Russian Literature 18th Century


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Transcript of Russian Literature 18th Century

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Russian Literature in the 18th Century

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• Cultural expression flourished in the form of literature under the reigns of Peter I and Catherine I.

• Western forms of literature greatly influenced the new Russian literary movement.

• The era represented a time that was fairly experimental as literature in the 18th century was a drastic shift from that of Muscovite literature.

• The Novel, Poetry, and Drama were specific styles of literature to appear. Educational, Scientific, and Satirical books were the main forms under Peter. Under Catherine’s reign, social critiques were common.

• The literary revolution in the 18th century was just one aspect of the trend to modernize Russia in the form of Western Europe.

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Antioch Kantemir

• A Moldavian Prince educated at the St. Petersburg Academy. He worked as a diplomat for the Russian State.

• Kantemir produced satire, poetry, songs, lyrical pieces, fables, essays and translated Western Literature.

• Considered the originator or Russian belles lettres. Belles lettres is a form of writing that focuses on the beautiful aesthetics of poetry, essays and songs.

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Alexander Sumarokov

Alexander Sumarokov was a Russian playwright and writer. He is generally considered the father of Russian drama. He mainly wrote comedies and tragedies but also wrote satires and poetry. He wrote his plays in pseudo-classical style and was the first director of a permanent Russian theatre.

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Michael Lomonosov

• A Russian scientist and writer who made many contributions to literature, education, and science.

• Alongisde Ivan Shuvalov, helped find Moscow University.

• Created the basis for the modern Russian literary language.

• Well known for his promotion of educational and scientific reform, yet was also an accomplished ode writer and poet.

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Denis Fonvizin

• Considered the first major dramatist, mostly comedies.

• Most popular work: The Adolescent. Written in Pseudo-Classical form, this comdey depicted the manners of the provincial Russian gentry.

• Wrote many satires about his impression of other foreign countries. He ridiculed Russian admiration of France.

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Gabriel Derzhavin

Gabriel Derzhavin is widely known for his poetry. He was the official bard for Catherin the Great; many of his odes were specifically for Catherine. Wrote mainly in the classical style and a lot of his works were about the metaphysical. God was his most important work.

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Concluding Remarks

• Literature in Russia saw a vast amount of growth during the 18th century. The literary movement can be directly attributed to Peter and Catherine and their views of what ideal Russian culture should be.

• The time saw the adoption of Western forms of writing such as classicalism and neo-classicalism.

• Literature played a large part in educating the masses as it promoted science and education. Towards the end of the 18th century it also served to question the status quo.

• The advancement of Literature is one example of the cultural transformation that took place in 18th century Russia that was based off of Western values and thought.