Russian revolution year 11


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Transcript of Russian revolution year 11

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Prior to the Russian revolution.

• In Russia the Tsar was the monarch and emperor. At the time of the Russian revolution Nicholas II was in power.

• Prior to the revolution peasants and workers were dealing with extreme poverty and were growing tired of the control that the bourgeoisie had.

• Discontent began to grow and to divert this attention Nicholas II agreed to go to war with Japan in 1904, this is what we now call the Russo-Japanese war.

• The campaign was a failure, with massive loss of life. The flow on effects of the war further hurt the peasants and workers of Russia, through food shortages and rising costs of things like bread.

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Bloody Sunday

Prior to the Bloody Sunday conflict, Russian peasants still believed that the Tsar was their guardian and that he would protect them.

• A petition was signed and marched to the gates of the palace. The gatherers didn’t want political overhaul they just wanted their living conditions improved.

• The protestors were met at the gates by guards who shot down over one hundred people (the number varies according to the source).

• The Peasants lost their faith in the Tsar and Russia looked like it was about to implode with strikes and conflicts causing unrest and turmoil. However the political parties could not impress the Russian people therefore the Tsar stayed in power.

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Bloody Sunday Petition

• "Oh Sire, we working men and inhabitants of St. Petersburg, our wives, our children and our parents, helpless and aged women and men, have come to You our ruler, in search of justice and protection. We are beggars, we are oppressed and overburdened with work, we are insulted, we are not looked on as human beings but as slaves. The moment has come for us when death would be better than the prolongation of our intolerable sufferings.We are seeking here our last salvation. Do not refuse to help Your people. Destroy the wall between Yourself and Your people."

• Bloody Sunday petition.

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Vladimir LeninLenin was born April 22 1870•Lenin’s brother was hanged for an assassination attempt on the Tsar.•Lenin discovers the works of Karl Marx while studying law, he develops into a political radical.•Lenin was arrested and exiled in 1895 for plotting against the Tsar Alexander III. •Once his exile ended Lenin toured around Europe but settled in Zurich.•Lenin briefly returned to Russia and was made the leader of the Bolshevik party.

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• WWI broke out and alliances quickly formed.• Russia already considered Germany as a giant threat

and when they joined an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy (triple alliance), Russia joined Britain and France (triple entente) for war.

• Russia suffered major losses, they had a massive army but none of the resources because they were one of the least industralised countries in Europe. They were sending men into war without guns, they were told to pick up their fallen comrade’s rifles.

• Russia had to withdraw from the war because of the 1917 revolution.

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Question Time

What is this picture depicting?

Is their any bias? What side does it favour?

Who is it targeted towards?

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The end of Tsardom

• WWI spelt the end for Nicholas II. His people were starving and poor from the continual soaring prices of everyday necessities and food shortages due to the war.

• Nicholas abdicated the throne to his brother Michael, who sensed the discontent of the people and denied the throne, thus ending the rule of their family and the end of tsardom.

• As a political move Germany sent Lenin back to Russia. Lenin was against the war and the Germans sent him back to destabilise their war effort.

• Eventually the lower classes led a revolution, the provisional government, which was led by liberal bourgeoisie, tried to establish a democratic republic like the west, however in the second revolution the peasants decided that they preferred the Bolshevik’s


• This lead to Lenin taking power and setting up the first communist party in the world.

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Question Time

What party do you think this poster would have been commissioned by?

Is there a bias?

Is the bias implicit or explicit?

Who is it targeting and why?