Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format

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Transcript of Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format

  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


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    Table VII.1. Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use!ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    $roup A 'esidential

    -+ellin#s/+i0ision A1(Residential building/structure for exclusiveuse of single familyoccupants)

    1. Indigenous family dwelling units2. Singledetac!ed units". Sc!ool or company staff !ousing#. Single (nuclear) family dwellings$. %!urc!es or similar places of wors!ip& %!urc! rectories'. %ommunity facilities and social centers. ar*s+ playgrounds+ poc*et par*s+

    par*ways+ promenades and playlots,. %lub!ouses and recreational uses suc!

    as golf courses+ tennis courts+ bas*etballcourts+ swimming pools and similar usesoperated by t!e government or privateindividuals as members!ip organi-ationsfor t!e benefit of t!eir members+ families+

    and guests and not operated primarily for gain.


    1. %ustomary accessory uses incidentalto any of t!e principal uses !oused int!e same ivision 1 (or R1 class)building/structure+ provided t!at suc!accessory uses s!all not include anyactivity conducted for monetary gain or commercial purposes suc! as servants0uarter+ private garage+ guard!ouse+!ome laundries+ noncommercialgarages+ !ouses for pets suc! asdogs+ birds+ rabbits and t!e li*e of notmore t!an #. s0. meters in floor area+ pump !ouses and generator !ouses.

    2. uxiliary uses customarily conducted in

    dwellings and !omes for t!e practiceof ones profession suc! as offices of p!ysicians+ surgeons+ dentists+arc!itects+ engineers+ lawyers andot!er professionals provided t!at suc!professionals are members of t!efamily residing in t!e premises3provided furt!er+ t!at not

    1. reparatory sc!ools+ provided t!att!ey do not exceed t!ree (") classroomsand s!all be located not less t!an $meters from nearest existing sc!ooloffering similar course and are e0uippedwit! ade0uate par*ing or as provided int!e local -oning ordinance.

    2. 4oarding ! ouses w it! no moret!an eig!t () boarders.

    ". 5eig!bor!ood convenience storesselling miscellaneous items+ providedt!at suc! stores s!all not exceed 16 of t!e gross floor area (78) of t!edwelling unit and provided t!at no li0uor

    s!all be allowed for sale.#. udiovideo and computer rental s!ops+provided t!at suc! s!ops s!all notexceed 16 of t!e total floor area of t!edwelling unit.

    $. 9ome occupation engaging in an in!ouse business suc! as dressma*ing+tailoring+ and ba*ing+ provided t!at t!e

    Residential '1  a lowdensityresidential -one+ c!aracteri-edmainly by singlefamily+ singledetac!ed dwellings wit! t!eusual community ancillary useson a neig!bor!ood scale+ suc!as executive subdivisions andrelatively exclusive residentialcommunities w!ic! are notsubdivisions.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      more t!an t!ree (") semiprofessionalassistants are employed at any time+

    t!at in no case t!at  more t!an 26 of t!e floor area of t!e building be usedfor said professional practice or !omeoccupation for engaging an in!ousebusiness suc! as dressma*ing+tailoring+ ba*ing and t!e li*e+ providedt!at t!e number of persons engaged insuc! business/industry s!all notexceed five ($)+ inclusive of t!e owner3t!ere s!all be no c!ange in t!e outsideappearance of t!e bui lding or  premises3 no !ome occupation s!allbe conducted in any customaryaccessory uses cited above3 no traffics!all be generated by suc! !omeoccupation in greater volume t!an

    would normally be expected in aresidential neig!bor!ood and any needfor par*ing generated by t!e conductof suc! !ome occupation s!all be metoff t!e street and in a place ot!er t!anin a re0uired front yard3 no e0uipmentor process s!all be used in suc! !omeoccupation w!ic!

    area used s!all not occupy more t!an26 of t!e total floor area of t!e dwelling

    unit3 t!e  number of persons engaged insuc! business/industry  s!all not exceedt!ree (") inclusive of t!e  owner3 t!eres!all be no c!ange in t!e outsideappearance of t!e building/structure or premises3 no !ome  occupation s!all beconducted in any customary accessoryuse3 no traffic s!all be generated by suc!!ome occupation in greater volume t!anwould normally be expected in aresidential neig!bor!ood and any needfor par*ing generated by t!e conduct of suc! !ome  occupation s!all be met off t!e street and in place ot!er t!an in are0uired front yard3 no e0uipment  or process s!all be used in suc! !ome

    occupation w!ic! creates noise+vibration+ glare+ fumes+ odors or electricalinterference detectable to t!e normalsenses and visual or audible interferencein any  radio or television receivers or causes fluctuation in line voltage of t!epremises.

    '. 9ome industry classified as cottageindustry provided t!at suc! !omeindustry s!all not occupy more t!an

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      creates noise+ vibration+ glare+fumes+ odors or electricalinterference detectable to t!e normalsenses and visual or audible

    interference in any radio or televisionreceivers or causes fluctuation in linevoltage of t!e premises.

    ". 9ome industry classified as cottageindustry provided t!at suc! !omeindustry s!all not occupy more t!an"6 of t!e floor area of t!e dwellingunit3 t!ere s!all be no c!ange or alteration in t!e outside appearance of t!e dwelling unit and s!all not be a!a-ard/nuisance3 allotted capitali-ations!all not exceed t!e capitali-ation asset by t!e epartment of :rade andIndustry (:I)3 s!all consider sameprovisions as enumerated in number 2+rofession or 9ome ;ccupation+ t!is

    Section.#. Recreational facilities for t!e exclusive

    use of t!e members of t!e familyresiding wit!in t!e premises+ suc! asswimming pool+ pelota court+ etc.

    $. Religious use&.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    '. reSc!ool. Sports club

    ,. %linic+ nursing and convalescing!ome+ !ealt! center 

    1. lant nursery

    +i0ision A(residential building fort!e exclusive use ofnonleasing occupantsnot exceeding 1persons)

    1. Singleattac!ed or duplex or town!ouses+ eac! privately owned

    2. Sc!ool dormitories (on campus)". %onvents and monasteries#.

    a. 4asic ' > singleattac!edor duplex building/structure of from one (1) storey up to t!ree(") storeys in !eig!t and wit!eac! unit for separate

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    '. 9ome occupation for t!e practice of ones profession or for engaging in anin!ouse business suc! as dressma*ing+tailoring+ ba*ing+ barber and beautys!ops and t!e li*e+ provided t!at t!e

    area in use s!all not exceed "6 of t!egross floor area (78) of t!e dwellingunit wit! t!e number of personsengaged in suc! business/industry notexceeding ten (1) inclusive of owner3t!ere s!all be no c!ange in t!e outsideappearance of t!e building or premises+no !ome occupation s!all be conductedin any customary accessory use3 notraffic s!all be generated by suc! !omeoccupation in greater volume t!an wouldnormally be expected in a residentialneig!bor!ood and any need for par*inggenerated by t!e conduct of suc! !omeoccupation s!all be met off t!e streetand in a place ot!er t!an in a re0uired

    front yard3 no e0uipment or processs!all be used in suc! !ome occupationw!ic! creates noise+ vibration+ glare+fumes+ odors or electrical interferencedetectable to t!e normal senses and

    use as singlefamily dwellingsand3


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      visual or audible interference in anyradio or television receivers or causes

    fluctuation in line voltage of t!epremises.

    . %ar barns for not more t!an t!ree (")units.

    ,. ?7 retailing wit! a maximum of twenty(2) units of ?7 tan*s at any given time

      1. Recreational facilities suc! as resorts+swimming pools+ club!ouses and similar uses except carnivals and fairs

    11. 4an* branc!es+ savings/loans/lendings!ops.

    12. riving range

    $roup " 'esidential-"uildin#s

    Structures, 8otelsand Apart9ents)

    +i0ision "1 1. ll uses permitted in ivisions 1 and 2 (or for R1 class and R2 class)buildings/structures

    2. ?eased singledetac!ed dwelling unit+cottage wit! more t!an one (1)independent unit and duplexes.

    ". 4oarding and lodging !ouses

    1. ll customary accessory uses allowedin ivisions 1 and 2 (or for R1class and R2 class) buildings/structures

    2. 4ranc! library and museum". 9ometel#. @ocational sc!ool

    1. ll conditional uses in R1 and R2 wit!appropriate regulations

    Residential ': a !ig!densityresidential  use or occupancy+c!aracteri-ed mainly as a lowrise or mediumrise building/structure for exclusive use asmultiple family dwellings wit!mixed !ousing types. R"structure may include lowrise or mediumrise residential

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    #. row!ouse

    building/structure of fromone (1) storey up to t!ree (")storeys in !eig!t and wit!eac! unit for separate useas singlefamily dwellings3and


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    individual lot (a town!ouse unit)and generally refers to t!e

    series or rows of R#buildings/structures wit!in asubdivided lot or property (an R# development).


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    $. %ivic centers+ club!ouses+ lodges+community centers.

    &. %!urc!es+ mos0ue+ temples. s!rines+c!apels and similar places of wors!ip

    '. %ivic or government centers

    . ;t!er types of government buildings

    +i0ision C 1. musement !alls and parlors2.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    $roup + Institutional-$o0ern9ent and8ealth Ser0ices/

    +i0ision +1(Institutional+ w!erepersonal liberties of inmates are restrained+ or0uarters of t!oserendering publicassistance andmaintaining peace andorder)


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    +i0ision +:( Inst itutional+ for  ambulatory patients or c!ildren over  *indergarten age) 

    1. 5ursing !omes for ambulatory patients2. Sc!ool and !ome+ for c!ildren over 

    *indergarten age". ;rp!anages

    $roup % "usinessand;ercantile-Co9


    +i0ision %1(4usiness and

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    c!ange of parts andmaintenance re0uiringno open flames+welding+ or use of !ig!lyflammable li0uids)

    buildings+ display for cars+ tractors+ etc.$. 4us and railways depots and terminals

    and offices&. ort facilities'. irports and !eliport facilities. ll ot!er types of transportation

    complexes,. ll ot!er types of large complexes for 

    public services1. awns!ops+ money s!ops+ p!oto and

    portrait studios+ s!oes!ine/repair stands+retail drugstores+ tailoring and dresss!ops

    &. 9ome appliance store'. !oto s!op. 8lower s!op,. 4a*ery and ba*e s!op1. Dine store11. 7rocery12. Supermar*et1". 4eauty parlor 1#. 4arber s!op1$. Sauna bat! and massage clinic1&. ressma*ing and tailoring s!ops1'.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    11. 4a*es!ops and ba*ery goods stores

    12. Stores for construction supplies andbuilding materials suc! as electrical andelectronics+ plumbing supplies+ ceramicclay cement and ot!er similar productsexcept %94s+ gravel and sand and ot!erconcrete products

    1. laycourt+ e.g.+ tennis+ bowling+billiards

    1,. Swimming pool2. ay/nig!t club21. Stadium+ coliseum+ gymnasium22. ;t!er sports and recreational

    establis!ments2". Restaurants and ot!er eateries2#. S!ort term special education li*e

    dancing sc!ools+ sc!ools for selfdefense+ driving sc!ools+ speec!clinics

    2$. Storeroom and ware!ouse but onlyas may be necessary for t!e efficientconduct of t!e business

    2&. %ommercial !ousing li*e !otel+apartment+ apartel+ boarding !ouse+dormitory+ pension !ouse+club!ouse+ motel

    2'. %ommercial condominium (wit!residential units in upper floors)

    2. Bmbassy/ consulate2,. ?ibrary/museum". 8illing station/service station"1. %linic"2. @ocational/ tec!nical sc!ool"". %onvention center and related


    UTS  (Etilities+ :ransportation

    and Services) F a range of utilitarian/functional uses or occupancies+ c!aracteri-edmainly as a lowrise or mediumrise building/structure for low to!ig! intensity communitysupport functions+ e.g.+terminals/intermodals/multimodals and depots

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      singalong lounges+ bistros+ pubs+ beer gardens

    &. 4a*eries+ pas try and ba*e s!ops.'. ;ffice buildings. 8inancial Institutions,. rinting G publis!ing plants and offices

    1. Bngraving+ p!oto developing andprinting s!ops

    11. !otograp!er and painter studios+tailoring and !aberdas!ery s!ops

    12. 8actories and wor*s!ops+ usingless flammable or noncombustiblematerials

    1". 4attery s!ops and repair s!ops1#. aint stores wit!out bul* !andling1$. 8uneral parlors1&.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    2#. 7lassware and metalware stores+!ouse!old e0uipment and appliances!ops


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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    "$. %ar barns for jeepneys and taxis notmore t!an six (&) units

    "&. ?otto terminals+ offfronton+ onlinebingo outlets and offtrac* bettingstations

    "'. 7ardens and landscaping supply/contractors

    ". rinting+ typesetting+ copiers andduplicating services

    ",. !oto supply and developing#. Restaurants+ canteens+ eateries+

    delicatessen s!ops+ confectionery s!opsand automats/fastfoods

    #1. 7roceries#2. ?aundries and laundromats#". Recording and film laboratories##. uto repair+ tire+ vulcani-ing s!ops and

    carwas! wit! minimum 1 s0. meters

    service area#$. !ysical fitness gyms/centers

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    +i0ision %:(4usiness and

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      drainage+ sewerage+ irrigation and wastetreatment plants)

    #. airies and creameries$ . Rice mills and sugar centrals&. 4reweries+ bottling plants+

    canneries+ and tanneries'. 8actories and wor*s!ops using

    incombustible or nonexplosive materials

    structure for low intensitymanufacturing or production


    $roup $ Stora#e and8a=ardousIndustrial-Polluti0e (on8a=ardousindustries and

    Polluti0e8a=ardousIndustries !nly/

    +i0ision $1(

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    #. lastics resin plants (monomer  and polymer)

    $. lastics compounding andprocessing plants

    & . cetylene and oxygen generatingplants

    ' . %oo*ing oil and soap processingplants

    . 8actories for !ig!ly flammablec!emicals

    ,. Dater and power generation/distribution complexes

    1. ?i0uid and solid wastemanagement facilities

    11. ll ot!er types of large complexesfor public utilities

    UTS  (Etilities+ :ransportationand Services) F a range of utilitarian/functional uses/occupancies+ c!aracteri-ed

    mainly by lowrise or mediumrise buildings/structures for lowto !ig! intensity communitysupport functions+ e.g.+ power and water generation/d istr ibut ion faci li ties+telecommunication facilities+drainage/wastewater andsewerage facilities+ solid waste!andling facilities and t!e li*eexcluding terminals/intermodals/multimodals and depot

    +i0ision $(

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    +i0ision $: (

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    $roup 8 Asse9bly for lessthan 1,777-Cultural and or

    'ecreational/+i0ision 81(Recreational+ w!ic! areassembly buildings wit!stage and !aving anoccupant load of lesst!an 1+)

    1. :!eaters and auditoriums2. %oncert !alls and open !ouses". %onvention !alls#. ?ittle t!eaters+ audiovisual rooms

    P'%  (ar* Structures+Recreation and Bntertainment) a range of recreational uses or occupancies+ c!aracteri-edmainly as a lowrise or mediumrise building/structure for low tomedium intensity recreational or entertainment functions relatedto educational uses+ e.g.+structures on campuses or itscomponent par*s/open spacesand all ot!er *inds of  recreational or assemblybuildings/structures on campussuc! as auditoria+ mess !alls+

    seminar facilities+ gymnasia+stadia+ arenas and t!e li*e.

    CU)  (%ultural) a communityto national level of cultural useor occupancy+ c!aracteri-ed

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      mainly as a lowrise or mediumrise building/ structure for cultural activities+ e.g.+ culturalcenters+ convention centers+very large office or mixeduse/occupancy buildings andt!e li*e.

    +i0ision 8(Recreational+ w!ic! areassembly buildings wit!stage and !aving anoccupant load of " or more)

    1. ance !alls+ cabarets+ ballrooms2. S*ating rin*s". %oc*fig!ting arenas

    +i0ision 8:(Recreational+ w!ic! areassembly buildings wit!stage and !aving anoccupant load of less

    t!an ")

    1. ance !alls+ ballrooms2. S*ating rin*s

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     2       3       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    +i0ision 84(Recreational+ tourismestate developments ortourismorientedestablis!ments+ w!ic!

    are structures notincluded in ivisions 91)

    1. Sports stands2. Reviewing stands". 7randstand and bleac!ers#. %overed amusement par*s$. 4oxing arenas+ =aialai stadiums&. Race trac*s and !ippodromes'. ll types of resort complexes. ll ot!er types of amusement and

    entertainment complexes

    $roup I Asse9bly for;ore than 1,777-Cultural andor  'ecreational/


    +i0ision I1(Recreational+ ssembly4uildings wit! stage andan occupant load of 1+ or more in t!e


    1. %olisea and sports complexes2. :!eaters and convention centers". %oncert !alls and open !ouses#. %onvention centers

    1. ar*s/gardens2. Resort areas+ e.g.+ beac!es+ including

    accessory uses". ;pen air or outdoor sports activities

    and support facilities+ including low risestadia+ gyms+ amp!it!eaters and

    swimming pools#. 7olf courses+ ball courts+ race trac*s

    and similar uses$.

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    &. Sports %lub'. Enderground par*ing structures/


    occupancies+ c!aracteri-edmainly as a lowrise or mediumrise building/ structure for low tomedium intensity recreational or entertainment functions relatedto educational uses+ e.g.+structures on campuses or itscomponent par*s/open spacesand all ot!er *inds of  recreational or assemblybuildings/structures on campussuc! as auditoria+ mess !alls+seminar facilities+ gymnasia+stadia+ arenas and t!e li*e.

    $roup > Accessory

    -A#ricultural and!ther!ccupanciesUses notSpecifically;entioned Under$roups A throu#hI/

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    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

     +i0ision >1 1. gricultural structures>  a. S!eds

      b. 4arns  c. oultry !ouses  d. iggeries  e. 9atc!eries

      f. Stables  g. 7reen!ouses  !. 7ranaries

    i. Silos

    1. %ultivation+ raising and growing ofstaple crops suc! as rice+ corn+camote, cassava and t!e li*e

    2. 7rowing of diversified plants andtrees+ suc! as fruit and flower bearingtrees+ coffee+ tobacco+ etc.

    ". Silviculture+ mus!room culture+ fis!ingand fis! culture+ sna*e culture+crocodile farm+ mon*ey raising and t!eli*e

    #. %ustomary support facilities suc! as palay  dryers and rice t!res!ers andstorage barns and ware!ouses

    $. ncillary dwelling units/farm!ouses for tillers and laborers

    &. gricultural researc! andexperimentation facilities suc! asbreeding stations+ fis! farms+nurseries+ demonstration farms+ etc.

    '. astoral activities suc! as goatraisingand cattle fattening

    . 9ome occupation for t!e practice of

    ones profession or engaging !omebusiness suc! as dressma*ing+tailoring+ ba*ing+ running a sari-sari  store and t!e li*e+ provided t!at+ t!enumber of persons engaged in suc!

    A (gricultural) an agriculturalor agriculturerelated use or occupancy+ c!aracteri-ed mainlyas a lowrise or mediumrisebuilding/structure for low to !ig!

    intensity agricultural or relatedactivities+ e.g.+ poultry !ouses+!atc!er ies+ p iggeries+green!ouses+ granaries and t!el i*e as well as off ices+educational+ training+ researc!and related facil it ies for  agriculture and t!e li*e.

    AI  (groIndustrial) an agroindustrial or related use or occupancy+ c!aracteri-ed mainlyas a lowrise building/ structurefor low to !ig! intensity agroindustrial or related activities toinclude offices+ educational+

    training+ researc! and relatedfacilities for agroindustry.

  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


    3        7       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    business/industry s!all not exceed five($)+ inclusive of t!e owner3 t!ere s!all

    be no c!ange in t!e outsideappearance of t!e building premises3no !ome occupation s!all beconducted in any customary accessoryuses cited above3 no traffic s!all begenerated by suc! !ome occupation ingreater volume t!an would normally beexpected in a residential neig!bor!oodand any need for par*ing generated byt!e conduct of suc! !ome occupations!all be met off t!e street in a placeot!er t!an t!e re0uired front yard3 noe0uipment or process s!all be used insuc! occupation w!ic! creates noise+vibration+ glare+ fumes+ odors andelectrical interference detectable to t!e

    normal senses and visual or audibleinterference in any radio or televisionreceiver or causes fluctuations in linevoltage of t!e premises.

    ,. 9ome industry classified as cottageindustry+ e.g.+ mat weaving+ potteryma*ing+ food preservation+ etc.provided t!at suc! !ome industry s!allnot occupy more t!an "6 of floor area of t!e dwelling unit3

    PU+ -Planned Unit+e0elop9ent/   refers to landdevelopment or redevelopmentsc!emes for a new or builtuppro=ect site w!erein said pro=ectsite must !ave a%ompre!ensive evelopment

  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


    3       1       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

      t!ere s!all be no c!ange or alterationin t!e outside appearance of t!edwelling unit and s!all not be a !a-ardor nuisance3 allotted capitali-ations!all not exceed t!e capitali-ation asset by t!e epartment of :rade and

    Industry (:I)3 suc! s!all consider same provisions as enumerated in9ome ;ccupation+ t!is Section.

    1. 4ac*yard raising of livestoc* and fowl+provided t!at for livestoc* a maximumof 1 !eads3 for fowl. a maximum of $ birds

    11. ll uses allowed in agriculture12. Rice/ corn mills (single pass)1". rying+ cleaning+ curing and

    preserving of meat and its by productsand derivatives

    1#. rying+ smo*ing and airing of tobacco1$. 8lour mill1&. %assava flour mill1'.

  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format



    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)


  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


    3        :       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    "'. rocessing+ preserving and canningof fis! and ot!er seafoods+ n.e.c.


  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


    3       4       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    +i0ision >-Accessory/

    1. rivate garages+ carports2. :owers+ smo*estac*s and c!imneys". Swimming pools including s!ower and

    loc*er room#. 8ence over 1. meters !ig!+ separate

    fire walls$. Steel and/ or concrete tan*s

    1. ll uses/occupancy permitted in all ot!er ivisions (or classes of buildings/structures) if suc! uses/occupancy arepart of t!e lanned Enit evelopment(E)

    PU+ -Planned Unit+e0elop9ent/   refers to landdevelopment or redevelopmentsc!emes for a new or builtuppro=ect site w!erein said pro=ectsite must !ave a%ompre!ensive evelopment

  • 8/9/2019 Rule Vii Table Vii Schedule of Principal Accessory Conditional Uses Part 2 Book Format


    3        5       

    $eneralClassification of UseCharacter of 

    !ccupancy of "uildin#Structure

    U S %

    &onin# ClassificationP'I(CIPA) ACC%SS!'* C!(+ITI!(A)

    4usiness activities and t!e

    preservation of significantnatural land features if feasible+w!ereby said %: 1. Stages+ p la tforms and similar  structures

    2. elota+ tennis+ badminton or bas*etballcourts

    ". :ombs+ mausoleums and nic!es#. viar ies and a0uar iums and -oo

    structures$. 4an*s and record vaults