Roy’s Story - Gov

You can quit, too. Everyone’s quit journey is different. Please talk to your health care provider or call the NWT Quitline today at 1-866-286-5099 for private, confidential help 24/7. For more information: Roy’s Story Smoke-free for 29 years Roy Erasmus, Ndilo After I quit smoking, I saw the positive effects my lifestyle choices had on my family. For instance, today my kids don’t smoke. After I stopped smoking, I would like to think that rest of my family was influenced a bit as well. My mom and some of my siblings quit after me. Today I am healthy, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Quitting smoking was the beginning of my journey towards that. I would not change anything about my decision to stop smoking. I feel healthier and stronger, which has allowed me to spend more quality time with my family. I recover much more quickly when I am working out and being active. And my smoker’s cough is a thing of the past. I tried my first cigarette due to peer pressure when I was 12 or 13 years old and became a regular smoker around 15 or 16. If I could share one message about living tobacco-free, it would be: ‘You don’t have to cave to peer pressure.’

Transcript of Roy’s Story - Gov

You can quit, too.Everyone’s quit journey is different. Please talk to your health care provider or call the

NWT Quitline today at 1-866-286-5099 for private, confidential help 24/7.

For more information:

Roy’s Story

Smoke-free for 29 yearsRoy Erasmus, Ndilo

After I quit smoking, I saw the positive effects my lifestyle choices had on my family. For instance, today my kids don’t smoke. After I stopped smoking, I would like to think that rest of my family was influenced a bit as well. My mom and some of my siblings quit after me.

Today I am healthy, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Quitting smoking was the beginning of my journey towards that. I would not change anything about my decision to stop smoking. I feel healthier and stronger, which has allowed me to spend more quality time with my family. I recover much more quickly when I am working out and being active. And my smoker’s cough is a thing of the past.

I tried my first cigarette due to peer pressure when I was 12 or 13 years old and became a regular smoker around 15 or 16. If I could share one message about living tobacco-free, it would be: ‘You don’t have to cave to peer pressure.’

Half Page 4 column Quitters Stories.indd 4 2015-01-06 11:14 AM