HOSE

from $1.50 to $3.50 per pairThe Senior members of the PHIL- BELTS BD

LIPIAN Board. with this number,'give The swellest things made - JOS. M. BR DLE & 0 O.,up all connection with the paper, and All mail orders promptly and carefully at-we wish to take this opportunity of tended to. Makers ofthes,rendering our thanks for the assist- __

ance which we have received from F. W. WEINSCHENK, the school and from the 900o mem- 49s Washington Street, Boston.bers -of the Board during the past 1320 Massachusetts Avenue, FINE FABRICS' school year. We feel that we can CAMBRIDGE, - - MASS. SUPERIOR WORK Special inducement to.justly say that the " PHILLIPIAN" . IDERATE PRICES. Andover patrons.

_ rolephone Cambridge 327-6has been kept up to its usual standard Telphone Cambridge 327-6

during the year, but whether it has . SPECIAL NOTICE! been materially improved in our- . . .beihavedecided togive the students_Pbillip- hands is for the school -to--udge .. owingrates until vember - et

.--- We -realize-fully that we could not First Dozen, .00.have accomplished very much if it . Fr Adiodozen, (t)

F f our Dozen, (50) Picture.rhad not been for the valuable assist- . . ordered at one time, $8.ance of the I900 men on the Board; Eight Dozen, (1o) 'Pictures

THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER, ordered at one-time, 812'we realize that there is still, much NOVEL GOLF TROUSERING :: THE LEADINC PHOTOCRAPlER do den to fnehed proosiloweN _________________ With each lot of four dozen two finished proofs allowed.room for improvement in our publi- PATTERNS - 21 West Street, With each lot of elghtdozen four finished proofs aUowed.

Each extra position flnished for fifty cents each-.-cation, and we give over the control . Boston, Tenextrapibturesgivenfree wltheeryorderforOor6SElte-,with a perfect confidence that the Mass. Fifteen extra pictures gleen free with every ordefor100,or6,Elit4

19oo Board will not only bring thePLIAN"I through a successful will pay you to inspect

year, but will raise its standard and he a s a TMA MILLER & SON increase its value to the honor ofthemselves and Old Andover. Fan g Shirtings --

_ _ - ....... - In Exclusive Designsand Colora.-

The alumni may keep in close P. J. HANNON, 115 Broadway, Between 26th and 27th Streets NEW YORK

touch-with the school next year by -

having the PHILLIPIAN mailed to .them. Names'should be dropped in TailorA Furnis her Oe lthe PHILLIPIAN box, or mailed to theeditors. The subscription price for - -.-the-year'gg-'oo is b2.oo. Agent Troy Laundry. the year '99-'0o is $2.00.

l[ ''....New Have HouseThe school year for 899-19 oo

will open on September 20. 5. H. .O5ElLEY, Prop. NEW HfVEN, CONS

..S. * * . *

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - I·.t-,<· .,.

Page 7: S. ^x^^Clo

tteffi ^ * / , : : \ ;;7 ; 1\ =' "lllffil .- "

R - -and 'Trench" Calf Button - ...- - .B . *-,-* anstom Shaped Toe . - . - ; ,.

:'.^- **^ a ]^/e 0s CLlotbes '-.The HENRY H. TUTTLE CO. - ;-

*t -i' -'SSpring and Summer Importations Now Ready

Washington anWi aelntLer Sts. ... .

.- BOSTON . Your rInepectionh CordiayButn vited. -

'' ,,- e C,,e

jr.'~ -"'~*"~ _ uso . Ioe ins e B-


AVE your Pm~Lrxzp~ANSpring and IBSumme Iportations Now Readyll

Washington and Winter Sts.;

WRIGH Wght & DIon'Neage Ba

iAVE your PHILLMPIAN6 and MiRRoas Intellsate Bae 'and have them bound by ...... school and college`atches -

Wright & Dltsons League Ball SiMcNAMEE, Bookbinder, & Wright & DitonsLeaeBa "-26 a BRATTE ST., - OLD CAMBRIOBE, MASS r ba toro

Orders by mail promptly attended to. (IaSsCal lpame- sea arehatd -

Leagae Bat - .HaI ven It IGREEK.-Stuart Blaikie, Edward Mithoff Nicholas, 1l CollegeBats . .- -

W nHav It l- John Joseph Mahoney, Charles Edward Starbuck. ll s a Co tcheers*xt :A Fountain pen that will LATpNAlan Fox, JoJe$7.0OrMahoney. s dinaran8 ze, M- .00not leak if, carried in any John Joseph Mahoney Beat Buman's l - Op i*tlol. Bt CHEmsTRi.-Langdon Aliright. Best Flelder's Glove -SeeMOORE'S IMPROVED Uniforms, 8Soes and Suplles are the Best

NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN ENGLISH.-Edward Mithoff Nicholas. Send or atoloue.---AT- FRENCH.-Langdon Albright, Alan Fox, * w right & Dlton. 844 Washington St., BOSTON FP, Thel-Andover~ Bookstore FR~cH--LangdonAlbright, Alan Fox,

The- Andover Bookstore Morton Atwater, Harry Root Stern.

GERMAN.-Morton Atwater. - IA N O S MATHEMATICs.-Edward Mithoff:Nicholas.

-The Avry LE goodsUI Nhetner So A PHYSICS.-Morton Atwater, John Joseph Mahoney. For Sale and TO Rent

TAs vcy lowerest - Leslie Roiert Hicks, S, GTASIANJOS, GUITARS,VIOLINS, AND ALL KINDS CP

*-L... .___. C.^a~tffir 0^s,,,,,.t^,»»t MUSICAL MERCHANDISE

.EEvrerSI -I 5 Scientific Department C nsANDccIA_-l Sciemtf c Oepartment ALSC DEALEB IN BICYCLES

CHEMISTRY.-Tasker Howard. VDYER & Co -_, 't-h1 1 1 ___ MECHANICAL DRAWING.-James Artemas Gould, - - -37 Ess-Srer- -- Fw a .

» * - -_ - - George Russell Newell. - TH _P

, 1 1 _ v lFRENCH.-Nathaniel Restcome Potter. THE TAGHCONIC PRIVATE TUTORY

p r - -SO il HISTORY.-George Russell Newell., . IANESBORO, Bershire Co., MASS.

aOedsL . .Special instruction for BoysScicns ")eptmeutdeficient in any branch, in

--. ______ ___________.__________._____________________,_____________ preparation for all schoolsand Colleges.

John P. Lovell . . Men received any time

Arms Co. .' .throughout the year. . .. - 163165 WASINTON ST. ,. . B. DEFOiEST TuCEB, Head.Master

BOSTON. : .-,

-' _ .- ~ ....'~ GeoRANKg E. GLEASON- i

Offce Main St. 'Vard: Railrosd SLt.

o,^ institute, OF HAMILTON PLACE C. E. METYER L . .- 3 Manager -'7az. Troy, N.YB. BO TON. TE

_T d >Tll mool·owrviddWfor. NmIndfoTua. tat --- ~~----.--. ~S- sTUDENTS!-W, HI GOWDY & COMPANY, LAUNDRYAGENCY

1004 Chapel Street, i rorNEW HAVEN - CONN. Rhfodes & Moutoi, Prlpritoos

'fiJ P.-' -L o -- ' - ._. M e r ti

…Am o

Page 8: S. ^x^^Clo

-;. .¢ "' ' O'~' "nd ' ", 7-n -> ' -,f. \;. g ,";,,,' .

Physician and Surgeon. --Office Hours--Till 9. I to3 and 6 to 8 .. , .l,

Ofie and Residence. 70 Man s6t. Andover. .u. - - -* - I mnto

T*.R. CO£uROYr Ave. Mssachusetts AVee *c.*...TH .' A'7i SnAPhysician and Surgeon. CABRD GE, MASSl - COstom

OFFICE ' OURS: ' e i e ntw ' t reciTill 9.30 A. M., 1 to3 and 6 to 9 r. N. Sprn a' d ?uniwer 8t s

Ofice and Residence, 38 Cain t.. Andover to , in rs

HENRY L. CLAE, , D, -ase a H l t HIGGH,

:': o fcOfilce Hours: Andover. aset Fin Cl land 7 to - a .p.m.p ie.

DR. CHTAS. H. GILBERT, clothing, 1_ .o... ...

Office.Hours - to 12.30 A. ., to 5.30 P. Sca dr haai othi nd ab e c SSpecial prices to allrTeam Candidates. .`..BANRK BLOCK. -ANDOVER. JUHI Ofic Av., *tTue-'s.

E. HUL , D. M. D. . 37 Kingston Street,'Bbston l b f nd s T. .CHRPOE,DENTIST, .__ D , TBac aall pplles

Special care en physiciasPrescripons. employed. azors Hed ad p on the Yale encampus. Rasfe Morris ed.d cod camandies. . in first class condition, 2 cents. W. son othe late Gov. Luzon B. Morris obaco. Cigars, Soft Dinks.

- Mos-o.30- -Andqver Ledwell this t0t' on .afy * of e phooe MAIN STREET.

Buors--8.90 to IdIng , 1.SD to Ei p~ar. Have your hair Out in t.e atest . '_

u e rostyle at the P. . Hair Cutting Parlors. Th.gae thnuai fence rations deliveredshmen.

corner of Main and Locke StreetsPh.G. WeCo. takingve their receipt forsad nly the Yfreshmen' ioard given outfe'rators-niht n ' . CnpmaPrPa tients will, at all timests, ovebo und r H. F. CHASE, include fom.te sop rclass Te-tes tys IWithe care of a trained nurse. ndMusgrove block. dor Salisbury Woolsey, Jr., New Haven,; Cnl -Tb and Glot. ; N' g ll AI8 f irstlecl ass condi D 25 cets m d Allen Harvey Richardsd, W o a Gov. LuzonAve. - -of Ander

J~ A.Ew, M.D.lass. bury, Conn.;gaye th feceto the freshmen, Laurence Bald

wi:^ P NnVC^-^sh to call your attenltion- to the win Beckwith and Lyman Stonepted A. RAMSDELL.

Dr. Leurniture will reeiverooms. for tited. I will ay cash for ecohingT' bo d chose their exec Lumberg of patits at sis home, pBicyclesalsocate delth i utveofficers wth George Arnold Welch TablCS.

cRer P. A. th n .nLoRe, -re ta . ohin Cleeland Chairman, and Louis E.iPatients ill, at all times, be undr H., . , M. Fulton of Waomterbur, Conn., business IRA B. HILL -s - Proprietor

----ARK-STRE DO--. KEEZEB. 282 Tren~mont St..~~I Boston. manager. a- ebit-.

the care of a trained nurse. Musgrove block. - dreI SPis Wooliheif, Nw Havend and GilfS Wo`C-- p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~noach and pleasure .bmiargnnd latest styled - _- ---- L'Ale -RhaniWt-th sTorn

--- **------: ------- . H. F. CHASE. P.0. Block.

ALDOVEC, M..ASS Jo yo intend to enter co.ge this fall? REPAIING L r - Ter.. . 5tin 0.JU

If so wisll you not give some consideratio to -th-Bekwith and Lyman Sttitne Spitzerin be filed soo

Furnitre Warerooms. cash prices for Cast-off R RTClothing Th We 'oare t o Dstribut li for next trhoe. tWe ad over 8,000 vacancies lat

Formnerly of Fifth Avenue, New York, in Arts and Science compare favorably with vicinity for Vim in srt t US.ori nadwi thGeorgeArnoldWelchi eeeters-' IMPORTER & TAILOR "silar courses in any institution. We hae ering in alaO'- ,. its dr ppnme. . o d -iue p-f. *

'· Everytin in t~~Sel uiueln e dbrc Please leave rour order sit. ChaofCliaonto

lP. TAlueR fine dormitories and excellent athletic advan. Sqaedeaing to all. -

Modest efects in Scotch and Englih tage. The last year of the course may be -ul of Waterbury, Conn., busess IRA B. HILL

.Fabrs a specialty, spent in a professional school by doing ,",A:,1 Fmisber of I

EEZE65 Centra82 Tremon St BLoell Maston. manager.tE Bro PARK'Write for circular. I1 A

Fi Our 5 and 10GGINS Color L.ES oI N, Registrar, MaChf uf sn nse IeiectaSuet p ,ck.

Cch and pleasure Brgxand latest styled -ExtBE S t'emMRK T, -r~ehiclckfplns~eas'omedo b n Srsmaery oArine

at any time by dropping a card to . . . . SECON-HAND Block.OOKS FOR SALE

F~if&~ EDT. NEW Yp CITY. IBICYCLESt Highland andoad, off SalEO.

....IA ) ream Soda ad C RePor. :n-m ' -

WAOSdW & CO., A TB. &L. . Ti me Taki.WADS -- sIoT oAND) T. A. soLt & CO., " "ARTHUR BLISS. ' -, ',B0. ad Lue : r ' -

A.rtiss', Draughtmena' and School Supplies BA intend to enter -this 9all.. Oun. M Lt.D 3fV.x22

aso HTOill you n ot give some consideratien toTeeAaY 5 .?, tosd p .lste D str P.tA.ga ir etari tro. he had 59e 7.0rio 6,s d.eOiveed.

Lactories at Ma LEXANDER NEn, YRK UNIVERSITY? The courses 10.a -o.. U. T .b8.0 Aop 8.,70. -

Andover and o. Anv. ANO 11 MAIN TeT 'geqits r Lawrence and. iNa a. 21AP.8N.' ' up-t o-dt Bvee onswork, ial. arts and Science cparl favorsbly with vtvin.I n for vimnre. In any p o the U.S. or Canada oeKee registers

fine dormioriee and excellent letic ad Sequare dealing to all.

Fabrics a specialty spent in a professionale c.ool. by doing : ' ' '" n65 Central street. Lowel, Mass minimum amount of ork in the collee.] Cai4 Bros.


Ar remmended by Supeggisrs,

___ -FA-T-'*on BY E. V. N. CHCOCKr -' of- .-'-. -WADSWORTIli' HOWLAND ~ & elP., B. TiRET. - 'e'

Artists', Dra~tghtmene and Shool Spplass~ . g ve fn to th reshm e n. '1". 1·:: asoTrbngd e o~ Chicago ated · ~ HDIY: . ~ t. ?~B~I~JqiP;~4,7 F.-A. J

ractoies at Maiden, wipyas. BOSTON To eeen.'hand it' 70.. a;Andover and No. Andvero Exj. 11 MeAIN STREET. to0% ' ed1rhp Min

PJ1]]IR[S AND PlOTORE FRAMZs,eatnf dfdij.:~

' · Patients wll, at all tims, b'c unddr .F. C~as~, incude fcom-tl~espkomore~classTheo- ......th-1ateststylesiO;~k~W'Sfte. :',te aeofa tane use Msrv bok .oeSai·r Wo-e~J:~ e ae,7 '" ' ~ ad i&- " ' " ''

"~ an -AlnHre ihrsdi ae-T~~.uv.'.- aav;