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Transcript of Rules

ABOUT SPEECHESNo delegate may speak to the forum without obtaining the permission of the Presidency.The Presidency may warn a delegate if statements do not concerning to the issue discussed or if the statement does not align with the position of the country represented.The Presidency can propose at the start of the debate the time limit of the speech, limit each speaker with the basics.The unused time: A delegate recognized to communicate his official position may transfer the unused time in one of the following ways: In another delegation; A question; To the tableWhen the time is transferred to questions, depending on the time the President elect one ortwo delegates who wish to ask a question about the content of the speech. Inside of these questions it does not allowed a preamble and subsequent. If the question is rhetoric or poorly designed, the Presidency may draw attention to the delegate.Comments: if there is time at the end of a speech, the moderator has the option to elect two delegates to comment about the speech, during 30 seconds each one. Delegates cannot give their time to another one. Comments are not allowed during the debate or procedural motions.MOTIONS OF PROCEDUREThe procedural motion may be used to propose an option to the normal course of the debate. President may deny or accept or vote on the proposal. In order to Presidency consider a procedural motion this must be seconded by another country present in the room. If so, the motion will be accepted.Procedural Motions are:1. The opening of the Agenda;2. The reconsideration vote;3. The establishment of Extraordinary Sessions Questions;4. Moderate Caucus, simple and formal debate.Procedural motion to set the agenda: A motion to put a first issue on the agenda will be in order. a list of speakers will be established "for" and "against" the motion; the delegates "for" speak in favor of the proposed topic, and "against" speak in favor of the other one. Debate on Agenda is complete after at least 2 or 1 delegate "for" and "against" have spoken. After closing the debate, the committee will be voted on the motion of the subject that it requires a simple majority. If the motion fails, the other issue becomes the First on the agenda. A motion to proceed to the second issue will be in order only if a resolution was adopted or rejected the first theme.Procedural motion to open the list of speakers:This motion is one of the first in implement order to open the forum, a delegate proposes a voluntary proposal once, he will be the first to be recorded in the list of speakers delegates, the delegate who seconded this motion will be scored second. When the motion is opened, the moderator called for delegates who wish to be added to it and delegates will raise their placards to be recognized by the President. When he called them, delegates will have two minutes to speak and present the official position.A nation will be able to add its name to the list of speakers by sending a request by Courier to the table (if not noted on the list of speakers). The names of the list Speakers will always be recorded for each committee convenience. This list will never close.Procedural motion to establish a special session of delegated questions:When the delegate finishes his speaking the forum topic is once again opens and the motion is in order. The delegate who made the motion shall be suitable for the first question and the delegate seconds the motion establishes the number of questions, minimum 2 maximum 5.Short Preamble: at the time for a question, the interpolating may request to the Presidency to make a short preamble.Subsequent Question: After heard the response of the delegation questioned the same delegate may apply to the President to establish a subsequent question. In this one you cannot say a brief preamble. The Bureau shall decide if the preamble is applicable. Only one subsequent question is allowed.Procedural motion to close the session:Normally the table is who recommended one in order to provide a break scheduled. However, a delegate can promote the close of trading on any time while this one is not interrupting the speaker. This suspends all functions of the Committee until a future meeting.The Presidency may consider the motion out of order and not be subject to appeal.It can be considered out of order if the motion is made before three quarters of the time of the session. This motion is not debatable and should be put a vote immediately, after being seconded. Absolute majority is required for approval.CAUCUS SIMPLE, MODERATE, INFORMAL DISCUSSION AND PRIVATE MEETINGSSimple Caucus:It is an informal meeting that performs the delegations, where they can discuss openly. You may use a procedural motion to establish a Simple Caucus at any time during the session, without cause any interruption to another member. The delegate has to give a brief explanation about the Simple Caucus purpose and specify the duration, which it must between five and twenty minutes.The president can take the final decision to consider this motion out of order. In the event that the President is satisfied and the motion is in order, it is required that the motion is seconded, and then put it to vote, with majority requirement to pass. It is possible to extend the Simple Caucus using Motion Procedure. However, its out of order to request an extension on the extension of the Simple Caucus. The Presidency has the authority to call attention to delegates for the inappropriate use of Simple Caucus.Moderate Caucus:This Caucus is used to facilitate discussions that may have a large impact on decision making. Because of this, the list of speakers is suspended. The delegation who requests this Caucus has a duty to moderate it, and can intervene at the beginning. A Motion Procedure that seeks to establish a moderated caucus is in order for all meeting, but it cannot interrupt to a speaker.The delegate has to give a brief explanation about the purpose of Moderate Caucus and specify the duration, which must be between five and twenty minutes. The president can take the final decision to consider this motion out of order. In the event that the President is satisfied that the motion is in order, it is required that the motion is seconded, and then put to the vote, with majority requirement relative to pass. It is possible to extend the Simple Caucus using Motion Procedure. However, this out of order request an extension on the extension of the Caucus.Informal discussion:It is also known as Fourth Intermediate or Caucus. This debate involves suspending the formal rules of debate and the list of speakers and allows you to perform conversations more fluid and dynamic. There are two types of informal discussion for the model. The first, Informal discussion Moderate, involves the temporary suspension of the use of the list of speakers. Delegates can raise the hand or the placard for the presidency and he will give you the chance to speak. It does not exist a minimum time limit for this debate, but it is advisable for Delegates are brief, so that other delegates can participate.The other type is the informal discussion without moderation, which involves the temporary suspension of the use of the list of speakers as well as the performance of the presidency to moderate session. Delegates can leave their places, discuss and establish negotiations directly.Private Sessions:If it is necessary, if there is not a consensus through messaging, delegates may request private meetings outside the meeting room. The request will be sent to the Presidency by courier. The Presidency will be the only responsible for approving or deny the request and shall notify to the committee, this one will have 5 minutes. If its approved in closed session, it must necessarily be accompanied by a personal messenger. Delegates when they re-enter to the room after the private session, they must inform the objectives of the session.POINTSAbout the Points:They are used to present a complaint or claim, it can also be performed in order to ask any question, is a tool that delegates have to enforce their rights and opinions at the table and against other delegates present. With the points you can face all kinds of situations in developing in a formal session but diplomatically.Delegates should note that different valid points are a support for debate, and they may never use for inappropriately way or worse yet without knowledge about their true function. There are the following points: Point of Personal Privilege. Point of Order. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry.Point of Personal Privilege:This point is used to protect the rights of each of the delegates at the room, especially when a delegate needs to express an incorrect behavior or inappropriate language by any delegate or a member of the table or when a delegate cannot hear the speaker. As inappropriate behavior, It means the use of hostile terms, incorrect or inaccurate information, poor posture or excessive gesticulation.The Point of Personal Privilege may interrupt delegates and the table in use of the word, but it must be used with discretion and used when it is necessary. If the item is used, the delegation that uses it can be subject to a warning low consideration of the Presidency. If a delegate cannot see a projected text or he is uncomfortable with the temperature of the meeting room, or any other non-emergency situation, table must be informed by mail.Point of Order:Point of Order is used when a delegate noted that it has a mistake with the procedures. ThePoint of Order has the power to interrupt any delegate or the Presidency when they are speaking but it must be used with discretion. The President may be considered it out of order these points or inappropriate and that decision is indisputable. If its necessary, the Bureau may terminate the right to use these points and a warning to the delegation.Point of Parliamentary Inquiry:Point of Parliamentary Inquiry is a request for clarification of the procedure for optimizes the debate. The President or the judge may refuse Point. This point cannot interrupt the speaker at any time of his participation.The Right of Reply:A delegate whose personal or national integrity has been insulted or violated by anyinappropriate comment by another delegate may request a Right of Reply, whichIt must be sent by written message to the table. The President shall decide whether to grant this one and his decision is final and indisputable in any situation. Its duration will take up to a minute. The law recognizes the offense and argued its position against, but this is not a license to respond provocatively. A Right of Reply over another Right of Reply is considered out of order.WORK SHEETSWork sheets:The commission may consider worksheets proposed by the delegates. These may assist in the discussion and formulation of resolutions; they dont need to be written in resolution format. Sponsors delegates will be called to contribute the main ideas and that these are firmly according to the worksheet. You only can become a sponsor of a worksheet and can be no more than five sponsors per sheet. You may sign more than one worksheet by a delegation and this means you are open to discuss it, but dont necessarily accept it.For a motion to proceed to present the worksheet it must be recognized to the President, also one or two Sponsors should read the worksheet. To discuss points of the worksheet it will be open a moderated caucus after this has been submitted.RESOLUTIONSA resolution is considered as a possible solution that has been reached in the agreement room by delegations. This must meet the parameters described in the model Annexes. There are three levels for a resolution:1. Draft Resolution: In this, resolution point has been created and not it has a support from other delegations or table.2. Draft Resolution: It is considered a draft resolution when it has been approved by the table and it has the support of submitters and co-submitters.It also may introduce to the forum when this instance happens.3. Official Resolution: When the draft resolution was approved and voted by the room, it is considered as official resolution of the topic in that order of the agenda.The structure of the Draft Resolution:A preliminary draft resolution consists in a manifesto of proposals that a delegation seeks to be adopted, in order to be adopted by the countries of the committee.Statements treaties and conventions can be included. And it becomes a Project resolution after approval. At present a draft resolution to the committee, the delegation will be considered as a Submitter country and you need the support of two Countries Co-submitters to the proposal who should be included in the document.The structure of the Draft Resolution:The Draft Resolution should be divided into two parts. An introductory which the actions must be argued and also you shall refer to the Charter of theUnited Nations, international treaties, previously approved resolutions and well intentions of the writing. Each sentence must begin with a verb.Submitters and co-submitters:The rounds of negotiations to be held at the first day of the model will serve Submitters and co-submitters countries to accommodate and to share their worksheets. From this way can be converted into draft resolutions. In the following days of the Model, Submitters and co-submitters will be occupied to get the guarantees that are necessary. Obtained the necessary signatures, the delegation will present its Draft resolution to the Presidency of their respective committees.Election of the Draft to discuss:If there are several drafts, the Presidency will choose one according the extent and quality of the text, in addition to the sponsorship that this one count by Member States. The Presidency is allowed to perform modifications of form, but not content in both the Preliminary and Resolution approved projects. The changes must be communicated to the committee to be examined. The Draft Resolution to be chosen by thePresidency will be announced at each of the Member States represented in the committee for discussion, amendment and vote.The presentation of the draft resolution:In order to present for discussion the draft resolution, the Presidency called to the Delegations of submitter country and co-submitters to the podium. In first place the submitter delegation will read the Project; and immediately the delegation and two co-submitters delegations shall have a maximum of five minutes to defend it. Then it will be three interpellations. It is available to the Presidency to select the delegates of the interpellations.The discussion of the draft resolution:The discussion of the draft resolution will be two modalities. Caucus Moderate or Discussion List of Speakers in favor, about and against. In the last one Delegate will have a minute to their speeches. The method to follow is decided by the presidency and it can be changed if is necessary.In addition, the Presidency protocol will continue accepting amendments to the draft.The end of the discussion of the draft resolution:When the time of the moderated caucus has finished or the Presidency decided the end of the debate, the list of speakers for closing, against and about will end, and it will continue the formal vote. If the bureau has received proposed amendments, the President will call the delegations to discuss these amendments.OF AMENDMENTSModifications: aggregates amendment, deletes or modifies parts of anyDraft Resolution. An amendment would not be able to change the original essence of subject. Proposed amendments must be submitted in advance to the President. He will be who determine if an amendment is valid; if the answer is yes such delegation should read it to the forum to put to discussion. After reading the Amendment, the delegation will have a minute to be able to talk about the position in favor. When the time has concluded, a delegation shall be able to speak in favor and one against, the President shall determine this. Time for each position will be one minute.Friendly amendments:Once read and explained the amendment, the session will proceed to a vote among the countries submitters and co-submitters, if there is no objection, the amendment is considered approved as friendlyNo amendments Friendly:If there is no agreement among submitters and co-submitter countries, the table recognizes a delegation to talk to favor and one against, both have one minute to intervene, both of them can give their time to the other position if they want. Once the end of the speaking time, the amendment will pass to a voting process across the room, an absolute majority is required for the amendment to be officially approved, and so it will be included in the draft resolution.It will not be an amendment over another amendment previously accepted.VOTING BY ITS TERMSAfter the debate on a draft resolution has concluded, a delegation may make a motion to move the process voting of the different parts of the project proposal or amendment separately. For this movement is in order, it must be seconded and approved by a qualified majority. If the motion passes, it will begin a voting by clause, an absolute majority is required for each one to be approved or rejected.The vote will be by roll in a single round where delegates may vote in favor, against or abstain.If the motion passes, a clause voting starts, a majority still is needed for being approved or rejected.Results of voting by the clause:Substantial parts of the proposal which have been accepted will be integrated again the draft resolution and be subject to the vote as a whole. Whether, if there is a substantial decline of all the parts of the proposal, the draft resolution will be considered fully declined.Motion to close the debate:This motion ends the debate and leads to the formal vote on the draft resolution as a whole. ADOPTION WITHOUT VOTEIf the delegates want to adopt a draft resolution without having voting process, they may propose a motion to take no vote, for which they will need support from across the room.FORMAL / VOTING LISTVoting list: the head table will name in alphabetical order to the countries. It will not be allowed communication of any kind between the delegates during this period, including notesvia the protocol. The voting list is composed of three rounds:First round:Delegates can vote "favor", "against", "abstain" or "pass". It can be ordered a right to explanation if a country do not voted "pass".Second round:Delegates who voted "pass" in the first round of voting must voted "favor", "against "or" abstain ". It can be ordered a right to explanation of the voteRight to explanation:It is the right that have the delegates who voted "for", "against" or"Abstain" in the first or second round to publicize the reasons for their vote. Each explanation it will be ask at the end of the second round with a time of no more 30 seconds.Third round:Once again it will be the vote in alphabetical order "for" or "against". This will be the final vote.Of the majority:The following types of majorities will be used during the Model. Qualified Majority: Represents the vote of two third of the member present and voting; Absolute Majority: Represents the vote of 50 percent plus 1 of the members present and voting; Relative or Simple Majority: It represents one more vote in favor of a particular posture than the posture against it. Unanimity: Represents the entire room.