RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa...

<. >* i^3r*- - -- -** * i ' H _ _ ' .asBBsa'*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*<y tat* vise* to BaatawH. Ta« -'CMtsrastf CftroaJefa a f t e r a « *t - •teg* /nmtti* to »S» p. ss. •»*. .as* oat o/t hafsct to JTr. Fatftsr, •ko sgat tksf ttssst estates*, ia y^nl Q# MMfSj •/ tat. sjssiaMaty. Anbough at tauUsi health for the ^Sst several atantba, Mr. Faefcer re- | ported for work" nguhvly at Tht Cttt- I a veteran printer. B* wat at work as I usual signs of in health. A native of Nsshtnte, ht removed to Itsstrvffle where ht started to tht I printing business at the agt of U. Be •was connected with printing planteand I la PkunftaW. Btaten Wand. , N. Y , and WtttntJd, prior > owning; to Cranford thirty ytan*ago. He began work m Ccanford as a prtn- Itaren The Cranford Cttisen when It I wat located In the tooth Union avenue abortly alter the W s U D L FACKEX C r a f t d Sfcorck Ort Ihdcr Fart of SMW Town Gang on Doty All Night Ocarkkf Street*; Heaviest SnotWalm Years. More than 3* men were st work but night soovemng Cranford out fromun- der the heaviest snowfall that has . blanketed the Township In a number late James E. Warner took over the'of years. f editing and pubUthlng of the paper. Ha [ anew plows were kept going contin was promoted to superintendent of the uously from earty hut evening; and the printing department, a position which maun reads and streets were kept open h t bald tor more than twenty yean, to tnnsv osntawdnt ta sMs lagnltj after-Mr. | n was estimated that more than Warner consolidated The Cttisen sod while on Tuesday. School was held a* usual this mom- Ing and wQl be continued this after- noon. Dr. Lloyd N. Morrtsett. supervis- •Jjand dnrtnr the night ontop of the much of the. writing on the paper dm> toar mches that tamed' Crmnlord Ing the World War. lathering news Item* and setting them up by hand. >te the past fifteen years, he had boon Onnford correspondent for a number ot NewYork and Newark newa- . paper*. A llf(•long Republican. Mr. Packer had always taken an active Interest in dric and pbUtkal affairs here. For many years he was a spedal clerk at school board elections and Cranford Trust Company elections. H ing principal. just before. BUeCbM Conteat to Eod The Men's male Class of the First Be was sn srdent Oshermsn, and Presbytrrian Church holds one-half of spent much time during the summertione per cent lesd over the Mens Cam- along the banks of nearby riven, lakes munity _Cbus of the Cranford Metho- and brooks. There was hardly a good fishing "hole" In these parts where Mr.- Packer had not dropped In his hook and-line. I - - -was-a-member of Mhu Lodge. P.. b A. M., Westfleld; Crsnfortf Coun- til, Jr. O. U. A. iM.. and- Jlalnfleld [ L Typo- whtch-l two classes for several n e k s . The Presbyterians hare a general average f 193 per cent and the Methodist. U. The contest win end Sunday. On Thursday, evening., February 7. the two chutes will hold their second Joint entertainment in thertymnashim of the First Presbyterian Chun*. The Presbyterian men wul present a show and the refreshments win be provided by the Methodists. Members of the J at borne; one grandson. Walter; and two classes and their friends ha*e been a sister, Mrs. Louisa Durham of Somer-;Invited to,atund. \ I vUc. Dr. Lloyd N. Monisett. supervising .principal of Cranford Public Schools. [ Local, No. NO. International I graphical Union. I His wife, tfie farmer Evelyn Staples, Idled In 1838. N I He is survived by twosons, Elmer W. Packer of OolUngsworth, and Oeorge, Church in the membership conUst win address the Presbyte cnu day morning at »:« oldack. His sub- ject win be ,-Prrmanent and Inereas- tng Tshats.T " [LefionAJtsRotaxian. To Support Casino Harold A. Otovter, past commander of Cranford Post. No. 313, American I Legion, and manager of the Cnnford I Casino, told members of the Rotary { Club at their luncheon meeting last Bremner Chapter. Order of DeMotey, I Thursday noon In Coteman"s Inn, thai win meet tonight hi the M """'- Tem- the Casino .is not solely the Legion's 'pie on South avenue t odect cOcers* new home but Is .alto a community .fee the next term. recreational center. Ht appealed to members of the club to use the toarylO? TheV an^DoteBowker. ^g He .pointed out that J^^ Sran^Wdttirton K. Oraham! I tn * n)r 'mprovemenU have been made iCnBrJel p Banter Arthur P. Johnson. ld new faculties added since the J^i^LT^ M i support Is needed to . I the continuing of other improvement*. Uvlslon-to-the-Btetereountrane>|s^ Wbltmeyer^nd BoUWubbela.^ the mother** Circle held a by W. A. Hennessey, public relations representative of.a group of ' ' ' ' located on staten Island I sound. He was Introduced by William I J. WUlsey, the dub's vice-president. I President Samuel If. Tt<nt^»n coo- | ducted the business waston and Charles Ray Introduced the visitors. They I were Charles H. Dahh t Kmll R. Brun- |ner'and Tom Mead^aU.o(.Westfleld. I D U CLUB ELECTS Clarabel Frew was elected president I of the Cranford High School RIV Club it the annual election Monday •Other officers are Vice-president Wi- lliam Dengler, secretary Janet Dames, •treasurer, Virginia Barnes, range mss- ller. William Dangler; and publicity lofflcer, Howard Orall to I South avenue. B.Craft •etadn etaol eatni teaouw m 1,000 Visit Moms Dmf Store Satarday More than 1JM persons vfclted the Morris Drug Store in Norm avenue, west, last Saturday and securedthe autograph of OUT. Montgomery, all- Ameriran football star from Columbia University, who was at the storr dur- ing the afternoon and evening Charles Morris, the new proprietor, announces that be la well pleaaoed with results obtained from his ad In The Cltben and Chronicle but wvek, and has another ad in todays Issue with specials for Uus week-end and next week. sHyawTwa be aa* rskraary t fcr •n tht kMth •arist, latuiad at tht of the association's board of January IK Wt D. Beulthorp, ttoretary, imwmnrad today. In rtssrnattng the maturtty of the Math series, Mr. Seulthorp called at- tention to tht fact that during the past B»e rears shares in a good buudmg and loan attoctation haw proventobe one of tot most sound snd safe In- nstmente tn tht country. Many other umttmenU made during the past dt- cade have ben wined out entirely. Yet the investors In shares In the lOMh Series of the Cranford Mutual Build- ing snd Loan Association are getting back one hundred cents for every dot- br invested plus a profit equal, to ap- proximately S per. cent annually. -One disturbing -factor In the mind of many investors In building snd loan •hares, la the_ Impression which has grown lo be .an accepted fact that shares mature in a certain number of years. A building and loan share ma- tures when the amount paid In plus earnings equals. •* certain sum. In most association* this sum U »00, The avenge time to maturity under nomal conditions haa been slightly over eleven years. Today, after five yean of de- pression, the average time to maturity is a little less than thirteen yean,"Mr. Sculthorp explained. RS.CU. _ Club wm haU a «sa at Ottfejaa*at Mn. WaMtr m. afteriaii te juatcr (ad m nni nth MMOI ray la chairman of the tad *41 ht assisted by Mrs. M. M. Park, Mrs, wMUm F. Hansel. Mrs, a A. LsMttsfand MUt Lucy Ttagus. in of the College Club from a of rtprtatntettK colleges wul questions tksot their respective Information In the form of catalogues andoonsta entrance re- qutrsmenU also has been secured and -*m be available. I Refreshments via be tn charge of Mrs. Peter Halbo, chairman; Mrs. T. K. Beaton. Mrs. B. X. MUlard. Mn. at J. DUs snd Mist Marias Lewis. Fiske Post Is Host. To Y. F. W. Notables State, County Officers Attend 'Visitation Night" Legion Chooee* Speaker For Veteran.' Night Oapt. William O. McKlnley of Jersey (3ty, past department vice-commander, a member of the Department executive committee, and chairman of the com- mittee in charre of. the New Jersey Legtona News, will be thespeaker at the Veterans' Night' program to oe held at the Casino on February 4 under the auspices of Cranford Post, No. 212, begin announcement war made Tues- it- at a meeUhg of the post by '. Sellers, of the port's mem- bi/rshAnrWniittee. Capt. McKinley to of the State legislative and is well qualified to the Legion and It* activities. Several post memben plan to attend the demonstration and entertainment the Legion sponsored troop at the Monday. Plans are complete for the card party to be sponsored Jointly by the post and unit this evening in the Casino, There win be prises and refreshments, and a large attendance ;.b expected. Charles J. Christian Is chairman of the post committee. State, County and post v: Mrs were present Friday night In Vet- erans' Kail at a "Visitation Night" meeting oenducted by Capt Newell Rodney Fiske Post, No. 139. The visi- tors Included: Harry Ericsson, of linden. State De- partment Councilman of the Fifth Dis- trict: O. TJlrich, of Union, put district councilman; Union County Oommander Frank HU1, of Lmdenj Past Union County Commander W. i UOfabon. of Cranford; county Senior Vice-Com- mander Lorens von deh Bteinen, of Hillside: County Junior Vice-Corn mander Marl O. c. Oall, of Blsabeth: County ChapUin Robert Hldgley, of PlalnOeld: County;Judge Advocate Leon W. Scully, of Cranford: County Guard OuiUv Nebxn. of 8ummlt; County Of- ficeT of the Day Prank Ijooea, of Bls- abeth: Btate Inspector Sa$sna«Munoe, of Summit; County Trustee* F. Baker, -ef-Plainneldr-J^Oealeyrof-Undi On February 13 the County Commlt- lee »-ll make Its official visit to CTah*- fonl Post. -•- - ' - The post and unit will sponsor a Monte Carlo at the Casino sometime during the Utter part of February. Charles Wernecke, of Hillside. R. Heam and J. Conant, senior and Junior vlce-oommanden of Summit post: Frank A. Abbott and Charles Lanxa, past commanders of Fiske Post; Harry Nead, B. Wiles and F. Richard- son, commander, senior vice-comman- der and Junior vice-commander of Olark-Hysllp Post. Westfleld; H. YanU and Uj.Kittner.commander and sen- ior vice-commander of Murrey Dittmar Post, Rahwajr; F- E. Layton. commander of Nancy Luzon Post, Roaelle Park; E. J. Woodruff, commander of Belsytown Post, Elliabeth; N. Umlntkl and Morris Cohen, commander and. senior vice- commander of J. R. Wheeler Post, Lin- dtn: A. Martin, commander of H. K. of man than a book, a dav over MB, according to the annual report of May D. Bradley, the librarian. The detailed report of tht etrcula- Uon of books U as follows: Adult non- action, U.4M; adult ftcuon, 13,140; lu- venut books, IIJM: picture*, iju/l; total circulation of books and pi teals, BUM; total circulation of books, periodicals and pictures, sum; in- crease over last year's total, IK; aver- age dally circulation,-adult, 3ITJ: erage dally circulation. Juvenile, 14.7: average dally dreulatlon, total, mt. Accession* during the past year wtrt as follows; Vohimes added by pur- chase, adult. 7S3; volumes added by gift, adult. 101; volumes added total, adult, MS; volumes added total,' ju- venile, MO; volumes addedtotal,1133: ~ Ms withdrawn, adult, 411; -vol- umes withdrawn, Juvenile, 136; vol- ume! rebound, adult, 30g; volumes re- bound. Juvenile, 134; volumes rebound. ,314; volumes Inlibrary, adult, 13.730; volumes hi library, Juvenile, 3M(; snd volumes in library total, 1B.M0. -— Registrations- during 1934 were as follows: Adult department, 373; Juv- enile department, MO; total, 123; esti- mated number of boirowen. 5.130; es- timated number of Juvenile borrower*, l/Oi; estimated Increase Intotalnum- ber of bofioweis. S33. "The above statistics show a decresse In the circulation of adult fiction," ac- cording to Miss Bradley. -They also Indicate a considerable Increase In the circulation of non-fiction In the adult department and that the circulation of both books snd pictures In the chil- dren's room has been much larger than that of but year. w requesU for reference material are Increasingly numerous, snd Indi- cate the. Importance of careful telec Uon and cataloging of the books tor uidtuse IHThe relereh^TeparfmenT "The repairing of worn and damaged books much of which Is done In the library by the workers, b sn Important, feature of work in all departments." Salaam Temple Honor. Maj. John D. Leonard John D. Leonard of 34 North avenue, cat, was elected assistant chief Rab- ban of Salaam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. 8, at the annual election held at the Mosque, Newark, on Monday evening. Other new officers are: Illustrious Po- tentate, August C, Frsnke, Paasalc; Chief Rabban, Dr. Robert O. Rlbbana, Newark: High Priest andProphet, Ar- thur K. McRoberts, Jr- Jersey City; Oriental Chdde, Albert J. Volk, Mont- datr. 8torr _Poet, Plalnneld: J. Olordena, Judge advocate of Kenllworth Post: L. Murphy, Max Schoehwalder, J, Ander- son and W. Kucber, commander, senior and Junior vice-commanders and chap- lain of M. A. Kelly Post,'Union; Senior Vlce-Oommander Walters and Past Oommander Woods of Hillside Post. There were addresses by Zricsson, UI- rich, ml], Van den Stelnen and Oall. Oommander Daniel J. Heyburn, of Fiske Post, conducted the meeting which was followed by a social hour with refreshments. The dark horse award went to K. O. C. Oall. Garden (1* Will Hold Rrmt 1935 Meeting Monday The Oarden CtvS) of .Cranford, of which Mrs. William Hummer is the new president, will hold its first meet- ing of the year at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the .home of Mrs. K. F, Moriey tn Holly street. At each meeting throughout the year, members are expected to contribute an artistic arrangement to,be Judged and an award made on points at-the end o f t h e year. Monday's meeting calls for -Winter Bouquet" In any container. The speaker will be Miss Dorothy Jenkins whose subject will be "Per- ennlals for Succession and-saUsfac- i."-Tea win be served by the hot, i. assisted by Mrs. A. O, Ingalls and Mrs. Curtis Culin. Liona Seek to Have Park ReeataUiahed Here The Lions Club will request the Un- ion County^Psrk Commlsslop to rees- tablish atjilayground In one of the county parks In Oranford. Action relative to the request was taken at the dub's dinner meeting last Friday night in Ooteman's Inn after recom- mendation to that effect wat offered by O. K. Warner. " Adopted was a plan to have each member hold a card party In his home between now and February IS. Clar- ence Frit*. James A. Pennypacker. Wil- liam Klein and Vemon Conover are on: ths^commlttee, * . Alfred Hemleb was Initiated by Mr. President A. T. Baker conducted the meeting. ' GsTTS SUBTENDED SENTENCE O.T.Rourke of 308 North avenue, ar- nated by S e n t . Lawrence Bormell and patrolman Ettwatl Lee on complaint of Joseph Caruso who charted that Rourke had taken an order for postal cards and had accepted t2 Inprepay- ment, but had fslted to deliver the or- der, received a suspended sentence by Judge L U Loveland after hf had re- turned the U toCaruso. He was as- sessed (3 cost or court. Caruso gave the returned «3 to the poor fund, V. I. A. Group Fold. Dressing* forHospital ,The hospital committee'of the Vil- lage Improvement Association, of which Mrs. F. K, O. Winckler Is chairman, is meeting every other 1 week-to fold sur- gical dressings for the Elisabeth Oen- eral Hospital. Otfier memben of the committee are: Mrs O L Orlswold. president of Uie V. I. A ; Miss Allot Lakey, honorary president of the V. I. A: Mrs. 8 O. Droetcher. Mrs. M. O Doerlng, Mn. N. R Foster. Milt L. c. Howell. Mrs Mareha Latendorf, Mn. O. C. Little, and Mrs. Oeorge B. Oiterhelit •frajk*. Avenaa «* S t t J Boefca a Dvs> ItvYf**. Tht bad a> Craaferd Fret Public Library i avtnat daily circulation. of 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934 Honored at LWer I Ta* Rate WB Bo Item of $2,000 for Ponce RadioCaB The Township Committee Titrsday night adopted on first reading the IMS Township budget which shows an In- crests of 133*7171 over tht 1(34 Dg- uret In .the amount-to be raised by taxation, and an Increase of 114,0*9 71.-.. .In tht total budget The total budget jfor IBIS ta t414.404.74 of which *3M,- sM.74 U tobe raised by taxation. . The detailed IMS budget ap- pears In lull on page two o/ to- day't bane, together wWi Itut year 1 ! budget, ^Township Clerk Alvan R. Denman tcUnuted that these Increases will mean about a two point ralso In the tax rate. Public hearing on the budget prior lo final passage will be held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, February 'In the Township Rooms. The Increase tn the amount to b«'^ raised by Uxatlon 1» due largely, It Is "' said, to a decrease In therevenuesan- from the County and State, luded In the budget U an Item of t2.D0o for a radio call siatem for the police department. That sum Is deemed sufficient to Install the sending ap- paretus at police headquarters and the receiving apparatus, which- wUI be placed In the two can purchased last 'year. The expenditure necesslutrs no More than 700 State. County and mere,,,. | n the police budget, as there nuniclpal Ri-publlcan It.den andTO „, sppolntmnt to theforce follow- worken attended the testimonial din-,ing <he retirement Utc last year of i er to Sheriff C. Wesley Collins. Coun- Bergt. P. J. Martin. On the other y Republican chairman, last night In hand.' the efficiency and service of the hf Elks Club, Elisabeth. 'department will be Increased conslder- 8p-.k»-» included Oovernor Harold »bly. Police CommUsloner E. P. But- O. Hodman, Mrs. Kenneth Deatty. livan believes |OeorgeC.Warren,Jr.,and8Ut.8en-| PrU)r ^ ^ m"^^^ „, ithe budget, the committee adopted Collins' Testimonial k Attended by 7 0 0 ^ L l State, County, Local Leaders Honor G. O. P. Chairman. Thompson was teusunaster " *" """ i lhe budwt - "* «°mmlttee adopted r ^ C ^ S i ^ U d Wltha'^T^Col^'o^^O TvSer l"L_as_a_token_pf JU»R^i P |tc»rt_oa_?L^^^S«S!^- Q .". Itl. j_ AH l^^ii_ fe ^i k i a A§ .1 - V(g« 1&^^W l^# ajjity gslSSjS- II r i l l sat fcil^ gmotsstioni apprecituon of the iplen- --i.—, „« -s.-,_.a.._ ...„_-•. ' J~. __ AIM KK.1. i»_ i J- J.._I.._ a.i. . •nitirjr ur l u i u i n i p AlUXTwy i A c l n. I [ganUatlon's appredailon of the did work he has done during hi» two >ran as County chalnnsn. Twenty- five of the twenty-ilx Republlcsncim- tcrm have Warslnskl Township Otfidalt Invited by V. I. A. InvlUtion has been extended to members of the Township Committee, through Mayor Oeorge E, Osterheldt. to attend theadjourned quarterly meet- Ing- of the Village improvement Asso- ctatlon at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home of Mn. A. R. Wamock In 401 Prospect street. It Is expected that | lh« cnmmlttee^i-represenUUve*—will There was muilc during-llhe dinner which wns followed by dancing. Among those attending flom Cran- ford were Mayor Oeorge E. Oster- heldt, Mn. Mabel Lovell. municipal chalnnsn: 'Hre Commluloner J. Ed- heretofore Adopted on first reading was an or- dinance authorising the Issuance of tlKJOOO of IMS trunk sewer bonds bearing Interest at 4V4U and 4<4 per cent. Hearing was let for February 5. Adopted on final reading was an or- wsrd Wolf. Township Clerk Alvan R. t Denman. Township Attorney Carl Warilntki, C ou n t y Commlttccman Oeorge Rankin, John K. Cloud, and McMahon. Into ^ ^ Ulk on the 1835 Township budget which was Introduced Tuesday nljht. The ipeaker of the afternoon will be Miss Audrey Grace Adsnu, Union County Home Demonstration Agent. Her subject will be. "How to Live Within Your Income." G. O. P. Directors Approve Action of Club Members The board of directors of the Cran- ford Republican Club, at a special meeting Monday night at the Caaino. lease with use o[ avenue and Alden utreet as quartern for Township omces snd Township Rooms. Rental is $3,000 H-year-and the-lease Is-fen-flve-yean.- The owners are to renovate and re- model the building to conform with plans on file In the Township Clerk's oDIce. The committee adopted a resolution introduced by Road Commissioner Frank McCullough that the Wednesday Morning Club •tears Mrs* E. T* Towler The Wednesday Morning Club held a philanthropic teayesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lynford Haxsard In Springfield avenue. The speaker of the afternoon was Mn. Edward Thomas Towler .who recently returned from a world tour. She spoke on Travel.' Assisting Mn.,Raxssrd as hostesses were Mrs. Oeorge Oriswold. Mn. Ed- ward T. Towler, Mrs. Louis Sayre, Mrs. H. E. Atwater, Mrs. J. T. Tubby, Mn. Horatio Van Cleave, Mrs. Paul Crispin. Mrs. R. P. Blythe and Mrs. J. H. Lewis. The meeting to be held next Wed- day will be in charge of the education department of which Mrs.' Adam Earl Robinson Is chalnnsn. The speaker will be Mrs. Horace Woodward, chair- man of education for the League of Women Voters. Mn. E. K. Loveli will give a brief report on the assembly bill—the outcome of which was Dr. Mori's school survey. St Michael's Plant. For Winter Festival Plans were made last night at a meeting of committees of the com- bined organisations of SL Michael's Church to hold a winter festival. In'the parochial school on Februtay 31, 22 _ _ "T3, The Rev. James P. ktcDonatd. Loveiandi> 1Mtor °* •"• church, has been named general chairman, and Mlts Ernestine DiBattiita, secretary. To Have Dinner Tonight The drum and bugle corps of Oapt. N. R. Fiske Post, No. SX, V, F. W, will give a dmner-jit 7 o'clock tonight in Veterans' Hall to memben of the post and (Joe ladles' auxtllarr whoworked on the basaar and picnlo committee lot year. 'There win be dsadncirom.a to II o'clock with mutie by. a o ^r-B~or- chettra On Saturday evening the post will sponsor a card party for the benefit of the pott The pott and Ks drum aid bugle oorpt will present a minstrel show In Rootmlt Bohooi the first or second week InMarch Nell Ryan has been engaged as coach and rtheanalt will start Monday. club wUI await Una] detailed report of the "ntw headquarten" conimlttee on location before Using further action. The next meeting of the club will be held February 13 a l which time nomi- nation! probably will be presented, Mrs. Prank McCullough presided at Mon- the man Road to mated cost of $2.300 of per cent, •nd [. E. J. Schuessler of nue Th» « nro^*T Central [ery, Schuessler claims. Interferes with his radio. The clerk was authorised to |writo to Dr. Foster to' an effort to remedy tht situation, j Wade H. Poston urged tht drawing I up of a new building code to end the ! confusion which now exlste over the old one, many exceptions having been made from time to time. Mayor Oeorge E. Osterheldt said that not onlythe building code but the whole code of or- 'dt nances need revision, but that action by tht committee has been deferred for tome'.time, due to.the fact that rCOBttsawtf oa last post; - '•n~~< Classes Are Completed A'Class In Home Nursing will open ' in the Sherman School this evenln* at The Re* Cross first aid classes, which 7:30o;clock. A complete and thorough have been m e e U n ^ e k l y T t h r c ^ course will be given under th» direction slno. under the ausplctt_sf_Cnmford of Mrs. Rosemary McKay, supervising,Unit, No..311. American Leglon~A"iidR- nurse In Cranford public schools. Ev- |lary, were concluded last Thundsy^Sd ery one who U Interested to this YIUI every member pasted tht test and will subject Is Invited to attend. There .will'receive a flnl^ld^rtulctte^There be no fee charged for the course bui will be ."make-up" classes for those who voluntary cortributl'ms to h-Jp defray -il«cd inTiessoiar^ expenses »lll be accepted. | At the units meeting last Thursday Six basket ball teams ra.e been the president. Mrs. Charles Christian! formed which meet In the gymstlum sppolnted Mn Dorothy Burr as mem- Thursday night i.nder the d recthn of bershlp chllhnan MnTBurr urgedthe Mr coffee •nmedlale payment of dues to secure A class in Home Economies »lth Mlis 100 per cerHneinbershlp mngsburjr In charge hat alto been InI The next monthly brldgt will be held progreti on this same «venlr« Those 'on the afternoon of February s Mrs interested In any of these acll.iUes s-e Marguerite Earhart A n d M n . Llly Invlled lo iMend Oourle/ will be hostesses.

Transcript of RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa...

Page 1: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*

• < . > *

i^3r*- - -- -** •

* i ' H

_ _ ' .asBBsa ' * "


_.. _


Dm* In Bad Y«t«*<y

tat* vise* toBaatawH. Ta«

-'CMtsrastf CftroaJefa aftera« *t -•teg* /nmtti* to »S» p. ss. •»*.

.as* oat o/t hafsct to JTr. Fatftsr,•ko sgat tksf ttssst estates*, iay^nl Q# MMfSj • / tat. sjssiaMaty.Anbough at tauUsi health for the

^Sst several atantba, Mr. Faefcer re-| ported for work" nguhvly at Tht Cttt-

I a veteran printer. B* wat at work as

I usual signs of in health.A native of Nsshtnte, ht removed to

Itsstrvffle where ht started to thtI printing business at the agt of U. Be•was connected with printing planteand

I la PkunftaW. Btaten Wand., N. Y , and WtttntJd, prior

> owning; to Cranford thirty ytan*ago.He began work m Ccanf ord as a prtn-

I tar en The Cranford Cttisen when ItI wat located In thetooth Union avenue abortly alter the


Craftd Sfcorck OrtIhdcr Fart of SMW

Town Gang on Doty All NightOcarkkf Street*; Heaviest

SnotWalm Years.

More than 3* men were st work butnight soovemng Cranf ord out from un-der the heaviest snowfall that has

. blanketed the Township In a numberlate James E. Warner took over the'of years.

f editing and pubUthlng of the paper. Ha [ anew plows were kept going continwas promoted to superintendent of the uously from earty hut evening; and theprinting department, a position which maun reads and streets were kept openht bald tor more than twenty yean, to tnnsvosntawdnt ta sMs lagnltj after-Mr. | n was estimated that more thanWarner consolidated The Cttisen sod

while on Tuesday.School was held a* usual this mom-

Ing and wQl be continued this after-noon. Dr. Lloyd N. Morrtsett. supervis-

•Jjand dnrtnr the night on top of themuch of the. writing on the paper dm> toar mches that tamed' CrmnlordIng the World War. lathering newsItem* and setting them up by hand.

>te the past fifteen years, he hadboon Onnford correspondent for anumber ot New York and Newark newa-

. paper*.A llf(•long Republican. Mr. Packer

had always taken an active Interest indric and pbUtkal affairs here. Formany years he was a spedal clerk atschool board elections and CranfordTrust Company elections.


ing principal. just before.

BUeCbMConteat to Eod

The Men's male Class of the FirstBe was sn srdent Oshermsn, and Presbytrrian Church holds one-half of

spent much time during the summertione per cent lesd over the Mens Cam-along the banks of nearby riven, lakes munity _Cbus of the Cranford Metho-and brooks. There was hardly a goodfishing "hole" In these parts where Mr.-Packer had not dropped In his hookand-line.

I - - H« -was-a-member of Mhu Lodge.P.. b A. M., Westfleld; Crsnfortf Coun-til, Jr. O. U. A. iM.. and- Jlalnfleld

[ L Typo-

whtch-ltwo classes for several neks . ThePresbyterians hare a general averagef 193 per cent and the Methodist.U . The contest win end Sunday.

On Thursday, evening., February 7.the two chutes will hold their secondJoint entertainment in thertymnashimof the First Presbyterian Chun*. ThePresbyterian men wul present a showand the refreshments win be providedby the Methodists. Members of the

J at borne; one grandson. Walter; and two classes and their friends ha*e beena sister, Mrs. Louisa Durham of Somer-;Invited to,atund. \

I vUc. Dr. Lloyd N. Monisett. supervising.principal of Cranford Public Schools.

[ Local, No. NO. InternationalI graphical Union.I His wife, tfie farmer Evelyn Staples,Idled In 1838. N

I He is survived by two sons, Elmer W.Packer of OolUngsworth, and Oeorge,

Church in the membership conUst

win address the Presbyte cnuday morning at » : « oldack. His sub-ject win be ,-Prrmanent and Inereas-tng Tshats.T "

[LefionAJtsRotaxian.To Support Casino

Harold A. Otovter, past commanderof Cranford Post. No. 313, American

I Legion, and manager of the CnnfordI Casino, told members of the Rotary{ Club at their luncheon meeting last Bremner Chapter. Order of DeMotey,I Thursday noon In Coteman"s Inn, thai win meet tonight hi the M " " " ' - Tem-

the Casino .is not solely the Legion's 'pie on South avenue t odect cOcers*new home but Is .alto a community .fee the next term.recreational center. Ht appealed tomembers of the club to use the

toarylO? TheV an^DoteBowker.^ g He .pointed out that J ^ ^ Sran^Wdttirton K. Oraham!

I tn*n)r 'mprovemenU have been madeiCnBrJel p Banter Arthur P. Johnson.l d new faculties added since the J ^ i ^ L T ^ M

i support Is needed to .I the continuing of other improvement*.


Wbltmeyer^nd BoU Wubbela.^ •the mother** Circle held a

by W. A. Hennessey, publicrelations representative of.a group of' ' ' ' located on staten Island

I sound. He was Introduced by WilliamI J. WUlsey, the dub's vice-president.I President Samuel If. Tt<nt »n coo-| ducted the business waston and Charles

Ray Introduced the visitors. TheyI were Charles H. Dahh t Kmll R. Brun-|ner'and Tom Mead^aU.o(.Westfleld.

I D U CLUB ELECTSClarabel Frew was elected president

I of the Cranford High School RIV• Club i t the annual election Monday•Other officers are Vice-president Wi-lliam Dengler, secretary Janet Dames,•treasurer, Virginia Barnes, range mss-ller. William Dangler; and publicitylofflcer, Howard Orall

to I South avenue.B.Craft •etadn etaol eatni teaouw m

1,000 Visit MomsDmf Store Satarday

More than 1JM persons vfclted theMorris Drug Store in Norm avenue,west, last Saturday and secured theautograph of OUT. Montgomery, all-Ameriran football star from ColumbiaUniversity, who was at the storr dur-ing the afternoon and evening

Charles Morris, the new proprietor,announces that be la well pleaaoed withresults obtained from his ad In TheCltben and Chronicle but wvek, andhas another ad in todays Issue withspecials for Uus week-end and nextweek.

sHyawTwa be a a * rskraary t fcr

•n tht kMth •arist,latuiad at tht

of the association's board ofJanuary IK Wt D. Beulthorp,

ttoretary, imwmnrad today.In rtssrnattng the maturtty of the

Math series, Mr. Seulthorp called at-tention to tht fact that during the pastB»e rears shares in a good buudmgand loan attoctation haw proven to beone of tot most sound snd safe In-nstmente tn tht country. Many otherumttmenU made during the past dt-cade have ben wined out entirely. Yetthe investors In shares In the lOMhSeries of the Cranford Mutual Build-ing snd Loan Association are gettingback one hundred cents for every dot-br invested plus a profit equal, to ap-proximately S per. cent annually.

-One disturbing -factor In the mindof many investors In building snd loan•hares, la the_ Impression which hasgrown lo be .an accepted fact thatshares mature in a certain number ofyears. A building and loan share ma-tures when the amount paid In plusearnings equals. •* certain sum. Inmost association* this sum U »00, Theavenge time to maturity under nomalconditions haa been slightly over elevenyears. Today, after five yean of de-pression, the average time to maturityis a little less than thirteen yean," Mr.Sculthorp explained.

RS.CU._ Club wm haU

a «sa at Ott fejaa* at Mn. WaMtr m.

afteriaii te juatcr (adm n n i nth MMOI

ray la chairman of thetad *41 ht assisted by Mrs.

M. M. Park, Mrs, wMUm F. Hansel.Mrs, a A. LsMttsfand MUt LucyTtagus.

in of the College Club from aof rtprtatntettK colleges wul

questions tksot their respectiveInformation In the form of

catalogues and oonsta entrance re-qutrsmenU also has been secured and

-*m be available.I Refreshments v ia be tn charge ofMrs. Peter Halbo, chairman; Mrs. T.K. Beaton. Mrs. B. X. MUlard. Mn. atJ. DUs snd Mist Marias Lewis.

Fiske Post Is Host.To Y. F. W. Notables

State, County Officers Attend'Visitation Night"

Legion Chooee* SpeakerFor Veteran.' Night

Oapt. William O. McKlnley of Jersey(3ty, past department vice-commander,a member of the Department executivecommittee, and chairman of the com-mittee in charre of. the New JerseyLegtona News, will be the speaker at theVeterans' Night' program to oe heldat the Casino on February 4 underthe auspices of Cranford Post, No. 212,

beginannouncement war made Tues-

it- at a meeUhg of the post by'. Sellers, of the port's mem-

bi/rshAnrWniittee. Capt. McKinley toof the State legislative

and is well qualified tothe Legion and It* activities.

Several post memben plan to attendthe demonstration and entertainment

the Legion sponsored troop at theMonday.

Plans are complete for the card partyto be sponsored Jointly by the post andunit this evening in the Casino, Therewin be prises and refreshments, and alarge attendance ;.b expected. CharlesJ. Christian Is chairman of the postcommittee.

State, County and post v:Mrs were present Friday night In Vet-erans' Kail at a "Visitation Night"meeting oenducted by Capt NewellRodney Fiske Post, No. 139. The visi-tors Included:

Harry Ericsson, of linden. State De-partment Councilman of the Fifth Dis-trict: O. TJlrich, of Union, put districtcouncilman; Union County OommanderFrank HU1, of Lmdenj Past UnionCounty Commander W. i UOfabon. ofCranford; county Senior Vice-Com-mander Lorens von deh Bteinen, ofHillside: County Junior Vice-Cornmander Marl O. c. Oall, of Blsabeth:County ChapUin Robert Hldgley, ofPlalnOeld: County;Judge Advocate LeonW. Scully, of Cranford: County GuardOuiUv Nebxn. of 8ummlt; County Of-ficeT of the Day Prank Ijooea, of Bls-abeth: Btate Inspector Sa$sna«Munoe,of Summit; County Trustee* F. Baker,-ef-Plainneldr-J^Oealeyrof-Undi

On February 13 the County Commlt-lee »-ll make Its official visit to CTah*-fonl Post. - • - - ' -

The post and unit will sponsor aMonte Carlo at the Casino sometimeduring the Utter part of February.

Charles Wernecke, of Hillside.R. Heam and J. Conant, senior and

Junior vlce-oommanden of Summitpost: Frank A. Abbott and CharlesLanxa, past commanders of Fiske Post;Harry Nead, B. Wiles and F. Richard-son, commander, senior vice-comman-der and Junior vice-commander ofOlark-Hysllp Post. Westfleld; H. YanUand Uj.Kittner.commander and sen-ior vice-commander of Murrey DittmarPost, Rahwajr; F- E. Layton. commanderof Nancy Luzon Post, Roaelle Park; E.J. Woodruff, commander of BelsytownPost, Elliabeth; N. Umlntkl and MorrisCohen, commander and. senior vice-commander of J. R. Wheeler Post, Lin-dtn: A. Martin, commander of H. K.

of man than a book, a dav over MB,according to the annual report of MayD. Bradley, the librarian.

The detailed report of tht etrcula-Uon of books U as follows: Adult non-action, U.4M; adult ftcuon, 13,140; lu-venut books, IIJM: picture*, iju/l;total circulation of books and piteals, BUM; total circulation of books,periodicals and pictures, s u m ; in-crease over last year's total, IK; aver-age dally circulation,-adult, 3ITJ:erage dally circulation. Juvenile, 14.7:average dally dreulatlon, total, mt.

Accession* during the past year wtrtas follows; Vohimes added by pur-chase, adult. 7S3; volumes added bygift, adult. 101; volumes added total,adult, MS; volumes added total,' ju-venile, MO; volumes added total, 1133:

~ Ms withdrawn, adult, 411; -vol-umes withdrawn, Juvenile, 136; vol-ume! rebound, adult, 30g; volumes re-bound. Juvenile, 134; volumes rebound.,314; volumes In library, adult, 13.730;volumes hi library, Juvenile, 3M(; sndvolumes in library total, 1B.M0. -—

Registrations- during 1934 were asfollows: Adult department, 373; Juv-enile department, MO; total, 123; esti-mated number of boirowen. 5.130; es-timated number of Juvenile borrower*,l/Oi; estimated Increase In total num-ber of bofioweis. S33.

"The above statistics show a decresseIn the circulation of adult fiction," ac-cording to Miss Bradley. -They alsoIndicate a considerable Increase In thecirculation of non-fiction In the adultdepartment and that the circulation ofboth books snd pictures In the chil-dren's room has been much larger thanthat of but year.

w requesU for reference materialare Increasingly numerous, snd Indi-cate the. Importance of careful telecUon and cataloging of the books tor

uidtuse IHThe relereh^TeparfmenT"The repairing of worn and damaged

books much of which Is done In thelibrary by the workers, b sn Important,feature of work in all departments."

Salaam Temple Honor.Maj. John D. Leonard

John D. Leonard of 34 North avenue,cat, was elected assistant chief Rab-

ban of Salaam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. 8 ,at the annual election held at theMosque, Newark, on Monday evening.Other new officers are: Illustrious Po-tentate, August C, Frsnke, Paasalc;Chief Rabban, Dr. Robert O. Rlbbana,Newark: High Priest and Prophet, Ar-thur K. McRoberts, Jr- Jersey City;Oriental Chdde, Albert J. Volk, Mont-datr.

8torr _Poet, Plalnneld: J. Olordena,Judge advocate of Kenllworth Post: L.Murphy, Max Schoehwalder, J, Ander-son and W. Kucber, commander, seniorand Junior vice-commanders and chap-lain of M. A. Kelly Post,'Union; SeniorVlce-Oommander Walters and PastOommander Woods of Hillside Post.

There were addresses by Zricsson, UI-rich, ml], Van den Stelnen and Oall.

Oommander Daniel J. Heyburn, ofFiske Post, conducted the meetingwhich was followed by a social hourwith refreshments.

The dark horse award went to K. O.C. Oall.

Garden ( 1 * Will HoldRrmt 1935 Meeting Monday

The Oarden CtvS) of .Cranford, ofwhich Mrs. William Hummer is thenew president, will hold its first meet-ing of the year at 3:30 o'clock Mondayafternoon at the .home of Mrs. K. F,Moriey tn Holly street.

At each meeting throughout the year,members are expected to contribute anartistic arrangement to,be Judged andan award made on points at-the endo f t h e year. Monday's meeting callsfor -Winter Bouquet" In any container.

The speaker will be Miss DorothyJenkins whose subject will be "Per-ennlals for Succession and-saUsfac-

i."-Tea win be served by the hot,i. assisted by Mrs. A. O, Ingalls and

Mrs. Curtis Culin.

Liona Seek to HavePark ReeataUiahed Here

The Lions Club will request the Un-ion County^Psrk Commlsslop to rees-tablish atjilayground In one of thecounty parks In Oranford. Actionrelative to the request was taken atthe dub's dinner meeting last Fridaynight in Ooteman's Inn after recom-mendation to that effect wat offered byO. K. Warner. "

Adopted was a plan to have eachmember hold a card party In his homebetween now and February IS. Clar-ence Frit*. James A. Pennypacker. Wil-liam Klein and Vemon Conover areon: ths^commlttee, * .

Alfred Hemleb was Initiated by Mr.

President A. T. Baker conducted themeeting. '

GsTTS SUBTENDED SENTENCEO.T.Rourke of 308 North avenue, ar-

nated by Sent. Lawrence Bormell andpatrolman Ettwatl Lee on complaint ofJoseph Caruso who charted thatRourke had taken an order for postalcards and had accepted t2 In prepay-ment, but had fslted to deliver the or-der, received a suspended sentence byJudge L U Loveland after hf had re-turned the U to Caruso. He was as-sessed (3 cost or court. Caruso gavethe returned «3 to the poor fund,

V. I. A. Group Fold.Dressing* for Hospital

,The hospital committee'of the Vil-lage Improvement Association, of whichMrs. F. K, O. Winckler Is chairman, ismeeting every other1 week-to fold sur-gical dressings for the Elisabeth Oen-eral Hospital. Otfier memben of thecommittee are: Mrs O L Orlswold.president of Uie V. I. A; Miss AllotLakey, honorary president of theV. I. A: Mrs. 8 O. Droetcher. Mrs.M. O Doerlng, Mn. N. R Foster. MiltL. c. Howell. Mrs Mareha Latendorf,Mn. O. C. Little, and Mrs. Oeorge B.Oiterhelit

•frajk*.Avenaa «* SttJ Boefca a


Thtbad a>

Craaferd Fret Public Libraryi avtnat daily circulation. of

1935 Townsli. Barret To Be$23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934Honored at LWer I Ta* Rate WB Bo

Item of $2,000 for PonceRadio CaB

The Township Committee Titrsdaynight adopted on first reading the IMSTownship budget which shows an In-crests of 133*7171 over tht 1(34 Dg-uret In .the amount-to be raised bytaxation, and an Increase of 114,0*9 71.-..

.In tht total budget The total budgetjfor IBIS ta t414.404.74 of which *3M,-sM.74 U to be raised by taxation.

. The detailed IMS budget ap-pears In lull on page two o/ to-day't bane, together wWi Itutyear1! budget,

^Township Clerk Alvan R. DenmantcUnuted that these Increases willmean about a two point ralso In thetax rate. Public hearing on the budgetprior lo final passage will be held at1:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, February

'In the Township Rooms.The Increase tn the amount to b« '^

raised by Uxatlon 1» due largely, It Is "'said, to a decrease In the revenues an-

from the County and State,luded In the budget U an Item of

t2.D0o for a radio call siatem for thepolice department. That sum Is deemedsufficient to Install the sending ap-paretus at police headquarters and thereceiving apparatus, which- wUI beplaced In the two can purchased last

'year. The expenditure necesslutrs noMore than 700 State. County and mere,,,. | n the police budget, as there

nuniclpal Ri-publlcan It.den and TO „ , sppolntmnt to the force follow-worken attended the testimonial din-,ing <he retirement Utc last year ofi er to Sheriff C. Wesley Collins. Coun- Bergt. P. J. Martin. On the othery Republican chairman, last night In hand.' the efficiency and service of thehf Elks Club, Elisabeth. 'department will be Increased conslder-

8p-.k»-» included Oovernor Harold »bly. Police CommUsloner E. P. But-O. Hodman, Mrs. Kenneth Deatty. livan believes

|OeorgeC.Warren,Jr.,and8Ut.8en-| P r U ) r ^ ^ m " ^ ^ ^ „,

ithe budget, the committee adopted

Collins' Testimonialk Attended by 700 ^ L l

State, County, Local LeadersHonor G. O. P.


Thompson was teusunaster " *" """ i l h e b u d w t - " * «°mmlttee adopted

r ^ C ^ S i ^ U d Wltha' T^Col 'o^^O TvSerl"L_as_a_token_pf JU»R^iP | tc»rt_oa_?L^^^S«S!^-Q .". Itl.j _ A H l ^ ^ i i _ f e ^ i k i a A § • . 1 - • ™ V(g« 1&^^W l^# a j j i t y gslSSjS- I I r i l l sat fcil^gmotsstioni apprecituon of the iplen- --i.—, „« -s.-,_.a.._ ...„_-•. ' J~. __AIM KK.1. i»_ i J - J . ._ I . . _ a.i. . •nitirjr ur l u i u i n i p AlUXTwy iAcl n.

I[ganUatlon's appredailon of thedid work he has done during hi» two>ran as County chalnnsn. Twenty-five of the twenty-ilx Republlcsn cim-

tcrm haveWarslnskl

Township OtfidaltInvited by V. I. A.

InvlUtion has been extended tomembers of the Township Committee,through Mayor Oeorge E, attend the adjourned quarterly meet-Ing- of the Village improvement Asso-ctatlon at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoonat the home of Mn. A. R. Wamock In401 Prospect street. It Is expected that |lh« cnmmlttee^i-represenUUve*—will

There was muilc during-llhe dinnerwhich wns followed by dancing.

Among those attending flom Cran-ford were Mayor Oeorge E. Oster-heldt, Mn. Mabel Lovell. municipalchalnnsn: 'Hre Commluloner J. Ed-


Adopted on first reading was an or-dinance authorising the Issuance oftlKJOOO of IMS trunk sewer bondsbearing Interest at 4V 4U and 4<4 percent. Hearing was let for February 5.Adopted on final reading was an or-

wsrd Wolf. Township Clerk Alvan R. tDenman. Township Attorney CarlWarilntki, C ou n t y CommlttccmanOeorge Rankin, John K. Cloud, and


Into^ ^

Ulk on the 1835 Township budgetwhich was Introduced Tuesday nljht.

The ipeaker of the afternoon will beMiss Audrey Grace Adsnu, UnionCounty Home Demonstration Agent.Her subject will be. "How to LiveWithin Your Income."

G. O. P. Directors ApproveAction of Club Members

The board of directors of the Cran-ford Republican Club, at a specialmeeting Monday night at the Caaino.

lease withuse o[avenue and Alden

utreet as quartern for Township omcessnd Township Rooms. Rental is $3,000H-year-and the-lease Is-fen-flve-yean.-The owners are to renovate and re-model the building to conform withplans on file In the Township Clerk'soDIce.

The committee adopted a resolutionintroduced by Road CommissionerFrank McCullough that the

Wednesday Morning Club•tears Mrs* E. T* Towler

The Wednesday Morning Club helda philanthropic tea yesterday afternoonat the home of Mrs. Lynford HaxsardIn Springfield avenue. The speaker ofthe afternoon was Mn. Edward ThomasTowler .who recently returned from aworld tour. She spoke on Travel.'

Assisting Mn.,Raxssrd as hostesseswere Mrs. Oeorge Oriswold. Mn. Ed-ward T. Towler, Mrs. Louis Sayre, Mrs.H. E. Atwater, Mrs. J. T. Tubby, Mn.Horatio Van Cleave, Mrs. Paul Crispin.Mrs. R. P. Blythe and Mrs. J. H. Lewis.

The meeting to be held next Wed-day will be in charge of the educationdepartment of which Mrs.' Adam EarlRobinson Is chalnnsn. The speakerwill be Mrs. Horace Woodward, chair-man of education for the League ofWomen Voters. Mn. E. K. Loveliwill give a brief report on the assemblybill—the outcome of which was Dr.Mori's school survey.

S t Michael's Plant.For Winter Festival

Plans were made last night at ameeting of committees of the com-bined organisations of SL Michael'sChurch to hold a winter festival. In'theparochial school on Februtay 31, 22

_ _ " T3, The Rev. James P. ktcDonatd.Loveiandi>1Mtor °* •"• church, has been named

general chairman, and Mlts ErnestineDiBattiita, secretary.

To Have Dinner Tonight

The drum and bugle corps of Oapt.N. R. Fiske Post, No. SX, V, F. W, willgive a dmner-jit 7 o'clock tonight inVeterans' Hall to memben of the postand (Joe ladles' auxtllarr whoworked onthe basaar and picnlo committee l o tyear. 'There win be dsadncirom.a toII o'clock with mutie by. a o ^r-B~or-chettra

On Saturday evening the post willsponsor a card party for the benefit ofthe pott

The pott and Ks drum aid bugleoorpt will present a minstrel show InRootmlt Bohooi the first or secondweek In March Nell Ryan has beenengaged as coach and rtheanalt willstart Monday.

club wUI await Una] detailed report ofthe "ntw headquarten" conimlttee onlocation before Using further action.The next meeting of the club will beheld February 13 al which time nomi-nation! probably will be presented, Mrs.Prank McCullough presided at Mon-


man Road tomated cost of$2.300 ofper cent,•nd[. E. J. Schuessler ofnue

Th» «nro^*T


[ery, Schuessler claims. Interferes withhis radio. The clerk was authorised to

|writo to Dr. Foster to' an effort toremedy tht situation,

j Wade H. Poston urged tht drawingI up of a new building code to end the! confusion which now exlste over theold one, many exceptions having beenmade from time to time. Mayor OeorgeE. Osterheldt said that not only thebuilding code but the whole code of or-

'dt nances need revision, but that actionby tht committee has been deferredfor tome'.time, due to.the fact that

rCOBttsawtf oa last post; -


Classes Are CompletedA'Class In Home Nursing will open '

in the Sherman School this evenln* at The Re* Cross first aid classes, which7:30o;clock. A complete and thorough have been m e e U n ^ e k l y T t h r c ^course will be given under th» direction slno. under the ausplctt_sf_Cnmfordof Mrs. Rosemary McKay, supervising,Unit, No..311. American Leglon~A"iidR-nurse In Cranford public schools. Ev- |lary, were concluded last Thundsy^Sdery one who U Interested to this YIUI every member pasted tht test and willsubject Is Invited to attend. There .will'receive a f ln l^ ld^rtulc t te^Therebe no fee charged for the course bui will be ."make-up" classes for those whovoluntary cortributl'ms to h-Jp defray -il«cd i n T i e s s o i a r ^expenses »lll be accepted. | At the units meeting last Thursday

Six basket ball teams ra.e been the president. Mrs. Charles Christian!formed which meet In the gym stlum sppolnted Mn Dorothy Burr as mem-Thursday night i.nder the d recthn of bershlp chllhnan MnT Burr urged theMr coffee •nmedlale payment of dues to secure

A class in Home Economies »lth Mlis 100 per cerHneinbershlpmngsburjr In charge hat alto been In I The next monthly brldgt will be heldprogreti on this same «venlr« Those 'on the afternoon of February s Mrsinterested In any of these acll.iUes s-e Marguerite Earhart A n d M n . LllyInvlled lo iMend Oourle/ will be hostesses.

Page 2: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*

7T- ~* ' - * * I"



fcnmfarfc <Eittftn ani WirmttrUThe Cranford Citizen, Ettablithed 1898 •

The Cranford OironicJe, EatabUthtM i©3Combined under the name The Cranford Citwen and Chronicle in 1921


Published every Thursday by Cranford Citizen and Chfonide,Union A^uTCninford. N. J. oScUl Iiper for Crmnford. Crwoodawl Kenilworth. •


"Sutwcription, Two Dollar*

R Y 2 ^ 1

a \\u, in Advance

Entered at the Cranford !'o»t Office as Second Clas* Matter

Walter Lutfiow Packer—^--The entire cmiuiiunity »a» saddened yesterday to learn nf the

sudden death of one of its lest-known and must colorful characters-Walter I^idlow I 'acker-r - >

DuniiB liii thirty years in Cranford, 'Tack," as he was familiarlyknown, had cntlearrj himself in tlie liearts of hundred*, of present andformer residents. ^ ,

Due to his keen iiiMRhl into |xilitic« and otlier affairs, he wastaken into the confidrncc of many iwrsonj, and hit counsel proved ofinestitnalile value. • . .

Although imueuini; " jovial and ap|arently care-free dis|KMitiu<i"I'ack" was always first lo come forward to aid a friend in distress.

A jmintalist at heart. Mr. Packer w n - i talented writer and wonpraise from city nlilors in Newark and New York for stories which liere|xjrted. •> J-I

His presence in The f i l i /en , now the Citizen and Chronicle office,where lie win employed as a priiiter and superintendent of the nrintiiiKplant for many years', was always a joy to his fellow workers. Mis nichewill lie a hard one to fill

The Cranford Citizen and Chronicle joins with his larce circleof friends in the community and in the new<|a|ier profession in extenilini;its unccrcsl syni|>atliy to his two sons, grandson and sister.

Accidental Death* in 1934—Accidents of all kinds took '/'.(WO lives in the United States last

year, according lo preliminary estimates jnil announced hy the NationalSafety Council. More than' a, tliird <i( the ilealhs ucctirrril in traflic.

~-anoi1ier third in huincs, and the remainder in ncruinlinnal and publicaccidents

The tcilal dralh liuiire for IW4 represents an increan1 nf X7 |K.Tcent ovrr ''I IW dt-nths rccnnleil in l'A'.i and approximates the all-timehigh of [atal anidt-nls nvtchnf in I'MO, when Iherc were '*>,300 tli'atlis.

Mnlur u-hteli- iii'cidenls were res|Ninsilile for I lie largest prn|x>r-ii,.ii ul 11ic ^raiul intnl—.!5,5(X) fatalities. This total was 13 |KT centalauc I'M.' and well aliovc tlic'previniis all-lime hi|;h of .13,'>75 in l'Ml.

I Ionic accident deaths juui|icd from 30,000 in 19M to .1.1,000 l.i;.tyear. Occuivilinnal deaths are rstimuted at 15,51)0, an increase of 1,000oxer 1933. - .

The .new rrcord of IraflV deaths, an increase nf _jffl> in ayear, is only |urtially accounted for liv increased auto travel. \>asoliuecoiminiplinii, the licst index •>( travel, incrra^l only alxiiit 7 |>cr cent

The increase in fatal accident*, was' i>enrraf throii|;hout 19J4every month showed a higher dealli filial than the ciirrcHpnmlini; inontlof 1933. The first six mouths, however, were especially disastrousshowing an increase of 21 |>er cent.'

Increasc> in -motor vehicle death* were much greater in ruralareas titan in the citj . Pedestrian fatalities increased less in 1934 thanother type* of traflic accidents, liut-lliey still average l>elwecn 60 and 65per cent of all motor vehicle deaths in citici.

In spite of general increases throughout the country, a few citiesshowed decreases in auto deaths. They were: San I;ranci«co. a drop ofIS per cent from 1933; Pittsburgh, 13 per cent; Milwaukee, 8 per cent;New York, 1 per cent. The only states which >liowedoreductions in 1934were Delaware, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Yolk anil OkWtotna.

States with efficiently administered drivers' license laws hail an-increase." of-only~9.5-per~cenr-iir-(leailnr~as coinpared~wUh 1933—well

below the national averagej)M3,J per cent.

TkeIk* aaadwlch took IU u n rrotn ta*

Mil *f Baadwleh, who lived from 1T18t* 1T8B, asy* the Cleveland Plain Deal-•f. He waa an Inveterate rambler, oft-*> becoming *o Mgrossed la his card!that, ka would not Mop to eat hit

Instead h« would have an «t-liaat place nett between two PIMMbread, .which h» ate without C

f c table. Although the earl••Tt hi* name to the tymdwlch, h*« U aot the Bret to eat bread and meatto combined. Ta» aandwlch haa beentopalar loamral, countries ilnee an-eteot tine*, but under different name*.

»« IsTo tend one to Cot entry la to take

no notice) of him; to; make him feelthat h« la In dlifrace by 'd«alln»« with him, It la Hid that theclt|imi of Coventry bad at one time•q treat a dlillke for aoldlen that a»om»n_a«n-ip*aklni to one waa In-stantly taboo; hence,.when a soldierwas tent to Coventry he was cut offfrom all (octal Intercourse. A differentversion ta that Coventry was a atroni'hold of the parliamentary party In thedrtl war* and that troublesome andrefractory royallat prisoner* wen acnttbere for aafe cmtody.

A'Qentun* Factory

REMINGTONNow YoursFor Only

uid wrllx itall

A rnr-hlni that tooka „wall that tvan txparu unnoV'tall Itfrom a br«ad naw machina. It't lh«b l n M . beat uid aqiuu-aat trpawrltarsropoalUon you ororhowu' of.

Fully Rebuilt h U 10 D«yt( Trial—fniInit lor a aacluaa. Wv» K

"d»V»"S the**1.._.. it.rsJSCViMl worn patu rtplmd. a. oonplata p«rf«ct

Daract F i u u Factoryto Ton

UM It tor TEN ^ .Dadda tor younall IUM aaachlaa wa elate It to aa,

bqr Monthly PavynuakiP an

. . - — J i t »xk of u -10 I•tares

rtu ntooay.. Thla tartar lapaaood on to you la tha lower

-frtoa of the mtciun*. Talaphoaolor nprwtnUUrt. "

A * for Oar Mf*i1 OMrWa'U wn4 jro» full

— — w u nad




O w ptac* M a n n - l a tkt weaW as•portaM M ta. DatM M*MaV U

WiuUattaaj iMssri kaww It. tk. |Hr>W B aa4 Aate <• k*««

That aein I* itwHt Berbarr* «fkt ,aooaup la *tgkt*«a keen, urea* M*»adle* at tk* Pactfe teata, frats Hawaii

tke Oaltea tut**. AU Asserleaaduttaa, eapMltny tkaa* to tk* P*>

! eaut, tad eWert*, owt-ot-dtt* geavtiemea wk* a n mppo**d to ptovtd*tor Ik* defeat* at tkU eaaatrr, *k*s)M**k ths*i**lr«at

It a retnc wvaua, *atlrali at***,with*** steep, a* assistant t* fcrip wttk

igadoo, caa ijr, u t i s n , acroa* tk*Paetae oeeaa aad laad la Californiato NCtlVt S tMOCS M FQOMk) nfl l l 'aWboor* rrces Hawaii, watt do re* tatatkare or tea tkAataad powerful boasbuagand swift permit planes cvukl da, call-ing trom Ada or (roai Earoptt —

Pennsylvania I* *a Importaattobacc*•tat*. Tb* fonraaaeat is ptjlat fans-era aet te grow tobacco, just ** Itpar* tkem *l**wb*r* aot ta grow cot-ton or wheat aad aot to raia* pita.

After roo btr* tptot yoor'wholelife driven br n*ce**ltr'a lash to pro-duct tot ntDNtt poaetbl*. tkU bringssw**t peace ta bar* tb* roTcnunentpay rou for not doing It, **en U T^Ican't quit* understand It

Nobodr b u ret arranged to paynewspaper publlshera tor not wrltlageditorials, but that mar coma, In tb*llorioua new era, and, nor* and there,It might be * great blwalng.

Waablnaloo report* Uutt PrealdmtRooserslt's message to congress sbontpensions for the old wilt mggest *onlr"1*0 • month.

Tb* Washington correspondent whosars "only" does not know what $W• month would mean to million* ft oldpeople whoae lire* are made bitter notbr deprivation, not br porertr, bangeror cold, bnt br tbe fact that Iber de-pend upon the cold chtrltjr or others,psrtlculsrly on the rharltr of relatives.

Olre 140 a month to the old thatart! dependent snd rou will bring hap-plneaa Into the laat rear* ot million* oflives, and that would be worthy of tgreat nation.

The honorable Japanese chief of In-formation in the foreign office sars tb*United Stales Is planning sn attack onJapan. An/ Japanese who belleye* It


rou giro all Japanese credit Nationsstart war* because ther want some-thing. What, doe* the United 8tateswant from Japan?

Uncle Bam. In a mild Bt of Idlocjr. Isnow giving awnjr the Philippine*. Aslsttc Islands richer In resources. than,the Japanese ltlanda.

We got tho*e lalanda from th* Span-ish war. Sbottld we start snother war,spend billions^ kill msnr of oar Jap-anese friend* and bum op" their coun-,try br fir* bombardmenLfron airplanesmerely to get more Asiatic Islands, tob* given away later?

Tbe thirst otthepeoplejnean* profitlo" the" government Uncle~~8am~~durlng~1034 collected an average of more than11,000,000 a day In liquor taxes, • totalamount of $374^500^32. Beer aloneyielded $200,000,000: spirits distilled InAmerica, 1121,000,000; Imported spirits,$15,000,000; Imported wines, $4000,000.

It I* easy to understand why tentof million* follow the trial of BrunoHauptmann for the khlnaplng and killIng of the! Undbergli-buby with suchIntense Interest. The trlsl Is a mys-tery In Itself.' drsdusllr unwound Incourt Ilk*, tbe chanters In a detectivestory, It holds public attention, thehorrible nature or the crime Increasingthe Interest tenfold.

Eighty-nine Russian fishermen, liv-ing on the edit* of the Caspian set,ought to be grstelul to tbe AmericanWright brothers that Invented the air-plane. With their bouts they had drift-ed ten dayt on in Ice floe and werestarring, .

Along came a big Russian plane, flyIng low, to drop tiny-parachutes thatbrought-food, tobacco and alcohoL.Then tbe Oahermen, hopelessly lost, outor sight of land, got In their boats andtb* airplane guided them to the short-est route to shore.

This reporter, sat next to AmeliaKarhart at a dinner recently, did notrecognise her, thought ah* looked, aithe, French say, "Uke^orrebody,- asked"Do yon write, fly, nr> wftut do yon dof!.8be aald "t By a little, and I writ*

Europe continues "edging along"-1»ward war. Th* Assoctited Press r*port* Italian troops being concentrate*along the Austrlamiofrirrr- Italy fa*that Germany, may start an attack oAustrls. aiming at absorption, now thSaar voting It over. '•

Italy calls this movement oC troop*. along th* - Anstrlsn border "Wintermaneuvers," hut Europs knows whatIt re*llr I*.- • ,-.' - . - - ,

Prance probably ' will not D* *uprised. • Jluasollnl' for Italy tod Lavalfor True* recently bail a very"affec-tionate conversation, of which tbe rab-atanc* waa "Keep OermnoT tnder cotroL"

to b* Baited or Taxation

Tatal HsMurots

AdmloKtnttf* and BatcuUn, Balari**.J|tBa\ D a wane*. •USBUM . — • a.W

BdUdlic D»p*rtm«ntDtttrnd AaaK Account

and OoUecUon of TSJMSUenAooount

DvDWtBMnfcDtftrrtd Aastta AccountTax Hen Aeoount U T th* Wamani OsAL tWrary Lu-

ttwnn Obtttolit do yourS L J —.— . •ta^i^m^^ak^ni^aV*^— ' • • s l ^ ^ m a a V a V —

m a— * ,

m o o t i«MHnaWw« JHIWIH OK cnorai.Ytr Informattoti eaU d U u *-0O4-W.

Inttratt etvOumnt LoansDiscount for Prepayment of Tax**Polio*Ttaffle OootrolPlr*Fire HydrantsSnow RemovalHealth

ktALS brown Btttpbard Dof, t montbiold, Anwrers to Sam* "Pal" t.Scnroadar, 4 Oralg Pbvo*.District Nun*

Ubrsry Maintenance h an prtrate home.etoctrac tumldwd.

OaU between « andPolice and Fire Alarm >f«lntfnanre

Banway Valley Sewer Maintenance .Capital Expense OverexpendiUires .Lighting of Street* .Dot Expense .Shade Tree*Sewer Maintenance .Payment of Bonds .-..Payment of Temporary Notes (Emergency Belief)Pension FundInterest on Bonds .Contingent - -....Deficit Tax Revenue* .Emergency Relief - .Remitted Taxes More Than

UW4-1W4) „Tax Lien Expense. 1W4Ambulance ServiceAssessment Remission*Uiington-Arerme-ImprovTOientrBecUoo* 1 and-!

3 year*

Total AppropriationsAnticipated, .Revenue from Tax on Dogs t m o o to bt nsed far

laims for damages by. dog* to sheep, domestic *n'"**'i or poattiy pU)e'provisions of Chapter (14») P. L. \KX Chapter (Ml) P. L. IMC

NOTICI. _llr» la rl 'm that ll» followlnt

ofdlnanra haa brm Paaw4 on d m raadlat ata auttlnl of tna To«nahlp I'mmlllaa nf thaTuamahlp of CnnrorO, in Uw Countr of Union.>r« Jrratf. on Janurar 13, I t t t , and «U1 baprtaanlMl for aacond and final raadUs aadadoption at a atmlng of In* Tuwaahlp rjom-mnia« In ba hald at Iba Townihlp aooau onrrbrurar S. 1U3. at S 3 t o'clock P. 1L. atihlch tlma atl panona Intartatad will oa slrrn

an opportunity to lia btard concarnlns aueli

" " " " " ' . AtVXN a. D l f t l U * .Townahlp Clark.

t'ranford. In lha Courier of Union. Naw Jaraar.BI II ordalnad br tha Towuhlp Coainiltlaa

of tha Townahlp ef Cranford, In laa County ofnlon, Ntw Jeraar, aa followa:Hortloo 1. ror Uia purpoara llatad In too-

llun > ot Dili ordlnanco. Trunk Dawar Bondaof tha Townahlp of Cranford. In tha Count! ofUnion, .law Jaraar, atch lo ba known aa'•Trunk Rawer Bond of Ittt", tro bannrauUwrtaad to ba laauad lo Uw assracala prbi-clpal amount of l lU.I*t , In purauanco of pro-tuiona of an act of lha UsiaUlun of tbamala of Naw Jaraar, antlUad: "An Act toauthorlaa aad rreulata tha laotuaea of bondaand olhar oblltatlnna and tho Innrrtns of In-dtUfdnraa br coiutljr. cllr. bonniah, t l l lao,tu«n. townahlp or* anr niunlelpalltr soTaraadbr an ImprOraoirnt rantmla»)onr or anjr-nuinl-rlpalltr ro'tmtj br a board of nounbuloaan"!1

apprarad March >1. Ki t , conaUluUnt CbapurUS or lha I'aHphltl Lawa of 'ISIS, and Ihoana amendalorr tharcof and aupplanwntatllwrrto. "" ~" \

Dcrtlon 1 Bald londa aliall M dtttd March. 1»«. ahall matura In lha prtnelpal anwunt

of U . w t oa March t In a u b of Ib^-yaaram * la 1M1 l"Xh Inclualia, ahall baar Inlaraatat tlu til« of four par rratum (4%). or fourand ona-quartrr par centum f4"4%). or fourand ona-half par cantnni (4ft%) par annum.aa mar bananrr ba datarmlnad br naolullon,parabla annl-annually on Ilio Drat dara oflarch tnd Htptambar In rtrh nar, ahall ba In

lha drnomlaallon of fl.SM aarh, and ahall bon auch inna aa nur naraaftar bo datarmlnad

bj raaoluUon.

BarUon S. h i d bonda ahall ba laauad forlha pirpoM of pamunanUr' RnaMlns.Jwt oftha Townabtp'a anaro of tho coat of coaatrueklion of a trunk aawar. which Imprnvamaat labrlu madt In accordanra.wlth * contract an-Irrnl Into br and batwaaa too munlclsailuator lha Cllr of Banwar. Uia Boroush of BotaUOI'ark. tha Borouih of Kanllwonh. tho Borratll. ( . Uarwnod. lha Town of WaaUlald tad tho[twnahlp of Woodbrldra, lha Towuhls ofKprlnrfltld and tha Townahlp of Clark.' undtrdaw of Octobrr « . ISM, .which contract la•upplamantad br a contract anlarcd Into indarIha data or March I, 1»J«. It la hcrabr dttar-mined that lha purpoaa for which aald bondaara hartbr laauad rrproaantt capital aspondl-lura and not currant aipanaa within lha mranIns of lha tct herataafora rofarrod to aa<lluLttkUmpnitroMIltJtltUt purlioMjorwhlc!tha bonda mar ba lawfully laanad undar UTcprovlalona of aald Act and that tha. amount ot•aonar ntcoaaarr to ba nlaed for u ld pur

wa. la i m . l H . . ' —_ Hortlon 4. Bald bonda. whan taauad, tfcaUnnilltuta valid and Itanllr blndlni oUlsatlontof tha Townahlp, sad tha fuli faluS and cndltot lha Townthlp ahall ba pladtad for thi parman* of tho principal ot and Inlrraat oa aaldbsndt, tnd an uallmlud u t onall Ibt laiaWt propaltj In- Uw Tnwnahlp •lullIw larhxl In an ^amount lunctmt ta par thtprlnrlpal of and bltaroat on aald'bonda aa'Uit•ant ahall btconw duo. - • • .

Bfrtloo s. TtM followlnt addltlontl nuUttiaro heraby drUrmUad tnd dortarrdt

ta> -• Tbt parlod of natfulnaat ot lha purpoaafor lha nntnrlu of which Ihna bonda i n t obt'Uauod. wlttiln Iho llmlutlont of lha arthtnlnahtTt rafarrtd lo, ntapulad u Ihartlnp n r U M . ' j forty-tU) rrart,

' ' T h o l i m n ttartard l'Irani broportr llndudlat ImproromanUI

mahlp, rtapultd upon tha ntlt pro-S^.aa i^ at- at « « _ k* r

Act, li

jou will how com »*tB atiJAMUAKY

MwoV a>f .Tb* World war acted Baa aa trfiate

upon tb* progreaalv* nbsrek «T ataat-lam, darksalag tk* view; kattcllpse, too, baa b**n. fbomj aa n>aabl* Urn* for stBdylat; sataw *rproblem* ot th* m i l Baton- *•*light

I—: ' \Lay Ktjtjai mm I

Host moths tad bottwflta* k y tawJreggs on green lean*; *o tkax tke i scaterpllUn can bavw at soon aa they a n bora. Tin* *•are oanally laid oa> U » aader tide —in* leaf, so that btrda wUI at* t*ktthem u d eat them, tor bird* arc ifond of then* egg*> V , . .

(b) Tho i m i r i ttartard raluitloa of th*U i a U t n t l broporl- •of lha Townahlp, w . ,._CHUU Ibraa ••lolUona Ihanof.-na-Uia man

Tho Ml ilatt of lha Towml Ip

(dl Tha all ammt n i j ltd hf ttU ttnlan

• irJ WUtttma LOW ax BavAn expedition la soatawwt AUea

found a- shrik* that whtaUe* so- BrackUk* a boy that It I* hard to reattt* tk*>whistler Is a bird.

WUto I I B t a ^Black coal aad whit* e u t k sst

produc* aoawthlnr blaeaar tkaajoriginal coal. 'It ta calledbUck." . 1 • i ; • ' , , ; ••

It .hat teart nud> tad *ia« ti I> (t) - Initraat.daruut u» Mat

linn at daoaad bi l lw Aft l a n n a l t n n10 of aiU lmpr.nSa.TVa«^*7*>n>>>• a pan of Ih. n t t of anjjliasilln—

aactioa • n i l annuuKt akaU bmilianMdltlalr

I bath an private home,and electric furnished.

Otn between 6 andraantvau C-tUM-W.

aenrlee, alsoC. Treat, II North

g-M»_ tf

part load ot hou»e-sr trom OoHnnbut,Waahmajtan, D. C

H. U Jan.-to New Ti

1 ™ • ™ "^••wi ^wswanaaa, t i a t t j , wawwf IBWJUI a — tin a* H a t H •BwaVaafaaaMaW

*aTaT«BBnTM ^P&^ xeaHBBatl'aa A W A ^P * I B V ^ ^ ~ — I««B^MA t ^ i^^^ta.u _ * . *

Loerr-aank Book. no. van*, of theOranford Truat Oompany, Oranford,V, 3. Th* nnder I* t*qne*te4 to re-turn it to tbt) bank. It not restoredbefore th* atth day of January, ins,rrrllfttftm win be mad* to the bankfor a new book. • 1-34

LOBT-Bank Book No. 11660 of theOranford Trust Company, Oranford,N. J. Tbt) finder .is requested to re-turn It to the bank. If not restoredbefore the second day ot February,i n t . application will be made to thebank for a new book. 1-51

LOST-Bank Book No. 12M* of theOranford Ttutt Oompany, Oranford,N. J. The Ander it requested to re-.tum_lLtothe hank.-It-not retiaral.before tb* aeoond day of February.1JWS, application wffl be made to thebank for a new book. 1-31

LO8T-Baok Book. No. UStl, of theOranford Trust Company, Oranlord.N. J. Tb* finder la nqueated to re-turn it to the bank. U not restoredbefore the 18th day c< February. 1»9.application win be made to the banktor a .new book. 344

eras*** year dollar* nor*. I win baudon your Ma and to your plant or-haw attnotttw Iota and plant whk*w - — v v ~ v vwor^Bm^rwaap «aw*wa*awfsv**snj#nt*bj * m

now iwfor* tabor and atatertal* to-or****. MaottLIX«namxU7IinoatnA**no*, Orantord. ~ ~toed I *J|| j .

VUKMtSOAK floor add* daiUnotion to your

home. Tor Installation ot l a w Soon,or reflnlshing old iloorg,' olU Nils T.achectta, e u ThhttJutuaa, BoteDe.Phone ROeelle 4-OWo. U

l . Tbattna Itaaaatti. br na vravaraMr ante a taut w U k k S l E ! » ~

m o o rtw ijamSKaBonxD ktodUnc "ood. fitepUct

wood, and wood by the card. XenmdBnnt , comer High Btreat and SouthAvenuev Telephone OBan. (-1BW-J.

' • U

, -Wood — Beamed oakwood cut to your order, $14-00 percord, delivered. srh~n«nf ) bemlifor $1JOO. Strgenta-Kxpress. Tele-phone WBrtneld MOB. ' - tt

oMunJQBBPK WARSQfBKX — Quality work

« a reasonable prtee,. Telephone.OB*nIord • 6-0488.W or OBanford j

<..T* tmtninmT. salaaratai) far tbt** tnnnli,l|ial Ooat a*d a .Tmahls

u r a s a. »tw«" -

a. ran.

. »<» are ready to remodel your•»*• Jront or dadda to enot a new

•a* me tor mOmtm. Btttavtarkla aad aaatOtnt work-

. '-NUe. aVMPabto. 107 Lhvoota>A»amst, Otaatatt- TWephom



Btudart Irtasaaliu OOSN SOUTH A T I ,

j C«anford »-0ll0


T«a, Th«r, Bat, I to •« NOBTB ATBIOa. W. OntAirTOlO |


,A* *ooo u w» aat back iMtaOtvMBtt tacattoa • * atagtod toJJWntw «mtt wnkh k akmt T

andS^TiWdWaboaUt .

• nty fint tram that wa* ta¥«nUc» Witt OUnton, amVthe »(tivuiluwd trams. •

Xdytbe Whit* and Ann* lUtoimaking a map of the United Btalthat we may locate Important rairoutes.

Carol laWcr, Oharlott* ¥cCBetty 'WllUams, Baton WargoOorge Smith have,brought manterestlnc pkrturt* to class trom Ubrary.^ We are conatrucUnf a railroad <

*owfc. The captain, of the eom«tie Tool Moody. Dtmakl-Wllaonward Walsh. Helen* Rosenberg.Wlluamsv Nina PorotUa andODtlL

In our note book* we nave ptof "Toe Rocket," "Th* OiWltt Oiland a modern train. W> altostarlet In our books about aafety,history and trip* w* have taken.

4K 'Our fourth grade I* producing i

tag play called "Th* Swan Boad"has been adapted trom "VlMm 1

The toUowlnt wsnmittcet awork on the production: Play Wrijean OTEelL chairman; JoanJack Patteraanj c«*tumea—JaneVer. chairman; Marlon HarrlaooBalbo. Jackie Homer, Mary Masaiglnla-Von-LyBni-VlriiTila Wltfhr*WUllameon; acenery-PattT Oaichairman; Stanley Outman ,Randolph, Billy Rtutch, 1Schneider, Nancy Plummer, ^Baker; properties—BUly Adams,man; Ernest WUU. Jack Fast, IMackcnak, Billy OuUck, BobbyOrin Orant, Fred Robmaon, JHughes, Russell Mason; programginla Walsh, chairman: Ruth (Leonard Outhmeyer, Marie Fretwarch- , -Jane Fredrick: chalOladys Heckle, atorla Caruso, ICapron.

Betty Jane Frits waa chosen dof the play and will have chathe try outs for selecting the pi*

TBeBTIt* semi-annual eleoUbn of: daicert on Friday, January 11. TbUon nsutta were u (oUowa: PrcDoris Jean ODeU; Tke-prealdeillson Cooky; secretary, Russellpe)l. The new officers were lrand a abort business meeting Inof Doris Jean ODell followed. _

Uncoln 5d*oolu

We are quite excited about ipicture* ot ourselves In our snoiWe are making » very colorfulboard border with them. .Somepicture* abow the children puilinlittle brothers on a tied. '

Our tat group bat finished tlreading book. Toe children Igroup are:' Robert Lanfaton,Speed. Frank Oaruto, FnyDte 0son, Howan} abantL AUce MaeVirginia Ohtorchlaro, KUaabettham. OraoeOUroy, Adrian* Heiien Bhuler, Bae Aliee WaUcott,Akan*. John OoUnerl, David

' Ralph Blurted Joteph.HargreaiWilliam Oarptnter.' '

• " » •

OurdassriasstartadaDewunl"The Oopper • * i m o . H We hava large map •bowing toe nfkwiithey live. Oeorge Wheekr, yHsgeman, Oharle* Freeman anert Segenhardt have worked onsand table show* a winter,scene. Later, we win have a floeshowing life In the summer.

«O "•, - . V1 The new unit deal* with furnnhw.ia The children hare eutnne* looking up ratwenoamatr

SprintlMU An. ' WiO|B>l*katak. J


Page 3: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*


Mr • cant patty *» 1 * • * *MM. to tat «M. sad daaptoT« eaaart asm pod and(Matthew a:*)

Usefrom the CbrMttan

w a s Key to 4fct acrtptores- by MaryBaker Eddy: ? ) M B * m o d rtgtoOy de-• a n * auu»V entire abimrnna. aBee-Uon, u d etrength. Wo ia**r»aitwi »

for any k w r loyalty,to Truth give* man power and itrength

Mr a pay.vital aart atStr tat I t * «f ON

«r M* koaktot, "far Taka.

• andKk Frtaay afejat to the chorea.ptetart ostler c*-



l• • started to work

W t


r • *try toter-> tar tbt treat

rftfctnoai. % at IB—irtH with thta a t a j TJaw tad i ipiitaiiU school can.

; tar tht policeman to tenthtat aban to eroai tb* atrtet. Someof ta t ponownn ware mad* by Evelyn•immoat, ttogima IMHiikl and Mar-km Nordatrom. Tht bar CM* were mad*by John Ottrran, Nora* Schindler, An-na May tMeraath and Marion Nord-strom. Tht boy*) were mad* by Theo-dore Chamberlain, Stephen Wanhany,Howard Bauknlgbt <and Peggy Pinch.The smaller children were made byDoris langston, Tell* " TJaUessndrU,Margaret Bender, Oraee Farr. Dorl*Decker and Howard Banknight. TheUttle dog* were drawn by Marion Wil-liams, Eleanor Orel** and John Cur-ran. Stop sign* were'made by Helen

andMUdred Janetn. After this, it wasd h batned

to t

of M a waaeantt. Roth OoMberg, Mar-

that more boyi be alloweddb

t p yto enter thai dob. A report on modemplay* waa than by Mime Saoaroy,and Alice White tokt about our modempicture*.

have studied about^tratoa, including toe• m y Ant tram that wa* invented, tht

S T WWt OUnton, ancvthe modem(treamllned tram*. • '

Edythe White and Anne Mason aremaking a map of the United State* sothat we may locate Important railroad

_ Miner, Charlotte McOrady,Betty Wimamt, Hekn Wargo andOorge Smith have.brought many In-iDtUrenao, Harry Hayne*, Once Farrtercstlng pictures to olaa* from lot U- and Evelyn Simmon*. The brightly« , „ . „ . , _ I dressed Uttla Ogure* help to make our

IfMiM • ri'ttu tlwt*

Haatth Director WiAgain* Monoxide C M

In the hop* of concentrating atten-tion on a reduction of the annual death

Wai ft*KtK)Ot I f t t tlaattit a tawMtaf Mi paptb with tht an- * e a

to a real art a tt»• «nr grade.

atnc* tht atw school organises Unit w«k» o( artata, «e» aad asaaimum) tk* uhlld-a «~*—»«~- to b u n ptetana appeal to the dataaround tht child'* hrtnm-in to laus , vvaana appeal tojp* caa* anamata

tht curriculum, baaed upon child to- *» *** . IBM*><** •*** * • * ar • » a»-toreste, 1* to vartad and uncertain that ' • " • • ' **"the art toaeber tan no longer lay down • • • • * • •

We are eonttructir* a railroad of our room attractive.own,-, The captain* of the ownmlttat*

! M d DonaldWlleon Bd- _Thr clat* had * very lnbreUlnf time

our work In SocUl Scl-

n,, The captain*ut Ton! Moody. Donald-Wlleon, Bd-ward Walah, Helen* Rotenberc, BettyWUUMM, Nina PorcelU and Paul enee on our home -ttate and h«r twoOI^U. ' I neighbor*. Bach girl and boy gave an

In our note book* we have picture* Illustrated report on tome particularof "The Rocket,'* T h e DeWltt Clinton" phaae In which he or she was Inter-and a modern train. We alao have ested.itorle* m our book* about safety, tram 1 The dais voted lOldred Hudwn't re-hutory and trip* we have taken. .port on "Coal and How It b lflned"

Our fourth grade la producing a Vlk-inr Play called "Tht Swan Road" whichha* been adapted trom "VBstof Tale*."

The following wmmittoe* are atwork on the production: Play WMtlng-jean OTBell. ch*1rm»n; Joan Oxee,Jack Patteraonj costumes—Jant Tow-ler. f h ' ' " " " ; Marian Harrison, En*Halbo, Jackie Homer, Mary Maata, Vtr-

Von-Lyiuv-VlrgiTila Wllfhk, AnnWilliamson; acenery-tHtty Oanrlght,chairman; Stanley Qutman , DavidRandolph,Schneider,




as the best Malcolm Clotterman's onT h e Independence Hall" was chosena* the second best

A sale wa* held In the old play courtto raise money for a new book for theBook Club. Dorothy Ashwell, Oene-vteve Helle. Leon* Boertmann, MarthaD'Akasandrl* and Ninette Dl Lollomade puff rice balls, minor Dengler,Shirley PrancI* Speari, Robert

rate caused by mono*Id* ga*, Dr. J.Lynn Mahaffey, State Director ofHealth today called attention to theprincipal point* where the gas occur**nd methods of avoiding the hazard.

-Thl* la the time of year that death*trom carbon monoxide materially In-crease," said Dr. Mahaffey, "It I* anInakUou* -poison and no respector ofpersons. It may be encountered Inworkshop, garage and home. Eachyear many hundred* of people In theUnited State* art killed by carbonmonoxide, the colorless, odorless *ndtasteless gas which gives no warning ofIt* stealthy approach.

T h e motorist should be careful inwarming up his car that the doors ofthe garage do not blow to. Never runthe engine In a dosed garage. Keepthe doon wide open. A garage de-prived of fresh air, with an engine run-ning, set* the scene for the death car-bon monoxide fumes In the exhaustgases to affect the careless and unsus-pecting driver,

"Motor mechanics In repair shopsand service stations should never get

yany bard and fast rules about what andwhen to toach- certain subject matterdaring tht year. This new plasticcourse Is determined ky the demand*made upon art by the units of workcarried on . in tht classroom*. Th*greater knowledge, of child payebotogy.child development, and child guidancethat I* used in formulating a schoolprogram ha* made It possible for art tofurnish a continuous outlet for thechildV creative atif-esnreulon.

To carry on lucceasfuly thl* broadertype of art work in the large clasee* of

them artistically.The liit«iiite<n

group activity work, but the chOdrmare now mtareeted in stadym* the ha-

crowded, sparsely • equipped publicschool aeem* to be attempting the Im-poulble. , Yet the one factor thai in-*ure* a fair degree of succeu I* the uni-versal' presence among children of arich artlitry coming, from'their Imagi-native selves. WKUe it I* true thai thechild should set his art problem him-self, teaching condlltona often neceul-tate 1U selection by the tetcher. Free,dom to originate I* vital to compleUstlf-expreulon; therefore, the teachergive* the pupil* the. chance to developtheir own type of design, technique,pattern and color scheme. There las i n placed *t the young artist*' dl*-posal a wide variety of working mater-ial* so that the children may Ond themedia which will bring forth their bestcreative wives,

The; finest retulu in art educationcome about through the sympatheticundentandlng of teacher and pupil.Questioning on the. teacher1* part *el*the child'* Imagination afire and feadihim to aee his way Clearly.' Clau crl-"

at 11tattowed by a

to Uve at Peace WithX." by the pastor, the Rev.

, Jr.

Submission to error »uperindu*e« l o tof power" (p. t a t .

projects may be better executed. Thai1* alao a period of manual dexterityend growth to the Intelligent na* «tsource material.

Beginning with the Junior High andcontinuing through the Senior Highthe pupils are teas inclined towardgroup work. They like, to work oathetrIndividual problems, wing new seallal* and perfecting then* teehntojae.

Joy to creating, understanding thetrsrt heritage, proper attitudes towardtheir school, home and community, ob-servation of their environment, aad to-created skill In handling material* arcImportant results o t the art program tothe new school. It build* up to thechild a desire to use art training to hkleisure hours to create something thatU hot entirely dependent upon mater-ial profit for reward.

saf U.S.kaMmk»Dae to Is* (Mfltac «f the Bin OntxW

aad Ike sacwaarMlw «f aiwannr U».tk«v* are aertta— «f* tin- ratted fttate*Hat a n wtaBy wttkte MnlM aad wr-naalig *a all ***** by Hntna tentteryT

BCIKMCB HADCASTThe Oolumbi* Church of the Air un-

der the auspice* of the Christian Sci-ence Church will be radiocast from To-ronto. Canada, January 71, IMS, at 1p. m. Eastern Standard Time over anationwide network of the ColumbiaBroadcasting System and may be heardin New Jersey over Station WABC.

Cranford Church Calendar

II*C a i u n t t a w n r i i U m n u N CHV*CH


• :*5 A. M.—Sunday School. 11:00A. M.—The Service.

P. 8. DECLARES DITOWNDThe Board of Directors of Public

Service Corporation of New Jersey ha*declared the regular quarterly divi-dends on' It* common and piefaneddock payable March 30 to stockhon-e n of record a* of March I, The di-idend* ate: Seventy cent* a share on•he eight per cent cumulative pre-erred stock; 11.75 on the seven per

cent cumulative piefened stock and.38 on the no par value $5 cumulative

preferred stock:

Cajjmaa Ooara.RrUordAvenue

• n . E. W. RkkaiasSunday services—Sunday School, 9:45

a. m4 morntnc servtce 11 a. m.; even-tog aervtor. 1:4$ p. m.; young peoples'mertmc T p. m.

Prayer and praise meeting Thursdayevening, • p. m. All are wrlcome.

Caucroa* MsiauauT Eracoru. CtrtmcHWataat Avenue

Err. laaliaall T. Pejatu•:JO A. *C—BOiie School. II :00 A. M.


Baker; properties—Billy Adams, chair-man; Ernest Wills. Jack Past. BordenMackenzie, Billy Oulick, Bobby Burke,Otto Oiant, Pred Robtaaon. JlmmleHughes, Ruuell Mason; program—Vir-ginia Walsh, fhaln""'; Ruth Griffin,Leonard Ouahmeyer, Marie. Preu»; re-warch-. - Jane Predrlck, chairman:OUdya Heckle, Otorla Caruso, Connie

inron. • ' "Betty Jane Priti wa* choaen director

of the play and will have charge.ofthe try out* f or selecting the pUyer*.


aroeplane* and flgure* of gum drop*.The children who had charge of theselling were Homer Wilson. Paul SJur-sen. Ralph Neeld, Conrel Brooks andBteve Rcsch. We are going to choose •mystery book.

Clewefauid High SchoolBy BoiSATim

Under Mis* Wheaton, a practiceteacher from State Teacher*' Collegeat Trenton, a slide rule club has.beenformed. The members have learned tofind square roots, and to multiply anddivide on the slide rule. They are veryenthusiastic, and hope to continuetheir dub after Mil* Wheaton leave*.

'Hie 8T~cl***~of~Orant~8chool~held —interclasTbasketbal! for the boy* thisIt* *eml-annusl election of clau offi-cer* on Priday, January 11. The elec-Uon resutta were u JoUows: President,DorU Jean ODeU; vice-presidents Al-lison Cooler; secretary, Russell Kep-pejl. The new olncer* were installedand a short business meeting In chargeof Doris Jean ODell followed.

lincoln 5choolu

We are quite excited about makingpicture* of ourselves In our mow suit*.We are making a very colorful black-board border with them. ,8ome of thepicture* show the children pulling theirlittle brother* on a, sled.

Our first group ha* finished the firstreading book. The chUdrea In thisgroup are:' Robert Langston. JoyceBpeed. Prank Canto, Phyllis Ounder-

A AUoe Mae Buck,son, Howard A AUVirginia Gbtarchlaro, sObjabcth Den-ham. Once OUrojr. Adrians Helm, Hal-en Bhuler, Rat Alice WaUcott, DonaldAaban*. John CoUijeii, David Pinch.

' Ralph ajunen; Joeeph Hargreave* andWilliam Carpenter.'

" " »Our dsa* ha* started a new unit called

~n» Oopper Bsktmo." We have madea Urge map showing the region, whtrethey live. Oeorge Wheeler^ VlitmiaHageman, Chartea Pieeman and, Rob-ert Degenhardt h a w worked on It. Q«rsand table show* a •wtotet, Baktaoscene. I*itr, w« wffl have » floor sceneshowing life In the summer.

1 The new unit deals with fur bearinanimals. The children have such goo<ttoe* looking UP retetenoa material an4

DAN'SQuhy lire

nlng.Headaches and hallrsUt: condition*

are often due to the presence of car-bon monoxide In garage* and servicestations. There should be adequateventilation In such establishments,

"The mistress of'the kitchen .shouldnot permit the coffee pot to boll over,extinguish the ga* and liberate thecarbon monoxide fumes present in theflew* of unbumed gas from the stove.

"Never sleep In * room with a ga*appliance burning.

"If a member of your household Isovercome by gk* summon a physicianor have the (Ire or police departmentrepresentative rush' to the scene withan oxygen Inhalator. Application of

week wa* certainly packed with thrillsFirst, the Sophomore*, disregardingthe facrthst'the Senior* are supposedto take the championship every year,made history by taking over these up-per classmen to the tune of 18-15. Thegame was a storehouse of brilliant de-fense, and blocking, and at no timewere the Sophomores outplayed. Wil-liams, a Senior, was high scorer witheight points. In an extra period game,the Junior* barely nosed put a victoryover the Freshmen. The More was10-8, and Axar m l high scorer. Aftertwo weekt>of interda** game*, the fig-ures show that the Senior* are the beat(coring teatn,.and the Sophomores holdthe title of having the best defense.The Juniors and Sophomore* lead Inthe race for the-championship, andnext-week one or the other will fall.

Thl* week the Senior Annual openedIts drive for subscription*. • The price*are I U S IT one pay* lor an annualaovri'llJO If he buys It when It come*out to June, and twenty-five cent* willhold any annual tin the other-dollarand a quarter can be paid.

The rehearsal on the Senior playha* commenced. The play this-year isentitled "Passing of the Third FloorBack" by Jerome K. Jerome. The dateart for Its performance Is February 31and 2a. / - 1

Last Saturday, the High School fac-ulty donned basketball nut*, and lostf b e a r t breaking game to, the Seniorboys. There were two extra period*,and when the smoke of battle blewaway, the fact remained that the Sen-Ion WMV27-2S. High scorers wjreJohn-Oatsy, science and matnemsUe*teacher, and Bog 8mlth. * senior. JoeKleto referred the game and held It

restorative measures promptly maysave t life."

Cranford A. C DefeatsPkinfieU Arrow*, 34-24

Outscoring their opponent* in everyquarter, the Cranford A. C. posted a34 to 24 victory over the Plalnfleld Ar-row* lart Wednesday night on theSherman School court. Reed, Cranfordcenter, waa the high point maker ofthe game with ten tallies to his credit.

In the preliminary the Cranford re-serves defeated the Roselle Mohawks,2S to It. , '- .

Lineup and summary:CRANFORD A. C.

JcUm* at frequent interval* are madealong the line of.thodeht, "I* It.get-ting to look like the thing I have Inmind?" The wise teacher views chil-dren's art with appreciation and re-spect, the two big factor* In developingself-expression. Children give forth'their best when they know that some-one has confidence in their creativepowers. Parent* are prone to Judgetheir offsprings' art work according toadult standards with the result that thechildren begin to. doubt the value oftheir work and cease to create. Nosane person would expect a little childto play the piano or ,violin with theskill and feeling that year* of experi-ence give the accomplished musician.Neither would he criticise the tiny tadwho failed to read with the expressionand ease of an sd.utt. Yet untold humdreds of sensible parent* insist uponperfection of technique and adult view-point In their children's art work.

In general,'activity work In the pri-mary grades centers, around family andcommunity life. Here Is * field rich In

cent* a alure were also declared en theper cent cumulative pttfened stock

payable February 38, to stockholdersrecord February 1. and March 30. to

stockholder* of record March 1. Allpreferred and common stock dividendsare payable a* of the same iMes.

Kronas, rf. .._—.-.-.—_~_3Donnelley, f. 0Frederickson, If. SReed, c 4Kleto, rg, 3Cheser, Ig. _ 3McOrath, g. - ^ ..u.0

Total* 15 4 34ARROWS

Roacoe, rf. .PugUs, rf. _Townley, c.Strgie, rg. _Walck, Ig. ..


EARLYSprint**! Av* Vtm&M


Schouler Insulation of YourAttic Would More Than SamIu Cost in Fuel Bills.

Wabllshed 1M7

R. C ALDRICH Preaidcnt'CR.6MJ284

Totals .11 3 34

A Meal TklutJud Tuokln* *aay an'election ticket

I* cegarded by many a political workeras tHlai, the nuking* of'a meal ticket.


K J ,


WM. E. GOURLEYtt Retfert Avt,

Fire Alarm Boxes17—South and Walnut s1 * Avenue*. ^1 a—Union and North

--*** Avenue*.1Q—Fire Department

\ A a Headquarter*.M - B u r o s i d e Avenue and*** William Street.9ft—Union and Qlaremont""** Avenue*.9^—-Bmora and Dunham° * Avenua*.VI—Orange Avenua and• » ' Sixth Street.y|C—Lincoln and Union^ ^ Avenue*.-^IQ—Union Avenue. South and5 3 - N o r t h Avenue near-.**? , Orchard Street

. gy_lorchard and Washington

fit—Casino Avenue andV * Manor Place.

c Raleigh , 'Avenues.

.7^—Tulip Stotat and Sprlng-. * ~ flew Avenue.~ 0 4 - B t a a b e t h and Blooming-' ° 7 . dale Avenues;

fift-North Avenue near ZUaa-0 0 bethAvenne.

J^g—Hampton and lraitman

2 1 7 - A r l l n g t o n Road and* * • North Avenue

y Street and Spring-fk'd Avenue

and LtneolnAverues.

—Broad and KUnStneta.

Q1H—Ctnternlal Avenue and****' Cranford Terrace4 I B - U n o o l n and Walnut* • * * Avenue*.

To Call FUtaata ky Tilajfciia"Fire I and glva street tnd num-

ld b

-Pubhcworth1 Umgne. t:WWorship.

Tk. JThe Japaoese alphabet contains tw*

tets of character*, one fer B » and tbeither for wonwo.

1:00 P. M.—Ep-p, M.—Evening

CHURCHdarner of Sprlngneld and North

Union Avenue*

_»J»ik.H=dChurch School, 11:00 A.Mv—Morntnc Worship. 7:00 P. M.—CtarttUan Endeavor, 0:00 P.M.—Even-tog Worship.

Pnar CHtncH or CHIUT, S a n m nCorner Springfield Avenue and

Mlln Street»:30 A. M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A.

M.—Service. Wednesday ae'rrice 8:15M. Reading room open daily except

Sunday* and holidays from 3 to 4M.i al*oFrld*ysfrom7:M to 8 P.M.

TaiHrrr BracorM. CHUICIICor. of North Ave. and Forest Ave.

Rev. Praak M. Sfccrteek, Rector8 a. m.—Holy Communion.«:45 a. m.—Church School.11 a. m.—Morning prayer and ser-

mon (Holy Communion the fim Bun-day of the month).

< p. m.—Young People's Fellowship-.8 p. m.—Choral Evensong and ad-


ST. Minim.'* R. C. CHUICHMlln Street

Rev. JaaM* P. MeDeaald, Rectori n , Jelus M. Nswteg. AasMaat

Sunday Masses: 7 a. m, 8 a. m.iChildren's Masses, 8:30 a. m, followedby Sunday Bchool; High Mast, 10:30

Ptasr Barrm CiroacnI N Rich Street

. Rev. Bcagaassa P. ABaa9-.4S A. M^-Sonday School. 11:00 Ar-Morninc Worship. «:4S P. M

a T. P. U. S:00 Pice.

a. m, fonowea'bjTDeneaicXIon.Tuesday. 7:45 p. m., Bt, Anne's De-

votions. ~

ST. MAIK'I A. M. E. CKCICH88 High Street

10:00 A. M.—Sunday Bchool. 11:00A. M.—Public Worship. 0:00 P. M^-Allen Christian Endeavor League. 8:00P, M,—Evening Worship^


Always Agi •••>!•\Vhat mikes some men popular I*

he fact that they haven't any opinion*,nd cah .conscientiously agree wlta-


caANroao oauaanm




50c 2Sc 10c





The Best CRANFORD REAL ESTATEInsurance *•>

Dad says: *" ~ ~*"A man who cant change hU

own mind can't change any otherman's."

"You'll change your mind aboutwhat kind of heating 1* (he Bestwhen' you get full mfoanatton ,about the Master Kraft Ofl Bur-ner, come In. WkH state Umajor factor* . . . there a n more

that will conclusively proveMailer Kraft oil heat auperior-Itj Tola moram bomer aoonpay* for Itself, too, with endur-ing service and savings.



laal Eatate & ismirance Dept. Cranford Tnut Co.«-UM


R. J.


ftTakfaSona CRanford 64506


BUILDERS'HARD WARE—PAINTSFnl line of Statin Sash and Doon, Porch Endo- :

a. inaAtim Materials, Cedw Oof**,I •ihn. Tuln mrl nmitinit Fmti

Uaiimjl IHUU CBANTOaD, M. J.

l-t-t-e-l K4-M-I

Union County BuickCo.430 NORTH AV&, E.


BUICK AND PONT1ACSALES AND SERVICEber of rttldfnot oc bulldSssj on


< K ^ s ^ ^

Page 4: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*



; TOMY•:M p. a .

Party, Caaaa.FUBAV

I:M p. aa^-T. L A, at _..A. B. Warasck, «*1 P i m l

f:M p.

iat atra.

V ast ia»r—^ Tw^ajw ™ • H I BW aa I • •

i Mrs. W. S. Gee at PinpaH strati.SUNDAY

ftVaralar aerrkca aa all Ctaafara


given in marriaaa byn-- 9 fvuKntw M# «aa


•TCDNUDArOaatara A. C. vs.

MrsoUiy Bather CoUnrrtnue enfertainsd *mralday night in obatnaacr af taatr h a r t a - 1 » - " » » —•- .— - .1- 1 —day anniversaries. Card gaaw* ware SanaM Ooodncb CurUs of RoseOe,played and nrfmbsaeau a*r* aerntf. Cart Patterson of Roselle was Mr,Prlrnds and retaUvea — • '

ty nab, Sbera ,a. at—DraataUc Club plays, Ca-


It:IS B, aa.—Mary Cbak, falsaaaa't

Several members of (he Ladles' Aux-iliary to Oapl. N. R. 'Flak* Post. No,tlf. V. P. W.. sllended the CountyCouncil meeting tail night In Kenll-worth

Mix Mlldnd Rfdfteld. daughter otMr*. H. Redneld of DO "Centennial i n -nut sang, with the Elisabeth! ChoralSociety In Trenton • Sunday night andIn Elisabeth latt Wednesday night. Thechoral wUl tour the state.,

J. B. Falrman addressed members ofthe Young PropleY Society of the PintPresbyterian Church Sunday, AnotherInteresting meeting Is planned /or thUSunday, Memben are requested tobring a (rlehd.

Under the leadership of Floyd B.Shannon of 29 Arlington road, who liglee club director, at the Western Dec-(rtc Kearny Works, a Wekeamyanmen's glee club Is being formed for thespring concerts. Keheanals will beheld weekly In the plan recreationalrooms. Membership In the club Islimited to Uiote who liavo lud experi-ence In glee club work.

Items of Personal InClarence A. Vfctar

trtooda at hi* baa* aavasta* Biiaamy nlcht aabit btrthdaj ansannary

Mr, .and Mn. B

• • mm^mm •»«M«HW» WM*M*»* ^*Mis. Him" WaHaoe «C Tudor CM»,Slew Tarfc, wasaMUTtas Saturday aB«r-

ai « attack *a John D.•f Mr. Ma Mm. Whiter

i* «* f i m — —r* •aagay asafc pate* m Trinity Epatoapaln—iti, and m i uutunaid by tb* r

I •«_ . ^ ^^* — . j^g YgViVM^gc

Dorothy Cauaetl ana M B Oar- fTrsatty a»*naaslkther CoUnrrt of IM Beasb a**-j The bride wase M k M g o W

- : M <"»*. Thomas X. Carpenter, of- lOranlord. afar was attended br atra.

Belmar plainAeht, WeauwaL Jjav-'. PoOawtng the carenaony, a reoepUonfi.rn.Mj .«^« — - - i vm« IwU at ttiA I I M M Af tKa I I I M M 1 !!«m» held at tb* bom* of the groom*

; paimu. after which the couple lefj (orddl trt t h o h th W**l —

dm Oarwood and Craafard

r H Vuade O7«TT Orchard atrrrt , adding trip through the West.sailed Friday for a aaoaUr* ncataoa u , ^ nturo they will reside inand hiittnias trip Is the Weal Icabec York.

Mr and Mrs O D. Bnttnfrrr at 11 Mr anna den la connected with th*HUkrest-avenue-entmatant a n m l ' & t n m D Smith ft Oompaoy brokers,luesu from New York. Eaaaarlh a i* Xaaaui street. New York.Crsnford at a arid** party at Usctr .home Saturday rvanla*served st midnight.

u « Scoot News

srsocacLAOucNctMim Mar)orte Laurence, daughter of

_ Mr and Mn. SUoley P. Laurence of| north UMgb a«nue. became th* brka

: J«f Cakqr A. Bprouu* of Oarer, n o of

Th* Olrlbusy schedule tor ihetr LtttJeTroop • speciattatd tax sktaankaday af Urnoon with Mas Btnaicspialn. Mrs. P. D. Bapbar a>,th* Second. Class acoatsHnaekeeper Ifertt

Mr and Mn. Charles Bproue* of OUf-t«ai. S. c . m a ammony perfuuMdSataraay cvanmf at tb* bom* of the' " ' - pamrta. Tt>er Her. WUUam

of Maptewood. an uncle of tb*aride. read the serrtee

Tbe hrtde. who was given In-marriagey her father, was attended by Mrs.

Jack Rector

Miriam Onft were cooks at theper mediae Monday of Troop X.Katherlu Oreene. former captain, was

•Until."Cranford sang

. . „ _ . , . . . . . . . . mmm, A reerpUon followed with guests be-guest and toU tbe Scouu of her a»y jmg present from Long Island. Onion

st a Nature Camp in New Raarpsbtre IcMy. Maplewood, East orange. Roselle.•ait summer. 'Oartrood. Rahwsy. Dover and Cran-

Betty Jean Jteobaen. Marjarte Rah. i fordShirley Lopaus. Doris Jean OdeD, Onw,' The bride was graduated from Cran-Douglas, Troop 5: Elaine Bbire. » h _ - - - — • - — - - - -Dengler. Shirley Strong. Doris Boa.Vlvlsn Wlrth. Troop *; Miriam OraH. Do»w as a first sergeant with the

A. meeting of the Musical MomrntsClub was held lut Wi'dnrxlny eveningat the bocnr of Mlm Vlnflnln MPubloIn 107 Uncoln nvrmir Pollowlnn thebu«lnes.i meeting. Marie Binder playedn violin aolo. "Ponakrn," by PrllnWlnternlU, ucconi|»nl«l by .Sydneydecamp. Oamn and rrfrijuhnienljiconcluded _the-evening's program

eircuical engineer and Is stationed atD nt. . . . _ . . ••••»<•, i iuiy i , MUBUB itran a»>n m* S • u m

Troop 3ffl and Lorae Anmack of Troop D. S. Marine Corps.8 are registered In the Dtrl Scoot B a t e . !6 are registered In the Obi Scout Saan-nlng Class at the Weitneld Y on Tars,

day afternoons Winifred Muter and

K«t»i Hii Capacity"A truly good lUlrner." said II. llu,

the aaiifi of Chinatown, "ta illacrlmlnat-Ing In Inviting m i w h . and knows when


LaaJoa U . . RaJj., Ma* .London pciljre uiw l»xh the radio

and maps, on wlilch the incident otcrime la shown by a series of colored

AXXOOJCE ENGAGEMENT, ----- Ur and Mn. Chenoweth Housum of

?,Z?ZL2j?JUTt'.D*arT "TOUf' W-^^rd. formerly ofm n n o a n t * " *^ ^ i0™"0"1- mnnoant* "* "«M«-«l ofTbe Ptoil Aid 'thrtr daughter Carolyn Jane to Paul

d Mta, ? 8mSh ""^Hou-m, attended Ebnlra College and

are ln»tru«ork Mr. WUh U a graduate of Colgate andMIM Lois Iloll. Oas Company rrprr- of the lUn-ard School ot Business Ad-

•rnutlve. U leaching a capacity ctua'aunumtion.of Second Cla» ScouU how to pevpare!breakfait, luncheon and dtaner Break,The ScouU wUl complete aU the re--'

Twenty-tour BrownlmBoy Scout News

.wcujr-iour urownie. mri TUBKIIT I _ ~ 'miemoon with Brown. OwtMr^IUUb ' T n » V M "«»nTnw-rn i l l er imnon-Ttrrlll Wrm. James Stewart uaght ! d l m > r r PM>™"T M In the chapel of the•evcral new singing game*. Mis. Boy»l!Cran'or<1 Mrtl>odlst Church. TheWalsh helped the Brownies with Ihetr!*0""* wfll- "«*nd the morning serviceHftnrfl*mri nM^Lu* . ' T- 1 FVCffUarT 10 In fh« rhiitv>h wittt (tul*

OM Spa.UliCiiit.aiSpanish farmer* cut down all trees

because they ronnlctrrwl lilrds theirmortal eneml™. They anuglit to leaveno place for them to build nmu In.

T m C.U DllirTom caU differ greatly In tempera-

swat and dagrn of Jealousy. Horn*j-for-.Ui«lr.-B*w.born-kUtena-nu»t

tauAsrly; others klll'them on sight.

will hold a Salmagundi Party: LeadenIn charge of arrangtmenU are Mix.Ralph TrrrUl. Mn_ 8. A: OkeB. Mrs.Svend Ernst, and Mrs. LreU Smith.

Betty McXMarmld and Artas n «were accepted as recralu b> Troop 4 atTrinity Pariah on MondayTenderfoot requlremenu v »pt*l«d by Kaasy Burley and TManWlrth. Troop One met Monday after-noon at the Casino with Mrs. LjrrflBmlth. CapUln. and then- new I-h*»-

«OSE VILLATlie meeting of Rose VUla held last

Thursday waa given to the study ofRachmonotrs compositions and a num-ber of beautiful ones were renderedsuch as the Prelude C Sharp Minorand eapecUonally Interesting the Ser-enade. The paper was wonderful andInstructive, being written and read byMn. Frederick Cattanach who Watalso hostess of the dsy. •

Velvet dreaac* steamed by our mod

Handicraft project.Tomorrow the Leaden'

~ .- _ _ — • • ! • • » * * » n * « a v t SSSS-Sfj 9HH t #t<VJ

.FWbrnary 10 In the church with their_ _ ^ j colon

*»»0™" l». itemben of the Cranford Sea Scout

tenant, l t n . Austin.Scouts from Troop S and 4

cushions last Friday afternoon. Cap-Ulns Okell and Btnns were present andrefreshmenta were prepared by Cor-rlnne RolloweU and Maigmret Bost-<rick.

Rutgers Lectures IncludeNationally Known Ft,

Three nationally known fltum b a nbeen engaged for the Untrentty U c -ture Series to be lnlUateoNby RuatersUniversity this year. President RobertC. Clothier has announced.

Dr. William^ Beebe. whose recectbathoiphere descent has added materIstly to the knowledge ot deep tea Hfe.will tell of his adventures in. the Rut-gers Oymnnsium, February 37 to tbeInitial lecture. HI* subject win be"Five Hundred Fathoms Down.*

Donald a Rlchberg. encutrn dtree-tor.of the United States EmergencyCouncil .nd President Kooarnit,"right hand man." will appear at Rnt-jen on March « . and Dr. Robert A.MUUkan. ot the California Institute ofTechnology, win speak onJTTbi strnl-Ocance of Modem Physics-on AnrUW

Ship have been milled to meet withU>e Conmumity Men's Bible Class ofthe Cranford Methodist church ohFebruary 10.

Troop 78. aponaored by CranfordPaat, ZU. American Legion, visited adahy at PUinsboro on Saturday. Tbeboys were conducted through the dairyafter which tbey sere feted to a frank-furter roast. Transportation was fur-nished by Messrs. Havens. Markle,Asaes. McKbmey and^Breyfogk.

An former Cranford scouts, as well aanew residents who have been interest-ed or engaged m scouting prior to com-bag'besv, hm been invited to attend ascout meeting at tbe Pint PresbyterianChsrcb Pebntary a.Srrctal members passed tests.

Troop s t went on a hike Saturday.Troop 7C wfll go on a nature hike


& » • • B . U . 1. Fl.rMaJarkwavllle (Kla.) had the coldest

day «f l u experience sbout a hundredjrara ato, when tbe city abhered stT orcrees beJuw tero, February 7, 18SS

The FinalRites

. T H E despair caaaad by tbe. * aepartare of a tear aa* Is•otteaca by tbe aapraaslvecharacter of the flaal-een-

aeteat sUff. . Yet, rost Hmoderate.


Bridge taaraiiaiVery staasaaaal* M a ,

M NOKTH AV1U W, CKAjfroarp.

KOPFS Cttfectittwy"rosi ' ;.


, a n dICE CREAM

', WION AYE. Mi Axntac n.,. PBONK' CMANrOBD (VUwT

F U , . f M U c l i . L . .Tbe tit at Uanrhukuo Is yellow with

•triass of red. bine, white, snl blackta tbe upper left quarter.

' to "fttetty psnth» f th»*>i«itng»msDiii, a ndto IMSHDMT of

• b «**• 4M OBtttM Of

tht Coat Manhoni totb* pruaat star radio ana tstevisson.(MBI Admtoal Byrd in tb*

«teaa a n brougnt to dvUbavuon tlma/Ji Mr. Tampieton.

•wttlng was given over~ ~ Tb* foDow-



* « • * MKIf araa a rsBaaaa) mf w-*mmwm

at Oranlort, u —iilnjii ft tb* «bcaa*. WbO t a n M It fiaai ttH) gsnaaaInto ttkt apMBlMMs Matal ttits evttsd

Frederick A. Boeh irss aao (tntKlncb pronouacsd tb* m u d*ad

. viee-preskfcnt,, aacratary. Deborah

tiaaaurtr. Austin Dotaman,


TheBtttor.January II, l t t t

Or. stlneh .and said b* bad ban dsadhours.

Police point out that Thayer enteredth* gang* baton 1 :» a. m_ when tb*snow began to fall, as there. w«r* —tracks leading Into tb* buudmg. l _ .said doors of the gang* wsn tlgnUyckaad. Tb* Ignition switch was turnadon, but tbt motor of tb* ear bad stalled,apparantly choked by tb* gas turn**.

County phystdan 0. A. Brokaw wasnoUfled and gave permuaton to remoy*

Crantord Ottban and Chronicle,Cranford, Hew Jersey.Dear atr:

Oranford I* a community, along withfour or flv» bundrad othen In thismetropolitan ana of New York City,which, to a parson living, let us Utah or Montana, enjoys great col.tural rmartblntles. m a town whoa*material advantages are almost beyondreproach It If indeed unfortunate thatIU spiritual development has been toooften neglected. We have overlookedone desirable adjunct to th improve-ment of our community We. namely,the happy faculty of working togetherin musical endeavors.

It Is the opinion of the writer thatwe could greatly Increase the useful-ness and attractiveness of our com-munity. If we would put what may beconsidered our advantages to work forus. Instead of permitting them to be ahindrance, as they now are. It Is soeasy to take a train or even a trolleycar to bring us Into direct contact withthe world's greatest performers In therealms of music art, drama, and litera-ture, that we seem to think It unnec-essary or useless to create an "espritde corps" of our own.

It Is axiomatic that local citizens willnot adequately support local music un-dertakings. The mult Is. of course,that local musicians, dilettante andotherwise, grow discouraged and com-mute' to neighboring towns where' theyenter musical activities there. Thefset that we have few. If any, well c ownltcd.jnu»lcsl enterprisesr-ls-not-hali

Park naturalliu know of only sevenMads af trees In Yellowstone NationsPUfc.

fw S w u ti Larg.Ta* trumpeter swan, largest of North

Aaaerlran waterfowl, has a wing spread•f abmt eiibt feet.

• ^ • " " • • - - — - • — " ^ « • * • » • an »»• i r W MVfr I W i l

so drplonble as the Inevitable realua-tlon that man)' of our most urbane resi-dents are contributing nothing to thecultural amelioration of the com-munity and are gradually emigrating,not to return. ,

It Is not to be supposed that the pub-lic school music supervisor, or anyother individual can, with a clap ofthe, hands, bring forth musical con-sciousness by some unearthly means.It is a responsibility which rests uponevery drlc-mlnded man and woman.

It is no secret that music is .nolonger a luxury to be enjoyed by a feweccentrle persons, noteworthy for thelength of their hslr. It very definitelyuid~essenUauy mnuerices~lhe~lfves^bfevery one of us, whether or not wesing, dance, or play. Few, indeed, arethe persona whose lives have not, atsome time or other, been touched byit. Music is unquestionably the mostnatural medium of artistic expression.It would benefit our community If wehad It more abundantly.

A few high school students, encour^aged by'their leader, cannot satisfac-torily organize a symphony orchestraand watch It grow Into an assembly ofmature artists unless the socially prom-inent espouse the cause. Let us allgreat and small alike, reallje that awell organized, well directed, and ade-quately patronized amateur orchestrais a good Indication of the Interest onthe part of our people In the moreethereal realities of life.

Youn truly,ROBERT L. D, W. HOBBS.

D..h M..... ,In Europe, during moat of last cen-

Jury, the existence of the dumbmauea was acknowledged, but that'ssll; the upper and middle classes alonewere articulate. • •»

tb* body to OrayiWaatneld. Police noUflsd relativesTltosnrlue, Fa, of which Thayer wasnative.

As a young man, Thayer Joined th*editorial staff of a dally newspaper inTUusvUle, where be was employedmany yean, leaving the post of aportsodttor to accept a place in the Pitts-burgh office of tb* Associated Press.H* ami with tb* Assodsted Press thereabout tea yean.— <**

Four yean ago Thayer's wife died Inchildbirth, and for two yean he was Inill-health because of a nervous break-down. Bis condition forced him toleave newspaper work and two year*ago be turned to flower growing, whichhe had always followed as a hobby. Hetook over the operation of the West-fleld Flower Orows In January, 1MJ.

Two weeks prior fto bis death,Thayer was Inducted as a member ofthe Cnnford Rotary club. He mademany friends in Cranford as well asin Westrield. He lived in the WestneldHotel until recently.

Dale and Leland Thayer ofTltus-Ville claimed the body Friday and Itwas taken.Saturday evening to TUusville where funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon.

In addition to Dale and Leland. thedeceased K survived by two brothenand his parents.

Mrs. IsabeUa CraneFuneral services, will be held

' l k idat

o'clock Friday afternoon from thehome. 239 Walnut avenue, for Mn.Isabella W. Crane. M yean old, whodied" yesterday morning followingthree-day Illness from pneumonia. TheRev. William R. .Sloan, pastor of theFirst Presbyterian Church, .will be Incharge. Interment will take place InFalrvlew Cemetery. Westfleld.

Born In Cincinnati, O, Mn. Cranehad been a resident of Cranford forslxty-hlne yean, she was a member ofthe First Presbyterian Church and informer yean had been active In tbeHome Department and other organisa-tions, or the church. Her husband,Theodore A: Cnne, died eighteen yean"10.

Mrs. Crane broke a leg in a fall theUtter part of last year. She had re-covered from the Injury, howww, andt i n t II a a* A ^ *M a A« * a vi i t i


$1.50P-int A H-rfw»«







Graded Afternoon Cuuaes for .Children af 1-14 Yean

^Marionnette Theatre^^^^

Ecole^FjrmncaUe de Wettfidd• U No. Chestnat St.

x TEL. WestneU i-l»6»-J

until she was taken ill with pn'MiTTi'ttilathree days ago, she was in fine healthfor her age and was able to walk aboutthe house.

Surviving are a son; Harry W. Cranetwo daughters, Miss Annie 8. Craneand Miss Mabel 0. Crane; four grand-children and two great grandchildren^

CanaiaeReeaFuneral services were conducted yes-

terday morning from-St. Michael'sChurch In charge of the Rev. James FMcDonald for Carmine Roca. a resi-dent ot Cranford for forty yean, whodied Sunday morning at the home, ofhis daughter,, Mrs. Mary Luca in 19Wcodlawn avenue. Interment took

Additional Classified, . Advertisements

HELP WANTED-rTemaUSCHOOL o m i , to assist with 'house-

work after school and on Saturdays.Apply Box 178, care of Citizen \ andChronicle. >

ami, wanted, part time; generalhousework. Apply with references.399 Orchard Street, Cranford

ARD1ZZ0NFSFamous '"

• Home-made "


.9 NvUi»ion;ATenue•u P h ^ C R . 6-0116 J;

FRENCH - SPANISHSECOND HALF-YEAR Starts FEB. j.Adult Claaaes Morning aad Evening.

Children's Classes. Tattting.

Ecole Frmncaise de WestfieldMS No. Cheatmrt S t

TEL. Westfleld Z-19SI-J


By the Overseer of the Poor of. Cranford

Mattresses -- , "' '•. Oft Beaten --.' , - • ' , .

These articles used toaid distressed families in Oran-"

• tordr-Telephone Cranford e-O0nand a representative win call; or •brine them to 110 Walnut anmue.

*- - WARHKN K3RKMAN,~ 7 T V : •.,l";^°!«"?*f <* the Poor.!

Cranford Trust Company

place in Fsirview Cemetery, Weatoeld.Mr. Roca had bam 1U lor aTyear.He was bom in Italy seventy-four

yean ago. Before the Aeolian Com'pany ceased optraUon* in Oanrood,Mr. Roca was employed for seventeenyean in Its. varnishing • department.Latterly, prkr to hi* retirement, bewas employed by the Cyclone FenceCompany of Newark. Be was a com-municant of Bt. Michael's Church.

Surviving beside* bis daughter, a ntwo tons, Joseph of Bound Brook, andCharles ot Cranford; seven grandchil-dren, a brother, Angelo, of Oanrood.and a sitter, Mrs. Angelina BenezzUof Newark. His wife died seven and ahalt yean ago.

Janes D. KayJames D. Kay, 61 yean old, of 231

Walnut street, Roselle, a past masterof Anire Lodge, F. fc A. M, of Cranford, died Tuesday morning. In theElizabeth *Oeneral Hospital, Etlxabeth,after a ten-day illness..

. . She was a m«mb«r of Anna Osn-brant ChapJer, M0.UI, a Jt 8 , ofNewark. . •

.- bsaldM her btatend anthree ttoten, Mrs. Marl* Finn and Mn.Alberta Rancke of Biuuklyu. and Mn.Rose Klnch ot Rldgewood; and twobrothers, Frederick and Harry rjchell-hammer of the Bronx.

Memben ot Anna Oarabrant Chap-ter, O. E. 8., conducted their ritualisticrites from the home Monday evening,and the Rev. M. Y; Poynter, pastor ofthe Cnnford Methodist Church, t u 'In charge of the funeral services Tues-day afternoon. Interment was in St.Michael's Protestant Episcopal Ceme-tery, Newton, Long; Island.

William H. rspps|**sjsaWUllam H. Poppelbaum, M years old.

died yesterday afternoon at the homeof his daughter, Mrs, Joseph.Dengler,in IS Elm street, where he had made.his home for the past several yean.He had been In 1U health tor sixmonths. - *

for some time here prior to removingto Roselle six yean ago. Re was em-ployed as chief clerk in the New Tortoffices of tbe Lehlgh Valley Railroad,

Mr. Kay was active for many yeanin Masonic circles and served aa dis-trict deputy of the fifth Masonic dis-trict for several terms.

The survivors Include his wife, Mrs.Julia E. Thomas; a son, Howard A.Thomas of Westfleld; and three broth-en. Zaccarlah Thomas of AUentown.Pa.; Oscar Thomas of Slatlngton, Pa,and Daniel Thomas of Pullerton.

Members ot Axure Lodge will meet ato'clock tonight at tbe Masonic Tem-

ple and will go to tbe Kay home wherethey-wlll conduct'theurrltiuaisWrUeaTReligious services will be held from theresidence at 3:90 o'clock Friday after-noon. Interment will Be in FalrvlewCemetery, Westfleld.

JTiagraibEleanor* Flugrath, wife of Otto Flu-

grath, died last Friday evening at herhome In.109 HUlcrest avenue following

long Illness. "A native of New York City. Mn. Flu-

gnth came to Oranford eleven yean

Born in Bremen, Oermaoy, he cameto this country more than fifty yearsago. He had been In the textile busi-ness in New York and was later anaccountant prior to retirlnsj » fewyean ago. He resided in Brooklynand Jersey city before 'coming here.

Survlvon besides bit daughter arehis wife, Anna Poppelbaum of Cran-ford; and several brothen and a sis-ter, who reside in Brooklyn.

Funeral services will be,heid at 3:15odock Saturday afternoon fromOraysFuneral Borne, Westfield, In charge ofthe Rev. William T. Behrent, Jr.. pas-tor of Calvary Lutheran Church. In-terment will be in Falrrlew Cemetery.Westfield. „ - J_

sWkargi.1 Dry C D Batter!**Dry call electric batterle* cannot

be recharged, but when partially randown th*y can be temporarily rerltal-iasd by drilling a series of small bolesin tbe top and pouring In a solutionof aalammonlac, vinegar or dilutedralpkuric add. The cell should b»-allowed to stand Idle for several boon *befon using, after which more addshould be added. The holes may b*plugged with sealing wax or »oft•cap.



Bee siepnaetitativeJWttV, BROWN, I* Arlington


Sales—OB Buraer-Servke. 24-HOUR OU. BURNER^SERVICE


10 Aldea Slrert ' " ""OPPOSITE POST orncE .


STOVE . . 1NUT :*. . . 1

Established 023 UNION i

Phone. CR. 6-1879

Old Schenley Ryeunder \J, S* Govern!U made in confondistilling traditionsand Wisconsin Rospact and flavorfulproduces. The woiawarded The MarlDistillers . . . "the hreputation."

. .AndtheMdlownTTjat^delicious taste

'. tion of luscious Iuxuyou seem to find onof ."Old School" dia


Page 5: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*

% a V'L-



P E A . . .

STOVE .-. 11.00 fig y . P 7<8D

10.78 COKE*.'. ! 1Z80no eaanr nt

: \


CRANFORD,N.J. ,tT'Till'lllHIIIIIMiininiimiVl'

vJ , „„. . , . o

C. I. TARIOWJSttobliskedOveraQuarterofaCemtmi,.

23 UNION AVE., S^ CRANFORD, N. XPhooeCR. 6-1679 FreeDdmry

Announcing . . .OLD SCHENLEY RYE

Old Schenley Rye . . . bottled in bondunder U. S. Government supervision... ItU made in conformity with the highestdistilling traditions . . . utilizing Michiganand Wisconsin Rosen rye, the most com-pact and flavorful rye kernels the earthproduces. The world's finest whiskey . . .awarded The Mark of Merit. SchenleyDistillers . . . "the house with the nationalreputation."

Pt. $2.64 Qt. $5.23

Schenley'sBLACKSTONEMerits our Recommendation. ABlend of Straight American Whiskies— well matured and distinctivelymatched.

Qt $2.55 Pt $1.29

For a Redly Fine Gin, You Should Try


Full Fifth $1.49

AYFLOWERQuart $2.35 Pint $1.20


100 Proof Straight Pennsylvania WhiskeyRight—it's low priced. And it's rightfrom start to finish . . . In fact, Schenleyheld it back until it was fully matured—exactly right in' flavor, mellowness andproof. ' /

Here's to our

GOLDEN WEDDING• • And the Mellowness that grows and grows with yearsThat 'delicious taste—that rare combina-tion of luscious luxury and. delicacy which .you seem to find only in the fine productof "Old School" distillers The delicioussmoothness and mellowness that only agecan impart . . . Golden Wedding has thattoo For the average age of GoldenWedding is 4 years old. It is a blend of•elected straight whiskies.

PL $1.58. Qt$3.1O

of the Bttl Thea-tat andsr the title. -FogttHe I * * . -TJtta fc tht fih» In which Horace Met,

anightsr oC sport* writerBin . and Broadway fawr-

Mt (or TWO. makes fair einscna detmt.TJa» w t av an aaspatloua one-and

the Jowty aOss B in u • (tor-loo.quality which

belter* theWay they m» seeing—make* them fedther a n personally absorbed In a mar-ine t i t of UJe-U UM ran quality pos-•mi i l by loss Btoe and tnnamltted tothe screen In beautiful and effeetiwactlnt. —>

Plus O I C K U of Taadertlle.

BX MERRY WIDOWO»y Vienneee music. canUnental

Joyousness, Parisian retell and chum-Ins old world romance blend with mas-sive spectacle and glamorous localesIn "The Kerry Widow," Ernst Lu-

production of the PransLeharmasterpiece, which opens today at theRialto Theatre, Westfleld.

Reuniting the triumvirate of Lu-Mtseh. Maurice Chevalier and JeanetteMacDonald. the picture U staged on aspectacular scale. Its whimsical com-edy, gay humor and charming romancebeing back-grounded by gorgeous set-tings and hundreds of beautifully cos-tumed player*.-^inT tusocui»5nracuic i m w IUtCUt~'-atlng detective story. T h e Case of TheHowling Dog." with Warren Williamand Mary Astor.

On Monday. Tuesday and Wednes-day the Rlalto will present Transat-lantic Merry-Oo-Round," with JackBenny. Oene Raymond and a. largecast of stars, and "Lady By Choice,"with Carole Lombard and May Rob-son. The Thursday, Friday and Sat-urday aKTartlons will be "collegeRhythm," with Joe Penner, ' LannyRoss and Jack Oakle. and That'sGratitude." with Frank C n n g andMary Carlisle.


< l l l \ All I I

i nil








THATS GRATITUDE'Fraak Cravca — Mary ^arHate


Twi New Entries hTawi Basketball Loop

Eagles, Tros^. Join Crs^ordA. C League in Sec-• ood Week.


Hayashl. t —Borlght, rR. Pielhau, oSmith, gOtaason, gSlkora, gLusardl, g

rtcultyWith the addition of two new teams

the Cranford Municipal . BasketballLeague entered Its second week of playMonday night on the Sherman Schoolcourt. The two new entries met In theBnt game with the Trumps winning bythe lop-elded score of M-3. •

The Characters and the High SchoolFaculty had a great tussle In the sec-ond game on the program. The teach-ers, despite a great last-half rally, wereunable to overcome the 15-7 deficit athalf-time, and lost out 23-31 as the fi-nal whistle tooted.

The Otd-Tlmen, who are still unde-feated. handed-Uw Chi Beta Phi quin-tet Ita first defeat In the nightcap by a20-15 score. Dlttmar, the league-lead-ing scorer, and Valentine, the Old-Tim-ers' huge center who formerly starred

Beam, f ............Qualntanee, fO«Uy, fAlberts, cOoffey. gWeekley. g .Ramblen, g

with the Cnlrerslty.of Illinois, were theleading factors In the downfall of theCht Beta Pris.

The box scores:OM-Ttmen (M)

O F FDlttmar, f 3 2 SRuby, f ..__, 0 0 0Valentine, c ........,',...«w,..._w_3 0 6Stevens, g .—.—^....,_l o 2Tromley, g , ',,'n , • ;.l l 3SchoU, g ;,_,.._.....^_^,,.. 0 1 1

Relmer, fCowperthwalle, fWeber. I zDadd. fDowney, c _„...».Helneman, g .PoelUer, g .Olof son, t •

Chi Bete Fhl (IS)4 20

F P1 30 2


Thompson, f .Ttnnesx, f _J..Arnold, fDonahue, cCuabing, gDel Qandlo, g..Peterson, g ».»

3 IS

a F p...1 0 2

0 0 0..1 0 2

Eagles (3)

F. Dooley, fMcFadden,*Farrell. IQulnn. t .Piemen, o ...P. Pielhau. cWelenbach. gV. Dooley, gLarson, gRatU






Faeatty (W)O FA 1.1 0J J.0 0


, 0


8 21


"IMITATION OF LIFE"Also "By Your Leave"



"The CaptainHates the Sea"

Eitra— Caaartos-



" M E N A C E "Gertrude Mitchel

E V E N I N G SExcept Sunday 25c


K.-1.V-- •• . _ ,

\ " . • - . - ' "




25c—at all time*—25c5

- : -''••'*.-OH--tut'MM f'"P--i>-i f-.'i - '-_ J ; J

Rusi, Elmer &ArmMron|( I Tommy Rafferty- I ari«kl B.M ••< Hll 7I.» U4l • • • LanlM









lit • , ^ 1 ' , . i

Freth ProduceTSB


Witrw QmrnHtj Cmmti madYmn-Mtw G*t Fwtkut.


TeB. I m» l ie

per D> le


l i b s


aaaaoa llbstSe

Preserves ££» 21 ,29"atrawtMrry,. Raspberry,' Blackberry, Peach. Pineapple. Cherry.

t p k p l l t1 tumblenlSg

I2-oi Jar liet No. 2 cans IS*

Our Brmiti Tmb D*Udttu Stnod With Pnttnm

Rye Bread "iff 8c. Bread Supreme loaJF 8c.Victor Bread loaf 6c i

TtUty-s Oiaar* r«kw TaaHe N. B. C. Ore. Saadwfah Caaes

I 2-lb can UetSe; H-lb,*S«I IbMe

12c OSCO Tomatoes10c 4009 Sauer Kraut

Se rWUlya VegetoMea. KaeDsfa

Macaroni or Spaghetti

2 No. 2 cans 23c3 big cans 23c

4 « 19"3pkgs2Sc

Bmaey-s Cheeotol* KhanManasaallnn

Pnarf t m a

• W O I 9 Barllett.A p r i C O t S l plraTe.

pkg tieI li-u, pkgs Ue

2 can. 3 5 ". 25'

Grapefruit JalcrSindlae Oraaie JaleeDole Pineapple JuiceReya! Octatlne DessertsBeyal Baklag PewferChaw, A Baakem's Coffee

ll'i-oican lie, t cans Ue

I cans UcJ page lie

can lie. ISe Ue1b tin lit

Pea BeansAsk, for folder of Prise Dean recipes sponsored by Rotary

Club of Bad Axe. Mich.

7c Prim.Choke.Rice8c Seedless Raisins?

pkg 5c2 ll-ozpkKs 13c

SpratU Otals pkg Me

SpralUFIbe pkg 3Sc

ma Sliced Bacon: Vt lb pkg 17c

7 43'Oold

Eggsfor . poat-hlni, Uiltlof

Stkdt.Em iu.35cMta Knponle* MilkHeaa-ae-Ule MayaoaataeHlBia Belle Jalad DressingCria*. Fig Bars or Ginger Snaps

iBstaat Fastam"MSSOB BbeVFolhh

MK0 Beans, with Tomato BasweFaraaaale Enpontcd Milk

1 tall cans IScpt jar tieptJarlSe

lbllePkg ao

can Me, 4tecan Me

ScansUe4 cans Ue

OSC0 Coffee »23"An excelelnt blend, rich and flavorful.

Victor Coffee »21"A fine blend of Santos Coffee*.

Mother's Joy lb tin 27c I Acme Coffee lb tin 29cA rich blend of Bouth I Arabian, Mocha, Java and

^American Coffee*. | South American Ooffees.

Black walnn Icing

Golden Layer Cake each

Boscul Coffee lb tin 34c t Maxwell House Coffee 31cCut-Rite Waxed Paper roll 8c

< Bab-O ._l can* Uc 8elaxBabbitt's Cleanser I cans «c Camay Boap

ZpkgxSle1 cakes Ue

Del MonU AsparagmTipe square'can

Campbell's Tomato Jaice O C S .4 cans sBiiVC

BaaaU Lean Fnah

Roasting Hams »> 2V• (Whole or Shank Half) Cut from comfed little porkers.

Fancy Fresh Killed

Fatted Fowl (B^) n> 2 5i'. Bdentinctliy fed In sanitary feeding station*. Full meated,

well fatted and sure to please.

Fancy Chuck Roast »>Tender ' '

BeefUverKraft Boft.

(,>»•». IMoMtnlo,Ml. Mltnl U

> . -Memnster Cheew

„ - . targe Crisp Oename

lb 15c | Dfll PicUes each 5cSodas Creamed Cottage ~ >

Cheese lb 15cIbXJe

Facy^Wdrfish «• 12]c rSinless Fillets- '•» 2Jc

k i O ' '" " "B , ^ *


Page 6: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*


Indkntrial Center ofUnion County GAR WO


Carrol) K cVUen •»» « * * < I*?1:ctonl «f the Otrwood Republican Club»t Ih. annual mtttm Monday ni*™


to Northat Ibe club i headquarter*•venue Other often* are vir«rpr»,ornt. Walter Thorn, aeoond vtoe-presidrnt Mrw Oltrtja ateffen; tecreUnAttert H Miner, aiaurtant lecretary,Ralph Dnoilttle; tmuurer,amlUt: atattum treasurer.OolwTjI. nergeanl-tt-irath, and trurtew, Frank Man*, wll-liain Merle Conklln and WHIar H,


The flub endoned II* randldaclre ofEmr*< Hull Honald Ol**ry and MerlePulton Inr thr»e-yr«r •*"» o n l l w

Bard uf Muiatlon. The three- mm•re being hooded by llw rmlon troop,

l d ' Oarwoodwhich »U0 tnrludetDemocratic Club

r' " ' Oarwood

emocratic ClubUnit, »ho hu been on lhej>eard for

two ternu, t» now nervlnn. «-U* v lc*-

The following pupila of W had W e atheir third. .

"Tawjtirt.T i m P«pU» leoervtoT-*" » thete»t' Richard Anthea, Louts De Orteaa,Oeorge MJuar. John (ranch, Jos Havmano. Bob Tood. "and France*

M YearlyKrery week the aA pupil, who bare

done tbe beat work receive raters" on •large chart. Op Brdate thaw childrenha* djjfjerbial: Doris Tetter III star*.Florence BmoUey II. Henry Ffrlfler 11,Uward Fknher 11 and Florence Moty-ka II.

The IA pupU* were weighedmeauired on Friday morning. ~who had gained the moat Weight tine*tall we;re: Florence amoUey, VincentBaMo, and John Bqoey. Thoat whogained the mott In height were: JohnBoney. Merle Patten. Dorla Reynold*and Walter Powllkowtil.

' •• • l A N e w a

The boya and girt* have begunhearting for a orie-act play entitledThe Oolden Comilalk." Thote tak-ing part Include: Marjorle Wllllamaon,Eileen Colwell, Florence Bmolley. DorUReynolds.' Carol FUcher, Florence Mo-tyka, Dorlt VfUrr, Henry PfelBer, WU-

tlte Borouih lor maw yrar. and.waatonnerl) pm'dent ot tlw Board ofHealth Ilr- n employed a« an engineertrf'Uw Datia tnglneertni' Company ofBumbrth r*lum, who In t graduateof syraruv University. l» purchasingagent tor the Union County Poor Corh-mlauni He It a property owner andhat two children In the local whooli.He w defeated lor the acliool boardin an election three )rait aio. O"la a graduate of New.York University,and hat rnldrd in ihe'Itorpugh lormany )-eara

A public rally will be hrld at the i wpublican Club hradiniartrn on T>b-ruarypi In behalf ol the candidate*.Invitation to aUrnd ha* been eitendwito all organization! l» the IMrough

Arthur Smith wai appointed chair-man ol a committee to maker pltiu fora Mipprr for dull member* khlch willbe held In Tebruan OUied mrmbrm<* the commlllee arr John llatrrkom.Walter Thorn and llrnnan HtelTrn

The club'i next mrelln( will be Prb-niar)' I*

Staalkomkl, Loulte n. John

ward Morrison and Edward Howsrth..-• • ( A N e w . .- r, - ..-'

Betllna Bcaltadonna' wat winner, ofthe aprlllng match last.; ThuradayPtour other pupila who remained ttand-

uiitll the wry last part of the matchwere Andrew Wantt. Charles Morrlaon,HI* Bcalsadonna and Mary Katcm. _'•

Irene, ff*«cin k to be* congratulatedon her record In ipclilng.Bhe hat hadloo's on every Friday teat. ;•-,••'

Lstt week the 6A boyaand girl* be.gari vwk on their puppet* for theahowi to be given in March and April.The boya are planning to present~Trea*ure laland" and the girlt will•how T h e Prlnceaa Who Hid HerBhoea" and "RumpeWlltskin." Theboyi are carving their puppet* fromwood, but the gtrlt are making thelraof cloth and clay.,

Aa tn Incentive In problem Mlvlngthere have been lour team* formed In. . . and 10 Arithmetic chvuet Eachh u a balloor. for aacent Into the itrtt-oaphere. To date 8A boyi arr highest;8A frlru, tecond: 8B box. third: and.

Junior Hifh Five I M M«B glr , lot,


Mondaj allemqQilAtw Q«Vood Jun-ior High School banketball lc«m,lo.l ahanl-fouih't ronletl to the Alumni,31U>3>.

tn the ilnt'-quartrr the nchool teamhad the Alumni on the run with theirahort' and ttat pawea, but later the

The IA claS'ln rVKiniiTHcTidbl -hTd'Spelling; Match to review all the

wordt wr' leariied thlt term. Thenera weir: Jean Beaver, Kva Drutekand- Ann_MarleMcCl(nii)i.

~~nametUe Reienecconnection wiUi their

rUltom rallied andthrounbout thr flr.1

held the leadthree quartrn,

• Th* firm quarter ended with the tcoreat »-e In favor of the Alumni,

The necond quarter wa« Mower.-.'-Atthe half the »rorr-wai l»rIS with thevnuorj still In the lrad.

RMurnlrut for the laM half thr hometeam managed, lo catch up and tie the

_.acore.4n-lhe- Ja*t_t ew-i»lnul*» nhiaOe blew and the "core

In work.home decoration and houaehoM management the glrlt In the ninth grade

neiUf tclrnce clatt hart been rrfln-Wilng the radiator* In the sewing roomCurtain* were made for thl* room ear-lier in the year by the alxth tnd eighthgrade ekuaM. " ', •

PuplU In the TB and IA clatartserved lunchexKuTlatt week ah the cul-mination of their aeventh grade cook.

wa* t M-M tieThf extra two minute period wa«

. Pupllt In the tewing cltue* haw beelearning to; 'crochet and knit Mmp>pecketbooka; and hat*. Jennie Zable


taught In vain for thr game hometeam. Cree and Covcll each, rank aionit field goal for the winning point*.

Tomctyk and Cowell took tcortnt.honor* for the Alumni, while Oill andSchulU lead for the k w a

The Oarwood-Unden came will beplayed tomorrow at the Lincoln SchoolOjnn ' •

Line-up and nummary-• OARWOOO

K f P(MLhrack, f, „ . . . - . 0 0 0Stranachrr, f. ,r.. . : . - ! 1 3Pyahman. f •. - w^., - . 0 0 0O01, c , J ' J 1JBenko, g. . ... - I l lScbultz. f. ._ 6 1 11

^S^uah. j . ,„ o o 0" Matty. n». , .",0 0 0

akl and Beverllne Oarber. haw flnl.thedattractive porkelbookt

Bhe win return home shortly with herdaughter, bom January II. Both motherand daughter are doing nicely.

Mr. and MM. Eugene Meyer andchildren of Pbughkeepale. N. Y, spentthe week-end with Mn. Meyer's par-

Mr. *nd Mn. Wljliainsaa otNorth avenue.- ' ,

Latt Wednesday evening the Unamli. C. defeated the Wcttfleld Ace* In

Lincoln Junior high school gymnasium.The first half ended* with the score

final tcore wat 27-17 lit Dnaml A. C if a v o r , ••.. . • ' . . / ':.-' . . , " } ' . '

The Otrwood Civic RepublicanLeague held a social meeting Friday" stiheir Center street neadquai tera. Re-reahmenta were served. Oeorge Clark

Wettileld sang "Dark Town Strut-era Ball" Mutlc wai by the Cleflub Orchetrt*The Civic Republican League tent a

delegation lo Trenton Tuesday, Jan-uary IS, to the Governor* Inaugura-tion. Member* of the delegation con-listed of Mayor and Mrs. David J. H.Murray, former Borough RecorderMichael J.'Scott, Percy D. Watt, Mr*,

•lluam J. Kelly. Mrs, Hltwbcth Coyle.Mn. Hilda.Turner and Mr*. HermanJ o h n t o n . . . .. . :•••'.'.-.'..-•.-.--.\ -."., •.•!..,.•••"-1.1

Mitt Vert Carlaon ofiJMl But ttreetcelebrated her thirteenth birthdayMonday evening, dame* were playedand refreshment* tervrd. dueatt In-cluded the Mlaae* Cathrlne ODea. Nor-

ier CTDea, CUlr Heaaler, DorU Clark.DorU DeFreita*. Florence Comlskey,«Iargaret Sheck, Thelma Bevane.Ma-lldt Karverllne and Ruth Carlaon.

CaMwooJ School New.

•ffi spend a few wee* toate, M.T.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Spruce avenue tceoonww evattuig.The Phi Alpha Slgsnt Borority win

meet at the home of MM* Baity Crook|fM"u*"t"'tiT1*1-- - -

BecUon o( ofBom will talk* place,W. Tinnier of Myrtle avenue aM ««iia<M w M*.1<ja, I

.Hi w M«» •! Gna<<ra rtax.patient a( tha Rahway hoapltal

*r tlrio. af tka atn^aaiod writ tl SectlacUI la aa aWatoi I ahaU el«<M l«e oelrH aaUU tonaW, to Ike BMrtrt Conn So» Ike Cort aoaaa aa la. Out or Blulaln,

"' '"WUIXBSDAT, tag HTB OAT. or

al Iwva'clKk la UW afliraana ol a U tar.or yorcel ol Una «n4

lord,*c« .Jfrao|.

Hetumlnittnr-nf-tlnnr an4Irom UMMM IlKOweolerlr I . . _.HoMk Iklltlr-lon'tot o> ' '

TownrtilpsHa mi

IM.UVki ihe Inlenrclloi ol

..ona. aitk In. aoMk'nilronln IUnel!^n«c.

lorir-fourninet* '

ntt.Ni ten: ikoaca Sauk ton; , _lhlrt>.aoten mlaMoi tklnr lacooiai Weet. lortrtell feet! then*.. Xortk IklrlT'lour necne.lorUr.lour aalnntM -WeM. one knailrwl ind

" IIW.H1 led la aid lla. ofOraart J h e i » t a n n Horn n U IM. ororaac* Aeoniie.: Korth lonr.nefen dearer,inlrlr.oetrn MlnittM tklrtf. -eecond. K.M, lortv1(11 feet lo the total or f l w . e l neainnln*.

There ll on. laonilauMy K . l t l H with lalonet from .Xotnaber II.i n t . and m i l .

C WBWUT COLLINS, BtHCl*.r. itxpga, toit. .- .



«iu*rc -

u «Mcrt*MI* Otoa

Pwtot Cnarw«,

IM nut


Oowtll, f.

TotaU.^ 13ALtJMNl


Parlte. f,Cree, c. . —Pnahman. g.

5 It

Synopgit of Minutes of-*Board of Freeholders

Regular meeting of Uu Union Coun-ty Board ot Choaen Freeholder* waiheld at the Court Houae. Htiabeth. NewJrney. on Thursday, January 10, 3 p. m. ' . •]'

Director Melacl prf»|djng.Roll call ihowed I'mentsr'nV present.Rnolullon-.ttiat all bllla tpproved be

•rdered paid wat adopted. 'OommunlcaUon from Townthtp of

8prtngfleld thanking Board for promptaction In taking over Main street andUltutrol Way a* County roaUa wa. re-lerred to Road Committee. •

Public notice from the War Depart-ment on dredging of Bbmbeth Riverwa* referred to Bridge Committee.

.Annual report ot Wright, LongCompany, Auditor*, with respect tofrerSday treatment rendered by Hotpl-tala tcTVeatdenU of UM County durlni- TBpon" rSonwhlnj roj) call thowed 5 fj«w 1M4 vat referred to nnanor and — — • " • - | r "

Totala.Score by quartrn:

Qarvocd ,_C cetao eta et « et etan

.0aCora Waar BnanUl.

Uw .tare of Uytelcn In' tbeMediterranean, nen, wopen, children,hone* tryl rteo amor cart wear brace-let! of aeavy wire, studded with blue

vkeada, to w»nl off evil aplrtla. The^bnceleta taay be jrarchteed tor

"atttiralent Af tti centa. ,the

Caatla af RaaaaacaTbe cattle tt Adtna. to tke aorta-

- • fast et Taima In' sntkern Torway,• '' etatse back to 7M, and wa* built bjr'• atarona Al "Haachtd et "Araatta

HUM*'' fstM, Tke magnl8c*Dt Maa*- esrldt* ta tMtf tewa wat built la tke

tttt* et Joattnlan. ,


l4*Ul>*tagsaBaliEf«*tTyil . t a i V ) - 1 1 ' ' • • - - - • -

and Publlo Welfare CommlUee author-iting County Treaturer to pay to Hot-pltalt their ahare of an appropriationof $340,00000 for year of 1139 wa*adopted.Rcnohition by Finance' Committee re-

quettlng Director of Iknergency Reliefto" grant the *um of fifty per cent90%) of amount due State Board of

Children'* OuardUn* for month ot De-cember. 1M4, to a**Ut Union Countywai adopted. H

There bring no further butineat andupon motion of Freeholder Dudley dulylecondcd and carried, the Director de-clared Board adjourned until Mondiy,January 14th. IMS. at 10 a. in.



OF CHORKN FaOEKniAdjourned meeting of the Un|

County 'Board ot Choeen Freeh'»•« held at the Court Houae,N. J, on Monday. January H0 a. m.Director Meltel prenldlng,Roll call ihowed all members" pres-

ent. ..Director atajed/tlme of hearing onJudget WTU at hand,.

Communications trarn-o«weod :<fax»payen Ataodatlon, Borough^f Rotelle,

I H I t i m MLS—la Cluncerr 1 Now taw.•Mveea Tie Central Mulldinl ind Loan A>-

ot glliahrtk. X. I.. I corn, ol N. J..I. and gra diellneTi uaHirrlcd. de-l l . 1^ lor aat. ol aweititod>

IIJ <inuo >l tn. .hire-it.led writ ol trrllaelu lo mt dlredod I ahall eipoa. lor aalenr nublk raadu.. la In. DWrlct Cur l IUOOMn Ihe Curt IOUM II the Cllr .1 HluMh.

" J"\v!nx»inAV. TMK »TH n*r orJ*\fA«T. A. n . .IMS.

I la . oVlock In Iko ilim>ooo tl Mid dar.All Ihtl tract or parcel of law! ind

•coulee, hccetn.ricr aartlmlirtT O'eitlned. ill.uale. lain* ina l»ln( In tne Cllr ol ntiacMk.In- III. roonu of VoW, and «LU ol Mew

iln* II . rolnl In Uie oralhweal llde ol• - • • • • - - hundred

•ft thr. In-ti

n n i m lAUC-la Ckaa«rr tt HfIM*MI aonllt rtrt HUUltt ta4

AM«rl«iloo. • bndy ronw.n. ««.. «•u. iri DwHiiks Ctauaia, a ta iu l .la. for uli il awlmnl » a l n -

Wr TWIM tl (M wra * fceitidal la aw tflncM I akaU aum tar •"•kf M M * *—*m. I . Ik. DWrM raartla. Ikt Coart BWM. la Ik. Cnj of '

?' ''VTnxwnM. T»« UTB OAT orriBlL'AIT. A. ft. 1»J5.

•I «w. .Vtart la th« tnoraoM 1 HM *•>.All tb« following titcli'or parctl. tt laad »M

aroalM. bmtMTln putktUatlr aaerthia. •»-uto. Irliw u»> brlu la ik. C4IT •« "I"to u . CMau .f&atoa aaTWu e»

w Tb* J»laWlf — ———-ndattaa of tBxkMk. X. J_ a•al, aa4 Aau Itartar. M • * -la. Nc'oal. of ri a

kr ma. or

, ta ate cay et awata. TBB t a n BUT o»

Und ellu.1.. Irla* "* kokn* la rk. Tun**!or mnlord, rowatj of I'atoa aaal SUH at > •

nairr TRACT: aaowa

>rrlMorV TanlruUrlr towwa, dotfcaaltd aad *t-rll»d i . lou mmkrr*d kill. (II. Tw 11(1.

d T r i till U Mdi>rrll»d i . lou mmkrr*d kill. (II. Tw 11(1.t | n « i III) and Twrin t i l l , aa Uw Modihnindnl h Third A«««ut. raartk Aionaa.taulh nnh M»M and Maroloo Knot oa annaln man MiUllid. "Map ol t i m e l y atJohn 1. JlrilraUi, In lh. a n ol BuakHk. !««-Jmfi," Known u Not. 1H-111 touUl Hflk

a> ik* leetlor ihe laurwctlna • a t a U

lnt#rrat Iroai Denail•bar t l ,


Bod Kttr uot nKnlj Ihr( t Int rrom tho ntrow famedItnrrtloil ol lha MulhwnlMlf HIinrNt7T»im-Tiir-i»qt»n«i»rl>-l

C. Wltnria J. COHBX. twr.muacc

l l ]4. andCOLLKI. aaafUT.

TOM lli.14



I I4J**.,!

tdork lattero* -T" m n»» oatk*trrrahk> PirU. Cranrot* X. J.~! • I f Baal t M f Mid dblalon Ba* TS.M teett k n n aortk l l * « • Wort TIM M le naeilla. ol raw Btrorl; UHar. akaw note! Be» afMa. Snort eaa«rl< (.It tort t» rk. aoant o»

toJ"apVf.Ha«Mi» Cllt-lt.Xmaikrr II. 1M4. "d nalateral Irani Xoroaibtr i t . ltst.

e WBUT csiun. >A. OTTO. JR.. t W r . _

Mmrra-lULB-la Caaaenr at Mw Janay.B«»Ma Muiual Bailui rand Banaoali^ a

rompltlnant, and Ooorg.i IMuaor. rt ala..

pr.nlt«.ri. fa. lor aal. at. amttatod

Mr rlrlu* of th. abot«*aulid writ af ftmlclaa lo aw dlrorud I akall npooo lor aal.

til public rradiw, la Ik. Dlatrkt Caait taoahto Ik. Co«rl Mouaa. la Uw d t » ot Blaabatk.

inrNt7T»imTiiri»qt»n«i»rl>liii«-i>r-",t«THrtrtl llmirt m n M la a M U M i i t r dlmilittl and al rlaM anglra to Horn) Hutvt on.hiimtrfd l«o and .Ihtrtt'lhrto on* qundrfdlbam l 111 fr.1: Itmrt mtlmilarlT tad par-alUI with Bond Mrvot rwtntr flvo | U M N I toa-polatMhowro nortliMBlwtj and paralUI withIhr Ural domlr«d,r<>iir>o on. hinidml w i l dIhltr-lhrx too bundrrdUi. l i n i l l tott to

alomald lint nf Bind BUfjg airflhh K l oloot aaWI HIM ol Boad

U| I I b i tKrlr o l o t a I HIM ol Boad Sltrrtmrnlr Hi . (U| I H I I O tbo point or placW olbrrlnnlnl. .

Bring Ih* HIW -frtmtwa conrfyrd In laid«i« Rirllnit W ihxt of IMr m a i l and hua-hanl hl«d Mai Mlh I'M; aald rttw.

WIDNDWAT. TH» HTB DAT OrrxaaiUKY, A. D.. i » u

It l»o .'clock kt IAll Iba tollmilnf

Uw i f t tnota of Mid dar.Itirta or aarMb af laad aad

iMTieg er lariarnasiTlk. aotlr. tail WtUUX KRTTA

WILLUX CBBXT tradtaa an Ik. -O.rM.UM* Ulend le anoU-M O» Hanr oa4 IrU ol Iko Boron** ol Caneoo* tar i . -

Conanaapl!pd al I UXonk Arema. aa Ike

of Uarwood. Cnloa Ctamn. IOklectloae. If an>. ihinl* 1

alelr In wrltla* la ~rlnal Octa, m Ik. _.


ta Mactk Aetmae, runi id . X. JLDated January IS. 1SU.

MiiMmimi--UM u n k o OMnty » » « * <"adrWng ttaat • copji of asimtudfcaT. am jod«nMnt of Iafgdnat Hal Borough bad bon that Board and under UMof Saotton KM. Chapter MIKS, the Board would t» otadd the aom of WU4T JT withereon to nbrttaxy 1, Uanwont to be ralatd by t * »Bonogh tor the year IDS

Oroaaoand Andenon, attonacntlnf Luoa. adrutoi that

il, d Mai Mh. I M ; aaldrttt« m ocrnr. part ol Uw purchaoa a

Thrro la HIH, apfrollnwull t ] ,m.Mt m u I N W II 1MI d

• 1M4 waa referred to Finance andPublic Welfare Committee. ',

OommunicaUon from Judge Tfibmp-'» ton aUllng he hsd'tppolnied MUt Anne

Mulligan tt hit accreUry wat referredto Finance Committee.

Resignation of Rtutell S. Hoft atmember oT Shade Tree Ocmmlaaton watrefetnd to Committee ot the Whole.

"Monthly reporW;ot Third DistrictCourt, Public Property, around* andBuilding* .committee and CountyTreaturer' were received and Wed.

Annual "report of Wright. Long &Company fAuditora) of. account ofSinking Fund Oommlwlon w«t received

laid«i« Rirllnit W ihxt of IMr m a i l and hua-hanil, ihl«d Mai Mlh. I'M; aald anrttw.rttt« m c r p t l U h .

llhro apfrollnwull t ] ,m.MIntrmu Iron NoirnWr II. 1MI. and rou,

r wr*L«T COLLINII iitwrur.firT *»rr.

eauirrs KALS— la ctunnrr m Mow Jomn.llrrnrtn Anna Loilla. tiroen.. coantnlnajit.

^n,t.Dall^jCarroll._H.II., iWlendanla. II. fa.

- r . . . .— __ »*- — -— .J*BtAtwv UTtt 4H BtfTllarlta lo » . dllrfled I ahall CIPOM lor imUlc eendw, la Ik. DUtrlct Court Soon.In Iho^outl Bouao In Ih. Cllf oC glUabetk,

• • • " T B « MTU H A T o rt, A. D , 1*M.

It I m a'clork In the ineraoon ol aatd dar.All the _Mrm>ln* tract or barrel ol Und

and premtoea, herrlnelter p.Mlrul.rlT deocrlbedilluale. trlnt and beta* la Ik. Towuklp af-ranlord. In Uw Couilr ot Cnloa and Suut ol

pmnleet bereUatur parUrululj aoaalkod. allu.1.. lilnt and brim la Ik. CUT of Btaikotktn tlie Counir nl Union and SHU of XnrJoraej.

>1r>l Trirl: And which It m m MrtlcnlarliI.M Jo .n . deolcn.tad and dHOniu&ed on •certain nun eejllUcd. ~Map nl UM New lUnn-tacturlni Town el RUinnrUinort. Now Jtnty."limw nn file la the onV. ol Uw Raflater of UieCount! of laoeil • • lot numbered t l oa blocklumbored I al laid (town on aiM aup.

*ecmd Tract: vrhlck la more pirUmlarlr.aid down, delimited and dlathuulalwd oa Icoruln map enlltlrd. ~Map ol Uw Mew llaau-ferturliM Town ol glliibethpon. Mow Jer~j."mow on n l . In Uw oSm ol Ih. Reaimv of UwCounty ol b i c i l • • lot numbered II oa blacknumbered |J i i uld lot and block appear onHid nup.-. There l i dvw ipproiiauulT U.MT t l « dI t l M . U . wttk tnlereat Irom Dacamlwr It.IHI, ind-coaU

Dtniot acmiiD?. Ja.rnol'r.nuacc

Twnthip of Sprlngneld, Rcprrie Tax-rajtri Ataoclatlon. Harold L_DtClarkBorough of Roeelle Park, all-pWlettlngrgalnat Increase In Budget were' re-elved and filed. ' , • 'Petition from employee* of Road De-

triment recjueatlng reatoraUon ot paycut* wa* received and filed.

8everal peraona representing them-elvei -Individually and ataoclalkmt,

spoke upon' the Budget The Directoriien declared the hearing cloted andadjoumed-the Board for fifteen mm-

w J«»«t.Rrctniilni at > point on Ibt' WMrrli lUt ol

Klnwra dbMnl Voulbrrlr aVir«MT-»maanj mtoalt-oriro llundrtdiha ITt.III f«tfrom th« romor Inrnml br Ih. InloratrUaa olaalil lint ol Clown Atmo. prodnnd *«h UwH»iik«Hrl> ll l P l A

ll lint ol AH»iik«Horl> llnr oldund: Ihrnr. Konlh .IfMrum Wrat Ihw- Hundred indDime, (town nlno dramaKaiT n n j (M) Irrlt Oimr.

m o . prodnnd *«h UwPnaltaa Ataou. yra-

fMr drcnt.dill lorti

l unrtjar. ala.uaXorth atchlr do-

B d d * TXorth atchlr do

trtn Hi. MnMra KiH On. Bandrod an*.T<«Illtl i m in uld lla. ol Klawca Arniw:llwnro NotUwrlr. aloat MM linT'f nnA r « j r i n Ol) l t l U

r wmMIT rnliLta, gaorW.TMa HIM


IHEBirni RALK—ln Cburrnt ol Xnr Jorotj.Bc^«cm Tlw ITudaitlal Inaunnc Company

ol Amrrln. i Xrw Unn rorpontton, eoni-pUjnant. and LnitK 4. Conord. et at., de*Icnuantt. . Fl fa. 'lor- ail. of awrltirod prem-U

r flrue of the abore-aUud writ of lorllacUa to aw dbMted I ahall eipoot lor U M brpuMIr nndiw. In Uw DlaUVt Conn Boom, latne Court Hotuo In tb. O u of DUabrUi. N. ) . .

«vrir. mumm nan line * or sinweati l l lett lo Uw point nr place ol

all or lgt_"»mbcnd Thln»ea 111) oaanmbmd Tt«l» nuip»«uuod, "MaDcrtlon 1, Crailard. NM in ih a 1 « V O

p oJ.-tk, Dcrtlon 1, Crailard. N J. Iwbl

wat nM in ih. a»«1«rV OnVo of Uw^w • I B A I A ^ - - •- ^ • - * ' i a l L , oj&a^at o

f IdorawwlIwblch ampU C M O

itI vaM -l l ln dlatereat from !


; itii:aTU U

Ton IU.MU l a i m MUtUu

members-preaerit. Freeholder Har- >r1gsn being excused.

Resolution from Borough of Roteuerequeating Installation of traffic tlgnalllghu at Flnt avenue and Locutt ttreetand tlao at Second avenue and Cheat-hut ttnet,. wat referred to Road Com-mittee. '

Resignation from John X. Lager a* smember of the Shade Tree CommUdon**s , referred toWhole.

Communication"Clerk advising that Mitt Anna KLackoht* been transferred


•k ol uwtamred araatoea.

. . . Tne »TH DAT orraBRl'ARY. A. p.. ItU.

i l two nVIock In Uw i l u n e m tt mid day.All UM loUowtn* met ar parcel of laad tna

peemue. hwelnafter partlcnUrty na^rlkid.ollilate, bin* and belnt In Iho. Townihla olrranltrd. In. In. ol Vakn. and Sut .ol New Jeraey.

RSXilNMNO it i polat ta the Winterly luwtt Bernini Arenue._aald point koln* dmtaalNorumly one hundred lea Illtl leet flauneninl nt uld line ol Raratatproduced w«h tbe Northertj lla. olAtrniM produced, uld polat botn* ilao dkaaatewnr IMI red mat UM pmat oi uaaaacyot Uie c u m la uld Iln. nl marata* Araaa.;Iheaee II) from uld hMiaala* point BaulkM defrm U mtauua WON arty-Sr. (U)leet to . point I tboac It) South t deem. SSmlnntei bat on. haadnd ten t i l l ) rent taUw Northerly ID. 'o f Dunham Anaa. ; lkinr-^o^k at dome. I mbuila. But. along aaktNonkerty Ikn or Puakam Anon. tvoaurJrnItJI Im la Uw paint of uaaoacy of Uw care,at uM t in at uld wreeTTlkeico currta* uVIhe Mt ta * endka tt Ikwtj (HI leetOaunc. al locuarrea t a t twal»e

srh.b'wiJL;?r2er--rtS:- -*-Xorlh * decree. U

eoutly ttated the amount athe ]~*r"*"t Tbey adTlaacorrect amount tUU due ahail been given the Boronpayment* already made waiTne uommnnlrttenn wat a lltt thenrtng .paymentthe Borough amounting toTheao two commimlratloniferred to the attorney who athe tax levy which waa matIn ntnr»rt'~i with the Loo

- in lan-waa-a-proper-Jevjt-meanmg'ot the atatute iopinion tt would not be nagain ratoe the amount Intax budget. Ha adrlaed thitor bad been referred to ActAttorney Clarence Ward cwho stated he would giveIn the matter on Friday.

^TwO 1'"*HMHm*<*ntin*Hl WBtram former Borough Sageotm O. Oady which wen mby two bin* totalling tbe HMr. Oady, In hi* comsranlcathat amount w u doe him 1

with the Mlchliand of the cont

-Wathtagton avenue. Both eUont were referred to the tfurther report.

The building committee, nannual report abowing thawere conatructed or alUbtdldtng* were made coat)Feet eoUeeted In connectlogranting of building perm

The annual police reporttented thowtag arretto tayear at followt: Dunrderlyaaiautt and battery. I; Bonance wlolaUont, 21; lareenltlary and grand larceny. S;the Prevention at Crueltyviolation*. 1; uontfailnn of 1eta, a; with Intent to deft*alcohol violation, 2; weight*ureture violation!, «; larceitupport caaea, l:\breaklngIng.'2J

w Uw palat af „Baratag Anaa.;

mlaatnttWMt D M

and filed.Reaolutlon of Finance Committee

granting leave of abaence to MUt RuthBochenek for tlx moofha without, payand re-engaging- Mka Minnie Light, to'taJtt^er place WM adopted.'. ~

Rearjlutton by Finance Committee ap-proving the appointment of Uat Anne

, Reaolntton • by' Fmance •CommttaWfrwtjag tanjof.atatoee f«4Ar(tmTBecker, Jan Caiard. for thret aKMhi1Mtie\Wdtad '

celved and.flled.


iirw of u» abo»-autod writ al tort— - "

«"«nj«wi*T, TBI tra PAT or. J ! ! S r rt MAll tk« tollowlaa u»ct ar paral ofMlo k a M l W l r f l lPnMlor. kaMaalW l«rllcrfarlj*lcrt£i? M-

uale'. IIIM and team la ttw IwVaaUp afena-lord a. Uw OMII t W W S a

M d m la ttw IwVaaUp afena-lord a. Uw OMII7 ot W W . S auto ofNr.

tUfflitlMIM IUM

rTRACT; BBGIXinKa a | .euterlr Mn. of Jatuwon Ar

Report of the Union County Sinkingnd C i ;

y ngFund Communion wai received; andWdResolution by Finance Committee

amending Budget', wa* adopted. . ,Reaohjoon by Finance Committee

attended,Budget for U Sp : . ,

Than being no further butlaett andtupon motion «X FreehokJerp n «X FreehokJe

tteorid-4 and carrlfd the

The right amount of coffee andthe , proportionate amount of•water, percolated the right nunv.her of minutes—there you havea drink for the gods., Added toits delicious taste, there is itstantalizing aroma to whet yourappetite as the coffee percolates. ;

The electric percolator illus- .-,trated is a.popular size and aconservative shape.; Made^ ofchromium plate with black woc<iL.~feet and handle, it sells for $4.95cash. Other 'percolators a repriced, from$2.95. *. . \ ' i ' - i * - ' 1 - . ' - ' ' • ' ""

for motor^rehicle violation*.3 were'drunkenr-driving caa

During the year there weiplaint* made to headquartiTeaUgationi conducted, 14•oddenla, ot which one wahit-and-run driver; two meresult ot lnjurlea cauaed tr,Flnt aid waa admlnlttendton*, eight peraont were i tand all were located by thipart men t, there were 13 aceny and two caaea of brentering. There wai one <dde. •• Fifteen perion* wen

• dog*. Variotn articles westolen and leooveied by thipartment valued at appradi

There were flvB raid* coodithe year of .which three wevlolatknu. which retultedevidence In two ot the placewa* conducted on a tavernUng which naulted In tbeight penomrand the prcthe other raid two gamblir


On December SI, 1834,dlacontlniieA^tbe.tiu of tmachine In thU Borough clthe eq>en*e tor aame wa.However - the poUce: depaihag theute otthe teletype

1 *" A mrrrrmrnloatlon >wa» n' William, Q; WoUtUel, prett


Page 7: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*

MHT Bsraanaon of ndadMphia,•f Mm. J. DaUar,


waa received froUM Union County Board of TaxationadrMnt that a eoprof an execution

the Judgment of r

_ that Bond and under th* provision*of Bastion MM. Chapter BN, I*w» of1MB. the Boanl would be compelled toadd the son of «30J47 J7 wtth Interestthereon to February 1. 1H5. to th«smount to be raised by taxation by theBorough tar the year Utt. A oom-nnrntturt*"" m tin received fromOreesoand Anderson, attorneya repre-senting Loot, advising that the alore-

i n • f A erron-eously stated the amount *UU due onthe Judgment. They advlaed that thecorrect amount stlU dua after credithad been given the Borough for thepayment* already nude waa »»4»J)1.The oomimmlraUnn was accompaniedby a list showing .payment* made bythe Borough amounting to fl4,tM,0O,

two cntnmiin|r«Honi were re-

for th* us* ot 21 acre* of ground inthe Borough for cenMtcry purposes, theKenUworth Realty Oompany win re-oat** payment on a certain mortgage Itbold* on the utttpeilj m the amount ofMljOOO and wUl pay the; Borough theu m of $38,000.00 on aecount of delm-quent tu t* on other property. Inoonnnrtlnn therewith ah applicationWM made by the Sunset Park MemorialCompany, limed by William French,requesting the use of the atonaald landa* a cemetery. The petition or appli-cation itaied that the company wouldwaive It* right of tax exemption on theproperty and pay the Borough regulartana therefore. The matter n i re-ferred to the Council st a whole far

lion by the Mayor. A atmlUar

fared to the attorney who advlaed thatthe tax levy which wai mad* speciallyIn connection with the Luc* Judgment

-In-MB was a propr-levy-wtthtn thrmeanmg'of* the statute and In hi*optnlon it would not be necessary toagain raise the amount In thli year1*tax budget Be advtwd that the mat-ter had been referred to Acting CountyAttorney Clarence Ward of Rahway.who. stated he would gire an optnlonIn the matter on Friday.

Two rnnmmnl-M'"~f were receivedfrom former Borough Engineercalm O. Cedy which wen Iby two am* totalling the sum of Mem.ICr.Oady.m hl» communication, statedthis amount wa* due him lor work ta

with the Michigan avenueand of the

-Washington avenue,tlon* were referred to the attorney forfurther report.

The buUdmg nommltfaw submitted itsannual report showing that building*wen constructed or alteration* tobuildings wen made costing 111,416.Fee* collected In connection with thegranting of building permit* totalled«30.

The annual police report wa* pre-sented showing arresta for the pastyear a* follows: Disorderly conduct, U:assault and battery. I; Borough ordin-ance violations, 21; larcenies, I; burg-lary and grand larceny. 5; Society forthe Prevention of Cruelty to Animalsviolation*, l ; possession of lottery tick-ets, 2; with intent to defraud, li statealcohol violation, 2; weights and meas-uresure violation*, 6; larceny of non-support case*, l:\breaking and .enter-ing, 2J m«n.i»nght»r cases, 1; arrest*(or motor^rehicle violation*. I. of which3 wen drunken driving cassi.

During the year then were 131 complaint* made to headquarter*, 1W In-vestigations conducted. 14 automobileaccident*, of which one wa* a case ofhit-and-run driver; two men died as aresult ot Injuries cauied by accidents,Pint aid was administered to ten per-sons, eight person* were reported lostand all wen located by the police de-partment, there wen 13 cases ot lar-ceny and two cases of breakingentering. There was one cass of sui-cide. . Fifteen persona wen rotten bydogs. Various articles wen reportedstolen and lecoveied by the police de-partment valued at approximately 1300.

Then wen five raid* conducted duringthe year of which three wen for liquorviolation*, which resulted In findingevidence in two of the places. One raidwas conducted on a tavern for gamb-ling which resulted in the arrest ofeight person* and the proprietor,the other raid two gambling machines

On December "II, IBM, the Countydiscontinued- the u u of the, teletypemachine In this Borough claiming thatthe expense for same .wa* too high.However the , police' department stUha* the use of,the teletype systm.

' * A **• i"''Hi"'m >wa* rcelvejirlromWilliam, D;W0UikH president of/the

^rTftnlhtorih' ii tlflattr Lnr*iinanv*_*'*tlngthat fOlhSSSSsS^Sm *

as a.MoondveoKstact. Be to UtM* to a penaKyof M days la the County MO if een-

• Chart** A. Koamutaa, M B . Jenni*OhallcroH. Br.

Mr. and Mm. A. Wela* of Phttadalpbla entattamad at a dinner party on

' afternoon Mr. and Mrs. WU-their *M


Dworth. at It* dinnerThursday evening at the Tan courtInn, dutuawd plans for the Joint meet-ing of the RoseOe-Kosetle Park RotaryClub will take place on January 31.Arrangement* are being made for aspeaker and entertainment for that

application was made to the Councilin 1834 and ah ordinance was adoptedgranting the permit. At that timeMayor Kotmutxa vetoed the ordinance.

A resolution wai adopted authorisingpayment to the Custodian of theSchool* ot $3,000.

A resolution wai adopted authorizingIra Haunt and Company to present arefunding plan, and to execute thetame after approval by the Mayor andCouncil.

The lions Club of Row ttn and Kn>l o t

The «K Club held a meeting at th**•» of their tader, Mn. O. D. Oonk-B, oa Monday; evening.lassat w«n Attj. Ouuman, Mabel andM M Panajarkw. Mary Oonkttn, Bm-• KtaadaoB-aad Ruth BMnter. Mrs.

BmUy-OMsawald of Union gave aonstraUon on th* proper bed making

n a bad is oecupted by an Invalid.I «M* dtddtd to rate*

venlng.The club decided to Ptay

February 15 Th the Harrison. Schoolauditorium,» Roselle, In conjunctionwith the Epworth A. C, Inc, of Ro-aeile Park. The proceeds f rom J h t, a threoact comedy, "Here Come*

towardo unUorms eoniisung of sweat-e n andaktota. A cake and candy salewill be hald by the club on Saturdayafternoon. February 2. At their nextmeeting neat Monday night election ofofficers will take place.

Mr*.~August~8iah) of Newark avenuewas hostess at her home on Wednesdayafternoon. Her guest* wen Mrs. JohnBoa of Cranford and Mr*. Hoppe of

Charlie,'* win be used for charity pur-

Tonlght's dinner meeting will be"Old Timers' Night" wtth a number o(former member* attending as guest*.Dictator Joseph Bhallcross, 8r , Is thechairman of this meeting^

M »dopt«nfec;ue«llnghat the emergency Relief Administra-

tion grant the Borough the sum ofS3MO.00 tor relief purposes for thrmonth of Jsnuary, 1B35. It 1* erti-mated that there an 116 famffieV-tofi-sUtlng of 428 people on relief In theBorough. Out ot this nun the Bor-ough Is to contribute the sum of WMfor the month of January.

Sodd and Athleticdub Quint Downs Lincoln

Kenllworth Social and' Athletic Clubipened their bajttb.ll season Mondaynight at tht 'Hantirty Brh^l \jrtl byBlUy rune, who scored 12 points, theSocial and' Athletic Club scored a S3to 24 victory over.the Lincoln Schoolof Oarwood.


School Budget to ShowIncreue of $8,000

President WUllam M. Lister of theBoard of-WucaUori announces-that theSchool budget for the year IMS willshow an Increase of MAOO over that o(be 1134 appropriation. The Increase

1* due to the fact that'an additionalschool teacher has been engaged forhli year and payment* will have to be

met on the bond*. There a n also sev-eral Items of repair* which have beennade on the school buildings. At thenext meeting of the Board of Educa-tion the arrangement for the comingschool election to be held February 13,18M will be made. The total amountof the budget for-1935 will be tSljOOO.In 1034 the budget amounted to $17,000.although In that year, surplus moneyamounting to WflOO wai used aa partof the budget. An adjourned meetingof the Board of Education will be heldin the Harding School on Mondaynight at I o'clock.

B. Purse, rC. Ruilniak, (.B. Neville, c.V. Bertolottl, g.S. Clravolo, g.E. Ciravolo. i.F. Wados, g.H. Perlow*ki,;g.

Kroml. f. ~ .SchulU. f. .OIU. c.Benko, g, _Kundrat, g.Kloo. g.Scotty, g.

School Boy. Fool Cop,Get Out of School

' Several children of the Boroughenjoyed a half holiday from schoolTuesday morning due to an erron-'eou* report received by ChiefOeorge D. CtonUhkJThe chief "»*directing traffic on the corner otthe Boulevard and -21«t rtreet atabout 8:45 a. m. when several chil-dren coming from the direction ot

, the school cheerfully Informed him*^hat school would not be held be-

cause of the Inclement weathercondition*. Because the weatherwaa extremely bad,, the chief be -lieved the boy* and lnitructed sev-eral otherioys and girls going tothe schooT that they could go homea* school would not be held, A

, passing woman motorist transport-ing her children to school was alsoadvised to the lame effect andWhen she proceeded to the post-office she informed all children she .met there tlutt there Was no school ,much,.to their delight. The chief,then called Principal ot SchoolsWilliam J. Dean* and upon Inquiry twk»-informed-that the report ha,

-,had reeetred wa* erroneous, 'Dur-W t h e morning school hour*'too-lucky or uiuucky. children, "* • ~ i-enjoying " "

Mr. and Mrs. Augutt Stahl of New-ark avenue entertained Mr. afnd Mrs.Herman A. Beck on Wednesday even1

«.The Upstair* Department of the M.

E. Church visited the colored BaotlstChurch on East Orand street In Elis-abeth on Sunday afternoon.

On Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clockvespeil communion service will be held

In the Kenllworth Metbodiat EposclpalChurch on Monroe avenue and 20thstreet. The Rev. Archibald N. Smith,better known in this vicinity as Chap-




I 33

- O N

Totals.. 24

EUCT CIDB omensOfficers were elected recently by the

Kenllworth Social and Athletic Club.They are: President, D. Neville; vice-president, O. Nlt«hle; treasurer. M.Beant«ntl; secretary, O. Scott; ser-geant-at-arma, 8am Olvacto and T.Jerflle; asslsUnt secreatry, J. BertitolU;nibliclty, F. Wados. The organisation

has -4. membership of thirty-five.- Tnodub has four honorary members. Theyare O. Kosmutza, 8r, J. Bnallcross, 8r.R. Oelger and H. Conklln.

i AMOBOSO FOUND arjn/rrJames Amoroso of 19th street was

convicted of a petty larceny charge InPolice Court Friday night.' Heplaced on probation by Mayor CharlesA. Kosmutza, .who ordered him to re-port to the County Probation System,every week. — • • , - \

Sana Lllwral Art.The seven liberal arts, according to

tducators In the lllddle ages, were usu-ally clsased as grammar, dialectics,rhetoric, musle. arithmetic, geometryand aitronony. In modem nnlveraltlesthe art*: are dlstlngnlshed; front dlvuvIty, Isw, medicine an(* science.

far T«4«yDon't nun* - opportunity too. long

Uke It Into active partMrahlp withyou st once, lest It l*sv*=y*«-for othercompiny^-Anon, . o '"?,

White OBIC yx SblMi__45eRoEber « LemtW Uft*_15cR.JJW M ~ U .<'< "•• «r.-<OOCBTaTOCU MB

. —,.Ha*O*A.I»ii.OffwOwrt Htai*^K«£s:

ftp1- -'

hln PmlthChurch hi Newark, will officiate. Therewill be a number of lueuiben from theSt. Paul choir at the service. As thisIs to be the nret communion service otills year all the young people are es-pecially Invited to attend .

Thirteen tables were In play Fridayvenlng at a card party held by the St.

Theresa Club In their headquarter* onthe Boulevard. High score* were madeIn pinochle by Mrs. A. Schauer, Mrs.Frank Fltapatrlck, Mrs. O. Oeorge*,Mrs. Dante Cera and Oeorge Hayacke.Bunco and Five Hundred winners wereMrs. J. A. Bailey. Br, Mrs. FrederickKoerner and W. J. Dean*. High aeonsIn bridge were~macW by"~C.~Teter*ctt;Mrs. A. Brenen and Mt*. O. Peterson.The door prise wa* won by W. J. Deans.The raffle was flrst won by JamesKoerner who donated the prise backto the dub. The raffle wa* then wonby Mrs. J. A. Bailey, Br. Mn. DennUA. Nolan awarded the prise*. The com'mlttee consisted ot Mn. L. Sullivan.Mrs. John Oraf. Mrs. Oeorge EbbeU,Mrs. Thomas Koerner, Mrs. John Mc-Ctuskey, Mrs. Thomas Dandee, Mrs. A.Hlgglns and Mrs. Dennis A. Nolan.

The Kenllworth Youfc Peoples'League held an open meeting Tuesdayevening In the'basement of the M. E.Church. After a program ot business,entertainment, refreshments* and dancIng followed. A mixed swimming partywai planned for March at tha-Ellxa-beth T. M. O. A, when 05 members re-cently, enjoyed • similar party.

A public card party given by MnThomas Merritt and Mrs. Minnie Flta-patrlck for the benefit ot the Kenll-worth Volunteer Fire Department willbe held on Friday night at S o'clock Inthe flrebouse.

. • M l 9tttejr (*•%!>. <Watr Majk


BtaO. B a n t ,

i •> 1st wMh th* Mar-t the paat weak, and held

~ n a a t ta



m m HO

ErkmanHemleb .ApgarPielhauAustin...Frit*-.


- U S-153.170





7M IK 109Cisrbia

Schlecter __.-.~....-M.168 133 167O. Toth i*» I M ijj

lUtpak-oox o nnu.Mn 133 lit.Deremer 171 IM 172A. ToUl , 176 172 IM

880 TM 131

I d IM


tu «n





**7 OS

BapariaMata sa«w«d s*w tk* saar-tew la ausaa beaa* aaetart**. lalaaa tk* a a r a *c red bleat eatai saay•a-aa sack aa 5 SOT eeat «t tk* bad*:wdfU.

ayAadeaUy, EagUah errwa prtaca*

won whipped by prexy. To everyBftae* waa a walpplag-boy who bad toaawarge all Ik* corporal panlaaanwtwaiea ta*.JMlr to tk*ateaar psrsoa was, as ta* LonTs aa-eiatad, eoastdersd sacred — aslgbtchase* to Incur.

" U t ""Lac," a transparrot, inass-Uka

shellac, U "manafKtnnxT by smalltree* In th* troplra. The glaadalarexcretion of the Insects deposited *•the twig* Is on* of the Ingredtoats ofshe liar, and Is also used In the DMDO-facturlng of billiard balls, poker cklpeand phonograph rmnrda.

LaalMt Ploco «fWhat Is undoabtedly the lastest pltce

of machinery on earth Is part of thegreat clock at the fonaar Imperial pal-ace In Potsdam, German;. It revolve*only Once every. 400 yean.

Y«a>B. X aaj

hooka, or be awy wrtU to the B*w Jar*

Now Biauawk*. tor a descriptive eb>

A cold frasMOsBbsitaay psoga* think. Itcoveting K aat night la u

will ganaralhT

•aough Iwat to start the hardtar

of the beat wbteb. Is aeeuaudaM dar»taaj th* day, and thai ts very I

aooidtrasat.and oolooa. as watt aa

the hardy annoal aardan plans*started the aaeand week nwtthout addtac any heat exotpt that e*>

In fact, awest paa* may be startedtht* earty m a cold frame and eon-sMerable growth wul develop baton ttla Uaa* to set. them oat In the ground.The best method la to phut them di-rectly m pots later transforming thanto the place when they are -to grow.Any seed*" that wOT gennlnat* at •rather, sow temperature will mafc*

anger garden plant* If they arestarted tn a frame during February orearly March.

It moat be pointed oat, however, thaton* should not start the frame eartyunless some method of protecting it a tnight Is available.. Bther the regular

d frame c o n n may be purchased,or a protector can be made wtth bar-lap, stuffed with straw, or some othermateriaj^sBtraw mala can be made, or

Be of the Insulated waD boards,painted rer protection from the weatherwill suffice. ' .

If the ground is frosen when theframe Is made, place the frame on thefroxra ground and use the glass tothaw out the aoit in the day time. Bycovering at night, the ground win beput In a atatlstactory condition torplanting a week or ten) days later.

More will be said later about plant*that can be grown in cold frame*. Inthe meantime, make a cold frame andteam how much this Innovation willIncrease gardening enjoyment '

HMtaiTCkaHa AlUr LaataryOonstrqcted a century ago, the front

of the Brldah moaeum, Londdn, bja.1been cleaiMd for the nnt time, onlysoap and water being used.

CiroUr S .« K m WutohlTtm Koreat Hervlte say* thaLJ clr-_

nlar saw la considerably a m waste-ful than s band saw. : A circular sawhas a Vrlder kerf and some saw* of thistype waste..*!, nnca aa oat-quarter «faa Inch of; wnmrifor each Inch aawed.

Italkuk Democrat*-Honor S. B. Rodoquino

At a meeting of the KenUworth Ital-ian Democratic Club, held In the Oar-den Inn on 20th street, election ot offi-cers wa* held. Stephen B. Rodoquinowai elected leader ot the party. Otherofficers are: Flat Jrice-prealdent, An-gelo Cardello: second vice-president,Carl Vltale; treaaurer, Lulgl Rega; cor-responding secretary, James Rego; fi-nancial secretary, Anthony Rtaso; trus-tees, Thomas Veneskv-Anthony Cln-

a and Dominio Mararftt *ergeant-at-arma, Angelo;Ma«ta*eo.

.The members decided to bold a massmeeting Pebruary.24. Then will be re-rnebment* and music The pubUo Itinvited to attendr.The guest* ot honorare to be Edward L Wbalen and Assls-Uni.Prc*ecutor loigt LongobardL '

A commlUeelwa* appointed to ap-provethe^by-law«.of the dub. TheoommlUee conaW**of.President,Rodo-qulno, Oeorge CoppoOa Angela Nash-»«<^ Salvatora "*'»'"-'' Ant^^ny Rlxd,



AT YOURHOME!Aren't there many little improvements you

have been planning to make—an electric out-

let or two in the living room, a two-way switch

for the upstairs half light, new fixture over the

'dining" room table, better illumination in the


There are many inexpensive uses of elec-

tricity and unless you have sufficient outlets

you cannot enjoy to the fullest its convenience.

We invite you to consult us on anything

electric for the home. 'Our Lighting Depart-

ment and our Home Economics Department

will be happy to plan for you additional wiring

or additional conveniences for the kitchen and

basement. Their service costs you nothing; it

is a part of our endeavor to help customers

realize the fullest convenience of their electric



Page 8: RS.CU. 1935 Townsli. Barret To Be $23,875 ffigberlkn In 1934i^3r*- - -- -** • * i 'H _ _ ' .asBBsa '*" Knmmr _.. _ FIVE CENTS Dm* In Bad Y«t«*


Upset,26-25Bj Chatham Qmrtet

and Gokf* WinningStr-k Stopped m Nip.

ami-Tuck ContML

Oranford BSfta Bchooli basketballtbunpunlbtp boon were wmudmhlrdampened iaat Friday night when • "k-Umuncd Chatham qulnjf tturned backthe tocak M to » on ih> Shtrausacbool court In s nip and turk contestThe Blue and Oold combination Marledout faat. holding a » to » lead at theend of the 0 m quarter, but • r*Jlr_&Jthe visitors tn the Mcond l u n a gavethem t IS to 13 margin i t the half.

Second Haw Tfck StaMM

For the second Haw ttds year, Crashford High's varsity oumtst aowod tothe strong Rabway five, lostaf.»»to 'a hard fought contest atTuesday. The gaast was tontwenty-aeven penonals batng called. Itn i Uw second consteMlve defeat Jorthe local* and U» third of Uwto the preliminary the local t a n akMt. » to JO.

The Rahwar team took aUal lead In the first quarter and bddIt throughout. aUbouih Cranf a d caaMwithin one point of tying the scoreJutt before th» half. Rabway out-played the locals tn the third quarterto put Uw tame on Ice, and the twoquintcti played along on even term*during <he Isst.sUnsa.

~nag«< to 5 d ?Mr lead STr-1 Hood». and K * . stored for Rah-waj whllr Luaardl and Komer piaytdwell lor Cranford.

Friday night on the Bherman Schooliiird"»1ir«"a>f«1 aft»r'n«"eoiu*euUw n i u r t Cranford meres the atrong MUI

!b u r n t^u"> T"* Blue and Oold hol

big the third period, and a la*l quarterrally by the Wprk»-nn-n fell one pointshort of tying thr awe. It wat Crsn-

rlctoriea ! b u r n Blue and Oold holdlctoriea !The Crsnford quintrt »Urt»d out au-]»" *">* a*eson victory over MUlburn.

l™'uf> and lummanr of Tueaday' «hrn Schlrmrr anaiardbaskrt thartfi aflrr thr same «a» un-drnray. Chatham twd Uif count on|Outfit)'. conv*r»lnn c( I n chartty,to«M>. Lutardi put Cnwford alwad OrtlDlni f ..again whrti ht> drlbbkd Uif length of Cordner, f.the floor mad raged n pirt'i Ion Kor- Korner, Iner regUtered from long rang' to give I*"111- Ithe Iora!» a lour point Ifad Cranlord nthlriror., rIncreawd lt» margin »hen Tonwciyk'Cameron, cconverted a foul and Luiurdi counted Euiardi, g ,from far out on thr rtiurt Wlngard-1 Klein, gnrr Mtapped In a l)iu.k<i and a loul »jiTom«yk, gthe prriod ended1 »ltli Cranford lead- Nordatrom g


Ing. » to 5At the opening of the trcund quarter,

Chatham ttartrd a determined rail)BaskeU by Wln«ardnrr and Would tiedthe score, ana the vUltors took the lead H°O»TO»


- 03

.0, . s. 0



when Sarno &ank one from under thebasket. OrirtUlu evenrd matter* upMain when hr registered a two-pointerWlngardner dribbled thr length of thecourt to rrglater a two-pointer andWould made a nice tow from Ituldr thefoul line to give the visitors a fourpoint margin, lid Tomczyk made gooda foul shot Just before the half endedwhich aaw Chatham leading, 19 to 19' Cranford tied the count nhortly afterthe opening of the third lUnia whenSchlrmer Upped in ah underrthe-bas-ket shot and Luurdi converted a foulBarno and Wlngardner sank field baa-keta to put Chatham back In thr leadLusardl csged a long shot and Kerwlnretaliated quickly for Chatham. Thethird period ended with the visitorsholding a 91 to IT lead.

Shortly after the beginning or the fi-nal quarter Wlngardner Intercepted aP«M and dribbled the length of thecourt for a field marker. Bchirmcr sankan under-the-baiket shot for bran-ford, arid Murphy converted on a dou-ble foul. Cranford morttd to longahou with little avail Korner foundthe hoop from far out. with Wlngard-ner reullatlng almost immediately forChatham. OrUMhs made good on hisfoul try and Korner again registeredfrom long range Fast floor work byboth teams kept the ipecutors on theirfeet during the remaining second.. tilthChatham holding a 26 to_25 tlctory a*the game ended

Wlngardner aUrred for Chatham,bagging 13 points. Cranford'. attackwaa led by Bemle Schlrmer and Vln-


- 5 : 1Mm

' / • •'- £•;- "kM• '• m




ner scornl S points.Lineup and .ummary:

Orlmths. f .

Schlrnwr. c .Cameron, cLusardl, g -Klein, gTomcxyk. g .Nordstrom, i

""Wlngardner,Sarno, fDudley, c ._Murphy, c _Would, g _...Kerwln. g _


. 3_ Q

.-. 3,- . 0

0._ . . . . .0


Ot . 8

....... 2

t „.. o. . „„. „ ,., 2












* l

11 4 MCranfer* Beaema Win

In, the preliminary the Cranford. re-aema defeated the Chatham: aecondt,17 to 13. Twelve local auha aaw action,with Anginal! leading the acorlng. heremainder of the Cranford potata were•cattend. Chatharo'a center. 'Christian,counted ten point* to lead both quin-tet* In acoring. •

The lineup and lummary;Craafw* Beeaoda

ODadd, I"-i r_".:.:"."___...._. pMarkawlch, f iCordner, f aPOaytan, f ™ '. 0

1Dicks, fStanley, c _ .Cameron, c .Oalessandris, g

, ,iBayre, g .Nordstrom, g ,

Pfldcnon« f

KOM, fPersons, .c.Banzone, g,Mlnlel u

ToUU..Score, by period*:




31-18 Bafon lUd * M I Bfae;

If, O« Onatara A. CphWMI OMON atton» Jaahway n a a u u

In ejaaat of Uactr tblr|stntbstitgbt vktory laat a s * * on the Bber-

by a »•!* a m . B a s t the flat haltthe brtmant ahooUna" at the vlaHonkept the apeetMonon •daaeay-kalt

• theof the

; out the Rabway etjepabocttn lathe third qoarler and held them tothree field goals tn the final session.

HJcky Reed and Art Fredrrtckaon,with Individual aeons of M sod I re-spectively, were the trading lights Inthe latest addition to the victoriousstring of the local cash. Every man onthe losing squad scored at least oner,with lirbenneld being hlgb man withsix points.

The Cranford A. C. Jayveea kepi pactvlth the Varsity by posting a JJ-1S vic-tory over the Roadie Park Braves. TheMslton. without the services of theirflm snd second string centers, Vander-

8 beck and Flnwall. were np match for0 the .peed of the home club

10 Nest Wednesday night the Cranford0 A. C meets the powerful Undrn Var-0 tKrsClub in their regular home game2 at Bherman School

The box scons

Cranford _Railway




< 34

T— M7—34

Krnna. rf•4 Donnelly10' Frrdrrlckson,* Rred c3 Klein r gJ Cheaer.1 g


O. - 1



v Alkl..Alhlnoa occur among rli-iilmiita. but

the) unt un pun wlilic They are apair iharie or urny. Their rarity hasnimle Ili-m valuuhli-. llarninn boughtouit in Klam In IKs.1. lly tbp lime Itwan brought to Amrrlrn It hml cnithim l'.i>i.nin

Cornell, rfCocuna, IfPranciaky, c .Ulllenfleld. rgSansone _.Payne, lg .

14Railway Ptaahuu

O. 0

. 11J1

TOWNSHIP BUDGETrconftiived from p<ig( OMI

there would be considerable advertisingexpense Involved in making the revis-ions Mr. Pmton also urged leniencyIn case* where property ownera wlahIo turn their residence A dwellings Into.Iwo-larnily^ouirs-wtthoiirmlUnr'eTTteWor;"changf»to the building. Suchapproval, he laid, would I Increase boththe. landlord's and the township's rev-enue Inasmuch as many houses In resi-dence A .district* now are vacant be-came the renulcost for one'ramlly'liprohibitive.

Score by quarters:Cranford A. C 10 * 9Rahway Phalanx a C 0

Referee- SUne, Plalnfleid.

3 31


3 II


j Eip«n»M LoatToe laat Ililng ulilcb some nerions

seem to noiulre Is that experience oflife vlilrh Is nmtniart to lake them>afely lliruucli It.


The AMnMr'i tmtka will ht fn ttm diprrtkw for Ih* TBIUM nt IMS trnm T 10 »p.M.

un MnniUr nlxhl. Jtnucry it 1M?muau or AMBWIII,t n IMIu, IWnuri

SUttAn Iowa pijrcholbclat flwU that

awst mujllerera are (lender, "five percent of his ca«e> were found amongpersons of aithenlc type.

"HI.J.The ayatem or numeral* railed Ara-

bian really originated In India. Theykave n»ver been called Arabian by theAraba tjiemarlfra. In their booka theySjlwaya call them "Hindu nnroerala.


Either a "Huddle" or "Bookie" game with

'• THREE MORE DAYS—Jan. 24 to Jan-26


Ice CreamSoda.

10cVoa wOl agree thai ear

ehstalate awa* la theaeatmtawii J


CotU'i.Ice Cream


• rlaea yesv sMarfar Baaiay dtUvcry

TKa Junior Howard H.Joaea foolhaU game. FOBttttymmf and old.


J. & J. Hospital Cottons-beatP*dc, I 1b. 23c

Kotrar. or Modesa _ 1 7 c ; 2 for 33cMilk Magneaia (I pt.) 23cEpaom Salts, I Ib. .: o^Upjohn's Citro Carbonate 67cUjterine, large size


Cough Balsam, large size 39c

Crazy Crystal Salts, reg. $1 size 29c> Agar in Oil, pt. size .'." fi*>f

Witch Hazel, pt. size „ ,. -29c

~Alio see our'TJnadvertlsed SoecUla

* PRBCRIPTIOK 8EBCIALI8T8 •• W«caUteandd.U«;r,>BserlpUonaJ


CRAVPOBDTekpoone CRanford 6.1024

*aaa I ra— «aa at taa aaickc afkar (Vary aa* of tka aujkta of U» citywaa list gnu atatw af Athena, M f Ma%h. af'l**** tat ajatd. la the Partfce-—m. Kvthlat af tala autae nawlaaaacaat tta atta, wWea U daarly aaar««dto a aatrft •r«*ia-«slorMt nasMtnae.

F. F. V. Crufar.CocktmlWalw.


DaU and Nut Brwd



MORE HEAT _ .W ^P ^pBlsW ^Bfla^lsr ^Bs^a^^al a^Bs^^slHWa^P^P vs^l^aT

K o M M n S h l

LOVELAND COAL CO.m MMnk ATE, 1 cajummf,-*'^ cf' , *

PhoM CKaaford 0-1144 f

For this weak we are featuring another group of items In our GREAT23c SALE of CANNED FOODS. Stock up while these low prices lent I




















Oft mad



Phillips Soup* "EJS- 6 - 2 5 cCampbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 " " 2 0 C

Phillips or lona Beans 6-25cHeinz Soups E X C S T 2 - 2 5 *Heinz Beans 3^25< 2^25*Stringiest Beans FANCY QUALITY *» 19C

•»"Wa Beans FANCY QUAUTY V " " IZC

Polkfs Grapefruit Juice 3co«.25«C ' f A N C Y QUAUTY

25*Campbell's TOMATO juiaSun Rayed TOMATO jutaRed Cross Towels ''^SGorham's sdvn POUSH

Ken-L-Ration . . . 2Pafmolive Soap . . 3«*-13«B b , FOR CNAMCl ond FOUCEIAIN 2 «"»19e


Ann Page8 O'clock CoffeeRed Circle CoffeeBokar CoffeeWheaties

«*N0MOTHn'S Standord on««al«rUl ld lo.loof O«




Quaker Oats o«ac» «OUA«

Shefford's Cream Cheese £ 9<Atint Jemima •ANCAM now t*»K)<Ovaltine ,<£?&* ^2*

HNew CabbageYellow BananasFlorida GrapefruitEating Apples


• SHCM of Smokod Item *. 39t ' i w k m^lKt^^StSL.


. I AnrsvTt» followtat mmt ataetad tern

tba asaodaJfcm.'

i at -Bur. ftaayaMlami A, i. n. ucautaooand B. p. i

M-imr Mnaf. & L U, O. J. OoUtaa and Arthur Mdit

AooUwr maatlaf «U1 Ipa bald Wlaiy I »t wtikh ttaa Praddent 11*10 1*** » " * ^Iprofram win *•I it w*s_ daddad a t :InactliK that gluled (or MbruarjrIbeld.

In past j w n , tha aawdatlwiI spuusond pat—nta and rtrtr earn:I durlnf tba summer which Jiara

itatcwtde attantlon and aUnctadl1 dradi of YisOors from nearbr channltiai.

| Auto Acddkoto Prt*entAlwminc ProUem—Ci

Oontlnuouf tncnaaca ta tba " *of aulomobite aoddento la besot006 of tha moat alannlDa* proMnff1

' the country, and the need for gncan to brtaf about tbdr daertaaefor education alone • amfaty Unarttal, J RuaaeU Oralf, aataty dinof tlw • PfnnmyiTffPf% • T'vTfrnnity 'poratloo, fold the Rotary Otab aluncheon last Thursday In OolesInn.'

Mr. Craig i s n a course hi «measures in the public schools throiout the week under tha aoaplceU» Cranford, Batety cjopffill,. He"Introduced at Thunday^ rf **«piRay A. Clement, principal of -CzaxHigh BchooL

The speaker aald police and al|cannot do work without the alecitizens Individually,. BcKoola 'newspapers are *»~»^"g conaclouthe alarming conditions and are; ddefinite eonstructlTe work to coithe menace, be declared.

Re attributed iflflinneai aacause for the greatest number of smobile aeddenta." IfDocmboe, he 'also Is one of the principal contrttnfactors, as many motorista etthetnot know or are negligent In glproper, signals to warn their felmotorists of what Is to be expectedlisted unsafe speeds and fallurpedestrians m general aa being atthe major causes.

It was announced by Dr. Samut. Hlnnuui, the president, who condithe busmen session, that Rotary*strlct governor will Tlalt the club UVisitors were Joseph Imbman of Ibeth and Fred RlnUlle of Rahwa

"All Service" BUM*To RepUce TroLrey* 1-

'All serrlce'* type gas-eleetrlc IwlU be substituted (or street carthe Unloncar line, according to iem~plan» oTTthe Public Service Cdlnated Transport Oompany. 8iito necessary approval, the substltiwlU be made sometime In thespring when new buses now being«*e delivered.

The "all service'' bus Is a comhlniof a trolley bus,and gas-electricwhich will be able to operate frcaxerhead wires or under Its own etpower. Tentative plans can for <atlon of these buses from overwires between Bound Brook and Eand west Jersey streets, Elisabeth,tween Elizabeth and Newark, the Iwill draw down their pole* and opu regular gas-electric buses. '

It U anticipated thatniubstltuUc"all service'' buses for Street carseffect a saving of at least one hoiround trip time betw«en\Bound,I•nd Newark, The new type vehlcVwe aame advantage of'curbjoa

• quick pickup and silent operatiothe trolley bus, but with the addecvantage of being able to detour to« «tree(« when necessary.-. . •

1IZLKN OEOZAN HURTHrlen Oroaan of 33 Helnricli a

* u s.lghtly Injured about the fact-Vediesday evening when the ci"nlch she waa riding skidded at• M retun Ing to Cranford from><<rk The accident took puteOrcenwicii Village Dr Hugh Benoi New York City, the driver an•"ttr alua Joan Bemardd, taxui hurt