Rubenstein Audio Ontotheology Heidegger on Being

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  • 8/12/2019 Rubenstein Audio Ontotheology Heidegger on Being


    Audio Heidegger on Being & Ontotheology: Professor Rubenstien !"!#$%

    ntrodu'tion Preli(in)ry Defitions

    From Michael Inwoord A Heidegger dictionary Oxford Blackwell Publishers 1 !! 1" #1$%

    Heidegger&s Main 'exts on the History of Meta!hysics as OntothologyOntotheology:

    Ontologie is the (study )logos* of beings )onta*( *

    'heologie the (study of +od )theos *(, Heidegger 'o(bines these +ree$-deri,ed ords to for( Onto- heologie or Onto- heo- ogie.

    he ide)* but not the ords* ste( fro( Aristotle* hose 0first philosophy0 'onsiders both beings )s su'h )nd the highest being 12)ntund d)s Proble( der 3et)physi$* 445 / !657 8inleitung 9u 0")s ist (et)physi$ 0* ;nden of beings )s su'h )nd ground begr>nden the( )s ) hole i( +)n9en* lit. 0in the hole0 0 1 dentitCt und Differen9* 6E /6F=. Hen'e Hegel ')lled (et)physi's 0logi'07 it is Onto- heo- ogi$.Ho does +od be'o(e ) being* the highest entity* r)ther th)n si(ply ?ein* 0being0 Being )nd beings )re distin't but insep)r)ble.Being 0grounds gr>ndet 0 beings* )nd 'on,ersely beings 0beground begr>nden 0 being. But beings ')n beground being only in thefor( of ) single supre(e being* ) ')use th)t is ')us) sui* 0')use of itself0: 0 his is the )ppropri)te n)(e for the god of philosophy. 3)n')nnot pr)y to this god* nor offer s)'rifi'es to hi(. 3)n ')nnot f)ll to his $nees in ) e before the ')us) sui* nor d)n'e )nd pl)y (usi'

    before this god0 dentitCt und Differen9*
  • 8/12/2019 Rubenstein Audio Ontotheology Heidegger on Being


    ?ee )lso )n ho(son )t ni,ersity of Ie 3eGi'oArti'le Ontothoology nderst)nidng HeideggerNs Destru$tion of 3et)physi's?ee follo ing )bstr)'t of )rti'le

    Ontotheology -iki!edia (e)ns the ontology of +od )nd/or the theology of being . "hile the ter( )s first used by2)nt* it h)s only 'o(e into bro)der philosophi')l p)rl)n'e ith the signifi')n'e it too$ for 3)rtin Heidegger0s l)ter thought. "hile*for Heidegger* the ter( is used to 'ritique the hole tr)dition of 0"estern (et)physi's0* (u'h re'ent s'hol)rship h)s sought to

    question hether 0ontotheology0 de,eloped )t ) 'ert)in point in the (et)physi')l tr)dition* ith ()ny see$ing to equ)te thede,elop(ent of 0ontotheologi')l0 thin$ing ith the de,elop(ent of (odernity* )nd Duns ?'otus often being 'ited )s the first0ontotheologi)n0.

    F,O, 2otes on talk

    One ")y p through the ")y B)'$ into the Out of Ontotheology 1 ntrodu'tion to 3)rtin Heidegger=* n heory e'ture ?eries*O'tober 6* 45!!.

    Professor 3)ry- )ne Rubenstien dis'usses the though of 3)rtin Heidegger )t "esley)n ni,ersityBoo$s publishedStrange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe By Mary-Jane Rubenstein published 2013 Has a long chapter on Heidegger 25 pages available for revieWorlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse By Mary-Jane Rubenstein

    Hope is to dis'o,er One ")y in )ppro)'hing Heidegger

    t 'ould be th)t ()int)ining ) 'ert)in B8 "88I8??s the ,ery t)s$ of thin$ing for Heidegger holding oneself B8 "88I

    the sensible )nd the senseless M the thought )nd the unthought M the ordin)ry )nd ,ery str)nge M

    At issue that I will be ex!loring this afternoon?

    the Jritique of 3et)physi's )s Ontotheologi')l ill be )s$ing "h)t th)t 3e)ns )nd "hy it 3)tters

    J)lling on rel)ti,ely short texts !. he first is the !F%F HeideggerNs Preface to -hat is Meta!hysics M boo$ entitled

    he )y b)'$ into the ground of (et)physi's referred to )s -B )nd4. he se 'ond is the concluding installment to Heidegger le'ture series in !F6E -!F6< on HegelNs ?'ien'e )nd ogi'

    th)t he e,en ')lls the Ontotheologi')l Jonstitution of 3et)physi's hi'h ill ')ll the O3

    6:;% Meta!hysics th)t br)n'h of philosophy th)t de)ls ith notions of ulti()te re)lity M th)t ith the stuff )bo,e )nd beyondthe order of I)ture M h)t being is or hether or not +od is or here the re)l is lo')ted

    "h)t Heidegger (e)ns by 3et)physi's he (e)ns the entire or hole History of "estern Philosophy )ll the )y fro( Pl)tothrough Hegel M he (e)ns th)t ')l'ul)ti,e $ind of thin$ing M in hi'h ) thin$ing sub#e't M represents beings )s ob#e'ts M

    - ) thin$ing hi'h further (ore 3AP? this sub#e'ti,e ob#e'ti,e split onto ) hole host of other du)lis(s- subst)n'e ,s. )''idents* etern)l ,s. te(por)l* for( ,s. ()tter

    2ow Heidegger s)ys this tr)dition )s o,erturned by Friedrich 2iet4sche"ho re,e)led the so-')lled intelligible re)l( 1f.o. th)t is the 3et)physi')l re)l(= )s )n unst)ble produ't of the sensible re)l(

    his Heidegger is h)t Iiet9s'heNs 3)d 3ens (e)n hen he runs through the ()r$etpl)'e 'rying +OD is D8ADHeidegger ritesth)t the pronoun'e(ent th)t +od is De)d (e)ns th)t the supersensory orld is ithout effe'ti,e po er it besto s no life

  • 8/12/2019 Rubenstein Audio Ontotheology Heidegger on Being


    - )nd- for th)t re)son the hu()n sub#e't be'o(es the ()ster of being itself

    3)n enters into insurre'tion Heidegger rites in the s)(e ess)y on Iiet9s'he the orld 'h)nges into OB 8J

    n this re,olution)ry ob#e'tifying of e,erything th)t ?

    the earth (o,es into the (idst of hu()n positing )nd )n)ly9ingthe earth ')n sho itself only )s the ob#e't of assault

    )n assault th)t in hu()n illing est)blishes itself )s the un'ondition)l ob#e'tifi')tion)s un'ondition)l 'ondition)l ob#e'tifi')tion

    - I)ture )ppe)rs e,ery here )s the OB 8J of 8JHIO O+Y- And this 'O'A008 'echnologi4ed -orld is the 'o(bin)tion for Heidegger- of the Philosophi')l tr)dition th)t begins ith Pl)to- )nd )n ob#e'tifying )y of thin$ing it h)s gr)du)lly turned the whole earth into )n ob#e't of assault

    he t)s$ of thin$ing for Heidegger ill not #ust be to o5erturn (et)physi's 1 f.o. h)t Iiet9s'he did= by re,ersing itstr)dition)l pri,ileges* i.e. hu()ns o,er +od* d)r$ness o,er light* et' but r)ther to o5ercome it 1f.o. (et)physi's=to find ) )y to find ) )y to get thin$ing on ) 'O'A008 different 'ourse. And

    or Heidegger this ill require overhauling our sense of h)t it (e)ns to ) H 3AI )nd for )nything else for th)t ()tter to be.

    his is the re)son th)t Heidegger opens his O3 lecture by s)ying heNs doing pre'isely the opposite of h)t Hegel did1)l )ys d)ngerous to oppose Hegel ,ery li$ely thereNs ) pl)'e for your IO in his Y8?=But this is ne,ertheless the )y Heidegger )nnoun'es

    he first p)rt of the pro#e't M HeNs s)ying )( doing eG)'tly the opposite of h)t Hegel is doing Hegel did M or Hegel )s professor R)lph t)ught us l)st ee$ M he 'ourse of History )nd )'ts of series of progressi,e for()tion of 'ons'iousness

    ro(Ob#e'ti,e 'ons'iousness to ?elf 'ons'iousness to Re)son to ?P RAndOneNs 'ons'iousness be'o(es 'ons'ious-of-itself )s ?P R it re)li9es th)t ?P R )s there )ll )long

    or$ing its )y through the long run of history

    he Hegeli)n t)s$ then is first to put these for()tions of 'ons'iousness in orderto tell the story of ?P R n )nd As hu()n 'ons'iousness


    to begin thereby the or$ of AJ A Q I+ it 1?P R =- ?P R one ')n s)y is is re)li9ed ()de re)l )s it is re)li9ed- here brought to hu()n 'ons'iousness 1 f.o. )'tu)li9ing be'o(es ) )reness=

    n HeideggerNs l)ngu)geh)t this (e)ns is th)t History of Being for Hegel the history of "h)t s is equi,)lent to the history of hin$ingh)t s is the history of h)tNs 'o(e to 'ons'iousness

    n this light loo$ing b)'$ o,er the p)st t enty-fi,e hundred ye)rs in post-P)r(enides thought!5:%allows Hegel to see Being progressively Unfolding in Philosophy"i$ipedi) P)r(enides

    he single $no n or$ of Parmenides is ) poe(* On Nature * hi'h h)s sur,i,ed only in fr)g(ent)ry for(.n this poe(* P)r(enides describes two views of reality . n9the way of truth K 1) p)rt of the poe(=* he eGpl)ins ho reality :coined as 9what#is9; is one *change is im!ossible/ and

    existence is timeless/ uniform/ necessary/ and unchanging,

    n9the way of o!inion/9 he eGpl)ins the world of a!!earances/ in which one(s sensory faculties lead to conce!tions which are falseand deceitful . hese ide)s h)d ) strong effe't on Pl)to* )nd in turn* influen'ed the hole of "estern philosophy.!5:6!allows Hegel to see Being progressively Unfolding in Philosophy

    - until it 'ul(in)tes in the de) of the de)- hi 'h is to s)y the )bsolute coincidence bet een ?ub#e't )nd Ob#e't M 2no er )nd 2no n

    Andts here 1f.o. here )t this point of coincidence =th)t Heidegger )nnoun'es his re,ers)l of Hegelf the t)s$ for Hegel is to thin$ h)t HA? been thought in "estern Philosophy

    the t)s$ for (e 1Heidegger= is to thin$ h)t h)s IO been thought in "estern Philosophy.f Hegel is loo$ing to consummate 3et)physi's Heidegger is loo$ing to O3OM= it 1 3et)physi's=
  • 8/12/2019 Rubenstein Audio Ontotheology Heidegger on Being


    And?tri$ingly what has been thought for Hegel )nd what&s not been thought for Heidegger

    AR8 the ?A38 H I+

    "hi'h is to s)y Being itself Philosophy for Heidegger )s ne,er been )ble to thin$ Being

    !!:;5OH-PA" s)ys the Philosophy student M du'$ing out of the Heidegger ,erse M dusting herself off

    Philoso!hy talks about Being all the time

    Philoso!hy talks about Being all the time

    !!:;F P)r(enides s)ys itNs One M Her)'lites s)ys it is 3)ny M Pl)to puts in or(s M Ansel( puts in +od M 3)i(onides splits it )p)rt 1 synthesis of Aristotle )nd Bibli')l f)ith influen'ed ho()s Aquin)s= M ?o Aquin)s ')n glue it together M eibni9 splinters it into 3on)ds M Hegel glues it b)'$ in ?pirit

    All these guys e,er t)l$ )bout is Beingo hi'h Heidegger (ight reply not so diluted D)sien!4:54Philosophy s)ys it t)l$s )bout Being M it thin$s M it thin$s )bout Being

    But re)lly it only thin$s )bout beings!4:!%It asks h)t is ) t)ble* h)t is the good* h)t is ) hu()n being )nd it thinks )bout t)bles* )nd goodness )nd hu()n beings

    But in )s$ing h)t )nything of these things is t ne,er thin$s to )s$

    "h)t is ? 1until Bill Jlinton= ?o philosophy thin$s )bout beings )ll the ti(e M but not )bout Being itself

    Io of 'ourse the 'r)9y thing )bout this philosophi' forgetting of Beings th)t Being is h)t allows beings to be in the first pl)'et is h)t allows philosophy to be in the first pl)'e

    "h)t ould philosophy be M ithout )s$ing S"h)t s

    Being is the 'ondition of possibility of (et)physi's meta!hysics 1tree= ')nNt get off the ground 1Being= ithout it 1?oil= 1 ree ')nnot gro ithout soil= Yet*

    3et)physi's h)s ne,er been )ble H I2 M 1f.o. th)t is Being=

    he illustr)tion in the -B essay 1"B illustr)tion is pri()rily th)t of ight M ?eeing equ)ted ith need for ight OJ le'ture=is th)t Meta!hysics 1 ree= sees the beings 1 e),es= it sees in the ight of Being 1+round=

    butit ')nNt see the ight itself 1 e),es ')nnot see +round=
