RunTru Heating & Air Conditioning - Installer’s Guide · 2019. 10. 18. · ©2019 Ingersoll Rand...

SAFETY WARNING Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment. October 2019 18-GF11D1-1A-EN Convertible Air Handlers 1–1/2 — 5 Ton A4AH4P A4AH4P18A1B60A A4AH4P24A1B60A A4AH4P30A1B60A A4AH4P36A1B30A A4AH4P37A1C30A A4AH4E42A1C30A A4AH4E48A1C30A A4AH4E60A1C30A The A4AH4 series air handler is designed for installation in a closet, utility room, alcove, basement, crawlspace or attic. These versatile units are applicable to air conditioning and heat pump applications. Several models are available to meet the specific requirements of the outdoor equipment. Field installed electric resistance heaters are available. Installer’s Guide

Transcript of RunTru Heating & Air Conditioning - Installer’s Guide · 2019. 10. 18. · ©2019 Ingersoll Rand...

Page 1: RunTru Heating & Air Conditioning - Installer’s Guide · 2019. 10. 18. · ©2019 Ingersoll Rand 18-GF11D1-1A-EN SAFETY SECTION AIR HANDLERS IImmppoorrttaanntt:: This document contains

SSAAFFEETTYY WWAARRNNIINNGGOnly qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, andair-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or alteredequipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in theliterature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.

October 2019 1188--GGFF1111DD11--11AA--EENN

Convertible Air Handlers1–1/2 — 5 TonA4AH4P


The A4AH4 series air handler is designed for installation in a closet,utility room, alcove, basement, crawlspace or attic. These versatileunits are applicable to air conditioning and heat pumpapplications. Several models are available to meet the specificrequirements of the outdoor equipment. Field installed electricresistance heaters are available.

Installer’s Guide

Page 2: RunTru Heating & Air Conditioning - Installer’s Guide · 2019. 10. 18. · ©2019 Ingersoll Rand 18-GF11D1-1A-EN SAFETY SECTION AIR HANDLERS IImmppoorrttaanntt:: This document contains

©2019 Ingersoll Rand 18-GF11D1-1A-EN

SAFETY SECTIONAIR HANDLERSIImmppoorrttaanntt:: This document contains a wiring diagram,

a parts list, and service information. This iscustomer property and is to remain withthis unit. Please return to serviceinformation pack upon completion of work.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: These instructions do not cover allvariations in systems nor provide for everypossible contingency to be met inconnection with the installation. Shouldfurther information be desired or shouldparticular problems arise which are notcovered sufficiently for the purchaser’spurposes, the matter should be referred toyour installing dealer or local distributor.

WWAARRNNIINNGGHHAAZZAARRDDOOUUSS VVOOLLTTAAGGEE!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss WWaarrnniinngg ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinnpprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,, sseevveerree ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy,, oorrddeeaatthh..DDiissccoonnnneecctt aallll eelleeccttrriicc ppoowweerr,, iinncclluuddiinngg rreemmootteeddiissccoonnnneeccttss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg.. FFoollllooww pprrooppeerrlloocckkoouutt//ttaaggoouutt pprroocceedduurreess ttoo eennssuurree tthhee ppoowweerrccaannnnoott bbee iinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyy eenneerrggiizzeedd..

CCAAUUTTIIOONNGGRROOUUNNDDIINNGG RREEQQUUIIRREEDD!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo iinnssppeecctt oorr uussee pprrooppeerr sseerrvviiccee ttoooollss mmaayyrreessuulltt iinn eeqquuiippmmeenntt ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy..RReeccoonnnneecctt aallll ggrroouunnddiinngg ddeevviicceess.. AAllll ppaarrttss ooff tthhiisspprroodduucctt tthhaatt aarree ccaappaabbllee ooff ccoonndduuccttiinngg eelleeccttrriiccaallccuurrrreenntt aarree ggrroouunnddeedd.. IIff ggrroouunnddiinngg wwiirreess,, ssccrreewwss,,ssttrraappss,, cclliippss,, nnuuttss,, oorr wwaasshheerrss uusseedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee aappaatthh ttoo ggrroouunndd aarree rreemmoovveedd ffoorr sseerrvviiccee,, tthheeyy mmuussttbbee rreettuurrnneedd ttoo tthheeiirr oorriiggiinnaall ppoossiittiioonn aanndd pprrooppeerrllyyffaasstteenneedd..

WWAARRNNIINNGGLLIIVVEE EELLEECCTTRRIICCAALL CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSS!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss WWaarrnniinngg ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinnpprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,, sseevveerree ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy,, oorrddeeaatthh..FFoollllooww aallll eelleeccttrriiccaall ssaaffeettyy pprreeccaauuttiioonnss wwhheenneexxppoosseedd ttoo lliivvee eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoommppoonneennttss.. IItt mmaayy bbeenneecceessssaarryy ttoo wwoorrkk wwiitthh lliivvee eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoommppoonneennttssdduurriinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn,, tteessttiinngg,, sseerrvviicciinngg,, aannddttrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ooff tthhiiss pprroodduucctt..

WWAARRNNIINNGGPPRREESSSSUURRIIZZEEDD RREEFFRRIIGGEERRAANNTT!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss WWaarrnniinngg ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinnppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryySSyysstteemm ccoonnttaaiinnss ooiill aanndd rreeffrriiggeerraanntt uunnddeerr hhiigghhpprreessssuurree.. RReeccoovveerr rreeffrriiggeerraanntt ttoo rreelliieevvee pprreessssuurreebbeeffoorree ooppeenniinngg tthhee ssyysstteemm.. DDoo nnoo uussee nnoonn--aapppprroovveedd rreeffrriiggeerraannttss oorr rreeffrriiggeerraanntt ssuubbssttiittuutteess oorrrreeffrriiggeerraanntt aaddddiittiivveess..

CCAAUUTTIIOONNSSHHAARRPP EEDDGGEE HHAAZZAARRDD!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss CCaauuttiioonn ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinnpprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy..BBee ccaarreeffuull ooff sshhaarrpp eeddggeess oonn eeqquuiippmmeenntt oorr aannyyccuuttss mmaaddee oonn sshheeeett mmeettaall wwhhiillee iinnssttaalllliinngg oorrsseerrvviicciinngg..

CCAAUUTTIIOONNHHAAZZAARRDDOOUUSS VVAAPPOORRSS!!FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss ccaauuttiioonn ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinnpprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy..EEqquuiippmmeenntt ccoorrrroossiioonn ddaammaaggee.. TToo pprreevveennttsshhoorrtteenniinngg iittss sseerrvviiccee lliiffee,, tthhee aaiirr hhaannddlleerr sshhoouullddnnoott bbee uusseedd dduurriinngg tthhee ffiinniisshhiinngg pphhaasseess ooffccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn oorr rreemmooddeelliinngg.. TThhee llooww rreettuurrnn aaiirrtteemmppeerraattuurreess ccaann lleeaadd ttoo tthhee ffoorrmmaattiioonn ooffccoonnddeennssaattee.. CCoonnddeennssaattee iinn tthhee pprreesseennccee ooffcchhlloorriiddeess aanndd fflluuoorriiddeess ffrroomm ppaaiinntt,, vvaarrnniisshh,, ssttaaiinnss,,aaddhheessiivveess,, cclleeaanniinngg ccoommppoouunnddss,, aanndd cceemmeennttccrreeaatteess aa ccoorrrroossiivvee ccoonnddiittiioonn wwhhiicchh mmaayy ccaauusseerraappiidd ddeetteerriioorraattiioonn ooff tthhee ccaabbiinneett aanndd iinntteerrnnaallccoommppoonneennttss..

CCAAUUTTIIOONNCCOOIILL IISS PPRREESSSSUURRIIZZEEDD!!•• CCooiill iiss pprreessssuurriizzeedd wwiitthh aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 88––1122 ppssiiddrryy aaiirr aanndd ffaaccttoorryy cchheecckkeedd ffoorr lleeaakkss..•• CCaarreeffuullllyy rreelleeaassee tthhee pprreessssuurree bbyy rreemmoovviinngg tthheerruubbbbeerr pplluugg oonn tthhee lliiqquuiidd lliinnee..•• IIff nnoo pprreessssuurree iiss rreelleeaasseedd,, cchheecckk ffoorr lleeaakkss..

WWAARRNNIINNGGSSAAFFEETTYY HHAAZZAARRDD!!TThhiiss aapppplliiaannccee iiss nnoott ttoo bbee uusseedd bbyy ppeerrssoonnss((iinncclluuddiinngg cchhiillddrreenn)) wwiitthh rreedduucceedd pphhyyssiiccaall,,sseennssoorryy,, oorr mmeennttaall ccaappaabbiilliittiieess,, oorr llaacckk ooffeexxppeerriieennccee aanndd kknnoowwlleeddggee,, uunnlleessss tthheeyy hhaavvee bbeeeennggiivveenn ssuuppeerrvviissiioonn oorr iinnssttrruuccttiioonn..

Page 3: RunTru Heating & Air Conditioning - Installer’s Guide · 2019. 10. 18. · ©2019 Ingersoll Rand 18-GF11D1-1A-EN SAFETY SECTION AIR HANDLERS IImmppoorrttaanntt:: This document contains

18-GF11D1-1A-EN 3

WWAARRNNIINNGGSSAAFFEETTYY HHAAZZAARRDD!!CChhiillddrreenn sshhoouulldd bbee ssuuppeerrvviisseedd ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt tthheeyyddoo nnoott ppllaayy wwiitthh tthhee aapppplliiaannccee..

WWAARRNNIINNGGWWAARRNNIINNGG!!TThhiiss pprroodduucctt ccaann eexxppoossee yyoouu ttoo cchheemmiiccaallssiinncclluuddiinngg lleeaadd,, wwhhiicchh aarree kknnoowwnn ttoo tthhee SSttaattee ooffCCaalliiffoorrnniiaa ttoo ccaauussee ccaanncceerr aanndd bbiirrtthh ddeeffeeccttss oorrootthheerr rreepprroodduuccttiivvee hhaarrmm.. FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ggoottoo wwwwww..PP6655WWaarrnniinnggss..ccaa..ggoovv..

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Installation of this unit shall be made inaccordance with the National Electric Code,NFPA No. 90A and 90B, and any other localcodes or utilities requirements.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Air handlers do not require repositioning ofthe coil or drain pan for upflow orhorizontal left applications. See thedownflow and horizontal right installationsections for application instructions.

NNoottee:: Air handlers have been evaluated in accordancewith the Code of Federal Regulations, ChapterXX, Part 3280 or the equivalent. “SUITABLE FORMOBILE HOME USE.”

NNoottee:: Condensation may occur on the surface of the airhandler when installed in an unconditionedspace. When units are installed in unconditionedspaces, verify that all electrical and refrigerantline penetrations on the air handler are sealedcompletely.

NNoottee:: The manufacturer recommends installing ONLYA.H.R.I approved, matched indoor and outdoorsystems. Some of the benefits of installingapproved matched indoor and outdoor splitsystems are maximum efficiency, optimumperformance, and the best overall systemreliability.

Piston NoticeNNOOTTEE:: Piston on 1.5–2.5 ton models


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4 18-GF11D1-1A-EN

Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Installation Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Field Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Performance and Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Minimum Airflow CFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Outline Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Fixed Orifice Superheat ChargingTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Heater Pressure Drop Table A4AH4 AirHandler Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Coil Conversion Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Coil Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Checkout Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Table of Contents

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Table 1. Standard Features Table 2. Optional Accessories

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6 18-GF11D1-1A-EN

Installation Instructions

1. UUnnppaacckkiinngg

Carefully unpack the unit and inspect the contentsfor damage. If any damage is found at the time ofdelivery, proper notification and claims should bemade with the carrier.

Check the rating plate to assure model number andvoltage, plus any kits match with what you ordered.The manufacturer should be notified within 5 daysof any discrepancy or parts shortage.

2. LLooccaattiioonn

The air handler should be centrally located and maybe installed in a closet, alcove, utility room,basement, crawl space or attic. Minimumclearances must be met.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: The downflow sub-base may berequired with electric heat applications.See minimum clearance table.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: A downflow condensate managementkit BAYTEMDFKT1A is required andmust be ordered separately fordownflow applications of all 5-ton airhandlers.

The unit should be installed in a level position toensure proper condensation drainage. Up to anadditional 1/4” rise over the width or depth of theunit is allowed to create additional sloping towardsthe drain. Unit must be positioned between leveland ¼” rise, sloping toward the drain connections.

When the unit is installed in a closet or utility room,the room should be large enough, and have anopening to allow replacement of the unit. Allservicing is done from the front and a clearance of21" is needed for service unless the closet dooraligns with the front of the air handler.

If you are installing the unit in an unconditionedspace such as an attic or crawl space, you mustensure that the area provides sufficient aircirculation to prevent moisture collection on thecabinet during high dew point conditions. A drainpan must be installed under the entire unit when itis installed in or above a finished ceiling or in anunconditioned space.

3. DDuucctt WWoorrkk

The duct work should be installed in accordancewith the NFPA No. 90A "Installation of AirConditioning and Ventilating systems" and No. 90B"Residential Type Warm Air Heating and AirConditioning Installation."

The duct work should be insulated in accordancewith the applicable requirements for the particularinstallation as required by HUD, FHA, VA theapplicable building code, local utility or othergoverning body.

4. CCoonnddeennssaattee DDrraaiinn

The unit is supplied with primary and auxiliarycondensate drains that have 3/4" NPT connections.The primary drain must be trapped outside the unitand piped in accordance with applicable buildingcodes.

The figure shows the operation of a properlydesigned trap under normal operating conditionswhen the blower is running and the condensate isdraining. Note the difference in height of the watercolumn must at least equal the normal negativestatic pressure existing during operation betweenthe cooling coil and blower. It is advisable to havethe difference in water column height somewhatgreater than the normal maximum operating staticto allow for greater static caused by dirty filters orfor the bounce of the water column on start up.



Drain Pan


To Drain

Proper operation of condensate trap undernormal operating conditions.

“A” height of water column equalsnegative static pressure existing in system.

“C” dimension should at least equal twotimes the maximum negative static pressurethat can occur in system.

Do not reduce the drain line size less than theconnection size on the drain pan. Condensateshould be piped to an open drain or to the outside.All drains must pitch downward away from the unita minimum of 1/4" per foot of line to ensure properdrainage.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: If cleanout Tee is used, stand pipe mustbe sealed/capped.

IImmppoorrttaanntt:: If a vent Tee is used, it must bedownstream from the trap.

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18-GF11D1-1A-EN 7

To Drain

Vent-This vent pipe MUST terminate above the dotted line Cleanout

(with Cap)


Insulate the primary drain line to prevent sweatingwhere dew point temperatures may be met.(Insulation is optional depending on climate andapplication needs.)

5. RReeffrriiggeerraanntt PPiippiinngg

Refrigerant piping external to the unit shall be sizedin accordance with the instructions of themanufacturer of the outdoor equipment.

6. MMeetteerriinngg DDeevviiccee

3 through 5 ton units are shipped and installed withan internally-checked, bleed TXV designed for airconditioning or heat pump operation. Chargesystems with indoor TXV using the subcoolingmethod as recommended in the outdoor unitInstaller’s Guide. Pressures equalize after shutdown. Some outdoor models may require a startassist kit. See outdoor unit for more information.

1.5 through 2.5 ton units are shipped and installedwith an orifice piston sized for nominal tonnage.Charge systems with indoor fixed orifice piston bythe superheat method using the superheat chargingtable. See Table “Fixed Orifice Superheat ChargingTable,” p. 21

7. BBlloowweerr

This unit is supplied with a multi-speed motor witha direct drive blower wheel which can obtainvarious air flows. The unit is shipped with factoryset cooling and heating speed taps. Airflowperformance tables are available for additionalspeed taps. Disconnect all power to the unit beforemaking any adjustments to the motor speed taps.Be sure to check the air flow and the temperature

drop across the evaporator coil to ensure sufficientair flow.

8. WWiirriinngg

Consult all schematic and pictorial wiring diagramsof this unit and the outdoor equipment todetermine compatibility of wiring connections andto determine specific requirements.

All field wiring to the air handler should be installedin accordance with the latest edition of the NationalElectric Code NFPA No. 70 and any local codes.Check rating plates on unit for rated volts,minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrent protection. Supply circuit power wiringmust be 75 degree C (167 degree F) minimumcopper conductors only. Copper supply wires shallbe sized to the National Electric Code or local coderequirements, whichever is more stringent.

The unit is shipped wired for 230/240 Volt AC 60 HZ1 Phase Operation. If the unit is to be operated at208 VAC 60HZ, follow the instructions on the indoorunit wiring diagram to change the low voltagetransformer to 208 VAC operation (Ensure unit isproperly grounded).

Class 2 low voltage control wiring should not be runin conduit with power wiring and must beseparated from power wiring unless class 1 wirewith proper voltage rating is used.

Low voltage control wiring should be 18 Awg, colorcoded (105 degree C minimum). For lengths longerthan 100ft., 16 Awg wire should be used. Makecertain that separation of control wiring and powerwiring has been maintained.

9. AAiirr FFiilltteerr

To protect the coil, blower and other internal partsfrom excessive dirt and dust an air filter must beinstalled before air enters the evaporator coil. Aremote filter must be installed. Consult the filtermanufacturer for proper sizing and maximumvelocity requirements.

10. TThheerrmmoossttaatt

Select a thermostat that is commonly used with HPor AC single stage heating/cooling with electricheat. The thermostat will energize the fan on ademand for heat or cool.

Install the thermostat on an inside wall, away fromdrafts, lights or other heat sources in a location thathas sufficient air circulation from other rooms beingcontrolled by the thermostat.

11. SSeeqquueennccee ooff OOppeerraattiioonnCCoooolliinngg ((CCoooolliinngg oonnllyy))

PSC versions - When the thermostat calls forcooling, the circuit from R to G is completed. Theblower relay is energized.

Constant torque version – When the thermostatcalls for cooling, the circuit from R to G is

IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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8 18-GF11D1-1A-EN

completed. The blower motor is energized directlyby the 24VAC signal from the thermostat.

The circuit from R to Y is also complete energizingthe compressor contactor of the outdoor unit. Thecontactor will close and start the compressor andcondenser fan motor.

CCoooolliinngg ((hheeaatt ppuummpp))

PSC versions - When the thermostat calls forcooling, the circuit from R to G is completed. Theblower relay is energized.

Constant torque version – When the thermostatcalls for cooling, the circuit from R to G iscompleted. The blower motor is energized directlyby the 24VAC signal from the thermostat.

The circuit from R to Y is also complete energizingthe compressor contactor of the outdoor unit. Thecontactor will close and start the compressor andcondenser fan motor.

Circuit R to O energizes the reversing valve to thecooling position.

HHeeaattiinngg ((hheeaatt ppuummpp))

PSC versions - When the thermostat calls forheating, the circuit from R to G is completed. Theblower relay is energized.

Constant torque version – When the thermostatcalls for heating, the circuit from R to G iscompleted and the blower motor is energizeddirectly by the 24VAC signal from the thermostat.

The circuit from R to Y is also complete energizingthe compressor contactor of the outdoor unit. Thecontactor will close and start the compressor andcondenser fan motor.

In the heating mode, the reversing valve of theoutdoor unit is not energized.

If the indoor temperature continues to fall, the R toW circuit is completed energizing the electric heatcontactor(s).

HHeeaattiinngg ((eelleeccttrriicc hheeaatt oonnllyy))

NNoottee:: The thermostat must be setup to bring theblower on when the electric heat is energized.

PSC versions - When the thermostat calls forheating, the circuit from R to G is completed. Theblower relay is energized. The circuit from R to W iscompleted energizing the heating contactor(s).

Constant torque version - When the thermostatcalls for heating, the circuit from R to G iscompleted and the blower motor is energizeddirectly by the 24VAC signal from the thermostat.The circuit from R to W is completed energizing theheating contactor(s).


Supplemental heat during defrost can be providedby connecting the X2 (black) wire from the outdoorunit to W1 or W2 at the indoor unit. This willprevent cold air from being discharged from theindoor unit during defrost.

12. OOppeerraattiioonnaall aanndd CChheecckkoouutt PPrroocceedduurreess

To obtain proper performance, all units must beoperated and charge adjustments made inaccordance with procedures found in the ServiceFacts document of the outdoor unit. Afterinstallation has been completed, it is recommendedthat the entire system be checked against thecheckout list located at the back of this document.See “Checkout Procedures,” p. 30

13. MMaaiinntteennaannccee

The system air filter(s) should be inspected, cleanedor replaced at least monthly. Make certain that theaccess panels are replaced and secured properlybefore placing the unit back in operation. Thisproduct is designed for dependable service;however, periodic maintenance should bescheduled and conducted by trained professionalservice personnel. This service should beconducted at least annually, and should includetesting and inspection of electrical and refrigerantcomponents. The heat transfer surface should becleaned. The blower motor is permanentlylubricated for normal operating conditions.

IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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18-GF11D1-1A-EN 9

Field Wiring

Figure 1. Field Wiring Diagrams





















24 VAC Common





Thermostat Air Handler OutdoorUnit

Pink BlackW2Pink

White White

















24 VAC Common



Thermostat Air Handler OutdoorUnit

In AC systems for multiple stages of electric heat, jumper W1and W2 together if comfort control has only one stage of heat.

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Electrical Data

Figure 2. A4AH4P18–37

Figure 3. A4AH4E42–60

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Performance and Electrical Data

Table 3. Air Flow Performance

Table 4. Electrical Data

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Table 5. Air Flow Performance

Table 6. Electrical Data

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd EElleeccttrriiccaall DDaattaa

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Table 7. Air Flow Performance

Table 8. Electrical Data

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd EElleeccttrriiccaall DDaattaa

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14 18-GF11D1-1A-EN

Table 9. Air Flow Performance

Table 10. Electrical Data

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd EElleeccttrriiccaall DDaattaa

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Table 11. Air Flow Performance

Table 12. Electrical Data

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Table 12. Electrical Data (continued)

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Table 13. Air Flow Performance

Table 14. Electrical Data

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Table 14. Electrical Data (continued)

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Minimum Airflow CFM

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Outline Drawing


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Fixed Orifice Superheat Charging Table

Heater Pressure Drop TableA4AH4 Air Handler Models

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Coil Conversion InstructionsTable 15. Downflow

Figure 4.

Figure 5. All other models

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Table 15. Downflow (continued)

Figure 6. All models

Figure 7. All models



Figure 8. All models

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 15. Downflow (continued)

STOPFigure 9. All other models

Figure 10. All other models

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Coil ConversionTable 16. Horizontal Right

Figure 11.

Figure 12. All other models

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 16. Horizontal Right (continued)

Figure 13.

1-1/2 through 2-1/2 ton models

Remove 2 screwsand water diverterbracket

Figure 14.

Screw is located inuppermost hole ontube sheet

Replace waterdiverter bracket

Figure 15.

1-1/2 through 2-1/2 ton models - Rear view

Remove 2 screwsand water diverterbracket

Figure 16.

1-1/2 through 2-1/2 ton models - Rear view

Replace water diverter bracketand two screws

Screw is located inuppermost hole ontube sheet

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 16. Horizontal Right (continued)

Figure 17.

3 through 4 ton models

Remove 3 screws andwater diverter bracket

Figure 18.

Screw in uppermosthole on tube sheet

Replace waterdiverter bracket

Remove 3 screwsand water diverterbracket

3-4 ton models -Rear view

Replace 3 screwsand water diverterbracket

Seond hole in water diverterbracket matches to first holeon tube sheet

3-4 ton models -Rear view

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 16. Horizontal Right (continued)

Figure 19.

5 ton models

Remove 3 screwsand water diverter bracket

Figure 20.

Screw located in second hole downon tube sheet

Replace waterdiverter bracket

Figure 21.

Remove 3 screwsand water diverterbracket

5 ton model -Rear view

Figure 22.

Screw is located inuppermost hole ontube sheet

Replace 3 screwsand water diverterbracket

5 ton model -Rear view

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 16. Horizontal Right (continued)

Figure 23. All other models

Figure 24. All other models

CCooiill CCoonnvveerrssiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

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Table 16. Horizontal Right (continued)

Figure 25. All other models

Checkout Procedures

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