Ruote in 20 Minutes

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Transcript of Ruote in 20 Minutes

ruote - open source ruby workflow and bpm engine

Developed by John

Presented by Kenneth Kalmer in 20

Workflows? BPM?

Improved state machine

Long running processes, long-lived process interpreter

Diverse participants

Complex rules & decisions

Implement clearly defined business processes

Joe's Mortgages

Applies on your behalf at seven different institutions

Selects the best deal for you

Handles application for you

You sign

You buy

You pay

State Machine












Rule: Notify Client when 4 quotes are received

aasm_state :pending_four_leftaasm_state :pending_three_leftaasm_state :pending_two_leftaasm_state :pending_one_leftaasm_state :pending_but_notified_client...aasm_state :is_this_ridiculous_or_what?

Rule: Wait up to 7 days for quotes

aasm_state :pending_four_remaining_timeoutaasm_state :pending_three_remaining_timoutaasm_state :pending_two_remaining_timoutaasm_state :pending_one_remaining_timoutaasm_state :call_recruiter_for_new_dev!


State machines are only valuable when they have a few, well defined states

Tempted to setup hundreds of states, with complex transitions

State machines help manage the results of real life processes, not the processes

Modified State Machine

class Mortgage aasm_initial_state :pending aasm_state :pending aasm_state :quoted aasm_state :applied aasm_state :approved aasm_state :rejectedend

Enter ruote

Clearly defined DSL for workflow

Clearly defined processesExpressions


Concurrent tasks


Easy decision making


Utility statements that give structure to your processes

Conditional statements that facilitate branching and merging patterns


A point in the process where work gets done

Can be automated code

Can be human interaction

Ruote provides plenty of participants out the box

Breeze to write new ones

First round: Participants

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do institution_1 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_2 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_3 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_4 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_5 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_6 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_7 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' endend

Problems so far

Will request quotations in serial

14 days to complete if each institution takes 2 days on average


Not the Erlang kind, the business kind

Send all requests in one go, and continue the process once we've received at least 4 quotes

Also, quote process may not take longer than 7 days to complete

Second round: Concurrency and Timeout

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do timeout :after => '7d' do concurrence :count => 4 do institution_1 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_2 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_3 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_4 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_5 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_6 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' institution_7 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' end end endend

Achievements so far

Quotations requested simultaneously

Process will take 7 days at most to complete

First 4 institutions stand the chance of earning new business

Mortgage is still pending

Rule: Joe can re-request quotes

Joe drives a hard bargain

Can request quotes any number of times

But, wants to let the client know he's doing his best!

Third round: Bargain hard

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do loop do concurrence :timeout => '7d', :count => 4 do institution_1 :activity => 'Mortgage Quote' # ... end

joe :activity => 'Review quotes'

_break :if => ${f:joe_happy}

email :activity => Getting new quotes, :to => ${} end endend

Achievements so far

Loop used to keep the quote request process running until Joe is happy, or cancels the process

Client notified everytime the quote request process starts all over again

First glimpse of workitems

Mortgage is still pending


The internal message passed from participant to participant

They're JSON friendly Ruby hashes

Participants can modify workitems

Processes can be launched with an initial payload, client details in this case, which is accessed through the workitems

Workitem attributes accessed in process definitions through the dollar notation

Quote found, action the client

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do loop do # ... end

secretary :activity => Send client application forms endend

Application received, apply at institution

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do # ...

secretary :activity => Send client application forms

participant :ref => ${f:selected_institution}, :activity => Apply for mortgage endend

Achievements so far

Dynamic participant specification from workitem attributes

Another human participant

Mortgage now in applied state

Let Joe Know

Joe reviews the results of the application, and notifies the client

Might attempt to restart the entire process

Joe has last say

class MortgageApplication < OpenWFE::ProcessDefinition sequence do # ...

participant :ref => ${f:selected_institution}, :activity => Apply for mortgage

joe :activity => Review application results endend

What happens here?

Joe will inform the client of the institutions response

Mortgage will stay in applied state, or move to approved/rejected states

Process ends

Possibilities from here

Automated decision makingDecision tables

Better conditional tests

Automated response processing, streamlines the feedback loop and decision making

Harass institutions that don't respond within 2 days of process timeout

Joe improves his handicap

Ruote & AASM

Great combination

Ruote handles business logic, AASM the state

AASM becomes skinny, ruote stays declarative

More ruote: Listeners

Start process, or wait forMessages from SQS

Jabber messages

Atom feed entries

More ruote: Cancel, cursors, replay & redo

When processes are cancelled, run sub-processes for cleanup tasks

Replay failed steps

Redo steps based on conditions

Jump to any point in the workflow using cursors

More ruote:

Graphical representation of process definitions

Edit process definitions on the fly

More ruote: Active*Participants

ActiveRecordParticipantSave workitem information in database

ActiveResourceParticipantInteract with any Rails resource as DHH intended you to do

Shameless Self Promotion

Developed the JabberParticipant and JabberListener now bundled with ruote

Added support for daemonizing ruote-rest

In talks on refactoring ruote-rest to become preferred Rails-friendly implementation of ruote


Process definitions built up from expressions

Expressions are steps in the workflow

Participants perform explicit function during workflow

Workitems used as internal messaging mechanism between expressions/participants

The best complement to any state machine implementation

Simplifies complex business process implementations

You have full control over the entire process

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