
Subject: CHEMISTRY Class: 5 HANAFI/HAMBALI Time: 2.00 – 3.30 p.m Theme Interaction Between Chemical Topic CARBON COMPOUND Carboxylic Compound Learning Objective Analyze Alcohol Key Term: Alcohol, ,fermentation, hydration, combustion, oxidation dehydration Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able: 1. describe the industrial production of ethanol 2. describe the preparation of ethanol in the laboratory ( theory) 3. state the physical properties of ethanol 4. describe the chemical properties of ethanol (theory) Generic skills Studying skills, making generalization Moral Value: to be confident, co-operative Activities: Induction set: do you know that ethanol is one the most important alcohol. It is manufactured on a large scale by two main processes? what are the processes name? 1. Using CD Courseware, students will show a) the industrial production of ethanol b) the preparation of ethanol in the laboratory ( theory) 2. Students and teacher will be discuss the physical properties of ethanol by complete the mind map on text book page 62. 3. Chemical properties of ethanol will be discuss as theory, before the students will do the experiment on the next class DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

Transcript of RPHAPR08.doc

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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 01 .04.2008 ( TUESDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFI/HAMBALITime: 2.00 – 3.30 p.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Compound

Learning Objective Analyze AlcoholKey Term:

Alcohol, ,fermentation, hydration, combustion, oxidation dehydration

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. describe the industrial production of ethanol2. describe the preparation of ethanol in the laboratory ( theory)3. state the physical properties of ethanol4. describe the chemical properties of ethanol (theory)

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

Induction set: do you know that ethanol is one the most important alcohol. It is manufactured on a large scale by two main processes? what are the processes name?

1. Using CD Courseware, students will show a) the industrial production of ethanol b) the preparation of ethanol in the laboratory ( theory) 2. Students and teacher will be discuss the physical properties of ethanol by complete the mind map on text book page 62.

3. Chemical properties of ethanol will be discuss as theory, before the students will do the experiment on the next class

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 01.04.2008 ( TUESDAY)

Class: 4 HANAFITime: 7.50- 9.00 a.m


TopicCHEMICAL FORMULAEEmpirical formulae

Learning ObjectiveAnalyze AlcoholLaboratory Work: 3.5 Determine the empirical formulae of Magnesium Oxide

Key Term:Empirical formulae

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. determine the empirical formulae of Magnesium Oxide


Generic skills Science process skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Students order to set up the apparatus2. Students will be following all the procedure with the safety measures3. Students do the experiment, monitoring by teacher.4. Students ask to collect their data and observation.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete their lab-report.Reflection:

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 02.04.2008 (WEDNESAY)

Class: 1 NASAIETime: 7.50 – 9.00 p.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Computer parts and ComponentsLearning Area 2.1 Overview of the computer system

Key Term:Input, output, stirage process

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. explain briefly the data processing cycle of a computer system

- input

- process

- output

- storage

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, Activities:

1. Drawing and explain the data processing cycle of the computer system on a paper

2. Practice to draw the data processing cycle of the computer system using the Microsoft Word program.


DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 02 .04.2008 ( WEDNESDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFITime: 10.30-11.40 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Compound

Learning ObjectiveAnalyze AlcoholLaboratory Work: 2.4 Chemical Properties of ethanol

Key Term:Alcohol, ,fermentation, hydration, combustion, oxidation dehydration

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. describe the chemical properties of ethanol through a. combustion of ethanol b. oxidation of ethanol c. dehydration of ethanol.

Generic skills Science process skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

Induction set: Chemical properties of ethanol can be determine by investigate their chemical reaction . as combustion, oxidation and dehydration reaction of ethanol.

1. Students order to set up the apparatus2. Students will be following all the procedure with the safety measures3. Students do the experiment, monitoring by teacher.4. Students ask to collect their data and observation.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete their lab-report.Reflection:

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

Page 5: RPHAPR08.doc

Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 03.04.2008 ( THURSDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 6.40 – 7.50 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Compound

Learning ObjectiveAnalyze AlcoholLaboratory Work: 2.4 Chemical Properties of ethanol

Key Term:Alcohol, ,fermentation, hydration, combustion, oxidation dehydration

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. describe the chemical properties of ethanol through a. combustion of ethanol b. oxidation of ethanol c. dehydration of ethanol.

Generic skills Science process skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

Induction set: Chemical properties of ethanol can be determine by investigate their chemical reaction . as combustion, oxidation and dehydration reaction of ethanol.

1. Students order to set up the apparatus2. Students will be following all the procedure with the safety measures3. Students do the experiment, monitoring by teacher.4. Students ask to collect their data and observation.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete their lab-report.Reflection:

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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KELAS: 3 HANAFI/ 3 HAMBALI MASA: 7.50-9.00 a.m


ISIKemahiran asas- Menyangga dan servis

OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini, pelajar dapat

1. melakukan kemahiran asas dengan teknik yang betul2. menyatakan aspek keselamatan ketika aktiviti


Pelajar dibahagikan kepada 5 kumpulan dan diarah menjalankan tugasan berikut mengikut isi pelajaran

1. Pelajar secara individu dan berpasangan melakukan teknik bermain bola tampar yang asas iaitu menyangga dan sevis 2. pelajar dan guru berbincang dan mengaplikasikan aspek keselamatan ketika aktiviti

NILAI MURNI Gaya hidup sihat, PrihatinREFLEKSI

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 03.04.2008 (THURSDAY)

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Class: 1 BUKHARITime: 11.40-12.50 a.m

Learning Domain Computer Lab ManagementTopic Lab Organisation

Learning Area2.1 Organisation Chart2.2 Computer lab timetable2.3 Log book

Key Term:

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the organization chart of computer lab2. identify computer lab coordinator and their responsibility3. adhere to the timetable4. identify types of logbook5. practice responsible use computer

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. showing and explaining the organization chart2. using the computer lab according to the allocated time3. shoeing sample of log book4. sign in and sign out log book


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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 04.04.2008 (FRIDAY)

Class: 4 HANAFITime: 7.50-9.00 a.m

Theme MATTER AROUND USTopic CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONSLearning Objective Interpret chemical equations

Key Term: Quatitative,Chemical formula, chemical equations,Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the meaning of chemical equation.2. identify the reactants and product of a chemical equation3. write and balance chemical equations4. interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively

Generic skills Generating idea, faciliting

Moral Value: thankful, daring to try, having critical and analytical thinkingActivities:

Induction set: Students ask to give one simple chemical equation that have learn in form 3.

1. From the induction set, students guide to state the meaning of chemical equation. 2. Based on work this out 3.11 (text book 49), students ask to identify the reactants and product of a chemical equation3. Using the CD- Courseware , students will be showing how to write and balance chemical equations and the quantitative aspect of chemical equations

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise SPS Chemistry book, 3.14 thinking activityReflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 04.04. 2008 ( FRIDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFI Time: 9.35 – 10.30 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 13-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Acid

Learning Objective Analyze carboxylic acidKey Term:

Carboxylic acid,

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the general formula of carboxylic acid2. identify the functional group of carboxylic acid3. list the name and molecular formulae of first four member of carboxylic acid4. draw structural formulae and name the first four member of carboxylic acid using IUPAC nomenclature.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: co-operative, Activities:

Induction set: Vinegar, pineapple juice, lemon juice ,vitamin C is some common daily items contains carboxylic Acid. Have you ever heard before?

1. Students guide to state what carboxylic acid is by differentiate it with alkane,alkene and alcohol (-COOH bond)

2. By complete the table in SPS book page 55, students order to write formulae of the first four carboxylic acid then deduce the general formula of carboxylic acid

3. In same table, students will give name and draw the structural formulae for the first four of carboxylic acid.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 07.04. 2008 ( MONDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALI Time: 7.50 – 9.00 a.m

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Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Acid

Learning Objective Analyze carboxylic acidKey Term:

Carboxylic acid,

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the general formula of carboxylic acid2. identify the functional group of carboxylic acid3. list the name and molecular formulae of first four member of carboxylic acid4. draw structural formulae and name the first four member of carboxylic acid using IUPAC nomenclature.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: co-operative, Activities:

Induction set: Vinegar, pineapple juice, lemon juice ,vitamin C is some common daily items contains carboxylic Acid. Have you ever heard before?

1. Students guide to state what carboxylic acid is by differentiate it with alkane,alkene and alcohol (-COOH bond)

2. By complete the table in SPS book page 55, students order to write formulae of the first four carboxylic acid then deduce the general formula of carboxylic acid

3. In same table, students will give name and draw the structural formulae for the first four of carboxylic acid.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 07.04.2008 (MONDAY)

Class: 2 MALIKI Time: 11.40 -12.50 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Component of System UnitLearning Area Computer parts and Component

Key Term:System units

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. identify the component of a system unit

- input/output port (i/o port)

- Reset button

- CD-ROM Drive

- Floppy Drove

- Hard disk drive

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Introducing the component of a system unit.

2. Labelling the different components of a system unit in a worksheet

3. Showing a system unit to the class.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete the worksheet given contain with labeling the components of a system unit


Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 08.04.2008 (TUESDAY)

Class: 4 HANAFI Time: 7.50-9.00 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Theme MATTER AROUND USTopic CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONSLearning Objective Interpret chemical equations

Key Term: Quatitative,Chemical formula, chemical equations,Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. solve numerical problem using chemical equation

Generic skills Generating idea,

Moral Value: Practice positive scientific attitudes and noble values in investigating matterActivities:

Induction set: Do you know the chemical equation provide useful information for this purpose? We can always use of the stoichiometric coefficient in a chemical equation to solve various numerical problems.

1. Based on the examples in text book (page 51and 52), students will show the solution steps that relate with the stoichiometric coefficient in a chemical equation. The point to notes: Always convert the mass or volume to the number of moles so that we can compare its ratio based on the mole ratio shown in the equation.

2. Students ask to solve the calculation activity ( work this out 3.14- page 53). Students and teacher will discusss the best answers for the questions

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Quick Review-no 1 and 2 (page 53)Reflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 09.04. 2008 ( WEDNESDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFI Time: 10.30 -11.40 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze carboxylic acidKey Term:

Ester, homologues ,functional group

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the general formula of ester2. identify the functional group ester3. list the name and molecular formulae of first four member or ester4. draw structural formulae and name the first four member of ester using IUPAC nomenclature.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value:Activities:

Induction set: Using the CD-Course ware, students will show some common fruits that contains with ester compound- Banana, orange, apple and

1. Students guide to state what ester is by differentiate it with alkane,alkene ,alcohol and carcoxylic acid

2. By complete the table in SPS book page 55, students order to write formulae of the first four ester then deduce the general formula of ester

3. In same table, students will give name and draw the structural formulae for the first four of ester.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 09.04.2008 (WEDNESDAY)

Class: 1 NASAIE Time: 7.50-9.00 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Component of System UnitLearning Area Computer parts and Component

Key Term:System units

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. identify the component of a system unit

- input/output port (i/o port)

- Reset button

- CD-ROM Drive

- Floppy Drove

- Hard disk drive

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Introducing the component of a system unit.

2. Labelling the different components of a system unit in a worksheet

3. Showing a system unit to the class.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete the worksheet given contain with labeling the components of a system unit


Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 10.04. 2008 ( THURSDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 6.40 – 7.50 a.m

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

Page 15: RPHAPR08.doc

Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicCARBON COMPOUNDCarboxylic Acid

Learning Objective Analyze carboxylic acidKey Term:

Carboxylic acid,

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the general formula of carboxylic acid2. identify the functional group of carboxylic acid3. list the name and molecular formulae of first four member of carboxylic acid4. draw structural formulae and name the first four member of carboxylic acid using IUPAC nomenclature.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: co-operative, Activities:

Induction set: Vinegar, pineapple juice, lemon juice ,vitamin C is some common daily items contains carboxylic Acid. Have you ever heard before?

1. Students guide to state what carboxylic acid is by differentiate it with alkane,alkene and alcohol (-COOH bond)

2. By complete the table in SPS book page 55, students order to write formulae of the first four carboxylic acid then deduce the general formula of carboxylic acid

3. In same table, students will give name and draw the structural formulae for the first four of carboxylic acid.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:


KELAS: 3 HANAFI/ 3 HAMBALI MASA: 7.50-9.00 a.m

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ISIPemakanan dan Keperluan Diet Harian ( RDA)

OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini, pelajar dapat

1. mengenalpasti keperluan makanan mengikut umur, jantina aktiviti dan fisiologi.2. menyatakan Keperluan Diet Harian (RDA) mengikut umur


Pelajar dibahagikan kepada 5 kumpulan dan diarah menjalankan tugasan berikut mengikut isi pelajaran

1. Pelajar membincangkan kelas dan menu dengan merujuk jadual Keperluan Diet Harian2. Pelajar membentangkan hasil perbincangan3. Pelajar dan guru melakukan sumbangsaran terhadap dapatan perbincangan pelajar berkenaan dengan pemakanan dan Keperluan Diet Harian.

NILAI MURNI Gaya hidup sihat, PrihatinREFLEKSI

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 09.04.2008 (THURSDAY)

Class: 1 BUKHARITime: 11.40 – 12.50 a.m


DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Topic Component of System UnitLearning Area Computer parts and Component

Key Term:System units

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. identify the component of a system unit

- input/output port (i/o port)

- Reset button

- CD-ROM Drive

- Floppy Drove

- Hard disk drive

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Introducing the component of a system unit.

2. Labelling the different components of a system unit in a worksheet

3. Showing a system unit to the class.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete the worksheet given contain with labeling the components of a system unit

Reflection:11.04.2008 ( JUMAAT )




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Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 14.04. 2008 ( MONDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 8.25 – 10.10 a.m

Theme Interaction Between ChemicalTopic CARBON COMPOUND

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 15-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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ESTERLearning Objective Analyze carboxylic acidKey Term:

Ester, homologues ,functional group

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the general formula of ester2. identify the functional group ester3. list the name and molecular formulae of first four member or ester4. draw structural formulae and name the first four member of ester using IUPAC nomenclature.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value:Activities:

Induction set: Using the CD-Course ware, students will show some common fruits that contains with ester compound- Banana, orange, apple and

1. Students guide to state what ester is by differentiate it with alkane,alkene ,alcohol and carcoxylic acid

2. By complete the table in SPS book page 55, students order to write formulae of the first four ester then deduce the general formula of ester

3. In same table, students will give name and draw the structural formulae for the first four of ester.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 14.04.2008 (MONDAY)

Class: 2 MALIKITime: 11.40 -12.50 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Component of System UnitLearning Area Computer parts and Component

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 14-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Key Term:System units

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. identify the component of a system unit

- input/output port (i/o port)

- Reset button

- CD-ROM Drive

- Floppy Drove

- Hard disk drive

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Introducing the component of a system unit.

2. Labelling the different components of a system unit in a worksheet

3. Showing a system unit to the class.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to complete the worksheet given contain with labeling the components of a system unit


Subjek: KIMIA Tarikh / Hari: 24.04.2014 (khamis)

Kelas: 4 ABU DAUDTime: 10.50-11.40 a.m

Tema JIRIM DI SEKELILING KITATopik JADUAL BERKALA UNSURObjektif Pembelajaran Menganalisis Jadual Berkala Unsur

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2014 -rosna_RPH@SMAKK14

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Hasil Pembelajaran Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pelajar akan dapat:

1. menerangkan sumbangan saintis terhadap perkembangan sejarah pembangunan Jadual Berkala Unsur, JBU.

2. mengenalpasti kumpulan dan kala dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur.3. menghubungkait bilangan proton dan bilangan electron dengan

kedududkan suatu unsur dalam JBU


1. Menggunakan nota powerpoint , pelajar akan diminta menerangkan: a) sumbangan saintis terhadap perkembangan sejarah pembangunan Jadual Berkala Unsur b) kedudukan kumpulan dan kala dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur

2. Melukis struktur beberapa atom untuk menghubungkait bilangan proton dan bilangan electron dengan kedududkan suatu unsur dalam JBU

3. Kuiz ringkas diberikan untuk menguji kefahaman pelajar terhadap isi kandungan pelajaran hari ini.



Subjek: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 25.04. 2014 ( JUMAAT)

Kelas : 5 ABU DAUDTime: 6.40 – 7.50 a.mBeli Kelas Add- Math Pn. Nurhidayati Judin


DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2014 -rosna_RPH@SMAKK14

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Objektif Pembelajaran Menganalisis tindakbalas redoks

Hasil Pembelajaran Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pelajar akan dapat:

1. menyatakan maksud pengoksidaan2. menyatakan maksud penurunan3. menerangakn tindak balas redoks4. menyatakan maksud agen pengoksidaan dan agen penurunan


Induction set: Pelajar ditanya tentang proses pengoksidaan yang berlaku disekeliling. Contohnya buah epal menjadi warna perang selepas beberapa jam didedahkan di udara. Mengapa pengaratan besi berlaku,Apakah proses disebalik fenomena ini?

1. Dengan bantuan slide Power Point, guru-pelajar berbincang berkaitan tindakbalas pengoksidaan dan penurunan berdasarkan:

a. penambahan atau penngurangan oksigen b. penambahan atau pengurangan hidrogen c. perubahan dalam nombor pengoksidaan

2. Dengan menayangkan beberapa tindakbalas kimia, persamaan ionik dan persamaan setengah, pelajar akan melengkapkan buku modul (mukasurat 95 - 97) yang mengandungi soala-soalan berkaitan topik hari ini


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Subjek: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 25.04. 2014 ( JUMAAT)

Kelas : 5 ABU DAUDTime: 6.40 -8.00 a.m



Objektif Pembelajaran Menganalisis Tindak balas redoks

Hasil Pembelajaran Pada akhir pelajaran ini, pelajar sepatutnya boleh: 1. menghitung nombor pengoksidaan unsur dalam sebatian.

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2014 -rosna_RPH@SMAKK14

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2014 -rosna_RPH@SMAKK14

Page 24: RPHAPR08.doc

2. Menghubungkait nombor pengoksidaan unsur-unsur dengan nama sebatian yang menggunakan Tatanama IUPAC.

3. menjelaskan dengan contoh proses pengoksidaan dan penurunan dari segi pemindahan elektron.

Activities:Set induksi: Apakah nombor pengoksidaan? Bagaimana kita boleh mengaitkannya dengan tindak balas redoks? 1. Berdasarkan soalan-soalan set induksi, pelajar akan dibimbing untuk mengira nombor pengoksidaan unsur-

unsur yang di kompaun. (Peraturan-peraturan bagi menentukan nombor pengoksidaan –m/s 107 buku teks) 2. Pelajar akan menghubungkait nombor pengoksidaan unsur-unsur yang dengan nama sebatian menggunakan Tatanama IUPAC.

2. Guru dan pelajar akan dapat membincangkan contoh proses pengoksidaan dan penurunan dari segi pemindahan elektron (perubahan ion ferum (II) kepada ion ferum (III) dan sebaliknya.)

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Selesaikan soalan SPM tahun 2012


Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 17.04. 2008 ( WEDNESDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 06.40 – 07.50 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term:

Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent

DAILY LESSON PLAN- April 2008 week 15-rosna_RPH@SMAKK08

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Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state what oxidation is2. state what reduction is3. explain what redox reaction is4. state what reducing and oxidizing agent is

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value:Activities:

Induction set: Teacher and students will doing brainstorming about the redox reaction which is occur around such as rusting,

1. Explanation about redox reaction in term of a. loss or gain of oxygen b. loss or gain of hydrogen c. transfer of electron d. changes in oxidation number

2. By showing some chemical reaction, ionic equation and half equation, students will complete their SPS book( page 90 & 91 ) to state what reducing and oxidizing agent is.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:


KELAS: 3 HANAFI/ 3 HAMBALI MASA: 7.50-9.00 a.m


ISIPenilaian Kecergasan

OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini, pelajar dapat

1. melakukan Ujian Daya Tenaga Asas ( UDTA) seperti

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- Bangkit tubi - Tekan tubi


Pelajar melakukan pamanasan badan ( streching) di awal sesi

1. Pelajar secara berpasangan (bergilir) menjalankan Ujian Daya Tenaga Asas ( UDTA) seperti bangkit tubi dan tekan tubi.

2. Pelajar mengisi markah skor pada Borang Penilaian Kecergasan.

NILAI MURNI Gaya hidup sihat, PrihatinREFLEKSI

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 17.04.2008 (THURSDAY)

Class: 1 BUKHARITime: 11.40 – 12.50 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Computer SettingsLearning Area Basic Maintenance

Key Term:Computer setting

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. customize setting for

a. display

b. mouse

c. sound

d. date and time

e. regional and language options

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Demonstrating how to customize setting for display, mouse and sound

2. carry out hands-on activity

3. Demonstrating how to customize setting for date and time ,language and regional options

4. Carry out hands-on activities according to instruction.


Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 18.04.2008 (FRIDAY)

Class: 4 HANAFITime: 7.50-9.00 a.m

Theme MATTER AROUND USTopic PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTSLearning Objective Analyze the Periodic Table of elements

Key Term: Periodic Table, group, periodLearning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. describe the contributions of scientist in the historical development of the periodic Table

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2. identify groups and period in the Periodic Table.

Generic skills Generating idea, Identifying

Moral Value: ThankfulActivities:

Induction set: Students ask to read a poem that relate with this topic….

1. Using the CD-Courseware, students will be showing a) the contributions of scientist in the historical development of the periodic Table b) the location of groups and period in the Periodic Table.

2. Simple quiz will be giving to the students to test their understanding about today lesson content


Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 18.04. 2008 ( FRIDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFITime: 9.35-10.30 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term:

Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent, oxidation numbaer

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. calculate the oxidation number of an element in a compound.2. relate the oxidation number of an elements to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.3. explain with examples oxidation and reduction process in terms of electron transfer.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value:Activities:

Induction set: What is an oxidation number? How we can relate it with redox reaction?

1. Based on the induction set questions, students will be guiding to calculate the oxidation number of an elements in a compound. ( Rules for assigning oxidation number-page 107, text book)

2. Then students will be ask to relate the oxidation number of an elements to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.

3. Teacher and students will be discussing the example of oxidation and reduction process in terms of electron transfer ( change of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa.)

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 21.04. 2008 ( MONDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 8.35 – 10.10 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term:

Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent, oxidation numbaer

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. calculate the oxidation number of an element in a compound.2. relate the oxidation number of an elements to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.3. explain with examples oxidation and reduction process in terms of electron transfer.

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value:Activities:

Induction set: What is an oxidation number? How we can relate it with redox reaction?

1. Based on the induction set questions, students will be guiding to calculate the oxidation number of an elements in a compound. ( Rules for assigning oxidation number-page 107, text book)

2. Then students will be ask to relate the oxidation number of an elements to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.

3. Teacher and students will be discussing the example of oxidation and reduction process in terms of electron transfer ( change of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa.)

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 21.04.2008 (MONDAY)

Class: 2 MALIKITime: 11.40 – 12.50 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Computer SettingsLearning Area Basic Maintenance

Key Term:Computer setting

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. customize setting for

a. display

b. mouse

c. sound

d. date and time

e. regional and language options

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Demonstrating how to customize setting for display, mouse and sound

2. carry out hands-on activity

3. Demonstrating how to customize setting for date and time ,language and regional options

4. Carry out hands-on activities according to instruction.


Subjek: KIMIA Tarikh / Hari: 22.04.2014 (SELASA)

Kelas: 4 MUSLIMTime: 10.50-12.00 p.m

Tema JIRIM DI SEKELILING KITATopik JADUAL BERKALA UNSURObjektif Pembelajaran Menganalisis Jadual Berkala Unsur

Hasil Pembelajaran Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pelajar akan dapat:

1. menyatakan prinsip asas penyusunan unsur dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur,JBU berdasarkan nombor proton

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2. menghubungkait susunan electron atom unsur kepada kumpulan dan

kala3. menyatakan kebaikan mengelaskan unsur dalam Jadual Berkala



Induction set: Students show the arrangements of lab apparatus based on their function. Teacher relate this situation with the lesson content today

1. Perbincangan a) berdasarkan beberapa contoh unsur dengan nombor proton masing-masing, pelajar menerangkan prinsip asas penyusunan unsur dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur,JBU b) menghubungkait susunan electron atom unsur kepada kumpulan dan kala

c) kebaikan mengelaskan unsur dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur


Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 23.04.2008 (WEDNESDAY)

Class: 1 NASAIETime: 7.50-9.00 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Computer SettingsLearning Area Storage Devices

Key Term:Unit of data

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. state the units for data measurement

a. Bit

b. Byte

c. Kilobyte

d. Megabyte

e. Gigabyte

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Explaining the units used for data measurement

2. Completing a conversion table for unit of data


Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 23.04. 2008 ( WEDNESDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFITime: 10.30 -11.40 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term: Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent

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Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. explain with examples oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reaction2. write oxidation and reduction half equation and ionic equation

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: Co-operative, hardwokingActivities:

Induction set: There are quite a large number of redox reaction such as combustion, extraction of metal, corrosion of metal ,electrochemistry and many more. Lets investigate !!!!

1. Based on the induction set, students will be discussing the reaction of a. change of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa. b. displacement of metal from its salt solution c. displacement of halogen from its halide solution d. transfer of electron at a distance 2. Then explain about the oxidizing and reducing agents in these redox reaction

3. Students will ask to write oxidation and reduction half equation and ionic equation involve in thes redox reaction.Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 24.04. 2008 ( THURSDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 6.40-7.50 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical


Learning Objective Analyze Redox Reaction

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Key Term:Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. explain with examples oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reaction2. write oxidation and reduction half equation and ionic equation

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: Co-operative, hardwokingActivities:

Induction set: There are quite a large number of redox reaction such as combustion, extraction of metal, corrosion of metal ,electrochemistry and many more. Lets investigate !!!!

1. Based on the induction set, students will be discussing the reaction of a. change of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa. b. displacement of metal from its salt solution c. displacement of halogen from its halide solution d. transfer of electron at a distance 2. Then explain about the oxidizing and reducing agents in these redox reaction

3. Students will ask to write oxidation and reduction half equation and ionic equation involve in thes redox reaction.Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection:


KELAS: 3 HANAFI/ 3 HAMBALI MASA: 7.50-9.00 a.m


ISIPenilaian Kecergasan

OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini, pelajar dapat

1. melakukan Ujian Daya Tenaga Asas ( UDTA) seperti

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- Jangkaun Melunjur - Lari 1500 M


Pelajar melakukan pamanasan badan ( streching) di awal sesi

1. Pelajar secara berpasangan (bergilir) menjalankan Ujian Daya Tenaga Asas ( UDTA) seperti jangkaun melunjur dan lari 1500 M

2. Pelajar mengisi markah skor pada Borang Penilaian Kecergasan.

NILAI MURNI Gaya hidup sihat, PrihatinREFLEKSI

Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 24.04.2008 (THURSDAY)

Class: 1 BUKHARITime: 11.40 – 12.50 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER HARDWARETopic Computer SettingsLearning Area Storage Devices

Key Term:Unit of data

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

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1. state the units for data measurement

a. Bit

b. Byte

c. Kilobyte

d. Megabyte

e. Gigabyte

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Explaining the units used for data measurement

2. Completing a conversion table for unit of data


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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 24.04.2014(KHAMIS)

Class: 4 BUKHARITime: 8.00 – 9.20 a.m

Theme MATTER AROUND USTopic PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTSLearning Objective Analyze Group 18 and Group 1

Key Term: Periodic Table, group, period, element, inert, noble gasesLearning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. list all element in group 18 and group 12. state the general physical properties of elements in group 18 and group 13. describe the changes in physical and chemical properties of group 18 and group 1.


Induction set:

1. Using the CD-Courseware, students will be showing a. element in group 18 and group 1 b. general physical properties of elements in group 18 and group 1 c. changes in physical properties of group 18 and group 1 2. Simple experiment will be doing for showing the students the chemical properties of group 1 element ( reaction between alkali metal with oxygen and reaction between alkali metal with water)

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Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 25.04. 2008 ( FRIDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFITime: 9.35 – 10.30 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical



Laboratory Work: 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term:

Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. to investigate oxidation and reduction in a. change of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa. b. displacement of metal from its salt solution c. transfer of electron at a distance

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: Co-operative, hardwoking

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1. . Students order to set up the apparatus2. Students will be following all the procedure with the safety measures3. Students do the experiment, monitoring by teacher.4. Students ask to collect their data and observation.

Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order complete they lab report in SPS Book.Reflection:

Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 28.04. 2008 ( MONDAY)

Class: 5 HAMBALITime: 8.25 – 10.10 a.m


Subject: ICT LEARNINGDate / DAY: 28.04. 2008 ( MONDAY)

Class: 2 MALIKITime: 11.40 – 12.50 a.m



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Subject: CHEMISTRY Date / DAY: 29.04.2008 (TUESDAY)

Class: 4 HANAFITime: 7.50-9.00 a.m

Theme MATTER AROUND USTopic PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTSLearning Objective Analyze Group 17

Key Term: Periodic Table, group, period, elementLearning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. list all element in group 172. state the general physical properties of elements in group 173. describe the changes in physical and chemical properties of group 17

Generic skills Generating idea, Identifying

Moral Value: Thankful, careful,Activities:

Induction set: Students ask to read a poem that relate with this topic….

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1. Using the CD-Courseware, students will be showing a. element in group 17 b. general physical properties of elements in group 17 c. changes in physical and chemical properties of group 17

2. Simple quiz will be giving to the students to test their understanding about today lesson content


Subject: ICT LEARNING Date / DAY: 30.04.2008 (WEDNESDAY)

Class: 1 NASAIETime: 7.50-9.00 a.m

Learning Domain COMPUTER SOFTWARETopic Operating System (OS )Learning Area Introduction to Operating system

Key Term:Operating System

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. define the operating system

2. state the function of operating system

Generic skills Studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: to be confident, co-operativeActivities:

1. Discussing types and function of operating system

2. Showing the difference between DOS and Window display

3. Starting and shutting down the computer

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Subject: CHEMISTRYDate / DAY: 30.04. 2008 ( WEDNESDAY)

Class: 5 HANAFITime: 10.30 -11.40 a.m

Theme Interaction Between Chemical

TopicOXIDATION AND REDUCTIONRusting As Redox reaction.

Learning Objective Analyze Redox ReactionKey Term:

Oxidation, reduction, Oxidizing agent, reducing agent

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students should be able:

1. state the condition for the rusting of iron2. describe the process of rusting in term of oxidation and reduction 3. generate idea a on the use of other metals to control rusting

Generic skills Faciliting, studying skills, making generalizationMoral Value: Co-operative, hardwokingActivities:

Induction set: What is rusting? Can you describe how the rusting occur?

1. Based on the induction questions, students ask to list the condition for the rusting of iron.

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2. Teacher and students will discussing about the process of rusting in term of oxidation and reduction.

3. With give the Penang Bridge,stainless steel cutlery, a ship and canned food as example, students will showing how other metal can controlling rusting. Enrichment/Remedial/Exercise Students order to do their own notes for this subtopicReflection: