
Minseok chuckled slightly as he watched Luhan bounce out of the room, a wide smile on his face. “Minseok!” He exclaimed, jumping on top of the couch. “Minseok! Minseok! Minseok!” Baekhyun groaned and rolled out of the way, glaring at Sehun who was walking over with an amused look. “I lost twenty thousand won because of you, dickhead. Thanks a lot,” Minseok drawled. “Yeah, but I don’t care! Do you want to know why?” Luhan leaned over, smiling widening more. “I have a boyfriend now.” “Fuck you,” Jongin grumbled quietly from the side, slumping down further in his seat. “Come on, Luhan. I need to talk to you outside for a second,” Sehun gestured. Luhan immediately spun around and hopped over to Sehun’s side. “What for?” “Stuff,” Sehun said while placing his hand on Luhan’s back to push him out the door. “We’re eating out!” “Get your filthy hands off him!” Minseok roared, but the door had already slammed shut. “Where are we going?” Luhan asked eagerly. Sehun paused slightly, watching him with a smile. “To the noodles shop.” Luhan’s eyes sparkled in excitement. Sehun barked out a laughter at the sight. “God, Luhan. Tone it down, will you?” “I’m just too happy! I can’t help it,” Luhan argued. “I’m happy as well, but you don’t see me about



Transcript of rtyrtu

Minseok chuckled slightly as he watched Luhan bounce out of the room, a wide smile on his face.

“Minseok!” He exclaimed, jumping on top of the couch. “Minseok! Minseok! Minseok!”Baekhyun groaned and rolled out of the way, glaring at Sehun who was walking over with an amused look. “I lost twenty thousand won because of you, dickhead. Thanks a lot,” Minseok drawled.“Yeah, but I don’t care! Do you want to know why?” Luhan leaned over, smiling widening more. “I have a boyfriend now.”“Fuck you,” Jongin grumbled quietly from the side, slumping down further in his seat. “Come on, Luhan. I need to talk to you outside for a second,” Sehun gestured. Luhan immediately spun around and hopped over to Sehun’s side.“What for?”“Stuff,” Sehun said while placing his hand on Luhan’s back to push him out the door. “We’re eating out!”“Get your filthy hands off him!” Minseok roared, but the door had already slammed shut.“Where are we going?” Luhan asked eagerly. Sehun paused slightly, watching him with a smile.“To the noodles shop.”Luhan’s eyes sparkled in excitement. Sehun barked out a laughter at the sight.“God, Luhan. Tone it down, will you?”“I’m just too happy! I can’t help it,” Luhan argued.“I’m happy as well, but you don’t see me about to rip my mouth from smiling too wide.”“It’s not my fault you’re an emotionless jackass,” Luhan pointed out. “I actually know how to express how I feel.”“Oh really?” Sehun cocked an eyebrow. “Because I just confessed to you about my feelings.”“Yeah, I taught you pretty well,” Luhan gleamed and stepped forward to slide his arm beside Sehun’s.“You’ve been waiting for this for moment for way too long,” Sehun said while staring down at the linked arms. “Ugh, tell me about it. You got all stiffened up whenever I would lay my hand on you. It was pretty pathetic.”“I thought I was straight.”“Yeah, I thought so too, but hey! We can now to this!” Luhan slid his hand down to grab Sehun’s.

“I just want to warn you,” Sehun said softly. “That I might possibly be a crappy boyfriend.”Luhan’s smile softened as well. “Sehun, I honestly don’t care. Nobody starts off a relationship knowing exactly what to do. I understand what you’re weak at, and you know what my weak points are. I’m not dating you for a perfect relationship. I’m dating you to be in a relationship with you. So stop with the crap about not being a good boyfriend, alright?”Sehun felt Luhan lightly squeeze his hand, and for the first time, didn’t freeze at the contact.“Yeah, okay,” Sehun murmured, allowing himself to be pulled along by Luhan.  Sehun and Luhan arrived at the shop shortly after, and took their respective seats at the back corner. After a few seconds, Sehun brightened when he saw halmoni come towards them with an affectionate smile.“Sehun!” Halmoni exclaimed, reaching down to embrace Sehun. “How are you sweetie?”“Great,” Sehun said, looking across the table to meet Luhan’s smiling eyes.“Oh, and you brought your friend again. It’s nice to see you again, Luhan.”“Hello,” Luhan said. “Could we have the same things we had last time.”“Certainly,” Halmoni said and hurried away to the kitchen. Luhan looked at her disappear before turning around to face Sehun.“You should tell her you’re leaving soon.”Sehun’s eyes drooped down.“Sehun, you can’t leave her without notice.”“I just have a feeling that I won’t be able to come back here,” Sehun said quietly. “That I won’t be able to see her again.”“Of course you’ll be able to. Seocho isn't that far from school. It’s even closer to downtown Seoul. You’ll be able to visit her plenty of times.”“It’s just....,” Sehun bit his lips, eyes traveling to the closed curtains in front of the kitchen entrance. “Halmoni means a lot to me. She’s more than family to me. I can’t say goodbye to her again.”“It doesn’t have to be a goodbye,” Luhan urged. “You’ll be back before you know it. Come on, Sehun. Think about how she would feel if the grandson she loves disappeares without saying anything.”Before Sehun could say anything back, the curtain was yanked open and halmoni came out, carrying two large steaming bowls of noodles. She walked over and placed them on the table, staring down at the

two boys as they took a sip.“It’s amazing,” Luhan said and slid to the side, making extra space beside him. “Come sit, halmoni. Your legs must hurt.“Oh, nonsense! I’m sure you two want to talk about some young teenager things-”“Sit, halmoni! We want you here,” Sehun urged, and Halmoni reluctantly sat down, smiling wearily. “I...I actually have something I want to tell you.”Halmoni looked up, eyes widening at Sehun.“Luhan and I are going to back school soon,” Sehun said softly. “Oh,” Halmoni muttered. “Oh dear. Already?”“It was a short break,” Sehun replied. “But halmoni, I’ll be back soon. I’m going to visit as much as I can. I’ll make sure I’ll keep in better contact than I had before. I promise.”Halmoni’s mouth stretched into an affectionate smile, and she reached out to take Sehun’s hands.“Sehun, sweetie, you don’t have to make such promises to me. We’re family, remember? I know you’ll come see me again. I’m not worried about that.”Luhan looked down at his soup, unable to look at Sehun’s expression. Sehun, who undoubtedly had attachment issues, couldn’t help himself staring back at halmoni, completely taken aback.“Yeah,” Sehun managed to gather his thoughts, beaming brightly. “I’ll definitely come back.”Halmoni squeezed Sehun’s hand one last time before smiling warmly at Luhan. She stood up and walked back to the counter to greet another customer. Luhan watched her walk away before looking back at Sehun, taking in the gloomy look on his face. “Alright, folks! We need to get moving. Move your asses!”Jongin growled, slamming his suitcase into the trunk before whipping around to glare at Baekhyun.“Maybe you should help too, dumbass.”Baekhyun scoffed from the car seat, a open bag of chips in his lap.“I let you guys stay in my house for over a week. The least you could do is move my luggage.”“That’s right,” Chanyeol’s boomed from behind, causing Jongin to groan and slink away. Baekhyun smiled brightly, sticking his head out the car to place a quick peck on Chanyeol’s cheeks. “Thanks,” he said sweetly. Chanyeol offered him a wink before going back to the house for more bags. Kyungsoo, who had a small duffel bag with him, climbed into the car and took a seat at the very back. Baekhyun’s eyes traveled back and looked at him with determination.

“When are you going to tell Jongin?” He said in the midst of chewing on a chip. Kyungsoo’s head snapped up and he stared back in surprise.“Tell him what?”“You know,” Baekhyun reached into the bag for more. “About your bullying.”Kyungsoo turned pale and he straightened up, fingers curling tightly around his bag.“I wasn’t really planning on doing it any time soon.”“Well, you should. It’s not fair to keep something so big from him now that you’re not, you know, fighting anymore.”“I’m vaguely aware of that fact. Thanks,” Kyungsoo deadpanned, earning an eyeroll from Baekhyun.“If it’s Jongin’s reaction you’re scared about, you’re just being stupid,” Baekhyun lifted a finger to point at Kyungsoo. “If there’s one thing I can vouch for, that’s Jongin’s character. Trust him.”Kyungsoo looked down. “Yeah, I’m working on it.” Baekhyun smiled widely and turned back around in satisfaction. “Good.”Luhan couldn’t stop smiling. His hands were picking up bags scattered around the living room, but his eyes were fixed on Sehun, who was doing the same thing a few feet away. His smile widened when Sehun lifted his head to meet Luhan’s eyes, eyes crinkling in joy. Jongdae walked over and shoved Luhan, sending him in Sehun’s direction. Sehun catched Luhan with ease and propped him up to his feet. “Stop flirting, will you? You guys are worse than Minseok and I were when we first got together,” Jongdae huffed, struggling to carry two large bags. Minseok was already headed out the door, his own hands free. “Shove it, Jongdae.” Jongin grunted as he picked up an extra large bag, clearly Baekhyun’s. He groaned as he dragged it across the room. “Nobody can be worse than you two.”“Yeah!” Luhan argued, and looked back to see Sehun chuckling softly. “Are you laughing at me?” He asked, placing his hands on his hips to look more intimidating. Sehun merely cocked his eyebrow at the sight. “Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of it,” he drawled as he reached down to take the luggage Luhan was holding. Luhan grinned at the gesture and followed his boyfriend - God, that word still made him want to squeal out loud - to the car. “The lovebirds are here!” Baekhyun announced, and Jongin, who had finally managed to take a seat in the car, leaned over to slap the back

of his friend’s head. “You’re annoyingly loud,” he said. “And you’re just annoying,” Baekhyun shot back. Minseok, who was the last one in, sighed and slammed the car door shut.“Your maturity astounds me,” Minseok said dryly. He turned around to see Jongdae, who was settling in the driver’s seat. “Everybody set?”There was a loud holler from the back, and Jongdae took it as a cue to start the engine. He pulled out of the driveway and reached down to put on some soft music. “Now that I think about it,” Chanyeol mused, “we came with one couple and leave with three. Isn’t that interesting? Who would’ve thought?”“Especially with Luhan and Sehun. Damn, I was sure it would’ve taken much longer,” Minseok said from the front.“I guess we all know who’s next,” Baekhyun said with a sly smile. Jongin cleared his throat awkwardly and Kyungsoo turned to face the window with a flushed face. Luhan watched this in amusement before turning his attention back to Sehun, who was staring down at his phone with a frown.“Something wrong?”Sehun looked up, and Luhan was sure he saw a small patch of red on the boy’s cheeks.“Um, I told Taeyeon about us,” he said hesitantly before lifting his phone to show the screen to Luhan. From: TaeyeonMessage: OMG I KNEW YOU WERE GAYSehun sighed as he flipped the screen to the next text.From: TaeyeonMessage: Wait. LUHAN is your BOYFRIEND? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?From: TaeyeonMessage: you didn’t deflower him, did you?!From: TaeyeonMessage: Don’t you touch him inappropriately, Oh Sehun!From: TaeyeonMessage: FUCK THIS I’M TELLING ALL OF MY FRIENDS THEY’LL BE SO JEALOUS. Luhan burst out in laughter, doubling over and sprawling across Sehun’s lap.“Deflower me?” He exclaimed, earning a groan from Sehun.“She’s convinced you’re the epitome of innocence.”“Why?” Luhan cried, pointing at himself. Sehun’s mouth curled up

into a smirk.“Well, look at you,” he pointed at Luhan’s face. “You scream innocence.”There was a loud snort from up front, and the two spun around to see Baekhyun and Jongin cackling.“Luhan. Innocent?”“Teach me your ways, master!” Baekhyun exclaimed. “Shut up,” Luhan growled, and Sehun smiled before pulling Luhan back to his seat. With the addition of Baekhyun, the car was extremely crowded. Minseok and Jongdae took the front two seats; Baekhyun, Jongin, and Chanyeol were in the middle three, leaving Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Sehun crowded in the last row. Luhan was practically on top of Sehun, as Kyungsoo’s large duffel bag, which they didn’t have a spot for in the trunk, was taking up a lot of space. “Sorry,” Luhan said sheepishly, knowing that he was squishing Sehun against the car. Sehun shook his head, smiling in a reassuring manner.“It’s fine.”“PDA!” Jongdae screamed, and Minseok leaned over to flick his boyfriend in the ear.“Keep your eyes on the road.”“Yes sir,” Jongdae said quickly as he returned to the steering wheel, ignoring the burst of laughter from behind.With a loud screech the car came to a sudden stop, sending everyone flying forward. Baekhyun groaned and massaged his temple as he glared at Jongdae, who smiled sheepishly back.“We’re here! Wake up!”There was a collective sigh as everybody reluctantly stretched their arms, tiredly eyeing each other. Kyungsoo, who had been using his bag as a pillow, waited until the second row was out of car to follow out. A hand reached out and took the bag from him, and Kyungsoo stumbled to the ground and stared up in surprise at Jongin.“I’ll carry it back.”“You don’t have to,” Kyungsoo protested, trying to get the bag back. Jongin easily pushed Kyungsoo’s hands away and placed the bag on top of his own suitcase, tying the two together.“See? Easy.”“Yah, Kim Jongin! My bag’s still in the trunk!” Baekhyun called out.“Carry it yourself!” Jongin yelled back.Sehun rolled his eyes, turning around to face Luhan who was seated on the floor, still unable to fight the sleep. He slumped down, reaching out to flick his forehead.“We’re back at school, sleepyhead.”Luhan opened one eye and offered him a tired smile.

“It’s been one heck of a week, huh?”“Hell yes. My ear’s still ringing from Baekhyun’s yelling.”“That might be because Baekhyun is currently screaming at Jongin to carry his bags,” Luhan joked, pointing at the two arguing. “Let’s go!” Jongdae called out, and Sehun stood up, pulling Luhan up with him. The two followed the rest of the group into the school. It was nearly empty, as there was still a day left before school officially started. They greeted the front reception lady and slowly made their way to the dormitory.“What time is it?”“Nearly noon,” Minseok said as he checked his phone. “We should meet at the cafeteria in about twenty minutes.”“I’m starving,” Luhan groaned. “We need to get settled in first, Luhan,” Sehun said. “Damn,” Luhan whined, earning eye rolls from everyone around him. The group came to a stop in front of Minseok and Jongdae’s room. Jongdae ran into the room with the heavy luggages while Minseok turned around to give everyone a stern look.“Remember - twenty minutes. If you’re late, we’re not leaving any food for you.”“I’m not going to be late!” Luhan exclaimed as he leaned over to give Minseok a quick hug. “Promise!”“Yes, Luhan. I believe you,” Minseok let out a small sigh before closing the door behind him. “Can we please move on? My arms are killing me,” Baekhyun groaned as he turned to glare at Jongin, as if the fact that he was carrying his own bag was all Jongin’s fault. Jongin merely ignored his best friend and followed Kyungsoo to their room.“See you!” He called out before slamming the door behind them. Chanyeol leaned down and took Baekhyun’s bag, swinging it over his shoulder with ease.“Come on, Baek. I’ll help you unpack.”“Really?” Baekhyun’s smile widened and the two waved briefly at Luhan and Sehun before heading to the other end of the hall. Luhan looked at the two with an amused look before opening the door to their room, gesturing to Sehun to go in.“I feel like we’ve been away for years,” Sehun commented with a big huff as he threw the bags to the floor. “It does feel like a long time,” Luhan replied, sitting down on his - what used to be Sehun’s - and smiling up at his boyfriend. “You know, I’ve always wanted to room with my boyfriend before I graduated.”Sehun chuckled as he leaned against his desk. “You’re graduating soon, so I guess a congratulations is in order.”

Luhan smiled shyly. “Don’t remind me. I never thought graduation would be something I would end up dreading.”“Why do I have a feeling you’re going to end up taking another year because you fail all your classes?”Luhan’s jaw dropped open and he spun around to throw a pillow at Sehun. “Fuck you!” Sehun chortled and easily pushed the pillow away. “It could be true!”

“Doesn’t mean you should say it!” Luhan roared, stomping over to slap his boyfriend’s arm. “You dick!”

 “Stop it, Luhan! You can’t be mean just because I’m your boyfriend now!” Sehun retorted, trying to get away. “Ow!”“Try me!” Luhan said determinedly and grabbed Sehun’s arms, tugging him forward so their faces were only inches apart. Sehun’s eyes widened almost comically. “This isn’t awkward at all.”“Of course it isn’t,” Luhan said quietly. “You’re such an idiot.”“Hey!” Sehun opened his mouth to retort, but Luhan took the moment to wrap his hands around Sehun’s neck and tug him forward for a kiss. It was haste and sloppy, but they both smiled into it.“Now that I look back at it,” Sehun muttered as they separated, both grinning in such stupid ways that if Baekhyun or Jongin were to walk in, they would never hear the end of it. “You were ridiculously obvious.”“You’re the densest guy I’ve ever met. I fucking fed you, you oaf.” Sehun rolled his eyes, but when Luhan narrowed his eyes threateningly, he broke out into his previous stupid grin. “I really like you,” Sehun said casually in such a Sehun-like manner that Luhan couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. “I know.”