Rsecnote Doku 07 2009 From SAP

How to process security-related SAP Notes Tools RSECNOTE and SNOTE Frank Buchholz, Active Global Support – Security Services June 2009

Transcript of Rsecnote Doku 07 2009 From SAP

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How to process security-related SAP NotesTools RSECNOTE and SNOTE

Frank Buchholz, Active Global Support – Security ServicesJune 2009

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Security Notes in the SMP

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Check for security-related SAP Notes

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Check for security-related SAP Notesusing Transaction ST13 -> Tool RSECNOTE

Execute tool RSECNOTEwithin transaction ST13A special authorization isrequired to execute thistool.

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Transaction ST13 -> Tool RSECNOTEResult

The tool RSECNOTE showssecurity-related notes whichshould be implemented for thissystem.

Let’s choose one noteas a example how toimplement notes.

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Implement Note using transaction SNOTEDownload Note

Start transaction SNOTE anddownload the note.

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Implement NoteDownload other required Notes if necessary

Some notes require other notes as aprerequisite (even if we try to keepsecurity-related notes almostindependent from other patches). Ifrequirements are present, they areautomatically processed.

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Implement NoteSubmit implementation process

Finally, you have to confirm thatyou have read the note – and ofcourse that you have definedsufficient test procedures.

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Implement NoteIntegration with Transport Management

You use transaction SNOTE in adevelopment system. Therefore atransport request is used to transport thecorrection to the productive system.

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Implement NoteCheck if correction can be applied

Transaction SNOTE checks ifall corrections can be appliedto the ABAP programs.

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Implement NoteActivate objects

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Implement NoteConfirm Note

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Transaction ST13 -> Tool RSECNOTERefreshed Result

Success !!

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Appendix A

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Implementing note 888889 usingtransaction SNOTE may lead to someerror messages, which are related tothe settings of the System ChangeOptions:

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889Change System Change Options

In transaction SE06 -> SystemChange Option (you can use SE03,too) activate the Namespaces/NameRanges /SSA/ and /SSF/ formodification.

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Go ahead…

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Go ahead…

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Go ahead…

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Go ahead…

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Choose one main programand go ahead…

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Install RSECNOTE using note 888889

Success !!

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using Mail

Appendix B

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailOnline Help

SAP Connect Configuration

You have to configue at least all steps which are related to the sending process based on SMTPIn addition we like to highlight the topic converning Secure E-Mail

Defining Output Devices for Printing Using E-Mail

On the following slides we show some of the configuration settings.

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailDefine MAIL Printer (1)

Transaction SPAD

Define a virtual printer which sends thespool request using SMTP to the mailserver

Typically you choose the device type PDF1to create mails containing a PDFattachment

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailDefine MAIL Printer (2)

Transaction SPAD

Set the Host Spool Access Method to ‚M‘

The reciepient mail address will be definedlater as part of the backgroung job definition

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailCreate Role for Background User

Transaction PFCG

Create a role for thebackground user

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailCreate Background User

Transaction SU01

Create a background user andassign the role

The mail address in mandatoryand will be used as the sender(and reply) address

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailCreate Report Variant for Background Job

Transaction SA38

Create a variant RSECNOTEfor the report /SSA/NXS

Set the service parameter tothe value SECURITY_CHECK

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailSchedule Background Job

Transaction SM37

Create a background job

Add a step for the report /SSA/NXS withvariant RSECNOTE

Use the background user RSECNOTE

Set the MAIL printer

Set the receiver mail address

Define a title

Consider, to add a second step forsending the mail at once using reportRSCONN01 with variant INT

Schedule the job regularly, e.g. weekly

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Send Results of RSECNOTE using MailResult

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Thank you!

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Secondary color palette100%

Primary color palette100%

Definition and halftone values of colors

RGB 68/105/125

RGB 96/127/143

RGB 125/150/164

RGB 152/173/183

RGB 180/195/203

RGB 4/53/123 RGB 240/171/0 RGB 102/102/102RGB 153/153/153RGB 204/204/204

RGB 21/101/112

RGB 98/146/147

RGB 127/166/167

RGB 154/185/185

RGB 181/204/204

RGB 85/118/48

RGB 110/138/79

RGB 136/160/111

RGB 162/180/141

RGB 187/200/172

RGB 119/74/57

RGB 140/101/87

RGB 161/129/118

RGB 181/156/147

RGB 201/183/176

RGB 100/68/89

RGB 123/96/114

RGB 147/125/139

RGB 170/152/164

RGB 193/180/189

RGB 73/108/96

RGB 101/129/120

RGB 129/152/144

RGB 156/174/168

RGB 183/196/191

RGB 129/110/44

RGB 148/132/75

RGB 167/154/108

RGB 186/176/139

RGB 205/197/171

RGB 132/76/84

RGB 150/103/110

RGB 169/130/136

RGB 188/157/162

RGB 206/183/187





RGB 158/48/57Tertiary color palette100%





SAP Blue SAP Gold SAP Dark GraySAP GraySAP Light Gray

Dove Petrol Violet/MauveWarm RedWarm Green

Cool Green Ocher Warning RedCool Red

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