Running Strong for American Indian Youth FY12 Annual Report

American Indian Youth Running Strong ® 2012 Annual Report Working Together to Improve the Future for American Indian Youth


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Transcript of Running Strong for American Indian Youth FY12 Annual Report

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American Indian Youth Running Strong®

2012 Annual Report

Working Together to Improve the Future for American Indian Youth

Page 2: Running Strong for American Indian Youth FY12 Annual Report

Who We AreMissionTo help American Indian people meet their immediate survival needs –— food, water, and shelter — while implementing and supporting programs designed to create opportunities for self-sufficiency and self-esteem, especially for Native youth.


Board of Directors Running Strong is governed by a five-member volunteer Board of Directors.

Our Advisory Board is composed of a special group of leaders who help ensure that our programs preserve, promote and respect Indian culture and values. Please visit our website for a list of Advisory Board members.


Field Staff

Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota)The only American to have ever won a gold medal in the 10,000 meter race, Billy has dedicated his life to improving and enriching the lives of American Indian youth. Born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Billy understood the serious and detrimental problems American Indians face. In 1986, he teamed up with Gene Krizek, Founder of Christian Relief Services Charities, to form Running Strong. Since then, Billy and Running Strong have strived to provide American Indians with the tools they need to achieve self-sufficiency and happy healthy lives. In 2013, Billy was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second highest civilian award in the United States, second only to the Presidential Medal of Freedom, in recognition of his service to help American Indian Families through Running Strong for American Indian Youth®.

v Food Distribution and Nutrition v Water Wells v Youth v Culture and Language

v Housing v Women’s and Children’s Healthv Seasonal Assistance

James J. O’Brien, Esq., Chairman Founding Partner, O’Brien Law LLCKatsi Cook (Akwesasne Mohawk), Secretary Executive Director, First Environmental CollaborativeEmil Her Many Horses (Oglala Lakota), Treasurer Assistant Curator, Smithsonian National Museum of the

American Indian

Ashley Wahiaronkwas Morris (Mohawk of Kahnawake), DirectorClyde B. Richardson, Director

Pine Ridge (South Dakota) and Nebraska Tom Kanatakeniate Cook (Akwesasne Mohawk)[email protected]

Pine Ridge (South Dakota)Dave Lone Elk (Oglala Lakota)[email protected]

Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota), National SpokespersonLauren Haas Finkelstein, Executive DirectorAudrey Stevens (San Carlos Apache), Administrative Assistant

Dave Frank, Fulfillment ManagerVictoria Tamayo, VistaCorps [email protected]

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Page 3: Running Strong for American Indian Youth FY12 Annual Report

Running Strong for American Indian Youth® strives to improve life for American Indian youth and their families — one well, one garden, one child at a time. We do so with the commitment of the local communities and the contributed resources from individuals, like you, around the country.

Our National Spokesperson, Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota), is an Olympic hero who grew up on an Indian reservation facing many of the challenges Native children still face today. Every day we say loudly “Be proud of who you are! You can do it!” With Billy and the help of caring Americans nationwide, we work to make sure their life stories prove it.


2 Department of Veterans Affairs, Report on American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) Servicemembers and Veterans, September 2012.

3 “Pine Ridge, South Dakota (SD) Poverty Rate Data - Information about Poor and Low Income Residents.” Pine Ridge, South Dakota (SD) Poverty Rate Data. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <>.

4 Kristof, Nicholas D. “Poverty’s Poster Child.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 10 May 2012. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <>.

5 Administration for Children and Families, Press Release, August 16, 2012.

v There are 566 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes in the U.S. These tribes are distinct sovereign governments, possess a nationhood status and retain inherent powers of self government.1

v Native Americans serve at a high rate in the U.S. Armed Forces and have a higher concentration of female Servicemembers than all other Servicemembers.2

v American Indian children suffer from some of the highest poverty in the nation: 76.5% of children on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota are at or below the poverty line.3

v Rampant health disparities challenge the Indian Health Services’ limited resources. Diabetes affects over half the population of adults over 40, and tuberculosis is eight times higher than the national average on Pine Ridge.4

v Of the 245 indigenous languages in the United States, 65 are already extinct and 75 are near extinction. Yet in many Native communities, the language is thriving while in others, community members work diligently to keep their language and culture alive.5

v In many Native communities, close to 50% of the reservation population is under 18. These children are our future.

Indian Country - Today

Indian Country - 1775

Maps courtesy Market Development Group

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water is lifeThe Lakota people say mni wiconi or “water is life.” Running Strong began working on Pine Ridge in 1986, when the Tribal President, Joe American Horse, identified water as the greatest single need on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Water Is Life for a Pine Ridge FamilyMany Oglala families live in relative isolation without running water forcing them to rely on twice weekly water deliveries, share with their relatives or haul water for miles, using whatever containers they can find. Today, Running Strong has completed nearly 400 wells, working with American Indian-owned Wild Goose Well Drilling Company to give the gift of water while putting local Native workers to work.

Charlene E.E., a single mother, was finding it hard to get any type of help on the reservation. Then, she found Running Strong’s Water Well program.

Charlene and her family recently took a big step in financing a new mobile home after living in overcrowded conditions in her parents’ home where a total of 13 adults and children were living in a four bedroom home.

She decided to buy a mobile home so she could have better living conditions and figured she would try to pay for digging a well and putting in a septic tank, one step at a time. In the meantime, she and her kids hauled water from her parents’ home, which is about 150 yards away, and showered there.

Running Strong stepped in to help dig a well for Charlene and her family. She thanked Tunkashila (God) for an answer to her prayers. She then received a letter stating a septic tank was going to be provided, which made her very happy.

Charlene is deeply grateful for the assistance she received from Running Strong made possible by you, our loyal friends and supporters.

“I don’t know what I would have done if your

organization did not exist. Your help is greatly needed

and very appreciated.”v Charlene E.E., water well recipient

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Running Strong and Wild Goose Well Drilling (a Native run and owned small business) drilled five wells and completed one hookup to the tribal waterline.

v Wells average 200 feet deep and cost approximately $14,373.80.

v These new wells gave fresh, clean water to 25 people, 12 of whom are children under the age of 18.

2 Running Strong for American Indian Youth® v 2012 Annual Report

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planting the seeds

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Rainbow Tree had over 620 community members assist them, 249 of them whom are children.

v Four successful workshops/Head Start Socials and 76 educators trained on healthy eating habits and gardening.

v Sixteen community gardens have directly aided 128 community members.

“I’m tired of everyone saying that good things can’t happen here. That no one cares. I care. We

all care. I like the Rainbow Tree because it gives us young people a chance to show everyone, the

doubters, that we do care. That we are making a

difference.”v Helene S. (age 18), Can Wigmunke

(The Rainbow Tree), youth leader

Building Community through Organic GardensCan Wigmunke (The Rainbow Tree) encourages closeness and self-sufficiency within the families, youth and schools of Pine Ridge through community and school gardens.

Can Wigmunke helps community members plant an average of 34 varieties of fruit and vegetables. Close to 50 varities are planted in Can Wigmunke’s demonstration garden to test conditions and gardening methods and show what grows best in South Dakota’s weather. Ongoing Running Strong support helps till land and educate about best practices, including extending the season with the use of the 28’ x 48’ Running Strong greenhouse (built in 2011). A weekly farmers’ and gatherers’ market and newly opened store provide opportunities for local gardeners and the program to market their produce.

Anthony and Faith B. received a garden, as did their neighbor they had been “feuding” with. Both families received plants, seeds and training, but were required to share a hose and bait bag. Both gardens are doing well (despite grasshoppers) and the families are working together to care for their gardens.

Please visit to learn more about the gardening programs including:

v the Slim Buttes Agricultural Development Program

v the Cheyenne River Youth Project® Winyan Toka Win (Leading Lady) Children’s Garden

v the Brave Heart Society’s Good Heart Garden

Since 1989, Running Strong has been partnering with community-based gardening programs to help American Indian families grow their own food.

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building THE FUTURE

Providing Room to GrowThe Cheyenne River Youth Project® has two thriving youth centers, “The Main” and Cokata Wiconi (Circle of Life) Teen Center. The Main offers children ages 5–13 a safe and productive environment seven days a week. Cokata Wiconi caters to the 13–18 age groups and provides teens with educational and exciting recreational opportunities. Cheyenne River kids can enjoy art and dance space, library, internet cafe and play indoor basketball.

Running Strong offers scholarships to youth-based programs to use the Teen Center’s many creative spaces. This year, Achieve Highpoints, a math tutoring program, successfully applied for space for kids in grades 3–6 to receive tutoring. The program was a success and the students made progress. Now their math scores range from 98%-100%.

Please visit to learn more about the youth programs including:

v Indian Youth of America

v Chickaloon, Ya Ne Dah Ah School

v Backpacks filled with new school supplies

v New athletic shoes

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Over 400 children were directly served, most on a daily basis, by programs hosted by the Cheyenne River Youth Project®.

v Ongoing programs at “The Main” included basketball practices and summer camps, summer cooking camp, star quilting class, math tutoring, health and development screenings, and family visits for children living in foster care.

v Distributed 885 backpacks (out of a total of 3,000 nationwide) of school supplies to children living on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation through the Cheyenne River Youth Project® and local schools.

“The Tiny Tots Dance Room is used for teaching

dance and ballet to the community youth and children. The best part

about it was the mirrors. They help the girls practice

and they truly enjoy learning how to dance.”v Ginny W., Tiny Tots dance instructor

Running Strong is working to create a new generation of American leaders who demonstrate healthy lifestyles and pride in who they are.

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Keeping Our Ways

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Nine girls went through the Isnati Awicadowanpi (Coming of Age Ceremony), making a total of 90 girls since Brave Heart’s beginning. 76 community members were also involved in the ceremony.

v 240 people attend Brave Heart’s 30 session Language Nest at the Brave Heart Lodge.

v Brave Heart also hosted a Hunting and Gathering camp, a rite of passage for young men. Eight young men, their families, and community members were involved in this traditional ritual.

Living for the Future by Connecting to the PastLocated on the Yankton Sioux Indian Reservation, the Brave Heart Society is dedicated to bringing back and preserving traditional knowledge and customs to create resilient families with strong cultural foundations. The Brave Heart Society also teaches their traditional ways and language to aid Dakota girls who have been affected by trauma and abuse.

In 1994, the Brave Heart Society revived the Isnati Awicadowanpi, or “Coming of Age” Ceremony for girls. 2012 was the first year the Isnati Awicadowanpi was coordinated by girls who recently completed the ceremony. This proactive effort reflects how this ceremony, as well as the other traditional cultural gatherings Brave Heart Society offers, has helped raised self-esteem, efficacy and appreciation for cultural knowledge in Dakota youth.

Please visit to learn all about our culture and language programs including:

v Euchee Language Project

v First Environment Collaborative

v Exhibitions at the National Museum of the American Indian

v Little White Buffalo Project

“Our people, they were once known for being

great orators. Then, our voices were taken. You

must find your voice. These are our ways. This is our

education. All we must do is walk gently and listen.”

v Brook S.E., Brave Heart Society community member

Running Strong ensures that future generations know the wisdom of their ancestors by supporting efforts to revitalize traditional ways and share knowledge from elders to the next generation of American Indian youth.

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2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v 300 pre-K through 3rd grade children at the Menominnee Indian School District received Smart Sacks each weekend, totaling 9,000 sacks of food for the 2011–2012 academic school year.

v The Menominee Indian School District won Silver in the USDA US Healthier School Challenge for meeting rigorous standards for school meals, physical activity, and nutrition education. They are the first school on an Indian Reservation in the Midwest to place in this challenge.

One Child at a TimeRunning Strong supports the Menominee Indian School District in Keshena, Wisconsin with the Smart Sacks Program, which gives students nutritious foods to take home on the weekends and school breaks when they don’t have a free school lunch.

A family of seven children attend the Menominee Indian School District (MISD) schools and four of the siblings receive the Smart Sacks. The parent informed Wendell Waukau, the school superintendent of MISD, how much the healthy food items were helping them on the weekends. So the school decided to pack “a few extra items” for their older siblings who were unable to participate in the program.

The parent was very appreciative and grateful for Running Strong and the school’s generosity. Five of the seven students are doing well in school and the other two have enrolled in summer school and receive other resources from the school and local community agencies.

Thanks to Running Strong’s support, over 300 children receive Smart Sacks each week. Now MISD is looking for resources to expand it to the other 120 kids in the upper grades.

Please visit to learn more about our food distribution and nutrition programs including:

v Food distribution

v Summer Youth Feeding Program

v Seasonal food

v Fresh fruit and vegetables for kids

“Thank you so much for this program.

It’s worthwhile and teaches the children about nutritious and

healthy food choices.” v Gloria, grandmother of kindergarten student at a Menominee Indian school

Many children living on Indian Reservations qualify for the Federal Free Lunch Program. Without free school meals on the weekend many children and their families struggle to have enough to eat.

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Stabilizing the FrameworkIn April 2012, Running Strong began construction of a new home for Cordelia W.E., an instrumental force in establishing child welfare programs on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Despite dedicating her life to making the lives of families easier on Pine Ridge, she herself lived in a dilapidated trailer. Last January, her pipes froze and her furnace went out. She didn’t have any water in the trailer.

Three years ago, Cordelia’s husband Charlie died. Charlie had always taken care of the house. “I had no idea how to do any of those things,” she said, “it all seemed to come down at once. It almost seemed unbearable. I can’t find the words to describe how much this new home means to me and my family.”

The need for housing on Pine Ridge is great. Every house or trailer on the reservation, no matter its condition is typically overcrowded because the need for housing is so great. There will be three generations living in Cordelia’s new home, including her daughter and three grandchildren.

Additionally, Running Strong helps families on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation repair their homes. This year, repairs ranged from replacing insulation, doors, heaters, bathroom fixtures, water lines, water heaters, windows, drywall, and roofs.

Please visit to learn more about our housing programs including:

v Home repairs

v The Timber project

v Oglala Sioux Tribe Partnership for Housing

A Place to Call HOME

Homes of Honor is a program that gives tribal members new homes for having dedicated their lives to improving the quality of life for others on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Running Strong constructed its third “Homes of Honor” house on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to provide families with a safe and stable living environment.

v Each home is highly insulated to keep it cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

v Running Strong completed 17 home repairs for families living on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. These repairs served 88 people including 53 children.

“You opened up your hearts and what you

gave us was incredible. This is a dream

come true.” v Cordelia W.E.,

Homes of Honor recipient

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the season for giving

2012 Program & Services Spotlight

v Running Strong provided toys to and supported holiday parties for eight American Indian communities in South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Oklahoma and Montana during the holiday season.

v Over 5,000 children received toys for Christmas.

v Running Strong helped fund eight holiday parties, which gave over 2,000 children and families the chance to celebrate Christmas.

v Running Strong provided over 2,200 children and adults with new warm coats with hoods in Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, New Mexico, Washington, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Staying Warm for the WinterFrom a homeless mother and her children, to a 15-year-old girl living in a shelter, to the many children on the Cheyenne River Sioux Indian Reservation sending letters to Santa, Running Strong is helping to make the holiday season special. The Christmas parties allow parents to see joy in their childrens’ faces. Pat Gordon, from Sioux City Iowa’s Indian Youth of America, witnesses firsthand the joy and happiness on the faces of the children during this annual Christmas event.

Along with Christmas comes the harsh Winter season in the Northern Plains. Running Strong helps families survive these harsh winters by providing new coats to American Indian families who often have to face below zero temperatures, continuous snow and countless blizzards. Many families cannot afford new winter coats and try to reuse what they have.

A young boy in Sioux City, Iowa was using safety pins to hold his old coat together because his zipper was broken. The youth worker at his after school program told Running Strong that his mother could not afford to buy him a coat. She is a single mom who works two jobs and struggles to make ends meet. She doesn’t own a vehicle and they must rely on public transportation and walking so having a warm winter coat is a necessity for this young boy. Thanks to Running Strong supporters, he has a brand new coat!

Please visit to learn more about our seasonal programs including:

v Emergency Heat matches

v New warm blankets

v Toys for Tribes Christmas toy drive

“We provided new winter coats to five children who

are homeless and living in a shelter with their mom. The family recently lost their home and most of their belongings. The

children were surprised that they got to keep the coats because they were new and they didn’t have

to pay for them.”Pat G., Indian Youth of America

For American Indian children that suffer the effects of poverty everyday, simple items like new toys or clothes are often an unaffordable luxury. Running Strong witnesses these children handle the reality of their lives with grace and humility.

8 Running Strong for American Indian Youth® v 2012 Annual Report

.44%Other Income


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Thank you for your generous support! We couldn’t do it without you.

To see a complete list of individuals and organizations that provided sustaining support in 2012 visit

A big “Thank You” to Federal and military employees who donated through the Combined Federal Campaign and participants in state and corporate campaigns across the country for their generous support.

Make American Indian children part of your legacy. Please consider Running Strong in your estate planning. Visit

2012 Financial Summary Year ended June 30, 2012

The financial results depicted are derived from the Running Strong for American Indian Youth® June 30, 2012 consolidated financial statements which contain an unqualified audit opinion. Our complete, audited financial statements and 990 can be obtained online at or by calling (703) 317-9881.

Income* Expenses*Excludes unrealized and realized gains and losses on investments.

9.99%Cash Contributions

from Affiliates$334,718

.44%Other Income


62.69%Noncash Contributions


97.4%Program Services


2.6%Management, General, Development & Fundraising


Fiscal Year 2012 Total Income: $3,349,088



.78%Grants from

Government Agencies$26,069

Fiscal Year 2012 Total Expenses: $3,661,150

Breakdown of Program Expenses

Healthy Food 47.78% $ 1,703,750

Family Services 20.18% $ 719,740

Youth 19.62% $ 699,805

Housing 4.22% $ 150,564

Mother & Child Health 3.26% $ 116,282

Culture & Language 2.66% $ 94,797

Water 2.27% $ 81,080

Fiscal Year 2012 Program Services


97.4% of our expenses go to program services!!

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8301 Richmond HighwayAlexandria, Virginia 22309

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Billy Mills (Oglala Lakota), National Spokesperson