Running It as Business

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  • 7/31/2019 Running It as Business


    Running IT like a Business Helps

    Drive High Performance at Accenture

  • 7/31/2019 Running It as Business



    As the worlds leadingglobal managementconsulting, technology

    services and outsourcingcompany, Accenture hasgrown exponentially in thepast decade. By helpingcompanies and governmentsbecome high-performancebusinesses, Accenturesrevenues have increasedmore than 100% percentsince fiscal year 2002 to$23.39 billion in fiscalyear 2008. The number ofemployees has more thandoubled over the sameperiod to 186,000 in 49countries.

    A cornerstone of Accenturessuccess is its technologyleadership. Not only does

    the company leverageinformation technology (IT)to help its clients reachstrategic goals, Accentureis leading a revolution inhow organizations planfor, buy and manage ITresources. By shedding thenearly universal approachof managing IT as acost center, AccenturesCIO Organization hasfundamentally improvedthe companys IT efficiencyand effectiveness whilesignificantly lowering IT

    costs. Accenture has built arobust growth engine that isa key driver in its own high

    performance by running ITas a business.

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    Business challengeAs Accenture prepared to spin off from

    its parent company in the late 1990s,

    it created its own IT organization.

    The CIO Organizations first order

    of business was to replicate and

    populate Accentures IT systems, which

    had been managed by the parent

    company. While the legacy systems

    allowed Accenture to make a smooth

    transition to independence and then

    shortly thereafter go public, the CIO

    Organization felt they fell far short

    of what the fast-growing, global

    company needed to drive its business.

    In 2001, Accentures employees

    numbered 75,000. To support them,

    the CIO Organization managed

    more than 600 global applications

    on multiple technology platforms.

    More than 1,500 local applications

    also were in use. The IT organization

    accounted for 4 percent of the

    companys workforce, and IT

    activities consumed nearly 6 percent

    of Accentures net revenues.

    Many IT organizations can tell youtheir payroll and depreciation costs

    as well as expenses associated with

    maintenance contracts. Far fewer

    can tell you who their internal

    customers are, articulate the services

    they provide or quantify the cost

    and value of those services. And

    we were in the same boat, says

    Accenture CIO Frank Modruson.

    We knew we needed to move

    away from that traditional IT

    management approach. We

    wanted to create a new model

    for delivering value and providing

    better support for the growing

    Accenture enterprise, he says.

    After all, IT is in Accentures DNA.

    Since its founding decades ago

    as one of the first technology

    consultancies, it has been a

    technology innovatorand the CIO

    Organization wanted to sustain this

    distinctive capability. Accordingto Accenture research, distinctive

    capabilities are one of the three

    building blocks of high performance,

    allowing companies to distinguish

    themselves from competitors and

    outperform industry peers.

    Accentures High Performance

    Business research also reinforces the

    importance of taking IT operations

    to a new level of excellence. High

    performers use IT as a strategicasset. They do not see IT as a tool

    for controlling costs; they make it

    the conduit for truly focusing on

    customers, producing real-time,

    actionable information for decision-

    making and enabling innovation.

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    What Accenture didTo transform its operations,

    Accenture formed a small team led

    by Robert Kress, senior director-

    CIO Organization to define a new IT

    strategy. The goal: Become a true

    service organization that operates

    like a business within the business.

    After months of effort, the group

    laid out the five pillars of the

    new IT operating model:

    1. Develop IT plans tied directly

    to Accentures business goals

    2. Create an IT governance model

    that closely involves Accentures

    top business leaders in planning

    and aligning IT initiatives

    with corporate priorities

    3. Build a managed services approach

    that allows internal customers to

    better meet their business needs

    by choosing from a portfolio of

    products and service levels

    4. Prove value by establishing

    and tracking key metrics

    5. Stay close to customers through

    regular communication

    Kress team then developed amulti-year plan that mapped out

    several stages for transitioning

    to the new model. At the starting

    point, the CIO Organization looked

    like many IT departments, with

    costs centralized and no products

    or service levels defined. Stage 2

    called for laying the foundation

    for Accentures new IT strategy.

    The team began building the new

    IT plan based on the plans fromAccentures businesses, factoring in

    everything from expected growth

    in employees and new offerings

    to emerging technology trends. It

    then set priorities and investments

    based on corporate goals and

    projected requirements. One strategic

    imperative, for example, was to

    ensure Accentures increasingly mobile

    workforce had access to an anywhere,

    anytime technology infrastructure that

    enables productivity and collaboration

    among employees and their clients.

    Another was to significantly

    improve IT efficiency. A key part

    of the efficiency effort has been tostandardize, rationalize and centralize

    IT, notes Kress. The CIO Organization

    also developed a workforce strategy

    that focused on building variable

    resources and moving more

    operations to low-cost locations.

    In the quest for greater efficiency,

    the strategic plan called for

    moving Accenture to a single

    technology platform. Of course,

    like the transformation of the CIOOrganization to running IT like a

    business, the transition to the sole

    Microsoft platform took years and

    several implementation phases.

    To more tightly link IT to the business,

    the CIO Organization formed a new

    governance model, with the support

    of the companys senior management.

    While Accentures CIO and his team

    remain responsible for developing

    the IT strategy and plan, major ITdecisions are shaped and vetted by

    the IT Steering Committee, which

    is chaired by Accentures COO and

    includes the chief operating officer

    of every line of business. This level

    of participation has been critical in

    reaching consensus for investments in

    differentiating technology as well as

    for areas to scale back, notes Kress.

    As part of the governance model,

    Accenture also instituted a benefits-realized review process for all IT

    projects. In developing the original

    business case, the business sponsor

    establishes a baseline for business

    benefits, and then reviews the

    proposal with the IT Steering

    Committee. Once a project is green-

    lighted, the CIO Organization monitors

    progress and reports on benefits.

    In addition, the CIO Organization

    commissioned the companys internal

    audit group to randomly sample IT

    initiatives and assess benefits in the

    three years after deployment. The

    double scrutiny makes business cases

    more rigorous and moves the most

    business-focused IT investments

    to the top of the IT priority list.

    At the same time, Kress and his

    group worked to define the CIO

    Organizations customers and their

    business needs. In the shift to a

    managed services approach, they

    developed a menu of products and

    services at market-competitive

    costs so internal users could obtain

    the right service at the right level.

    For ease of customer use, the CIO

    Organization formalized an online

    product and service catalog.

    As an example, before launching the

    new approach, Accenture provided a

    one-size-fits-all e-mail service. Under

    the managed services model, it rolled

    out five e-mail offerings that differ

    primarily by storage capacity, with

    the bigger capacities costing more. It

    also decentralized the e-mail decision

    making, shifting to each of Accentures

    13 major geographic regions making

    the decisions on which e-mail

    offerings were needed for their region.

    As a result, the average mailbox size

    dropped in half to 140 megabytes and

    the annual e-mail cost per user fell

    76 percent. By offering more choices,

    the CIO Organization better met its

    customers needs while lowering costs.

    Similarly, internal customers nowchoose among various information

    technology support options. They

    range from using online tutorials

    and other e-support that they access

    themselves, contacting the global help

    desk or relying on in-person support

    in the local offices. Customers can

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    weigh the seriousness of the issue,

    such as resetting a password or

    recovering from a hard-drive crash,

    then select among these options

    each time they need IT support.

    To track how IT costs are generated,

    the CIO Organization developed

    Microsoft-based tools with important

    new reporting capabilities. Specifically,

    it began producing reports by:

    IT product and service


    IT organization structure, which

    shows expenses incurred by different

    areas within the CIO Organization Natural expense, which focuses on

    costs associated with such areas as

    payroll and depreciation and feeds

    into Accentures corporate financial

    reporting process

    The new reporting capabilities

    allow the CIO Organization to

    better align and manage IT spend

    with business priorities while at

    the same time driving efficiency

    and productivity gains.

    Beyond these measures, the CIO

    Organization established key metrics

    aligned with three overarching IT

    strategic goals to assess its overall

    performance in adding business value:

    1. IT contribution to the business,

    as measured by business

    sponsor satisfaction, customer

    satisfaction, market image and

    quantifiable business benefits

    2. IT operational excellence,evaluated by such measures as IT

    cost as a percent of total revenue,

    IT workforce as a percent of total

    employees, and IT expense per person

    3. Best-in-class workplace, assessed

    by tracking such metrics as employee

    engagement, employee attrition,

    attrition of top performers and

    percent of training budget spent

    To guide day-to-day activities and give

    the technology executive team timelyinformation for decision-making, the

    CIO Organization built a strategic IT

    performance scorecard that reports

    on these key measures quarterly.

    With these changes in place,

    Accenture moved into the stepped-

    up execution phase. Kress and his

    team defined new job roles for IT

    product managers and began active

    cost and performance management.

    The team set and began managing

    to specific product service levels.

    It established product-specific

    pricing based on actual cost and

    benchmarked to industry. In addition,

    the CIO Organization streamlined and

    centralized its IT procurement process

    while adding greater accountability.

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    It also began charging its internal

    customers for IT services when

    it made business sense and will

    motivate appropriate behavior

    change. E-mail and tech support ischarged to employees geographic

    units to motivate the geographies

    to select services to meet the

    business needs and control demand

    for unlimited services. Alternatively,

    Accentures wide area network is

    used globally so it is provided across

    the company as part of Accentures

    overall corporate IT costs.

    Accenture is now in the strategic

    stage of IT management, with asharpened focus on IT effectiveness.

    Building on the previous changes, the

    team has developed strong demand

    and supply management capabilities.

    IT products and service plans are

    closely aligned to customer needs and

    business decisions are based on clearly

    understood costs and business value.

    Our IT strategy continues to evolve

    as the business changes and as we

    have matured as an IT organization,

    notes Kress. We keep finding ways

    to add more value to the business.

    One of the latest is the recently

    launched Accenture People application,

    an internal social networking site.

    Employees post information about

    their work skills and projects, as well

    as hobbies and interests. The new

    site helps Accenture employees find

    resources and experts quickly, as they

    prepare new business proposals or

    seek help on tough business problems.

    One team located an enterprise search

    expert in 10 minutes using Accenture

    People. At the same time, the team

    also tried the only way Accenture

    had to track down such people before

    launching its social networking

    siteusing e-mail to network for

    possible experts. This approach took

    two days to produce a nameand

    it was the same person the team

    found through Accenture People.

    Another initiative focuses onenhancing collaboration capabilities

    so Accenture teams around the

    world can work together more

    easily. The CIO Organization has

    installed high-definition video

    conferencing, telepresence, in

    multiple offices, with more cities

    to be added. One team working

    with a large beverage company has

    already replaced its monthly client

    telephone call with telepresence.

    By running IT like a business, we havebecome much more strategic in our decision-making, more efficient and more responsiveto our customers needs, says Kress. Best

    of all, because we can accurately monitor

    and measure the business value we deliver,we are able to improve our operations tosupport Accentures efforts to sustain its highperformance. At the same time, this enablesus to help our clients to become

    high-performance businesses.

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    Hardware and network 110,300 workstations deployed

    5,464 devices monitored

    5,366 servers managed

    8,091 megabytes network bandwidth managed

    Websites 43,000 unique visitors to Accenture Portal per day

    26,200 unique visitors to per day

    50,000 unique search queries per day

    Applications 356 global applications

    195 local applications supported

    Single instance global SAP ERP

    Collaboration 131,000 e-mail accounts

    5.9 million e-mail messages per day

    4.6 million spam messages blocked

    1.3 million clean messages

    725 Telepresence hours per month

    12,500 SharePoint sites

    22,000 mobile devices (Blackberry/Windows)

    29.8 million audio conferencing minutes per month

    Support 1,098,600 resolved incidents per year through help desk, eSupport, web chat, local support

    621,400 eSupport logins

    High PerformanceDeliveredBy any measure, Accentures

    CIO Organization has achieved a

    dramatically improved performance

    since it began running IT like a

    business. For one, it has made

    remarkable improvements in

    IT operations, including:

    Reducing IT spending by 24 percent

    between fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2007

    Lowering IT expense per person by

    60 percent during the same period,

    even as the workforce has grown by

    100,000 employees

    Halving IT spending as a percent of

    net revenues since fiscal 2001

    In a comparison of the worlds largest

    IT services companies, a leading

    industry analyst found that Accenture

    ranked best on three critical measures:

    lowest IT expense as a percent of

    net revenue, smallest IT workforce

    as percent of total employees and

    lowest IT expense per employee.

    In addition to these valuable gains

    in productivity and efficiency, ITcontribution to the business is now

    clear and undisputed. Being able

    to measure business value at all is

    a major achievement. Even more

    impressive are the results. IT has

    delivered business benefits of 124

    percentstrongly above the projected

    value from the original business

    cases. Not surprisingly, business

    sponsor satisfaction has significantly

    increased as well, to 81 percent

    from 67 percent in fiscal 2001.

    Customer satisfaction also is rising.

    In surveys on such matters as service

    uptime and the ability of tech

    support to resolve a problem during

    the initial contact, the number of

    satisfied and very satisfied customers

    grew to 83 percent in fiscal 2007,from 71 percent in fiscal 2000.

    Accenture has also made important

    strides in building a best-in-class IT

    operation. Despite bearing the brunt

    of such major change, IT employee

    attrition has dropped to 8 percent in

    fiscal 2007 from 14 percent in fiscal

    2004. Attrition of top performers

    has fallen even further, to 3 percent

    from 7 percent in fiscal 2004.

    Putting in place this innovative IT operating strategy has given the CIO Organization

    the essential platform for meeting Accentures complex and expanding technology

    requirements. Its scope includes:

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    About Accenture

    Accenture is a global managementconsulting, technology services and

    outsourcing company. Combiningunparalleled experience, comprehensive

    capabilities across all industries andbusiness functions, and extensive research

    on the world's most successful companies,Accenture collaborates with clients tohelp them become high-performance

    businesses and governments. With morethan 186,000 people in 49 countries,

    the company generated net revenues ofUS$23.39 billion for the fiscal year endedAug. 31, 2008. Its home page is

    Copyright 2008 AccentureAll rights reserved.

    Accenture, its logo, and

    High Performance Deliveredare trademarks of Accenture.
