Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic

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  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


    Roy of the Rovers A New Beginning

    Week 22

  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


    * * *

  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


    Three defeats in a row had left Vernon Eliot with new doubts. The long unbeaten run that had

    preceded the loss at Kelburn had perhaps clouded his judgement on a number of key issues within

    his squad. For that ten match period they had suffered no injuries, the eleven had barely changed.

    But now faced with injuries to key players like Fabrice NDiaye and Steve Daley, the first-team squad

    was stretched. The previously solid defence had reverted to 2012/13 form since Daleys lay-off

    began. Dave Clegg, although experienced was really struggling with the pace of the Premier League

    and he, quite simply, could not pass. Vernon had called Roy Race in for the weekly review meeting at

    the training ground on Monday morning, Racey, Im worried about our centre backs, Cleggs not up

    to it now. Im thinking of giving Carruthers a go against Kingsbay. Do you think hes up to it? Roy

    had been so impressed with Thomas Carruthers his new captain, Ollie Morrisons on great form for

    Kingsbay, but we do know all about him. If we run simulations in training this week, Im sure Tom

    will adapt. Hes such a bright boy and a natural defender. I know weve only had him a few weeks,

    but already I see the makings of an England international!

    Vernon did not need any more convincing, Thats it then. Get Mostin to drill him. If he makes the

    progress you suggest he should, then hes in on Saturday. Roy was delighted, the first thing he

    wanted to do was call Rocky and tell his son the great news. Rocky would be thrilled, as well as the

    bonus he would receive for recommending a first-team player, his reputation as a scout would grow,

    thus opening new doors for him. Rocky had a desire to coach at the highest level, but living in the

    States meant he had not yet completed any of his UEFA accredited coaching badges. Without these

    he would soon find it impossible to coach in the Premier League or at any of the affiliated

    academies. If he could secure a well paid scouting position in England he could take the courses part-

    time at Melchester with his father as his mentor. They had discussed it briefly, it would be great for

    their fragile relationship. But at this stage, there was no way Rocky could justify relocating his All-

    American family to the Midlands.

    Roy left Vernon and Gerry Holloway discussing first-team matters and jogged across the trainingfield to join Derek Mostin and the first-team players. Mozzie, as usual, was leading an unusual but

    methodical training session, this time working on building confidence, using exercises designed to

    highlight the strengths of all involved. Gerry Holloways psychological approach to training was now

    combining with Mostins unique ability to dream up progressive training methods. Roy Race was

    impressed, Mozzie, a quick word, chum! Mostin, left the players juggling balls and doing

    somersaults, Yes Racey! Roy whispered to his former team-mate, Vernons calling Carruthersinto

    the first-team squad for Kingsbay. You need to think up some ingenious way of preparing him for

    Ollie Morrison. Mostin looked excited, he loved a challenge, Ill get back to you, Ive a feeling I

    might need you for that one. Other thank Rocky, Morrisons the closest forward weve had to you, if

    anything youre the man to show Tom what to expect!

    Roy grinned at Mostins suggestion, I dont know about that; I mean, not about Morrison, I mean I

    dont think Im up to much physical training these days!

    * * *

    Trevor Brinsden stepped out of his apartment block with his small terrier. He often walked the dog

    late at night so it would not seem strange to any neighbours who recognised him. The Melchester

    Rovers co-chairman was off to meet the head of his gambling ring for an update on the first weeks

    bets. If everything had gone to plan, Trevor would have news of a profit in excess of five million

    pounds. The money would be transferred into Trevors personal account in the guise of a payment

    from his laundry firm, however the account would have no link with the actual business other than

  • 7/22/2019 Roy of the Rovers - A New Beginning - Week 22 - Football Fiction Comic


    the name. Trevors company secretary was well used to his dodgy dealings and well rewarded for his

    silence, if any inquiries were made, he would fob them off without any problems.

    Trevor turned onto the river towpath and sat at a bench, waiting. An average height figure passed

    slowly by, dropping a scrap of paper to the ground. Neither man acknowledged the other, it

    appeared a normal event that would take place across the country at any time. Nobody watchingwould think twice, nobody would know that the small ball of paper contained a message that could

    change the face of global soccer. Trevor paused, glancing from side to side, no-one was there. He

    picked up the note and opened it; a William Hill betting slip, with a small V scrawled in biro. Trevor

    knew the code; it was on. Part one of the great fix was complete, Vernon Eliot now had at least

    fifteen million pounds in his transfer kitty.

    Brinsden flicked the paper into the river and set off home. He had not been sleeping well and tonight

    would be no different. It had always been the same, whenever he had a scheme in progress, his

    mind could not rest. He would plan and plan, thinking of every possible outcome. His mind drew

    logic gates that a computing undergraduate would be proud of. In his mind he was a genius. He

    knew he was mad, really quite mentally unstable, but he was a self-made millionaire; a boy with noqualifications who had built a business that had monopolised the hospitality laundry market in an

    entire region of the United Kingdom. If he were at school today he would have been diagnosed and

    labelled with all sorts of social and learning disorders, Aspergers (probably), ADHD (probably),anger

    management problems (definitely). But for now he would enjoy his success, the insomnia would

    pass eventually and he could always take a pill or have a stiff drink or two.

    Trevor bowled along, for once forgetting his surroundings and switching off his paranoia. A dark

    figure, short, thin, was squatting in the shadows, he had been watching, he had known something

    strange was going on. He would not follow Trevor, he needed to identify the man who dropped the

    note. Javier Acosta, Trevors employee, JohnLucas mole, had finally got a lead. Lucas would be

    delighted, a bonus would be forthcoming. The small Colombian darted back onto the towpath ahead

    of the mystery man, You have a light? he asked. It was a good trick, it was rather dark beside the

    river, perhaps the flash of the lighter would reveal the mans face, or at least highlight some

    distinctive feature or item of clothing. Acosta was no detective, but he was a bright young man, his

    skills and education wasted by moving to England where he could only fill unskilled, menial jobs.

    Sure, Trevors friend replied as he flicked on the flame. Bingo, thought Javier, the man had a quite

    unusual pair of glasses on, in fact, they appeared to be womens frames. Shiny grey hair showed

    underneath a dark blue baseball cap. It was quite clearly a wig. Acosta tried not to stare, but nervous

    energy was now taking control, Er thank you! Javier was shaking, he was not scared, but he now

    knew that Trevor Brinsden was conducting something very illegal. The ridiculous disguise had given

    that away. John Lucas had promised him 100,000 if he could unearth a massive story and this was

    going to be something incredible, he knew it.

    Storky Knight

    NEXT WEEK: Will Thomas Carruthers make his debut and can Javier Acosta rumble Trevors
