RUJUKAN Ahmad Hashim, Pengukuran Kecergasan Motor Quantum Book, Tanjung Malim, 2004 Amstrong, N., & Weissman, J.R. ( 1994 ), Assess and interpretation of aerobic fitness children and adolescents. In J.E. Holloszy ( Ed. ), Exercise and sport science Fitness and sports Publications. 3/26/2007 Anonymous, Obeity Research Roundup, Journal of Physical Education, recreation & Dance, Reston : ( Jan 2004 ) Vol. 75. Iss 1: pg 8.1pgs Arnett, M. G. Deluccia, D., & Gilmartin, K. ( 2000 ), Male and fimale differance and the specificity of fatigue on skill acquisition and transfer performance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 71 (2), 201 205 Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 1982 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 2 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown. Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 1999 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 6 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown. Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 2002 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 7 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown. Chang, C.J., Wu, C.H.,Chang, C.S., Yoa, W.J.,Yong, Y.C., Wu, J.S. & Lu, F.H. (2003), International Journal of Obesity : 27, 253-259 Chang, S.M., Walker, S.P., Granthan, McGregor, S. & Powell, C.A. (2002) Erly Chidhood stunting And Later Behaviour And School Achievement. Journal Children Psyhol Psychiatry;43; 775-783 Chen, S.T. ( 1974 ), Protein-Malnutrition : A Major Healthy Problem of Multiple Causation in Malaysia. Southeast Asian Trop Med Public Health.5; 85-9 Chong, Y.H. ( 1980 ), The Prevalance of Childhood Malnutrition. Its Measurement, what its means and its uses. Medical Journal Malaysia,34(4);329-35 Corbin, C.H. & Lindsey, R. ( 1994 ), Concepts of Physical fitness with laboratories (8 ed.)Dubuque,Iowa : Wm.C. Brown



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Ahmad Hashim, Pengukuran Kecergasan Motor Quantum Book, Tanjung Malim, 2004

Amstrong, N., & Weissman, J.R. ( 1994 ), Assess and interpretation of aerobic fitness children and adolescents. In J.E. Holloszy ( Ed. ), Exercise and sport science Fitness and sports Publications. 3/26/2007

Anonymous, Obeity Research Roundup, Journal of Physical Education, recreation & Dance, Reston : ( Jan 2004 ) Vol. 75. Iss 1: pg 8.1pgs

Arnett, M. G. Deluccia, D., & Gilmartin, K. ( 2000 ), Male and fimale differance and the specificity of fatigue on skill acquisition and transfer performance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 71 (2), 201 205

Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 1982 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 2 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown.

Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 1999 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 6 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown.

Baumgartner, T.A., & Jackson, A.S ( 2002 ), Measurement for evoluation in physical education and exercise science ( 7 ed.) Debuque, 1A: Wm.C.Brown.

Chang, C.J., Wu, C.H.,Chang, C.S., Yoa, W.J.,Yong, Y.C., Wu, J.S. & Lu, F.H. (2003), International Journal of Obesity : 27, 253-259Chang, S.M., Walker, S.P., Granthan, McGregor, S. & Powell, C.A. (2002) Erly Chidhood stunting And Later Behaviour And School Achievement. Journal Children Psyhol Psychiatry;43; 775-783

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