Ruby On Rails Starter Kit

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Transcript of Ruby On Rails Starter Kit

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Ruby On Rails Starter KIT

score: 000000 XP

Page 2: Ruby On Rails Starter Kit

Level #1


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score: 000000 XP

What is ruby?

Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.Matsumoto has said that Ruby is designed for programmer productivity and fun, following the principles of good user interface design

What is rails?

Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is a web application framework written in Ruby under MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.

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score: 000000 XP



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Level #2

Installing Rails

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score: 000001 XP


@RailsInstaller provide package included all what you need to start your first project with Rails ( )


You can install Rails with RVM (Ruby version manager) with a simple two commands:$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails

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Level #2

Build your first app

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score: 000002 XP

You can create a new app called (blog) by running the following CMD:

$ rails new blog

Now we need to change the directory to our Rails App

$ cd blog

start the rails server by running

$ rails s

You can find your app on the following link below:

$ http://localhost:3000

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Page 12: Ruby On Rails Starter Kit

score: 000003 XP

You can create a new app called (blog) by running the following CMD:

$ rails new blog

Now we need to change the directory to our Rails App

$ cd blog

start the rails server by running

$ rails s

You can find your app on the following link below:

$ http://localhost:3000

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Level #3

Start Scaffolding now

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score: 000004 XP

So to make it easier creating CRUD system there is something called scaffolding, rails have the philosophy of DRY so this will save your time

$ rails generate scaffold post title:string content:text picture:string

Each time you create a model in rails you should migrate yourdatebase with:

$ rake db:migrate

Now check your posts page in your browesr in the followinglink:

$ http://localhost:3000/posts

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Level #4

Upload Pictures

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score: 000006 XP

Firstable lets Open up the Gemfile wish is located in the root directory of your app and add this line:

gem 'carrierwave'

Then install the Carrierwave gem:

$ bundle install

After installing the Carrierwave gem now you should create your first Uploader, this will create picture_uploader.rb file in app/uploaders

$ rails generate uploader Picture

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score: 000006 XP

Then lets mount our uploader to the Poste Modeleapp/models/poste.rb

mount_uploader :picture, PostUploader

Then lets mount our uploader to the Poste Modeleapp/models/poste.rb

mount_uploader :picture, PostUploader

Now we should update our poste form

<%= f.text_field :picture %><%= f.file_field :picture %>

And we should update the show page also

<%= image_tag(@post.picture_url, :width => 600) if @poste.picture.present? %


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Level #5

Create Static Pages

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score: 000008 XP

If you want to create a static page you can do it by creating a controller with the corresponding view

$ rails generate controller pages about

Now you can visit your page through

$ http://localhost:3000/pages/about

Open up the view file corresponding to the pages#aboutcontroller and add some info there


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Level #6

Bling Bling Baby

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score: 000008 XP

Its all up to you to tweek your css file, wich is located in the following path:


If you are planning to use bootstrap so make sure you add bootstrap to your Gemfile

gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.6'

Now Import bootstarp to your main application cssapp/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";@import "bootstrap";

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Level #7

Make some serious relations

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score: 000009 XP

Create a comment scaffold, with the commentator name, the comment body (contents of the comment) and with the reference to the ideas table (post_id).

$ rails g scaffold comment user_name:string body:text post_id:integer

Then migrate your datebase:

rake db:migrate

Openup poste model File app/models/post.rb and add

has_many :comments

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score: 000009 XP

And from the comment side add

belongs_to :post

And from the comment side add

<h3>Comments</h3><% @comments.each do |comment| %><div>

<strong><%= comment.user_name %></strong><br /><p><%= comment.body %></p><p><%= link_to 'Delete', comment_path(comment), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you

sure?' } %></p></div>

<% end %><%= render 'comments/form' %>

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score: 000009 XP

Lets modifier the app/controllers/ideas_controller.rb to get fit with what we did in the previously changes

@comments = @idea.comments.all@comment =

And also add the following line app/views/comments/_form.html.erb

<%= f.hidden_field :idea_id %>

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Congratulation!! you finished all the levels

of the gameWith 10 XP

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Now you are ready for another levels of the game but you need extra life points !!

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