S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A...

Tallong LPPS News N S W D E P A R T M E N T O F E D U C A T I O N Term 3 Week 10 2017 PHONE 4229 2487 EMAIL [email protected] WEB www.lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au TERM THREE 21.9.2017 Principal’s Report Dear Parents & Carers, Thank You First of I would like to thank the entire Lindsay Park Public School community for several special events. Firstly I was so impressed with the way the community came together for our Purple Day to remember our friend Ryan Teasdale. I believe we celebrated Ryan in an uplifting manner. I know that the Teasdale family was very touched by the occasion. I would especially like to thank the members of the student body who were part of the Purple Team and organised the day’s activities. Secondly, the school disco last Friday night was a huge success! The students showed some impressive dance moves and thoroughly enjoyed their night. I would like to thank the P&C for organising this exciting school event and also the teachers for supervising the students. Finally, the Lindsay Park Country Fair is only a month away but has been many months in the planning. It is only through the dedication of our school community members that such a massive event can take place. The school staff and students thank you for your commitment to the students of Lindsay Park Public School. P&C Working Bee To ensure our school is looking amazing for our school fete a Working Bee has been set for Sunday 15 October. The Working Bee will run between 9am and 11am. If you can bring some basic gardening equipment and a ‘can do’ attitude your help will be greatly appreciated.

Transcript of S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A...

Page 1: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If






















Term 3 Week 10 2017 PHONE 4229 2487 EMAIL [email protected]

WEB www.lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au



Principal’s Report

Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank You First of I would like to thank the entire Lindsay Park Public School community for several special events. Firstly I was so impressed with the way the community came together for our Purple Day to remember our friend Ryan Teasdale. I believe we celebrated Ryan in an uplifting manner. I know that the Teasdale family was very touched by the occasion. I would especially like to thank the members of the student body who were part of the Purple Team and organised the day’s activities. Secondly, the school disco last Friday night was a huge success! The students showed some impressive dance moves and thoroughly enjoyed their night. I would like to thank the P&C for organising this exciting school event and also the teachers for supervising the students. Finally, the Lindsay Park Country Fair is only a month away but has been many months in the planning. It is only through the dedication of our school community members that such a massive event can take place. The school staff and students thank you for your commitment to the students of Lindsay Park Public School. P&C Working Bee To ensure our school is looking amazing for our school fete a Working Bee has been set for Sunday 15 October. The Working Bee will run between 9am and 11am. If you can bring some basic gardening equipment and a ‘can do’ attitude your help will be greatly appreciated.

Page 2: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If

Kind regards,

David Jones

Relieving Principal

School Laptops All of the fundraising that the P&C undertakes at Lindsay Park goes to improving the resources of the school. The P&C this year, amongst other things, has already purchased 12 laptops for the school which are currently being used across Stage 2 and Stage 3 classes. The P&C has also committed to supplying a further 12 laptops following the Country Fair. Again the staff and students thank you. School Website There is a new Using Technology tab on the Lindsay Park Public School website. It outlines how students can access the student portal from home. Go to the Lindsay Park Public School website http://www.lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/ . Click on the Notes & Information tab and then click on the Using Technology tab to access this information. Kindergarten Orientation Our newest students begin their school journey next term, starting with the Parent Information Session on Monday 23 October. This will be followed by Orientation Sessions for the students on Wednesday 8 November and Thursday 9 November (Group A) and Wednesday 15 November and Thursday 16 November (Group B). Families have been advised which sessions they are attending. Please contact the office on 4229 2487 if you need further information. Teachers are Learners Too! On Tuesday 12 September, Mrs Brglevski attended a workshop to continue her learning on L3 teaching strategies. Today is a busy day for the teachers of Lindsay Park Public School. All Kindergarten teachers continue their training on L3 teaching strategies with a tutor visit. Stage 1 teachers continue their training in L3 at Wollongong West Public School. Finally all Stage 2 and Stage 3 staff, along with Mrs Peggs and Mr Williams will continue their training in Focus on Reading. Parenting Article Included in this newsletter is the article ’15 Ways to Love your Child Confidently’ by Michael Grose. It includes some wonderful advice for all parents. Holidays Following a busy Term 3, I wish you and your family an enjoyable Spring holiday. Term 4 promises to be an exciting one at Lindsay Park Public School. We start the term with our Country Fair, we begin welcoming our new Kindergarten students for 2018, we learn to swim, we celebrate Christmas with the K-2 Christmas Pageant, we celebrate our successes and we say farewell to our Year 6 students.

Page 3: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If
Page 4: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If

KC Leila. T, Callum. A, Mia. N, Ryan. S

KD Jayden. A, Maddison. W, Mae. B,

Kayne. R

KT Andy. U, William. M, Zac. P, Rim. A,

1C Reed. F, Gabriel. S, Willow. H, Elijah. K

1M Eva. H, Drew. N, Amelia. W, Aaron. Mc,

Niccolo. G, Katelyn. M

1/2D Margherita. G, Talan. N, Chloe. C,

Charlotte. N, Tiffany. T, Eva. B, Finn. A,

Jack. H

2C Ava. T, Lewyn. D, Flynn. P, Jemima C

Hugh. B

2S Owen. D, Lorelai. S, Eunji. C, Joshua C,

Summah. A, Maeve. W

3/4H Mia. N, Alex. L, Ing. I, Baltas. K, Noah.

L, Maya. B

3/4I Gabrielle. F, Flynn. B, Charlotte. K,

Cooper. B, Rhiannon. B, Toby. E

3/4L Billie. E, Lily. C, Ella. C, Ingrid. S, Elijah.

BK, Lara. H

3/4W Chelsea. D, Tex. A, Jarred. L, Emerson.

Mc, Riley. D, Lollie A

4/5M Astarlia. S, Jador’e. T, Pippa. K, Joshua.

F, Jake. U, Joseph. B

5/6C Lili. P, Andrew. B, Talon. F, Jessica. C

Genevieve. B

5/6H Chris. F, Jasmeet. S, Charlotte. N, Eve.

W, Kane. L, Iesha. P, Taj. T

5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-

am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A


Kindergarten Enrolments

for 2018

Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If you have a child who will

be commencing school in 2018, please collect an enrolment form

from the office, complete and return it as soon as possible.

If you have neighbours who are also in the same position, you

may either collect an extra form from the office or refer them to

the school.

Monday 9 October Students Return

Sunday 15 October P & C Working Bee @ Lindsay Park Public


Monday 16 October NSW Cricket Development

Clinic—Stage 2 & 3

Wednesday 18 October Figtree High School Year 7

2018 Year Advisor Visit to


Thursday 19 October AECG Deadly

Encouragement Awards

Monday 23 October Kindergarten Orientation

Parent Meeting 9.30am —


Saturday 28 October LPPS Fete

Wednesday 8 & Thursday

9 November

Kinder Transition Group A


Wednesday 15 & Thursday

16 November

Kinder Transition Group B



Page 5: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If

School Swimming Scheme

The Department of Education School Swimming and Water

Safety Program is an intensive learn to swim program, which

develops water confidence and provides students with basic

skills in water safety and survival.

The Program is open to 60 students from Year 2 who have

not reached a satisfactory standard of water safety and

survival skills, and are unable to swim 25m confidently

unaided in deep water. The Program takes place over ten

days, which will be in Term 4, Weeks 6 & 7. Each daily

lesson is 45 minutes.

Please return money and note by tomorrow

22nd September. Thank you

On Tuesday 12th September, Year 2 students went on a walking excursion through Wollongong based around the Wollongong Heritage Trail. This was the culminating part of their Term 3 History unit with Mr Williams and Mrs Peggs. We visited a variety of historical locations and discussed their significance and the importance of preserving parts of our past. Highlights included the fountain at Wollongong Town Hall, symbolising the meeting place of the local Aboriginal people in the early 1800’s and a tour through the Alice Villa which allowed students to gain a feel for what houses were like in the early 1800’s. We started our trip at Wollongong Town Hall. The old designs were extraordinary. At the front of the Town Hall it is very modern, like a movie theatre. Finn Ardita

We went on an historical adventure. It’s important to keep things from the past so that other people can look at the buildings and learn about the past. Margherita Giaconi My favourite part of the day was sitting out the front of Lee and Me and sketching all the old parts of the building from the olden days. Grace Johnson

Page 6: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If

Community Notice Board Lindsay Park Public School does not take any liability for these Community Notices. We have no way of checking the bona fides of any

Page 7: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If
Page 8: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If


"Spring holidays tennis clinic at Nareena Hills tennis. 3rd and 4th October. 9.30 am to 12 pm. Ages 4 to 12 years . Beginners welcome. Only $20.00 per day.

To book contact Aaron 0408 420 455"

Page 9: S News · 5/6J Anthony. F, Isabel. G, Lachlan. H. Ad-am. K, Isabel. S, Abigael. K, Lachlan. A ASSEMLY AWARDS Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 Enrolments for 2018 are now open. If



Parents have two things in common. Firstly, every parent experiences some challenges or difficulties at some point raising kids. Whether it’s managing challenging behaviour, keeping a child’s chin up when life doesn’t go their way or helping a young person handle the ups and downs of adolescence – every parent must deal with challenges along the way. Secondly, all parents want their children to thrive and flourish. That means we need to love our kids confidently, rather than protect, pamper and problem-solve for our kids. Here are fifteen parenting ideas to help your kids thrive and in doing so, may reduce the number of parenting challenges you experience along the way: 1. When kids can, let them do The independence mindset that we promote here at Parenting Ideas means that parents look for as many opportunities as possible to develop self-sufficiency in children. When kids can get themselves out of bed in the morning, we allow them to do so. When a toddler can clear her plate and spoon away, we encourage her do so. When a teenager can catch a train into the city, we allow him to do so, even though we may uncomfortable about letting go. Self-esteem and confidence is built by kids gaining mastery over their world and doing the little things that we as adults so often do for them. 2. Develop a growth mindset This generation shouldn’t grow up like past generations thinking that their natural abilities set the tone for the pattern for the rest of our lives. If you think that you’ll never be good at maths/writing/sport/whatever, then you have a fixed mindset. We now know that talent and smarts aren’t fixed- they evolve over time with practice and effort. There’s a lot parents can do to develop a growth mindset in kids. Start by linking your child’s success with effort rather

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than linking it to natural ability. You want your child to grow up believing that hard work and strategy have as much to with their success in any area as their natural ability. 3. Encourage them to play Adults are very fond of organising environments for kids to enable learning and maximise their development. Kids’ lives are full of organised after school activities including sports practice, music practice and swimming lessons. There’s not much time for mucking around these days. Self-initiated play, particularly when it occurs outside is great for kids’ confidence. Left to their own devices kids often take risks that would make adults shudder, if only they knew about them. However, it’s through risks such as climbing trees, building cubbies and navigating their neighbourhood that kids learn to extend themselves and develop skills that they didn’t know they had. 4. Give them some tough stuff to do Life in the twenty-first century is comfortable for most us. We’ve eradicated most of the hardship from life so that most kids in developed countries like Australia wake up on a winter morning with a full stomach, a warm house and the prospect of being driven to school. Nothing builds confidence like a deep appreciation for what you have and an understanding that you can put up with some hardship and discomfort so consider ways you can disrupt deep comfort levels. Maybe they have to do some chores (make their lunch/their bed/feed a younger sibling) in the morning; maybe they should walk to school; maybe they can do without morning tea if they leave it at home. Maybe…… I’m sure you can think of your own ideas to help them feel familiar with discomfort. 5. Make sure they do something that someone else relies on So what does your child do that someone else relies on? Does he feed the dog? Empty the dishwasher? Help his sibling with homework? Assuming responsibility builds kids’ confidence. We often give responsibility to kids who we know can carry out the responsibilities without a hitch, not the kids who really need it as they sometimes struggle and won’t do it right. 6. Give them psychological space Sometimes we know too much about our children’s lives. Most times, we know if they had breakfast, who their friends are and how their day went at school. All this knowing may keep us in the loop with our kids, but it can also be suffocating for some children. Children benefit when they have some space from their parents’ attention and best intentions. Space gives them the chance to solve their problems in their own way and develop their own resourcefulness, which is a fantastic confidence-builder at any age. 7. Ask them to help you Nothing displays faith in a child’s abilities like a genuine request for help. Next time you’re about to embark on an activity (cooking, washing the car, loading the washing machine) ask a child to give you a hand. Even better, give the total job to your child if it’s practical and timely to do so. Now that’s what I call a show of faith! 8. Let them teach you something When was the last time you asked your child to teach you how to do something? Kids who see themselves as strugglers can get a boost in confidence when they teach their parents how to do something that they are good at. 9. Encourage your child to be a generalist The years before adolescence have traditionally been seen as a period when children explore various activities and develop a variety of interests. Essentially, it’s the time to be a generalist. Specialisation best happens from around fourteen years of age when young people start to define their identity (‘I’m into music!’ ‘I’m a sports nut!’) by the activities they

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pursue. Children now seem to specialise at a much younger age, which can limit the options available to them later on. Encourage your child to try a variety of different activities to build a broad base of competencies and interests that will serve him well in the teenage years. 10. Problem solve together While kids need a chance to resolve some of their everyday problems – such as managing pesky siblings, dealing with strict teachers and sharing a workspace at school with peers they don’t like- by themselves, they can also benefit from sitting down with a parent and working their way through problems together. All the aforementioned problems (and many more besides) could be workshopped so that kids get the benefit of your wisdom, without you solving their problems for them. 11. Encourage assertion Kids generally resolve relationship problems with friends and siblings in three ways – through accommodation, aggression or assertion. Accommodating the needs, a friend or sibling is admirable but some kids give way too much because they don’t know how to stand up for themselves. Some children will use aggression and other high power ways to get their own way. Encourage your child to be assertive and ask for what they want rather than give way all the time or be aggressive. Assertiveness is as much about strong body language as it is about the words they use. So encourage them to practise standing up straight, using a strong voice and making eye contact when they say to a sibling or friend, “No. I don’t want you to borrow that.” 12. Help them see beyond the label A child who defines himself as being stupid because he struggles academically benefits from parents who lovingly point out that there is more to a life than schoolwork. Help him see the strengths that they has in other areas of life such as making friends; success at leisure activities and the personal qualities that he or she displays such as loyalty, patience and persistence. Help children see past labels that they can place on themselves. 13. Cue confidence not anxiety Recently I heard a parent say to her primary school-aged child prior to going on a class excursion, “You’re not going to be anxious are you?” If the child wasn’t anxious already, she was likely to be after her mother planted the idea in her head. Children generally take their cues about how they should see events from their parents so we need to be very careful about what we say to children particularly when they go into new or unfamiliar activities. Better to cue a child to be courageous with a statement such as “Now’s the time be brave.” Hmm! Now that’s a thought! 14. Turn the volume down on the News There’s no doubt we live in a fearful world that reduces children’s propensity to take the sensible risks that they need to develop. The media with its twenty-four-hour news cycle has a lot to answer for. Consider how much News your children are exposed to via television and radio particularly in the pre-school and early primary school years. Kids at these ages are faulty processors of information and can be adversely influenced by News events that occur across the world. Fear defeats confidence and inflates anxiety and tension. 15. Help your child rationalise, rather than exaggerate their worries Children and teenagers can easily jump to conclusions and catastrophise (“I’m hopeless!”), blaming themselves when they experience difficulties. Help your child work through their difficulties so they can rationalise and find solutions. Challenge their self-talk and help them see that a situation probably isn’t as bad as they are making out. By calling out their propensity to catastrophise you may not be making yourself popular, however you’ll be teaching a valuable lesson in staying calm rather than letting their emotions get the better of them.

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Building children’s resilience and confidence is a basic parenting task. It always has been and always will be. Some kids need more of a focus on resilience and confidence building than others do. Best to take your cues from your kids and look for strategies that stretch them rather than restrict them or keep them dependent on you.