S. Valcke, The OASIS3 coupler: a European climate modelling ...

Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 373–388, 2013 www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/373/2013/ doi:10.5194/gmd-6-373-2013 © Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Geoscientific Model Development Open Access The OASIS3 coupler: a European climate modelling community software S. Valcke CERFACS, Sciences de l’Univers au CERFACS, URA1875, 42 Av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex 01, France Correspondence to: S. Valcke ([email protected]) Received: 13 July 2012 – Published in Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.: 31 July 2012 Revised: 11 January 2013 – Accepted: 11 February 2013 – Published: 14 March 2013 Abstract. This paper presents the OASIS3 coupling soft- ware used in five of the seven European Earth System Mod- els (ESMs) participating to the Fifth Coupled Model Inter- comparison Project (CMIP5). A short history of the coupler development is followed by a technical description of OA- SIS3. The performances of a few relatively high resolution models coupled with OASIS3 are then described. It is shown that, although its limited field-per-field parallelism will even- tually become a bottleneck in the simulation, OASIS3 can still be considered an appropriate tool for most of these rel- atively demanding coupled configurations. Its successful use in different CMIP5 ESMs is then detailed. A discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of the OASIS3’s approach and a presentation of planned developments conclude the paper. 1 Introduction Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCMs) offer numer- ical representations of the different components of the cli- mate system and their interactions. CGCMs include numeri- cal codes simulating, for example, the atmosphere, the ocean, the land surface and the sea ice. Since the late 1960s, CGCMs have been used to simulate the climate of the Earth System (Manabe and Bryan, 1969) and, with the constant increase of computing power, climate models have continuously grown in resolution and complexity. Today, CGCMs are used for a variety of purposes from studies of the climate dynamics to decadal and centennial projections of the future climate. Classically, an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) including a land surface model coupled to an Oceanic General Circulation Model (OGCM) incorporating a sea-ice model form the basis of a climate CGCM. More recently, the trend is to include additional components repre- senting e.g., the atmospheric chemistry, the marine biology or the carbon cycle. In doing so, climate CGCMs are con- stantly becoming more complete and complex Earth system models (ESMs). The development of climate CGCMs capable of simulat- ing and assessing the climate system over a wide range of space and time scales is one of the main objectives of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), with the mission to “facilitate analysis and prediction of Earth system variabil- ity and change for use in an increasing range of practical ap- plications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society” (see http://www.wcrp-climate.org/mission.shtml). Most im- portantly, climate CGCMs are the backbone of the climate simulations that form the basis of the periodic Assessment Reports (AR) published by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC). For example, 26 CGCMs assem- bled by 19 groups around the world were used for the 4th As- sessment Report released in 2007; currently, 28 groups run- ning a total of 59 CGCMs are participating in the on-going Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) of which the fifth Assessment Report due in 2013 will be based. Typically, the different components of a CGCM are de- veloped independently by different research groups that also use these components in stand-alone mode (i.e., uncoupled) to investigate processes or test new physical parameterisa- tions in controlled experiments. This naturally leads to the conclusion that CGCMs should be made up of separate inter- operable components. Most commonly in Europe, the OA- SIS (which stands for Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil) ap- proach is used, where the component models remain separate applications and an external coupling software performs the Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

Transcript of S. Valcke, The OASIS3 coupler: a European climate modelling ...

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Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 373–388, 2013www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/373/2013/doi:10.5194/gmd-6-373-2013© Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

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The OASIS3 coupler: a European climate modellingcommunity software

S. Valcke

CERFACS, Sciences de l’Univers au CERFACS, URA1875, 42 Av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex 01, France

Correspondence to:S. Valcke ([email protected])

Received: 13 July 2012 – Published in Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.: 31 July 2012Revised: 11 January 2013 – Accepted: 11 February 2013 – Published: 14 March 2013

Abstract. This paper presents the OASIS3 coupling soft-ware used in five of the seven European Earth System Mod-els (ESMs) participating to the Fifth Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5). A short history of the couplerdevelopment is followed by a technical description of OA-SIS3. The performances of a few relatively high resolutionmodels coupled with OASIS3 are then described. It is shownthat, although its limited field-per-field parallelism will even-tually become a bottleneck in the simulation, OASIS3 canstill be considered an appropriate tool for most of these rel-atively demanding coupled configurations. Its successful usein different CMIP5 ESMs is then detailed. A discussion ofthe benefits and drawbacks of the OASIS3’s approach and apresentation of planned developments conclude the paper.

1 Introduction

Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCMs) offer numer-ical representations of the different components of the cli-mate system and their interactions. CGCMs include numeri-cal codes simulating, for example, the atmosphere, the ocean,the land surface and the sea ice. Since the late 1960s, CGCMshave been used to simulate the climate of the Earth System(Manabe and Bryan, 1969) and, with the constant increase ofcomputing power, climate models have continuously grownin resolution and complexity. Today, CGCMs are used for avariety of purposes from studies of the climate dynamics todecadal and centennial projections of the future climate.

Classically, an Atmospheric General Circulation Model(AGCM) including a land surface model coupled to anOceanic General Circulation Model (OGCM) incorporatinga sea-ice model form the basis of a climate CGCM. More

recently, the trend is to include additional components repre-senting e.g., the atmospheric chemistry, the marine biologyor the carbon cycle. In doing so, climate CGCMs are con-stantly becoming more complete and complex Earth systemmodels (ESMs).

The development of climate CGCMs capable of simulat-ing and assessing the climate system over a wide range ofspace and time scales is one of the main objectives of theWorld Climate Research Programme (WCRP) of the WorldMeteorological Organisation (WMO), with the mission to“facilitate analysis and prediction of Earth system variabil-ity and change for use in an increasing range of practical ap-plications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society”(seehttp://www.wcrp-climate.org/mission.shtml). Most im-portantly, climate CGCMs are the backbone of the climatesimulations that form the basis of the periodic AssessmentReports (AR) published by the Intergovernmental Panel ofClimate Change (IPCC). For example, 26 CGCMs assem-bled by 19 groups around the world were used for the 4th As-sessment Report released in 2007; currently, 28 groups run-ning a total of 59 CGCMs are participating in the on-goingFifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) ofwhich the fifth Assessment Report due in 2013 will be based.

Typically, the different components of a CGCM are de-veloped independently by different research groups that alsouse these components in stand-alone mode (i.e., uncoupled)to investigate processes or test new physical parameterisa-tions in controlled experiments. This naturally leads to theconclusion that CGCMs should be made up of separate inter-operable components. Most commonly in Europe, the OA-SIS (which stands for Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil) ap-proach is used, where the component models remain separateapplications and an external coupling software performs the

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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communications, but requires only minimal changes to thecomponent codes.

In this paper, we present in detail the OASIS3 version ofthe coupler and its use in CMIP5. We start with a short his-tory of the coupler development in Sect.2. There follows atechnical description of OASIS3 in Sect.3, detailing the Ap-plication Programming Interface (API) of the OASIS3 cou-pling library, the coupling configuration and the couplingfield transformations and regriddings offered by the coupler.Some numbers illustrating the performance of OASIS3 forfew coupled configurations are then provided in Sect.4 andits use, in particular in different CMIP5 CGCMs, is detailedin Sect.5. We finally discuss the benefits and drawbacks ofthe OASIS3’s approach in Sect.6 and conclude with someperspectives on future developments.

2 History

When research in climate modelling started at CERFACSin 1991, the first objective was to couple the ocean Gen-eral Circulation Model OPA developed by the Laboratoired’Oceanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (LODYC)to two different atmospheric General Circulation Models,ARPEGE and LMDz developed by Meteo-France and theLaboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (LMD), respec-tively. The initial period of investigation led to the conclu-sion that the technical coupling between the ocean and at-mosphere codes should take the form of an external coupler,i.e., a coupling library linked to the components, exchangingthe coupling data with a separate application performing theregridding of the coupling fields. This choice ensured a min-imal level of changes to the existing codes while focussingon modularity and portability. As the coupling was, at thisstage, involving only a relatively small number of 2-D cou-pling fields at the air-sea interface, efficiency was not consid-ered a major criterion.

Two years later, a first version of the OASIS coupler wasused in a 10-yr coupled integration of the tropical Pacific(Terray et al., 1995). At the time, the communication, i.e.,the exchange of coupling fields between the atmosphericand oceanic applications, was ensured through CRAY namedpipes and ASCII files. In 1995, a major rewriting and the in-troduction of a new communication library based on ParallelVirtual Machine (PVM, seehttp://www.csm.ornl.gov/pvm/)lead to the OASIS2 version. OASIS2 has been used by dif-ferent groups in France, at the European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecast, and at CERFACS, in particular ina heterogeneous computing experiment into which the oceanmodel and the atmosphere model of a coupled system wererespectively run on Meteo-France CRAY II in Toulouse andon the Electricite de France CRAY C98 in Paris (Cassouet al., 1998). Between 1996 and 2000, alternative commu-nication techniques based on UNIX System V InterprocessCommunication (SVIPC) and on the Message Passing Inter-

face (MPI) were introduced while the community of userswas constantly growing in Europe, but also in Australia andin the USA. From 2001 until 2004, the development of OA-SIS benefited from support from the European Commissionin the framework of the PRISM project (Valcke et al., 2006)during which the OASIS3 version, including in particular anew API, was released. As detailed below, the OASIS3 cou-pler is used today by more than 35 different climate mod-elling groups around the world and forms the coupling in-frastructure of different versions of five of the seven Euro-pean CGCMs participating in CMIP5.

3 Technical overview

We provide here a technical overview of the use and func-tionality of the OASIS3 coupler. Further details on OASIS3technical aspects can be found in the OASIS3 User Guideprovided as an electronic supplement to this article.

3.1 Component model interfacing

In a system coupled with OASIS3, the coupler itself formsa separate binary that performs driving and regridding tasks.The original component models remain individual binaries inthe UNIX sense with their main characteristics, such as inter-nal parallelisation or I/O, untouched with respect to their un-coupled (stand alone) mode. As the coupler does not controlthe definition of global parameters (e.g., the total run durationor the calendar), the user has to take care that the componentmodels define these parameters consistently. To interact withthe other components through the coupler binary, the com-ponent models need to use the OASIS3 coupling interfacelibrary to perform the different coupling steps described inmore details in the next paragraphs.

– Coupling initialisation

By calling theprism init comp1 routine, all com-ponent model processes initialise the coupling. The MPIcommunicators that will be used for the coupling ex-changes are established and the OASIS3 coupler trans-fers to the component models most of the coupling con-figuration information defined by the user in the “nam-couple” configuration file (see Sect.3.2).

If needed, each component then retrieves a local com-municator for their internal parallelisation with a call tothe prism get localcomm routine. In fact, OA-SIS3 supports two ways of starting the binaries ofthe coupled application. If a complete implementationof the MPI2 (Gropp et al., 1998) is available, onlythe OASIS3 binary has to be started by the user; allcomponent binaries are then launched by the OASIS3coupler at the beginning of the run using the MPI2

1All OASIS3 API routine names end withproto ; for simplic-ity, we omit this suffix everywhere in this article.

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MPI CommSpawn functionality. If only MPI1 (Snir etal., 1998) is available, the OASIS3 binary and the com-ponent model binaries must all be started at once inthe job script in a “multiple programme multiple data”(MPMD) mode. The advantage of the MPI2 approach isthat each component keeps its own internal communi-cation context unchanged with respect to the standalonemode, whereas in the MPI1 approach, OASIS3 needs torecreate a specific communicator for each componentmodel that must be retrieved by the component model(with the prism get localcomm routine) and thenused for its own internal parallelisation.

– Grid data file definition

To perform the regridding of the coupling fields, theOASIS3 coupler needs the definition of all source andtarget grids. At run time, OASIS3 reads this informationfrom NetCDF auxiliary grid data filesgrids.nc ,areas.nc , and masks.nc . The file grids.ncmust contain the longitude and the latitude of the gridpoints onto which the coupling fields are defined andalso the longitude and the latitude of the corners of thegrid mesh associated to the grid point (used for conser-vative remapping). The file areas.nc contains thesurface of all grid meshes, whilemasks.nc containsthe mask of each grid point defining if the coupling fieldvalue at that point is valid (not masked) or not (masked).The user can construct the auxiliary grid data files be-fore the run, but these files can also be directly createdby the component models at the beginning of the run bycalling routines prism start grids writing ,prism write grid , prism write corner ,prism write mask, prism write area , andprism terminate grids writing with appro-priate arguments containing the grid information.

– Partition definition

The coupling fields of a parallel component model areusually distributed among its different processes. Us-ing the OASIS3 coupling library, each process can sendand receive only its part of the coupling field (see para-graph “Coupling field send and receive” below). To doso, each process exchanging coupling data has to de-scribe its local partition in a global index space and hasto send this information to the OASIS3 coupler with theprism def partition routine. This routine has, asinput argument, a vector of integers describing the off-set and the extent of the local partition in a global indexspace covering the global grid. Different types of par-titions (APPLE, ORANGE, BOX) are supported. Fig-ure1 illustrates the value of the elements of this vectorfor very simple APPLE and BOX partitionings.

– Coupling field declaration

In the definition phase, each component process ex-changing coupling data has to declare the fields tobe sent or received during the simulation by call-ing prism def var with, as arguments, the differentcharacteristics of the field (e.g., a symbolic name, fieldarray rank and shape, data type, etc.)

– End of definition phase

Each component process then has to close the defi-nition phase by calling the routineprism enddef .When all components have closed their definition phase,the communication pattern between the component pro-cesses and the OASIS3 processes is established. As aresult of the information provided by the user in thenamcouple configuration file (see Sect.3.2 below),each coupler process knows, for each coupling field itwill manage, the symbolic name used in the source com-ponent (from which it will receive the field) and the cor-responding symbolic name used in the target component(to which it will send the field after regridding). To es-tablish the communication pattern of the coupling ex-changes between the component processes and the cou-pler processes, each process communicate the symbolicname of its coupling fields (declared either with theprism def var for the component model processesor in the namcouple configuration file for the cou-pler processes) to all other processes. When a match ofthe symbolic names is found between a component anda coupler process, a communication “channel” is cre-ated. This “channel” will later be used to perform anexchange of the corresponding coupling field betweenthe component and the coupler using MPI.

– Coupling field send and receive

The sending and receiving of a coupling field is imple-mented in the time step loop of the components by re-spectively calling routinesprism put or prism getwith, as argument, an array that contains the (part of) thecoupling field to be sent or that will store the data re-ceived. MPI is used below these routines to perform thecommunication of the data. Theprism get is block-ing, i.e., it will return only when the coupling data is ef-fectively received, but theprism put is not blockingso it will return even if the exchange is not completedafter possibly MPI buffering of the coupling data.

These routines follow theend-point exchangeprinci-ple in the sense that the target component of a send-ing call or the source component of a receiving callare not defined in the call. In fact, a source componentdoes not know to which other component the couplingfield will go to and a target component does not re-spectively know where the coupling data comes from.The match between sending and receiving actions isdone through the coupler and based on the couplingfield source and target symbolic names provided by the

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Proc 1: local offset = 0 local size = 4

Proc 2: local offset = 4 local size = 6

Proc 3: local offset = 10 local size = 5

Proc 1: local offset = 0 local x extent = 2 local y extent = 2 global x extent = 5

Proc 2: local offset = 2 local x extent = 3 local y extent = 2 global x extent = 5

Proc 3: local offset = 10 local x extent = 5 local y extent = 1 global x extent = 5

APPLE partitioning

BOX partitioning

Fig. 1.Very simple APPLE (top) and BOX (bottom) partitionings.

user in thenamcouple configuration file as explainedabove.

The user may also decide that the source of a receiv-ing action (prism get ) or the target of a sending ac-tion (prism put ) is a disk file. In this case, the cou-pling library automatically performs the correspondingI/O action from or to the file indicated by the user inthe namcouple configuration file, using the GFDLmpp io library (Balaji, 2001), which is interfaced inthe coupling library. This functionality implies that thecomponent models can be run in coupled or forcedmode transparently.

The sending and receiving routine can be called at eachtime step anywhere in the component code. The time (inmodel seconds since the beginning of the current run)at which the call is valid is given as argument and thesending/receiving is actually performed only if the timeis equal to an integer number of coupling periods (spec-ified in thenamcouple by the user, see Sect.3.2). Achange in the coupling period is, therefore, also totallytransparent for the component model itself.

If a “lag” is specified for the coupling field by the userin thenamcouple , a sending action performed by thesource model at a particular time will automaticallymatch a receiving action performed by the target modelat a later time. In this case, the last sending action of thesource model at the end of a run should match the firstreceiving action of the target model in the next run. OA-

SIS3 automatically supports this transition from one runto the next by writing the last coupling field sent by thesource model at the end of a run to a “coupling restartfile” that is read in by the coupler at the beginning of thenext run to fulfil the first receiving action of the targetmodel.

As the coupler does not provide advanced control onthe coupling exchanges, the user has to take few precau-tions in order to make sure that the coupling exchangestake place as intended. For example, the coupling pe-riod defined in thenamcouple has to be a multiple ofthe time step duration so that the sending and receivingroutines are called at the coupling frequency or morefrequently. The user also has to ensure that the couplingalgorithm does not lead to a deadlock in the simulation,which would be the case, for example, if two compo-nents were both waiting on aprism get for couplingdata coming from the other component.

– Coupling termination

All processes of all component models must fi-nalise the coupling exchanges by calling the routineprism terminate after the time step loop. The OA-SIS3 binary itself will terminate after all componentprocesses have called this routine.

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S. Valcke: The OASIS3 coupler 377    #####################################################  #  Field  2  #  CONSFTOT          SOHEFLDO          6          86400          4          flxat.nc          EXPORTED    atmo      toce    LAG=+14400        SEQ=+2    P        0        P        2    LOCTRANS          CHECKIN          SCRIPR          CHECKOUT  #  ACCUMUL    INT=1    CONSERV        LR        SCALAR          LATLON          10          FRACAREA        FIRST    INT=1  #####################################################  

Fig. 2. Second part of thenamcouple for one coupling fieldwith source symbolic nameCONSFTOTand target symbolic nameSOHEFLDO. On the first line,6 is an index used to identify corre-sponding CF standard name and units in auxiliary file,86400 is thecoupling period,4 is the number of transformations,flxat.nc isthe name of the coupling restart field, andEXPORTEDis the typeof the coupling field. On the second line,atmo andtoce are thesource and target grid acronyms; a lag of 14 400 and a sequence in-dex of 2 are then specified. On the third valid line, the source andtarget grid characteristics are provided: the source grid is periodic(P) with no overlapping grid point and the target grid is also peri-odic (P), but with 2 overlapping grid points. On the fourth line, the4 transformations are listed. Then one additional line is provided foreach transformation with some specifications.

3.2 Coupling configuration

The OASIS3 configuration filenamcouple is a text file thatmust be written by the user before the run to define, belowspecific keywords, all information necessary to configure aparticular coupled run.

If the OASIS3 coupler binary runs on many processes, theuser has to provide onenamcouple file per coupler processspecifying the coupling information relevant to the couplingfield(s) that will be treated by each coupler process. Thispossibility of using many processes for the OASIS3 coupler,each one treating a subset of the coupling fields, is called theOASIS3 “field-per-field” parallelisation.

The first part of namcouple is devoted to general couplingparameters such as the number of models involved in the sim-ulation, the number of coupling fields, the MPI mode (MPI1or MPI2, see paragraph “Coupling initialisation” above). Thesecond part provides specific information on each couplingfield. In particular, for each field, it specifies the symbolicname used in the source component and the symbolic nameused in the target component; this is how the link betweentwo component models, which do not a priori know of eachother, is defined through the coupler. For each coupling field,the user has to specify in thenamcouple the coupling pe-

riod, the lag, if any, and the list of transformations (includingthe regridding) to be performed by OASIS3 coupler.

Figure2 illustrates the second part of thenamcouple forone coupling field with source symbolic nameCONSFTOTand target symbolic nameSOHEFLDO.

3.3 Coupling field transformations and regriddings

For each coupling exchange, the local parts of the sourcefield sent by the different source component processes aregathered on one OASIS3 coupler process that performs thetransformations and/or regridding needed to express the cou-pling field on the grid of the target model. The resulting fieldis then distributed to the target model processes.

All steps needed for the transformation and regridding are,therefore, done for the whole coupling field by one couplerprocess. These steps include the neighbourhood search, i.e.,the determination of the source points that contribute to thecalculation of the regridded value for each target point, thecalculation of the corresponding weight and the regriddingper se. The first two steps are done only once at the begin-ning of the run. The weights and addresses are stored in thecoupler process memory and then used to perform the regrid-ding of the coupling fields for all exchanges.

3.3.1 Transformations and regriddings offered inOASIS3

In OASIS3, the following transformations on 2-D couplingfield in the Earth spherical coordinate system are available.

– Time accumulation or averaging: this operation is per-formed over all coupling field arrays given as argumentto prism put calls performed during the coupling pe-riod.

– Correction: external data are read from a file and usedto modify the coupling field; this transformation canbe used, for example, to perform flux correction on thefield.

– Combination: a linear combination of the coupling fieldis performed with other coupling fields.

– Addition or multiplication by a scalar: this operationcan be used, for example, to transform the units of thecoupling field.

– Extrapolation: the field is extrapolated over its maskedpoints .

– Interpolation: the different algorithms implemented inthe Spherical Coordinate Remapping and InterpolationPackage (SCRIP) library (Jones, 1999) are available(see alsohttp://climate.lanl.gov/Software/SCRIP/andthe SCRIP User Guide at this address):

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– N nearest-neighbour, possibly Gaussian-weighted:the values of theNnearest neighbours on the sourcegrid are weighted by the inverse of their great cir-cle distance to the target grid point. A Gaussianfunction can also be applied to provide even moreweight to the closest source neighbours.

– Bilinear: the interpolation is based on a local bi-linear approximation, which uses the value of thecoupling field at the 4 enclosing source grid points.

– Bicubic: the interpolation is based on a local bicu-bic approximation and uses the value of the cou-pling field at the 4 enclosing source grid points, itsgradients in each horizontal direction and its crossgradient. It is usually used to interpolate couplingfield for which it is important to conserve the higherorder property, such as the curl of the wind.

– 2-D conservative remapping: the contribution of asource cell is proportional to the fraction of the targetcell it intersects. This remapping is also taken from theSCRIP library. The area of the intersection is calculatedby computing line integrals along the borders and usingthe divergence theorem.

In some cases, a target cell may intersect non-maskedsource grid cells for only a part of its surface (e.g., inthe case of non-matching sea-land masks in the oceanand atmosphere models). In these cases, the differenttypes of normalisation available in the SCRIP librarywill give different results. With theDESTAREAnormal-isation, the whole area of the target cell is used. This en-sures local conservation, but the value of the target cou-pling field may become unrealistic. For example, let usconsider the case of a target cell that intersects only onenon-masked source cell for one tenth of its surface, therest intersecting masked source cells and suppose that asolar flux (in W m−2) is exchanged between these cells.The value of the solar flux coming from the non-maskedsource cell divided by the ratio of the surfaces (i.e., 10)will be assigned to the target cell: the value of the so-lar flux will be 10 times smaller than a realistic one, butthe energy (inW ) received by the 10 times bigger targetcell will correspond exactly to the energy leaving thenon-masked source cell. With theFRACAREAnormal-isation, only the fraction of the target cell intersectedby some source cells is used; local conservation is notensured anymore, but the values of the target couplingfield always remain much closer to the source originalvalues. In OASIS3, we have added theFRACNNEIop-tion, which acts as theFRACAREAnormalisation andin addition attributes the value of the source nearestnon-masked neighbour value to target cells that inter-sect only masked source cells.

– User-defined regridding: the coupler performs the map-ping of the source field on the target grid using weightsand addresses pre-defined by the user in an external file.

– Forced global conservation: this performs a global mod-ification of the target coupling field so that conservationis globally ensured. Different options are available:

– With GLOBAL, the field is integrated on both sourceand target grids, without considering values ofmasked points, and the residual (target – source) isuniformly distributed on the target grid; this optionensures global conservation of the field.

– With GLBPOS, the same operation is performed ex-cept that the residual is distributed proportionally tothe value of the original field; this option ensuresthe global conservation of the field and does notchange the sign of the field.

– With BASBAL, the operation is analogous toGLOBALexcept that the residual is multiplied bythe ratio of the total non-masked target surface overthe total non-masked source surface; this option en-sures that the energy received is proportional to thetotal non-masked surface of the target grid.

– With BASPOS, the operation is analogous toGLBPOSexcept that the residual is multiplied bythe ratio of the total non-masked target surface overthe total non-masked source surface; this option en-sures that the energy received is proportional to thetotal non-masked surface of the target grid and doesnot change the sign of the field.

– Recreation of subgrid scale variability: this operationcan be useful when the source grid has a relatively lowerresolution than the target grid. Two types of subgrid in-terpolation can be performed, depending if the field isof type solar or non-solar.

OASIS3 can also be used off-line in the interpolator-onlymode to transform and regrid fields contained in files withoutrunning any model. This functionality can be really useful totest off-line the quality of the interpolation for a particularset of source and target grids without having to interface andcouple the real components.

3.3.2 Regridding of vector fields

For vector coupling fields, such as wind or ocean current, us-ing a spherical or local coordinate system, regridding the vec-tor components separately as scalar fields will lead to wrongresults as their coordinate system is not an absolute referencesystem.

Therefore, OASIS3 offers the possibility to associate twocoupling fields as vector components of one same field, per-form if needed a rotation from the local coordinate system

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to the spherical coordinate system, project the resulting vec-tor components in a Cartesian coordinate system, regrid theresulting 3 Cartesian components on the target grid, projectthe result back in the spherical coordinate system, perform ifneeded a local rotation to project the interpolated vector fieldon the target local coordinate system.

These steps result in a correct regridding of vector cou-pling fields.

3.3.3 Grids supported

The transformations listed in Sect.3.3.1 are available forfields provided on any type of 2-D “logically-rectangular” orunstructured grids, except the bilinear and bicubic interpo-lations that are available only for logically-rectangular andGaussian Reduced grids.

Logically-rectangular grids are grids for which the longi-tudes and the latitudes of the grid points can be describedby two arrayslongitude(i,j) andlatitude(i,j) ,where i and j are respectively the first and second indexdimensions. Regular latitude-longitude, stretched or/and ro-tated grids can be expressed as logically-rectangular grids.Unstructured grids do not have any particular structure.Gaussian Reduced grids are composed of a certain number oflatitude circles, each one being divided into a varying num-ber of longitudinal segments (see alsohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussiangrid).

4 OASIS3 performances

To have an exact measure of the CPU time required by thecoupler, we performed measurements of OASIS3 couplingexchanges on the Bullx Curie platform at the “Tres GrandCentre de Calcul” (TGCC) in Bruyeres-le-Chatel near Paris2.We used a toy coupled model composed of two componentssimulating no dynamics and no physics, but performing real-istic “ping-pong” coupling exchanges between a 0.25 degreelogically rectangular grid (1021× 1442 grid points) for thefirst component and a Gaussian Reduced T799 grid (843 000grid points) for the second component, for different numberof cores. The codes were compiled with Intel Fortran 11 andBullx MPI (based on OpenMPI) was used.

In a ping-pong exchange, the processes of the first compo-nent send a coupling field to OASIS3 that gathers, interpo-lates and sends it to the processes of the second componentthat receive the coupling field, and send it back to the firstcode still through OASIS3 process for the interpolation. Theelapse time of the ping-pong exchange is measured in the firstcomponent as the difference between the time just before thesending and the time just after the reception. The results areshown at Fig.3 for 1 to 2048 cores for each code.

Each ping-pong exchange takes about 0.2 s at low numberof cores and about 0.3 s for 256 cores and more. The fact that

2 http://www-hpc.cea.fr/en/complexe/tgcc-curie.htm









1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048


e (s



Number of cores

Time for one ping-pong exchange on Curie (T799-ORCA0.25) for OASIS3.3

Fig. 3. Elapse time (in second) on Curie Bullx for one ping-pongexchange with OASIS3 between two toy components, one using a0.25 degree logically rectangular grid (1021×1442 grid points) andthe other using a Gaussian Reduced T799 grid (843 000 grid points)for 1 to 2048 cores per component.

the time for an exchange does not decrease with higher num-ber of component cores (i.e., the lack of scalability in OA-SIS3) is expected as each exchange always goes through thenon-parallel OASIS3 single process. The significant increasein the ping-pong time at higher number of cores (0.3 versus0.2 s) can be explained by the fact that, with components run-ning on a higher number of cores, the single OASIS3 processreceives many more different messages from the componentprocesses. For real scalable components, it is expected thatthe elapse run time spent in the components will decreasewith increased number of cores. For a real coupled system,it is therefore most likely that the time spent in the couplerwill becomes proportionally more important when the paral-lelism of the components will increase. This is what we willcall the “bottleneck” effect of OASIS3.

OASIS3 has also been used in few relatively high resolu-tion coupled simulations, which also give indications on thecoupler performance. The overhead introduced by the cou-pling in these simulations depends strongly on the couplingconfiguration. In many coupled system, the component mod-els running concurrently are not perfectly well load balanced;in this case, at each coupling exchange, the “fast” componentwaits for the “slow” component and the OASIS3 coupler canperform its work during this “waiting” time as illustrated onthe panel A of Fig.4. Considering the elapse time of the sim-ulation, OASIS3 cost can, therefore, be totally or partially“hidden” by the component unbalance. A more exact mea-sure of the coupling overhead can be done when the com-ponent models run sequentially as illustrated on panel B ofFig. 4. In that case, the coupling overhead is exactly the timeneeded for the communication of the coupling fields and theirtransformation by the coupler.

The following “high-resolution” coupled simulations cor-respond to the first case illustrated on Fig.4a):

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model1 (slow)

model2 (fast)


time for model1

time for model2

coupling overhead

A) Component models running concurrently

model1 (slow)

model2 (fast)


time for model1 time for model2

coupling overhead

B) Component models running sequentially

Fig. 4.Different coupling configurations and their impact on coupling overhead. In(A) the component models run concurrently and OASIS3can perform its work when the fast model is waiting for the slow model; the coupling overhead (in elapse time) is, therefore, much smallerthen in(B) where the component models run sequentially and where the coupling overhead is exactly the sum of the communication timeand the OASIS3 time for the coupling exchanges in both directions.

– In a high-resolution version of the UK Hadley Centrecoupled model3, OASIS3 is used to couple the atmo-spheric Unified Model (UM), with a horizontal resolu-tion of 432× 325 grid points and 85 vertical levels, tothe ocean NEMO including the CICE sea ice at a hori-zontal resolution of 0.25 degree (ORCA025 configura-tion, ∼1 500 000 points) and 75 depth levels. The cou-pling exchanges are performed every 3 h and the cou-pled model is run on an IBM Power6 with 192 cores forthe UM, 88 cores for NEMO, and 8 cores for OASIS3.In this case, there is less than 2 % overhead in the elapsetime of the simulation compared to the UM stand-aloneelapse time (R. Hill, personal communication, 2010).

– OASIS3 was also used in a high-resolution versionof IPSL Earth System Model to couple the LMDzatmospheric model with 589 000 points horizontally(∼ 1/3◦) and 39 vertical levels to the NEMO oceanmodel in the ORCA025 configuration and 75 depth lev-els on the CINES SGI ALTIX ICE “Jade” (Meurtdesoifet al., 2010). The coupling exchanges were performedevery 2 h. The coupled system used up to 2191 cores,with 2048 for LMDz, 120 for NEMO and 23 for OA-SIS3. Even if the coupling overhead was not measuredexactly, no significant slow down was observed dur-ing the 10 yr long simulation realised on Jade compared


to LMDz stand-alone elapse time (A. Caubel, personalcommunication, 2011).

– In 2010, a high-resolution version of the EC-Earth cou-pled system (seehttp://ecearth.knmi.nl/) based on theatmospheric model IFS T799 (∼20 km, 843 000 gridpoints) with 62 vertical levels and on the NEMO oceanmodel using the ORCA025 configuration and 45 depthlevels was assembled. It was run on the Ekman clus-ter (1268 nodes of 2 quadripro AMD Opteron2374HEprocessors, i.e., a total of 10 144 cores4) with differentnumbers of cores for each component and OASIS3. Inall configurations, a load unbalance exists between theocean and atmosphere components, but the cost of thecoupler can never be totally hidden. When IFS, NEMOand OASIS3 were run on 800, 256 and 1 core, respec-tively, the overhead, i.e., the proportional increase of thetotal elapse time of the simulation with respect to elapsetime of the slowest component (IFS), was observed tobe 11 %. This overhead decreased to 1.3 % when OA-SIS3 was run on 10 cores, illustrating the benefits of itsfield-per-field parallelisation.

In the ARPEGE-NEMIX coupled system developed atCERFACS, the ocean component is a mixed-layer versionof the NEMO ocean model and the ocean and atmosphericcomponents run one after the other on different sets of cores;

4See alsohttp://www.pdc.kth.se/resources/computers/ekman

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this configuration corresponds to the second case illustratedin Fig. 4b). It was tested at high resolution on the BullxCurie machine. NEMIX was run in the ORCA025 config-uration with 46 levels vertically and ARPEGE used the T799grid with 843 000 grid points at each of its 31 vertical lev-els. 12 coupling fields were exchanged every 3 h through 12OASIS3 processes. For a relatively low number of processes,the coupling overhead observed was still relatively small. Forexample, with 64 processes for NEMIX and 48 processes forARPEGE, the coupling overhead was about 4 %. But whenNEMIX and ARPEGE were run on 512 and 496 processes,respectively, the coupling overhead went up to about 20 %.We conclude here that, as suspected, OASIS3 becomes a bot-tleneck in the simulation for high-resolution models run ona high number of cores because of its limited field-per-fieldparallelisation. Indeed, as OASIS3 parallelism is exactly lim-ited by the number of coupling fields, the time spent in thecoupler becomes relatively more important when the timespent in the components decreases (because of increased par-allelism of the components).

5 Use of OASIS3 in CMIP5

Since the first version released in 1993, the OASIS user com-munity has been steadily and regularly increasing from theinitial users mainly in France. In Europe, OASIS3 is cur-rently used by CERFACS, Meteo-France, the Institut PierreSimon Laplace (IPSL), the European Centre for Mediumrange Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for their operational sea-sonal prediction suite, the EC-Earth consortium gathering25 ECMWF member states (that extends ECMWF seasonalforecast system into a real ESM), the Max-Planck Institutefor Meteorology (MPI-M) in Germany, the National Cen-tre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) and the MetOffice inthe UK, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Insti-tute (SMHI) in Sweden, the “Koninklijk Nederlands Meteo-rologisch Instituut” (KNMI) in the Netherlands, the “CentroEuro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici” (CMCC)in Italy, etc. OASIS3 is also used in the USA (OregonState University, Hawaii University), in Canada (Environ-ment Canada, Universite du Quebeca Montreal), in Peru (In-stituto Geofisico del Peru), in Japan on the Earth Simulatorsuper computer (the Japan Marine Science and TechnologyCenter), in China (Meteorological National Centre, ChinaAcademy of Sciences), in Australia (the Bureau of Meteo-rology Research Center, the Commonwealth Scientific andIndustrial Research Organisation, and the University of Tas-mania), etc. The list of all known groups and coupled modelsthat used or are using version 3 of the OASIS coupler, to-gether with the associated computing platform, is given inAppendix A.

In particular, OASIS3 is the coupling software used in dif-ferent versions of 5 European ESMs participating to CMIP5.The components used in each of these ESMs and the OA-

SIS3 functions activated for each of them are described here-after in more detail. Two European climate modelling groupsare not using OASIS3 in CMIP5, i.e., the Met Office HadleyCentre for their HadCM3 and HadGEM2 models (althoughOASIS3 is used in their more recent HadGEM3 version, seeSect.4) and the Norwegian Climate Centre (NCC) in theirNorESM1 model.

5.1 CNRM-CM5

CNRM-CM5, assembled by Meteo-France and CERFACS,is used in CMIP5 for the decadal and the long-range sim-ulations (Voldoire et al., 2011). CNRM-CM5 is composedof 3 codes: the atmospheric component ARPEGE-Climat 5.1including the surface module SURFEX, the ocean NEMOV3.2 interfaced with the sea-ice module GELATO and therunoff routing model TRIP. The atmospheric spectral modeloperates on a T127 triangular truncation with 31 verticallevels and the coupling fields are expressed on a reducedGaussian grid equivalent to a spatial resolution of about1.4 degree in both longitude and latitude (with a total of24 572 grid points). NEMO uses the ORCA1 configuration(362×292 grid points horizontally) with 42 levels vertically.TRIP is used for river routing and has a 100×100 horizontalresolution.

All coupling fields are exchanged every day between thecomponents. At the beginning of dayn, each componentreceives its input coupling fields sent by the correspondingsource component and interpolated by OASIS3 at the end ofday n − 1. A lag (see Sect.3.1) corresponding to the timestep length of the source component is, therefore, specifiedfor each field.

6 coupling fields are transferred from the ocean to the at-mosphere using bilinear regridding for the surface tempera-ture, sea ice extent and albedo fields, and bicubic regriddingfor the surface current fields, while 16 fields are transferredfrom the atmosphere to the ocean using bicubic regriddingfor the wind stress fields and conservative remapping withoption FRACNNEI for the water, solar and non-solar heatfluxes.

As the coastlines in the ocean and in the atmosphere mod-els do not match, overall global operations are used to forcethe global conservation with optionsGLOBAL, GLBPOS,BASBALor BASPOS(see Sect.3.3.1). For example, the wa-ter and solar heat fluxes undergo a global conservation oftypeBASPOSwhile a global conservation of typeBASBALis applied to the non-solar heat flux.

To avoid any drift in the water budget, accumulated snowover Antarctic and Greenland in ARPEGE-SURFEX is ar-tificially discharged in the ocean. The accumulated snowover Antarctic is distributed over ocean grid points Southof 60◦ S whereas the accumulated snow over Greenland isevenly distributed over all ocean grid points. Technically, thisis achieved in OASIS3 by defining additional masks for theatmospheric grid (i.e., with only the Antarctic points or only

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the Greenland points non-masked) and for the ocean grid(with only the points South of 60◦ non-masked) and by per-forming a global conservation of typeGLOBAL, therefore re-sulting in a distribution of the total field on the target non-masked points.

The runoff field modelled by the land scheme (includedin the atmosphere model) is transferred to TRIP with a 1-nearest-neighbour regridding, so to avoid smoothing the ex-trema of the field, followed by a global conservation of typeGLBPOS. TRIP then uses this information to calculate therunoff at its discharge coastal points, which is sent to NEMO.In order to remap the runoff appropriately, additional cou-pling masks were defined in OASIS3 both for the TRIP grid,with only the land discharge coastal point unmasked, and forthe NEMO grid with only the ocean points belonging to anarrow band along the coast left unmasked. The runoff isremapped from the TRIP land discharge coastal points tothe ORCA1 ocean coastal band with a 6 nearest-neighbourGaussian-weighted interpolation ensuring an uneven distri-bution of the runoff with the target points closer to the coastreceiving more runoff. A transformation of typeGLBPOSisthen applied to ensure global conservation (seeMaisonnaveet al., 2008for details). The time averaging and the multipli-cation by a scalar (to transform units) are also activated forsome coupling fields.

5.2 IPSL-CM5

IPSL-CM5 (Dufresne et al., 2013) is developed by IPSL andincludes 5 component models representing the Earth Systemclimate and its carbon cycle: LMDz (atmosphere), NEMO(ocean, oceanic biogeochemistry and sea-ice), ORCHIDEE(continental surfaces and vegetation), INCA (atmospherictropospheric chemistry) and Reprobus (atmospheric strato-spheric chemistry). INCA, Reprobus and ORCHIDEE are di-rectly included in LMDz that is coupled to NEMO throughOASIS3. In CMIP5, three different versions of IPSL-CM5are used that differ by the atmospheric model with two dif-ferent sets of parameterisation and two horizontal resolution(LMDZ5A with 96 × 95 L39) and (LMDZ5B with 144×144 L39) while NEMO is always used in the ORCA2 con-figuration (149×182 grid points horizontally) with 30 levelsvertically. The coupling configuration is the same in the threeversions.

As for CNRM-CM5, a lag is specified for each field andeach component receives, at the beginning of dayn, its inputcoupling fields sent by the corresponding source componentand interpolated by OASIS3 at the end of dayn − 1.

24 coupling fields are exchanged in the coupled system,7 from the ocean to the atmosphere and 17 from the atmo-sphere to the ocean. The fields transferred from the oceanto the atmosphere (surface temperature over water and ice,sea-ice extent, surface currents and albedo) are remapped byOASIS3 using a pre-defined set of weights and addresses.This set of weights and addresses was computed using an in-

house conservative algorithm: the source cells and the targetcell are described by 8 points (4 corners and 4 middle pointon each edge) and, for each target cell, the resulting poly-gons are projected on a plane passing through the centre ofthe target cell with a projection that conserves surfaces; theweight of each source cell is then evaluated using a generalalgorithm calculating the intersection between polygons5).Of course, the resulting sets of weights and addresses are dif-ferent for the low-resolution and the high-resolution versionsof the coupled model. OASIS3 is also used to perform sometime averaging on the ocean-to-atmosphere fields.

In the atmosphere-to-ocean direction, the 3 Cartesian com-ponents of the wind stress and the 10 m wind speed are firstextrapolated over land and then interpolated to theU andV

ocean grid using an in-house bicubic interpolation method,directly implemented in OASIS3 sources. The water fluxes(precipitation, snow and evaporation) as well as the solar andnon-solar heat fluxes are remapped using a set of weightsand addresses also pre-defined using the in-house conserva-tive algorithm described in the previous paragraph. For theevaporation, the solar and non-solar fluxes, values of the fieldaveraged over each cell and specific values over ice are trans-ferred.


Three different coupled models are used at CMCC forCMIP5. They are all based on the OPA8.2 ocean model, us-ing the ORCA2 configuration (182×149 grid points) with 31vertical levels and including LIM for the sea-ice, coupled byOASIS3 to the atmosphere model ECHAM5.

– CMCC-CM (Scoccimarro et al., 2011) is the standardCMCC climate model used for CMIP5 pre-industrialsimulations, decadal simulations and centennial projec-tions. In CMCC-CM, ECHAM5 is run with a horizontaltriangular truncation T159 (480× 240 grid points) and31 vertical levels.

– CMCC-CMS is very close to CMCC-CM except thatthe atmosphere model runs at higher resolution to re-solve the stratosphere with a horizontal triangular trun-cation T63 with 95 vertical levels.

– In CMCC-ESM (Vichi et al., 2011), a lower resolutionis used for ECHAM5, i.e., a horizontal triangular trun-cation T31 (96× 48 grid points) with 19 vertical lev-els, but the processes related to the biological and geo-chemical parts of the carbon cycle are represented bySILVA for the land and vegetation (interfaced directlyin ECHAM5) and by PELAGOS for the ocean biogeo-chemistry (interfaced directly in OPA).

5See also http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/omamce/IPSLCM5/DocIPSLCM5/MOZAIC/

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The coupling period of all fields is 160 min in CMCC-CMand one day in CMCC-CMS and CMCC-ESM. Besides thisdifference, the coupling configurations of the three systemsare very similar. In both directions, the ocean values of thefields are first extrapolated over land in order to avoid con-tamination by land values (except for the continental waterflux and the total solar and non-solar heat flux provided overthe ocean only). In the ocean-to-atmosphere direction, the seasurface temperature is interpolated with a nearest-neighbourinterpolation, the sea ice extent with a conservative remap-ping while the snow thickness, the sea ice thickness and thetwo vector components of the sea water velocity are interpo-lated with a bilinear algorithm. In CMCC-CM, OASIS3 alsoperforms a time averaging of the ocean-to-atmosphere cou-pling fields. In the atmosphere-to-ocean direction, the east-ward and northward vector components of the wind stressover the open sea and over the sea ice are interpolated onthe oceanU or V grids using a bicubic interpolation. Thesolar and non-solar heat flux over the open sea and the seaice are transformed using a bilinear interpolation. The waterand snowfall fluxes are also remapped using a bilinear in-terpolation and global conservations (of typesGLOBALforthe water andGLBPOSfor the snow) are then applied. Fi-nally the continental water flux and the integral of the totalsolar and non-solar heat flux over the ocean are remapped us-ing a bicubic algorithm. In addition, for CMCC-ESM only,the 10 m wind speed and the atmospheric CO2 partial pres-sure are transferred from the atmosphere to the ocean usinga bicubic interpolation.

5.4 EC-Earth V2.3

The EC-Earth model is a state-of-the-art Earth System Modelbased on ECMWF Seasonal Forecasting System. Differentpartners in the consortium further develop the baseline modelinto an Earth System Model used for different climate studiesand for CMIP5 in particular. Currently, the EC-Earth consor-tium consists of 25 academic institutions and meteorologicalservices from 10 countries in Europe. EC-Earth componentmodels are IFS for the atmosphere, including the land andvegetation HTESSEL component, and NEMO for the oceanincluding the LIM2 sea-ice model.

In EC-Earth V2.3 used for CMIP5 (Hazelger et al., 2011),the IFS version used is cycle 31r1 and runs with horizontaltriangular truncation of T159 (i.e., with 35 718 grid pointsin the horizontal for the reduced Gaussian grid) and 62 ver-tical levels; NEMO uses the ORCA1 configuration with362× 292 grid points horizontally and 42 vertical levels.39 coupling fields are exchanged every 3 h, with 30 fromthe atmosphere to the ocean and 9 from the ocean to the at-mosphere. The atmosphere-to-ocean fields are the fraction ofwater and ice toT , U andV grids, wind stress vector com-ponents over water and ice toU andV grids, precipitation-evaporation over water and ice, snow evaporation over ice,solar and non-solar heat flux over water, sensitivity of non-

solar heat flux (needed by LIM2), evaporation flux deriva-tive over water, reference sea temperature for non-solar fluxadjustment, net downward surface solar radiation over ice,sea ice surface albedo, net downward surface non-solar heatflux over sea-ice, non-solar heat flux and evaporation deriva-tive over ice, reference sea ice temperature for non-solar fluxadjustment, and land surface and drainage runoff. The ocean-to-atmosphere fields are the fractions of water and ice, the seaand ice surface temperatures, the sea-ice albedo and thick-ness, the snow thickness over the ice and the two vector com-ponents of the ocean currents. All coupling fields in both di-rections are remapped using the SCRIP first-order conserva-tive remapping and no other transformation is performed byOASIS3.


In MPI-ESM (Giorgetta et al., 2012 and Jungclaus et al.,2012) the atmospheric circulation model ECHAM6, includ-ing the dynamical land vegetation JSBACH, is coupled viaOASIS3 to the ocean and sea ice model MPIOM that alsoincludes the marine biogeochemistry model HAMOCC.

Different versions of MPI-ESM are used for CMIP5: MPI-ESM-MR, MPI-ESM-LR and MPI-ESM-P. In MPI-ESM-MR and MPI-ESM-LR (but not in MPI-ESM-P used for pa-leoclimatic simulations), a dynamic feedback of vegetationand land use is fully included, land cover change based ondata read from an external file is considered, and orbital pa-rameters are calculated at every radiation time step. All 3 ver-sions use a spherical harmonic truncation T63 in ECHAM6.In MPI-ESM-MR, ECHAM6 is run using with 95 verticallevels and the MPI-OM tripolar ocean grid has an approx-imate horizontal resolution of 0.4 degree and 40 verticallevels. In MPI-ESM-LR and MPI-ESM-P, ECHAM6 uses47 vertical levels and MPI-OM uses a bi-polar grid with poleslocated over Greenland and Antarctica with a horizontal res-olution of about 1.5 degree, still with 40 vertical levels.

The coupling configurations of the different MPI-ESMversions are very similar. The fields sent from the ocean tothe atmosphere are the sea surface temperature, sea ice thick-ness and fractional area, snow thickness over ice, eastwardand northward ocean velocity vector components, the CO2transfer coefficient and partial pressure in the ocean upperlayer. In this direction, all coupling fields are transferred us-ing first order conservative remapping withFRACAREAnor-malization. In the other direction, the coupling fields (i.e.,the eastward and northward wind stress vector componentsover water and ice, the snow flux over ice, the water flux inthe ocean, the heat flux over water and ice, the residual heatflux, the surface shortwave flux, the wind speed at 10 m, theatmospheric CO2 concentration, and the ocean-atmosphereCO2 flux) are first extrapolated over land and then interpo-lated using first order conservative remapping (again withFRACAREAnormalisation) besides the wind stress compo-nents in MPI-ESM-MR that use a bicubic interpolation. A

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global conservation of typeGLOBAL is also imposed onthe ocean-atmosphere CO2 flux and on the water and snowfluxes.

The coupling period is one day for all fields. All fields areexchanged with a lag which means that coupling restart filesare used for the first reception of each run and that the fieldssent at the last time step of a particular day are received atthe first time step of the next day.

6 Discussion and next developments

With the OASIS “multiple binary” approach, the componentmodels remain separate applications and communicate withthe coupler through a coupling library offering a relativelysimple and flexible API; this ensures a very low degree of in-trusiveness in the original codes. Coupling using OASIS will,therefore, not cause any conflict between the original codes,for example, in terms of namespace or I/ O. Also, interfac-ing the component codes with the OASIS3 coupling librarycan be done in a very generic way (i.e., without specifying,for example, the target of a sending action, the source of a re-ceiving action, the coupling frequency or the coupling trans-formations) and the configuration of each particular coupledsimulation is done by the user in an external text file. Giventhe size of the current OASIS user community, one can con-clude that these original design choices of low-intrusivenessand flexibility were appropriate, especially in the Europeancontext of very heterogeneous development environments. Itshould also be noted that the wide use of the OASIS couplerin climate models naturally emerged as a bottom-up process:OASIS was first developed and used for 2 different Frenchclimate models at a time where ocean-atmosphere coupledsimulations were just starting and became progressively usedby more and more groups. Another important aspect of OA-SIS success is also the constant user support offered by itsdevelopers and the great care taken to constantly integratecommunity developments in the official version.

However, the OASIS approach suffers from some draw-backs directly linked to the fact that the components remainseparate binaries running concurrently on different sets ofcores. Indeed, this implies that the coupling exchanges are re-alised through less efficient MPI communication rather thanthrough the memory within the computing cores. Anotherdisadvantage of this approach is that it is not well suited ifthe component models are “naturally sequential”, i.e., if onecomponent necessarily waits for some input coupling datawhen the other is running and vice-versa. This type of cou-pling would be more efficient if the components were run oneafter the other on the same set of cores. Finally, a multiple-binary coupled system is in general more difficult to debugfor the user and to manage for the operating system.

Because of all these reasons, another approach, the “in-tegrated framework” approach, is followed by some climategroups in Europe, for example, in the EMAC-MPIOM cou-

pled system (Pozzer et al., 2011), but more commonly in theUSA, as in the Earth System Modelling Framework (ESMF)(Hill et al., 2004), in the Community Climate System Model(CCSM) (Craig et al., 2012) and in the GFDL Flexible Mod-elling System (FMS) (Donner et al., 2011). In this approach,the original codes need to be split into initialisation, runningand finalisation units, which interfaces need to be standard-ised, and the resulting subcomponents are integrated into onesingle application following a coupling algorithm chosen bythe user. This approach is, therefore, much more intrusivethan the OASIS approach, but offers more opportunities foroptimisation as the components can be run concurrently orsequentially on the same set of cores. A review of the dif-ferent coupling technologies currently used in Earth SystemModelling is given inValcke et al.(2012a). It remains to beseen if, in the longer term for petascale and exascale applica-tions, the more easy-to-use but less efficient multiple-binaryOASIS approach will still offer a acceptable coupling solu-tion or if the more intrusive, but more efficient integrated ap-proach will necessarily have to be adopted. In any case, asit is likely that to address efficiently the exascale the modelcodes will need significant rewriting, the adoption of theinitialisation-running-finalisation code structure, recognisedas best-practice and favouring the more efficient integratedapproach, should be encouraged (Valcke and Dunlap, 2011).

Nevertheless, recent work was done to increase the paral-lelism of OASIS3. Within the EU FP5 PRISM project (seehttp://prism.enes.org/) and the EU FP7 IS-ENES project (seehttps://is.enes.org), CERFACS, CNRS (Centre National de laRecherche Scientifique, France) and DKRZ (Deutsches Kli-marechenzentrum GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) have com-pletely rewritten a new parallel coupler, OASIS4 (Redleret al., 2010). In particular, OASIS4 includes a neighbour-hood search library, originally developed by NEC Laborato-ries Europe – IT Research Division (NLE-IT), performing afully parallel calculation of the source neighbour weights andaddresses needed for the regridding of the coupling fields.First versions of OASIS4 have been used by Meteo-France,ECMWF, KNMI and MPI-M in the framework of the EUGEMS project (Hollingsworth et al., 2008) for 3-D couplingbetween atmospheric dynamic and atmospheric chemistrymodels, and by SMHI, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polarand Marine Research (AWI in Germany), the BoM in Aus-tralia for ocean-atmosphere 2-D regional or global coupling.In the framework of the METAFOR project (Lawrence et al.,2012), OASIS4 was adapted to allow the use of the Com-mon Information Model standard to configure the couplingexchanges. However, performance analyses done during IS-ENES lead to the conclusion that OASIS4 parallel neigh-bourhood search library presents some fundamental weak-nesses in its design. In particular, the support of unstructuredgrids was not originally included and it would be very diffi-cult to add it in the current code. Also, it is now very clearthat the library was developed with efficiency as the primecriteria, leaving aside readability and ease of development.

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It was, therefore, decided in July 2011 not to pursue furtherthe development of OASIS4, but to devote the developmentefforts to the OASIS3-MCT solution.

OASIS3-MCT is an evolution of OASIS3 interfaced withthe Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT, seewww.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mct/) developed by the Argonne NationalLaboratory in the USA. MCT does not perform the calcu-lation of the regridding source neighbour weights and ad-dresses, but implements fully parallel regridding (as a paral-lel matrix vector multiplication) and parallel distributed ex-changes of the coupling fields, based on pre-computed re-gridding weights and addresses. Its design philosophy, basedon flexibility and minimal invasiveness, is close to the OA-SIS3 approach. MCT has proven parallel performance and is,most notably, the underlying coupling software used in Na-tional Centre for Atmospheric Research Community EarthSystem Model 1 (NCAR CESM1). Another advantage of theOASIS3-MCT solution is that it will be totally transparentfor the OASIS3 user, as the current OASIS3 communicationlibrary API provides all the information needed for MCT andwill, therefore, not need to evolve. First tests done with up to4000 cores on the Bullx Curie machine at the TGCC are veryencouraging and it is, therefore, very likely that OASIS3-MCT will provide an efficient and easy-to-use solution toremove the foreseen OASIS3 bottleneck. A first official ver-sion of OASIS3-MCT was released in August 2012 (Valckeet al., 2012b).

However, in the longer term, we have to prepare for thetime when real-time fully parallel calculation of the regrid-ding weights and addresses will become a clear requirement.This functionality will be needed when the component mod-els will run on adaptive grids (which grid point locationschange during the run) or when the sequential calculationof the weights and addresses will not be possible anymorebecause the memory of one core will not be sufficient tohold the definition of the entire source grid. Even if this issome years off for most climate modelling groups, we arecurrently evaluating on how Open-PALM, another couplerdeveloped at CERFACS (Piacentini et al., 2011) could an-swer future coupled climate modelling needs. Open-PALMwas originally designed to perform the communication andsynchronisation of the software components of a data assim-ilation suite; it, therefore, addresses the particular issue of“dynamic” coupling in the sense that the software compo-nents to be coupled can be started and stopped “dynamically”during the run. Open-PALM has proven to be a flexible andpowerful dynamic coupler and it is now used by about 40 dif-ferent groups in France for different multi-disciplinary cou-pling in different domains, such as aeronautics and space,computational fluid dynamics, combustion but also atmo-spheric chemistry, hydrology and oceanography. Since Jan-uary 2011, Open-PALM has been developed in collabora-tion with ONERA, the French Aerospace Laboratory. In par-ticular, the geometrical interpolation library CWIPI devel-oped at ONERA and based on previous work done at EDF

(Electricite de France) is interfaced in Open-PALM sinceApril 2011. The CWIPI library is designed for finite elements(unstructured) grids in the 3-D space and offers online par-allel computation of the weights and addresses for linear in-terpolations. Open-PALM and its CWIPI library have alreadyshown good performance for up to 12 000 cores (Duchaine etal., 2011), but it is obvious that they do not cover all needs ofthe climate modelling community at this point. In particular,no conservative remapping or 2nd order interpolation are cur-rently available in CWIPI. Also, it is currently not possibleto use a set of weights and addresses pre-calculated off line,which is in some cases essential (for example, when man-ual input is required to better model the discharge of waterrunoffs into specific regions of the ocean as a coupling ex-change between a river routing model and an ocean model).Evaluation of the work required to adapt Open-PALM to cli-mate modelling requirements and/or possibly merge someOASIS3-MCT functionalities in Open-PALM is, therefore,on-going.

7 Conclusions

The OASIS3 coupler software is widely used in the climatemodelling community and, in particular, in five of the sevenEuropean Earth System Models participating to CMIP5, asdetailed in Sect.5. To exchange coupling data with the othercomponents of the Earth System, the component models sim-ply need to call few coupling library routines (see Sect.3.1).The configuration of the coupling exchanges is done exter-nally by the user in a text file (see Sect.3.2). The coupling ex-changes go through the coupler processes that gather the cou-pling fields and perform their regridding and other transfor-mations (see Sect.3.3). The coupling overhead introduced byOASIS3 in most of current coupled systems is very reason-able. However, it becomes non-negligible in high-resolutionmodels run on a high number of cores (see Sect.4). There-fore, within the framework of funded projects such as theEU FP7 IS-ENES project and its follow-on IS-ENES2, re-cently accepted for the 2013–2016 period, work continues toincrease the parallelism of the coupler with the new OASIS3-MCT version, which first version was officially released inAugust 2012 (see Sect.6). In the coming years, active usersupport will also continue through the ENES portal offeringsource code, documentation, user guides, tutorial, FAQs, anda user forum (seehttp://oasis.enes.org). In the longer term, toprepare for the time when real-time fully parallel calculationof the regridding weights and addresses will be required, weplan to assess the coupler currently developed by CERFACSand ONERA, Open-PALM and its new parallel real-time in-terpolation library CWIPI and to explore alternative existingcoupling technologies.

Up to now, CERFACS, devoting one person full time toOASIS, has been able to provide the services needed tomaintain a strong community network around the coupler:

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Table A1. Use of OASIS3: centres, coupled models and computing platforms.

Centre Coupled model Platform




NEMOMed 1/16ENEA (IT) RegCM/MITgcm IBM-SP5LMNCP (IT) WRF/ROMSSMHI (SE) EC-Earth: IFST159/NEMO-ORCA1 Linux ClusterSMHI (SE) EC-Earth: IFST799/NEMO-ORCA025 Ekman AMD OpteronKNMI (NL) ECHAM5/MPIOM NEC SX-8KNMI (NL) EC-Earth: IFST159/NEMO-ORCA2 SGI Altix, IBM PowerDMI (DK) ECHAM(global)/HIRLAM (reg) NEC SX6U.Bergen (NO) MM5/ROMSICHEC (IE) EC-Earth: IFST159/NEMO-ORCA1 SGI Altix ICE, Bull clust.ICHEC (IE) ROMS/WRFNUI Galway (IE) ECHAM5/REMO/MPI-OMETH (CH) COSMO-CLM/CLMETH (CH) COSMO-CLM/ROMSU. Castille (ES) PROMES/U. Madrid ocean IBM Power 6 – Intel ItaniumNHM Service (RS) ECHAM5/MPIOM Linux Fedora core 14CMC (CA) GEM/NEMO IBM Power5UQAM (CA) GEMDM 3.3.2/NEMOv2.3.0 Linux PCMM (MA) ARPEGE-Climat V5.1/NEMO-ORCA1 IBMINMT (TN) ARPEGE-ClimatV5.1/NEMO-ORCA2 IBM Regata SeriesOregon St U (USA) PUMA/UVic Linux clusterHawaii U (USA) ECHAM4/POP Linux clusterJAMSTEC (JP) ECHAM/OPA8.2 NEC SX8JAMSTEC (JP) ECHAM5T106L31/NEMO0.5 NEC SX8Met.Nat.Center (CN) GRAPES (201× 161)/ECOM-si IBM clusterIAP (CN) CREM(reg.)/POM2000 SGIIAP (CN) ECHAM/MPIOM Linux x64CSIRO (AU) ACCESS : UMv7.3/MOM4p1/CICE SUN + SGI clustersBoM (AU) BAM3/ACOM2 NEC SX6, SUNBoM (AU) TCLAPS/MOM NEC SX-6U Tasmania (AU) Data atm. model/MOM4 SGI O3400 – Compaq5

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development, maintenance, integration, user support, etc.This has been possible thanks to numerous collaborationson specific developments and to temporary, but importantfunding streams (such as the METAFOR and IS-ENES EUprojects). The investment of the French CNRS, also devot-ing one engineer full time in OASIS, is in that respect par-ticularly valuable. However, a concrete involvement of thewhole community in terms of funding and governance is nowneeded given the foreseen jump in complexity of the cou-pling problem on massively parallel platforms. In the frame-work of the recently funded IS-ENES2 project, it is plannedto set the basis of an efficient community development pro-cess including planning, prototyping, implementation, test-ing, and quality assurance. These are essential aspects of thisimportant shared piece of software that the coupler representsfor the European climate modelling community.

OASIS represents about 35 person-year of work and isused by about 35 modelling groups around the world. Theaverage of 1.0 person-year/group is certainly much less thanthe time it would have taken for each group to develop itsown coupler. Therefore, OASIS is and will certainly remaina great example of successful community software for yearsto come.

Supplementary material related to this article isavailable online at:http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/373/2013/gmd-6-373-2013-supplement.pdf.

Acknowledgements.OASIS3 development, maintenance andsupport has been in the last 10 years partly funded by PRISM (EU6th Framework Programme project no. EVR1-CT2001-40012),CICLE (French Agence National de la Recherche 2006–2009project no. ANR-05-CIGC-04), METAFOR (EU 7th FrameworkProgramme e-infrastructure project no. 211753) and IS-ENES (EU7th Framework Programme e-infrastructure project no. 228203).We would also like to warmly thank the numerous past, present,local, national and international collaborators, especially LaureCoquart and Eric Maisonnave, colleagues at CERFACS, who madepossible the successful development and use of the OASIS coupler.We also would like to thank the referees of this article, especiallyMick Carter, who really helped improve its quality. The publicationof this article is financed by CNRS-INSU.

Edited by: S. Easterbrook

The publication of this article is financed by CNRS-INSU.


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