rs,. Full Quart Cans 35 j; Full Quart Cans 40 Cents..-,* t to ll t Iston of Afseetattea ib lrepati...

.- ,* -'t o t ll t Iston of ib Afseetattea lrepati ag $tE 'tt-.a Prlie nlees - June SS.-ESpeeial.]-The JSll is to be elebrated ngra. style. Mayor hag edwed in getting up an ex- me. The oration will be Dr. D fend, of Deer Lodge seemIoan will take place In the while batte and lSseman will l*etball enthusieht lia the after- SL. eventing fireworks will he •rm the amoatain "Old Baldy" bte the lower hills. o etrehs failed to show here ooensLg on a eount of washout. L ~a~'np h to Livingston in qrder 1 eh i dates. ; atyv bridge at Central park i in .t car ried away unlees the e.. An rperpt trom Minneap- aptied 8atauday to look after the work it it possible. County Commle- RuI ahtsek has been kept on the move " e-, cka aoeeant of high water. i . Wyie left Tuseday for a hor t isit A large amount of building is being done l )$sestan this summer and all buildming $aenw rented. Some two hundred are al. by erested or well under way, and all t t the latest desiRn. The new west . ahool house, coating $40,000, is being rasdly rused through, the foundations he, already laid. The east aide scohool w•-a- will have a large addition put on it itle: Among the finer dwelling houses •nag built are those of John A. Lune, J. E. rin D. D. Smith, Win. Frances, E. P. dwell and Dr.. Sanderson, all in the west pad. The bfouring mill is another of the build- f•ra to be erected here. It will cost $75,- T. he foundation is now complete. The work oP'laying the track for the iletrlo line began in earnest Monday. A Sforce of men are at work and will LsLSd. -r. i w.A . .. f rw . 4p c" tea to arrive nasuroay, ana robably be in operation by evening a very enjoyable "six- re party' was given at the resl- of L. E. Haskett, in honor of Mrs. Jia l raskett. who leaves shortly for her Chi in Chicago. About twenty-five in- Rguests were present. A nice luncheon - eas also served. V. .& Toll, who has been living in Cali- 'otnla all winter, returned to Bozeman Jonday to look over his mining interests. ,d The members of the old band are getting tbelr instr ments together in order to re- . D. Ellis has purchased a large quantity o *f oats, for which he is paying $L30, and ji eote them to go much higher. The strawberry crop in this valley will be ,ary large and some growers have already mntracted their entire orep. ,Samuel. Mendenhall arrived home from loapell college Tuesday. He will spend his il ation in Bozemph. . lmer Ray is now in Butte, where he may decide to remain. John J. Coleman, of Helena, was regis- tered at the Bozeman Thursday. The base ball team left here Friday morn- •g for Butte to look for fresh scalps. They expeet a hard game, but go there confident of doing the boys of the "Smoky City." C. S. Hartman left for Livingston Wednes- day on legal business. E. E. Veltum and wife, after an enjoya- ble visit to the Pacific coast, returned home Taesday. Tuesday evening a return leap year party was given in the Armory hall by the young men who were lately entertained by the young ladies. The programme an excellent one, consisting of twenty-one dances. Fine music was rendered by the Bozeman or- chestra. An elegant lunch was served at the Palace cafe. About forty couple were present. BILLING&S Democrats Well Pleased With the Nom- Insation or Cleveland-Big Exhibits. BILLItaIs, June 25.-[Special.1-The news of the nomination of Grover Cleveland was received with great satisfaction in Billings. The great majority of the democrats in Yellowstone were for Cleveland from the start, and he will poll the full demo- cratic vote here. The republicans, on the contrary, were all for Blaine, and thongh most of them will take their medicine and swear they like it, there are some who would rather see Cleveland win than Har- rison. Two circuses are billed for our town, Mllahon's for Baturday and Robinson's for the let. The Yellowstone Fair association will be in shape to have a fine exhibition about October L It is proposed to make an ex- hibition at Helena also that will demon- strate the agricultural and stock capabili- ties of this county. Mr. O'Donnell, one of our most progressive farmers, is president, and he is making strenuous exertions to make the affair a success. I. J. Martin has a fleece on ezhibition that will be avail- able for the World'sfair. It is flnedelaine- Mnerino, weighs twenty-three pounds and was taken from one of his rams. C. D. Camp has a fleece from a yearling weighing eighteen pounds. As for agricultural products we will astonish the nation. The Yellowstone river has been receding for several days. It attained its greatest height on Wednesday, when it was over nine feet above low water mark, and higher than ever known since the white men came in. All the ferry cables have gone out and the Narthern Pacific bridge is the only means of crossing. Great precautions were taken to protect the railway track and everything is safe. The city is about to build a stone jail and bids are to be called for for ts constrruc- tion. There are more hobos and worth- leess characters in town than ever before, and a jail large enough to accommodate all who ought to be in it would be a big one. Owing to the rains there has been con- siderable delay in bringinir in the wool for shipment. A great amount is expected and so far the wool press has been kept busy. It is one: ater by the well known wool buyer, Alex Fraser. Mr. Sam Ianton, of BIozman, with his little daughter Claire, is in town this week. The Episcopal Sunday school gave a very pleasant picnic at Caldwell's ranch on Mon- day. Rev. H. Sharpley has gone to attend the Episcopal convocation at Ielena. Mr. Lane has lately been making great improvements on his residence. Mrs. Paul McCormick returned from her visit to Missoula on Wednesday. There is to be an Indian war dance at Ouster on the Fourth of July. It will, no doubt. attract many visitors. ieas. Tut. with her little daughter Mar- garet, were down from Rapids this week. Mr. Fred Fields is spending the summer vacation with his parents. Mr. Fielde is studying mining at a college in Denver, Colo., and intends returning to that city in Beotember. mr. and Mrs. Strait, after spending ser- eral days in town, returned to their ranch at Ball mountains on Tuesday. Mrs. Charle Speir accompanied by her iter, Miss Gruwesll, returned from her vis•tto Der LodG e and Dillon Saturday. wa• unable to reach all the potnts she ' se las iltitt because of the loods. portion of htrm horldti a dbore ae mls a rep. b t|Ot of the cruciittoan.. s the I rtfi oft thiq piece of we s art Sa inaste h•a. Every detil wa This was what most attracted the attea- tion of Ziaraohi, and he bagged and pleaded with the keeper of the morgue to give him the strip of cuticle covered by the plctue. He even offered 10 for it, and when told that he could not have it without an order from the coroner he stormed and raved, de- claring it to be rightfully hie anyway, bb- caused he had assseted in the recovery of the body. The keeper finally told him to call at the morgue again, and that he would in the meantime speak to the coroner in rm gard to the matter. Upon being plied with questions as to what he proposed to do with the etrip of tattooed outicle, after he got it, Zisrachi said that in Morocco, where he had pasmed the greater partot his life, there were many dealers in curios who would give him from 810 to $100 for such things, according to the artistic flnih of the picture. He hadb made hundreds of dollars by trading with these merchants. and had learned the secret of properly prepar;ng the skin for framing. The cuticle is first carefully dried and tanned, and is then treated with a peculiar solution of poisonous druge, which has the effect of bringing into bold relief the pig- ments used in the tattooing. It is after- ward pressed between two plates of glass and allowed to stand for a mouth or so, after which it Is framed and placed on sale. Many prominent citizens of the larger cities of the orient, the Syrian stated, had the walls of their houses decorated with these objects. In some parts of Arabia, according to his statement, the ahieks of certain tribes al- wave had their own portraits tattooed upon their backs. After the death of one of them the cuticle bearing the portrait was care- fully out away and prepared accordiung to the usual process, and reverently carried from placd to place by the bereaved tribe. Zarachbi said that the picture on the arm of the drowned man at the morgue would be worth $10 to $60 to him. A PLANTER'S FULL HAND. It Won a Fine Jack-Pot, but Caused a Disastrous Overflow. "A growing jack-pot was the cause of last year's destructive overflow jutt north of New Orleans," said Johann Schmidt. of New Orleans, at the Lindell to a St. Louis Globe-Democrat reporter. "You will recall that at 10 o'clock one night during the tremendous rise in the Mississippi last year, while the people on the east bank were congratulating themselves on the security of their levee, a big break occurred only a few miles north of New Orleans, and the water rashed into the valley and over- flooded a portion of country that had not flooded for a quarter-century. The owner of the plantation on which the crevasse was made was at the hour I men- lrnad in wn oenitiino nwrn n! ,. 1,ith honed in an exciting game of poker with live other planters. The play had been go- ing against him all evening and when at last he saw sparkling in his hand three round, corpulent noes before the draw Ihe lifted the pot, pulled his hat down over his eres and in defiant tones inquired how , much company he would have. Everybody stayed with him, and just as he had discarded and picked up a couple of black eights a negro rushed breathlessly into the room and shouted that the wat'r was eating through the only weak spot in the levee. A little attention at the moment could have strengthened the crumbling levee. All that was needed was a bit of straw, a few sacks of gravel and a cool head to direct orerations. But that jack pot was too absorbing. Each player held better than two pair, and the indications were that before the betting got around to the starter the roof would be raised and all the blue would be scraped off the empyrean. Not the least attention was paid to the negro's warning. and before that jack pot was settled, for the sheer reason that no- body else had am thing left to bet, the water had gained such headway that it was impossible to check its mad fury, and be- fore morning the plantations of all the players were flooded, and even New Orleans was threatened. HANDSOME NEW QUARTERS. The Montana hnoe Company Is Now Ready for a Big Business. The benefits of the continuous and judi- cious use of advertising space in THE INDe- PENDNT in calling the attention of the public to a particular business has been egein exemplified in a striking manner. For a long time the Montana Shoe com pany occupied a neat, but rather a smell store, on Main et eat, near Rnleiah & Clarke's. The company hand!ed only the best grades of goode. and while this was a great ca-d in its form, there were hundre.'s of people who did not know of the store. Some tims ago the company aeon ed a regular space in THE INDEPErNDENT and kept it filled all the time with a net and attractive adveltisement. In a little while this began to tell, anl finally the old quarters became too cramped for the grow- ing trade. An excellent location was se-I cured in the store vacated by Thomas Goff, and workmen were kept busy for weeks firing it up. They flinished a little while ago and a few days ago Measr. Clarke & Fr auk got settled in their new quarte a. It is one of the handsomo•t shoe sto es in this section, and with the fine goods displayed it would attract attentirn and patronage in a large eastern city. The conmpany is now prerared not only to take careof its already large trade, but also to look out for its growth in the future. NO USE FOR A GYMNASIUM. A Teacher \hn Hadl Plenty of Exercise With Hlls IPupils. After teaching s.hool for fifty-one years, Johann Jakob Haberle of Germany died some years ago, and his diary has just been published, in which the punishments he ad- ministered are all noteM down. He gave 911.517 strokos with a stick, 214.100 "smites" with ai birch rod, 10.9;j hits with a rator 1:9;.715 hand smacks. 101.2, saln a on the face, 7,905 boxes on the eare, 115 800 blowse on the head, 12.70• tusks f-ou, the Bihitr, catechinlm, the poets irnd gramar-every two years he had to buy a Bible, to replace the one so roaughly handled by his scholar; 777 tmues he ri:ade his pupils kneel on n as and 5,001 scholars had to do penance with ai ruler held over their hends. Ac to, his abusive words not ua third of theml were to be found in any dictionary.--Philadelphia i Ledger. C:arrds Marked with Cigarrette stain,.. A sign new to the fraternity and1 frequent- ers wes posted in all the Cheyenne gam- bling houses last night, says a Globe-l)ern- ocrat disputch. It is over the pokjer tables, and read., "cigarette sutokinkgis btarred at this game." The emaciateRd "Oregon hick" und two companion cardl sharks have been beating every poker game for three weeks. Their work was not discovered until a few days ago. All smoked cigarettes and rmrked cards with nicotino stain. After half ia doin hands they could lend the decks by the backs. All the educated sports in town were fleeced, and the winnings of the trio are estimated at $8,000 to $10,000. The stains were found by a black employed as porter in one of the houses after the ar- tists had failed to find anything under a microscops. When once known the stains are very plain. Strength and Healtih. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric hitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric lat- ters. 'Thi remedy acts directly on liver, stomach itnd kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 5Oo, at It. h. Hale & Co.'s drug store. mercatile stu pes-J ~V5t strll• .se aon lt.o G a et-a , CllCABO UAT i'tt!,. stoa aNe ilyosM. 1$8.1 O. Teianps [email protected] k h•s and . it htoert t hto low.o t, hep--c',oelpt Oma steady tow akt natie Un.iotn Pdireianp, 2t 4 I".O t westerns, $4.'8. 1., natile foesui 1, A .5 0t3•D,, :e'io . JuneS.--Clos--Wheat--teadyt cash ern--Hbhc cash, ,501c: July, 49eo. Yat cas, 8~; July, c. K HOLEoBu , 8p..., lE Moneo ot call and su closoied 4Rased 1h meork-Cash, July .e10 K Sh0.8 re87 ta lard-Caso. Jutne 5-( ttJuly. 00 short riate- Cah Ju Tr', #dV ,0s, 110. shoulders --l5,7c ti;00. s hereby ioen to the stock e iers o the on-r oh dat, h lwaikes Beer Agetrdy t tc erle ntiers t a eetin Juno.-oe i e), at to ., at oics 1o. •. iranit block. for tJhbe purpose of e ion o o:hhr an such bOsiw4: l may come oats-her meinga, )lt KAJul, % ereary. Horelena, JuneJ, I0.181. the erection a Ctholic rch in Boulder s rtill be received by the eJal rtary til J 2s i hebuilding is to bthe stof brick, olers of the ('oet "er a ne and seon .ifit atte pply to J. . fla No. el, arahitec Helenack. anr the pur oster of eleorm on apply theo n H. NMnr K, secretary, Boulder, elonan. June Y OTICF TO LL ONTIIAUTOI--BIIID TFtU- tele of this district wi ll Junreeive eai pro seis Up to 7ildn p t . Thursday. siule 71 feet.e For penting the new sith ward school building, Driereth a return tu bular steel boiler wither ine grates iorge enoughpl to ot thNenmyrsecretary, foulder, om )uildit,glas.t standard ptpe,t.rane standard pit e auiators,onl theluwer floor to be snpplied with ediatots and the pipe run np throuch tscund loor reedy to connect with radiation in schtool omre, one to twenty-five feat. and in all the re- aindler of first floor one to forty feet. Con- cactor must make opening large enough to get is boller in, and relair all daimages clone by this cork. Alc, wi•ter service; one-inch gavanized cie, white e:,emele.i eink 18011 on each floor nd sill cock on outside wall: also four-Inch i on and sill cock on outtside wall: also four-nch i on pipe .rain to c3Fspool. this cespool to'be twenty feet from building and stoned np 5xlxlt Iy order of the boota. F. W. LLIt. Clerk. Helens, June 25, 18.,2. SUMMONS-IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the First judicial district of the state of Mon- tana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. Logan Smith, plaintiff, vs. Loui'a smith, de- fendant. The state of Montana sends greeting to the above-named defendant: You are hereoy required to appear in an action brought against ou by the above-named plain- tiff in the cdttrict court of the First judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Lew;s and Clarke, and to snswer the complaint filed therein, within tan days (exclu- sive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served within this county; or, if ,erved o,t of this county, but within this district, within twenty days: otherwise within forty days, or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said com- plaint. the said action is brought to obtain adecree of this court d asolving the bonds of matrimony here:oforu and now eai,tins between plaintitf and yourself, upon the grutud toat you did. on June 21, 8llt. vwiully andwittout cause ures•rtn cndaban'on pla niut, and lhai oer since con- tinued and still costinne so to do. without cans" or reason, and against thte will of plainit ft and without his consent; and for general rel'ef. All as mole fully appears tiom the complai.t on file herein, to which reference is had. Anti you are hereby notitie I that if you fail to app ,'ar and answer the saidl complaint. as above required. the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief domalded in :the comolaint. Given under my hand and the ie:alof the district court of the First judicial district of the dtato of Mtontana. in and for the county of ewis and Clarke. this 2'dl day of June. in the yeat of our Lt.rd one thousand eight hundred and ninety- two. 1[ smt.. I J(HIN BElAN. Clerk. Iv lt. It. TlOMPsoN. I)Deputy C(e-k. F. N. and S. 1t. gCINTIRE, Plaintiff's Altorneys. SUMMONS-IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the First judicial district of the state of Montana. in and for the county of Lewis ant inunlio . Merritt, plaintiff, vs. Madeline I• Iallard, defendant. The state of Alontana sends greeting to the above named defendant: Yon are hereby required to appear in an action brought agaistat you by the above named plain- tiff in thl district court of the First judicial dis- triet of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, and to ausv;er the complaint filed therein. within teni days exclusive of tie day of service) after thin ,ervice on you of this summonsre, f served within thin count : or, if eerved out of thts county. but within thli district, within te:ity days: otherwise within forty days. or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complitut. The said action is brought to quiet the title of plaintifl to that cert.s,n lot, of land, sit .ate. ly- ing and bring in the city of liel•na county of L.owis and t'larse. state of Montana, to-wit: ot, fift en (15). in blocki h tro.' "i) if the original townste of Helen!a: to obtata a dectre if this court removing the cloud from pl iuttlt a title Sti said had; adjudgtlug an t docliaring that tso defendant has no incre-t or ,iatit wabtnver in saidl land. and that one ccrtain deed ti dlelend- ant is ull antid void as agOinjt plaintiff's tit.e Pthereto: ani that the feo simple to Msaid land is in the plaintiff, anid plaintiff haveng boon in the actual undisturbed possestion of said land for sixteon years last pees, ani having held poreseocion during said t:moe adversely to te- fonldant: and for such furth r relier as may he ust and equitable: all of which alppears more ully in the complaint on hie herein to which ipecirt reference is hereby made. And you are hereby notified that if' yo fall to I appear and answer the said complaint. as above rtequired, the said plaintiff will apply to tie court i ,r tihe reelf dm'•nhltl it, the complaint. Given under my hand ants tI seal of the die= trictcourtof the First jidicial dlitriet of the s e:ate of Montana. in and for the county of Lewis and I'larke, this I th day of ( teal j May, in the year of our Lord. Ditrict one thousanld eight hundred and (tourt. ninety-two. SR -• .JOHN BEAN, Cleric. S By It. It. Tttoi't. Ii, t•tity ('lark. SE. L. KNOwL . Attornesy for plaintiff. HE2l f tl8 8 E !tIE .iiUNN Ita ENt) i 'A loestm• nt 'o.. ia ctrt:or tr;tin. plaintiff. vs. Willis::. ,Jame, Nitonan anti t'aLiterltll .totan, ;'th wifi, dtfenadanti. Ln, ier and iby viltue of anll ord.r of saile andi n idtcr.i of f.o',l.•!surd bd sii" i+ i' !.("d Doit of the diat, ijo court of I ,o Jirit .,a ii..It distriot .f tts state r f Mtontanl, illn and fo. Llt! ro unty of Iewit anol (',ark,. .n he 2:'Glh ;,v lt .llL', A. I). Ihnk. ill the above entitled actionl. wlr•Irtn it•'Ih1tn,1anlt0I I o Ilmttlnor t t'o.. . corporation,. tthe atovo namotl pinaitiff, obtained a judgment and doeron of toreclos'ur. and till. against 8i iliam Jon..,. citaus and thrint Noonan. hi- wits d-tft niat:to, on tin .ith lay ..f May, A. D. 1J.!2. for tihm ll ,f sn W .:t.4. o ,tcLie o ioner,st, tIot anId atlortriy feON. which ealid (becr,,, wan oll th' tlth daty of Mlay, A. I). Ltr.ccorddhl ill udgtment took N..o li of Faid 'ort at page tS. am Coer:tatd ltd I(n (ll all ihxoo. certain loth. Irpeco or larctIl. of landti, on it(lto. lying at I lcing in tllo ctuntyr of Lwi and ('lalrk. tatr of Montana, and ounded and dthcrilad an tul- lowo, o -wit.: Il...ts nontotred lift•lri (15) atnl oixteon tl). in btlock itt edito brt twntty (Iiy of the horiritrln 1'a rilic addition to t.h rcity of lolena, a sohowtt by the r.'onrdtd jlat tIhtrof. .on ilo ith Ieo ofli', r.f Stioe crlr amll roc.trlr of l(ris and t larko onotAy. I...t.tattn. 'j o•otner with all and ningular he tnloto•, Ionrelaitag anol atd ap rtln•locutg titorounto bo- tongilng or in alywia, apltprjrtainillg. I'ublii n.tice in herleby givotn that on 'l u,•"ay. tIhe 1IthdIay If Jaly. A. DI. ltrM. at 12 o'cloIck It. of that day at the fronlt do,.r of I ott h rtimlnat. Hlelent. lewis ani (:lark. ctunty. Montana, II will. in otaldlenco to said ordhr of oall. and isn:ro of fnreeloarot and alt,, roli tl(h ahlovo dennrilt(d Irop.rty. or a• mulch. thlrngofl Il may be lttuo•onary to fatisfy said jdgntont. with Itl!rneot and ronts, to e 1t ltiol(ht anIId belt Iiddor, for catl In hand. Olsvn tlo:ldr •y hland thii Lollt day o. Jumin, A. D. 1a2. (IlAI M. M..llb 'l/.ItI. HlSoriff. IBy IiAt-u ft. J4OlNHUO, Dleputy ltlhoritf. BOARD AND fof001! IlrHlPJ.JJ).p lFut I;.N'i'.--11OOMS AND BOARD, , SWatrrea t.reet, corner Sixth avn. •1O'i I T--liOOl I I'fIVA'I kAMlX._ awlls or without board at f Lwin •street. STU AT(ION TNT- ALIEN oastre a opendes ITUATION TD-B ~MTDY YOUNG-ALi. tdretan ne o r tori wied oe tmo " TUATION WANTD-TO WORKt IN A grto drive deliverto y wagon or work in storIa Adorns P, BA, p6A1 Boulder Avenue, WANTED-WO AN HXPEiIS 'SUED WTE- board and -ATI-AN iTh iU- GYSNE14At HOUNE- mawork at501 Barrisonaremne, thing, city reterwnrio•e. Address W.C. HELPWANTED- II(ALE. ANTED--TWO BOY BETWEEN -` A,, Sto o etrnds. orner. .. t oLawrenice a. ,`!ANTJED-WOMAN D.UE ,, 24 EDWARD3S sta~ et• d shier, a month, I lihelan building, tan Irjacisoo, Cal. board and room. W AANTED--AWe tLFM AN-iVA NUAULE HOM- mion, offered; a 20 weekly aarneo ines. an make fromScandinavian wee x- uoxffic, 21, buttre city onstreet A ELD- WANTED-MALE. W ea14 to go etrnd. Corner Lawrence al - Park avenue. _ ANTED-CEANDLEN. 24 EDWARDS kr'ANIED-.ENOSTih1C YOUNG MAN TO t ihen building. aoren s Vido. Cal. otx many of our agente. Samnpem tree. V'. . box 1325471, Helena. oR ]tENT--FUlrNISHD HtOU. SRENTE-THREEOUG MA WITH 200 TOFUNIHD V cotake afor interest epin profitable ofasi the bs pedoor.iene not neHolliesary, avenue. ., poto WAO BENT-A TWO FURNISHED COOK FOM meat and plark street. iadiavien mpo- OAt RENTED-TWO LEN' CHANT FUCE ANISHED A fr ntle rooms. ifth avelene and actty a town in Montana. Address Videx. P. U. Box 254, Helena. - TO RIENT--FURNISHED ROOMS 5 TO. door. 614 ollins avenue. S$10 per mouth. 212 North Rodney street.a ORl IENT-TNICELY FUtNISHEN ROOM, t Sone gentlemanu, $6 pe r mont. 562 Hih- I RENTli-COMFORTABLY FURNISHEDi F rooms at reaunal rate. Harvey blook, brand street.' Next door hotel Heloena. FOR RENT-DWELLINGS. I ORBElNT--SIX-00R M BRICK, GABS. BATH furnace, 415 1 ighth avenue, near t.oiney. 1'Olt RENT-TWO-ROOM HOUSE TO MAN I and wife. or two ladies; furnished it desired. Addr s.s A. B.. this office. T•UI ,ENT--NAT' 4-11ROM COTTAGE ON I Itreckenridge, $12; 4-room eottaga, South Rodney, $8; neat bricn cottaga. nartially furnisoed. on Highland near Chaucer. $15; lareo 7-room dwelling on west sied, 51: 8-room mod- ernhoos0. corner Twelfth and Dakota, $30; 11- room dwelling with all modern improvements, on Broadway, near Raleigh, $45; 8-room modern dIelling. $27.',: building on Main street, suita- ble for carp'-ntor or paint shop, $15. Walter Mlathe on. :69 'orth Main street. 1'OlR ,EN'I-HO USE ON EAST SIDE, IN good neighborhood, nine minutes from post- oilce; city and cistern water, nice lawn: has tood outbuildinge, including carriage housee. stable room for four horses and chicken house. Apply (i. W. Graham. at Independent office after 6l:;O p. m. FUR lENT-HERBERIT B. IREIED & CO., 'IThompson block, opposite (rand Central hotel, have the largest list of houses and rooms for rent in the city. FOIt RENT-DES.IRABLE RESIDENCE ON IEighth avenue, five doors below Rodney street; rent $20. 1.`O:t IENT-VERY DESIRABLE RESI-. 5tdence. nin, rooms, on Rodney street near Sixth avenue. Bteele & Clemente FI 'Or BENT-SIX-ROOM FRA•IIME HOUSE ON Eleventh avenue, $20 per month. Steele & Clements. o R HIFNT-UNFURNISHIED 1LOOMS AND apartments of all kinds and in desirable locations. atSe to $10 per room. Call and exam- ineour list. Yallace & Thoruburgh. Denver building. FOR RENT- MISCELLANESIOU F•OR INT--'ITWO UNFURNISHEItD ROOMS /' for light I:ousekeeping. 517 Breckenridge street. ult RENT--N,'rotl ON MAIN BTtrIEET, large and desirable; cheap rent. W. E. C•uz Giold boluck. TOR IIENT--FURNISIED H1OUSE, ALL, Smotdetrn convenionc s Call at t;03 North Warren staeet 1(Olt RIENT- STOliKE OR OFFIC( 0 ROOM1 IN orpra houu., Steele & Clements. IOl1L RENT F'IE LAlGE ItAHIEMENT ON JU Upper Main street teeole & Clements. L'OR It.NT-- -U UNFURN I IED tOOMS IN ouera hous,. hteeoi & t'lomnents. LOST. SOSHT--JA•RK BROWN IIO10BE. WEI(HT - boat 1i0"l. agot 11 years, indistinct brand T on left aoulelr. collar ecar abovl, it. Euita- ltl reward for return to It. K. l)oCamp. 514 Sixth avess. 1 (1ST - IUN MAIN STRIEIT, BETWEEN S ixth avst, alnd ands Bros. atBre, a gold pen with learl hsande. Ituturn to Land ofice, lower blhck. iOsT-A 'IME I•) IK. A iX OIiED DEEDO and naturaltiou opt, prs. L'indtler will confer a favor by leavit:g rale at this olice. 1OHT--ATl' 12 M. A. LADY'S GOLD WATCH between conor of Ilreckenridae and Warren and lo--r lItol ey. Rleturn to this office and btnder will Ie liberally rewarded. 31MONEY TO LOAN (I1ONEY '1' LOAN ON lMPlctVED ('CITY and farm property. Wm Fesadv. MONIY T LOAN ON IMPROVED FAItt and city proierty at reasonable rates of interest Ita, . & t lenoete. lONEY TO It AN-IItIiBElt IIII. IthElD Co.. Tahotpsn block, ojieoite (irand ceo- ]M NEY TO LOA--IL b . 'ALME1 ? EE MONEY T10 LOAN-STILELr & CLEIMENTS. In asur to suit, low rate of interest, no nmmitsioa, ao intereet In advance, no duly j; Full Quart Cans 40 Cents. TO TAI 0 rs,. Full Quart Cans 35 ents i Ir" i & . k - PRINTANIER, ETC., 20 HINDS. BACH, CORY & OO., Fine Grocers and Liquor Dealers, Helena,. Montana. FOR SALE--REAL EITATR. j'OR SALF. -FOUR IOOM H(OUSE ON South lodney, $800; 20 down, balance on long time. Address X. A., this oftice. FOR BALE-$'0 FOIl A FINE LEVEL LOT 4' 2100. on Fifth avenus, between a'eieh and Holnbatk; $800 downl balance two ysre' time at 8 per cent. Walter Matheson. 193 N. Mlain street. FUR BALE-A FINNI LEVEL LOT. 50x140, with 20-foot al;ey. city water in front, to some man who wants to build a dwelling. 1 will eel this lot at $10 per foot and give five years time for entire purchase money. Walter Mathe- son, 859 N. Main street. FOl ttALE-- 2,500: TWO-STORO IEBIDSENCE S of seven rooms- water on both floors stable and oatbnildings: Ninth avenue, between ieattie and ale'gh;this is a bargain. tesle & Clem. ents. OR SALE-FINE EIGHT-ROOM BRICK residence on west side. only two blocks from Main street; fronts on two streets; very cheap. Steele & Clements. FOR SALE-FINE EIGHT-ROOM BRICK honese on Spencer street, near Rodney. only few minotes fiom postoliupe, at great bargain. Steelo a Clements. FI•Ox AL-$3 8I, Oxs8b, 8-OOM RIIICTH -c-elar, wa r, etc, on •aleign street; $8,8(0. 42x88, 9-ronmbrisk, cellar, water, etn, on Ral. aih street; $5,100, 50x00 feet, 8-room frame house, on kaner boulevard; 4.500. 45xi00 feet. b-room trame bhoss on Broadwaye eo S. treabe FOR SALE-ELA.GANT RESIDENCE ON west side at a bargain; ten rooms, furnace bath room and all modern fittings; good barn end outbuildings. Wnm Muth, sat. LOR SALE-TWO 1SX-otOOM HOUSES ON FI west nsde; easy terms; near now school building, foanmry and electric lines. ~ma Muth, agt. FOR BALE--FIFTY FEET ON HELENA Savenue near foot of Rodney at three-fourths actnal value. stele & .Clementea FOR BALE--A FINE CORNER ON NORTH I Main street 100xln feet, fronts on three streets; will be sold at a great sacrifice. Steele Clements. FOl SALE--A LARGE NEW IIOUSE ON prominent avenue; has all modern improve- ments and is in good condition pirice very low and terms to suite snap. W. & Cox. Gold block. FOR SALE-I HAVE SHEVEtAL NUitL RteS- i fdences on the west side for sale at differ- ent prices and terms, l'arties wishin to buy a home will do well to call and see what I can ot- cen Wm. Moth. agt. FOR SALE-RENTA L PROPERTY IN OH1iG- inal townsits;: wilt sell on easy terms, at a great sacrifice, improved property on Itinf0 street and on Pine street. Steele & Ciements. FOR BALE-S-,000: . $0 CASH, IALANE on long time, buys a new three-room house. lot 50x1b2. Address box 577, city. ORUK SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST ' anhes in Montana., ,ntr0 acrs, every acre can be irrigated and have abundance of water, fine range on every side, good market for eve•l• thing produced, good improvements; will be sol eta great bargain. W. L. Cox. Gold block. F UI- SALE-LUO I AN U AtttLEAtit Ai' KAL- Sispell the new railroad town in the Flat- head valley. 1 m. IMuth, agt. 1FOR O ALE--i'OICtE ItESIDEN{CE LOTS IN S Haunser addition at very low prices. Wm. Moth, Aet. I'OR S.IL--LU W--A O 'HtOlC BUlLDING ,t faoin on llroadwater hotel grounds (castfront) Wm. Mutn, sat F eOR ALE-i.8tl.0, 75x12 FEET. 4-10011 frame hoouse, lroadwater motor line; $6.500, 50txlO feet, i-room frame honse 50 feet double frontage on Benton and Park avenue, bunes oroperty; 05.000, 84u110 feet, 8-room framehouse onlawrence street; $5,000, 1001140 feet 9-room brick house on Eleventh avenue. l S. i!renoh C.. _R BALE-$5,0t. 40x100 FEET. 0-1100O F brick, bath. ellar,,st.. gas fixtures, doable frontageo on two streets. E. S. French & Co. fOlO SALE--1,800. '25x13, 4-1LOOM F•RAME on Dakota avenue; $4,00, 50x84, 7-room frame hanse, Blake street; $4,000, 2x88 feet 9-room brick on Sixth avenue, ISeattie; $1,110. -x:88 feet, 8-room brick onliattie street. L. I. French tCo. 1Oflt BALE-FOR $400 GOOD BUILDING I lot 0x150 on South end of Rodney steetl address box 777, city postoffico, FOlt SAL--Ruxl1t0 FEEiT ON LYNDALE avenue at a bargain, terms to suit. steele . Clements. 'Ot SAL--ELIElANt' RESID)ENCE ON Madison avenue, west side, east front, lot 12:x200 f-et; cash buyer can secoure a great bar- gain. (teele & t'lement. rui; 1 ALE--4Z.•0. foxl40 FEET, 5-ROOM r" frame house on flhth avenue} $9,500, 50 t40 feet, -room brick house on iSghthl avenueo; 5.o000 41x10 feet, 5-room frame house on Broad- way; ,4200, 45x1000 feet, 5-room brick house. corner. Broadway. E. S. French & Co. T O1 bALE--NEI W MIX-;OOM HOUSE 1i SBroadwater addition, only one block from electric motonr small payment down, balance installments. Steele & Clements. IsOli GAL-$5.000. 5(x!40 IFEET. 6-ROOM UlIt 'ALE-$5,00. 1x;40 1T'r, 10-iOOM -. frame house, a corner on Warren Ftreett 1-,500, 75z150 feet, 8-room stone house on Madi- son avenues $8.500 40x118 feet. 6-room frame house, corner. on (;hauo•r street;. $8.O, 40al feet. 0room frame onare on Uheacer street. . h. Frenoh &C. F oI .SALK-.OItNELI 1T. tlOxilO. on best residence street in the city; full view of tho east side and rvalley. Address bo 1?77. city poetotlice. Liclit BALE--AT A BARGAIN--50 FEIOL' ON . Broadway near Hobslk; easy terms. d- drae postotlice box d. Helena. FOIR NAALIE-MISCELLANEOUS. POIt HALE--BED RIOOM UllT. HEATING 1 stovo and kitchen furniture cheap. O611 Ililledale avenue. FPO- BALE-D)IRUG BUSINESS, INVOICE 86.004?. Soles $*.C00. Live towa. Only those having tho money need apply. Addrees, Drugs, this oflice. I O 8 ALE-UPRIGIIT PIANO AT A BAIl- bargain. 115 Blake street. LOR SALE--TWO STOVY•II COOKING AND 1 heating. both for wood. cheap. Inquire 16 lharrison avenue. l'UH IAl|•--ESTl'AH ISHIED MERHCANTILE bouaersa with a largu trade will trade for improved seat estate In Helena. btele & Clem- iUSINISS CIHANCS(:-A HliOTEL DOING AN excellent business. quntral location first- cla furnltnre. neaMrly new; dining and kitchep• equlipments foe 100 neut; only $21.000 ash, bai. nee on tlne. Owner has large intoerete an• must dIpose of thi. Address Herbeot U. Heed. Awl"r bUoe•. FOR MRALE-MSCl ELLANIIOU . ".. B suels5. r114 athn•n •Msai r t, i.t.OX . 'UJot SSALE-i-tW VS44VE- IiTHG' PURR SJersey. Henry W. Foote. 'L V4 U ALan-A Q.OD k ECuNDi-HAND TOP I' brgay for $81 at 83 ElFeventh avenue. Ol t lALE-RHOi•iE BUGGY AND HAlt- neass or will exchange for ral estate. Ad- dress box 102, Helena. 'OR SALE-AT A BlAltitAN. li ARDING house doing good business; good location; good reasons for selling. Address G. A.. this office. ifJIt SALE-SCHOLARISHIP IN TH1 HIE. Sens Business College. Callat this ldos. -- OR SALE-BRAND NEW SINGER SEW- ins mohine, cheap; never been used. Ad- dress 12, this office. 1 Olt BALE-A TWO-HOiRliS POWERLSTEAM Sengine, llime & Whitacre. Chicego No. 1I1, with pipes and whistle; price t15 case at the lonmana : tants Z itong, liand 18 North Warren. The engine is in perfect order, as good as new. iQR SALE--HETAIi. FRUIT AND P1O- duce business in one of the best towns in thewest. Asplendid opening for a live man with the necessary capital. Excellent reasons ifor selling. Adde.s X. Y. Z., care Independent. 'tU,. SLE-HEIETAUIIANT AND LUNCH counter. Call at I2 North Main street Hele- nsa, Mout. HELP WANTED-MIOfSLLANElOU. A GENT WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE. a old and younqg. $11 to $2. per day easily made selling our ueeon plating outlfite, and doing gold. silver, nickel, cooper and brass plating, that is warranted to wear toy years, on every class of metal, tableware, jewelry, etc. Light and easily handled, no expense requirel to operate them. t an be carrled by hand with 'ease from house to house. eamo as grip sack or eacheL Agents are making money rapidly. 'I hey sell to a most eree business hTose aNd family and workshop. Cheap, durable, simple and within the reaoh of every one, Plates almost mnsl•ntly. equal to the inest new work, end for circular.. etc. Queen City Silver and Nickel Pating Co.. East St. Louis. 11. AI ISCELLANEOUIS. temrada Ta rd getleman Addres, wit W ANTED-A TENANT FOR FIVE-ROOM house, bath room complete; on Ewirg near ltato street: rent very reasonable. App i at rooms 10 and Ii Granite block, or at 4. Knlght street. W ANTED-UEAItD AOND lROoM IN PHlI- vat3 family by gentleman. Address, with terms, M. T,. I.. this office. W ANTED-A I'AITNER TO ENGAGE IN the sheep business by a man with cash and experience. hddres F. I., cate of Dan Rice, Havro. ihont. W• ANTED--NI(' ELY FURNISHED HOUSE with five or six room', with bath; tent must be reasonable. Address M., Grand Central hotel TWTANTED-AGENTS, LADLES AND GiEN- t lemen. to take orders for Montana Dress Manufacturing Co.; commission e' an order. Corner Lawrence and Park. WANTEJ--TO RENT A NEAT. WELL built house of five or six rooms with con- venlences and ina desrable locality. Must be convenient to business a"d rasoonable in price. Hest of refereonsn furnished. Address frank. look box 4:1, esating price and location. '1 AN'Il-, -T'O 'I'HlAlD 810 ACIIES NEAIt ( Gret Falls for Helena property. Steele J Clements WANTED--A I1UYEIt FOR A PIEICE OF inside propertyr just the thin for a row of fists; close to Main street. Wm. Muth. ANTI'ED-A UYERI FORL A PLATTED tractio the best residence psoperty on west side; price way.down; hall ash, balnce in one year. Wm. Muth, agent. W ANT''ED-TO BUILD A BIX-ROOM HOUsi,: with furnace and bath room complete for $2,000. Call and see plains we know they will suit. Wallace &Thorunbrgh. Denver buildang. SOR TRADE-UNIMPROVED PlOPELOTY to trade for equity in improved. Steels t Clements. FOR TRADE--IMPROVED PROPERTY TO trade for unimproved. Steel & Clen mente. W'ANTEDI-TIIE OWNERI OF A LAROGE blody of'low gradle, free milling gold ore want a rcapitalist who wdi baUd a mill ou the roperty.tor a hal interest. Apply to Wm. SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 200 Breokenridge street, near Warren, WTANiED-A CUSTOMElt FOR ONE OF the finest residence sites on west sides price low for cash. Wm. Muth. WALTER MATHIIEON'S LIST. ,75--LOT ON DAVIS STItEE', 50xto0. $7 $150-olevel lot on par. a street, 25xl50. $350 each-2 lote in Broadwater addition, $100 down. $250-fine level lot on east side, 25x140, $100 down. 510--good residence lot, 41x100. qn Alta street. $t 0-lot on Highland. 50x100, alley. 6800-tine corner, 5Oxt1l, on Peosta avenue. $950--lot on Fifth avenue, between lialeigh and lioback. $1.10--lot on Jefferson, 64x110, with alley. DWtZLLSIO5 $150-neat brick dwelling on fouth Rodney, $1•0 down. .$1,0--cottage on Eighth avenue. near electric llne, $80d down. $1 513-- room dwelling and large barn, Peosta avenue. $200 down. $1.50--5-room dwelling on Division street, $200 down. $t.5O0-commodious dwelling on Boulder ave. nune. $0:) down. $,250--7-room dwelling on Peosta, lot 80ll25. $810 down. S2.650-brick dwelling in Easterly, 5 rooms, finished in oak, $Se down. $l8250--br.ok voneered dwelling in Easterly ad- dition. just finished. 7 large rooms. bath, fully etiippeod; hot and cold water, lot 42z110.with alley. $10JO down. Lg75o--8-room brick in Easterly, handsomely decorated beth oom with extra good plumbing, furnace; fnished in med wood; very fine, new. $100 down. $,8d0[-desirable residence on Fifth avenue, hall, rooms, bath room, hot and cold water, w, fuarnace, range. sewer conneetion, $1.00 dow n. $57,100-best hbeeh ranch in Montana, nearly 6,0WO grue, ample water, fully equloped, $IZ,00 down, balance 5 years. $1 600-040-ro hay ranch on Big Blackfoot and Nevada creek. MOliY TO L*OAN. 12,000, 0500, $,00$ 0 end 00 local money at D)ISSOI:TON N.TIOIP-THE CO-PA•[• s nera , o heretotr exitingbet.wen yderenOd• , under the flrinneine of Coallen. . =•rs.&hetot., ithe day dtIsrdvo by mutual Al persona p tdebted to the firm ae requested to mak en ear settllement.UL GItOR Fl l 1 iSh LTON. Helena. Mont., Jaunl. 189. O PIIOPO ALS OR LIHT- NOTW IS rely that the u deoehed wil n- t.lzS o,`'c O,. noon, of Tt f dune A. D. 18P. receive bid the Ofrniehinq of light to the city of HmhEna, eon tana, for a perion of time.n oommencirg July 1. 1881: said light to he furnished at the place t be designatod in the city of Heene Said. bi•s should be seated, marked "Proposals for Light" and left with the city clerk at his office in city hall, between now nad noon of the des aforesaid. io bide receivedaftel 12 o•cloo•'. Cit reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the citly mae June 14 1912 ciy UYDNE . MoINTIRIH (itty Clerk. Dated June 8, 18192. NOIICE OF STOCKHOLDERB' MEETINO. Notice is hereby given thet a meeting of the stookholders of the Iair Mining & ridling cor- pany will e held t the olle of the ompany, at •l'l Knight street. in the city of Helena. stae of Montana. on %ednesday. the 2th day o July,1842. at two o'clock p. Mi., of said dar, for the purpose of submitting to euch stockholders a proposition to incrree the cnpital stock of the llac Mining & Miliingr oomlpny to the amount of four hundre. thousand (t00,000) sharee. of the par alue oe dollas ($5) I er shae: the pre. cut apital stock do said company being three hundred thousand oI00.000) shares of the pa value of five dollars (*$). By order of the board of trustee. A. MoLEAN. President. H. A. MACLEAN. Secretary. J. C. Mc(CANN, A. MCLEAN. H. A. MACIlEAN. Majority of Trustees. Dated Helena, June 14. 18912. P"AIF@ R.R. THE GREAT TRAISCONTINENTAL ROUTE, T'HE DIZnG aOLAs LrnL ,Dining Care ron between dhioaegoSt StPaul. Mlnneepol. Wpeg. Belea. ballen Tacoma.t PULLIMAN SLEEPING CAR ROUTEB, Plnlmsa aerrice dalyI betwese Chiocgo, 1t. Paul, omnta., and the l oslfic Nortkwest and between St. Pal. Minneapolis and Mia. msotsa. North Dakota and Manitoba oit. THE POPULAR LINE. Daily rpres Traine carry elegant Pullman Sleeping CarsDining Cars, Dy Coaches, lull. uts Tourist Sleeiars end Iros Colonist Slee. YELLOWSTONE PARK ROUTE The Northern Pacific t. . Ris the rail line te Yellowstone Prk the popular line to Califor. ai sad Alaska; its trains pe through the grandest scenery of sven states. THROUGH TICKETS. re sold at aI counponofaees of the Northesa aefie lRailroed to points North, usat. 8oath end West. in the United Stats, end Canada. TIME SCHEDULE. TRAINSA arIv AT BaldnA. It. 1. Pacific Mail, west bound ........ 1:35 p o.2, Atlantio manL east bound........ 10:21 al No, 5, Lojran end tlelon paeernger. sonnstmng at Logan with trainNo. 8. Paio express westbound........ 2:10 a. a No. 6, Garrison and Helena passenger. conneoting at (iarriron with train No. 4. Atlantic eres eatbound.. 12:25 p. m. o. 8 Msrysvillu passenger............. 0 mt .b. LMarvills as ommodailon..... I:1 p. m No. U. Wikek. SouldOer and llknora assnsr...................... . 5:0 No 102., Rimini mixed. Monday. Wed- nesdays and Fridays .................... 500 p. i TRAINSDUPAET FROK IIILUNA. No. 1. Facifle Mail west bound........ 1:50p. u o. 2, Atlantic Mal. eat bound....... .. 10:l p. S o. I. Helena and Logan Phasenger. rcnnecting at Loran with train No. 4, Atlantic s•res eastbound... 1:10 p. a No. 5. Helena ad Garri passenger. connecting at Garrison with train No. . Pnelflo expres westbound.... :l•s a. m $ o. 7, Marysville passenger............. 7 i No. 9, Marysvle acoommodation..... 8:00p. m No. in, Wick. lBoulder and Elkhorn Pusmnra.. .......... ............ 7:5 No. 101. oUmini mixed. Mondays, Wed- needa" and Fridays ................. 8:15a. M. For Bates, Maps. Time Tables or special Information apply to Chas, S. Fees, General PIssenger and Ticket Arnet, t. L al, Slan., or .PRO. =. ==GAR, General Agent of the Northern Pacieo . IB., a, BHELNA. MOOL -PATENTS.-. United States and Foreign Pat: ents obtained and any information given. EDWARD C. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law. Pittaburgh Block. Helena, Moa. OVEY & BICKEI CIVIL AND MINING LIGINEERS ROOMS 24, 26, Merebans altloen ank nMalldMin lElna bontutm

Transcript of rs,. Full Quart Cans 35 j; Full Quart Cans 40 Cents..-,* t to ll t Iston of Afseetattea ib lrepati...

Page 1: rs,. Full Quart Cans 35 j; Full Quart Cans 40 Cents..-,* t to ll t Iston of Afseetattea ib lrepati ag $tE 'tt-.a Prlie nlees - June SS.-ESpeeial.]-The JSll is to be elebrated ngra.

.-,* -'t o t

ll t Iston of

ib Afseetattea lrepati ag$tE 'tt-.a Prlie nlees -

June SS.-ESpeeial.]-TheJSll is to be elebrated

ngra. style. Mayorhag edwed in getting up an ex-

me. The oration will beDr. D fend, of Deer Lodge

seemIoan will take place In thewhile batte and lSseman willl*etball enthusieht lia the after-

SL. eventing fireworks will he•rm the amoatain "Old Baldy"

bte the lower hills.o etrehs failed to show here

ooensLg on a eount of washout.L ~a~'np h to Livingston in qrder

1 eh i dates.; atyv bridge at Central park i in

.t car ried away unlees thee.. An rperpt trom Minneap-

aptied 8atauday to look after the workit it possible. County Commle-

RuI ahtsek has been kept on the move" e-, cka aoeeant of high water.

i . Wyie left Tuseday for a hor t isit

A large amount of building is being donel )$sestan this summer and all buildming

$aenw rented. Some two hundred are erested or well under way, and all

t t the latest desiRn. The new west. ahool house, coating $40,000, is being

rasdly rused through, the foundationshe, already laid. The east aide scohool

w•-a- will have a large addition put on ititle: Among the finer dwelling houses

•nag built are those of John A. Lune, J. E.rin D. D. Smith, Win. Frances, E. P.

dwell and Dr.. Sanderson, all in the westpad.The bfouring mill is another of the build-f•ra to be erected here. It will cost $75,-

T. he foundation is now complete.The work oP'laying the track for theiletrlo line began in earnest Monday. A

Sforce of men are at work and willLsLSd. -r. i w.A ... f rw .

4p c" tea to arrive nasuroay, anarobably be in operation by

evening a very enjoyable "six-re party' was given at the resl-

of L. E. Haskett, in honor of Mrs.Jia l raskett. who leaves shortly for her

Chi in Chicago. About twenty-five in-Rguests were present. A nice luncheon

- eas also served.V. .& Toll, who has been living in Cali-

'otnla all winter, returned to BozemanJonday to look over his mining interests.,d The members of the old band are gettingtbelr instr ments together in order to re-

. D. Ellis has purchased a large quantityo *f oats, for which he is paying $L30, andji eote them to go much higher.

The strawberry crop in this valley will be,ary large and some growers have alreadymntracted their entire orep.,Samuel. Mendenhall arrived home from

loapell college Tuesday. He will spend hisil ation in Bozemph.

. lmer Ray is now in Butte, where he maydecide to remain.

John J. Coleman, of Helena, was regis-tered at the Bozeman Thursday.

The base ball team left here Friday morn-• •g for Butte to look for fresh scalps. Theyexpeet a hard game, but go there confidentof doing the boys of the "Smoky City."

C. S. Hartman left for Livingston Wednes-day on legal business.

E. E. Veltum and wife, after an enjoya-ble visit to the Pacific coast, returned homeTaesday.

Tuesday evening a return leap year partywas given in the Armory hall by the youngmen who were lately entertained by theyoung ladies. The programme an excellentone, consisting of twenty-one dances. Finemusic was rendered by the Bozeman or-chestra. An elegant lunch was served atthe Palace cafe. About forty couple werepresent.


Democrats Well Pleased With the Nom-Insation or Cleveland-Big Exhibits.

BILLItaIs, June 25.-[Special.1-The newsof the nomination of Grover Cleveland wasreceived with great satisfaction in Billings.The great majority of the democrats inYellowstone were for Cleveland fromthe start, and he will poll the full demo-cratic vote here. The republicans, on thecontrary, were all for Blaine, and thonghmost of them will take their medicine andswear they like it, there are some whowould rather see Cleveland win than Har-rison.

Two circuses are billed for our town,Mllahon's for Baturday and Robinson'sfor the let.

The Yellowstone Fair association will bein shape to have a fine exhibition aboutOctober L It is proposed to make an ex-hibition at Helena also that will demon-strate the agricultural and stock capabili-ties of this county. Mr. O'Donnell, one ofour most progressive farmers, is president,and he is making strenuous exertions tomake the affair a success. I. J. Martinhas a fleece on ezhibition that will be avail-able for the World'sfair. It is flnedelaine-Mnerino, weighs twenty-three pounds andwas taken from one of his rams. C. D.Camp has a fleece from a yearling weighingeighteen pounds. As for agriculturalproducts we will astonish the nation.

The Yellowstone river has been recedingfor several days. It attained its greatestheight on Wednesday, when it was overnine feet above low water mark, and higherthan ever known since the white men camein. All the ferry cables have gone out andthe Narthern Pacific bridge is the onlymeans of crossing. Great precautions weretaken to protect the railway track andeverything is safe.

The city is about to build a stone jail andbids are to be called for for ts constrruc-tion. There are more hobos and worth-leess characters in town than ever before,and a jail large enough to accommodate allwho ought to be in it would be a big one.

Owing to the rains there has been con-siderable delay in bringinir in the wool forshipment. A great amount is expected andso far the wool press has been kept busy.It is one: ater by the well known wool buyer,Alex Fraser.

Mr. Sam Ianton, of BIozman, with hislittle daughter Claire, is in town this week.

The Episcopal Sunday school gave a verypleasant picnic at Caldwell's ranch on Mon-day.

Rev. H. Sharpley has gone to attend theEpiscopal convocation at Ielena.

Mr. Lane has lately been making greatimprovements on his residence.

Mrs. Paul McCormick returned from hervisit to Missoula on Wednesday.

There is to be an Indian war dance atOuster on the Fourth of July. It will, nodoubt. attract many visitors.

ieas. Tut. with her little daughter Mar-garet, were down from Rapids this week.

Mr. Fred Fields is spending the summervacation with his parents. Mr. Fielde isstudying mining at a college in Denver,Colo., and intends returning to that city inBeotember.

mr. and Mrs. Strait, after spending ser-eral days in town, returned to their ranchat Ball mountains on Tuesday.

Mrs. Charle Speir accompanied by heriter, Miss Gruwesll, returned from hervis•tto Der LodG e and Dillon Saturday.wa• unable to reach all the potnts she

' se las iltitt because of the loods.

portion ofhtrm horldti a dbore ae mls a rep.

b t|Ot of the cruciittoan.. s theI rtfi oft thiq piece of we s artSa inaste h•a. Every detil wa

This was what most attracted the attea-tion of Ziaraohi, and he bagged and pleadedwith the keeper of the morgue to give himthe strip of cuticle covered by the plctue.He even offered 10 for it, and when toldthat he could not have it without an orderfrom the coroner he stormed and raved, de-claring it to be rightfully hie anyway, bb-caused he had assseted in the recovery ofthe body. The keeper finally told him tocall at the morgue again, and that he wouldin the meantime speak to the coroner in rmgard to the matter.

Upon being plied with questions as towhat he proposed to do with the etrip oftattooed outicle, after he got it, Zisrachisaid that in Morocco, where he had pasmedthe greater partot his life, there were manydealers in curios who would give him from810 to $100 for such things, according tothe artistic flnih of the picture. He hadbmade hundreds of dollars by trading withthese merchants. and had learned the secretof properly prepar;ng the skin for framing.The cuticle is first carefully dried andtanned, and is then treated with a peculiarsolution of poisonous druge, which has theeffect of bringing into bold relief the pig-ments used in the tattooing. It is after-ward pressed between two plates of glassand allowed to stand for a mouth or so,after which it Is framed and placed on sale.Many prominent citizens of the larger citiesof the orient, the Syrian stated, had thewalls of their houses decorated with theseobjects.

In some parts of Arabia, according to hisstatement, the ahieks of certain tribes al-wave had their own portraits tattooed upontheir backs. After the death of one of themthe cuticle bearing the portrait was care-fully out away and prepared accordiung tothe usual process, and reverently carriedfrom placd to place by the bereaved tribe.Zarachbi said that the picture on the arm ofthe drowned man at the morgue would beworth $10 to $60 to him.


It Won a Fine Jack-Pot, but Caused aDisastrous Overflow.

"A growing jack-pot was the cause oflast year's destructive overflow jutt northof New Orleans," said Johann Schmidt. ofNew Orleans, at the Lindell to a St. LouisGlobe-Democrat reporter. "You will recallthat at 10 o'clock one night during thetremendous rise in the Mississippi last year,while the people on the east bank werecongratulating themselves on the securityof their levee, a big break occurred only afew miles north of New Orleans, and thewater rashed into the valley and over-flooded a portion of country that had notflooded for a quarter-century. Theowner of the plantation on which thecrevasse was made was at the hour I men-lrnad in wn oenitiino nwrn n! ,. 1,ithhoned in an exciting game of poker withlive other planters. The play had been go-ing against him all evening and when atlast he saw sparkling in his hand threeround, corpulent noes before the draw Ihelifted the pot, pulled his hat down over hiseres and in defiant tones inquired how ,much company he would have.

Everybody stayed with him, and just ashe had discarded and picked up a couple ofblack eights a negro rushed breathlesslyinto the room and shouted that the wat'rwas eating through the only weak spot inthe levee. A little attention at the momentcould have strengthened the crumblinglevee. All that was needed was a bit ofstraw, a few sacks of gravel and a cool headto direct orerations. But that jack pot wastoo absorbing. Each player held betterthan two pair, and the indications werethat before the betting got around to thestarter the roof would be raised and all theblue would be scraped off the empyrean.Not the least attention was paid to thenegro's warning. and before that jack potwas settled, for the sheer reason that no-body else had am thing left to bet, thewater had gained such headway that it wasimpossible to check its mad fury, and be-fore morning the plantations of all theplayers were flooded, and even New Orleanswas threatened.

HANDSOME NEW QUARTERS.The Montana hnoe Company Is Now

Ready for a Big Business.The benefits of the continuous and judi-

cious use of advertising space in THE INDe-PENDNT in calling the attention of thepublic to a particular business has beenegein exemplified in a striking manner.For a long time the Montana Shoe company occupied a neat, but rather a smellstore, on Main et eat, near Rnleiah &Clarke's. The company hand!ed only thebest grades of goode. and while this was agreat ca-d in its form, there were hundre.'sof people who did not know of the store.Some tims ago the company aeon eda regular space in THE INDEPErNDENTand kept it filled all the time with a netand attractive adveltisement. In a littlewhile this began to tell, anl finally the oldquarters became too cramped for the grow-ing trade. An excellent location was se-Icured in the store vacated by Thomas Goff,and workmen were kept busy for weeksfiring it up. They flinished a little whileago and a few days ago Measr. Clarke &Fr auk got settled in their new quarte a. Itis one of the handsomo•t shoe sto es in thissection, and with the fine goods displayedit would attract attentirn and patronage ina large eastern city. The conmpany is nowprerared not only to take careof its alreadylarge trade, but also to look out for itsgrowth in the future.


A Teacher \hn Hadl Plenty of ExerciseWith Hlls IPupils.

After teaching s.hool for fifty-one years,Johann Jakob Haberle of Germany diedsome years ago, and his diary has just beenpublished, in which the punishments he ad-ministered are all noteM down. He gave911.517 strokos with a stick, 214.100 "smites"with ai birch rod, 10.9;j hits with a rator1:9;.715 hand smacks. 101.2, saln a on theface, 7,905 boxes on the eare, 115 800 blowseon the head, 12.70• tusks f-ou, the Bihitr,catechinlm, the poets irnd gramar-everytwo years he had to buy a Bible, to replacethe one so roaughly handled by his scholar;777 tmues he ri:ade his pupils kneel on n asand 5,001 scholars had to do penance with airuler held over their hends. Ac to, hisabusive words not ua third of theml were tobe found in any dictionary.--Philadelphia iLedger.

C:arrds Marked with Cigarrette stain,..A sign new to the fraternity and1 frequent-

ers wes posted in all the Cheyenne gam-bling houses last night, says a Globe-l)ern-ocrat disputch. It is over the pokjer tables,and read., "cigarette sutokinkg is btarred atthis game." The emaciateRd "Oregon hick"

und two companion cardl sharks have beenbeating every poker game for three weeks.Their work was not discovered until a fewdays ago. All smoked cigarettes andrmrked cards with nicotino stain. Afterhalf ia doin hands they could lend thedecks by the backs. All the educated sportsin town were fleeced, and the winnings ofthe trio are estimated at $8,000 to $10,000.The stains were found by a black employedas porter in one of the houses after the ar-tists had failed to find anything under amicroscops. When once known the stainsare very plain.

Strength and Healtih.If you are not feeling strong and healthy,

try Electric hitters. If "la grippe" hasleft you weak and weary, use Electric lat-ters. 'Thi remedy acts directly on liver,stomach itnd kidneys, gently aiding thoseorgans to perform their functions. If youare afflicted with sick headache, you willfind speedy and permanent relief by takingElectric Bitters. One trial will convinceyou that this is the remedy you need. Largebottles only 5Oo, at It. h. Hale & Co.'s drugstore.

mercatile stu pes-J ~V5t strll• .se aonlt.o G a et-a ,

CllCABO UAT i'tt!,.

stoa aNe ilyosM. 1$8.1 O. Teianps [email protected]

k h•s and . it htoert t hto low.o

t, hep--c',oelpt Oma steady tow akt natieUn.iotn Pdireianp, 2t 4 I".O t westerns, $4.'8.1., natile foesui 1, A .5 0t3•D,,

:e'io . JuneS.--Clos--Wheat--teadyt cash

ern--Hbhc cash, ,501c: July, 49eo.

Yat cas, 8~; July, c.K HOLEoBu , 8p..., lE

Moneo ot call and su closoied 4Rased 1hmeork-Cash, July .e10 K Sh0.8 re87 ta

lard-Caso. Jutne 5-( ttJuly. 00short riate- Cah Ju Tr', #dV ,0s, 110.shoulders --l5,7c ti;00.

s hereby ioen to the stock e iers o the on-roh dat, h lwaikes Beer Agetrdy t tc erle ntierst a eetin Juno.-oe i e), at to ., at oics

1o. •. iranit block. for tJhbe purpose of eion o o:hhr an such bOsiw4: l may come

oats-her meinga, )lt KAJul, % ereary.Horelena, JuneJ, I0.181.

the erection a Ctholic rch in Boulders rtill be received by the eJal rtary til J 2s

i hebuilding is to bthe stof brick, olers of the ('oet"er a ne and seon .ifit atte pply to J. . flaNo. el, arahitec Helenack. anr the pur oster of eleormon apply theo n H. NMnr K, secretary, Boulder,

elonan. June Y

OTICF TO LL ONTIIAUTOI--BIIID TFtU-tele of this district wi ll Junreeive eai pro

seis Up to 7ildn p t . Thursday. siule 71 feet.eFor penting the new sith ward school building,Driereth a return tu bular steel boiler wither ine gratesiorge enoughpl to ot thNenmyrsecretary, foulder, om

)uildit,glas.t standard ptpe,t.rane standard pit eauiators,onl theluwer floor to be snpplied withediatots and the pipe run np throuch tscundloor reedy to connect with radiation in schtool

omre, one to twenty-five feat. and in all the re-aindler of first floor one to forty feet. Con-cactor must make opening large enough to getis boller in, and relair all daimages clone by thiscork. Alc, wi•ter service; one-inch gavanizedcie, white e:,emele.i eink 18011 on each floornd sill cock on outside wall: also four-Inch i on

and sill cock on outtside wall: also four-nch i onpipe .rain to c3Fspool. this cespool to'be twentyfeet from building and stoned np 5xlxlt

Iy order of the boota. F. W. LLIt. Clerk.Helens, June 25, 18.,2.

SUMMONS-IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFthe First judicial district of the state of Mon-

tana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke.Logan Smith, plaintiff, vs. Loui'a smith, de-

fendant.The state of Montana sends greeting to the

above-named defendant:You are hereoy required to appear in an action

brought against ou by the above-named plain-tiff in the cdttrict court of the First judicialdistrict of the state of Montana, in and for thecounty of Lew;s and Clarke, and to snswer thecomplaint filed therein, within tan days (exclu-sive of the day of service) after the service onyou of this summons, if served within this county;or, if ,erved o,t of this county, but within thisdistrict, within twenty days: otherwise withinforty days, or judgment by default will be takenagainst you, according to the prayer of said com-plaint.

the said action is brought to obtain adecreeof this court d asolving the bonds of matrimonyhere:oforu and now eai,tins between plaintitfand yourself, upon the grutud toat you did. onJune 21, 8llt. vwiully andwittout cause ures•rtncndaban'on pla niut, and lhai oer since con-tinued and still costinne so to do. without cans"or reason, and against thte will of plainit ft andwithout his consent; and for general rel'ef. Allas mole fully appears tiom the complai.t on fileherein, to which reference is had.

Anti you are hereby notitie I that if you fail toapp ,'ar and answer the saidl complaint. as aboverequired. the said plaintiff will apply to the courtfor the relief domalded in :the comolaint.

Given under my hand and the ie:alof the districtcourt of the First judicial district of the dtato ofMtontana. in and for the county of ewis andClarke. this 2'dl day of June. in the yeat ofour Lt.rd one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.

1[ smt.. I J(HIN BElAN. Clerk.Iv lt. It. TlOMPsoN. I)Deputy C(e-k.

F. N. and S. 1t. gCINTIRE, Plaintiff's Altorneys.

SUMMONS-IN THE DISTRICT COURTof the First judicial district of the state of

Montana. in and for the county of Lewis ant

inunlio . Merritt, plaintiff, vs. Madeline I•Iallard, defendant.

The state of Alontana sends greeting to theabove named defendant:

Yon are hereby required to appear in an actionbrought agaistat you by the above named plain-tiff in thl district court of the First judicial dis-triet of the state of Montana, in and for thecounty of Lewis and Clarke, and to ausv;er thecomplaint filed therein. within teni daysexclusive of tie day of service) after thin,ervice on you of this summonsre, f served within

thin count : or, if eerved out of thts county. butwithin thli district, within te:ity days: otherwisewithin forty days. or judgment by default willbe taken against you, according to the prayer ofsaid complitut.

The said action is brought to quiet the title ofplaintifl to that cert.s,n lot, of land, sit .ate. ly-ing and bring in the city of liel•na county ofL.owis and t'larse. state of Montana, to-wit: ot,fift en (15). in blocki h tro.' "i) if the originaltownste of Helen!a: to obtata a dectre if thiscourt removing the cloud from pl iuttlt a titleSti said had; adjudgtlug an t docliaring that tsodefendant has no incre-t or ,iatit wabtnver insaidl land. and that one ccrtain deed ti dlelend-ant is ull antid void as agOinjt plaintiff's tit.ePthereto: ani that the feo simple to Msaidland is in the plaintiff, anid plaintiff havengboon in the actual undisturbed possestion of saidland for sixteon years last pees, ani having heldporeseocion during said t:moe adversely to te-fonldant: and for such furth r relier as may heust and equitable: all of which alppears moreully in the complaint on hie herein to whichipecirt reference is hereby made.And you are hereby notified that if' yo fall to

I appear and answer the said complaint. as abovertequired, the said plaintiff will apply to tiecourt i ,r tihe reelf dm'•nhltl it, the complaint.

Given under my hand ants tI seal of the die=trictcourtof the First jidicial dlitriet of thes e:ate of Montana. in and for the county of Lewis

and I'larke, this I th day of( teal j May, in the year of our Lord.

Ditrict one thousanld eight hundred and(tourt. ninety-two.

SR- •

.JOHN BEAN, Cleric.S By It. It. Tttoi't. Ii, t•tity ('lark.SE. L. KNOwL . Attornesy for plaintiff.

HE2l f tl8 8 E !tIE .iiUNN Ita ENt)i 'A loestm• nt 'o.. ia ctrt:or tr;tin. plaintiff. vs.

Willis::. ,Jame, Nitonan anti t'aLiterltll .totan,;'th wifi, dtfenadanti.

Ln, ier and iby viltue of anll ord.r of saile andin idtcr.i of f.o',l.•!surd bd sii" i+ i' !.("d Doit of the

diat, ijo court of I ,o Jirit .,a ii..It distriot .f ttsstate r f Mtontanl, illn and fo. Llt! ro unty of Iewitanol (',ark,. .n he 2:'Glh ;,v lt .llL', A. I).Ihnk. ill the above entitled actionl. wlr•Irtnit•'Ih1tn,1anlt0I I o Ilmttlnor t t'o.. . corporation,.

tthe atovo namotl pinaitiff, obtained a judgmentand doeron of toreclos'ur. and till. against8i iliam Jon..,. citaus and thrint Noonan.hi- wits d-tft niat:to, on tin .ith lay .. f May, A.D. 1J.!2. for tihm ll ,f sn W .:t.4. o ,tcLie o ioner,st,tIot anId atlortriy feON. which ealid (becr,,, wanoll th' tlth daty of Mlay, A. I). Ltr.ccorddhl ill

udgtment took N..o li of Faid 'ort at pagetS. am Coer:tatd ltd I(n (ll all ihxoo. certain

loth. Irpeco or larctIl. of landti, on it(lto. lying at Ilcing in tllo ctuntyr of Lwi and ('lalrk. tatrof Montana, and ounded and dthcrilad an tul-lowo, o -wit.:

Il...ts nontotred lift•lri (15) atnl oixteon tl). inbtlock itt edito brt twntty (Iiy of the horiritrln 1'arilic addition to t.h rcity of lolena, a sohowtt bythe r.'onrdtd jlat tIhtrof. .on ilo ith Ieo ofli', r.fStioe crlr amll roc.trlr of l(ris and t larko

onotAy. I...t.tattn.'j o•otner with all and ningular he tnloto•,

Ionrelaitag anol atd ap rtln•locutg titorounto bo-tongilng or in alywia, apltprjrtainillg.I'ublii n.tice in herleby givotn that on 'l u,•"ay.tIhe 1IthdIay If Jaly. A. DI. ltrM. at 12 o'cloIck

It. of that day at the fronlt do,.r of I ott h rtimlnat.Hlelent. lewis ani (:lark. ctunty. Montana, IIwill. in otaldlenco to said ordhr of oall. and isn:roof fnreeloarot and alt,, roli tl(h ahlovo dennrilt(dIrop.rty. or a• mulch. thlrngofl Il may be lttuo•onaryto fatisfy said jdgntont. with Itl!rneot and ronts,to e 1t ltiol(ht anIId belt Iiddor, for catl In hand.

Olsvn tlo:ldr •y hland thii Lollt day o. Jumin,A. D. 1a2.

(IlAI M. M..llb 'l/.ItI. HlSoriff.IBy IiAt-u ft. J4OlNHUO, Dleputy ltlhoritf.

BOARD AND fof001! IlrHlPJ.JJ).p

lFut I;.N'i'.--11OOMS AND BOARD, ,SWatrrea t.reet, corner Sixth avn.

•1O'i I T--liOOl I I'fIVA'I kAMlX._awlls or without board at f Lwin •street.


oastre a opendes

ITUATION TD-B ~MTDY YOUNG-ALi.tdretan ne o r tori wied oe tmo "


grto drive deliverto y wagon or work in storIa

Adorns P, BA, p6A1 Boulder Avenue,


board and

-ATI-AN iTh iU- GYSNE14At HOUNE-mawork at 501 Barrison aremne,

thing, city reterwnrio•e. Address W.C.HELPWANTED- II(ALE.


Sto o etrnds. orner. .. t oLawrenice a.

,`!ANTJED-WOMAN D.UE ,, 24 EDWARD3Ssta~ et• d shier, a month, Ilihelan building, tan Irjacisoo, Cal.

board and room.


mion, offered; a 20 weekly aarneoines. an make fromScandinavian wee x-

uoxffic, 21, buttre city onstreetA ELD- WANTED-MALE.

W ea14 to go etrnd. Corner Lawrence al -Park avenue._ ANTED-CEANDLEN. 24 EDWARDSkr'ANIED-.ENOSTih1C YOUNG MAN TOt ihen building. aoren s Vido. Cal. otx

many of our agente. Samnpem tree. V'. . box

1325471, Helena.


SRENTE-THREEOUG MA WITH 200 TOFUNIHDV cotake afor interest epin profitable ofasi the bs

pedoor.iene not neHolliesary, avenue. ., poto


meat and plark street. iadiavien mpo-


fr ntle rooms. ifth avelene and actty a

town in Montana. Address Videx. P. U. Box254, Helena. -


door. 614 ollins avenue.

S$10 per mouth. 212 North Rodney street.aORl IENT-TNICELY FUtNISHEN ROOM, tSone gentlemanu, $6 pe r mont. 562 Hih-

I RENTli-COMFORTABLY FURNISHEDiF rooms at reaunal rate. Harvey blook,brand street.' Next door hotel Heloena.


I ORBElNT--SIX-00R M BRICK, GABS. BATHfurnace, 415 1 ighth avenue, near t.oiney.

1'Olt RENT-TWO-ROOM HOUSE TO MANI and wife. or two ladies; furnished it desired.Addr s.s A. B.. this office.

T•UI ,ENT--NAT' 4-11ROM COTTAGE ONI Itreckenridge, $12; 4-room eottaga, SouthRodney, $8; neat bricn cottaga. nartiallyfurnisoed. on Highland near Chaucer. $15; lareo7-room dwelling on west sied, 51: 8-room mod-ernhoos0. corner Twelfth and Dakota, $30; 11-room dwelling with all modern improvements,on Broadway, near Raleigh, $45; 8-room moderndIelling. $27.',: building on Main street, suita-ble for carp'-ntor or paint shop, $15. WalterMlathe on. :69 'orth Main street.

1'OlR ,EN'I-HO USE ON EAST SIDE, INgood neighborhood, nine minutes from post-

oilce; city and cistern water, nice lawn: hastood outbuildinge, including carriage housee.stable room for four horses and chicken house.Apply (i. W. Graham. at Independent office after6l:;O p. m.

FUR lENT-HERBERIT B. IREIED & CO.,'IThompson block, opposite (rand Central

hotel, have the largest list of houses and roomsfor rent in the city.

FOIt RENT-DES.IRABLE RESIDENCE ONIEighth avenue, five doors below Rodneystreet; rent $20.

1.`O:t IENT-VERY DESIRABLE RESI-.5tdence. nin, rooms, on Rodney street near

Sixth avenue. Bteele & Clemente

FI 'Or BENT-SIX-ROOM FRA•IIME HOUSE ONEleventh avenue, $20 per month. Steele &


o R HIFNT-UNFURNISHIED 1LOOMS ANDapartments of all kinds and in desirable

locations. atSe to $10 per room. Call and exam-ineour list. Yallace & Thoruburgh. Denverbuilding.


F•OR INT--'ITWO UNFURNISHEItD ROOMS/' for light I:ousekeeping. 517 Breckenridgestreet.

ult RENT--N,'rotl ON MAIN BTtrIEET,large and desirable; cheap rent. W. E. C•uz

Giold boluck.

TOR IIENT--FURNISIED H1OUSE, ALL,Smotdetrn convenionc s Call at t;03 North

Warren staeet

1(Olt RIENT- STOliKE OR OFFIC( 0 ROOM1 INorpra houu., Steele & Clements.

IOl1L RENT F'IE LAlGE ItAHIEMENT ONJU Upper Main street teeole & Clements.

L'OR It.NT-- -U UNFURN I IED tOOMS INouera hous,. hteeoi & t'lomnents.


SOSHT--JA•RK BROWN IIO10BE. WEI(HT- boat 1i0"l. agot 11 years, indistinct brand

T on left aoulelr. collar ecar abovl, it. Euita-ltl reward for return to It. K. l)oCamp. 514Sixth avess.

1 (1ST - IUN MAIN STRIEIT, BETWEENS ixth avst, alnd ands Bros. atBre, a gold

pen with learl hsande. Ituturn to Land ofice,lower blhck.

iOsT-A 'IME I•) IK. A iX OIiED DEEDOand naturaltiou opt, prs. L'indtler will

confer a favor by leavit:g rale at this olice.

1OHT--ATl' 12 M. A. LADY'S GOLD WATCHbetween conor of Ilreckenridae and Warren

and lo--r lItol ey. Rleturn to this office andbtnder will Ie liberally rewarded.


(I1ONEY '1' LOAN ON lMPlctVED ('CITYand farm property. Wm Fesadv.

MONIY T LOAN ON IMPROVED FAIttand city proierty at reasonable rates ofinterest Ita, . & t lenoete.

lONEY TO It AN-IItIiBElt IIII. IthElDCo.. Tahotpsn block, ojieoite (irand ceo-


MONEY T10 LOAN-STILELr & CLEIMENTS.In asur to suit, low rate of interest, nonmmitsioa, ao intereet In advance, no duly

j; Full Quart Cans 40 Cents.


0 rs,. Full Quart Cans 35 entsi Ir" i & . k -


BACH, CORY & OO.,Fine Grocers and Liquor Dealers, Helena,. Montana.


j'OR SALF. -FOUR IOOM H(OUSE ONSouth lodney, $800; 20 down, balance on

long time. Address X. A., this oftice.

FOR BALE-$'0 FOIl A FINE LEVEL LOT4' 2100. on Fifth avenus, between a'eieh

and Holnbatk; $800 downl balance two ysre' timeat 8 per cent. Walter Matheson. 193 N. Mlainstreet.

FUR BALE-A FINNI LEVEL LOT. 50x140,with 20-foot al;ey. city water in front, to

some man who wants to build a dwelling. 1 willeel this lot at $10 per foot and give five yearstime for entire purchase money. Walter Mathe-son, 859 N. Main street.

FOl ttALE-- 2,500: TWO-STORO IEBIDSENCES of seven rooms- water on both floors stableand oatbnildings: Ninth avenue, between ieattieand ale'gh;this is a bargain. tesle & Clem.ents.

OR SALE-FINE EIGHT-ROOM BRICKresidence on west side. only two blocks

from Main street; fronts on two streets; verycheap. Steele & Clements.

FOR SALE-FINE EIGHT-ROOM BRICKhonese on Spencer street, near Rodney. only

few minotes fiom postoliupe, at great bargain.Steelo a Clements.

FI•Ox AL-$3 8I, Oxs8b, 8-OOM RIIICTH-c-elar, wa r, etc, on •aleign street; $8,8(0.

42x88, 9-ronm brisk, cellar, water, etn, on Ral.aih street; $5,100, 50x00 feet, 8-room frame

house, on kaner boulevard; 4.500. 45xi00 feet.b-room trame bhoss on Broadwaye eo S. treabe

FOR SALE-ELA.GANT RESIDENCE ONwest side at a bargain; ten rooms, furnace

bath room and all modern fittings; good barnend outbuildings. Wnm Muth, sat.

LOR SALE-TWO 1SX-otOOM HOUSES ONFI west nsde; easy terms; near now schoolbuilding, foanmry and electric lines. ~maMuth, agt.

FOR BALE--FIFTY FEET ON HELENASavenue near foot of Rodney at three-fourthsactnal value. stele & .ClementeaFOR BALE--A FINE CORNER ON NORTHI Main street 100xln feet, fronts on threestreets; will be sold at a great sacrifice. SteeleClements.

FOl SALE--A LARGE NEW IIOUSE ONprominent avenue; has all modern improve-

ments and is in good condition pirice very lowand terms to suite snap. W. & Cox. Goldblock.

FOR SALE-I HAVE SHEVEtAL NUitL RteS-i fdences on the west side for sale at differ-

ent prices and terms, l'arties wishin to buy ahome will do well to call and see what I can ot-cen Wm. Moth. agt.FOR SALE-RENTA L PROPERTY IN OH1iG-

inal townsits;: wilt sell on easy terms, at agreat sacrifice, improved property on Itinf0street and on Pine street. Steele & Ciements.

FOR BALE-S-,000: . $0 CASH, IALANEon long time, buys a new three-room house.

lot 50x1b2. Address box 577, city.

ORUK SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST' anhes in Montana., ,ntr0 acrs, every acre

can be irrigated and have abundance of water,fine range on every side, good market for eve•l•thing produced, good improvements; will be soleta great bargain. W. L. Cox. Gold block.

F UI- SALE-LUO I AN U AtttLEAtit Ai' KAL-Sispell the new railroad town in the Flat-

head valley. 1 m. IMuth, agt.

1FOR O ALE--i'OICtE ItESIDEN{CE LOTS INSHaunser addition at very low prices. Wm.

Moth, Aet.I'OR S.IL--LU W--A O 'HtOlC BUlLDING

,t faoin on llroadwater hotel grounds(castfront) Wm. Mutn, sat

F eOR ALE-i.8tl.0, 75x12 FEET. 4-10011frame hoouse, lroadwater motor line; $6.500,

50txlO feet, i-room frame honse 50 feet doublefrontage on Benton and Park avenue, bunesoroperty; 05.000, 84u110 feet, 8-room framehouseonlawrence street; $5,000, 1001140 feet 9-roombrick house on Eleventh avenue. l S. i!renohC..

_R BALE-$5,0t. 40x100 FEET. 0-1100OF brick, bath. ellar,,st.. gas fixtures, doablefrontageo on two streets. E. S. French & Co.

fOlO SALE--1,800. '25x13, 4-1LOOM F•RAMEon Dakota avenue; $4,00, 50x84, 7-room

frame hanse, Blake street; $4,000, 2x88 feet9-room brick on Sixth avenue, ISeattie; $1,110.-x:88 feet, 8-room brick onliattie street. L. I.French tCo.1Oflt BALE-FOR $400 GOOD BUILDINGI lot 0x150 on South end of Rodney steetladdress box 777, city postoffico,

FOlt SAL--Ruxl1t0 FEEiT ON LYNDALEavenue at a bargain, terms to suit. steele .


Madison avenue, west side, east front, lot12:x200 f-et; cash buyer can secoure a great bar-gain. (teele & t'lement.

rui; 1 ALE--4Z.•0. foxl40 FEET, 5-ROOMr" frame house on flhth avenue} $9,500, 50 t40feet, -room brick house on iSghthl avenueo;5.o000 41x10 feet, 5-room frame house on Broad-way; ,4200, 45x1000 feet, 5-room brick house.corner. Broadway. E. S. French & Co.

T O1 bALE--NEI W MIX-;OOM HOUSE 1iSBroadwater addition, only one block from

electric motonr small payment down, balanceinstallments. Steele & Clements.

IsOli GAL-$5.000. 5(x!40 IFEET. 6-ROOMUlIt 'ALE-$5,00. 1x;40 1T'r, 10-iOOM-. frame house, a corner on Warren Ftreett1-,500, 75z150 feet, 8-room stone house on Madi-son avenues $8.500 40x118 feet. 6-room framehouse, corner. on (;hauo•r street;. $8.O, 40alfeet. 0room frame onare on Uheacer street. .h. Frenoh & C.F oI .SALK-.OItNELI 1T. tlOxilO. on best

residence street in the city; full view oftho east side and rvalley. Address bo 1?77. citypoetotlice.

Liclit BALE--AT A BARGAIN--50 FEIOL' ON. Broadway near Hobslk; easy terms. d-

drae postotlice box d. Helena.


POIt HALE--BED RIOOM UllT. HEATING1 stovo and kitchen furniture cheap. O611Ililledale avenue.

FPO- BALE-D)IRUG BUSINESS, INVOICE86.004?. Soles $*.C00. Live towa. Only

those having tho money need apply. Addrees,Drugs, this oflice.

I O 8 ALE-UPRIGIIT PIANO AT A BAIl-bargain. 115 Blake street.

LOR SALE--TWO STOVY•II COOKING AND1 heating. both for wood. cheap. Inquire16 lharrison avenue.

l'UH IAl|•--ESTl'AH ISHIED MERHCANTILEbouaersa with a largu trade will trade for

improved seat estate In Helena. btele & Clem-

iUSINISS CIHANCS(:-A HliOTEL DOING ANexcellent business. quntral location first-

cla furnltnre. neaMrly new; dining and kitchep•equlipments foe 100 neut; only $21.000 ash, bai.nee on tlne. Owner has large intoerete an•must dIpose of thi. Address Herbeot U. Heed.Awl"r bUoe•.


".. B suels5. r114 athn•n •Msai r t, i.t.OX .

'UJot SSALE-i-tW VS44VE- IiTHG' PURRSJersey. Henry W. Foote.'L V4 U ALan-A Q.OD k ECuNDi-HAND TOP

I' brgay for $81 at 83 ElFeventh avenue.

Ol t lALE-RHOi•iE BUGGY AND HAlt-neass or will exchange for ral estate. Ad-

dress box 102, Helena.'OR SALE-AT A BlAltitAN. li ARDING

house doing good business; good location;good reasons for selling. Address G. A.. thisoffice.

ifJIt SALE-SCHOLARISHIP IN TH1 HIE.Sens Business College. Callat this ldos.

--OR SALE-BRAND NEW SINGER SEW-ins mohine, cheap; never been used. Ad-

dress 12, this office.

1 Olt BALE-A TWO-HOiRliS POWERLSTEAMSengine, llime & Whitacre. Chicego No. 1I1,

with pipes and whistle; price t15 case at thelonmana : tants Z itong, liand 18 North Warren.The engine is in perfect order, as good as new.

iQR SALE--HETAIi. FRUIT AND P1O-duce business in one of the best towns in

thewest. Asplendid opening for a live manwith the necessary capital. Excellent reasonsifor selling. Adde.s X. Y. Z., care Independent.

'tU,. SLE-HEIETAUIIANT AND LUNCHcounter. Call at I2 North Main street Hele-

nsa, Mout.


A GENT WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE.a old and younqg. $11 to $2. per day easily made

selling our ueeon plating outlfite, and doing gold.silver, nickel, cooper and brass plating, that iswarranted to wear toy years, on every class ofmetal, tableware, jewelry, etc. Light and easilyhandled, no expense requirel to operate them.t an be carrled by hand with 'ease from house tohouse. eamo as grip sack or eacheL Agents aremaking money rapidly. 'I hey sell to a mosteree business hTose aNd family and workshop.Cheap, durable, simple and within the reaoh ofevery one, Plates almost mnsl•ntly. equal to theinest new work, end for circular.. etc. QueenCity Silver and Nickel Pating Co.. East St.Louis. 11.

AI ISCELLANEOUIS.temrada Ta rd getleman Addres, wit

W ANTED-A TENANT FOR FIVE-ROOMhouse, bath room complete; on Ewirg

near ltato street: rent very reasonable. App iat rooms 10 and Ii Granite block, or at 4.Knlght street.

W ANTED-UEAItD AOND lROoM IN PHlI-vat3 family by gentleman. Address, with

terms, M. T,. I.. this office.

W ANTED-A I'AITNER TO ENGAGE INthe sheep business by a man with cash and

experience. hddres F. I., cate of Dan Rice,Havro. ihont.

W• ANTED--NI(' ELY FURNISHED HOUSEwith five or six room', with bath; tent

must be reasonable. Address M., Grand Centralhotel

TWTANTED-AGENTS, LADLES AND GiEN-t lemen. to take orders for Montana Dress

Manufacturing Co.; commission e' an order.Corner Lawrence and Park.

WANTEJ--TO RENT A NEAT. WELLbuilt house of five or six rooms with con-

venlences and ina desrable locality. Must beconvenient to business a"d rasoonable in price.Hest of refereonsn furnished. Address frank.look box 4:1, esating price and location.

'1 AN'Il-, -T'O 'I'HlAlD 810 ACIIES NEAIt( Gret Falls for Helena property. Steele J


WANTED--A I1UYEIt FOR A PIEICE OFinside propertyr just the thin for a row of

fists; close to Main street. Wm. Muth.

ANTI'ED-A UYERI FORL A PLATTEDtractio the best residence psoperty on

west side; price way.down; hall ash, balnce inone year. Wm. Muth, agent.

W ANT''ED-TO BUILD A BIX-ROOM HOUsi,:with furnace and bath room complete for

$2,000. Call and see plains we know they willsuit. Wallace &Thorunbrgh. Denver buildang.

SOR TRADE-UNIMPROVED PlOPELOTYto trade for equity in improved. Steels t


FOR TRADE--IMPROVED PROPERTY TOtrade for unimproved. Steel & Clen mente.

W'ANTEDI-TIIE OWNERI OF A LAROGEblody of'low gradle, free milling gold ore

want a rcapitalist who wdi baUd a mill ou theroperty.tor a hal interest. Apply to Wm.

SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE,200 Breokenridge street, near Warren,

WTANiED-A CUSTOMElt FOR ONE OFthe finest residence sites on west sides price

low for cash. Wm. Muth.


,75--LOT ON DAVIS STItEE', 50xto0.$7 $150-olevel lot on par. a street, 25xl50.$350 each-2 lote in Broadwater addition, $100

down.$250-fine level lot on east side, 25x140, $100

down.510--good residence lot, 41x100. qn Alta street.

$t 0-lot on Highland. 50x100, alley.6800-tine corner, 5Oxt1l, on Peosta avenue.$950--lot on Fifth avenue, between lialeigh and

lioback.$1.10--lot on Jefferson, 64x110, with alley.

DWtZLLSIO5$150-neat brick dwelling on fouth Rodney,

$1•0 down..$1,0--cottage on Eighth avenue. near electric

llne, $80d down.$1 513-- room dwelling and large barn, Peosta

avenue. $200 down.$1.50--5-room dwelling on Division street, $200

down.$t.5O0-commodious dwelling on Boulder ave.

nune. $0:) down.$,250--7-room dwelling on Peosta, lot 80ll25.

$810 down.S2.650-brick dwelling in Easterly, 5 rooms,

finished in oak, $Se down.$l8250--br.ok voneered dwelling in Easterly ad-

dition. just finished. 7 large rooms. bath, fullyetiippeod; hot and cold water, lot 42z110. withalley. $10JO down.

Lg75o--8-room brick in Easterly, handsomelydecorated beth oom with extra good plumbing,furnace; fnished in med wood; very fine, new.$100 down.

$,8d0[-desirable residence on Fifth avenue,hall, rooms, bath room, hot and cold water,w, fuarnace, range. sewer conneetion, $1.00dow

n .

$57,100-best hbeeh ranch in Montana, nearly6,0WO grue, ample water, fully equloped, $IZ,00down, balance 5 years.

$1 600-040-ro hay ranch on Big Blackfootand Nevada creek.

MOliY TO L*OAN.12,000, 0500, $,00$ 0 end 00 local money at

D)ISSOI:TON N.TIOIP-THE CO-PA•[•s nera , o heretotr exiting bet.wen

yderenOd• , under the flrinneine of Coallen. .=•rs.&hetot., ithe day dtIsrdvo by mutual

Al persona p tdebted to the firm ae requestedto mak en ear settllement.UL

GItOR Fl l 1 iSh LTON.Helena. Mont., Jaunl. 189. O

PIIOPO ALS OR LIHT- NOTW ISrely that the u deoehed wil n-

t.lzS o,`'c O,. noon, of Tt fdune A. D. 18P. receive bid the

Ofrniehinq of light to the city of HmhEna, eontana, for a perion of time.n oommencirg July 1.1881: said light to he furnished at the place t bedesignatod in the city of Heene Said. bi•sshould be seated, marked "Proposals for Light"and left with the city clerk at his office incity hall, between now nad noon of the desaforesaid. io bide receivedaftel 12 o•cloo•'.Cit reserves the right to reject any and all bids.This notice is given pursuant to an order of thecitly mae June 14 1912ciy UYDNE . MoINTIRIH (itty Clerk.Dated June 8, 18192.

NOIICE OF STOCKHOLDERB' MEETINO.Notice is hereby given thet a meeting of the

stookholders of the Iair Mining & ridling cor-pany will e held t the olle of the ompany,at •l'l Knight street. in the city of Helena. staeof Montana. on %ednesday. the 2th day oJuly, 1842. at two o'clock p. Mi., of said dar, forthe purpose of submitting to euch stockholdersa proposition to incrree the cnpital stock of thellac Mining & Miliingr oomlpny to the amountof four hundre. thousand (t00,000) sharee. of thepar alue oe dollas ($5) I er shae: the pre.

cut apital stock do said company being threehundred thousand oI00.000) shares of the pavalue of five dollars (*$).By order of the board of trustee.

A. MoLEAN.President.

H. A. MACLEAN.Secretary.


Majority of Trustees.Dated Helena, June 14. 18912.



T'HE DIZnG aOLAs LrnL,Dining Care ron between dhioaegoSt StPaul.

Mlnneepol. Wpeg. Belea. ballen Tacoma.t

PULLIMAN SLEEPING CAR ROUTEB,Plnlmsa aerrice dalyI betwese Chiocgo, 1t.

Paul, omnta., and the l oslfic Nortkwestand between St. Pal. Minneapolis and Mia.msotsa. North Dakota and Manitoba oit.

THE POPULAR LINE.Daily rpres Traine carry elegant Pullman

Sleeping CarsDining Cars, Dy Coaches, lull.

uts Tourist Sleeiars end Iros Colonist Slee.

YELLOWSTONE PARK ROUTEThe Northern Pacific t. .Ris the rail line te

Yellowstone Prk the popular line to sad Alaska; its trains pe through thegrandest scenery of sven states.

THROUGH sold at aI counpon ofaees of the Northesaaefie lRailroed to points North, usat. 8oath

end West. in the United Stats, end Canada.


It. 1. Pacific Mail, west bound ........ 1:35 po.2, Atlantio manL east bound........ 10:21 al

No, 5, Lojran end tlelon paeernger.sonnstmng at Logan with trainNo.8. Paio express westbound........ 2:10 a. a

No. 6, Garrison and Helena passenger.conneoting at (iarriron with trainNo. 4. Atlantic eres eatbound.. 12:25 p. m.o. 8 Msrysvillu passenger............. 0 mt

.b. LMarvills as ommodailon..... I:1 p. mNo. U. Wikek. SouldOer and llknora

assnsr...................... . 5:0No 102., Rimini mixed. Monday. Wed-

nesdays and Fridays .................... 500 p. iTRAINS DUPAET FROK IIILUNA.

No. 1. Facifle Mail west bound........ 1:50p. uo. 2, Atlantic Mal. eat bound....... .. 10:l p. So. I. Helena and Logan Phasenger.rcnnecting at Loran with trainNo. 4, Atlantic s•res eastbound... 1:10 p. a

No. 5. Helena ad Garri passenger.connecting at Garrison with trainNo. . Pnelflo expres westbound.... :l•s a. m

$ o. 7, Marysville passenger............. 7 iNo. 9, Marysvle acoommodation..... 8:00p. m

No. in, Wick. lBoulder and ElkhornPusmnra.. .......... ............ 7:5

No. 101. oUmini mixed. Mondays, Wed-needa" and Fridays ................. 8:15 a. M.For Bates, Maps. Time Tables or special

Information apply to Chas, S. Fees, GeneralPIssenger and Ticket Arnet, t. L al,Slan., or

.PRO. =. ==GAR,General Agent of the Northern Pacieo . IB., a,


-PATENTS.-.United States and Foreign Pat:

ents obtained and any informationgiven.

EDWARD C. RUSSELL,Attorney at Law.

Pittaburgh Block. Helena, Moa.


LIGINEERSROOMS 24, 26,Merebans altloenank nMalldMin

lElna bontutm