Rounding Up Those Prices: Do you know what you are paying for?

NASIG 2014 Conference Fort Worth, Texas May 2, 2014 Tina Feick, HARRASSOWITZ Anne McKee, GWLA Rounding up Those Prices: Do You Know What You are Paying For?


In the rodeo of the electronic world, libraries and agents need to rope in the information to acquire electronic material. In many cases, you just can't look up pricing on the internet or in a vendor's system. Quotations from the publishers are sometimes required and for big deals, publisher sales managers get involved with license negotiations. Consortia are now a major presence in negotiating the big deals. This workshop will discuss pricing options and issues encountered in this serials pricing roundup. Come join the discussion led by an agent and a consortium negotiator. Tina Feick Director of Sales and Marketing in North America, OTTO HARRASSOWITZ GmbH & Co. KG, Booksellers and Subscription Agents For the past five years, Tina has been the Director of Sales and Marketing in North America for HARRASSOWITZ, subscription agent and bookseller. A former Head of Serials at the Free Library of Philadelphia and Princeton University, Tina has spent 30 years working for subscription agents including Blackwell's Periodicals which merged into Swets. Active in standards work and library associations, Tina was the Chair of SISAC (Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee) and the 2nd and 3rd President of NASIG. Her awards include the Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award for the promotion of EDI standards and the first NASIG Champion Award (2005). Tina is on the Serials Librarian Editorial Board and was just recently appointed to the NASIG Mission & Vision Task Force. In her spare time, she loves to travel, go to the theatre and opera, collect poetry, read mystery books and also collect Inuit and Haida Indian artwork. Anne McKee Program Officer for Resource Sharing, Greater Western Library Alliance McKee received her M.L.S. from Indiana University, Bloomington and has had a very diverse career in librarianship. She has been an academic librarian, a sales rep for two subscription agencies and now a consortium officer for the past 13 years. A former President of NASIG, McKee is on the Serials Review Editorial Board, 3 publisher/vendor library advisory boards and strives to balance a busy career with an even busier family including a husband, 1 high schooler, 1 middle schooler, 2 dogs while being a first year newbie [and admittedly a rather bewildered] club volleyball mom: all this including wearing orthodontia! McKee is probably the only person you’ll meet with both an undergrad AND MLS in Library Science.

Transcript of Rounding Up Those Prices: Do you know what you are paying for?

  • 1. NASIG 2014 Conference Fort Worth, Texas May 2, 2014 Tina Feick, HARRASSOWITZ Anne McKee, GWLA Rounding up Those Prices: Do You Know What You are Paying For?

2. Rollin, Rollin, Rollin Rawhide! 2 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 3. Is this the serials world? Don't try to understand 'em, Just rope and throw and grab 'em, 3 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 4. 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session4 - Price lists received from STM and Univ. Presses (Mid June Jan.) - Trade (Popular, Newspapers) received all year and prices sometimes change several times a year Agents price request letters sent to publishers (mid-May to mid- July) Agents pay publishers (late Oct. Feb. for Jan. starts) Journal Pricing Season Timeline Libraries submit renewal lists (June Dec.) Agents send invoices (July Dec.) Renewal lists sent to libraries (Mid May Aug.) Libraries pay agents (July March) Publishers Libraries 5. Publisher Prices move em on Pricing Options every publisher has their own take Format Print Print including online online is free with print Print plus online costs extra to include online Online only Ongoing movement from print and online to online only Type Membership Type of library Academic Corporate Individual 5 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 6. Online Pricing head em up FTE Entire institution Discipline life sciences, chemistry, grad students Tier Pricing Carnegie Classification new or old Publisher defined Includes backfile Entire Partial Rolling current plus X years usually 5 None archives separate Type of license single site, multi-site, consortia Usage Other Number of hospital beds 6 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 7. Access Gone Digital set em out GOT TO READ THE FINE PRINT PDF - Current trend from smaller publishers Offer digital free But you have to go to the website and download hmmm Inconvenient Open Access Email PDF groan Username and password oh no! Concurrent users IP Ranges - Site license one site or multiple 7 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 8. How to count em out? Agent check database or request quote Must know your e-access and licensing policies Update agents e-resource profile Specific requirements Publisher end up on the phone Websites needs roping Sales contact E-deals Know what you currently get - details Consortium regulations 8 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 9. Library Need to Know let em in E-access policy E-resource profile IP ranges E-resource contact Platform admin userids and links Licensing requirements Post-cancellation rights Archival program LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, PORTICO Package deals all players need to know Consortium Individually negotiated Other factors Participation in SCOAP3 9 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 10. Agent Services ride em out Management reports per account Order options for current subscriptions especially when moving from print to electronic Licensing information Price comparison reports over three to five years Price increase notifications default percentage Pricing option changes need decisions Pricing studies with predictions Library Journal article E-deal management make sure pricing does not go over price cap EDI and title by title invoicing for packages License and e-deal negotiation Standards development ICEDIS XML messages ONIX-PC (Price Catalog) Springer, Wiley,T&F, Elsevier and agents Consortia 10 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 11. How do Consortia wrangle pricing? 12. Cannot rope all consortia together: ALL CONSORTIA ARE *NOT* ALIKE Shared Focus (law, health sci, public) Institutional context (CIC) Tiers (research, 4 years, community colleges) Multi-type Buying Clubs Geographic (national, regional, state) Overlapping Most libraries are in more than 1 consortium Funding agencies State supported/Privates/Ivies Annual dues versus retaining percentage 12 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 13. Consortial Pricing: List Price may NOT be the same from one member to another Historical spends Previous licenses Size of institution Price Caps Both sides need to agree if price cap is on title level or overall $$ amount Do the numbers yourself GWLA prefers FTE pricing-vs-ARL pricing BUT ONLY where pricing is based on faculty/students within that discipline Carnegie classifications pricing Utilize the current model & not older archaic tiers that do not apply anymore 13 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 14. How to rope in Three approaches Member libraries Publishers Consortium office Pricing No hard copy must have email attachment Need 90 days Offers in March or August When to turn on content calendar year License requirements Opt-in process Full discount goes to members 14 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 15. Things to Ponder During Proposal Consideration Or Purchase Timing of offer and decision deadline is crucial Offer of 30 day special is a no-go Understand that a consortium/library works off a different time line AND fiscal year than publishers and vendors. Is it a fair offer? Librarians are savvy and can talk profit/loss and ROI with the best of em Include libraries who have already subscribed/purchased in overall count. Ensure your subscription vendors know about it!! Educate libraries on how to reach out and inform your partners 15 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 16. Wheres The Beef? (GWLA Criteria) Content is paramount Impact factors or accrediting bodies MULTIPLE modes of discoverability Financial issues and impacts Curriculum/disciplines-large and small Library friendly, realistic licenses Fair use, ILL, walk-ins, Distance Learners, alumni SERU makes us even happier Abundance of invoicing options Partnerships/NOT outlaws! 16 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 17. At Trails End: While herding proposals is something like this: Its a much better choice than this: 17 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 18. Rollin, Rollin, Rollin 19. Service Charges Variables my hearts calculatin Two ways of making money Publisher Discount And Library Service Charges Mix of the title list ease of obtaining Average cost of a subscription Publisher discount Service requirements Total volume Length of contract Operational costs Competition 19 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 20. Example Varying Discount 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session20 Low Cost Title with Discount Price: $100 Disc.: 5% $5 Agent pays: $95 Oper. Cost: $25 Library Pays: $20 ($25-$5) Service Charge: 20% High Cost Title with No Discount Price $1000 Disc.: 0% 0 Agent pays: $1000 Oper. Cost: $25 Library Pays: $25 Service Charge: 2.5% 21. Service Charges (& fees) 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session21 In addition to publishers (or negotiated) price % of value 4% Over entire list Varying ex.: one rate for print and another for packages Line charge per title ex: $25.00 per line Additional fees: No or low discount titles embedded in price (line charges or in service charge 22. Do Try to Understand Em 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session22 Know your title list do you have a high average or low average cost title list? Know your service charge and understand why your library has this charge Know your service requirements Keep your agent informed of any pending changes 23. Waitin at the end of my ride 23 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session 24. Thank you! 5/14/2014NASIG 2014 Concurrent Session24 Tina Feick [email protected] Anne McKee [email protected]