S e e d

..my articles start with a blank page you never see. Sketchy ideas, its 5a.m, I have no title, no solid format or content, ..but a strong interest/urge to create something to share

Transcript of S e e d

Page 1: S e e d

..my articles start with a blank page you never see. Sketchy ideas, its 5a.m, I have no title, no solid format or content, ..but a strong interest/urge to create something to share

Page 2: S e e d

..I have my own set of life’s obstacles, challenges, hurdles, setbacks & battles. Everyone does. How we choose to handle them says a lot about us.

Do I nag, blame & complain endlessly about everything to everyone everyday? Do I emphasize focus on the things I don’t/can’t have rather than utilize opportunities & all my abilities? Do I grumble about the things I can’t & won’t change instead of managing things in my circle of influence?

Well, I used to, in the past; just before realizing that my obstacles, hurdles & challenges won’t grow any bigger; & that I could choose to grow much bigger faster! We all can.

Each time you are caught in this cyclical trend of thoughts & obstacles don’t get swayed. Calmly whisper the words “bamboo-seeds” to your inner-self & stay the course!

Interestingly, these bamboo seeds unlike other plants, require your dedication to prepare the right spot, soften the soil, water it regularly then wait & wait & wait & wait!

..& wait patiently. Even after three years there is no sign of plant growth. Your doubts may start growing much faster than the plant itself.

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You may start losing sight of your chosen path, wondering if you could have gotten better results for less effort by planting something else? Then something from within re-enforces your commitment to go on watering this seemingly in-active plant.

Very remarkably as your hopes were at their lowest point & after all the patience & labour; in the fourth year the bamboo seed starts to show growth! It actually shoots up to more than 80 feet, all in just nine weeks! Imagine that! It hardly grows much after this sprout season. The rules of Nature.

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...You too owe it to yourself & those around you not to give up on watering the seedlings in your personal growth, health, family relationships, friendships, career & work-ethic. Because some times as we begin to totally give-up, those we least expect will help us water our seeds.


All this time the plant was creating a great network of roots underground while preparing strength for its future life-time growth.