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Transcript of Rubi+v+Provincial+Board+of+Mindoro

  • 8/13/2019 Rubi+v+Provincial+Board+of+Mindoro


    Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro

    KEYWORDS: The Philippine version of Avatar (only unlike Avatar, !ATE this "ase #e"ause $al"ol% &as so narro&'%ine, an it in)thave the sa%e %essa*e as the fil%+


    Sin"e .ti%e i%%e%orial/ (Spanish re*i%e+, there has #een a se*re*ationof .non'-hristian Tri#es/ in the Philippines0 The rationale is to fa"ilitatethe transfor%ation of these so"ieties into "ivility0

    The sa%e se*re*ation &as espouse uner the A%eri"an A%inistration0There &as a 1ureau of non'-hristian Tri#es uner the Or*ani" 2a&, aneven uner statute, parti"ularly the A%inistrative -oe of 3435 allo&eprovin"ial #oars to eter%ine, #y virtue of the interest of la& an orer,se*re*ation of un"ivilise6non'-hristian Tri#es to #e approve #y theSe"retary of nterior0

    1y virtue of su"h la&s, the Provin"ial 1oar of $inoro aopte

    resolution 7o0 89 &hi"h esi*nate ;; he"tares of the sitio of Ti*#ao asthe per%anent settle%ent of the $an*yanes in $inoro0 This &asapprove #y the Se"retary of nterior0

    The resolution &as &ith a penal "lause that refusal of "o%plian"e &illentail i%prison%ent not %ore than ;; $an*uianes are "onfine0One of the $an*uianes, Da#alos, es"ape fro% the reservation an &astaken in han #y the provin"ial sheriff an pla"e in prison at -alapan,solely #e"ause he es"ape fro% the reservation0 An appli"ation forha#eas "orpus &as %ae on #ehalf of Ru#i an other $an*uianes of theprovin"e, alle*in* that #y virtue of the resolution of the provin"ial #oar of

    $inoro "reatin* the reservation, they ha #een ille*ally eprive of their

    li#erty0 n this "ase the valiity of se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative-oe, reain*: .With the prior approval of the Depart%ent !ea, theprovin"ial *overnor of any provin"e in &hi"h non'-hristian inha#itants arefoun is authori@e, &hen su"h a "ourse is ee%e ne"essary in theinterest of la& an orer, to ire"t su"h inha#itants to take up theirha#itation on sites on uno""upie pu#li" lans to #e sele"te #y hi% anapprove #y the provin"ial #oar,/ &as "hallen*e0

    The provin"ial #oar of $inoro aopte resolution 7o0 89 &hi"h statesthat .provin"ial *overnor of any provin"e in &hi"h non'-hristianinha#itants (un"ivili@e tri#es+ are foun is authori@e, &hen su"h a"ourse is ee%e ne"essary in the interest of la& an orer, to ire"tsu"h inha#itants to take up their ha#itation on sites on uno""upie pu#li"lans to #e sele"te #y hi% an approve #y the provin"ial #oar/0 t isresolve that uner se"tion 8;55 of the A%inistrative -oe, ;;he"tares of pu#li" lan in the sitio of Ti*#ao on 7auan 2ake #e sele"teas a site for the per%anent settle%ent of $an*yanes in $inoro0 urther,$an*yans %ay only soli"it ho%esteas on this reservation proviin* thatsai ho%estea appli"ations are previously re"o%%ene #y theprovin"ial *overnor0

    Thereafter, the provin"ial *overnor of $inoro issue e=e"utive orer 7o08, &hi"h says that the provin"ial *overnor has sele"te a site in the sitioof Ti*#ao on 7auan 2ake for the per%anent settle%ent of $an*yanes in$inoro0 n that "ase, pursuant to Se"tion 83?9 of the ReviseA%inistrative -oe, all the $an*yans in the to&nships of 7auan anPola an the $an*yans east of the 1a"o River in"luin* those in theistri"ts of Dulan*an an Ru#iBs pla"e in -alapan, &ere orere to takeup their ha#itation on the site of Ti*#ao, 7auan 2ake0 Also, that any$an*yan &ho shall refuse to "o%ply &ith this orer shall upon "onvi"tion#e i%prisone not e="ee in si=ty ays, in a""oran"e &ith se"tion 8594

    of the revise A%inistrative -oe0

    Sai resolution of the provin"ial #oar of $inoro &ere "lai%e asne"essary %easures for the prote"tion of the $an*yanes of $inoro as

    &ell as the prote"tion of pu#li" forests in &hi"h they roa%, an tointrou"e "ivili@e "usto%s a%on* the%0

    t appeare that Ru#i an those livin* in his ran"heria have not fi=e their&ellin* &ithin the reservation of Ti*#ao an are lia#le to #e punishe0

    Ru#i, et al0 applie for a &rit of ha#eas "orpus for #ein* ille*ally eprive

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    of their li#erty #y provin"ial offi"ials as they are #ein* hel on thereservation in Ti*#ao a*ainst their &ill0 (one of the% even es"ape fro%the reservation an is #ein* hel in "ustoy #y the provin"ial sheriff+

    t is i%portant to unerstan that the $an*uianes are se%i'no%ai" innature, an are one of the tri#es that pra"tise "aiC*in0

    The Spanish, A%eri"ans "onsier their lifestyle as un"ivilise an

    #ar#ari", an a"tually has nothin* to o &ith reli*ious affiliation (sin"e #ytheir "lassifi"ation, %e%#ers of other faiths &ho live like they o are notpart of these non'-hristians+

    ISSUE: Was there undue delegation of legislative power to theprovincial authorities in the creation of these reservations

    R27: 7o, there is no unla&ful ele*ation of le*islative po&er #y thePhilippine 2e*islature to provin"ial offi"ials an a epart%ent hea0

    The t&o'fol istin"tion is this: (3+ is it ele*ation to %ake the la&, &hi"hin"lues the is"retion on &hat it shall #eF or is it (8+ "onferrin* an

    authority or is"retion as to its e=e"ution, to #e e=er"ise uner an inpursuan"e of the la&G

    $al"ol% felt that the authority *iven to provin"ial #oars falls uner these"on, &hi"h is allo&a#le uner the rule on non'ele*ation of po&ers0

    Another e="eption to the *eneral rule, is that the "entral le*islative #oyis allo&e, sin"e ti%e i%%e%orial, to ele*ate le*islative po&ers to lo"alauthorities0 The provin"ial *overnor an the provin"ial #oar, as offi"ialrepresentatives of the provin"e are #etter Hualifie to u*e .&hen su"h a"ourse is ee%e ne"essary in the interest of la& an orer0/ This isuner the presu%ption that they kno& their territory an their "onstituents

    the #est0

    1y a vote of five to four, the Supre%e -ourt sustaine the "onstitutionalityof this se"tion of the A%inistrative -oe0 A%on* other thin*s, it &ashel that the ter% .non'-hristian/ shoul not #e *iven a literal %eanin* ora reli*ious si*nifi"ation, #ut that it &as intene to relate to e*rees of"ivili@ation0 The ter% .non'-hristian/ it &as sai, refers not to reli*ious#elief, #ut in a &ay to *eo*raphi"al area, an %ore ire"tly to natives ofthe Philippine slans of a lo& *rae of "ivili@ation0 On the other han,none of the provisions of the Philippine Or*ani" 2a& "oul have ha theeffe"t of enyin* to the overn%ent of the Philippine slans, a"tin*throu*h its 2e*islature, the ri*ht to e=er"ise that %ost essential, insistent,

    an illi%ita#le of po&ers, the soverei*n poli"e po&er, in the pro%otion ofthe *eneral &elfare an the pu#li" interest0 &hen to avan"e the pu#li"

    &elfare, the la& &as foun to #e a le*iti%ate e=ertion of the poli"epo&er, An it is unne"essary to a that the pro%pt re*istration of titlesto lan in the Philippines "onstitutes an avan"e%ent of the pu#li"interests, for, #esies pro%otin* pea"e an *oo orer a%on*lano&ners in parti"ular an the people in *eneral, it helps in"rease theinustries of the "ountry, an %akes for the evelop%ent of the natural

    resour"es, &ith the "onseHuent pro*ress of the *eneral prosperity0 Anthese ens are pursue in a spe"ial %anner #y the State throu*h thee=er"ise of its poli"e po&er0 The Supre%e -ourt hel that the resolutionof the provin"ial #oar of $inoro &as neither is"ri%inatory nor "lassle*islation, an state a%on* other thin*s: .0 0 0 one "annot hol that theli#erty of the "iti@en is unuly interfere &ith &hen the e*ree of"ivili@ation of the $an*uianes is "onsiere0 They are restraine for theiro&n *oo an the *eneral *oo of the Philippines0 7or "an one say thatue pro"ess of la& has not #een follo&e0 To *o #a"k to our efinition ofue pro"ess of la& an eHual prote"tion of the la&s, there e=ists a la&Fthe la& see%s to #e reasona#leF it is enfor"e a""orin* to the re*ular%ethos of pro"eure pres"ri#eF an it applies alike to all of a "lass0/

    ISSUES: Whether or not the petition should be granted.

    a+ Whether or not Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 isun"onstitutional on the *roun of invali ele*ation of le*islative po&er0

    #+ Whether or not Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 isun"onstitutional on the *roun of reli*ious is"ri%ination0

    "+ Whether or not Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 isun"onstitutional on the *roun that it enie li#erty &ithout ue pro"essof la& an eHual prote"tion of the la&s0

    + Whether or not Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 isun"onstitutional on the *roun that it "onstitute slavery an involuntaryservitue0

    e+ Whether or not Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 is avali e=er"ise of poli"e po&er0


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    a+ Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 is a vali ele*ationof le*islative po&er #y the 2e*islature, hen"e "onstitutional0 The2e*islature %erely "onferre, upon the provin"ial *overnor &ith theapproval of the provin"ial #oar an the epart%ent hea, is"retionaryauthority as to its e=e"ution, to #e e=er"ise uner an in pursuan"e ofthe la&0

    #+ Sin"e the ter% Inon'-hristianI is "onstrue to refer to the natives &ith

    a lo& *rae of "ivili@ation, Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of3434 oes not is"ri%inate #et&een iniviuals on a""ount of reli*iousifferen"es an is therefore "onstitutional0

    "+ Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3434 oes not unulyinterfere li#erty of the "iti@en &hen the e*ree of "ivili@ation of the$an*uianes is "on"erne0 They are restraine for their o&n *oo an the*eneral *oo the Philippines0 7either it violate ue pro"ess an eHualprote"tion of the la&s sin"e the la& is reasona#leF it is enfor"e a""orin*to the re*ular %ethos of pro"eure an it applies to all0

    + -onfine%ent in reservations in a""oran"e &ith the sai la& oes not

    "onstitute slavery an involuntary servitue0 !en"e, "onstitutional0

    e+ t is a vali e=er"ise of poli"e po&er #e"ause its purpose is to proviethe% eu"ation an to i%prove their health an %orals0

    The -ourt hel that se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe oes noteprive a person of his li#erty &ithout ue pro"ess of la& an oes noteny to hi% the eHual prote"tion of the la&s, an that "onfine%ent inreservations in a""oran"e &ith sai se"tion oes not "onstitute slaveryan involuntary servitue0 The -ourt is further of the opinion that se"tion83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe is a le*iti%ate e=ertion of the poli"epo&er, so%e&hat analo*ous to the nian poli"y of the nite States0Se"tion 83?9 of the A%inistrative -oe of 3435 is "onstitutional0

    The prea%#le of the resolution of the provin"ial #oar of $inoro &hi"hset apart the Ti*#ao reservation, it &ill #e rea, assi*ne as reasons fortthe a"tion, the follo&in*: (3+ The failure of for%er atte%pts for theavan"e%ent of the non'-hristian people of the provin"eF an (8+ theonly su""essfully %etho for eu"atin* the $an*uianes &as to o#li*ethe% to live in a per%anent settle%ent0 The Soli"itor'eneral as thefollo&in*F (>+ The prote"tion of the $an*uianesF (?+ the prote"tion of thepu#li" forests in &hi"h they roa%F (9+ the ne"essity of introu"in* "ivili@e"usto%s a%on* the $an*uianes0

    -onsiere purely as an e=er"ise of the poli"e po&er, the "ourts "annotfairly say that the 2e*islature has e="eee its ri*htful authority0 t is,inee, an unusual e=er"ise of that po&er0 1ut a *reat %alay reHuiresan eHually rasti" re%ey0 One "annot hol that the li#erty of the "iti@enis unuly interfere &ithout &hen the e*ree of "ivili@ation of the$an*uianes is "onsiere0 They are restraine for their o&n *oo anthe *eneral *oo of the Philippines0 7or "an one say that ue pro"ess ofla& has not #een follo&e0

    7one of the ri*hts of the "iti@en "an #e taken a&ay e="ept #y uepro"ess of la&0 To "onstitute Iue pro"ess of la&,I as has #een oftenhel, a ui"ial pro"eein* is not al&ays ne"essary0 n so%e instan"es,even a hearin* an noti"e are not reHuisite a rule &hi"h is espe"ially true

    &here %u"h %ust #e left to the is"retion of the a%inistrative offi"ers inapplyin* a la& to parti"ular "ases0

    The iea of the provision in Huestion is to unify the people of thePhilippines so that they %ay approa"h the hi*hest "on"eption ofnationality0 The pu#li" poli"y of the overn%ent of the Philippine slansis shape &ith a vie& to #enefit the ilipino people as a &hole0 The

    $an*uianes, in orer to fulfill this *overn%ental poli"y, %ust #e "onfinefor a ti%e, as &e have sai, for their o&n *oo an the *oo of the"ountry0

    Therefore, petitioners are not unla&fully i%prisone or restraine of theirli#erty0 !a#eas "orpus "an, therefore, not issue0

    People v. Rosenthal ! "s#ena People of thePhilippines, plaintiff'appellee v0 Ja"o# Rosenthal 7i"asio Os%ena,


    En 1an" Do"trine: Due pro"ess eHual prote"tion, 34>4, 2aurel


    Ja"o# Rosenthal an 7i"asio Os%eCa &ere founers an shareholersof the O0R0O0 Oil -o%pany0 The %ain o#e"ts an purposes of the"o%pany are to %ine, refine, %arket, #uy an sell petroleu%, natural *asan other oil prou"ts0

    Rosenthal an Os%eCa &ere foun *uilty #y the RT- in t&o "ases ofsellin* their shares to iniviuals &ithout first o#tainin* the "orresponin*

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    &ritten per%it or li"ense fro% the nsular Treasurer of the -o%%on&ealthof the Philippines0

    This is in violation of Se"tions 8 9 of A"t 7o0 893, "o%%only kno&n asthe 1lue Sky 2a&0

    o Se"tion 8 of sai la& provies that every person, partnership,asso"iation, or "orporation atte%ptin* to offer to sell in the Philippines

    spe"ulative se"urities of any kin or "hara"ter &hatsoever, is unero#li*ation to file previously &ith the nsular Treasurer thevarious o"u%entsan papers enu%erate therein an to pay thereHuire ta= of t&enty'pesos0

    o Se" 9, on the other han, provies that .&hatever the sai Treasurerof the Philippine slans is satisfie, either &ith or &ithoutthee=a%inationherein provie, that any person, partnership,asso"iation or "orporation is entitle to the ri*ht to offer its se"urities asa#ove efine an provie for sale in the Philippine slans, he shallissue to su"h person, partnership, asso"iation or "orporation a "ertifi"ateor per%it re"itin* that su"h person, partnership, asso"iation or

    "orporation has "o%plie &ith the provisions of this a"t, an that su"hperson, partnership, asso"iation or "orporation, its #rokers or a*ents areentitle to orer the se"urities na%e in sai "ertifi"ate or per%it for sale/Fthat .sai Treasurer shall further%ore have authority, &henever in his

    u*%ent it is in the pu#li" interest, to "an"el sai "ertifi"ate or per%it/,an that .an appeal fro% thee"isionof the nsular Treasurer %ay #eha &ithin the perioof thirty ays to the Se"retary of inan"e0/

    The shares are sai to #e spe"ulative #e"ause their value %ateriallyepene upon a pro%ise of future pro%otion an evelop%ent of the oil#usiness, rather than on a"tual tan*i#le assets0

    On appeal, Rosenthal Os%ena ar*ue that A"t 893 is un"onstitutionalon three *rouns:

    o 3+ That it "onstitutes unue ele*ation of le*islative authority to thensular treasurer

    o 8+ that it oes not affor eHual prote"tion #efore the la&

    o >+ that it is va*ue an a%#i*uous

    Issue: W"$ the law is unconstitutional in an% of the three grounds

    !el: The la& is -O7STTTO7A2 on all *rouns alle*e #y theappellants0


    L That it "onstitutes unue ele*ation of le*islative authority to thensular treasurer

    The A"t furnishes a suffi"ient stanar for the Treasurer to follo& inrea"hin* a e"ision re*arin* the issuan"e or "an"ellation of a "ertifi"ateor per%it0 The "ertifi"ate or per%it to #e issue uner the A"t %ust re"itethat the person ,partnership, asso"iation or "orporation applyin* therefor.has "o%plie &ith the provisions of this A"t/, an this reHuire%ent,"onstrue in relation to the other provisions of the la&, %eans that a"ertifi"ate or per%it shall #e issue #y the nsular Treasurer &hen theprovisions of A"t 893 have #een "o%plie &ith0 pon the other han,the authority of the nsular Treasurer to "an"el a "ertifi"ate or per%it ise=pressly "onitione upon a finin* that su"h "an"ellation .is in thepu#li" interest0/ n vie& of the intention an purpose of A"t 893 toprote"t the pu#li" a*ainst .spe"ulative s"he%es &hi"h have no %ore

    #asis than so %any feet of #lue sky/ an a*ainst the .sale of sto"k infly'#y'ni*ht "on"erns, visionary oil &ells, istant *ol %ines, an other likefrauulent e=ploitations/, &e hol that .pu#li" interest/ in this "ase is asuffi"ient stanar to *uie the nsular Treasurer in rea"hin* a e"isionon a %atter pertainin* to the issuan"e or "an"ellation of "ertifi"ates orper%its0

    A"t 893 allo&s appeal fro% the e"ision of the Treasurer to the Se" ofinan"e0 !en"e, it "annot #e "ontene that the Treasurer "an a"t ane"ie &ithout any restrainin* influen"e0

    The theory of the separation of po&ers is esi*ne #y its ori*inators to

    se"ure a"tion an at the sa%e ti%e to forestall over a"tion &hi"hne"essarily results fro% unue "on"entration of po&ers, an there#yo#tain effi"ien"y an prevent espotis%0 There#y, the .rule of la&/ &asesta#lishe &hi"h narro&s the ran*e of *overn%ental a"tion an %akes itsu#e"t to "ontrol #y "ertain le*al evi"es0 As a "orollary, &e fin the ruleprohi#itin* ele*ation of le*islative authority, an fro% the earliest ti%eA%eri"an le*al authorities have pro"eee on the theory that le*islativepo&er %ust #e e=er"ise #y the le*islative alone0 t is frankness,ho&ever, to "onfess that as one elves into the %ass of ui"ialpronoun"e%ents, he fins a *reat eal of "onfusion0

    The %a=i% .ele*atus non potest ele*are or ele*ata potestas non

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    potest ele*are/ has #een%ae to aapt itself to the "o%ple=ities of%oern *overn%ents, *ivin* rise to the aoption, &ithin "ertain li%its, ofthe prin"iple of .su#orinate le*islation/, in pra"ti"ally all %oern*overn%ents0 Diffi"ulty lies in fi=in* the li%it an e=tent of the authority0While "ourts have unertaken to layo&n *eneral prin"iples, the safest isto e"ie ea"h "ase a""orin* to its pe"uliar environ%ent, havin* in %inthe &holeso%e le*islative purpose intene to #e a"hieve0

    !all v ei*er'Jones: it is &ell'settle prin"iple of la& in this state that #yle*islative a"t a "o%%ission or #oar %ay #e e%po&ere to as"ertain thee=isten"e of fa"ts, upon the finin* of &hi"h %ay epen the ri*ht to"ontinue in the pra"ti"e of a profession or a re*ulate #usiness0

    & that it does not afford e'ual protection before the law

    o Another *roun relie upon #y appellants in "ontenin* that A"t 7o0893 is un"onstitutional is that it enies eHual prote"tion of the la&s#e"ause the la& is"ri%inates #et&een an o&ner &ho sells his se"uritiesin a sin*le transa"tion an one &ho isposes of the% in repeate ansu""essive transa"tions0

    o !all vs0 ei*er'Jones -o: IPro%inent a%on* su"h is"ri%inations are0 0 0 #et&een an o&ner &ho sells his se"urities in a sin*le transa"tion anone &ho isposes of the% in su""essive transa"tionsF 0 0 0 I f a "lass isee%e to present a "onspi"uous e=a%ple of &hat the le*islature seeksto prevent, the 3?th A%en%ent allo&s it to #e ealt &ith althou*hother&ise an %erely lo*i"ally not istin*uisha#le fro% others note%#ra"e in the la&

    L that it is vague and a#biguous

    o People vs0 ernane@ an Trinia0 An A"t &ill #e e"lare voi an

    inoperative on the *roun of va*ueness an un"ertainty only upon asho&in* that the efe"t is su"h that the "ourts are una#le to eter%ine,

    &ith any reasona#le e*ree of "ertainty, &hat the le*islature intene0

    o n this "onne"tion &e "annot preter%it referen"e to the rule that.le*islation shoul not #e hel invali on the *roun of un"ertainty ifsus"epti#le of any reasona#le "onstru"tion that &ill support an *ive iteffe"t0 An A"t &ill not #e e"lare inoperative an ineffe"tual on the*roun that it furnishes no aeHuate %eans to se"ure the purpose for

    &hi"h it is passe, if %en of "o%%on sense an reason "an evise anprovie the %eans, an all the instru%entalities ne"essary for itse=e"ution are &ithin the rea"h of those intruste there&ith0/

    Ju*e%ent of lo&er "ourt is affir%e, &ith %oifi"ations that the fines arereu"e0 Rosenthal: fro% P9;; 'M P8;; in ea"h "ase, Os%ena: fro%P3;;; 'M P9;;, fro% P8;;; 'M P3;;;, Su#siiary i%prison%ent for #othin "ase of insolven"y, an "osts0

    I$(ER$)(I"$)* +)R,W"", )$,-E$EER " v

    P)$/I* 0E,ER)(I"$ "0 *)B"R 2ARE2F 7ove%#er 89,34?;

    7ATRE Petition for a &rit of "ertiorari to revie& the resolution of -R

    June 8, 34>4 M the Se"retary of 2a#or "ertifie to the -ourt of nustrialRelations that an inustrial ispute e=iste #et&een the !ARDWOODan its e%ployees &ho are %e%#ers of PA72 an that the"ontroversy N&hi"h involve 8+ settin* the %ini%u% aily &a*es of"o%%on la#orers at P3 #e"ause #efore P;05; a ay &as pai re*arless

    &hether e%ploye in a to&n or %ountain "a%pF >+evisin* a propers"heule of rate of &a*es for all la#orersF an ?+ rate of &a*es for the%ountain "a%ps shoul #e hi*her #y 8; over those *iven in the to&n

    &as a proper one to #e ealt &ith -Rin the pu#li" interest uner Se" ? of-A 3;>0

    ' Septe%#er 34, 34>4 M DE-SO7 AD-O7A2 of 2eopolo Rovira ofthe -R IThe a*ree%ent, the -ourt sai in part ustifie "lai%s uner 8an ? that affe"t the type of ay la#orers, an in "onseHuen"e orerethe"o%pany to appeal to pay &a*es to their &orkers as a fair anreasona#le a%ount not lo&er P3 aily for &ork in the %ountains, an forthose &ho "onu"t their &ork in the plains an a%ount not *et off of P;04;per ay, #ase on ei*ht (+ hours per ay, e="luin* Ioverti%eI no less

    than t&enty'five (89+ per"ent on the ayla#orers as shall #e fi=e000 I

    ' O"to#er 35, 34>4 M $R file &ith -R of the DE-SO7 AD-O7A2

    ' 7ove%#er 8, 34>4 M &hile $R penin*,! ARDWOOD file a%otion prayin* that -R has no urisi"tion to e"ie the Huestionrelatin* to e%ans 8 an ?, alle*in* (3+ that the -R has no authorityto eter%ine %ini%u% &a*es for an iniviual e%ployer in "onne"tion

    &ith a parti"ular an spe"ifi" inustrial ispute uner Se" ? of -A3;>F (8+that su"h authority &oul "onstitute an unue ele*ation of le*islativepo&er to the -R an &oul eny !ARDWOOD the eHual prote"tion ofthe la&s, thus renerin* sai se"tion un"onstitutional an voi0

    Admin Digests 01-16-2014 5

  • 8/13/2019 Rubi+v+Provincial+Board+of+Mindoro


    ' De"e%#er 8>, 34>4 M -R #y resolution in #an", enie the $R as&ell as the %otion of 7ove%#er8


    1. W"$ the IR has the power to deter#ine #ini#u# wages foran individual e#plo%er in connection with an industrial dispute

    which said court #ight ta2e cogni3ance of under Sec 4 of )1567


    ' Se" ? -A3;> is esi*ne to provie for "o%pulsory ar#itrationin orer to prevent non'pa"ifi" %ethos in the eter%ination of inustrialan a*ri"ultural isputes0 IThis #ill,I thus #e*ins the e=planatorystate%ent of 1ill 7o0 5;;, I"reatin* a 1oar of nustrial Relations000

    Provies "o%pulsory ar#itration000 n a""oran"e &ith Arti"le ,ire"ts it to investi*ate an stuy all pertinent fa"ts relate to the inustry"on"erne, &ith a vie& to eter%inin* the ne"essity an fairness of

    fi=in* a %ini%u% &a*e &hi"h shall apply *enerally to all the e%ployers

    en*a*e in su"h inustry0 To aopt su"h a narro& "onstru"tion &oul #eto set at nau*ht the plenary po&ers "onferre upon the -ourt to ena#le itto Isettle all Huestion, %atters, "ontroversies, or isputes arisin*#et&een, an6or affe"tin* e%ployers an e%ployeesI an to frustratethe very o#e"tive of the la&, na%ely, to "reate an instru%entality throu*h

    &hi"h the intervention of the overn%ent "oul #e %ae effe"tive inorer to prevent non'pa"ifi" %ethos in the eter%ination of inustrialor a*ri"ultural isputes0 t is funa%ental that the intention an poli"y

    of the 7ational Asse%#ly, as e=presse in the ena"t%ent, shoul #eeffe"tuate, an the A"t shoul re"eive a "onstru"tion that &ill lea tothisresult0

    8. If it has9 W"$ such grant of power is unconstitutional andvoid7 7O

    ' The "ontention that Se" ? -A 3;> is un"onstitutional as"onstitutin* an unue ele*ation of le*islative po&er to the "ourt aneprivin* !ARDWOOD eHual prote"tion of the la&s #e"ause

    the provision Ioes not ini"ate in &hat %anner, #y &hat stanars, or ina""oran"e &ith &hat rules, the -ourt of nustrial Relations shalleter%ine %ini%u% &a*es uner sai se"tionI is &ithout %erit0

    ' Se" 8; -A3;> pres"ri#es that in the hearin*, investi*ation aneter%ination of any Huestion or "ontroversy an in e=er"isin* anyuties an po&er uner this A"t, the "ourt shall a"t a""orin* to usti"ean eHuity an su#stantial %erits of the "ase, &ithoutre*ar to te"hni"alities or le*al for%s0 The 7ational Asse%#ly has #ythis se"tion furnishe a suffi"ient stanar #y &hi"h the "ourt &ill #e*uie in e=er"isin* its is"retion in the eter%ination of any Huestionor "ontroversy #efore it, an &e have alreay rule that the

    is"retionary po&er thus "onferre is ui"ial in "hara"ter an oes notinfrin*e upon the prin"iple of separation of po&ers, the prohi#ition a*ainstthe ele*ation of le*islative fun"tion, an the eHual prote"tion"lause of the -onstitution0 (Anta%ok ol iels $inin* -o%pany v-R, June 8, 4?;0+

    Disposition: Petition for "ertiorari is enie

    Admin Digests 01-16-2014 6