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8/14/2019 RUNWAY November 2008 24 1/10 Hogbetsotso - Ghana Celebrated on the first Saturday of November every year, and known as the "Festival of the Exodus" to commemorate the migration of the Anlos tribe to their present homeland in Ghana. A day for peacemaking, where all outstanding problems are resolved and disputes are settled. The climax of the festival is the magnificent durbar of chiefs, where the tribal chiefs dress in their finest regalia and sit in state to receive homage from their people. The entire ceremony is laced with non-stop, soul-stirring drumming, singing, and dancing. Location Virtual Africa. Supporting Uthango Social Investments, creating a gateway for Africans into Virtual Worlds. Photographer Maggie Mahoney Model Mimmi Boa

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Hogbetsotso - Ghana Celebrated on the first Saturday of November every year, and known asthe "Festival of the Exodus" to commemorate the migration of the Anlos

tribe to their present homeland in Ghana. A day for peacemaking, whereall outstanding problems are resolved and disputes are settled. Theclimax of the festival is the magnificent durbar of chiefs, where the tribalchiefs dress in their finest regalia and sit in state to receive homage fromtheir people. The entire ceremony is laced with non-stop, soul-stirring

drumming, singing, and dancing.

LocationVirtual Africa. Supporting Uthango Social Investments, creating agateway for Africans into Virtual Worlds.

PhotographerMaggie Mahoney

ModelMimmi Boa

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Thanksgiving - United States

An annual celebration in North America, which dates back to the time of settlement. Pilgrims from Europe had found the transition to the NewWorld to be more difficult than they thought, and without the Native

American people, who shared food and survival knowledge, thesettlement would have foundered. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect onwhat one has to be thankful for, and pay tribute to the early settlers andtheir struggles.

LocationRed Rock Mesa

PhotographerMaggie Mahoney

ModelSummer Deadlight(Summer is Prairie Band Potawatomi in real life and is proud to be Native


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Diwali Festival - India

Diwali is known across India as the Festival of Lights, and celebrates thevictory of good over evil within every human being and an uplifting of spiritual darkness. On the major day of the festival, Lakshmi Puja, Hinduhomes worship Lakshimi, the goddess of wealth, and Ganesh, the god of auspicious beginnings, and light lamps all across the streets and homesto welcome prosperity and wellbeing.

Location:Taste of India, Desai sim

PhotographerVera Canning

ModelsEmmZ Tzara, Cherie Parker, Menja Slade

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Iustinian Tomsen, accomplished Second Life modeland fashion blogger, first ventured into Second Lifeprompted by his IT curiosity about open sourceprograms "I am a known technical geek," explainedIustinian, "I wanted to know the internal functioningof Second Life as a platform, and the social impactof the Web 2.0 networks."

"For me, modeling and fashion were ways tobecome a part of the Second Life community and toshare in the wider phenomenon of thisextraordinary global networking world."

"Over time, fashion has became a real passion, butit's not my primary reason for being in Second Life.



Thalia Jie

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I am involvedin testing thenew public

nightly buildclients andI sincerelybelieve thatSL has

enormouspotential inbring peopletogether andin the sharingof ideas andcreativity".

As well as

being aSecond Lifementor and aenthusiasticbeliever in thepotential of virtual

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interactive worlds, Iustinian hasan impressive track record as oneof Second Life's high profile

models. Boulevard Agency,Metro Models, Second LookStudio, Studio Red and AvenueModels are just some of theagencies that have Iustinian listed

on their books.

In addition, Iustinian finds time toregularly write his male fashionblog and upload his photographsto flickr. A man with strongly heldopinions, Iustinian offers stylishfashion mix and match looks formen and meticulously sources

some of Second Life's finestfashion designers of menswearfor his fashion blog. To readIustinian's blog, is to find out thathe has strongly held opinions, notonly about fashion but fashion

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