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  • 8/3/2019 RPO3027



    Heroes & VillainsA Roleplaying Game of Super


    Jay Fitzloff

    Copyright NoticeThis PDF utilizes and expands upon open game contentfound in the system reference document and other third

    party supplements. RPGObjects and Heroes and Villiansare product identity of RPGObjects.

    Designation Of Open GameContentAll of the text of this PDF is presented as open game content.If you are not a game publisher, this in no way effects youor your campaign. If you are a game publisher, the previousstatement gives you and other publishers permission to use thismaterial as long as you follow the open game license (see theend of this PDF).

    Project manager: Chris DavisEditing: Chris Davis

    Layout/Graphic Design: David Jarvis

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    ORIGINSPowers and abilities are what will dene your heromost, but running a close second is his beginnings.As your hero goes on adventures, saves lives, andghts super-villains, hell learn new things, developnew uses for his powers, and gain entirely new super abilities. However, theres one thing your hero cantchange about himself (not even with Time Travel),and thats his origin.

    In comics, a heros origin is a full explanation of how he or she came to be the costumed crusader that lls

    the panels youre perusing. In Heroes & Villains, a herosorigin not only refers to this titillating tale and going throughthe standard d20 Modern character creation process, but alsochoosing an archetype and adding the super template.

    Archetypes Not every super-hero is a normal-looking person underneaththeir mask. Archetype is a way to classify the physical makeupof your hero, and one must be selected while creating your character. Just as your choice of character class gives only avague denition of personality and ability, archetype is but a

    general idea of what your character might look and act like.The specics are left to you.


    Find your chosen archetype on Table 1-A: Archetype AbilityAdjustments and apply the adjustments you see there to your characters ability scores. If the changes raise your scoreabove 18 or lower it below 3, thats okay.

    HumanAssuming your campaign takes place on planet Earth, humansare the most common archetype amongst super-powered

    beings, and also the most versatile. They do not suffer theculture clash that aliens experience, the difculties associatedwith being a construct, the social stigma of mutants, or thereliance on machinery of mechanicals. Humans heroes havethe luxury of taking off their costume at the end of the dayand blending easily into the society they seek to save.

    Human Archetype Traits

    Chapter OneTABLE 1-a: ARCHETYPE ABILITYADJUSTMENTSArchetype Ability AdjustmentsHuman NoneAlien +2 Intelligence, -2 WisdomConstruct +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence

    Mechanical +2 Strength, -2 DexterityMutant +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma

    - Humans gain one extra power feat at 1st level.

    AlienThe alien archetype encompasses not only beings from other worlds, but also creatures from other dimensions, planes of existence, and hidden locations on Earth where no normalhuman could survive (such as Atlantis). However, despitetheir interesting birth places, aliens are often humanoid.Those that arent would be of the mutant archetype.

    Alien Archetype Traits

    - +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Aliens are often very smart, butlack native understanding of the world around them.

    - +2 archetype bonus on all Will saving throws. The alien

    mind is difcult for natives to penetrate.- Aliens may select Unique Item as a general or power feat.This represents the strange and advanced technology of their native home. Extra feats can be spent to improve and alreadyowned Unique Item, or to gain new ones.

    - Aliens may use a general or power feat to gain the abilityto shift to their home planet or dimension. There are no

    prerequisites for this ability. This power acts exactly likeDimension Shift, with the limitation that the alien can onlytravel between Earth (or the setting of the campaign) and hisnative home.

    - Aliens begin the game only able to speak their native tongue,and must use skill points on Speak Language to communicatewith other beings.

    - +2 archetype bonus on all Knowledge (Cosmology) andSurvival checks. Aliens travels give them insight into other cultures and worlds.

    ConstructConstructs are often robots or androids, but they are also

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    HEROES AND VILLAINSany being that dees all conventions of physiology simply byexisting. If the creature in question is mobile and sentient, butnot alive by any medical denition, its probably a construct.

    A creature composed entirely rock, water, energy, or plantswould be a construct, as would Frankensteins monster or aswarm of bees that took humanoid form and started talking.Despite their utterly non-human nature, constructs still

    normally take on a more or less humanoid shape. The powersa construct has are usually related to its unique composition,and players who choose this as their archetype may want togure out what their character can do before deciding whatexactly it is.

    Construct Archetype Traits

    - +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. A constructs unnaturalform gives it great resilience, but hampers its ability to think clearly.

    - Constructs are immune to any power in the Charisma or Life categories (although a construct may still possess these

    powers). The physiology of the construct simply make itimmune to such attacks.

    - Immune to poison, disease, nonlethal damage, criticalhits, and death from massive damage. Constructs cannot beknocked out, and any subdual attacks against them will notharm them in the least. The only way to stop a construct frommoving is to destroy it. When reduced to 0 hit points or less,a construct is destroyed (killed).

    - Can only be healed through time. No conventional methodof rst aid will work on a construct, though the construct doesheal naturally at a rate equal to that of a human. GMs may

    deem that another appropriate skill acts as Treat Injury for thecharacter, such as Repair for robots.

    - Special susceptibilities. Powers related to the constructsform can have devastating effects on the character. Constructsmade of an energy type are vulnerable to many powers withthe Energy prerequisite, just as a being composed of solidrock would be at the mercy of many Matter powers. The exactresults of such uses are usually described under the powersthemselves, and GMs are encouraged to think up uniquesusceptibilities based on constructs composition. Regardlessof the specics, constructs always suffer a -4 archetype

    penalty to their saving throws or checks against such attacks.

    - No native language. Constructs must spend a skill pointon Speak Language to communicate. Those that do not areconsidered mute.

    Mechanical Mechanical heroes represent the ultimate union of manand machine. Whether the character is a cyborg, a personin an armored suit, or someone who went through a secretgovernment experiment that gave them a metal skeleton,

    anyone whose powers are explained through devices in,on, or around the body without having a body consistingentirely of machines are considered mechanical. Robots,or any hero made up entirely of mechanical parts, would beconsidered of the construct archetype.

    Mechanical Archetype Traits

    - +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity. Mechanized additions to the body give increased physical power, but often at the cost of mobility.

    - Armored Body. Mechanicals may select Armored as ageneral or power feat, but must also select a limitation thatmakes the armor permanent or a suit that must be donned.The mechanical hero does not need the Self prerequisite toselect Armored. Should the hero choose to have this power represent a suit of armor that must be worn, the hero gains theappropriate Armor Prociency feat for free.

    - Self-Repair. No matter the exact nature of the hero, thecharacters mechanical parts are assumed to heal at a rate

    equal to his body.- +2 archetype bonus on saving throws against poison anddisease. Devices added to the body are often superior to a

    body left to its own devices.

    - +2 archetype bonus on Computer Use, Disable Device, andRepair checks. The mechanical hero is intimately familiar with the intricacies of machines.

    - Immune to all powers with the Power prerequisite. Sinceall of the characters abilities are gained through the aid of machinery, mechanical archetypes cannot be affected bythese powers, with the possible exception (GMs option) of Bestow Powers.- Magnetism vulnerability. Having so many metal parts doesnothing to help the hero resist the effects of the Magnetism

    power. Mechanical heroes suffer a 2 archetype penalty toany saving throw against the effects of Magnetism.

    MutantTheres denitely something different about a hero of themutant archetype. Be it an extra arm, a tail, a pair of wings, or a huge horn protruding out of the forehead, a mutant always

    bears some type of physical aberration. Any powers a mutanthas are likely derived from their unusual appearance, which isof some compensation for being socially ostracized.

    Mutant Archetype Traits

    - +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma. The physical changes a mutantsuffers usually result in heightened reexes and fear from thegeneral populace.

    - At 1st level, mutants must select either Extra Appendage, Natural Armor, or Natural Weaponry as one of their generalfeats, which must result in an overt physical change. Thisabnormality cannot be retracted nor hidden without great

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    difculty and trouble (no limitations are given for thishindrance). The mutant hero does not need the Self

    prerequisite to gain these feats. The Extra Appendage, Natural Armor, or Natural Weaponry powers may beselected again at any level using either general or power feats.

    - Natural Extension. The feats Multidexterity, Multiweapon

    Fighting, and Superior Multiweapon Fighting may beselected using either general or power feats. The mutantdoes not need to have the Self prerequisite to gain thesefeats, but all other prerequisites apply.

    - +2 archetype bonus on Intimidate checks. Mutants havelittle trouble scaring people, intentionally or not.

    - -2 archetype penalty on Diplomacy, Disguise, andProfession. The mutants appearance hinders the successof these skills.

    The SuperTemplate

    Newly created characters in Heroes & Villains are presumed to be exactly that new. Unlike heroes frommost comic books, characters in Heroes & Villains arestill learning to use their abilities to the fullest potential.All heroes begin at 1st level (unless the GM deemsotherwise), and through experience, slowly work their way towards being of equal caliber to the four-color legends that everyone in the world is familiar with. Toreect this, the super template increases abilities and

    powers as the character increases in level.Super is a template that can be added to any d20 Modern

    character. The super template can be inherited or acquired,depending on the heros origin. A super uses all of the basecharacter classs statistics and special abilities except as notedhere.

    Feats: Same as the character. Supers gain 2 power feats at1st level, and 2 power feats for each additional level. Power feats are what makes superswell, super. Power feats areexplained in Chapter 4: Powers. To clarify, a super-heros featadvancement is summarized in Table 1-B.


    Character Level General Feats Power Feats1st 1st, 2nd 1st, 2nd2nd - 3rd, 4th3rd 3rd 5th, 6th4th - 7th, 8th5th - 9th, 10th6th 4th 11th, 12th7th - 13th, 14th8th - 15th, 16th9th 5th 17th, 18th10th - 19th, 20th11th - 21st, 22nd12th 6th 23rd, 24th13th - 25th, 26th14th - 27th, 28th15th 7th 29th, 30th16th - 31st, 32nd17th - 33rd, 34th18th 8th 35th, 36th19th - 37th, 38th20th - 39th, 40th

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    Soho Shadow moves unseen through the pockets of gloom provided by the many crates in the smugglers hiddenwarehouse. As he listens intently to the crooks explain wherethey will strike next, he silently inches up behind the thug

    guarding the governors daughter. If all goes well, hell beable to knock out this lone sentry, get the girl to safety, and

    still have time to set up an ambush for the smugglers during their next heist.

    In the scenario presented above, Soho Shadow wasnt usingany powers at all in fact, he may not have any! Determiningthe outcome of Soho Shadows actions would rely heavily onhis skills, specically in this example, Hide, Listen, and MoveSilently. Some heroes use skills more than others, and some

    powers make certain skills practically obsolete to a character, but rarely will a player go through an adventure without usingany skills at all.

    This chapter presents new skills and new uses for existing skills that heroes can use to protect the innocent and

    punish the guilty.

    Climb (Str) Armor Penalty

    Though normally climbing a perfectly smooth, at, verticalsurface is impossible, the powers and raw tenacity that super-heroes possess often allow them to do the impossible. InHeroes & Villains, the Climb DC for ascending or descendinga perfectly smooth, at, vertical surface is 40. The Climb DCfor a perfectly smooth, at ceiling is 50.

    Swing (New Use) : Whether it be by using vines, ropes,grapple guns or other similar dangling means, you canattempt to swing where you need to be. The difculty varieswith whats being attempted, as follows:

    DC Task 5 Swing to a relatively at surface thats at least

    5 feet wide and long.10 Swing to a relatively at surface thats at least

    2 feet wide and long.15 Swing to a relatively at surface thats less

    than 2 feet wide and long.

    Chapter Two:Skills

    20 Swing to another hanging rope or similar item.

    25 Swing through a small opening, such as awindow.*

    25 Swing through a very narrow passage, such asa 2 foot wide alley.

    * = A failed Swing check in this instance would meantaking falling damage equal to how far the opening was, if the opening is surrounded by a hard surface.

    A failed Swing check results in no progress being made,which usually indicates swinging back to your starting point,if possible. If it isnt possible to swing back to your starting

    point, you are considered to be dangling with no means of swinging again.

    All other penalties, risks and modiers for climbing suchas movement rates, falling with a failure by 5 or more, beingat-footed, and potentially falling when taking damage whilemoving in this fashion apply to Swinging.

    Concentration (Con)For heroes with multiple powers that require full-roundactivation or that have concentration for their duration, theConcentration skill is of utmost importance. In Heroes &Villains, Concentration works for heroes and their powers ina manner similar to how it would function for a spellcaster and their spells using the FX abilities presented in D20Modern. Concentration checks are required whenever a herois distracted while activating or maintaining a power, withfailure resulting in the powers being deactivated. Unlike aspellcaster, however, heroes can divide their concentrationamongst different powers and activities, although doing so is

    progressively more difcult.

    When a Concentration check is called for, the hero doesntmake a check for the power being activated and all the

    powers currently active. Rather, a single check is made,with the result determining the maintaining or canceling of all powers the hero is activating and/or concentrating upon.Failing a Concentration check results in the power a hero isattempting to activate and all the powers that have a durationof concentration being cancelled. A hero can willfully cancelany power he is concentrating upon without disrupting anyother powers that his concentration is maintaining.

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    Non-damaging Attacks : If the hero is affected by a power that doesnt do damage but that could be considered distractingor interfering in any way (such as Age), a Concentration check (DC equal to the distracting powers save DC) must be made.Failure results in all powers being activated or concentratedupon being cancelled.

    A similar Concentration check is appropriate when the hero

    is affected by other, non-powered attacks that do not dealdamage, such as poison or a stun gun. The ConcentrationDC is equal to the saving throw DC of the attack form. Inall cases, the original saving throw against the attack issuccessful, then no Concentration check is required (unlessthe attack also deals damage, which would call for an injury-

    based Concentration check).

    Take Another Attack Action : It is possible for a heroto give up his move action to gain an attack action whileactively maintaining a power that requires concentration witha Concentration check (DC 20). Doing so means the hero canonly take a 5-foot step during the round, successful or not. Nomore than one attack action per round can be gained thoughthis Concentration check. The attack action the hero takescan involve activating another power, but doing so invokesthe multiple power activation penalty described below. If thehero fails the Concentration check when attempting to take an attack action, any powers the hero wasattempting to activate are lost andany powers requiring concentrationare cancelled.

    Multiple Powers Activated : Since

    its possible for a hero to take another attack action with Concentration, it isalso possible for him to activate a power while concentrating,and have multiple powers that require concentration (or thesame power multiple times) active simultaneously. Activatinga power while concentrating on another power adds a +5 tothe DC of Concentration checks. In addition, every power

    beyond one that requires concentration to maintain addsanother +5 to the DC of all Concentration checks. Maintainingconcentration for multiple powers is an attack action thatdoesnt provoke attacks of opportunity.

    As an extended example of this, lets say Mindwinder successfully uses Domination to make an escaping bank robber lie face down on the ground with his hands behind his

    back. Needing a way to subdue the criminal until the policearrive, Mindwinder attempts to take an attack action so he canmove over to the criminal and use the rope he has to tie himup (Concentration DC 20). Before he can tie the last knot, acar comes careening around the corner and speeds down thestreet towards the bank. Mindwinder notices that the driver is brandishing a submachine gun! Mindwinder attempts toactivate Sensory Deprivation while maintaining Domination

    (Concentration DC 25). He succeeds and tries to blind thedriver of the vehicle. The driver fails his save and the car comes screeching to a halt.

    Without warning, a previously unseen thug successfullygrapples Mindwinder from behind. Mindwinder attempts aConcentration check to Mind Blast this foe (DC 30: 20 for

    being grappled, +5 for having a two powers with a duration

    of concentration active, +5 for attempting to activate a power while concentrating on other powers). The check is failed.

    Not only does Mindwinder not Mind Blast his grappler,the partially tied bank robber is no longer dominated andthe driver of the car can see again. A perilous situation for Mindwinder indeed.

    Craft (Int)The world of super-heroes are often populated with super-inventors who are capable of making items and weapons thatgo far beyond what even advanced technology is capable of,and theyre able to create these create these incredible gadgets

    at amazing speeds. Given the heights which powers allowcharacters Intelligence and Craft skills to reach, it wont belong before players begin asking their GMs what it wouldtake to create things of science ction caliber. In almost allcases, these questions can be answered with the chart below:

    * = Add this modier to the items normal purchase DC.

    ** = Use whichever would be higher, the items Craft DCwith the modier or 35.

    *** = The creation time is increased by this percent.

    **** = This modier can also be used with the Repair skill.

    Beyond Current Technology : If an item is a slightlyimproved or modied version of an existing item or issomething that could feasibly exist in the next 25 years, it falls

    into this category. Examples of items that would fall withinthis range could include an explosive that deals damage onlyto living organisms, a cell phone able to make calls to other

    planets in the solar system, a car faster than anything on themarket, a drug that treats a disease from another galaxy, or asecret headquarters at the bottom of the ocean. GMs shouldnever allow creations within this category to do more damageor have bonuses to attack rolls. These items should, at best,make the unique difculties that come with being a hero alittle easier.

    Invention Type Purchase DC Craft DC TimeBeyond Current Technology +5* +5 or 35** +50%***Duplicates Power +10* +10 or 35** +100%***Increase Hardness +1 - -Increase Durability +1 - -

    Reduce Time**** - +1 -1 hr.

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    HEROES AND VILLAINSDuplicates Power: Any item, weapon or armor can be

    made to duplicate a power feat. A super inventor could createa shotgun that res Energy Blasts, an overcoat that createsForce Fields, or armor that makes its wearer immune to re.

    Neither the inventor nor the user needs to have any power featsor prerequisites to create or use the item, but the item shouldnever be as convenient as having the power itself. Whether there be a limit to how often it can be used, ammunitionconcerns, or the object is huge and stationary, there must besome kind of feasible limitation to the item.

    Any personal item that isnt alive or a self-powered vehiclecan duplicate a power. Examples from comics includeswords, staves, shields, armor, rings, amulets, lanterns, andsurfboards.

    GMs should deem what type of Craft skill or skills are neededto create the revolutionary item in question. For example,creating a pill that gave people Telepathy for one hour wouldfall under Craft (pharmaceutical), while constructing goggles

    that allowed one to See Invisible would probably requireCraft (electronic). If powers have level-dependant variables(such as damage and range), the item performs the power at alevel equal to its inventor at the time of its completion.

    The purchase and Craft DC, and time required, are for making an item that duplicates one power feat. Creating anitem that duplicates two or more power feats makes the itemincreasingly more expensive, harder to make, and take longer to create. Making an item with two power feats (either twoseparate powers or a stacked power) would have a purchaseand Craft DC of +20 or 35 (whichever is higher), and requirethree times as long to complete. An item with three power feats would have a purchase and Craft DC of +30 or 35, andrequire four times as long to complete. Inventors cannot addon to existing prototypes the number of powers to be putonto an item must be declared before attempting to make it.These super inventions are far beyond the grasp of the normalworld, and cannot be re-created or mass produced in anyway.

    Increase Hardness : The strange materials and chemical processes available in the super-heroic world allow aninventor to increase the hardness of an item by +1 for each +1its purchase DC is increased by. The maximum hardness an

    item may be given is 50.Increase Durability : An inventor can increase an

    inventions hit points by +10 and its break DC by 5 for each+1 its purchase DC is increased by. The maximum break DCan item can be given is 50, and there is no maximum to itshit points.

    Reduce Time : Necessity is the mother of invention, andin many situations its necessary to have an item right away,if not sooner. Crafters can reduce the time it takes for themto nish their creations by 1 hour for each +1 they add to the

    Craft DC. If the time required is lowered to 1 hour, or it isalready less than 1 hour, the creation time can be halved for each +1 added to the Craft DC, but never to less than a fullround. For example, reducing a Craft time from 1 hour to 30minutes would add +1 to the Craft DC. Reducing from 1 hour to 15 minutes would add +2. Reducing from 1 hour to 7.5minutes would add +3, and so on.

    Decipher Script (Int)Trained Only

    Cryptography (New Use): Just as Bluff can be used tosend secret messages while speaking, Decipher Script can

    be used to send and receive communications via writtencode. Example uses of cryptography include sending a secretmessage in a nationally circulated newspaper, drawing a

    pictogram to explain a situation to someone who doesntspeak your language, and crafting cleverly worded riddlesthat reveal your next crime.

    Both the writer and the reader must make a Decipher Scriptcheck to successfully relay and understand the message. TheDC to relay a basic message is 10. The DC to communicatecomplex messages or messages trying to give new informationis 15 or 20. Alternately, the writer of the secret message can

    purposefully make it difcult for readers to fully understand.In this case the code writers Decipher Script check is opposed

    by the readers Investigate check to determine success or failure in decoding.

    When using Cryptography, the creator of the messagedecides who he intends to receive the message be it aspecic person, a certain group, anyone who looks at it, or noone. The intended readers will automatically know theres asecret message within the text, though they may not be ableto discern it. Anyone reading the secret message other thanthe intended receiver that has ranks in Decipher Script canmake a check (DC 20) to know there is another meaning tothe writing than whats apparent. Another successful check (either Decipher Script or Investigate, depending on the codewriters intentions) is then required to discover exactly whatthe meaning or message is.

    As with the standard use of Decipher Script, any failed check to either send or decode messages through Cryptography calls

    for the GM to make a secret Wisdom check (DC 10) for thecharacter. Failure indicates that an unintended meaning to themessage has been inferred.

    Disguise (Cha)A character attempting to disguise himself as a differentarchetype (such as a mutant attempting to look like a human)incurs a -2 penalty to Disguise checks.

    Disguise Voice (New Use) : When a character can be heard but not seen (when using the telephone, for example), they

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    can attempt to disguise their voice to either not sound likethemselves or to impersonate someone else. This works muchlike the standard use of the Disguise skill, except that it isopposed by others Listen check rather than Spot.

    Having to only speak and not interact gives a +2 bonusto Disguise Voice checks. Having to speak in a languageunknown to the character gives a -5 penalty to Disguise Voicechecks, and requires assistance from someone that does speak the language.

    A character can only take 10 or take 20 on a Disguise Voicecheck if recording devices are somehow being used withthe skill. For example, disguising your voice while trying tochange someones voice mail greeting would allow you totake 20, but speaking with someone on the phone would not.

    Knowledge (Int)Trained Only

    Listed here are some additional categories of Knowledgecommon to comic book campaigns.

    Cosmology : What creatures from other planets look like,their common abilities and mannerisms, what their home

    planet is like and where its located in the universe.

    Multiverse : Understanding how multiple universes anddimensions connect to one another, the differences betweenthem, how to survive in them, and the creatures native tothem.

    Supers : The costumes, group afliation, powers, abilities,weaknesses and quirks of heroes and villains, both past and


    Profession (Wis)Often in comics, heroes crime-ghting lives interfere withtheir day jobs, yet they manage to still make ends meet. GMsshould only use secret identities as a role-playing hindrance,and not penalize characters Wealth scores for their time spentsaving the universe. Only in extreme cases, where a hero

    purposefully and perpetually ignores his vocation, should aGM call for a penalty of -1 or -2 to their Profession checks for increasing Wealth when they go up a level.

    In the case where the heroes are a part of a privately or

    publicly funded super-group, characters would have to takeranks in Profession: Hero to gain Wealth. The Hero Professionencompasses knowing how to handle press, manage personalimage, and recognize merchandising opportunities.

    Sense Motive (Wis)Use of this skill allows you to tell when someone is beingmind controlled, even if the person being controlled doesntknow it. The difculty of this depends of your familiaritywith the target. If the target is unknown to you, the DC is

    30. If youve met the target before, the DC is 25. If yourefriends with the target, the DC is 20. If youre friends withthe target and theyre doing something completely out of theordinary, such as asking you the whereabouts of a jewel thatthey should know the location of, the DC is 15.

    Read Lips (New Use) : You can tell what people are sayingthrough sight, not sound. If you can clearly observe the mouth

    of a speaker (even if through binoculars or other surveillanceequipment), a Sense Motive check against DC 25 allows youto perfectly understand whats being said. Those who knowtheyre being observed, but dont want to let on that theyknow theyre being observed, may add their ranks in Bluff to the lip readers Difculty Class. Those who dont care if the lip reader knows that theyre onto him may cover their mouths to make this ability impossible to use.

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    Chapter Three:General Feats

    General feats are different from power feats in that anyonecan select them, whether they possess the super template or not. Those with the super template can use their power featsto select general feats, but cannot use general feats to select

    power feats.

    Presented here are new feats for use in Heroes & Villains.

    Advanced Ground FightingYou have mastered the deadly art of ghting while prone.

    Prerequisite : Balance 8 ranks, Ground Fighting.

    Benet : You suffer no penalties to attack or Defense while prone. Also, you are not considered prone for attacks thatgain a damage bonus against prone targets.

    Analytical CombatBy studying your opponents, you are able to predict their at-tack patterns and better defend yourself.

    Prerequisite : Int 13+, Knowledge (tactics) 5 ranks.

    Benet : You gain a competence modier to your Defenseequal to your Intelligence modier. Any circumstance thatcauses you to lose your Dexterity modier also causes you tolose this modier.

    Special : You do not gain the Defense bonus from this featwhile wearing heavy armor. Competence bonuses do notstack.

    BanterYou have mastered the art of witty/annoying repartee in com-

    bat which distracts your opponents.

    Prerequisite : Cha 13+, Bluff 5 ranks.

    Benet : You gain a competence modier to your Defenseequal to your Charisma modier. Any circumstance thatcauses you to lose your Dexterity modier also causes you tolose this modier.

    Special : You do not gain the Defense bonus from this featwhile wearing heavy armor. Competence bonuses do notstack.

    BruteSome people are big and some people are scary. You happento be both, and shrug off attacks with ease.

    Prerequisite : Str 13+, Intimidate 5 ranks.

    Benet : You gain a competence modier to your Defenseequal to your Strength modier. Any circumstance that causesyou to lose your Dexterity modier also causes you to losethis modier.

    Special : You do not gain the Defense bonus from this featwhile wearing heavy armor. Competence bonuses do notstack.

    Catch ProjectilesYou can catch arrows and thrown weapons aimed at you.

    Prerequisites : Dex 15+, Dodge, Deect Projectiles

    Benet : You must have at least one free hand holding nothingto use this feat. Once per round when you would normally

    be hit by a simple or archaic ranged weapon, or any thrownweapon, you may catch the projectile and take no damage.In addition, caught thrown weapons (such as knives, spearsand grenades) may be immediately thrown by you as a freeaction. You must be aware of the attack and not at-footed.Using this feat doesnt count as an action.

    This feat is useless against bullets and unusually massive pro- jectiles (such as a thrown car).

    Clinch HitterYou do better when the chips are down.

    Prerequisite : Character level 8+

    Benet : When you use an action point to improve a d20 roll,you apply the results of your two highest d6 rolls to the d20roll.

    Normal : Only the highest single d6 roll is applied to thed20.

    ClobberYour mighty blows can bowl people over.

    Prerequisites : Str 15+, Power Attack

    Benet : Whenever you make an attack roll that is 5 or higher

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    than the targets Defense, you may make a trip attack againstthe same target as a free action if that target is no more thanone size category larger than you. Trip attempts made throughuse of Clobber do not provoke attacks of opportunity, andfailed trip attempts do not allow the target to attempt a reac-tionary trip attempt.

    Combat CatchphraseYou have a clever saying that you charge into battle with.

    Prerequisites : Cha 13+, Heroic Surge

    Benet : By yelling out an inspirational, short saying, you andall of your allies within earshot gain an extra move action or attack action for the round, either before or after their regular actions.

    Combat catchphrase can only be used before combat is ini-tiated, or if you are the rst to act in a combat. Yelling thecatchphrase is a free action, and uses up one of your HeroicSurges for the day.

    Deflect ProjectilesYou can swat aside arrows and thrown weapons aimed atyou.

    Prerequisites : Dex 13+, Dodge

    Benet : Once per round when you would normally be hit bya simple or archaic ranged weapon, or any thrown weapon,you may deect it and take no damage. You must be awareof the attack and not at-footed. Using this feat doesnt countas an action.

    This feat is useless against bullets, unusually massive projec-

    tiles (such as a thrown car), and explosive weapons. Usingthis feat against splash weapons allows you to take splashdamage rather than direct hit damage.

    Double TeamYou know how to team up to take foes down.

    Benet : If you are anking an opponent, you get a +4 bonuson your attack roll.

    Normal : The standard anking attack roll bonus is +2.

    Fire In The Hole

    You know how to properly roll with explosions.Benet : You receive a +4 dodge bonus on all Reex savingthrows made against grenades and explosives.

    Good KarmaYou survive and succeed despite the odds.

    Prerequisites : Character level 8+, Clinch Hitter

    Benet : You may declare the use of 1 action point to alter ad20 roll after the GM reveals the result of that roll.

    Normal : Action points can alter d20 rolls after the roll ismade, but before the GM declares the result.

    Ground FightingYou have adept at ghting while prone.

    Prerequisite : Balance 4 ranks.

    Benet : You suffer no penalties to Defense while prone.High Pain ThresholdThrough constant training you have taught your body to ig-nore pain.

    Prerequisite : Con 13+, Concentration 5 ranks.

    Benet : You gain a competence modier to your Defenseequal to your Constitution modier. Any circumstance thatcauses you to lose your Dexterity modier also causes you tolose this modier.

    Special : You do not gain the Defense bonus from this feat

    while wearing heavy armor. Competence bonuses do notstack.

    Improved Clinch HitterYou come through in even the most hopeless situations.

    Prerequisite : Clinch Hitter, character level 15+

    Benet : When you use an action point to improve a d20 roll,you apply all of your d6 rolls to the d20 roll.

    Normal : Only the highest single d6 roll is applied to thed20.

    Instant StandYou can instantly recover from a fall or trip.

    Prerequisite : Tumble 8 ranks.

    Benet : Once per round, as a free action, you may move from prone to standing. This action does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    Normal : Moving from a prone to standing position is nor-mally a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

    Merciful StrikeYou know how to lessen the blow from lethal weapons.Benet : You may deal nonlethal damage with any meleeweapon without penalty to the attack roll. You may deal non-lethal damage with any ranged weapon, but you take a -4 pen-alty on attack rolls.

    Normal : Dealing nonlethal damage with a melee weapon notintended for such use gives the attacker a 4 penalty to attack rolls. Dealing nonlethal damage with ranged weapons thatdeal lethal damage is impossible.

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    NemesisYou have a long history with a sworn enemy.

    Benet : Choose one enemy whom you have met at leastonce. By studying this opponents habits and practicing howto counteract its abilities, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, In-

    vestigate, Listen, Sense Motive and Spot checks made againstthis enemy. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rollsagainst your nemesis, and a +1 bonus to all saving throwsmade against your sworn enemys powers.

    Special : You can gain this feat multiple times. You maychoose to stack this feats effects against the same nemesis,or choose another nemesis.

    PoiseYour composure and condence in combat make you a for-midable opponent.

    Prerequisite : Wis 13+, Sense Motive 5 ranks.Benet : You gain a competence modier to your Defense-equal to your Wisdom modier. Any circumstance that causesyou to lose your Dexterity modier also causes you to losethis modier.

    Special : You do not gain the Defense bonus from this featwhile wearing heavy armor. Competence bonuses do notstack.

    SidekickYou have a cohort that assists you in your endeavors.

    Prerequisite: Must be at least a 3rd-level heroBenet: You attracts a cohort, usually of a younger age, thatcomes to you seeking training for a future in vigilantism.

    The sidekick is an utterly loyal NPC that may question youat times, but almost always does whatever you want. Side-kicks are usually of the same archetype as you are, possessthe super template, and earn an equal share of experience

    points when they take part in any adventure with you.

    To determine the beginning level of your sidekick, consultthe table below. Leadership Score is equal to your charac-ter level plus your Charisma modier. Regardless of your

    Leadership tally, you cannot recruit a sidekick of equal levelor higher. At best, sidekicks arrive 1 level lower than you.A sidekicks level does not automatically increase if your Leadership score improves, nor does your Leadership limitthe sidekicks level.

    Heros Leadership



    Level1 or less Cannot attract sidekick 2 1st3 2nd4-5 3rd6 4th7-8 5th9 6th10-11 7th12 8th13 9th14-15 10th16 11th17-18 12th19 13th20 14th21-22 15th23 16th24+ 17th

    When a sidekick departs under good terms (goes to joina junior super group, moves to another city, etc.), youautomatically attract another sidekick within a month usingyour current Leadership score to determine the new traineesstarting level. Should a sidekick die while under your tutelage,the lost comrade cannot be replaced for at least a year. Inaddition, if you have more than one sidekick, you must makea Charisma check (DC equal to the deceased sidekickslevel) to keep the others from abandoning you. Sidekicks lostthrough abandonment (regardless of who dismissed who)cannot be replaced for 1d4 months.

    Special : As an option, GMs can allow heroes to have ananimal companion as a sidekick. You befriend an animal witha challenge rating equal to the sidekick level attracted. Theanimal is unusually loyal and intelligent, possesses the super template, and earns a full share of experience when with you

    but is still an animal and must be trained and taught tricksusing the Handle Animal skill (although the creature does

    arrive already domesticated).You can take this feat multiple times. Each time it is taken,

    you attract a new sidekick.

    SlamYour powerful blows can send people ying.

    Prerequisites : Str 17+, Power Attack, Clobber, Improved BullRush

    Benet : Whenever you make an attack roll that is 10 or

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    higher than the targets Defense, and you succeed in a tripattack against that opponent using the Clobber ability, youmay make a bull rush against the same opponent as a free ac-tion if that opponent is no more than one size category larger than you. When using this ability, you do not move into your opponents space to initiate the bull rush, and do not movewith your opponent if the bull rush is successful.

    If the bull rush is successful, your opponent goes ying ina direction of your choice, and lands prone. If the hero slamsan opponent into a space occupied by another, the victim of the slam makes an involuntary trip attack against that person.If the victim is successful, he pushes that person back 5 feetand both are prone. If the victim fails, he lands prone in frontof that person.

    Victims of a slam attack do not provoke attacks of opportu-nity from their movement or involuntary trip attacks.

    Trademark Armor

    Theres a specic armor that is associated with you. Prerequisites : Procient with armor, base attack bonus +6

    Benet : Select one specic armor or shield (not a kind of armor, a one-of-a-kind armor). While using that armor, yougain a +2 dodge bonus to Defense. Also, the Maximum DexBonus for that armor is increased by +2.

    You may cosmetically change and mechanically alter your Trademark Armor. As long as it remains the same basic type,this bonus will remain in effect.

    Special : For mechanical archetypes that gain their abilitiesand powers through an armored suit, this feat may be associ-

    ated with that armor.This feat cannot be taken multiple times. A hero can onlyhave one Trademark Armor.

    Trademark VehicleTheres a specic vehicle that is associated with you.

    Prerequisites : Pilot or Drive 9 ranks, Vehicle Expert

    Benet : Select one specic vehicle (not a kind of vehicle, aone-of-a-kind vehicle).When you are driving or piloting thatvehicle, you gain a +2 competence bonus to your initiativemodier, and a +4 bonus on all Drive or Pilot checks (this

    bonus stacks with the Vehicle Expert feat). You also gain a +1competence bonus on attacks made with the vehicles weap-ons.

    You may cosmetically change and mechanically alter your Trademark Vehicle. As long as it remains the same basic type,this bonus will remain in effect.

    Special : This feat cannot be taken multiple times. A hero canonly have one Trademark Vehicle.

    Trademark WeaponTheres a specic weapon that is associated with you.

    Prerequisites : Procient with weapon, base attack bonus +6,Weapon Focus in weapon

    Benet : Select a specic weapon (not a kind of weapon, a

    one-of-a-kind weapon). You get a +2 bonus on damage rollswith that weapon.

    Special : The damage bonus from Trademark Weapon stack with the damage bonus for Weapon Specialization.

    This feat cannot be taken multiple times. A hero can onlyhave one Trademark Weapon.

    VentriloquismYou can throw your voice.

    Prerequisite : Bluff 5+

    Benet : You can make your voice (or any other sound youcould normally make) seem as if it is emanating from some-where or someone else. Ventriloquism is always opposed bythe Listen checks of those within earshot. Targets who losethe opposed check believe that the sound is coming from thefalse source. Targets who win the opposed check know thesound is coming from somewhere else other than the falsesource. Targets who win the opposed check by 5 or better know you are the source of the sound.

    The same modiers that apply to Bluff apply to using thisfeat. In addition, the ventriloquist suffers a 2 penalty to hisBluff check for every 5 feet his voice is thrown.

    Special : When trying to sound like someone else, the charac-ter must make a Disguise Voice check as well.

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    Chapter Four:

    PowersPower feats are similar to general feats in that they givecharacters new capabilities or improve upon what they cando already. Unlike general feats, however, the capabilities

    power feats provide allow characters to perform theimprobable or, more likely, the impossible. In short, power feats give heroes abilities beyond those of normal people.While any character that gains levels, from bums to

    businessmen, acquires general feats, only super-heroes canobtain power feats. Thats what makes them super.

    AcquiringPower Feats

    Those with the super template gain two power feats at 1stlevel, and two power feats for each level they advance.General feats cannot be used to gain power feats, but power feats can be used to gain general feats. Thus, a 1st levelsuper-hero would have two general feats and two power feats to select. If desired, he could choose three general feats

    and one power feat, or four general feats and no power feats.He could not, however, choose to take only one general featand select three power feats. Nor could he select no generalfeats and choose four power feats.

    Powers are divided into the following 14 categories:

    Charisma Any power that can be tied to the persuasiveness of the hero or the ability to read or inducethoughts and emotions falls under this access feat. Beingable to make someone do something they normally wouldnt,making friends feel absolutely condent, and instantly

    drawing a large crowd simply by singing are all things that powers within the Charisma category allow heroes to do.

    Constitution Characters with powers in this category become physically more resilient in some way. Shruggingoff large amounts of damage, being able to go for monthswithout eating, and considering death only a temporarystatus are descriptions of powers under the Constitutioncategory.

    Dexterity Inhuman nimbleness, aim, exibility, and

    reaction time are what powers within this access feat provide.To catch an arrow, escape an explosion without a scratch, or outperform world-class gymnasts becomes childs play for heroes with powers gained through the Dexterity access feat.

    Energy The Energy access feat provides heroes with thegateway to controlling and altering the many forms of energy.Characters with powers in this category can make solid wallsout of light, not even notice being struck by lightning, andshoot re from their ngertips.

    Geoforce While powers in the Energy access feat dealwith forces visible and deadly, abilities in the Geoforcecategory give control over the more subtle and unseen aspectsof nature. Being able to cause an earthquake, slowing downthe ow of time, and making a thunderstorm appear in secondsare powers that can be gained through Geoforce.

    Intelligence The mind is mightier than the body, and powers in the Intelligence category prove this. A hero withabilities in this category could make people see things thatarent there, move objects with but a thought, or remember what it was like to be in the womb.

    Life Powers that affect other living creatures physically belong under the Life category. With powers in this category,a hero could steal another persons strength, make a creaturegrow to twice its size, or turn someone to stone.

    Magic This power category is unique amongst the othersin that it can only be selected at 1st level, and choosing itchanges the entire makeup of the hero. Having the Magicaccess feat signies that all of the heros powers are derived insome way through mystical means, making them both harder to overcome and giving them special susceptibilities.

    Matter If a power creates, alters, or destroys non-living

    things, it falls under the Matter access feat. A hero with Matter abilities could turn lead to gold, make a table attack the personsitting at it, or turn a door to dust with but a touch.

    Power Abilities in the Power category can only affectothers with powers. A hero who dabbled only in the Power access feat could steal or nullify the abilities of a super-

    powered villain, but would have to result to more mundanemethods to deal with a common thug.

    Self A hero that can alter his physical form has powersfrom the Self category. Being able to shrink to the size an ant,

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    change into a chair, or turn invisible are examples of powersin the Self access feat.

    Strength Any power that relies on personal physicalmight would be of the Strength category. A hero focusing on

    powers in the Strength category could throw a car with ease,cause concussive force by simply clapping his hands, and tear apart a building brick by brick.

    Travel If a power gives the hero a new way of gettingfrom point A to point B (or a normally inaccessible point C) itfalls under the Travel category. Being able to dig faster than acartoon character, run faster than a speeding bullet, or simplyy are Travel powers.

    Wisdom Heroes with abnormal senses or mental resistancehave powers in the Wisdom category. If a character can seethrough walls, smell a cigarette a mile away, or quickly shakeoff the effects of mind control, Wisdom powers are to thank.

    Using PowersUnless described otherwise, powers are FX abilities that do

    not provoke attacks of opportunity in combat. Heroes can usetheir powers as often as they like and, unless their power has alimitation attached to it, need never fear depleting themselves

    by using their powers.

    Power DescriptionsHere is the format for power feat descriptions:

    Power Name Prerequisites : A hero must have the listed ability

    score, feat, skill, or base attack bonus in order to select or use this feat. If a hero in some way loses any of a powers

    prerequisites, he cannot use that power until the prerequisiteis somehow regained.

    Activation Time : How long it takes to activate the power feat.

    Attack: Activating the power uses the heros attack actionfor the round. The power takes effect immediately. The herocan move either before or after activating the power.

    Constant : The power does not take any type of actionto activate, and is always on even if the hero might wishotherwise. This doesnt mean that the hero has to constantlyuse the power (a character with Burrowing, for example,doesnt always have to be digging), it simply means that the

    power is there for the hero whenever he might need it.

    Free : Activating the power is a free action. The power canonly be activated on the characters turn, and not as a reactionto anothers turn.

    Full-round : Activating this power uses all the heros effortfor the round. The only movement he can take is a 5-footstep before, during, or after the action. The power takes effect

    at the beginning of your turn in the round after you beganactivating it.

    Move : Activating the power uses your move action for theround.

    Base Range : How far away the power feat can affectsomeone or something. Certain powers can have their rangeextended by taking the feat multiple times (stacking thefeat), which normally increases the powers range by oneincrement (from touch to close, from close to short, fromshort to medium, and so on). The effects of this are describedin the Stacking section. Standard ranges include:

    Personal : The power affects only the hero.

    Touch : The hero must touch a creature or object to affectit. The hero makes a melee touch attack roll against the targetimmediately after the power is activated. If there is no targetfor the hero to touch or the hero misses his intended target, the

    power is not saved in any way (no holding the charge with powers) and must be activated again for another touch attack.

    Unlike spells, critical hits cannot be scored with powers thatcall for melee or ranged touch attacks.

    Short : The power can reach up to 25 feet + 5 feet for everytwo levels of the hero.

    Medium : The power can reach up to 100 feet + 10 feet per level of the hero.

    Long : The power can reach up to 500 feet + 50 feet per level of the hero.

    Far : The power can reach up to 25 miles + 5 miles for everytwo levels of the hero.

    Distant : The power can reach up to 100 miles + 10 miles per level of the hero.

    Extreme : The power can reach up to 500 miles + 50 miles per level of the hero.

    Worldwide : The power can reach anywhere on the planet.

    Galaxywide : The power can reach anywhere in thegalaxy.

    Universal : The power can reach anywhere in the universe, but not to another plane of existence.

    Innite : The power can reach anywhere.

    Target/Effect/Area : Depending on the nature of the power, this entry indicates how many objects or creatures are potentially affected, how big an area the power covers, or whateffect the power has on its user. If the power has a target, thehero must be able to see or somehow know exactly where thetarget is, and be able to identify the target, to use the power. For example, Power Pilferer cant just indiscriminately declare,I use Steal Powers on any super-being that gets near me!He must see a costumed person he believes to have powerswithin the range of Steal Powers before he could declare a

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    HEROES AND VILLAINS pilfering attempt. If a hero knows exactly where the targetis (with an ability such as Detect Life) but cannot otherwisesee or sense the target, the target is considered to have totalconcealment or cover whichever is more advantageous tothe defender against the power.

    Base Duration : How long the power feat lasts once it isactivated. Certain powers can have their duration extended

    by taking the feat multiple times, which normally increasesthe timed duration by one increment (from rounds to minutes,from minutes to hours, from hours to days, and so on). Theeffects of this are described in the Stacking section. Standarddurations include:

    Instantaneous: The power comes and goes the instant itis activated, though the consequences of the power might belong-lasting. For example, Energy Blast: Fire lasts only aninstant, but the residual damage it might cause in a heavilyforested area could burn for days.

    Timed Duration : Many durations are measured in rounds,

    minutes, hours, days, months, or years. When the timeexpires, the powers effects end. When a powers durationis timed, an abbreviation for an ability or an ability modier will sometimes precede the measurement to tell how long the

    power will last. For example, if the Duration line read Wisminutes the power, once activated, would last for a number of minutes equal to the heros Wisdom.

    Concentration : The power lasts as long as the heroconcentrates on maintaining it. Concentrating to maintain a

    power is a standard action that doesnt provoke attacks of opportunity. A hero can try to activate another power or gainan attack action while concentrating. See Concentration inChapter 2: Skills for more details.

    Permanent : The powers effects remain forever. If a powersduration can be increased to permanent through stacking, it isconsidered one increment beyond years.

    (C) : If the Duration line ends with (C), the power can becancelled by the hero that activated it. Canceling a power is anattack action, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.It does not require any kind of action to cancel a power witha duration of Concentration. Such powers automatically endwhen the hero that activated them ceases concentrating.

    Saving Throw : Most potentially harmful powers allowtheir targets a saving throw. The saving throw against a power is DC 10 + half the character level of the person using the

    power + the relevant ability modier (listed under the 14 power categories). This line denes which type of savingthrow the power allows and describes how saving throwsagainst the power work.

    Negates : This term means that the power has no effect on atarget that makes a successful saving throw.

    Partial : A successful saving throw means that the target

    does not feel the full brunt of the power, but suffers some kindof lesser effect. The exact nature of this lesser effect is listedin the powers description.

    Half : The power deals damage, and a successful savingthrow reduces the damage to half (round down).

    None : No saving throw is allowed.

    (Object ): The power can be cast on objects, which receivea saving throw only if they are a Unique Item or if they areattended (held, worn, grasped, etc.) by a creature resistingthe power, in which case the object gets the creatures savingthrow bonus unless its own bonus is greater. Unique Itemsreceive a saving throw bonus equal to their hardness rating.(This notation does not mean that the power can only beused on objects. Some powers can be used on creatures andobjects.)

    (Harmless ): The power is usually benecial, but a targetedcreature can attempt a saving throw if it wishes.

    Description : A long-form description of exactly what the power feat can and cannot do, and possible uses for the power.The means of how the power is delivered or used (does itrequire a gaze, pointing of hands, talking, etc) is left for the

    player to decide. GMs are encouraged to clear these player decisions to avoid the implausible (such as a power that uses

    pheromones to affect targets hundreds of miles away).

    Many powers give characters bonuses to abilities, savingthrows, skills and more. In all cases, power bonuses alwaysstack, even if the bonuses come from different powers. Powersalso stack with any talents a character has.

    Limitations : A brief example of possible Class 1, 2, and3 limitations for the power feat. These arent hard and fastdenitions of possible limitations for the power (though

    players could certainly select them), merely guidelines to helpGMs. See Chapter X: Limitations & Weaknesses for more on

    power limitations.

    Special : Any additional facts about the power feat, includingwho would be especially susceptible or resilient to it.

    Stacking : Unlike most general feats, power feats can beselected again and their effects stack or have some kind of cumulative result. The effects or options in taking a power feat more than once are described here. Common stackingoptions are increasing the base range (from touch to close;from close to medium; from medium to long; and so on),increasing the duration (from rounds to minutes; minutes tohours; hours to days; and so on), increasing an effect (from+1 to +2; +2 to +3; +3 to +4; and so on), or increasing aneffect multiplier (from x1 to x2; from x2 to x3; from x3 tox4; and so on). When stacking options are separated by theword or, you may choose only one of these when the power is selected again. When stacking options are separated by theword and, you gain the benets of all things listed when

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    the power is selected again. Restrictions on how high thesevariables can be stacked, if any, are listed in parenthesis after the stacking option.

    PowersAdhesion Prerequisite : Matter

    Activation Time: Attack

    Base Range : Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

    Target : One non-living object or area no bigger thana 5-ft cube

    Base Duration : 1 round/level

    Saving Throw : Fortitude negates (object)

    Description : You are able to make things stick together. When used on an object, Adhesion causes the itemto instantly bond with anything it is currently touching. If theobject is in the possession of another person, that creaturegets a Fortitude saving throw to avoid this powers effects.Unattended objects receive no saving throw.

    Affected objects cannot be moved from whatever theyare adhered to without breaking them off. This can either

    be done by attacking the item in question until it is reducedto 0 hit points, or attempting a Strength check to snap it off (the DC of such a check is equal to the Constitution of the

    person who used Adhesion). When an object is torn off with

    a Strength check, the adhered item with the lowest hardnesstakes 1d6 damage in the process (hardness does not reducethis damage), with the torn off item taking the damage in caseof a hardness tie. Living beings are normally considered tohave 0 hardness.

    You can affect an area rather than a specic object withAdhesion. In this case, all things within the target area

    become super-sticky for the duration of the power. Anythingor anyone that crosses or comes in contact with a space soaffected must make a Fortitude saving throw or become stuck to the target area. Once per round, as a free action, another saving throw is allowed to pull oneself free. No damage istaken for escaping Adhesion in this way.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : You actually shoot a glue-like substance from your body when using this power, and must make ranged touchattack rolls to hit targets.

    Class 2 : You can adhere objects or cause areas to becomesticky, but not both.

    Class 3 : The range of this power is touch. If you useAdhesion on an area, you must make a saving throw to avoid

    getting your hand (or whatever body part you used to touchthe area) stuck.

    Stacking : Range may be increased one increment (to long),or the target area may be doubled (one object not bigger than a10-ft cube, no bigger than a 20-ft cube, no bigger than a 40-ftcube, and so on), or duration may be increased one increment(to hours).

    Age Prerequisites : Life, Decay

    Activation Time : Attack

    Base Range : Touch

    Target : One living creature

    Base Duration: Permanent

    Saving Throw : Fortitude negates

    Description : You cause instant aging to living targets.If you succeed in a melee touch attack roll, and the target failsa Fortitude saving throw, the target instantly grows 1d6 yearsolder. If the targets new age puts it 100 years old, it dies.Those that are immortal (via the Constitution power, LongLived) are immune to Age.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : You only age targets by 1d4 years.

    Class 2 : Victims of this power suffer no physical signs untilit puts them over 100 years old, at which point they die.

    Class 3 : At most, this power can only ever be used once

    per target.Special : The effects of aging can be found on page

    35 of the D20 Modern Core Rulebook. A victim of this power never incurs any changes to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma since they are mentally the same age.

    Stacking : You age people by an additional 1d6 years(to a maximum of 10d6), or range may be added. The rsttime range is selected, Age can reach 5 feet per level of thehero, and a ranged touch attack is now required to affect

    people with Age. Further range stacking adds a multiplier tothe heros level for determining the range of this power.

    Air Blast Prerequisites : Geoforce, Elemental Control: Air

    Activation Time : Attack

    Base Range : Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

    Target : One creature

    Base Duration : Instantaneous

    Saving Throw: Special (see text)

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    HEROES AND VILLAINS Description : You can create a quick burst of air that

    hits, and potentially knocks down, a single target within range.The localized gust is the equivalent of making a trip attack with the following differences: You make a ranged touchattack against the target. If successful, you make a Wisdomcheck opposed by the defenders Strength or Dexterity check.The defender does not get a reactive trip attack against you

    if you lose the opposed roll. Air Blast is considered Mediumsize category.

    If successfully used against ying creatures, this power renders the target unable to stay aloft for one round. The crea-ture falls for the round, though it may begin to y again in thefollowing round if possible.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : This power is ineffective against opponents thatare Large-size or bigger.

    Class 2 : This power doesnt work against ying creatures.

    Class 3 : This power only works against ying creatures. Stacking : The range may be increased by one

    increment (up to long), or the size category of the Air Blastmay be increased by one increment (up to Colossal), or onemore creature can be affected per use of the power (althoughall to be hit by the Air Blast must be standing within 5 feet of one another).

    All-Around Sight Prerequisites : Wisdom

    Activation Time : Constant

    Base Range : Personal

    Effect : You can simultaneously see in all directions

    Base Duration : Permanent

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : Through possible explanations such assonar, radar, or actually possessing eyes in the back of hishead, you are able to see in all directions simultaneously. Dueto your 360 degree sight, you cannot be snuck up on from

    behind nor anked in combat by visible foes.

    This enhanced vision does not confuse you in any way, andyour brain is able to disseminate this high amount of ocular information as easily as a person with normal vision could. If theres something you do not wish to look at, you can avertyour sight and choose not to see in a certain direction.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : Your circular vision is a form of radar or sonar, andyou cannot discern colors nor read print with it.

    Class 2 : Your eyes are always open. You cannot chooseto look away from things.

    Class 3 : This power does not make you immune to beinganked in combat.

    Stacking : There is no benet to taking this power asecond time.

    Analyze Weakness Prerequisites : Int 17+, Intelligence

    Activation Time : Full-round

    Base Range : Anything you can visually observe for one round

    Target : One creature or object

    Base Duration : Instantaneous

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : By studying an object, person, or power,you can tell if the subject has any weak points. You observethe person or thing for one full round, then make a Search (for objects) or Spot (for creatures) check against DC 15. A failedcheck means you discern nothing, but may continue to try. If successful, you nd one aw in the subjects design.

    In the case of objects, Analyze Weakness allows you to seeone defect, soon to be forthcoming defect, place where thematerial is weaker, or any other thing the GM considers aaw. At the very least, a successful use of Analyze Weaknessagainst an object allows you to ignore 1 hardness if you try todamage the object, or lowers the items break DC by 1 shouldyou try to break it.

    Against living creatures, Analyze Weakness revealslimitations or weaknesses that might not otherwise beapparent. You declare whether you are studying the creatureor one of the creatures powers. Successful use of AnalyzeWeakness reveals the lowest-ranked limitation (if studying

    powers) or weakness (if studying the creature) that you arentalready aware of. You may continue to observe the subject,and glean further limitations and weaknesses with successfulchecks until there is no more to know.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : The hero can analyze objects or creatures, but not both.

    Class 2 : It takes the hero 1d6 rounds to analyze a subject.

    Class 3 : At most, the hero can only gain knowledge of asingle limitation or weakness a target has.

    Special : This power can be used effectively bywatching recordings of creatures in action.

    Stacking : You detect an additional limitation and weakness per successful use of this power.

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    Anatomic Separation Prerequisites : Self, Con 18+

    Activation Time : Move (see text)

    Base Range : Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

    Effect : You can divide yourself into multiple parts

    Base Duration : Permanent until the body partsrejoin

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : You can willfully separate your bodyinto two pieces without harm. Where you divide is up to you,

    but it must occur at a joint. Thus, you could separate your hand, lower arm or upper arm from the rest of your body, butyou could not divide your torso in the rib cage area.

    The separated body part remains under your control as longas it is within the powers range of the largest body section.

    Should a body part go beyond your range, it ceases to move, but does not decompose or die in any way.

    Separated body parts move at the same rate as you, no matter how unlikely or ridiculous it might seem. The independent

    parts also retain any Travel (or other) powers you might haveunless these powers are specically associated with another

    part of the body. For example, if you took off your head, thehead would be able to roll at your base speed. If you also hadBurrowing, the head would be able to dig through the earthunless you specically needed to use your hands to performthe power.

    Despite being in multiple pieces, you are still considered asingle being in regards to hit points. If a separated hand getshit by a sword, the damage is taken off your hit point total.The Defense of the independent body parts is also the same asyours, adjusted for size and any changes in armor.

    Anatomic Separation does not impart any extra actions per round, but your divided parts can share your movement rateand move action. For example, if you had a movement rateof 30 feet per round, your upper half could move 15 feet andyour lower half could move 15 feet as a single move action.Activating this power does not cost the hero a move action.Rather, the action is used as one (or more) body part movesin a different direction. Separated body parts cannot take a5-foot step to loose themselves from the hero, and the herostill can only make one 5-foot step per round between all his


    You do not gain any extra sensory powers with AnatomicSeparation, but independent body parts might receiveimmunities from certain forms of attacks or environmentalhazards. A separated hand, for example, could travelunderwater indenitely since it doesnt need to breathe, butyou cannot see out of your hand. Conversely, you can see out

    of your removed head (leaving the rest of his body blind) andcould even talk to someone, but your head would have to holdits breath if it went underwater.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : Using this power causes the separated body parts to bleed copiously as if actually severed. This blood comes froman extra-dimensional space, and the loss of blood via use of this power does no harm to you, except perhaps socially.

    Class 2 : The heros divided body parts cannot leave visualrange of each other.

    Class 3 : A body part that goes beyond the heros range does begin to die, causing the hero 1 damage per round until it is back in range.

    Special : This power does not give any specialresistance to certain kinds of damage or any bonus to EscapeArtist checks (though this powers use may allow the hero toforgo such a check).

    Stacking : Range is increased one increment (toextreme), or you can double the amount of parts you candivide yourself into (4, 8, 16, and so on). Again, you do notget any extra actions per round despite being in multiple


    Animate Objects Prerequisite : Matter

    Activation Time : Full-round

    Base Range : Touch

    Target : One non-living object no bigger than a 5-ftcube

    Base Duration : Concentration

    Saving Throw : Fortitude negates (object)

    Description : Through concentration, you can makeobjects spring to life. Items affected by this power gainmobility, a measure of elasticity, and the ability to attack others. If the object is in the possession of another person,that object gets its bearers Fortitude saving throw to avoidthis powers effects. Unattended objects receive no savingthrow.

    Animated Objects are considered constructs, gaining all the benets and penalties of that archetype. No matter the itemsshape, objects affected by this power are able to move at aspeed of 20 feet per round. If the object in question has legs or similar appendages that would grant mobility, its movement is30 feet per round. If the object in question is normally mobileanyway (such as a car) it moves at its normal speed or 60 feet

    per round, whichever is faster.

    Animated Objects may be commanded to attack once per round. The objects attack bonus is equal to yours plus the

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    HEROES AND VILLAINSobjects size modier. If the object is a weapon, it does itsnormal damage. Otherwise, the damage an object does withits attacks depends on its size. Fine: 1, Diminutive: 1d2,Tiny: 1d3, Small: 1d4, Medium: 1d6, Large: 1d8, Huge: 2d6,Gargantuan: 2d8, Colossal: 4d6.

    Animated Objects have a defense equal to 10 + their sizemodier. Animated Objects retain their normal hardness, and

    are considered destroyed when reduced to 0 health. Limitations :

    Class 1 : There is a certain material the hero cant affectwith this power.

    Class 2 : The hero can only affect mechanical objects withthis power.

    Class 3 : The hero can only animate one specic type of object.

    Special : Using this power against constructs acts asthe Domination power.

    Stacking : Range may be increased one increment (tolong), or the target size may be doubled (one object no bigger than a 10-ft cube, no bigger than a 20-ft cube, no bigger thana 40-ft cube, and so on), or the hero may affect an additionalobject per use of this power.

    Armored Prerequisites : Self

    Activation Time : Move

    Base Range : Personal

    Effect : You can cause armor to appear on your body

    Base Duration : Permanent (C)

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : Be it that your skin turns to metal, thatyou have thick armadillo-like plates that cover you, or thatyour are suddenly wearing a knights full plate, you can causearmor in some form or another to surround you. Making thisarmor appear and disappear is a move action that does not

    provoke attacks of opportunity.

    When active, this armor provides you a +2 equipment bonus

    to Defense, but also causes you to suffer a 1 armor penalty toBalance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, andTumble. Having the armor active adds 10 pounds of weightthat counts against your carrying capacity. You are considered

    procient in the armor generated from this power.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : This power is always active, making it impossiblefor the hero to have a secret identity or disguise who he is.

    Class 2 : The armor from this power is actually a suit of armor that the hero must put on and take off himself, andrequires the appropriate Armor Prociency feat to use.

    Class 3 : The armor has a mind of its own, and is often atodds with the hero and may not always do as asked.

    Special : Mechanical archetypes may select this as ageneral feat or a power feat.

    Stacking : Another +2 equipment bonus (as well asanother 1 armor penalty and 10 pounds of weight) can beadded to your Defense when this power is active, or the weightof the armor may be halved (to 5 pounds per +2 equipment

    bonus, 2.5 pounds, and so on), or the armor check penaltyfrom the armor may be lessened (to 1 armor penalty per +4 equipment bonus, a 1 armor penalty per +6 equipment

    bonus, and so on).

    Astral Projection

    Prerequisite : Travel Activation Time : 1 minute

    Base Range : Distant (100 miles + 10 miles/level)

    Effect : You can separate your astral body from your physical body

    Base Duration : Permanent until astral body rejoinsmaterial body

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : After a minutes meditation, you areable to release your astral body from your material body.

    The astral body has all your clothes and equipment, and isinvisible, silent, scentless, and insubstantial to those in thematerial world. Only creatures with the ability to see theinvisible, who are also astral, or that can sense others in non-standard ways can detect an astral body. You can see and hear with all the senses he normally possesses.

    While astral, you can travel your base movement rate inmiles per hour (30 mph for a person that moves 30 feet per round), and can travel away from your body up to the powersrange. You can travel in any direction (including up) and can

    pass through any object. You cannot affect, harm, or interactwith anything in the material world, and the same applies tothings in the material world affecting you.

    While your astral form is out exploring, your physical bodyremains perfectly still and in a state of suspended animation.The astral body and the physical body are connected by anastral, weightless silver cord that helps guide you back toyour body. Should this cord be somehow severed, the heromust make a Navigate check (DC 25) or become hopelesslylost, leaving your material body forevermore in a coma-likestate. If your physical body has been substantially movedfrom where the astral body departed, the DC is 35.

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    Limitations :

    Class 1 : Every hour of astral travel causes 1d6 damage to both of your bodies.

    Class 2 : The astral body travels only as fast and by themethods available to the physical body. Thus, if you cant yin the material world, neither can your astral body.

    Class 3 : There is no silver cord, making astral travel of anysignicant distance a huge risk.

    Special : If either the heros astral or material body iskilled while this power is being used, both bodies die.

    An astral cord has a hardness of 10 and 30 hit points, and canonly be harmed by other astral creatures or those otherwiseable to harm astral objects.

    Stacking : Range can be increased by one increment(to universal), or you can double the speed your astral bodymoves at. For a hero with normal movement of 30 feet per round, this would mean that stacking the power in this way

    would increase astral movement from 30 mph to 60 mph. Asecond stacking would increase astral movement to 120 mph,a third to 240 mph, and so on.

    Atmospheric Control Prerequisites : Geoforce, Elemental Control: Air,

    Wis 13+

    Activation Time : Full-round

    Base Range : Wis modier mile radius

    Area : Wis modier mile radius around you

    Base Duration : 1 minute/level (C)

    Saving Throw : Special (see text)

    Description : This power gives you some generalcontrol over the prevailing weather conditions. You canchange the weather in a radius equal to your Wisdom modier in miles, centered on yourself.

    When using this power, you select the atmosphericconditions you wish to create, and all the weather factors beginto simultaneously shift toward your desires. These changes

    begin immediately after the power is activated (and this

    transitional time is counted as part of the powers duration).Assuming you havent created contradictory conditions(heavy fog in high winds, for example), the weather will stayas you desire for the powers duration, then gradually shift

    back to the original conditions in a similar manner. If youwant to change the conditions again, or maintain the currentconditions you have created, the power must be used oncemore.

    The weather conditions youcan affect are detailed below:

    Temperature : Increase or decrease by 1 degree per

    round, up to a maximum change equal to your Wisdom.

    Humidity : Increase or decrease by 1 percent per round, to a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 100%.

    Wind Speed : Increase or decrease by 1 mph per round, up to a maximum change in miles per hour equal toyour Wisdom.

    Wind Direction : Change by 1 degree per round, upto a maximum shift of 180 degrees.

    Cloud Cover : Change by 1 percent per round, to aminimum of 0% and a maximum of 100%.

    Fog Cover : A light fog limits vision to 20 feet, andcauses all within the fog to have one-quarter concealment(10% miss chance). A dense fog limits vision to 5 feet, andcauses all within the fog to have one-half concealment (20%miss chance). Once the weather conditions are met (lowwinds, high humidity, moderate to low temperature), a lightfog can appear in 1 round, a heavy fog in 2.

    Precipitation : Increase or decrease precipitation byup to 1 inch per hour every round, to a maximum changein inches per hour equal to your Wisdom modier. If theconditions are right, precipitation will come in the form of sleet, hail, or snow. Snowfall collection on the ground isequal to ve times that of the precipitation rate. For example,if you were causing precipitation of 5 inches per hour, but thesurrounding temperature was causing snow, there would be25 inches of snow accumulation on the ground after an hour.

    Heroes with Atmospheric Control can choose only thegeneral weather conditions, but not specically where weather effects will strike. So, even though you may create the right

    conditions for a thunderstorm or a tornado, where lightningstrikes or a wind funnel touches down is up to Mother Nature.This is important to note since you are potentially vulnerableto any of the weather patterns you create.

    If you have other powers that alter the surroundings in amore severe way than Atmospheric Control (such a usingElemental Control: Air to create stronger winds) their effectsstack with the conditions created with this power.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : There is one aspect of the weather (such astemperature or cloud cover) that you cannot change.

    Class 2 : The radius you can affect is equal to your Wisdommodier times 100 feet.

    Class 3 : You can create only one specic type of weather condition. In other words, with this limitation you must pick exactly what conditions are desired, and using this power will always bring the weather as close to these conditions as


    Stacking : You can add a multiplier to your rangeradius and add a multiplier your base duration.

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    Bestow Powers Prerequisite : Power

    Activation Time : Full-round

    Base Range : Touch

    Target : One creature Base Duration : Permanent

    Saving Throw : Fortitude negates (harmless)

    Description : You can give whatever power youdesire to another, except for Bestow Powers and Unique Item.If you give a creature a power it already has, then the effectis the same as stacking the power. The target decides exactlyhow to apply the stacking. The target must still meet all the

    prerequisites to be able to use the power.

    To use this ability, you must spend 4 action points and4,000 experience points. If you do not have enough action

    points or experience points to pay this cost, you cannot usethis power.

    Limitations :

    Class 1: You cannot use this ability to create power stacking.

    Class 2 : You can only give others the powers you possess(you dont lose powers by doing so).

    Class 3 : You can only use this ability on those with no powers whatsoever.

    Special : You cannot use Bestow Powers on yourself.

    Stacking : You can reduce the action point cost for using this power by 1 (to a minimum of 1), or halve theexperience point cost for using this power (to 2,000, to 1,000,to 500, and so on).

    Burrowing Prerequisite : Travel

    Activation Time : Constant

    Base Range : Personal

    Effect : You can dig at exceptional speeds Base Duration : Permanent

    Saving Throw : None

    Description : You can dig through dirt (and clay,loam, sand, and the like) at your base speed without needingany kind of special tools. Burrowing requires as much effortas moving on foot, and any modiers normally applied toland movement are applied to a character using Burrowing.For example, you can run or charge, and are hindered byheavy armor.

    If you want to burrow a tunnel that doesnt collapse behindyou a few seconds after it is made, you cannot move faster than your base speed during the round. Building tunnelslarger than a crawlspace require as much extra time as extraspace thats created. So, making a tunnel twice as large asyour crawling size would take twice as long.

    Those with Burrowing are able to dig through materials with

    a hardness rating of up to 5, but movement is much slower.Digging through materials with a hardness rating takes thatmany times longer. Thus, digging through wood (hardness 5)takes ve times as long to get through, or to put it another way, you would move at 1/5th speed through wood.

    This power gives you an innate sense of direction whileunderground, allowing you to generally know what lieson the ground above you. Surfacing in a space occupied

    by another creature is treated as making a bull rush attack.If you fail in such an attack, there is a hole in the groundwhere you attempted to surface. You are considered in the5-foot space below the area you attempted to surface in, andmay be attacked by those above you or in the 5-foot spacessurrounding your hole.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : You can never move at running speed while burrowing.

    Class 2 : Your tunnels always collapse. In fact, they collapseso quickly that you have to hold your breath while using this


    Class 3 : You cannot dig through materials with a hardnessrating.

    Special : To sneak up on someone using this power requires a Move Silently check.

    Stacking : A multiplier can be added to your burrowingspeed, or you can add +2 to the hardness rating you can digthrough.

    Call Lightning Prerequisites : Geoforce, Elemental Control: Air,

    Wis 13+, Atmospheric Control

    Activation Time : Attack

    Base Range : Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

    Area : 5-foot radius around striking point

    Base Duration : Instantaneous

    Saving Throw : Reex half

    Description : This power can only be used if theweather conditions are right for lightning (storm clouds andhigh humidity). When used, this power causes lightning tostrike in a 5-foot area designated by you. Those in the area,

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    and all those within 5 feet of where the lightning strikes, take1d6 damage per character level you possess.

    Limitations :

    Class 1 : You can only activate the power when he is outsideand in the open air.

    Class 2 : The lighting only affects those in the 5-foot area

    it strikes.Class 3 : You can only bring down lightning on targets

    within 10 feet of yourself.

    Special : This power is normally used on targetsthat are outdoors or at least near a window, but GMs couldrule that a sufciently powerful Call Lightning could break through an uninsulated structure. Consider the power similar to Energy Blast: Electricity for determining such an attack.

    Stacking : You can increase the range by oneincrement (to long, though you must still be able to see thetarget area to hit it with lightning), or increase the radius of

    the lightnings effect by 5 feet.

    Charisma Prerequisite : None

    Activation Time : Constant

    Base Range : Personal

    Effect :