RPDP Secondary Literacy Students will – recognize relationships among words. identify synonyms and...

RPDP Secondary Literacy Students will – • recognize relationships among words. • identify synonyms and antonyms

Transcript of RPDP Secondary Literacy Students will – recognize relationships among words. identify synonyms and...

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Students will –

• recognize relationships among words.

• identify synonyms and antonyms

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Words that mean the same thing butlook different are called synonyms.

Their meanings are very similar:

pretty – cute

calm – peaceful

kind – nice

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Falsehood and lie are synonyms.

One way to define a “falsehood”is to say that it means a “lie.”

Despondent and depressedare also synonyms.

Using the easier synonym increases your understanding when you read.

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Writers use synonyms toavoid repeating words

and boring readers.

If you know one word in a synonym pair, youalso know the other

without needing a dictionary.

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Our desert is huge.Our desert is enormous.Our desert is gigantic.

Our desert is tremendous.

Examples of Synonyms

RPDP Secondary Literacy

baby infant

student pupil

pretty attractive

sick ill

smart intelligent

funny humorous

brave fearless

fear fright

scream yell

RPDP Secondary Literacy

After her vacation, she felt rejuvenated.With this feeling of rebirth, she felt strongenough to take on any task.

A synonym for rejuvenated is–

A. sickly

B. weak

C. worsened

D. strengthened

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Looking puzzled, he said the hospital was quite baffled by the child’s illness.

Select the best synonym for the word baffled:


RPDP Secondary Literacy

The crowd gathered at the concert entrance at 3 o’clock and at 6 o'clockthe throng finally began to move.Can you spot the two synonyms here?A. gathered and beganB. 3 o’clock six o’clockC. crowd and throngD. entrance and move

RPDP Secondary Literacy

After the game, the coach appearedcalm, yet everyone knew he was extremely agitated.

A synonym for agitated is – A. tranquilB. relaxedC. peacefulD. upset

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Some words mean just the opposite ofeach other.

Two words with opposite meaningsare called antonyms.

Use antonyms to help you understand words you don’t know.

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Sometimes you can change a word into its opposite by adding a prefix to the beginning.

Adding the prefixes un, in, or im often change a word into its antonym.


certain - uncertain

correct - incorrect

perfect - imperfect

RPDP Secondary Literacy

old new

top bottom

dirty clean

day night

beginning ending

always never

sell buy

sit stand

RPDP Secondary Literacy


follow – lead


RPDP Secondary Literacy

Jason was disinclined to try out for the team. He was afraid that his grades would suffer. However, all his friends were eager for the chance to play football.

Select the best antonym for the word disinclined:A. enthusiasticB. unwillingC. unpredictableD. cautious

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Mario is very clumsy on the soccer field, but his two sisters are adroit and agile.

Select the best antonym for the word adroit.

A. adept

B. dexterous

C. awkward

D. nimble

RPDP Secondary Literacy

Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they met openly in public places.

Select the best antonym for the word clandestine:A. concealedB. disguised C. obviousD. obscure